2014 INDUSTRY VALUATION Stockpricescontinuedtoadvancein2014.Thegainsinequitymarketindiceslastyearwerenotasspectacular asin2013.Nonethelessthemarketcompiledimpressiveadvances,especiallywhentakingafour‐yearlookback at the data. The upward trend in stock prices spilled over to the banking sector. The 132 publicly‐traded California inancialinstitutionstrackedbyCarpenter&Companycarrieda64%shareofcompaniesreporting annual stock price gains last year. The California community banking industry is dynamic, albeit fewer in number. Mergers eliminated 11 publicly‐traded banking charters in 2014, while four companies commenced stocktradinglastyear.ThemarketcapitalizationofCalifornia’spublicly‐traded inancialinstitutionsgrew9% last year to $47.2 billion. The average per‐bank market capitalization of the California community banking industryexpanded13.5%.Manybankingcompaniesfoundanactivemarketinwhichtoselladditionalstockin follow‐oncapitalofferings.Thenumberofgreatlyundervaluedstocks,asmeasuredbypricetotangiblebook value,felltolowlevels. NOTE:BankingdatausedinthisreportareasofSeptember30,2014. INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: BANK MERGER AND ACQUISITION ACTIVITY Merger activity picked up in 2014, as evidenced by the increaseinthepaceofU.S.bankmergerannouncements. There were 241 merger announcements made in 2013. The comparable number for 2014 swelled, producing 28% more announcements to a count of 308. Data regarding merger announcements were sourced from SNLFinancial,a inancialandbankdatabasecompany.Of thebankmergersannouncedin2013,216mergerswere completed by mid‐year 2015, including 122 mergers announced and completed in 2013. Of the remaining mergersannouncedin2013,92mergersclosedin2014 andtwowere inalizedin2015.AccordingtoSNL,three of the 241 announced mergers in 2013 were still pending,and22hadbeenterminated. Ofthe308mergersannouncedin2014,261transactions hadbeencompleted,asofJuly1,2015,including142that closed in 2014 and 119 that were inalized in 2015. Of theremaining47mergerannouncementsfromtheclass of2014,32werestillpending,asofearlyJuly2015,and 15mergershadbeenterminated. Not all merger transactions covered by SNL reported deal ratios. For example, of the completed mergers announced in 2013, 70% of the transactions had deal ratios. For the completed 2014 merger announcements, only58%ofthetransactionsreporteddealratios. Theaveragepricetotangiblebookvalue(P/TBV)forthe 2013 completed mergers with deal ratios equaled 1.24x atthetimeoftheannouncementandwas5.6%higherat Carpenter & Company -- CONTENTS BankMergeractivity.....................................................1 Nationalbankstockprices.........................................2 Californiabankstockprices.......................................3 CAbanksunder$125million.....................................5 CAbanks$125‐$250million.......................................7 CAbanks$250‐$500million.......................................9 CAbanks$500million‐$1billion...........................10 CAbanks$1‐$5billion................................................12 CAbanks$5‐$10billion.............................................13 CAbanks$10‐$100billion........................................15 CAthrifts...........................................................................16 Californiamergers........................................................18 LTMP/Eratios...............................................................20 Price/Bookratios..........................................................21 Ratiocomparisons........................................................22 Stockperformanceunder$125million..............23 Stockperformance$125‐$250million...............24 Stockperformance$250‐$500million...............25 Stockperformance$500mln‐$1bln....................26 Stockperformance$1‐$5billion............................27 Stockperformance$5‐$10billion.........................27 Stockperformance$10‐$100billion....................28 Stockperformancethrifts.........................................28 Returnrankings.............................................................29 Industry Valuations BANK MERGERS (continued) 1.31x P/TBV when the merger was completed. For the 2014 class of announcements, the average P/TBV at announcementequaled1.43xandatclosingtheratiowas2.4%lowerat1.40x.Despitethefalloffintheratio between announcement and completion, the at‐completion P/TBV for the class of 2014 announcements ran 6.5%higherthanthecomparablemetricforthe2013class. The 2013 merger announcements that had been completed, as of this writing (July 2015), involved $105.8 billion in target assets. That total produced an average target asset size of slightly under $500 million. The target companies ranged in actual size from $15 million to $9.9 billion. The 2014 class of announced and completed acquisitions represented $95.4 billion in total assets to be acquired, producing a smaller average targetsizethanintheprioryearat$370million.Thesizerangesforthe2014completedacquisitionsspanned from$13millionto$8.5billion. Texascontinuedtobethehomestatewiththemosttargetedbankacquisitions.Forboth2013and2014,Texas had27completedbankacquisitions.In2013,CaliforniarankedadistantsecondtoTexaswithits13completed acquisitions,whilein2014,IllinoisandMinnesotaweretiedforsecondplacewith16mergers. For2015throughJuly7th,145mergerswereannounced,including39transactionsthatwerecompletedbyJuly 7th.Atotalof$67.4billionintargetedassetswasinvolvedinthe2015mergeracquisitions,ranginginsizefrom $6.8 million to $32 billion. Illinois, with its 16 merger announcements, ranked as the state with the most announced mergers so far in 2015. The average price to tangible book value for the 145 announced acquisitionsin2015equaled1.39x,slightlylowerthanthe2014P/TBVaverageatannouncement.Forthe39 acquisitionsthatwerecompletedbyearlyJuly,17ofthe39transactionsreporteddealratios.TheaverageP/ TBVatannouncementequaled1.46xandroseto1.48xatcompletion. In 2014 there were 14 merger announcements involving California inancial institutions, compared with 17 mergers announced in 2013. Two of the 2013 California merger announcements were terminated. Of the 14 Californiamergersfromtheclassof2014announcements,onlyonewasstillpending,asofearlyJuly2015.Ten ofthe14announcementsinvolvedin‐stateacquirers.Atannouncement,thepricetotangiblebookvalueforthe 2014 announcements averaged 1.34x, compared with at‐announcement pricing of 1.35x in 2013. The 2013 announcements involved the acquisition of $12 billion in California banking assets, including the $8.5 billion Capital Source Bank. The 2014 class of announced California bank mergers involved $29.6 billion in assets, bolsteredgreatlybythestill‐pendingmergerofthe$21.8billionOneWestBank. Year to date through July 7, 2015, there were nine announcements made to acquire a California inancial institutions.AsofearlyJuly,twoofthenineacquisitionswerecompleted.The2015announcementsinvolved $35.8billionintargetedassets,includingtheacquisitionofthe$32billionCityNationalBank.TheaverageP/ TBVforthenineannouncementsequaled1.60x,includingthe2.72xratioforCityNational. INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: NATIONAL BANK STOCK PRICES Theupwardcourseofequitymarketpricescontinuedin2014. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 7.5% in 2014, a result that nearly matched the increase in 2012, yet paled to the 25.7% advance in 2013. The recent run‐up in stock prices produced a 54% increase in the Dow from year‐end 2010 throughyear‐end2014. Stock indices for smaller companies performed well over the past four years. The S&P 500 index increased 64% from year‐ 2012 1.25 -- 2013 2014 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 J Carpenter & Company YTD Change in DJIA 12/31= 1.0 1.30 F M A M J J A S O N D Industry Valuations NATIONAL BANK STOCK PRICES (continued) 2014StockPriceTrends Changefrom12/31 1.17 1.12 1.07 1.02 0.97 DJIA S&P500 0.92 J F 12/31/13=1.0 M A M J J A S O N D 2014StockChange‐‐ SmallBanks 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 USBank<$250M USBank$250M‐$500M 0.6 J A 12/31/13=1.0 J O 2014StockChange‐‐ Mid‐SizeBanks 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 USBank$500M‐$1B USBank$1B‐$5B 0.85 J 12/31/13=1.0 A J O 2014StockChange‐‐ LargerBanks 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 USBank$5B‐$10B USBank>$10B 0.85 J A J O end2010throughyear‐end2014.The2014annualincreasein the S&P 500 equaled 11.4%. The rise in the NASDAQ index during2014equaled13.4%,whiletherunupintheNASDAQ fromyear‐end2010toyear‐end2014was79%. Depending upon the index analyzed, banking stocks underperformed or only matched the broader market performance. The KBW index rose 7.2% in 2014 and 42% from year‐end 2010 to year‐end 2014. The S&P 500 Bank index increased more than the KBW index, rising 13.6% in 2014and59%overthefour‐yearcomparison. Stocks of banks by varying size performed differently during 2014. The smallest stock category, that is banks under $250 million as tracked by SNL, posted the worst performance for 2014 compared to all six stock indices analyzed. Limited coverage and low volumes of trading for very small banks contributedtotheinferiorperformanceforthisstockcategory. Banksunder$250sustaineda19%declinein2014. In contrast, the next larger bank stock group—$250 to $500 million—reported the best performance of the six indices analyzed, rising 11% last year. The SNL index for $250‐$500 million banks consisted of 16 banks, thus providing better trendsandamorevalidcomparisonthanthesmallestgroup. The SNL index of banks between $500 million and $1 billion consistedof58banks.Stockpricesadvanced8%in2014.The indexofbanksinthe$1to$5billionrangecontainedthemost banks of the six indices. This SNL index was based upon 149 differentbanks.Over2014,stockpricesforthe$1to$5billion groupadvanced4%. Thelargerbankcomparisonconsistedoftwobroadgroupings. The$5to$10billionstockindexwascomprisedof48banks. Thatindexshoweda3%advanceoverthecourseof2014.The over$10billionstockindexcovered64banksandhadabroad variance in size. Banks in the over $10 billion group ranged between $10 billion and over $2.5 trillion in total assets. During2014,stockpricesfortheover$10billionbankgroup roseapproximately11%. INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: CALIFORNIA BANK STOCK PRICES By the end of 2014, therewere 13 fewer California‐based banksandthriftsthan at the startof the year. The year‐end count of banks equaled 197, a decline of nine over the year. The reduction in the number of banks resultedfrom11mergersthateliminatedbankcharters,partiallyoffsetbytwosavingsassociationsswitching tobankcharters.Thenumberofsavingsinstitutionsfellto13attheendoftheyear2014from17ayearearlier. Carpenter & Company -- Industry Valuations CALIFORNIA BANK STOCK PRICES (continued) Twosavingsassociationschangedcharters,oneassociationwasvoluntarilyliquidated,andathriftfailed.There wereatotalof201Californiainsured inancialinstitutionsattheendof2014,downfrom223ayearearlier. The number of publicly and actively‐traded California banks and thrifts, tracked by Carpenter & Company, declinedby ivein2014.Atyear‐end2014,132 inancialinstitutionsweretrackedcomparedto137attheendof 2013.Toprovidehistoriccomparisons,thenumberofbanksandthriftstrackedinDecember2011equaled150 and at the end of 2012 that number had dropped to 144. At year‐end 2013, the tracking report followed 131 commercialbanksandsixthrifts.Attheendof2014,thetrackingreportcovered126commercialbanksandsix thrifts. More than 64% of the 132 banks and thrifts reported gains in stock prices for 2014, while the share of price declinesequaled33%.The2014up‐versus‐downratioswerenotasfavorableasin2012and2013,whenthe sharesofpricedeclinesequaled22%in2012and15%in2013.Nonetheless,the33%decliningstockpriceratio of2014comparedfavorablytothe59%ratein2011. In 2012 and 2013, the ratio of stock price to tangible book value rose for seven of the eight asset categories analyzedintheCarpenter&Companystocktrackingreport.In2014onlyhalfoftheeightgroupsreportedgains inannualP/TBV.Aswasthecasein2013,however,onlyoneassetclasstradedbelowtangiblebookvalueatthe endof2014.SevenoftheeightgroupsreportedanaverageP/TBVratioinexcessof1.0x.Incontrast,attheend of2011,only39ofthe150publicly‐traded inancialinstitutions,(a26%share)carriedvaluationsinexcessof tangiblebookvalue.In2012,54ofthe144institutions(a38%share)werepricedabovebookvalue.Attheend of2013,88institutionswerevaluedaboveTBVfora63%share.In2014,77companies—a58%share—traded abovebookvalue.Thenumberofseverelyundervaluedstockswassigni icantlyfewerlastyear.In2011,there were23companiesvaluedunder50%oftangiblebookvalue.Therewereseveninstitutionsatlessthan50%of TBVin2012andonly ivein2013.By2014,therewereonlytwocompaniespricedbelow50%ofTBV. Banksweregroupedwithinsevenassetclassi ications,whiletherewasaseparateclassforthriftsinthetracking report.Onlyoneclass($125‐$250million)experiencedanincreaseinaveragestockpricetotangiblebookvalue during 2014. Compared to the high‐year for valuations of 2006, only the thrift class reported a higher P/TBV ratio in 2014 than in 2006. Except for the smallest banking asset class (under $125 million), seven groups analyzedwerepricedabovetangiblebookvaluein2014.Thattrendcontrastedto2012whenonlyfourofthe eightgroupswerevaluedaboveTBV.Forthesecondconsecutiveyear,thehighestaverageratioforP/TBVwas for banks in $10‐$100 billion group. The following table provides historical averages for P/TBV by the eight assetclasses. AverageStockPricetoTangibleBookValue (AtYear‐end) Change Lowto CABankSize 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2006‐14 2014 <$125million 1.81 1.29 0.83 0.73 0.77 0.72 0.69 0.75 0.73 ‐59.7% 5.8% $125‐$250million 1.92 1.37 0.77 0.70 0.70 0.77 0.93 1.05 1.12 ‐41.7% 60.0% $250‐$500million 2.28 1.57 0.76 0.65 0.71 0.79 0.87 1.18 1.13 ‐50.4% 73.8% $500million‐$1billion 2.62 1.65 0.80 0.62 0.85 0.81 0.97 1.19 1.13 ‐56.9% 82.3% $1‐$5billion 2.54 1.58 1.04 1.01 1.23 1.07 1.23 1.64 1.62 ‐36.2% 60.4% $5‐$10billion 2.09 2.10 1.89 1.11 1.76 1.49 1.62 2.14 1.57 ‐24.9% 42.0% $10‐$100billion 2.49 2.11 1.66 1.47 1.88 1.50 1.55 2.34 2.20 ‐11.6% 49.7% AllThrifts 1.40 0.80 0.41 0.42 0.59 0.79 1.05 1.83 1.68 20.0% 309.8% NOTE:Recentlowisinboldfont Carpenter & Company -- Industry Valuations CALIFORNIA BANK STOCK PRICES (continued) From2006through2010,thethriftclasswasthelowestperforminggroupintermsofP/TBV.Thriftsweretied withthethirdlowestP/TBVin2011andclimbedtosecondbestoftheeightgroupsin2014.Thriftsshowedthe largest percentage increase in P/TBV since 2006 among the eight asset classes, up 310%. The smallest gain fromthepreviouslowinP/TBVwasthe6%riseforbanksunder$125million. TotalmarketcapitalizationofthebanksandthriftstrackedbyCarpenter&Companyrose9.3%in2014toan aggregatevalueof$47.2billion,upfrom$43.2billionin2013.The2014uptickintotalmarketcapitalization occurred despite a ive‐bank reduction in the total number of banks analyzed. On a per‐bank basis, average marketcapitalizationin2014was13.5%higherthanin2013. INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: BANKS UNDER $125 MILLION TheCarpenter&CompanyCaliforniaCommunityBankstockmarketreportanalyzedbanksaccordingtoasset size,speci icallysevendifferentbank‐onlygroupsandonethriftclass.Thesmallestgroupingevaluatedbanks under $125 million in total assets. At the end of 2013, there were 22 publicly‐traded California banks with assetsunder$125million.Bytheendof2014,thecountdroppedbysixto16.Theassetsforthisgroupandfor all of the asset classes in this report were based upon data available to investors, as of year‐end 2014, speci icallySeptember30,2014CallReportdata.Inaddition,assets,sharecounts,tangiblebookvalue,andlast twelvemonth(LTM)earningswerebasedonSeptember30,2014data. The net reduction of six banks in the under $125 million assets class at the end of 2014 was the result of a number of factors. Five banksgrew into the next larger class. Two banks wereacquired by other banks. One bankrejoinedthisgroupfromthenextlargerassetclass.Fifteenbanksremainedinthisclassovertheprevious year. Bank on It, Inc. was acquired in an all‐cash deal from Bay Commercial Bank. The Bank on It acquisition was valuedat$4.27millionandcarriedapricetotangiblebookvalueof0.97x,asoftheacquisitionannouncement date.MissionOaksBancorpwasacquiredbyAltaPaci icBankinanall‐cashtransactionvaluedat$3.46million. TheMissionOaksBancorptransactionhadnoreporteddealratios. Americas United Bank, Chino Commercial Bank, Cornerstone Community Bank, Coast Bancorp, and Suncrest Bankgrewabove$125millioninassetstojointhenextlargerassetclass.F&TFinancialServices,Inc.declined inassetstorejointhisgroup. LargestPriceGains CaliforniaBusinessBank PanAmericanBank GoldenStateBank SteepestPriceDecline SaigonNationalBank PricetoBook‐‐CABanks<$125Million 2.5 2.1 2.0 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.3 0.8 1.0 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7 09 10 11 12 13 14 0.5 0.0 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Carpenter & Company -- +341% +233% +224% ‐50% Industry Valuations BANKS UNDER $125 MILLION (continued) Sevenofthe16banksinthisgroupreportedassetsoflessthan$100million,includingtwobanksunder$50 million in assets. These small institutions typically lacked the investor base and share liquidity for active trading. Often investors and inancial market analysts viewed small banks at an operational disadvantage versus larger institutions, especially when considering the cost of regulatory compliance. Small institutions couldbeviewedasthe lipsideofthetoo‐big‐to‐failspectrum,thatis,too‐small‐to‐survive. The2014stockperformanceforthisgroupshowedelevenstocksroseinpriceovertheyear,fourweredownin price,andoneunchanged.Pricegainersrepresented69%ofthetotal,thethirdhighestgainingpercentageof the eight groups analyzed. In 2013, stock prices for 13 of the 22 banks in this group were higher over the year—awinningpercentageof59%. Eightofthe16companieswithinthisgroupreportedsigni icantpricegains,de inedasannualpercentagestock pricegainsinexcessof10%.CaliforniaBusinessBanktoppedthelistwitha341%advance.Alsoshowingprice gainsinexcessof100%werePanAmericanBank(233%)andGoldenStateBank(224%).Stockpricesforall three of these large percentage gainers were under a dollar per share—thus contributing to the sizable percentagegain,yetlowdollarpershareincrease.AlsotradingbelowadollarwereSaigonNationalBankand Tri‐ValleyBank. Other signi icant advances in stock prices were reported for Sierra Vista Bank (78%), Friendly Hills Bank (42%),U.S.MetroBank(36%),SecurityFirstBank(16%),andDeltaNationalBancorp(14%).Ofthefourbanks withdecliningstockpricesin2014,thesteepeststockpricedeclinewas50%forSaigonNationalBank. Theunder$125millionassetclasswastheonlygroupwithanaverageprice/tangiblebookvalueratio(P/TBV) below 1.0x, that is, the entire group was valued at less than tangible book value. Only one bank was priced abovebookvalue,speci icallySierraVistaBankat1.11x.Threebanksinthisclasshadnot‐meaningfulpriceto tangiblebookvalueratios.GoldenStateBankandDeltaNationalBancorptradedatlessthan50%oftangible bookvalue.GoldenState’s0.33xtangiblegoodvaluewasthelowestmeaningfulP/TBVofthe132banksand thriftsstudied.TheaverageP/TBVforthegroupwithmeaningfulP/TBVin2014equaled0.73x,downslightly fromthe0.75xaverageratioin2013. Thestockreportisstructuredtoreportanypricetoearnings(P/E)ratiothatisabove50xasnot‐meaningful.A P/E ratio over 50x suggests that earnings were too low relative to the prevailing stock price to produce a meaningful ratio. In addition, when a company reports losses, the negative P/E is not a meaningful result. Hence,fortheLTM(lasttwelvemonths)P/Ecolumn,aN/MdesignationiseithertheresultoftheP/Ebeingin excessof50xorthecompanyreportinglasttwelvemonthsearningsthatwerenegative. Seven of the 16 banks in this group recorded positive LTM earnings, as of September 2014, the most recent dataavailabletoinvestorsatyear‐end2014.Onlysixofthe16companiesinthisgrouprecordedmeaningful price/earnings ratios.CommunityValley Bank,despite having positive LTM earnings, reportedaP/E ratio in excess of 50x and thus was considered to have a N/M ratio. For the six banks with meaningful price to LTM earningsratios,theP/Eratiosforthisclassrangedbetween3.9xforSierraVistaBankto34.7xforCommerce BankofTemecula.TheaverageP/Eforthisclasswas16.6xin2013anddroppedto14.7xbytheendof2014. Theannualtradingvolumeforthesebankswasgenerallyquitesmall.Thevolumeofoutstandingsharesoften waslimited.Asaresult,theper‐banktradingvolumeforthisassetclassin2014wasthesmallestofanyofthe classesbaseduponitsaverageannualper‐bankvolumeof179,400shares.Allofthebankstradedduringthe courseoftheyear.FourteenbankswithinthisgroupreportedtradesinDecember2014.Thevolumeofshares tradedfortheentireclassoverthecourseoftheyearequaled2.9millionshares.Theaverageannualvolumeof shares traded was 4.3% less than the average volume in 2013. The stock with the most number of shares tradedintheyearwasFriendlyHillsBankat491,717shares.Thelowestvolumewasthe373sharestradedfor DeltaNationalBancorp. Carpenter & Company -- Industry Valuations BANKS UNDER $125 MILLION (continued) Marketcapitalizationrepresentedtheproductofstockpriceattheendoftheyeartimestheoutstandingshare count,whichtypicallywasbaseduponthenumberofoutstandingshares,asofSeptember2014.Elevenofthe 16banksinthegroupreportedincreasesinmarketcapitalizationoverthepastyear.Thebankwiththelargest marketcapitalizationattheendof2014wasCaliforniaBusinessBankat$91.0million.Thelowestmarketcap wasforGoldenStateBankat$1.1million.Totalmarketcapitalizationforthisgroupequaled$231.2million,an uptickof 53%fromthe $151 million in marketcapat the end of2013. The 53% increase in marketcapwas evenmoreremarkablesincethisclasscontainedsixfewerbanksthanin2013.Marketcaponaper‐institution basis in 2013 equaled $6.8 million. By the end of 2014, the average market cap for this group equaled $14.4 million,a112%advanceovertheyear.Theprimaryreasonforthissizableexpansioninmarketcapwastiedto California Business Bank, where a capital offering and the rise in stock price produced an expansion in that company’s market cap to $91 million in 2014 from under $1 million in 2013. Additional capital raises were conductedlastyearbyGoldenStateBank,PanAmericanBank,SaigonNationalBank,Tri‐ValleyBank,andU.S. MetroBank. INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: BANKS BETWEEN $125 AND $250 MILLION Publically‐tradedbankswithintheassetrangeof$125and$250millionbaseduponSeptember30,2014data constitutedtheassetclasswiththelargestnumberofbankingcompanies.Attheend2014therewere37banks inthisclass,downbytwooverthecourseoftheyear. Thechangeinthecompositionofthisclasswastheresultofthefollowingdevelopments:theout lowofeight companiesandthein lowofsixcompanies.Thirty‐oneofthe37bankswerecarriedoverfromtheprioryear. Coverage ofAmericaCalifornia BankandFresno FirstBank wasdroppeddue tothe lack oftradingfor these twocompaniesin2014.StockcoverageofPartnersBankofCaliforniawasinitiated,duetomoderatetrading activityforthatcompanylastyear.Growingintothisclassfromtheunder$125milliongroupwere ivebanks: Americas United Bank, Chino Commercial Bank, Cornerstone Community Bank, Coast Bancorp, and Suncrest Bank.GrowingoutofthisgroupintothenextlargerassetsizewereAltaPaci icBank,CountyCommerceBank, and Bank of Santa Clarita. Declining in asset size to rejoin the smallest asset category was F&T Financial Services,Inc. Eliminatedfromthisclassduetomergerscompletedin2014werePremierServiceBankandSantaClaraValley Bank,NA.PremierServiceBankwasacquiredbyIndependenceBankinanall‐cashtransactionvaluedat$8.64 millionand1.37xtangiblebookvalue.BankofSierrapaid$12.29millionor1.14xtangiblebookvalueforthe stockofSantaClaraValleyBank,N.A.inanall‐cashtransaction. Inadditiontothetwomergertransactionscompletedin2014,thereweretwomergerannouncementsmadein 2014 involving banks in this group. Bay Commercial Bank offered $7.8 million in an all‐stock transaction to obtainValleyCommunityBank.Thismergerwasvaluedat0.77xtangiblebookvalue.Paci icCommerceBank announced in October 2014 its intention to acquire Vibra Bank in a mixed cash‐stock transaction valued at $17.5millionand1.26xoftangiblebookvalue. The annual stock performance for the 37 banks within the $125‐$250 million group indicated that 20 companies realized annual gains in stock prices, 16 recorded stock price declines, and one company was unchanged in share price. The percentage of stock price gainers for this class was 54%. This was the second lowestshareofgainers,onlythe33%shareofthethree‐bank$5‐$10billiongroupwasless. Of the 20 companies with stock price gains last year, 17 of the companies reported gains in excess of 10%. Merger‐target Valley Community Bank experienced the steepest increase of up 70%. Other companies at the Carpenter & Company -- Industry Valuations BANKS BETWEEN $125 AND $250 MILLION (continued) LargestPriceGains ValleyCommunityBank LighthouseBank UnitiFinancialCorp SteepestPriceDecline CalWestBancorp PricetoBook‐‐CABanks$125‐$250Million 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.5 2.1 1.9 1.9 1.4 1.4 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.7 1.1 1.1 0.8 0.5 0.0 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 +69.8% +48.2% +46.0% ‐60.6% topendofsigni icantpricegainsincludedPaci icAllianceBank(58%),LighthouseBank(48%),UnitiFinancial Corp(46%),PinnacleBank(40%),SummitBancshares(36%),GoldenValleyBancorp(33%),Paci icCommerce Bank(32%),andMNBHoldingsCorp(31%).Othersigni icantpricegainswereregisteredbyAmericasUnited Bank(17%),FoundersBancorp(17%),VibraBank(15%),SuncrestBank(14%),PromericaBank(14%),New Resource Bank (13%), Community Bank of Santa Maria (13%), and Northern California Bancorp (11%). The steepestpercentagepointdeclineinstockpricesoccurredforCalWestBancorp,withits61%decline.Liberty Bancorpreportednochangeinstockpricelastyear. The average price to tangible book value for banks in the $125‐$250 million asset class equaled 1.12x, comparedtothe2013averageof1.05x.Fourteenofthe37companiesinthisclasswerepricedundertangible bookvalue,while iveofthe37banksreportednot‐meaningfulP/TBVratios.Themeaningfulpricetotangible bookvalueratiosrangedfromalowof0.70xforPaci icAllianceBanktoahighof2.58xforCoastBancorp.This asset category reported an average price to tangible book ratio in 2014 that was 42% below 2006’s peak readingof1.92x,yetwasup60%overthe2009recentlowintheratio. Fourofthe37banksreportedanot‐meaningfulprice/earningsratio,baseduponearningsforthelasttwelve monthsthroughSeptember30,2014.TheaverageP/Eratioforthisclassequaled14.4xcomparedtothe16.1x averageratioin2013.MeaningfulP/Eratiosforthisclassrangedfrom1.7xforCoastBancorpto40.7xforVibra Bank. Average stock trading volumes were 30% higher for this class of banks compared to the under $125 million bankgroup.Nonetheless,banksinthissizecategorywerecharacterizedashavinglimitedtradingactivity.The groupreportedthatatotalof8.6millionsharestradedduringthecourseof2014.Thisvolumetranslatedinto anaverageper‐bankvolumeoftradesof232,557shares,whichwasdown4%fromthe2013per‐banktrading volume.Thefewestsharestradedin2014occurredforBankofSouthernCalifornia,N.Aat4,719shares.First Mountain Bank reported the highest number of shares traded at 811,281 shares. All of the banks reported tradingactivityinDecember. Themarketcapitalizationforthisassetclasstotaled$651millionattheendof2014,alevelthatwas4%below the$683millioninmarketcapattheendof2013.Withtwofewerbankswithinthe2014assetgroupthanin 2013, market capitalization per bank in 2014 was marginally higher than in the prior year. The per‐bank marketcapwas$17.5millionin2013and$17.6millionin2014.Therewere22banksinthisclassexperiencing an increase in market capitalization over the past year, while 15 banks registered reduced market capitalization.—a59%gainingshareinmarketcapforthisgroup. The bank with the highest reported market capitalization at the end of 2014 was Lighthouse Bank at $34.6 million, while CalWest Bancorp reported the lowest market cap at $1.7 million. Generally, the increase in Carpenter & Company -- Industry Valuations BANKS BETWEEN $125 AND $250 MILLION (continued) market cap was primarily attributable to stock price gains. Nonetheless, a number of the companies in this asset class conducted stock offerings and increased the number of shares outstanding last year. Signi icant increases in shares outstanding were reported by Coast Bancorp and Bank of Southern California, N. A. LighthouseBankandNewResourcesBankalsoincreasedtheiroutstandingsharecounts. INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: BANKS BETWEEN $250 AND $500 MILLION Thenumberofbanksinthe$250‐$500millionassetclassincreasedbyoneoverthecourseof2014.Atyear‐ end,therewere24banksinthisclass.Themovementwithinthisgroupinvolvedthreebanksgrowingintothe group,andthreebanksgrowingintothenextlargergroup.Onebankwasmerged.Twobanksatthisassetsize initiatedstocktradingduring2014.Inaddition,19bankscarriedoverfromtheprioryearinthisassetclass. During 2014 AltaPaci ic Bank, Bank of Santa Clarita, and County Commerce Bank grew over $250 million in assetstojointhisgroup.BayCommercialBank,PresidioBank,andPlazaBankexpandedtomorethan$500 million in assets and joined the next larger asset class. Independence Bank and THC Holding Company commencedpublicstocktradingin2014andbecamepartofthisassetclass. Mission Community Bancorp was acquired by Heritage Oaks Bancorp in 2014. This mixed cash‐stock transactionwasvaluedat$56millionandpricedat1.89xtangiblebookvalue.NCALBancorpwasrecapitalized bysellingan89%ownershipsharetoasingleinvestorinatransactionthatwascompletedinNovember2014. During2014Paci icPremierBancorpannounceditsintentiontoacquireIndependenceBankinamixedcash‐ stock transaction of $71.2 million in total consideration and priced at 1.54x tangible book value. This transactionwasannouncedinOctober2014andclosedinJanuary2015.SKBHCHoldings,LLCannouncedits intention to acquire Greater Sacramento Bancorp for $59.83 million in an all‐cash consideration valued at 1.54xTBV.ThismergerclosedinFebruary2015. In2014,18ofthe24banksinthisclassincreasedinstockprice,whilesixofthebankssustainedanannual decline in stock price. The 75% share of price gainers was one of highest percentage of stock price gainers, secondonlytothe83%shareforthesix‐companythriftgroup. Merger‐target Independence Bank recorded the steepest stock price advance at 84%. In addition to Independence Bank, there were eleven other banks experiencing signi icant, that is, over 10% advances in stock prices in 2014. Other sizable price gains were recorded by Seacoast Commerce Banc Holding (51%), merger‐target Greater Sacramento Bancorp (41%), AltaPaci ic Bank (38%), Summit State Bank (32%), TFC HoldingCompany(28%),SantaCruzCountyBank(21%),andSanDiegoPrivateBank(21%).Otherstockprice gainsinexcessof10%occurredforMissionBancorp(17%),CountyCommerceBank(16%),RedwoodCapital LargestPriceGains IndependenceBank SeacoastCommerceBank GreaterSacramentoBancorp PricetoBook‐‐ CABanks$250‐$500Mln 3.0 2.6 2.5 2.0 2.6 2.3 2.2 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 09 10 11 1.2 1.1 13 14 0.9 0.5 0.0 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Carpenter & Company 12 -- +83.8% +50.6% +41.4% Industry Valuations BANKS BETWEEN $250 AND $500 MILLION (continued) Bancorp (13%), and Valley Commerce Bancorp (13%). The steepest price decline was the 21% drop in the stockpriceofManhattanBancorp. Theaveragepricetotangiblebookvalueforthisclassequaled1.13xin2014,downfromthe1.18xaveragein 2013. After four consecutive years of increases in P/TBVfor thisgroup,the ratio was slightly lower in 2014. Nonetheless, the P/TBV ratio for this class showed signi icant cyclical improvement, up 73% from the 2009 cyclicallow.Despitethatgain,the2014ratioremained50%belowthe2006peakratio.In2006,thiscategory ofbanksheldthefourthhighestP/TBVoftheeightgroupsstudied.In2014,thisgroupwastiedwiththethird lowestP/TBVoftheeightgroups. Fourofthe24banksin2014registeredanot‐meaningfulP/TBV.ForthebankswithmeaningfulP/TBVratios, fourofthe20werepricedbelowbookvalue.Thehighestpricingtotangiblebookvaluewasthe1.45xratiofor GreaterSacramentBancorp.Thelowestratiowas0.84xforManhattanBancorp. Only two banks in this group of 24 banks reported losses for the last twelve months through September 30, 2014. For the second consecutive year, NCAL Bancorp and United American Bank had LTM losses and not‐ meaningfulprice/earningsratios.TheaverageP/Efortheremainingbanksinthisgroupequaled17.3xin2014, comparedwiththe17.9xaverageP/Eratioin2013.TherangefortherelevantP/Eratioswentfromthelowof 9.2xforRedwoodCapitalBancorptothehighof24.0xforManhattanBancorp. This class of banks reported annual trading volumes in 2014 of 10.5 million shares. The per‐bank trading volumeof438,461was9%belowthecomparablevolumein2013.Theper‐banktradingactivity,however,was 89%higherthantheaveragenumberofsharestradedforthe$125‐$250milliongroup.Thevolumeofshares traded in this group ranged from a low of 37,024 shares for Valley Republic to 1.78 million shares for CommerceWestBank.AlsoregisteringmorethanamillionsharesintradeslastyearwasSummitStateBank. Aggregatemarket capitalizationfor thisclassof banks equaled $1.1 billion, up 22%fromthe $898 million in 2013marketcap.Onaper‐bankbasis,2014marketcapitalizationrose18%from$39millionin2013to$46 millionin2014. The range in market capitalization for the 24 banks at the end of 2014 ran from a low of $10.8 million for United American Bank toa high of $88.0 millionfor Open Bank.Withinthisasset group, increases inmarket capitalizationoccurredfor20ofthe24banks.Althoughhigherstockpricescontributedtolastyear’sincrease in market capitalization, a number of banks realized sizable increases in common stock shares outstanding. MajorshareofferingswereissuedbyOpenBank,CaliforniaBankofCommerce,MissionValleyBancorp,Santa CruzCountyBank,BankofSantaClarita,andRedwoodCapitalBancorp. INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: BANKS BETWEEN $500 MILLION AND $1 BILLION Attheendof2014,therewere19Californiabankswithassetsintherangeof$500millionand$1billion.That countwasunchangedovertheyear,yetthecompositionofthegroupwasalteredcomparedtoyear‐end2013. Sixteenofthebanksinthegroupwerecarryoversfromtheprioryear.Threebanksgrewintothegroupfrom the$250to$500millionclass.Onebankgrewintothenexthigher,$1to$5billion,class.Twobanksfromthis groupwereacquiredbyotherCaliforniabanks. Bay Commercial Bank, Presidio Bank, and Plaza Bank grew into this class from the smaller asset category. Paci icMercantileBankgrewintothenextlargerclass. Carpenter & Company -- Industry Valuations BANKS BETWEEN $500 MILLION AND $1 BILLION (continued) LargestPriceGains Paci icCityFinancialCorp. PlumasBancorp Presidiobank SteepestPriceDecline 1stCenturyBancshares PricetoBook‐‐CABanks$500Mln‐$1Bln 3.0 2.7 2.8 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.2 0.8 1.0 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.1 0.5 +209.5% +28.4% +25.6% ‐11.2% 0.0 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 1st Enterprise Bank was acquired by CU Bancorp in an all‐stock consideration valued at $104.3 million and pricedat1.91xtangiblebookvalue.NorthValleyBancorpwastheacquisitiontargetofTriCoBancshares.The acquisition was consummated through an all‐stock transaction valued at $178.9 million and priced at 1.89x tangiblebookvalue. Of the 19 banks in the $500 million to $1 billion asset class, 13 experienced stock price gains, ive banks sustained annual stock price declines, and one bank (Community West Bancshares) was unchanged in price overtheyear.Tenofthe13stockpriceadvancesweredeemedtobesigni icant,thatisinexcessof10%. Paci icCityFinancialCorp.hadthesteepestpricegainofup210%.Othersizableincreasesinstockpriceswere reportedbyPlumasBancorp(28%),PresidioBank(26%),BayCommercialBank(23%),andOakValleyBank (21%). Other gainers in excess of 10% were Sunwest Bank (15%), California Republic Bank (14%), United SecurityBancshares(11%),andFirstNorthernCommunityBancorp(10%).Thesteepestpricedeclinewasthe 11%dropinthestockpriceof1stCenturyBancshares. Allofthebanksinthisclasshadmeaningfulpricetotangiblebookvalueratiosattheendof2014.Fourteenof the19banksinthisclasstradedabovebookvalue.The ivebankspricedunderbookvaluewerevaluedat80% to97%oftangiblebook.TherangeofP/TBVwentfrom0.80xforCaliforniaFirstNationalBancorpto2.01xfor CaliforniaRepublicBank.2014wasthethirdconsecutiveyearforCaliforniaRepublicBanktoleadthisgroupin termsofP/TBV. TheaverageP/TBVratioforthisassetcategoryfellto1.13xattheendof2014,comparedwith1.19xattheend of2013.Overthepastbusinesscycle,theP/TBVforthisgroupwasup82%attheendof2014fromthe2009 low.Nonetheless,comparedwith2006,thiscategory’sP/TBVwasdown57%.In2006,thisassetclassreported thehighestP/TBVoftheeightgroupsanalyzed.Eightyearslater,thisclasshadthethirdlowestP/TBVratio. AllofthebanksinthisclassreportedpositiveearningsforthelasttwelvemonthsthroughSeptember30,2014. Thus,allbankshadmeaningfulprice/earningsratiosattheendof2014.TheaverageP/Eratioforthisgroup was13.9x,downfromthe14.7xratioin2013.TheP/Eratiosfortheindividualcompaniesrangedfromalowof 7.7xforCommunityWestBancsharestoahighof31.7xfor1stCenturyBancshares. Thetotalnumberofsharestradedin2014forthe$500millionto$1billionassetgroupequaled22.4million, down 33% from the annual volume of 33.3 million shares in 2013. The per‐bank trading volume was 1.18 millionshares,comparedto1.75millionsharesin2013.SunwestBank,withits$38,000persharepriceandits closely‐held ownership, reported the fewest number of shares traded at 22 shares for the entire year. No Sunwest trades were made in the inal quarter of the year. In contrast, the largest number of annual shares Carpenter & Company -- Industry Valuations BANKS BETWEEN $500 MILLION AND $1 BILLION (continued) tradedwasforBankofCommerceHoldingat4.1millionshares.Withinthisassetclass,eightofthe19banks hadtradingvolumesinexcessof1millionsharesduring2014. Themarketcapitalizationofthisclassin2014totaled$1.6billion,essentiallyunchangedfrom2013.Theper‐ bank marketcapitalizationat $86.95 million was 0.4% above thecomparable statistic for 2013. Fourteen of the 19 banks reported increases in market capitalization over the past year. The company with the lowest market capitalization of this group was Plumas Bancorp at $38.3 million. California Republic Bank held the highestmarketcapofthegroupat$208.3million,whichwas40%higherabovethesecond‐placedCalifornia First National Bancorp. Signi icant increases in common stock outstanding over the course of 2014 were recorded by California Republic Bancorp, Paci ic City Financial Corporation, 1st Century Bancshares, and CommunityWestBancshares. INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: BANKS BETWEEN $1 AND $5 BILLION Thebanksinthe$1to$5billionassetrangeincreasedbythreeoverthecourseof2014.Thegroupendedthe year with 21 banks. Eighteen banks had carried over from the prior year. The entire 2013 class of banks continuedtobeinthisgroupattheendof2014.BancofCaliforniaconvertedfromathrifttoabankingcharter andjoinedthisassetclass.OpusBankcommencedpublicstocktradingduringthepastyear.Paci icMercantile Bankgrewtoover$1billioninassets. Ofthe21banksinthegroup,13experiencedstockpricegains,whileeightdeclinedinprice.MechanicsBank, anacquisitiontargetofFordFinancialFund,II,L.P.,sustainedthesteepeststockpricegain,surginghigherby $13,200 a share, anadvance of 102%.Nine additionalbanks withinthisgroup reportedstockpricegains in excess of 10% in 2014. Signi icant price gains were reported by Preferred Bank (39%), CU Bancorp (24%), Exchange Bank (22%), Bank of Marin Bancorp (21%), River City Bank (20%), Paci ic Mercantile Bancorp (13%), Heritage Oaks Bancorp (12%), Farmers & Merchants Bancorp (11%), and Paci ic Premier Bancorp (10%).ThesteepestpricedeclinewasincurredbyBancofCalifornia,withitsstockpricedown14%. MechanicsBankwastheonlymergertargetinthisgroup,baseduponannouncementsmadein2014.TheFord FinancialFundII,L.P.soughttoacquirenearly70%ofthecommonstockofMechanicsBankinadealvaluedat $338millionandpricedat1.64xtangiblebookvalue.Thisacquisitionwassubsequentlyamendedtoallowthe FordFinancialFundtoacquireallofthesharesofMechanicsBank. Fivebankswithinthe$1to$5billionassetgroupwereacquirersofotherbanksduring2014.SierraBancorp acquiredSantaClaraValleyBank,N.A.inanall‐cashtransactionvaluedat$12millionand1.16xtangiblebook value. CU Bancorp acquired 1st Enterprise Bank in an all‐stock transaction priced at $104 million or 1.91x tangible book value. Paci ic Premier Bancorp paid $71.2 million in a mixed cash‐stock transaction for IndependenceBankatavaluationof1.54xtangiblebookvalue.TriCoBancorpacquiredNorthValleyBancorp in an all‐stock transaction valued at $179 million or 1.88x tangible book value. Heritage Oaks Bancorp acquiredMissionCommunityBankinamixedcash‐stocktransactionpricedat$56millionand1.89xtangible bookvalue. Attheendof2014,OpusBankandRiverCityBank,accordingtotheSNLdatabase,reportednot‐meaningful ratios for price to tangible book value. Exchange Bank was the only institution priced below tangible book, carrying a 0.9x P/TBV. The highest P/TBV was that of WestAmerica Bancorp. The 3.20x P/TBV for WestAmericaBancorpwasalsothehighestratioforall132 inancialinstitutionstrackedintheCarpenter& Companyreport. Theaverageratioofpricetotangiblebookvaluefortheentireclassequaled1.62xin2014,slightlylowerthan the1.64xaveragefor2013,yetasigni icantimprovementoverthe1.23xratioin2012.Basedupontheeight Carpenter & Company -- Industry Valuations BANKS BETWEEN $1 AND $5 BILLION (continued) LargestPriceGains MechanicsBank PreferredBank CUBancorp SteepestPriceDecline BancofCalifornia PricetoBook‐‐ CABanks$1‐$5Billion 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.6 1.2 1.0 0.5 0.0 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 +101.5% +39.1% +24.1% ‐14.5% categories of inancial institutions studied in this report, the P/TBV ratio for banks in the $1‐$5 billion size grouprankedthirdhighestattheendof2014.In2006,thisgrouprankedsecondhighestoftheeightgroups witha2.54xratio.Comparedtothat2006ratio,theaverageP/TBVin2014was36%belowthepeak,yetthe 2014ratiowas60%abovethe2009low. All banks in this group, except for Paci ic Mercantile Bancorp, were pro itable forthe twelve months ending September2014.Asaresult,therewasonlyonenot‐meaningfulprice/earningsratioreportedforthisgroup. Themeaningfulprice/earningsratiosforthisclassrangedfromalowof8.4xforExchangeBanktoahighof 44.2xforHeritageOaksBancorp.The2014averagefortheP/Eratioequaled18.6x,upfrom16.89xin2013 and12.2xin2012. Thetotalvolumeofsharestradedforthisassetclassequaled334.4millionshares,anincreaseof31%overthe sharecountof254.6millionin2013.Onaper‐bankbasis,theaveragecountequaled15.92millionshares,a 13% advance over the 2013 average. Share trading volume last year ranged extremely broadly. Mechanics Bank,withits$26,200persharepricing,hadlowestnumberofannualsharestradedat380shares.Twoother banksreportedpricesinexcessof$100pershare,speci icallyFarmers&MerchantsBancorpofLongBeach and River City Bank. These two companies reported annual share volumes of less than 10,000 shares. In contrast, 16 of the 21 banks had annual share volumes over 1 million shares, including the most traded company,WilshireBancorpwithover93millionsharestraded. Totalmarketcapitalizationfortheclassof$1to$5billionbanksequaled$8.5billionin2014,comparedwith $6.5billionin2013.Totalmarketcapitalizationwas31%higherthanin2013.Yet,thenumberofbanksinthis group was 17% greater than in the previous year. On a per‐bank basis, market capitalization equaled $406 million in 2014, a 12% gain over the 2013 average market cap of $363 million. The range for market capitalizationwasextremelywide,runningfromalowof$122millionforCentralValleyCommunityBanktoa high of $1.27 billion for WestAmerica Bancorp. Central Valley Community Bank and Wilshire Bancorp both experienced reductions in market capitalization over the past year, while the other 19 banks in this group improved upon their 2013 levels. Sizable increases in common stock shares outstanding were reported in 2014byBancofCalifornia,HeritageOaksBancorp,TriCoBancshares,CUBancorp,andOpusBank. INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: BANKS BETWEEN $5 AND $10 BILLION Thenumberofbanksinthe$5and$10billionassetclassattheendof2014wasdownbytwofromtheprior year. The acquisition of Capital Source, Inc. by PacWest Bancorp eliminated Capital Source and pushed PacWestintothenextlargerassetclass.RemaininginthisassetclasswereBBCNBancorp,CVBFinancialCorp, Carpenter & Company -- Industry Valuations BANKS BETWEEN $5 AND $10 BILLION (continued) andFarmers&MerchantsBank.Farmers&MerchantsBankexperiencedasigni icantstockpricegainof16%in 2014,whilethesharepricesfortheothertwobanksendedlastyearbelow2013’spricing.BBCNexperienced thesteeperdecline—off13%.Asaresult,thisclasshadthelowestpercentageofcompanieswithgainingstock pricesamongtheeightgroupsanalyzedat33%. CVBFinancialCorpcompleteditsacquisitionofAmericanSecurityBankinMay2014inanall‐cashtransaction valuedat$57millionandapricetotangiblebookvalueof1.33x. Farmers&MerchantsBanktradingat0.99xtangiblebookvaluewastheonlybankofthethreeinthisclassthat tradedbelowtangiblebookvalue.BBCNBancorptradedat1.51xTBV,andCVBFinancialtradedat2.20xTBV. TheaverageP/TBVforthethreebanksequaled1.57xin2014,down27%fromtheaverageof2.14xin2013. Fromacyclicalperspectivethepricetotangiblebookvalueforthisgroupwasdown25%fromits2007recent peakratioof2.10x.TherecoveryintheP/TBVratiofromthegroup’s2009lowreadingequaled42%. All three banks were pro itable for the twelve months ending September 2014, and each bank recorded meaningfulprice/earningsratiosattheendof2014.TheP/Eratiosrangednarrowlyfrom12.9xforFarmers& MerchantsBankto16.3xforCVBFinancialCorp.Ofthethreebanks,onlyFarmers&MerchantsBankregistered an increase in its P/E ratio compared to the previous year. The average price/earnings ratio for this group equaled 18.5x in 2013. With the elimination of the more highly pro itable and more highly valued Capital SourceandPacWeststocksfromthisgroup,theaverageP/Ein2014fellto14.3x,a23%declineovertheyear. Thethreebanksinthisgrouphadanaggregateannualtradingvolumeof224millionshares.In2013,the ive banksinthisgroupreportedtotaltradingof778.6millionshares.Theaveragetradingvolumeperbankin2013 equaled 155.7 million shares, while the average trading in 2014 was 74.6 million shares. With the per‐share priceofFarmers&MerchantsBankat$6,060,thatcompanyreportedthefewestnumberofsharestradedover thecourseof2014at4,035shares.Theothertwocompaniesinthisgroupbothreportedtradingvolumesof approximately112millionshareseach. Thetotalmarketcapitalizationforbanksbetween$5and$10billionwas$8.6billionin2013anddeclined58% in 2014 to $3.6 billion. The per‐bank market capitalization equaled $1.2 billion in 2014, down from the per‐ bankmarketcapitalizationof$1.7billionin2013.Thisdropwaslargelyduetotheeliminationsofthehighly valuedCapitalSourceandPacWestfromthisclass.OnlyFarmers&MerchantsBankexperiencedanincreasein marketcapitalizationin2014.ThedeclineinstockpricesforbothBBCNBancorpandCVBFinancialtriggered the reduction in market capitalization for those two companies. None of the companies in this group experiencedmeaningfulincreasesincommonsharesoutstandingin2014. LargestPriceGain Farmers&MerchantsBank SteepestPriceDecline BBCNBancorp PricetoBook‐‐ CABanks$5‐$10Billion 3.3 3.5 3.0 2.6 2.5 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.1 1.0 0.5 0.0 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Carpenter & Company 11 12 13 14 -- +16.0% ‐13.3% Industry Valuations BANKS BETWEEN $10 AND $100 BILLION INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: BANKS BETWEEN $10 AND $100 BILLION The number of California publicly‐traded banks with assets between $10 and $100 billion increased by one over the course of 2014 to a total of six banks. Through the acquisition of Capital Source Bank, PacWest Bancorpgrewover$10billionlastyear.Theother ivebankswerecarryoversinthisclassfrom2013. PacWestBancorpacquiredCapitalSourceinamixedcash‐stocktransactionvaluedat$2.4billionandpricedat 2.18xTBV.Thistransactioninvolvingthetwo$5+billionbanksclosedinApril2014. Fourofthesixcompanieswithinthe$10and$100billionassetclassexperiencedannualgainsinstockprices onayear‐endcomparison.BothEastWestBancorpandSVBFinancialGroupreportedsigni icantgainsinstock pricesin2014withmatching10.7%gains.Thesharpestdeclineinstockpricewasthe4%dropintheshare priceofCathayGeneralBancorp. Allbanksinthisclasswerepricedabovetangiblebookvalue.CathayGeneralat1.63xwastheonlybankwitha P/TBV below 2.0x. The highest P/TBV was the 2.70x ratio for PacWest Bancorp. All six banks in this group reportedlowerratiosforP/TBVin2014thanin2013. Thepricetotangiblebookvalueforbanksbetween$10and$100billionaveraged2.20xin2014,down6.0% fromthe2.34xaveragein2013.At2.20x,thisgroupcarriedthehighestP/TBVratiooftheeightassetclasses studied. That designation was also achieved in 2013. From 2006 to 2014, the P/TBV ratio for this class was down12%,whiletheaverageP/TBVrallied50%fromthe2009lowinthemeasure. All six banks were pro itable for the last twelve months through September 30, 2014, and all of the banks reportedmeaningfulLTMP/Eratios.Theprice‐earningsratiorangedfrom15.2xforCathayGeneralBancorp to34.7xforPacWestBancorp.ThesebanksachievedanaverageP/Eratioin2014of20.7x.Thisresultwasup nearly 7% from the 19.4x average P/E in 2013. The average P/E ratio for this group was the highest ratio among the eight classesanalyzedThe P/E forthe $10to $100 billion asset classwas 12%above thesecond highestP/Eratio,thatis,forthe$1to$5billionbankgroup. This class of banks had signi icant stock trading volume and market liquidity. The total annual number of sharestradedforthisclassequaled882millionshares,up28%fromthe689millionsharestradedin2013. Theaveragenumberofsharestradedper‐bankequaled147million,up9.7%fromthe134millionsharesin 2013.ExceptforCathayGeneralBancorpandCityNationalBank,allofthecompaniesinthegroupreported morethan100millionsharesinannualtradingvolume.Therangeinannualtradingvolumein2014was66.6 millionsharesforCityNationalBankand240millionsharesforFirstRepublicBank.FirstRepublicreported thehighestannualtradingvolumeofthe132companiesinthisreport. PricetoBook‐‐ CABanks$10‐$100Billion 2.5 2.5 2.3 2.1 LargestPriceGains SVBFinancialGroup EastWestBancorp 2.2 1.9 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.6 11 12 SteepestPriceDecline CathayGeneralBancorp 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 06 07 08 09 10 Carpenter & Company 13 14 -- +10.7% +10.7% ‐4.3% Industry Valuations BANKS BETWEEN $10 AND $100 BILLION (continued) The total market capitalization for the $10‐$100 billion asset category in 2013 equaled $23.0 billion and climbed 30% to $29.8 billion in 2014. Market capitalization per‐institution in 2013 equaled $4.6 billion. Per‐ bankmarketcapwas8.7%higherin2014,cominginatanaverageof$5.0billion.ExceptforCathayGeneral, theother ivebanksreportedastep‐upinmarketcapitalizationoverthecourseof2014. At $7.2 billion, First Republic Bank reported the highest market capitalization of the group, as well as the largestmarketcapitalizationofall132stocksinthetrackingreport.Thatwasthesecondconsecutiveyearfor First Republic to possess the highest market capitalization among all California publicly‐traded inancial institutions.CathayGeneralhadthelowestmarketcapitalizationwithinthiscategoryofbanksat$2.1billion. Outstandingcommonstockforallsixbanksinthisgroupincreasedduring2014.Thesmallestincreaseinshare countwasexperiencedbyCathayGeneralBancorp.Thelargestannualriseincommonstockoutstandingwas the57millionshareincreaseforPacWestBancorp.EastWestBancorpreportedthemostsharesoutstandingat 143millionshares. Industry Valuations: California Thrifts Forthe inalyear,theCarpenter&Companystockreportsegregatedpublicly‐traded inancialinstitutionswith a thrift charter into a thrift group regardless of the size of the institution. This separation meant that institutionswerecodi iedintothesamegroupdespitethevariationintheassetsizeofthethrifts,whichranged from$300milliontonearly$5.0billion.Startingin2015,theMonthlyStockReporteliminatedthethriftclass andincorporatedthethriftsintoappropriateclassesbasedupontheassetsizeofthethrift. Thenumberofpublicly‐tradedCaliforniathriftsheldsteadyatsixin2014.BancofCalifornialeftthethriftclass due to its conversion to a banking charter. First ULB Corp, the parent company of United Business Bank, initiatedtradingofitscommonstockin2014.Accordingtodata,asofSeptember30,2014,thriftsrangedinsize from$330millionto$4.8billion.BroadwayFinancialCorpwasthesmallestpublicly‐tradedthrift,whileBofI Holding,Inc.hadthemostthriftassets. In September 2014, HomeStreet, Inc., a Washington‐state thrift holding company, announced its intention to acquireSimplicityBancorp,Inc.SimplicityBancorpistheparentcompanyofSimplicityBank,formerlyknown asKaiserFederalSavingBank.TheHomeStreetannouncementproposedtermsof$133millioninanall‐stock consideration,whichyieldedavaluationof0.96xtotangiblebookvalue. PricetoBook‐‐ CAThrifts LargestPriceGains BroadwayFinancial MalagaFinancialCorp 2.5 2.1 1.9 2.0 1.5 1.8 1.6 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.4 08 09 0.8 0.8 10 11 0.0 02 03 04 05 06 07 Carpenter & Company 12 13 14 -- +41.0% +13.3% Industry Valuations THRIFTS (continued) Fiveofthesixthriftsexperiencedyear‐over‐yearstockpricegainsin2014.OnlyBofIHoldings,Inc.recordeda slightdeclineinstockpriceinthepastyear.ThesteepestpricegainwasexperiencedbyBroadwayFinancial Corp,withits41%stockpriceadvance.MalagaFinancialCorprecordedasigni icantpriceadvanceofup13%. Duetolimiteddata,onlyhalfofthesixthriftsreportedmeaningfulratiosforpricetotangiblebookvalue.Asa result, theaverage P/TBVwas heavily skewed by the 2.82x P/TBV ratio for BofI Holdings, Inc. BofIHoldings reported the second highest price to tangible book value ratio of the 132 stocks analyzed in this report. Nonetheless,theP/TBVforBofIHoldings,Inc.wasdownsigni icantlyfromits3.90xratioin2013.Theother meaningfulP/TBVratioswere0.95xforSimplicityBancorp,Inc.and1.27xforMalagaFinancialCorp.Broadway FinancialCorp,FirstULBCorp,andProvidentFinancialHoldingswereallclassi iedashavingnot‐meaningful P/TBVratios. The averagepriceto tangible book value ratio for the thriftclass equaled 1.68xin 2014, down from 1.83xin 2013. Over the past eight years, the P/TBV for the thrift class recovered sharply from its 2008 low of 0.41x. Despiteits8%declineintheP/TBVratiolastyear,the1.68xratiofor2014wasup310%fromthe2008low. Thethriftclasswastheonlyoneoftheeightgroupsthattradedaboveits2006P/TBVratio. Only one ofthe sixthrifts,First ULB Corp, reportedanot‐meaningful price/earnings ratiofor the last twelve months ending September 2014. The average P/E ratio for the remaining ive thrifts equaled 17.7x in 2014, comparedwith16.4xin2013.TherangeofP/Eratiosequaledalowof11.8xforMalagaFinancialCorptoahigh of23.8xforSimplicityBancorp,Inc.ComparedtotheP/E/ratiosfor2013,twoofthethriftsreportedhigher ratiosin2014,whiletwohadlowerratios. Due to the wide differential in the asset sizes of California thrifts, between $300 million to $5.0 billion, the marketcapitalizationofthecompaniesinthethriftgroupalsorangedwidely.Thelowestmarketcapitalwas heldbyFirstULBCorpat$21.5million.ThehighestmarketcapitalwasthatofBofIHoldings,Inc.at$1.2billion. TotalmarketcapitalizationoftheCaliforniathriftsfellfrom$1.8billionattheendof2013to$1.6billionatthe end of 2014. Replacing Banc of California with its 2013 market capitalization of $262 million with First ULB Corpandits$21.5millioninmarketcapcontributedgreatlytotheannualreductioninthegroup’smarketcap. The 2014 market capitalization per thrift equaled $266 million. Only BofI Holdings reported a market capitalizationthatwasabovethataverage.ThesecondhighestmarketcapinthegroupwasheldbyProvident Financial,withitsmarketcapsome88%belowthatofBofIHoldings. Of the ive companies that were carried over from 2013, three companies reported increases in market capitalization, and two were lower. As was the case in 2013, Provident Financial Holdings and Simplicity Bancorpreportedlowerlevelsofmarketcapitalizationin2014thanintheprioryear. With the elimination of Banc of California from the thrift group, annual share trading volume in 2014 was signi icantlyfewerthanthe87.8millionsharestradedin2013.Theannualtradesin2014equaled74.5million shares,15%belowtheprioryear.Theaveragetradingvolumein2014was12.4millionshares.BOFIHoldings reportedtradingvolumeof58millionshares,anincreaseof35%overthatcompany’sannualtradesin2013. Thelowesttradingvolumewasforthenewestpublicly‐tradedthrift,FirstULBCorp,at5,597shares.Fiveofthe thriftsreportedtradingactivityinDecember.ThatexceptionwasFirstULBCorp,whichreporteditslast2014 tradeonNovember17th. Broadway Financial Corp conducted a follow‐on stock offering, increasing its common shares outstanding by 44%overthepastyear.ProvidentFinancialandSimplicityBancorptrimmedtheirsharesoutstandingoverthe courseof2014. Carpenter & Company -- Industry Valuations California Banks Closed in 2014 (sorted by asset size) InstitutionName City Date Closed TotalAssets Publicly ($000) Traded* Transaction CapitalSourceBank LosAngeles 7‐Apr‐14 8,289,723 yes AcquiredbyPacWestBancorpat 2.184xTBV NorthValleyBank Redding 3‐Oct‐14 921,796 yes AcquiredbyTriCountiesBankat 1.506xTBV 1stEnterpriseBank LosAngeles 30‐Nov‐14 800,739 yes AcquiredbyCUBancorpat1.918x TBV MetroUnitedBank SanDiego 17‐Jan‐14 486,370 no AcquiredbyEastWestBank MissionCommunityBank SanLuisObispo 28‐Feb‐14 432,406 yes AcquiredbyHeritageOaksBancorp at1.887xTBV AmericanSecurityBank NewportBeach 15‐May‐14 431,171 no AcquiredbyCitizensBusinessBank at1.334xTBV WedbushBank LosAngeles 5‐Jun‐14 225,949 no Voluntarilyliquidatedcharter PremierServiceBank Riverside 31‐Jan‐14 130,856 yes AcquiredbyIndependenceBankat 1.373xTBV SantaClaraValleyBank,NA SantaPaula 14‐Nov‐14 129,391 yes AcquiredbyBankofSierraat 1.136xTBV CommunityBankofSan Joaquin Stockton 25‐Apr‐14 123,585 yes AcquiredbyBayCommercialBank MissionOaksNationalBank Temecula 2‐May‐14 98,552 yes AcquiredbyAltaPacificBank FrontierBank,FSB PalmDesert 7‐Nov‐14 80,736 no Failed FirstSecurityBusinessBank Orange 29‐Dec‐14 61,646 no Voluntarilyliquidatedcharter *Traded:yesmeanspubliclytradedandnomeansprivatelyheld Carpenter & Company -- TBV=Tangiblebookvalue Industry Valuations California Bank Mergers Announced or Completed in 2014 Buyer Seller Assets($ooo) Deal Price/ Value TBV ($Mln) x Buyer/Target Announce Date SellerCity Completion DealStatus Date AltaPacificBancorp/Mission OaksBancorp 1/31/2014 Temecula Completion 5/2/2014 238,900 95,951 3.46 NM BankofSouthernCalifornia, N.A./FrontierBank,FSB** **Bankingfailure 11/7/2014 PalmDesert Completion 11/7/2014 NA NA NA NA BayCommercialBank/Bank OnIt,Inc. 1/16/2014 Stockton Completion 4/25/2014 327,181 118,480 4.27 NA BayCommercialBank/Valley 11/10/2014 Pleasanton CommunityBank Completion 2/13/2015 503,549 134,481 7.80 83.0 CITGroupInc./IMBHoldCo LLC DefinitiveAgreement 21,807,098 3,369.06 NA CUBancorp/1stEnterprise Bank CVBFinancialCorp./ AmericanSecurityBank SouthernCalifornia/First MountainBank 7/22/2014 Pasadena 6/3/2014 LosAngeles 48,578,100 Completion 11/30/2014 1,382,363 775,912 104.34 191.8 2/18/2014 NewportBeach Completion 5/15/2014 6,664,967 412,295 57.00 133.4 5/5/2014 BigBearLake Termination 7/17/2014 176,578 134,397 14.29 NA 901,548 138,911 6.24 NA FNBBancorp/Valley CommunityBank 5/22/2014 Pleasanton Termination 11/10/2014 FordFinancialFundII,L.P./ MechanicsBank 9/25/2014 Richmond Completion 4/30/2015 NA 3,303,385 338.00 151.0 Completion 2/28/2014 1,096,882 446,956 55.98 188.7 HeritageOaksBancorp/ MissionCommunityBancorp 10/21/2013 SanLuisObispo HomeStreet,Inc./Simplicity Bancorp,Inc. 9/29/2014 Covina Completion 3/1/2015 3,235,676 879,188 132.87 96.3 IndependenceBank/Premier ServiceBank 11/4/2013 Riverside Completion 1/31/2014 311,772 128,987 8.64 137.3 10/30/2014 ChulaVista Completion 4/7/2015 209,212 148,101 17.47 122.9 PacificPremierBancorp,Inc./ 10/22/2014 NewportBeach IndependenceBank Completion 1/26/2015 1,921,525 407,960 71.20 167.9 PacWestBancorp/ CapitalSourceInc. 7/22/2013 LosAngeles Completion 4/7/2014 5,299,905 8,482,677 2,381.89 218.4 9/16/2013 LosAngeles DefinitiveAgreement NA 377,977 NA NA PacificCommerceBank/ VibraBank Privateinvestor/NCAL Bancorp Privateinvestors/First NationalBankofSouthern California g / 12/10/2013 Riverside Completion 3/6/2014 NA 144,480 19.00 104.4 Deposit/Loan‐1stSecurity BusinessBank 10/22/2014 Orange Completion 12/26/2014 339,504 NA NA NA SierraBancorp/SantaClara ValleyBank,N.A. 7/17/2014 SantaPaula Completion 11/14/2014 1,458,321 127,163 12.29 113.6 SKBHCHoldingsLLC/Greater 10/15/2014 Sacramento SacramentoBancorp Completion 2/2/2015 4,053,767 467,869 59.83 154.0 TriCoBancshares/North ValleyBancorp Completion 10/3/2014 2,632,106 912,447 178.92 150.6 1/21/2014 Redding Carpenter & Company -- STOCK PERFORMANCE: 2014 Annual Report Carpenter and Company—Stock Performance Report Average LTM P/E Ratios by Asset Group Average LTM* P/E Ratio Total Assets: Under $125M $125M - $250M $250M - $500M $500M - $1Bn $1Bn - $5Bn $5Bn - $10Bn Over $10Bn CA Thrifts 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 % Change YTD 14.75 14.41 17.27 13.94 18.57 14.27 20.75 17.66 16.56 16.13 17.88 14.74 16.89 18.47 19.42 16.45 -10.91% -10.69% -3.39% -5.42% 9.95% -22.74% 6.82% 7.34% 25 20 15 10 5 0 Under $125M - $250M - $500M $125M $250M $500M $1Bn $1Bn $5Bn 12/31/2013 $5Bn $10Bn Over $10Bn CA Thrifts 12/31/2014 *LT M= Last T welve Months. LT M P/E calculated based on last twelve months earnings through 9/30/2014. Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- STOCK PERFORMANCE Carpenter and Company—Stock Performance Report Price/Book Ratios by Asset Group Average Price/T. Book Ratio Total Assets: Under $125M $125M - $250M $250M - $500M $500M - $1Bn $1Bn - $5Bn $5Bn - $10Bn Over $10Bn CA Thrifts 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 % Change YTD 0.73 1.12 1.13 1.13 1.62 1.57 2.20 1.68 0.75 1.08 1.18 1.19 1.68 2.14 2.34 1.83 -2.08% 3.19% -3.66% -4.42% -3.73% -26.84% -5.71% -8.01% 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Under $125M - $250M - $500M - $1Bn $125M $250M $500M $1Bn $5Bn 12/31/2013 $5Bn $10Bn Over $10Bn CA Thrifts 12/31/2014 Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- STOCK PERFORMANCE Carpenter and Company—Stock Performance Report Industrywide Ratio Comparisons Carpenter California Banks - SNL Bank Index: Price/Tangible Book Ratio (x) 12/31/2014 California Banks SNL Banks Total Assets: Less than $250M Less than $500M $250M - $500M $500M - $1Bn $1Bn - $5Bn $5Bn - $10Bn Over $10Bn Thrifts 1.01 1.04 1.13 1.13 1.62 1.57 2.20 1.68 12/31/2013 California Banks SNL Banks 3.18 1.23 1.19 1.18 1.74 2.21 1.74 1.58 0.75 1.05 1.18 1.19 1.68 2.14 2.34 1.83 3.27 1.23 1.15 1.27 2.05 2.36 1.73 1.73 2014 Comparison 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Less than Less than $250M - $500M $250M $500M $500M $1Bn California Banks $1Bn $5Bn $5Bn $10Bn SNL Banks Over $10Bn Thrifts Carpenter California Banks - SNL Bank Index: Price/LTM EPS Ratio (x) 12/31/2014 California Banks SNL Banks Total Assets: Less than $250M Less than $500M $250M - $500M $500M - $1Bn $1Bn - $5Bn $5Bn - $10Bn Over $10Bn Thrifts 14.46 15.47 16.84 13.94 18.57 14.27 20.75 17.66 12/31/2013 California Banks SNL Banks NA 15.17 15.17 16.02 19.24 19.61 18.90 26.87 16.24 16.78 17.88 14.74 16.89 18.47 19.42 16.45 24.47 14.12 13.92 14.65 18.54 20.22 15.15 19.91 2014 Comparison 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Less than Less than $250M - $500M $250M $500M $500M $1Bn California Banks $1Bn $5Bn $5Bn $10Bn SNL Banks Over $10Bn Thrifts Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- STOCK PERFORMANCE Carpenter and Company— 2014 Annual Stock Performance Report California Banks with Total Assets Under $125 Million Total Market Capitalization: $231 Million Symbol Name Last Trade Date CABB CKTM CMUV DEBC FHLB FTFS GSBB MOLB PAMB PPFC SAGN SFRK SUTB SVBA TRVB USMT CALIFORNIA BUSINESS BANK COMMERCE BANK OF T EMECULA COMMUNIT Y VALLEY BANK DELT A NAT IONAL BANCORP FRIENDLY HILLS BANK F&T FINANCIAL SERVICES GOLDEN ST AT E BANK MOT HER LODE BANK PAN AMERICAN BANK PAN PACIFIC BANK SAIGON NAT IONAL BANK SECURIT Y FIRST BANK SUT T ER COMMUNIT Y BANK SIERRA VIST A BANK T RI-VALLEY BANK US MET RO BANK 31-Dec 20-Oct 26-Dec 17-Dec 31-Dec 29-Dec 12-Nov 26-Dec 21-Nov 31-Dec 18-Dec 30-Dec 30-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 30-Dec Annual Price ($) Volume 0.97 4.25 5.16 8.00 7.11 69.25 0.60 1.10 0.50 2.65 0.08 4.85 5.60 4.50 0.28 1.70 271,166 80,746 336,524 373 491,717 8,761 127,043 357,782 3,550 414,210 85,279 68,541 86,455 82,474 381,860 73,912 Mkt Cap ($) 91,010,805 6,385,090 8,425,263 3,042,424 11,489,760 20,298,976 1,106,760 4,881,784 16,708,380 13,209,882 5,554,093 8,657,371 5,329,397 18,077,972 6,950,448 10,166,000 Average Median High Low LTM Price/ 2014 Pricing P/E T. Book Min Max N/M 34.70 N/M N/M 6.41 N/M N/M N/M N/M 4.32 N/M 9.89 29.28 3.91 N/M N/M 14.75 8.15 34.70 3.91 N/M 0.71 0.77 0.38 0.79 0.59 0.33 0.96 N/M 0.75 N/M 0.67 0.58 1.11 0.89 0.95 0.73 0.75 1.11 0.33 0.22 3.75 5.05 7.00 5.01 67.75 0.19 1.05 0.12 2.40 0.08 3.88 5.00 2.53 0.21 1.07 Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- 2.00 4.99 6.00 8.10 7.95 72.00 1.00 4.00 0.50 2.90 0.27 5.71 5.75 6.00 0.63 2.20 YTD Change ($) 0.75 0.00 0.01 1.00 2.09 0.75 0.42 -0.15 0.35 0.20 -0.08 0.68 -0.15 1.97 -0.11 0.45 (%) 340.9% 0.0% 0.2% 14.3% 41.6% 1.1% 224.3% -12.0% 233.3% 8.2% -50.0% 16.3% -2.6% 77.9% -28.2% 36.0% STOCK PERFORMANCE Carpenter and Company— 2014 Annual Stock Performance Report California Banks with Total Assets Between $125 and $250 Million Total Market Capitalization: $651 Million Symbol ARBV AUNB BNNP CALW CBBC CBJC CBYAA CCBC CFBN CRSB CTBP CYSM FBBN FBCP FMBP FOLB GVYB LGHT LIBC MNBO NCNB NRLB NWBN OCBB OJCB PBKX PBNK PFBN PFCI PMRA PVBK RVVY SBKK SMAL UIFC VBBK VCBC Name Last Trade Date Price ($) 31-Dec 30-Dec BANK OF NAPA NA 31-Dec CALWEST BANCORP 29-Dec COMMUNIT Y BUSINESS BANK 29-Dec CAPIT AL BANK 12-Dec COMMUNIT Y BANK OF T HE BAY 26-Dec CHINO COMMERCIAL BANCORP 31-Dec COMMUNIT Y 1ST BANK 31-Dec CORNERST ONE COMMUNIT Y BANK 31-Dec COAST BANCORP 26-Dec COMMUNIT Y BANK OF SANT A MARIA 31-Dec BANK OF SOUT HERN CALIFORNIA NA 10-Dec FOUNDERS BANCORP 31-Dec FIRST MOUNT AIN BANK 31-Dec FOLSOM LAKE BANK 31-Dec GOLDEN VALLEY BANCORP 24-Dec LIGHT HOUSE BANK 24-Dec LIBERT Y BANCORP INC 18-Dec MNB HOLDINGS CORP 2-Dec NORT HERN CALIFORNIA NAT IONAL B 31-Dec NORT HERN CALIFORNIA BANCORP IN 12-Dec NEW RESOURCE BANK 29-Dec ORANGE COUNT Y BUSINESS BANK NA 31-Dec OCB BANCORP 31-Dec PART NERS BANK OF CALIFORNIA 3-Dec PINNACLE BANK 30-Dec PACIFIC ALLIANCE BANK 18-Dec PACIFIC COMMERCE BANK 30-Dec PROMERICA BANK 30-Dec PACIFIC VALLEY BANK 30-Dec RIVER VALLEY COMMUNIT Y BANK 31-Dec SUNCREST BANK 31-Dec SUMMIT BANCSHARES INC 31-Dec UNIT I FINANCIAL CORP 26-Dec VIBRA BANK 5-Dec VALLEY COMMUNIT Y BANK 3-Dec AMERICAN RIVIERA BANK AMERICAS UNIT ED BANK 9.47 6.75 8.50 0.67 9.15 18.97 4.25 14.25 3.57 8.20 1.50 7.81 6.50 12.00 7.00 7.20 12.51 16.15 12.00 34.00 9.57 1.33 4.48 6.20 5.50 3.25 7.40 7.75 5.60 5.75 8.00 14.50 6.75 15.36 2.00 20.75 3.82 Annual Volume 710,872 793,378 276,555 238,024 124,773 23,558 737,239 143,994 356,560 302,240 86,614 371,672 4,719 105,140 811,281 71,032 27,170 226,854 7,947 16,839 57,599 36,506 795,070 397,070 217,889 14,267 390,536 11,100 227,136 239,887 91,187 28,913 123,525 24,719 107,683 44,364 360,679 Mkt Cap ($) 24,481,531 19,427,513 19,455,514 1,689,397 19,781,367 29,481,220 17,600,823 13,061,664 19,453,794 10,097,956 8,470,322 18,667,743 21,212,971 13,905,996 10,954,482 11,470,399 24,624,959 34,563,536 10,639,344 15,564,282 13,013,918 2,375,235 25,598,922 29,292,371 12,016,494 6,176,359 24,353,459 14,397,067 24,983,028 15,933,250 28,775,968 25,201,319 17,361,452 19,970,734 24,761,514 15,331,449 7,177,345 Average Median High Low LTM Price/ P/E T. Book 19.73 5.29 14.17 4.19 10.76 10.03 10.90 11.02 17.00 13.67 1.72 20.91 17.11 12.77 21.88 10.59 17.91 15.09 6.86 N/M 15.97 N/M 15.99 11.07 20.40 N/M 25.52 21.53 18.67 3.89 6.64 25.54 4.71 11.26 11.95 40.69 N/M 14.41 13.67 40.69 1.72 1.03 0.98 0.95 N/M 1.07 1.68 1.20 1.38 1.11 0.76 2.58 1.04 1.09 1.18 N/M 0.88 1.48 1.53 0.87 N/M 0.91 N/M 0.93 0.80 0.96 N/M 1.13 0.70 1.17 0.73 1.22 1.37 0.91 0.97 1.13 1.23 0.79 1.12 1.05 2.58 0.70 2014 Pricing Min Max 9.40 5.75 8.00 0.57 8.75 17.50 3.96 12.65 3.10 8.20 1.36 6.81 6.11 10.30 5.56 7.10 9.34 10.75 11.50 26.00 8.60 0.90 3.95 5.85 5.05 2.70 5.25 4.55 4.25 5.25 6.16 13.20 6.00 11.30 1.28 18.00 1.85 Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- 10.95 8.15 9.20 1.70 9.50 23.00 4.64 15.99 4.49 9.30 3.45 9.40 7.75 14.90 8.85 9.00 14.00 17.99 22.10 37.00 10.00 1.48 4.80 7.25 6.19 7.00 7.40 7.75 6.00 6.75 11.50 20.00 9.00 16.75 2.15 21.25 4.05 YTD Change ($) (%) -1.03 1.00 -0.20 -1.03 0.25 -0.53 -0.15 -1.65 -0.43 -0.30 -0.42 0.91 -0.50 1.70 -0.30 0.10 3.11 5.25 0.00 8.00 0.82 0.13 0.53 -1.05 -0.50 -3.75 2.12 2.85 1.35 0.70 -2.10 -2.50 0.85 4.06 0.63 2.75 1.57 -9.8% 17.4% -2.3% -60.6% 2.8% -2.7% -3.4% -10.4% -10.8% -3.5% -21.9% 13.2% -7.1% 16.5% -4.1% 1.4% 33.1% 48.2% 0.0% 30.8% 9.4% 10.8% 13.4% -14.5% -8.3% -53.6% 40.2% 58.2% 31.8% 13.9% -20.8% -14.7% 14.4% 35.9% 46.0% 15.3% 69.8% STOCK PERFORMANCE Carpenter and Company— 2014 Annual Stock Performance Report California Banks with Total Assets Between $250 and $500 Million Total Market Capitalization: $1.1 Billion Symbol ABNK AVBH BSCA CABC CNYB CWBK FCSB FISB GSCB IDPK MNHN MSBC MVLY NCAL OPBK RWCB SCBH SCZC SDPB SSBI TFCH UABK VCBP VLLX Name Last Trade Annual Date Price ($) Volume 29-Dec 31-Dec BANK OF SANT A CLARIT A 30-Dec CALIFORNIA BANK OF COMMERCE 31-Dec COUNT Y COMMERCE BANK 31-Dec COMMERCEWEST BANK 31-Dec FOCUS BUSINESS BANK 30-Dec 1ST CAPIT AL BANK 31-Dec GREAT ER SACRAMENT O BANCORP 31-Dec INDEPENDENCE BANK 31-Dec MANHAT T AN BANCORP 31-Dec MISSION BANCORP 30-Dec MISSION VALLEY BANCORP 31-Dec NCAL BANCORP 31-Dec OPEN BANK 31-Dec REDWOOD CAPIT AL BANCORP 26-Dec SEACOAST COMMERCE BANC HOLDING 31-Dec SANT A CRUZ COUNT Y BANK 29-Dec SAN DIEGO PRIVAT E BANK 31-Dec SUMMIT ST AT E BANK 31-Dec T FC HOLDING COMPANY 30-Dec UNIT ED AMERICAN BANK 31-Dec VALLEY COMMERCE BANCORP 31-Dec VALLEY REPUBLIC BANK 24-Dec ALT APACIFIC BANK AVIDBANK HOLDING 592,527 10.25 410,617 12.05 260,405 9.15 474,339 11.95 76,045 18.70 13.05 1,780,590 247,986 9.30 973,922 11.36 361,259 21.50 496,628 14.70 165,027 3.30 133,646 28.10 205,546 6.10 135,876 0.50 625,796 7.10 95,546 9.98 488,643 12.05 125,653 21.42 210,540 14.10 13.88 1,279,159 569,020 12.75 541,624 0.24 235,638 15.25 37,024 15.55 Mkt Cap ($) 54,858,636 52,274,840 21,430,535 51,579,164 26,803,626 53,804,524 27,804,415 42,472,586 56,272,810 70,877,932 41,574,284 39,802,020 16,050,521 11,147,784 88,029,946 18,576,882 67,843,163 45,783,087 57,663,854 66,323,776 84,716,840 10,802,374 44,451,447 54,350,920 Average Median High Low LTM P/E 21.19 21.91 19.47 12.24 14.29 13.45 23.25 22.01 19.20 21.94 24.00 13.64 14.88 N/M 22.90 9.24 17.99 11.33 14.84 14.16 13.31 N/M 11.43 23.31 17.27 16.43 24.00 9.24 Price/ 2014 Pricing T. Book Min Max 1.12 1.04 0.91 1.11 1.22 1.08 0.99 1.05 1.45 N/M 0.84 1.08 0.96 N/M 1.37 1.08 N/M 1.23 1.15 1.38 1.23 N/M 1.03 1.34 1.13 1.10 1.45 0.84 8.49 10.60 8.76 10.05 15.75 3.01 8.56 10.67 15.20 8.00 3.30 24.05 5.85 0.25 7.00 8.51 7.31 17.51 11.69 11.27 8.05 0.22 12.87 15.05 Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- 11.00 12.20 9.30 12.05 19.15 14.50 9.70 12.00 21.65 14.70 4.21 30.00 7.00 1.00 8.75 10.00 12.10 23.00 14.34 14.24 12.75 0.65 15.65 19.00 YTD Change ($) (%) 2.85 38.5% 0.35 3.0% 0.20 2.2% 1.05 9.6% 2.60 16.1% -0.85 -6.1% 0.40 4.5% 0.03 0.3% 6.30 41.4% 6.70 83.8% -0.86 -20.7% 4.05 16.8% -0.40 -6.2% -0.05 -9.1% -0.40 -5.3% 1.17 13.3% 4.05 50.6% 3.67 20.7% 2.41 20.6% 3.38 32.2% 2.75 27.5% 0.02 9.1% 1.74 12.9% -0.73 -4.5% STOCK PERFORMANCE Carpenter and Company— 2014 Annual Stock Performance Report California Banks with Total Assets Between $500 Million and $1 Billion Total Market Capitalization: $1.6 Billion 12/31/2014 Symbol AMRB BCML BOCH CFNB CRPB CWBB CWBC FCTY FNBG FNRN OVLY PDOB PFCF PLBC PLZB PVLY SCAF SWBC UBFO Name Last Trade Annual Date Price ($) Volume 31-Dec 9.42 31-Dec 11.90 BANK OF COMMERCE HLDG 31-Dec 5.96 CALIFORNIA FIRST NAT IONAL BANCORP 31-Dec 14.19 CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC BANK 30-Dec 27.00 COMMONWEALT H BUSINESS BANK 31-Dec 23.00 COMMUNIT Y WEST BANCSHARES 31-Dec 6.56 1ST CENT URY BANCSHARES 31-Dec 6.35 FNB BANCORP 31-Dec 27.75 FIRST NORT HERN COMMUNIT Y BANCOR 31-Dec 7.92 OAK VALLEY BANCORP 31-Dec 10.16 PRESIDIO BANK 31-Dec 12.50 PACIFIC CIT Y FINANCIAL CORP 7-Oct 12.38 PLUMAS BANCORP 31-Dec 7.99 PLAZA BANK 30-Dec 2.95 PREMIER VALLEY BANK 31-Dec 6.15 SECURIT Y CALIFORNIA BANCORP 31-Dec 11.62 SUNWEST BANK 3-Sep 38,000.00 UNIT ED SECURIT Y BANCSHARES 31-Dec 5.46 AMERICAN RIVER BANKSHARES BAY COMMERCIAL BANK 2,978,855 1,512,048 4,132,816 1,564,927 632,160 447,617 1,721,314 1,359,108 348,460 645,620 907,276 454,090 19,819 682,112 117,877 2,699,644 500,466 22 1,719,072 Mkt Cap ($) LTM P/E 76,204,173 56,643,893 79,230,911 148,417,954 208,345,743 89,159,500 53,809,928 64,427,595 118,048,361 77,619,612 82,040,527 52,487,500 109,859,390 38,289,185 50,560,935 75,638,850 65,896,044 84,170,000 83,387,206 19.22 12.14 13.86 19.17 11.74 8.49 7.72 31.75 17.24 14.67 11.16 18.66 8.60 9.07 11.80 10.25 17.82 10.35 11.10 Average Median High Low 13.94 11.80 31.75 7.72 Price/ 2014 Pricing YTD Change T. Book Min Max ($) (%) 1.06 8.51 10.00 1.02 9.70 12.10 0.97 5.63 6.90 0.80 13.91 15.62 2.01 23.45 29.25 1.22 19.32 23.60 0.93 6.00 7.84 1.08 6.35 8.50 1.30 24.90 28.25 1.00 6.98 8.06 1.13 8.25 11.05 1.31 9.90 12.50 1.31 11.00 14.00 1.10 5.98 8.25 0.93 2.86 3.55 1.39 5.76 6.37 1.08 9.61 11.89 0.83 33,000 39,000 1.09 4.56 5.94 1.13 1.08 2.01 0.80 Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- -0.03 2.20 0.25 -0.91 3.30 1.60 0.00 -0.80 -0.25 0.72 1.79 2.55 8.38 1.77 -0.03 0.33 2.01 5,000 0.54 -0.3% 22.7% 4.4% -6.0% 13.9% 7.5% 0.0% -11.2% -0.9% 10.0% 21.4% 25.6% 209.5% 28.4% -1.0% 5.7% 20.9% 15.2% 11.0% STOCK PERFORMANCE Carpenter and Company— 2014 Annual Stock Performance Report California Banks with Total Assets Between $1 and $5 Billion Total Market Capitalization: $8.5 Billion Symbol Name Last Trade Date AMBZ BANC BBNK BMRC BSRR CUNB CVCY EXSR FMCB HAFC HEOP HTBK MCHB OPB PFBC PMBC PPBI RCBC TCBK WABC WIBC 31-Dec 31-Dec BRIDGE CAPIT AL HOLDINGS 31-Dec BANK OF MARIN BANCORP 31-Dec SIERRA BANCORP 31-Dec CU BANCORP 31-Dec CENT RAL VALLEY COMMUNIT Y BAN 31-Dec EXCHANGE BANK 30-Dec FARMERS & MERCHANT S BANCORP ( 23-Dec HANMI FINANCIAL CORP 31-Dec HERIT AGE OAKS BANCORP 31-Dec HERIT AGE COMMERCE CORP 31-Dec MECHANICS BANK 31-Dec OPUS BANK 31-Dec PREFERRED BANK 31-Dec PACIFIC MERCANT ILE BANCORP 31-Dec PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP 31-Dec RIVER CIT Y BANK 22-Dec T RICO BANCSHARES 31-Dec WEST AMERICA BANCORP 31-Dec WILSHIRE BANCORP INC 31-Dec AMERICAN BUSINESS BANK BANC OF CALIFORNIA Price ($) 27.76 11.47 22.38 52.59 17.56 21.69 11.08 84.00 463.00 21.81 8.39 8.83 26,200 28.37 27.89 7.04 17.33 120.00 24.70 49.02 10.13 Annual Volume Mkt Cap TMLTM Price/ 2014 Pricing S P/E T. Book Min Max ($) 482,168 165,020,125 51,508,258 381,052,784 5,709,828 358,841,345 3,875,050 312,037,927 6,412,707 242,110,028 4,814,237 355,763,132 3,997,762 121,656,073 88,988 144,004,896 9,955 360,159,366 41,934,991 695,826,916 12,956,197 284,719,332 8,035,560 233,298,781 380 507,756,000 14,485,354 797,569,441 7,537,076 376,377,168 4,950,347 136,822,618M 10,245,051 292,776,763 7,930 149,031,360 18,500,099 561,059,611 45,801,918 1,268,980,446 93,007,001 793,250,923 Average Median High Low 14.35 16.87 18.81 18.01 16.26 23.07 12.59 8.42 14.58 15.47 44.16 21.54 24.83 22.52 16.22 N/M 17.68 15.09 15.73 20.95 14.27 1.43 1.01 1.98 1.68 1.35 1.81 1.20 0.90 1.58 1.61 1.73 1.44 1.57 N/M 1.64 1.29 1.75 N/M 1.59 3.20 1.96 18.57 16.56 44.16 8.42 1.62 1.59 3.20 0.90 24.20 9.78 19.48 42.02 14.98 17.17 10.51 67.50 417.00 19.42 6.77 7.77 13,000 25.98 20.02 6.07 13.65 98.10 21.70 44.96 8.94 30.00 13.84 24.88 53.05 17.79 22.07 13.38 87.00 466.00 24.87 8.42 8.98 26,200 31.74 27.89 7.25 17.36 120.00 28.10 55.98 11.82 YTD Change ($) (%) -2.52 -8.3% -1.94 -14.5% 1.84 9.0% 9.20 21.2% 1.47 9.1% 4.21 24.1% -0.17 -1.5% 15.00 21.7% 46.00 11.0% -0.08 -0.4% 0.89 11.9% 0.59 7.2% 13,200 101.5% -1.63 -5.4% 7.84 39.1% 0.82 13.2% 1.59 10.1% 20.00 20.0% -3.67 -12.9% -7.44 -13.2% -0.80 -7.3% Carpenter and Company— 2014 Annual Stock Performance Report California Banks with Total Assets Between $5 and $10 Billion Total Market Capitalization: $3.6 Billion Symbol Name Last Trade Date BBCN CVBF FMBL 31-Dec 31-Dec FARMERS & MERCHANT S BAN 30-Dec BBCN BANCORP CVB FINANCIAL CORP Price ($) 14.38 16.02 6,060 Annual Volume 112,104,633 111,855,784 4,035 Mkt Cap ($) 1,143,171,620 1,695,314,145 793,423,680 Average Median High Low LTM Price/ 2014 Pricing YTD Change P/E T. Book Min Max ($) (%) 13.57 16.35 12.89 14.27 13.57 16.35 12.89 1.51 2.20 0.99 1.57 1.51 2.20 0.99 13.27 13.81 5,226 Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- 18.21 16.95 6,200 -2.21 -13.3% -1.05 -6.2% 834.00 16.0% STOCK PERFORMANCE Carpenter and Company— 2014 Annual Stock Performance Report California Banks with Total Assets Between $10 and $100 Billion Total Market Capitalization: $29.8 Billion Symbol Name Last Trade Date CATY CYN EWBC FRC PACW SIVB CAT HAY GENERAL BANCORP CIT Y NAT IONAL CORP EAST WEST BANCORP INC FIRST REPUBLIC BANK PACWEST BANCORP SVB FINANCIAL GROUP Mkt Cap ($) 97,276,044 66,587,520 162,775,647 239,912,835 208,809,343 106,187,469 2,039,631,962 4,453,805,250 5,556,934,501 7,201,716,859 4,683,645,152 5,902,075,697 15.23 19.66 16.90 16.81 34.70 21.18 1.63 2.25 2.45 2.01 2.70 2.17 Average Median High Low 20.75 18.28 34.70 15.23 2.20 2.21 2.70 1.63 Price ($) 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 25.59 80.81 38.71 52.12 45.46 116.07 LTM P/E Price/ 2014 Pricing T. Book Min Max Annual Volume YTD Change 22.76 27.02 68.39 81.85 31.65 39.31 45.77 55.62 38.12 47.58 96.02 132.27 ($) (%) -1.14 1.59 3.74 -0.23 3.24 11.21 -4.3% 2.0% 10.7% -0.4% 7.7% 10.7% Carpenter and Company— 2014 Annual Stock Performance Report California Thrifts Total Market Capitalization: $1.6 Billion Symbol BOFI BYFC FUBP MLGF PROV SMPL Name Last Trade Annual Date Price ($) Volume 31-Dec 31-Dec FIRST ULB CORP. 17-Nov MALAGA FINANCIAL CORP 31-Dec PROVIDENT FINANCIAL HOLDINGS INC 31-Dec SIMPLICIT Y BANCORP, INC 31-Dec BOFI HOLDINGS INC BROADWAY FINANCIAL CORP 77.81 58,055,873 1.31 2,901,293 5,597 15.15 179,694 21.75 15.13 8,048,440 17.15 5,371,289 Mkt Cap ($) LTM Price/ 2014 Pricing YTD Change P/E T. Book Min Max ($) (%) 1,152,644,582 28,040,796 21,522,817 130,602,203 138,470,743 126,795,232 18.53 14.56 N/M 11.76 19.65 23.82 2.82 N/M N/M 1.27 N/M 0.95 Average Median High Low 17.66 18.53 23.82 11.76 1.68 1.27 2.82 0.95 65.67 105.55 0.96 2.68 14.50 15.50 19.05 22.06 13.81 15.94 16.02 18.03 Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- -0.62 -0.8% 0.38 41.0% 0.15 1.0% 2.55 13.3% 0.13 0.9% 0.99 6.1% INDUSTRY RANKINGS: Returns year ending 12/2014 PERFORMANCEOFCALIFORNIAFINANCIALINSTITUTIONS,CALENDARYEAR2014 RANKINGBASEDON CompanyName Year Charter Assets Est. Type ($000) S‐CorpAdjusted ROAA CHANGEIN ROAE ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE 1stCapitalBank 2007 CommercialBank 464,863 0.45 4.98 163 147 106 93 1stCenturyBank,N.A. 2004 CommercialBank 585,189 0.43 4.45 166 157 188 191 AltaPacificBank 2006 CommercialBank 337,918 1.11 7.18 56 98 30 30 AmericaCaliforniaBank 1972 CommercialBank 133,648 0.42 3.35 167 168 185 184 AmericanBusinessBank 1998 CommercialBank 1,535,724 0.80 10.51 105 44 155 171 AmericanContinentalBank 2003 CommercialBank 198,850 0.82 6.21 102 122 54 62 AmericanPlusBank,N.A. 2007 CommercialBank 303,187 1.41 9.46 31 59 48 136 AmericanRiverBank 1983 CommercialBank 617,911 0.78 5.36 112 138 45 46 AmericanRivieraBank 2006 CommercialBank 225,203 0.76 6.05 117 125 116 86 AmericasUnitedBank 2006 CommercialBank 161,093 0.41 2.60 169 181 205 201 ArmedForcesBankofCalifornia,N.A. 1999 CommercialBank 16,903 ‐0.58 ‐1.77 198 193 202 189 AsianPacificNationalBank 1990 CommercialBank 55,431 0.49 3.04 158 173 90 91 Avidbank 2003 CommercialBank 468,920 0.58 5.66 148 131 92 110 BACCommunityBank 1965 CommercialBank 488,159 0.62 6.68 143 109 102 119 BalboaThriftandLoanAssoc. 1980 IndustrialBank 206,126 1.17 7.16 48 99 186 182 BanamexUSA 1963 CommercialBank 1,206,785 ‐8.31 ‐42.94 210 209 208 207 BancofCalifornia,N.A. 1941 CommercialBank 5,958,502 0.54 5.32 153 140 165 177 BankofAmericaCalifornia,N.A. 1984 CommercialBank 26,261,000 1.97 22.03 9 4 34 51 BankofFeatherRiver 2007 CommercialBank 74,760 1.13 8.65 53 75 99 81 BankofHemet 1974 CommercialBank 489,353 1.71 14.40 19 19 135 139 BankofManhattan,N.A. 2007 CommercialBank 499,208 ‐0.64 ‐5.65 199 199 191 193 BankofMarin 1990 CommercialBank 1,786,799 1.12 10.81 55 37 61 56 BankofNapa,N.A. 2006 CommercialBank 179,335 0.73 5.57 126 133 179 175 BankofNewYorkMellonTrustCo.,N.A. 1981 CommercialBank 1,957,197 4.47 5.12 3 144 195 159 BankofRioVista 1904 CommercialBank 195,159 0.55 4.34 152 158 35 39 BankofSacramento 1998 CommercialBank 468,558 0.74 7.74 124 93 74 87 BankofSanFrancisco 2005 CommercialBank 174,586 0.68 6.98 133 102 126 115 BankofSantaBarbara 2005 CommercialBank 160,129 ‐0.37 ‐3.70 194 196 193 198 BankofSantaClarita 2004 CommercialBank 261,025 0.38 4.48 175 156 109 112 BankofSouthernCalifornia,N.A. 2001 CommercialBank 317,376 1.73 15.51 17 14 16 14 BankofStockton 1867 CommercialBank 2,391,091 0.91 6.19 91 123 56 94 BankoftheOrient 1971 CommercialBank 466,559 ‐0.47 ‐4.06 196 198 196 204 BankoftheSierra 1978 CommercialBank 1,634,631 1.07 7.52 63 95 79 77 All rankings in the top 25 are shaded; multiple top 25 rankings are shared in orange. Carpenter & Company -- Industry Rankings: 2014 Returns on Average Assets and Average Equity PERFORMANCEOFCALIFORNIAFINANCIALINSTITUTIONS,CALENDARYEAR2014 RANKINGBASEDON CompanyName Year Charter Assets Est. Type ($000) S‐CorpAdjusted ROAA CHANGEIN ROAE ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE BankoftheWest 1874 CommercialBank 71,682,343 0.80 4.61 106 151 130 113 BankofWhittier,N.A. 1982 CommercialBank 54,521 0.45 2.82 164 177 162 158 BayCommercialBank 2004 CommercialBank 504,391 1.13 9.45 54 61 37 28 BBCNBank 1986 CommercialBank 7,135,461 1.35 10.52 36 43 125 105 BeneficialStateBank 2007 CommercialBank 366,037 0.54 4.92 154 148 27 26 BofIFederalBank 2000 SavingsBank 5,190,392 1.65 19.04 20 5 93 99 BridgeBank,N.A. 2001 CommercialBank 1,810,353 1.10 10.61 58 40 84 84 BroadwayFederalBank,F.S.B. 1947 SavingsBank 350,860 0.96 8.88 81 71 17 15 CaliforniaBank&Trust 1972 CommercialBank 11,340,164 0.91 6.60 92 112 171 168 CaliforniaBankofCommerce 2007 CommercialBank 445,613 0.84 6.61 98 111 55 111 CaliforniaBusinessBank 2005 CommercialBank 80,836 ‐3.70 ‐21.06 209 207 2 1 CaliforniaFirstNationalBank 2001 CommercialBank 601,914 1.08 5.36 60 137 141 124 CaliforniaPacificBank 1980 CommercialBank 97,286 0.92 3.44 88 165 181 172 CaliforniaRepublicBank 2007 CommercialBank 1,121,028 1.33 16.34 37 11 25 21 CaliforniaUnitedBank 2005 CommercialBank 2,264,327 0.66 6.00 136 126 138 155 CapitalBank 2008 CommercialBank 252,474 1.44 13.86 29 20 52 34 CapitalBankandTrustCompany,FSB 2000 CommercialBank 90,743 23.50 44.68 1 1 1 24 CathayBank 1962 CommercialBank 11,488,897 1.24 8.45 42 80 78 82 CentralValleyCommunityBank 1980 CommercialBank 1,191,439 0.49 4.26 159 159 172 167 ChinoCommercialBank,N.A. 2000 CommercialBank 130,009 1.01 9.75 70 54 65 76 CitizensBusinessBank 1974 CommercialBank 7,372,382 1.50 12.62 25 25 97 85 CityNationalBank 1954 CommercialBank 32,314,043 0.83 9.48 101 58 91 92 CoastNationalBank 1997 CommercialBank 128,123 0.41 4.89 170 149 174 190 CommerceBankofTemeculaValley 2007 CommercialBank 60,346 0.40 2.74 172 179 15 20 CommerceWestBank 2001 CommercialBank 422,567 1.36 9.49 34 57 76 69 CommercialBankofCalifornia 2003 CommercialBank 322,788 0.16 1.15 190 189 41 44 CommonwealthBusinessBank 2005 CommercialBank 653,450 1.84 15.95 13 13 104 67 Community1stBank 2006 CommercialBank 230,025 0.67 6.75 134 107 151 161 CommunityBank 1983 CommercialBank 3,585,719 0.75 9.32 120 63 115 127 CommunityBankofSantaMaria 2001 CommercialBank 211,001 0.37 3.75 177 163 127 126 CommunityBankoftheBay 1996 CommercialBank 224,571 0.91 8.55 93 77 166 165 CommunityBusinessBank 2005 CommercialBank 213,234 1.08 8.35 61 81 31 31 CommunityCommerceBank 1976 IndustrialBank 199,501 1.45 6.26 28 120 175 180 CommunityValleyBank 2007 CommercialBank 121,783 1.74 15.42 15 15 26 27 CommunityWestBank,N.A. 1989 CommercialBank 556,996 1.32 11.40 38 32 178 179 CornerstoneCommunityBank 2006 CommercialBank 149,064 0.56 5.95 151 127 167 169 CountyCommerceBank 2003 CommercialBank 252,706 0.80 8.89 107 70 122 123 CTBCBankCorp.(USA) 1965 CommercialBank 2,309,031 0.54 2.98 155 174 210 209 DeltaBank,N.A. 1973 CommercialBank 101,981 ‐0.76 ‐9.13 201 200 23 22 All rankings in the top 25 are shaded; multiple top 25 rankings are shaded in orange. Carpenter & Company -- Industry Rankings: 2014 Returns on Average Assets and Average Equity PERFORMANCEOFCALIFORNIAFINANCIALINSTITUTIONS,CALENDARYEAR2014 RANKINGBASEDON CompanyName EastWestBank Year Charter Assets Est. Type ($000) 1973 CommercialBank 28,678,038 S‐CorpAdjusted ROAA 1.14 CHANGEIN ROAE ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE 11.90 52 31 136 141 EasternInternationalBank 1985 CommercialBank 122,325 0.49 3.44 160 166 124 140 EHNationalBank 2005 CommercialBank 231,444 ‐0.03 ‐0.20 192 192 18 23 ElDoradoSavingsBank,F.S.B. 1957 SavingsBank 1,893,663 0.63 6.38 140 118 68 68 EverTrustBank 1995 CommercialBank 678,291 0.93 4.79 86 150 119 96 ExchangeBank 1890 CommercialBank 1,881,314 0.99 11.37 77 33 70 57 FarEastNationalBank 1974 CommercialBank 1,340,351 0.60 2.79 145 178 83 73 Farmers&MerchantsBankofCentralCA 1916 CommercialBank 2,361,078 1.21 11.30 45 34 114 106 Farmers&MerchantsBankofLongBeac 1907 CommercialBank 5,581,239 1.15 7.96 51 90 123 125 121,888 0.82 3.27 103 170 134 133 FinanceandThriftCompany 1925 IndustrialBank FirstAmericanTrust,F.S.B. 1985 SavingsBank 2,627,805 0.78 10.96 113 36 98 120 FirstChoiceBank 2005 CommercialBank 626,473 0.75 8.94 121 69 87 60 FirstCommercialBank(USA) 1997 CommercialBank 481,791 0.97 4.50 79 152 29 38 FirstCommunityBank 2005 CommercialBank 914,859 1.37 12.91 33 22 121 89 FirstCreditBank 1983 CommercialBank 384,264 3.75 9.14 5 66 190 176 FirstFederalS&LAofSanRafael 1963 SavingsBank 173,614 0.26 1.20 187 188 152 149 FirstFoundationBank 2007 CommercialBank 1,352,172 0.88 10.23 95 47 159 174 FirstGeneralBank 2005 CommercialBank 585,152 1.77 15.39 14 16 94 146 FirstMountainBank 1981 CommercialBank 137,895 0.51 5.57 156 134 95 114 FirstNationalBankofNorthernCA 1963 CommercialBank 914,981 1.08 10.14 62 48 42 40 131 FirstNationalBankofSouthernCA 1984 CommercialBank 169,976 ‐0.52 ‐3.74 197 197 139 FirstNorthernBankofDixon 1910 CommercialBank 957,884 0.63 7.01 141 101 101 90 FirstRepublicBank 2010 CommercialBank 48,353,330 1.06 10.68 64 39 147 156 FiveStarBank 1999 CommercialBank 603,753 1.39 16.17 32 12 107 103 FocusBusinessBank 2007 CommercialBank 391,283 0.32 4.18 182 160 105 65 FolsomLakeBank 2007 CommercialBank 154,323 0.84 8.51 99 78 71 74 FoundersCommunityBank 2005 CommercialBank 168,808 0.99 10.25 78 46 43 33 FremontBank 1964 CommercialBank 2,716,157 0.93 9.90 87 51 192 194 FresnoFirstBank 2005 CommercialBank 253,669 0.89 9.19 94 65 19 16 FriendlyHillsBank 2006 CommercialBank 119,903 2.00 16.57 8 9 10 11 GatewayBank,F.S.B 1990 SavingsBank 186,462 ‐1.79 ‐34.98 206 208 128 183 GBCInternationalBank 1976 CommercialBank 485,261 1.01 9.39 71 62 77 102 GoldenPacificBank,N.A. 1986 CommercialBank 132,239 ‐1.08 ‐12.30 204 205 182 186 GoldenStateBank 2003 CommercialBank 93,960 ‐1.25 ‐9.56 205 201 158 18 GoldenValleyBank 2006 CommercialBank 165,755 0.96 8.31 82 82 113 78 GrandpointBank 2007 CommercialBank 2,750,197 0.81 6.35 104 119 33 35 HanmiBank 1982 CommercialBank 4,230,522 1.16 9.46 49 60 169 153 HeritageBankofCommerce 1994 CommercialBank 1,616,356 0.96 8.82 83 74 81 72 HeritageOaksBank 1983 CommercialBank 1,708,212 0.61 5.18 144 143 176 173 All rankings in the top 25 are shaded; multiple top 25 rankings are shaded in orange. Carpenter & Company -- Industry Rankings: 2014 Returns on Average Assets and Average Equity PERFORMANCEOFCALIFORNIAFINANCIALINSTITUTIONS,CALENDARYEAR2014 RANKINGBASEDON CompanyName Year Charter Assets Est. Type ($000) 121,520 S‐CorpAdjusted ROAA HomeBankofCalifornia 1981 CommercialBank 1.73 IndependenceBank 2004 CommercialBank 423,151 InternationalCityBank,N.A. 1984 CommercialBank 139,833 JPMorganBankandTrustCompany,N.A. 2008 CommercialBank 6,144,071 1.93 CHANGEIN ROAE ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE 8.85 18 73 0.74 6.60 125 113 67 41 0.80 5.86 108 129 198 197 9.49 11 56 180 185 39 55 LibertyBank 1982 CommercialBank 235,848 0.57 4.48 149 154 163 162 LighthouseBank 2007 CommercialBank 168,334 1.47 10.06 27 49 86 137 LutherBurbankSavings 1982 SavingsBank 3,983,776 0.76 6.19 118 124 168 170 MalagaBankF.S.B. 1985 SavingsBank 946,456 1.31 9.87 39 52 140 143 ManufacturersBank 1962 CommercialBank 2,450,443 0.40 3.25 173 171 80 80 MechanicsBank 1905 CommercialBank 3,370,491 0.77 8.07 115 88 58 63 MegaBank 2008 CommercialBank 269,997 0.44 3.39 165 167 103 104 MerchantsBankofCalifornia,N.A. 1989 CommercialBank 87,924 1.74 8.09 16 87 40 75 MerchantsNationalBankofSacramento 1921 CommercialBank 220,675 0.75 8.22 122 85 129 118 MetropolitanBank 1983 CommercialBank 142,908 1.05 9.98 68 50 108 101 MissionBank 1998 CommercialBank 412,713 0.73 8.27 127 84 62 58 MissionNationalBank 1982 CommercialBank 177,448 1.00 8.12 73 86 88 122 MissionValleyBank 2001 CommercialBank 264,181 0.71 5.06 131 146 120 129 MontecitoBank&Trust 1975 CommercialBank 1,190,168 0.79 7.78 111 92 118 121 MontereyCountyBank 1977 CommercialBank 211,083 1.87 28.71 12 3 9 3 MotherLodeBank 2004 CommercialBank 74,150 ‐0.76 ‐9.90 202 203 189 196 MUFGUnionBank,N.A. 1953 CommercialBank 113,120,106 0.70 5.23 132 142 69 98 MurphyBank 1984 CommercialBank 189,195 1.62 12.68 23 24 156 79 NationalBankofCalifornia 1982 CommercialBank 348,144 ‐0.73 ‐11.86 200 204 157 178 NeighborhoodNationalBank 1997 CommercialBank 69,797 ‐1.06 ‐18.67 203 206 38 42 NewOMNIBank,N.A. 1979 CommercialBank 310,665 0.57 4.48 150 155 150 132 NewResourceBank 2006 CommercialBank 247,372 0.75 5.84 123 130 47 43 NorthernCaliforniaNationalBank 2006 CommercialBank 161,970 0.50 5.34 157 139 133 108 OakValleyCommunityBank 1991 CommercialBank 749,385 1.06 10.58 65 41 57 59 OjaiCommunityBank 2005 CommercialBank 165,496 0.32 3.08 183 172 110 107 OneWestBank,N.A. 2009 CommercialBank 21,805,004 0.76 5.61 119 132 177 160 OpenBank 2005 CommercialBank 530,892 1.09 8.64 59 76 187 188 OpusBank 1993 CommercialBank 5,085,649 1.00 5.89 74 128 207 205 OrangeCountyBusinessBank 2002 CommercialBank 206,012 3.62 18.12 6 7 5 8 PacificAllianceBank 2006 CommercialBank 213,189 0.59 5.38 147 136 154 151 PacificCityBank 2003 CommercialBank 893,960 1.48 15.00 26 18 194 195 PacificCoastBankers'Bank 1997 CommercialBank 595,654 0.80 6.63 109 110 50 54 PacificCommerceBank 2002 CommercialBank 217,780 0.87 6.43 96 117 200 199 PacificEnterpriseBank 2007 CommercialBank 402,251 1.59 13.77 24 21 111 130 PacificMercantileBank 1999 CommercialBank 1,094,120 0.28 2.54 186 182 8 6 All rankings in the top 25 are shaded; multiple top 25 rankings are shaded in orange. Carpenter & Company -- Industry Rankings: 2014 Returns on Average Assets and Average Equity PERFORMANCEOFCALIFORNIAFINANCIALINSTITUTIONS,CALENDARYEAR2014 RANKINGBASEDON CompanyName Year Charter Assets Est. Type ($000) PacificPremierBank 1983 CommercialBank 2,033,786 PacificValleyBank 2004 CommercialBank PacificWesternBank 1982 CommercialBank PanAmericanBank 1971 CommercialBank PanPacificBank 2005 CommercialBank PartnersBankofCalifornia 2007 CommercialBank 140,594 S‐CorpAdjusted ROAA CHANGEIN ROAE ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE 1.02 8.87 69 72 36 36 252,934 0.35 2.98 180 175 199 203 15,997,619 1.36 7.30 35 96 24 45 37,989 ‐3.63 ‐52.15 208 210 28 17 120,096 2.66 18.43 7 6 6 7 1.06 9.24 66 64 11 10 PinnacleBank 2006 CommercialBank 230,421 0.46 4.11 162 161 206 208 PlazaBank 2005 CommercialBank 554,105 1.01 9.13 72 67 148 147 PlumasBank 1980 CommercialBank 538,073 1.06 10.81 67 38 44 37 PreferredBank 1991 CommercialBank 2,054,281 1.31 11.09 40 35 63 64 PremierBusinessBank 2006 CommercialBank 219,908 0.41 3.50 171 164 197 200 PremierValleyBank 2001 CommercialBank 650,281 1.20 10.56 46 42 85 66 PresidioBank 2006 CommercialBank 542,753 0.64 6.84 139 104 72 47 ProAméricaBank 2006 CommercialBank 165,214 0.40 2.26 174 184 203 202 ProvidentSavingsBank,FSB 1956 SavingsBank 1,112,398 0.78 6.52 114 115 170 164 Rabobank,N.A. 1981 CommercialBank RanchoSantaFeThrift&LoanAssoc. 1982 IndustrialBank 15,154,000 0.30 1.88 185 187 137 135 28,169 0.35 0.36 181 191 60 97 ReddingBankofCommerce 1982 CommercialBank 996,565 RedwoodCapitalBank 2004 CommercialBank 280,260 0.77 6.56 116 114 145 142 0.92 9.50 89 55 73 71 RiverCityBank 1963 CommercialBank 1,276,101 0.96 8.29 84 83 100 117 RiverValleyCommunityBank 2006 CommercialBank 210,987 0.60 5.49 146 135 153 144 RoyalBusinessBank 2008 CommercialBank 920,715 1.25 7.98 41 89 49 53 SaigonNationalBank 2005 CommercialBank 48,867 ‐2.35 ‐9.81 207 202 201 192 166 SanDiegoPrivateBank 2006 CommercialBank 423,513 0.73 5.06 128 145 173 SantaCruzCountyBank 2004 CommercialBank 459,795 1.00 12.17 75 28 53 50 SavingsBankofMendocinoCounty 1903 CommercialBank 974,642 0.84 5.24 100 141 164 157 ScottValleyBank 1858 CommercialBank 576,796 0.67 6.23 135 121 64 70 SeacoastCommerceBank 2003 CommercialBank 410,350 1.24 15.21 43 17 20 13 SecurityBankofCalifornia 2005 CommercialBank 610,997 0.72 7.60 129 94 82 61 SecurityFirstBank 2007 CommercialBank 104,203 1.96 16.40 10 10 12 12 SierraVistaBank 2007 CommercialBank 121,689 0.42 2.97 168 176 209 210 SiliconValleyBank 1983 CommercialBank 37,619,619 0.80 11.92 110 30 117 83 SilvergateBank 1988 CommercialBank 864,692 0.72 7.03 130 100 142 134 SimplicityBank 1953 SavingsBank 863,218 0.66 4.48 137 153 131 128 SouthCountyBank,N.A. 1999 CommercialBank 132,484 0.36 6.83 178 105 66 49 StateBankofIndia(California) 1982 CommercialBank 698,071 0.08 0.46 191 190 89 95 SummitBank 1982 CommercialBank 216,755 1.44 12.86 30 23 21 25 SummitStateBank 1982 CommercialBank 459,674 1.19 8.48 47 79 46 48 SuncrestBank 2008 CommercialBank 188,639 0.24 2.13 188 185 204 206 All rankings in the top 25 are shaded; multiple top 25 rankings are shaded in orange. Carpenter & Company -- Industry Rankings: 2014 Returns on Average Assets and Average Equity PERFORMANCEOFCALIFORNIAFINANCIALINSTITUTIONS,CALENDARYEAR2014 RANKINGBASEDON CompanyName SunwestBank Year Charter Assets Est. Type ($000) 1970 CommercialBank 837,515 S‐CorpAdjusted ROAA CHANGEIN ROAE ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE 1.00 7.95 76 91 184 181 SutterCommunityBank 2006 CommercialBank 67,422 0.36 2.69 179 180 96 100 TomatoBank 2000 CommercialBank 444,077 1.63 9.86 21 53 75 116 TransPacificNationalBank 1984 CommercialBank 112,352 0.38 3.31 176 169 146 152 TriCountiesBank 1975 CommercialBank 3,914,555 0.96 9.07 85 68 143 150 Tri‐ValleyBank 2005 CommercialBank 95,317 ‐0.24 ‐2.99 193 194 13 9 TustinCommunityBank 1981 CommercialBank 69,971 0.92 6.69 90 108 161 154 UnitedAmericanBank 2003 CommercialBank 265,250 0.87 12.19 97 27 14 5 UnitedBusinessBank,F.S.B. 1990 SavingsBank 362,305 0.19 1.96 189 186 183 187 UnitedPacificBank 1982 CommercialBank 108,250 1.11 6.44 57 116 51 88 UnitedSecurityBank 1987 CommercialBank 665,243 0.97 7.20 80 97 160 163 UnitiBank 2001 CommercialBank 189,906 4.25 29.99 4 2 3 4 UniversalBank 1954 SavingsBank 316,829 0.49 3.84 161 162 32 32 USMetroBank 2006 CommercialBank 109,989 0.32 2.38 184 183 4 2 ValleyBusinessBank 1996 CommercialBank 407,881 1.16 10.25 50 45 132 138 ValleyCommunityBank 1998 CommercialBank 126,393 ‐0.37 ‐3.20 195 195 144 148 ValleyRepublicBank 2009 CommercialBank 421,258 0.66 6.86 138 103 59 52 VibraBank 2008 CommercialBank 140,434 0.63 6.80 142 106 22 19 WellsFargoBank,Ltd. 1985 CommercialBank 719,459 12.41 16.63 2 8 7 29 WestAmericaBank 1884 CommercialBank 4,995,062 1.24 12.21 44 26 149 145 WilshireBank 1980 CommercialBank 4,149,966 1.63 11.97 22 29 112 109 ABOUT THE RETURN RANKINGS Rankingsofthe2014returnsonaverageassetsandaverageequityarebasedupondataforCalifornia inancial institutions, as of December 31, 2014, obtained from SNL Financial. This analysis excludes non‐depository trustcompanies.TherankingsarebasedonreturnsadjustedforS‐Corptreatment. Therankingswerebaseduponthefollowingmetrics: ReturnsonassetsandequityforthecalendaryearendingDecember31,2014 Year‐over‐yearchangeinreturnonaverageassets(ROAA)andreturnonaverageequity(ROAE) Note:Noadjustments were make in the return dataand rankings for thefollowing factorsthat may cause a distortioninthereturnratiosrelativetoother inancialinstitutions: A inancialinstitutionwithahighdependencyonfeeincome. A inancial institution that is owned by a holding company; a holding company could absorb a portionoftheoperatingexpensesoftheindividual inancialinstitution. A inancialinstitutionwithalargeincometaxlosscarry‐forwardsoritsearningsarenottaxedat thefulltaxrateforCaliforniacorporations. All rankings in the top 25 are shaded; multiple top 25 rankings are shaded in orange. Carpenter & Company --