Statistics 151 – Course Outline Winter 2015 STATISTICS 151 – INTRODUCTION TO APPLIED STATISTICS I (WINTER 2015) University of Alberta – Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences General Stat 151 Website: Section Q1 R1 R2 S1 T1 U1 - Class Time MWF 9:00-9:50 Room TL 12 Instructor Cartledge, P Office CAB 409 Office Hours Email WF 11:00 – 13:00 & R 12:30 – 14:00 MWF 10:00-10:50 TL B 2 Simchi, A CAB 587 MWF 11:00 – 12:30 & TR 10:00 – 12:15 MWF 10:00-10:50 ESB 3 27 Fok, R CAB 487 MWF 13:00 – 13:50 MWF 12:00-12:50 ETLC E1 003 Yaskina, M CAB 463 MWF 13:00 – 13:50 MWF 14:00-14:50 ESB 3 27 Cartledge, P CAB 409 WF 11:00 – 13:00 & R 12:30 – 14:00 TR 12:30-13:50 CCIS L2 190 Fok, R CAB 487 MWF 13:00 – 13:50 Students can attend any of the office hours listed above or contact their instructor to make an appointment. Email Rules: 1) Please put “Stat 151” in the subject line. 2) Emails sent from your ualberta account are preferred (emails not sent using your CCID email may be treated as suspect and possibly ignored). 3) Please ask specific questions. 4) Please allow for up to 48 hours for email replies. Course Description: STAT 151 is an introductory statistics course focusing on statistical reasoning and data analysis. Topics include: Data collection and presentation, descriptive statistics. Probability distributions, sampling distributions, and the central limit theorem. Point estimation and hypothesis testing. Correlation and regression analysis. Goodness of fit and contingency tables. Course Prerequisite: Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2. This course may not be taken for credit if credit has been obtained in any STAT course, or in PEDS 309, PSYCO 211 or SOC 210. Course Objectives and Expected Learning Outcomes: This course provides an introduction to statistical methods and their applications. The main topics are: obtaining and summarizing data with graphs and numeric measures; probability theory; and statistical inference (drawing conclusions from sample data by carrying out a hypothesis test). This course also comes with a lab component; students will use a computer program, STATCRUNCH, as a tool to further help their understanding in statistical analysis. At the end of this course, students should be able to make objective decisions based upon statistical data. Textbook and References: 1) Textbook Options: a. Text: STATS: Data and Models, Canadian Edition, by De Veaux, Velleman, Bock, Vukov, and Wong, published by Pearson. The text packaged with MyStatLab (online homework used for this course) is available in the bookstore for approximately $133. b. eBook with MyStatLab access code. You can purchase it through the bookstore for approximately $86.50, or you can also purchase it online when you register on eClass for approximately $76. NOTE: The bookstore sells the used textbook for $99.75, which does not include MyStatLab access code. Student wishes to access MyStatLab using their own computer(s) should buy one of the options listed above. The textbook is essential resource for this course. Students are responsible for any assigned readings from the textbook throughout the course. 2) Additional Resources: Please print off the class notes and examples (when they are available) and bring them to class. You won’t be given time to copy these out in class. Recommended or Optional Learning Resources: 1) There are practice midterm and final exams posted on eClass. 2) There are practice questions that you can find on MyStatLab. Policy about course outlines can be found in section 23.4(2) of the University Calendar. Disclaimer: Any typographical errors in this Course Outline are subject to change and will be announced in class. Page 1 of 7 Statistics 151 – Course Outline Winter 2015 Syllabus: Here is the tentative outline with the approximate number of classes indicated for each topic. Chapter Description 1 Introduction 11-13 Gathering Data (Assigned Reading) 2-10 Descriptive Statistics (Ch 10: covers only the idea of ln transform) 14-16 Probability and Probability Models (Ch 16: covers only E(aX±bY) and Var(aX±bY)) 18 Sampling Distributions 19-21, 23 One-Sample Inference (Ch 21: will not cover pg. 573-575) 22, 24, 25 Two-Sample Inference (Ch 24: covers both Pooled and Non-pooled test) 28 ANOVA 26 Chi-Square Tests Grade Assessment: Assignments (15) Lab Assignments (4) Midterm Exam Final Exam 10% 10% 30% 50% Hours 1 0 6 8 3 7 4 3 3 Saturday, February 28, 2015, from 9:30 – 11:00. Location for each section: Section Q1: CCIS 1-430 Section R1: ETLC E1 007 Section R2: ETLC E1 013 Section S1: NREF 1 001 & NREF 1 003 Section T1: CCIS 1-440 Section U1: ETLC E1 017 Saturday, April 18, 2015, from 0900 – 1200. Locations: TBA. Note: The date of the final examination is set by the Registrar and takes precedence over the final examination date reported in this document. Students must verify this data on BearTracks when the Final Exam Schedule is posted. Your final grade will be determined based on your overall score out of 100. grades. Score < 50 50535660657052 55 59 64 69 74 Grade F D D+ CC C+ B- Here is the distribution that will be used to assign 7579 B 8084 B+ 8589 A- 9094 A 95100 A+ Grades are unofficial until approved by the Department and/or Faculty offering the course. Examinations: Midterm Exam (30%): The midterm exam will be a 90-minute consolidated exam held on Saturday, February 28, 2015, locations mentioned above, from 0930 to 1100, consisting of 30 multiple choice questions. The midterm exam will cover Chapters 1 to 18 inclusive. More details about the topics will be discussed closer to the exam. Final Exam (50%): The cumulative final exam will be a 180-minute consolidated exam held on Saturday, April 18, 2015, location TBA, from 0900 to 1200, consisting of 50 multiple choice questions. More details about location and topics will be discussed closer to the exam. The date of the final examination is set by the Registrar and takes precedence over the final examination date reported in this syllabus. Midterm and Final Exam Formats and Rules: The exams are closed book. Necessary formula sheets and tables will be provided. A copy of the formula sheet and tables can be found on the eClass website. You must bring your own NONPROGRAMMABLE calculator. You are not permitted to share a calculator. All other electronic equipment is prohibited. Your student photo ID is required at exams to verify your identity. Students will not be allowed to begin an examination Policy about course outlines can be found in section 23.4(2) of the University Calendar. Disclaimer: Any typographical errors in this Course Outline are subject to change and will be announced in class. Page 2 of 7 Statistics 151 – Course Outline Winter 2015 after it has been in progress for 30 minutes. Students must remain in the exam room until at least 30 minutes have elapsed. Electronic equipment other than non-programmable calculators cannot be brought into examination rooms and hats should not be worn. Any PROGRAMMABLE or GRAPHING calculators will be confiscated (only to be returned at the end of the examination) and, as such, you will be required to do the exam without a calculator. If you are uncertain whether your calculator is nonprogrammable or not, please verify it with your instructor. All programmable/graphing calculators are strictly prohibited on exams. Here is a list of some prohibited calculators: Casio Casio HP Sharp TI FX-502P series FX-602P series FX-603P FX-702P FX-850P FX-CG10 Casio 9750 series Casio 9850 series Casio 9860 series Casio ClassPad HP HP-25 HP 35s HP-41C HP-48 HP-49 HP-50 HP-65 HP Prime Series Sharp PC-1401 PC-1403 EL-9900C TI TI-58 C TI-59 TI-73 TI-83 Plus TI-84 Plus TI-89 TI-Nspire NOTE: If you cannot write an exam due to religious conflict or any other school related conflict, you must notify your instructor in writing on or before Monday, January 19, 2015. If you fail to notify us of a religious conflict or any other school related conflict on or before Monday, January 19, 2015, then you MUST write the exam on the regularly scheduled date or you will receive a ZERO on the exam. No other reasons will be considered for alternate exam accommodations. Past (or Representative) Evaluative Material: There are practice midterm and final exams posted on eClass. Labs and Lab Assignments (10%): Beyond the information below, it will be assumed you are familiar with all information under the topic “Labs” on eClass. There are 4 typewritten lab assignments to submit. You can find all the lab instructions, assignments, data files, due dates, solutions, and all other related information on the eClass (there is no lab manual). Before you start working on the lab assignment problems, you should first familiarize yourself with the relevant lecture material and go through the lab instructions corresponding to the lab assignment. Software: You will use the statistical software package StatCrunch to complete the lab assignments. You will be required to generate your own StatCrunch output and then answer the questions from the output using your knowledge from class. Statcrunch is a web-based statistical application containing all statistical features covered in introductory statistics courses. The software can be accessed through eClass in any campus lab and from your home computer if you have internet. Lab Instructions & Lab Videos: You are expected to do your lab assignments on your own time using online instructions and videos available on the website. Each lab in eClass contains instructions in text and video form. It is expected that you view these before completing the lab. Lab Assistance: There are no assigned lab sessions in Stat 151. On the week that the lab is due, there are drop-in lab help sessions on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays for the students to attend. You may ask the lab assistants to clarify lab assignment questions. Each lab help session will start at the beginning of the hour (1200, 1300, and so on). Lab help sessions are scheduled as follows: o Monday: 1400 – 1700 in CAB 341 o Tuesday: 1400 – 1700 in CAB 331 and 341 o Wednesday: 1400 – 1800 in CAB 331 and CAB 341 Introductory Lab: You must work through the Introductory Lab Instructions available on the Stat 151 eClass website. Videos are available to further help your understanding in using StatCrunch. You are not to submit anything from this introduction. It is your responsibility to keep a backup of your work. It is your responsibility to protect your work. Do not leave your work on a university computer. Policy about course outlines can be found in section 23.4(2) of the University Calendar. Disclaimer: Any typographical errors in this Course Outline are subject to change and will be announced in class. Page 3 of 7 Statistics 151 – Course Outline Winter 2015 Submit your lab assignments into the appropriate wooden box on 3rd floor CAB by 0850 (8:50am) on their respective due dates. ***Late or misplaced lab assignments will not be graded and will result in a ZERO recorded for that assignment. No extensions will be granted. You MUST do your own work! Grading Fairness: In order to ensure the fairness of the grading process of labs across all groups marked by different graders, the total score of the four labs for each student may be adjusted by the overall average lab total for all students in the course if significant differences among the groups are found. That means that some totals for individual students may be slightly increased. Homework Assignments (10%): Your homework assignments will be administered through MyStatLab, an online homework assessment system. There are 2 alternatives to access MyStatLab: o MyStatLab access with paid access code You can access MyStatLab through eClass using the access code that comes with your copy of the new textbook or the eBook that you purchase either through the bookstore or online. With the paid access code, you can access MyStatLab at any computers at any locations any time of the day With the paid access code, you have online resources such as hints, step-by-step help, and examples similar to the questions that you are required to complete as part of the homework. To register, refer to the file “MyStatLab Registration for Paid Access Code” available on eClass. NOTE: Solving problems is an excellent way to master the STAT 151 material. In addition to your regular assignments, you are strongly encouraged to attempt a variety of problems from the text. MyStatLab also has a variety of practice problems and quizzes. o MyStatLab access with no-cost-alternative access code You can only access MyStatLab assignments through the university computers at Cameron Knowledge Common. The computers at Cameron Library are available on a first come first serve basis. Please plan to do your assignments ahead in time. It is your responsibility for completing the assigned homework in a timely fashion. No late assignments will be accepted. To register, refer to the file “MyStatLab Registration for No-Cost-Alternative Access Code” available on eClass. There are 15 homework assignments with 3 due dates as follows: o Assignments (Chapters 11 – 13): Friday, January 30, 2015 at 23:59 (11:59pm) o Assignments (Chapters 2 – 9, 14 – 16, 18): Friday, February 27, 2015 at 23:59 (11:59pm) o Assignments (Chapters 19 – 26, 28): Friday, April 10, 2015 at 23:59 (11:59pm) Format: Once you are in MyStatLab, you will be able to see the homework assignments and when a homework is available and due. After an answer is entered on MyStatLab, you will get an instant response as to if your answer is correct. You are allowed unlimited tries for each question, but MyStatLab will give you a new but similar question after enough attempts with incorrect answers. Please complete your homework before the due date. Late assignments will not be accepted. Medical and other excuses are not accepted as a reason for late assignments as due dates for these assignments are known in advance. Within 48 hours of the due time of a homework assignment, any technology/computer problem (unless it is a general problem with MyStatLab that affects all students) will not be accepted as a valid excuse for failing to complete the assignment in time. Please plan to complete the assignments well in advance of the actual due date. If you have an isolated issue, you therefore have plenty of time to resolve it and/or access another computer. NOTE: The first time you enter your course from your own computer and anytime you use a new computer, click the Installation Wizard or Browser Check on the Announcements page. After completing the installation process and closing the wizard, you will be on your course home page and ready to explore your MyStatLab resources! MyStatLab registration help: If you have any questions regarding registration or technical issues relating to MyStatLab, contact Product Support at for live CHAT or phone support. If your issue is unresolved by technical support, then you will be given an incident number. You can then send this incident number to your instructor and they will be able to forward this issue on to the correct person. Policy about course outlines can be found in section 23.4(2) of the University Calendar. Disclaimer: Any typographical errors in this Course Outline are subject to change and will be announced in class. Page 4 of 7 Statistics 151 – Course Outline Winter 2015 On-Line Homework Disclaimer: Online homework is a component of this course and is provided by a third-party company. The University of Alberta is not responsible for the content of the third-party service or for any injury or damage arising from its use. Please be aware that this company will be storing assessment information that may be associated with you. If you have any concerns about this, please contact the instructor of the course. Excused Absence Where the Cause is Religious Belief: For an excused absence where the cause is religious belief, a student must contact the instructor(s) within two weeks of the start of Fall or Winter classes to request accommodation for the term (including the final exam, where relevant). Instructors may request adequate documentation to substantiate the student request. Missed Components: Missed Midterm and Missed Lab Assignments: A student who cannot write the midterm exam or hand in a lab assignment due to incapacitating illness, severe domestic affliction, or other compelling reasons can apply to transfer the weight of the missed component to the final exam. There are no deferred term exams or lab assignments. To apply for a weight transferral, a student must inform the instructor within two working days following the scheduled date of the term work or term exam missed, or as soon as the student is able, having regard to the circumstances underlying the absence. In all cases, instructors may request adequate documentation to substantiate the reason for the absence at their discretion. An excused absence is a privilege and not a right; there is no guarantee that an absence will be excused. Misrepresentation of Facts to gain an excused absence is a serious breach of the Code of Student Behaviour. Missed MyStatLab Homework Assignments: Since the material is covered in class well before the due dates, no excuses are accepted for missing a due date. Missed Final Examination: A student who cannot write the final examination due to incapacitating illness, severe domestic affliction or other compelling reasons can apply for a deferred final examination. Students who failed at the start of term to request exam accommodations for religious beliefs are expected to follow the normal deferred final examination process. Such an application must be made to the student’s Faculty office within two working days of the missed examination and must be supported by a Statutory Declaration or other appropriate documentation (Calendar section 23.5.6). Deferred examinations are a privilege and not a right; there is no guarantee that a deferred examination will be granted. Misrepresentation of Facts to gain a deferred examination is a serious breach of the Code of Student Behaviour. Date: Saturday, May 2, 2015 Time: 0900 – 1200 Location: TBA. Please meet outside of the classroom at 0830 to register for the exam NOTE: Deferral of term work and/or examinations is a privilege and not a right; there is no guarantee that a deferral will be granted. Misrepresentation of Facts to gain a deferral is a serious breach of the Code of Student Behaviour. Reexamination: A student who writes the final examination and fails the course may apply for a reexamination. Reexaminations are rarely granted in the Faculty of Science. These exams are governed by University (Calendar section 23.5.5) and Faculty of Science Regulations (Calendar section 192.5.3). Misrepresentation of Facts to gain a re-examination is a serious breach of the Code of Student Behaviour. Student Responsibilities: ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: ‘The University of Alberta is committed to the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty. Students are expected to be familiar with these standards regarding academic honesty and to uphold the policies of the University in this respect. Students are particularly urged to familiarize themselves with the provisions of the Code of Student Behaviour (online at and avoid any behaviour which could potentially result in suspicions of cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation of facts and/or participation in an offence. Academic dishonesty is a serious offence and can result in suspension or expulsion from the University.’ Policy about course outlines can be found in section 23.4(2) of the University Calendar. Disclaimer: Any typographical errors in this Course Outline are subject to change and will be announced in class. Page 5 of 7 Statistics 151 – Course Outline Winter 2015 All forms of dishonesty are unacceptable at the University. Any offense will be reported to the Senior Associate Dean of Science who will determine the disciplinary action to be taken. Cheating, plagiarism and misrepresentation of facts are serious offenses. Anyone who engages in these practices will receive at minimum a grade of zero for the exam or paper in question and no opportunity will be given to replace the grade or redistribute the weights. As well, in the Faculty of Science, the sanction for cheating on any examination will include a disciplinary failing grade (no exceptions) and senior students should expect a period of suspension or expulsion from the University of Alberta. Cell Phones: Cell phones are to be silenced (turn the ringer off) during lectures, labs, and seminars. Cell phones are not to be brought to exams (you cannot use your cell phone as a calculator). Recording and/or Distribution of Course Materials: Audio or video recording, digital or otherwise, of lectures, labs, seminars or any other teaching environment by students is allowed only with the prior written consent of the instructor or as a part of an approved accommodation plan. Student or instructor content, digital or otherwise, created and/or used within the context of the course is to be used solely for personal study, and is not to be used or distributed for any other purpose without prior written consent from the content author(s). Students Eligible For Accessibility-Related Accomodations (students registered with Specialized Support & Disability Services - SSDS): Eligible students have both rights and responsibilities with regard to accessibility-related accommodations. Consequently, scheduling exam accommodations in accordance with SSDS deadlines and procedures is essential. Please note adherance to procedures and deadlines is required for U of A to provide accommodations. Contact SSDS ( for further information. Decima Robinson Support Centre for Mathematical & Statistical Sciences ( Students who require additional help with assignments or have questions about the course material in general are encouraged to visit the Decima Robinson Support Centre (528 Central Academic Building). Graduate students will be available to provide one-on-one help. In order to get maximum help during each visit, students are asked to be specific about the problem with which they are seeking help. See link above for hours. Policy about course outlines can be found in section 23.4(2) of the University Calendar. Disclaimer: Any typographical errors in this Course Outline are subject to change and will be announced in class. Page 6 of 7 Statistics 151 – Course Outline Winter 2015 Tentative Lecture Schedule & Assigned Readings: Week Day 1 Monday 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Date 5-Jan MWF Introduction; Ch 11 - 13 Gathering Data 1 (Assigned Readings) TR Labs Important Dates Introduction; Ch 11 - 13 Gathering Data 1 (Assigned Readings) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 6-Jan 7-Jan 8-Jan 9-Jan 12-Jan 13-Jan 14-Jan 15-Jan 16-Jan 19-Jan 20-Jan 21-Jan 22-Jan 23-Jan 26-Jan 27-Jan 28-Jan 29-Jan 30-Jan 2-Feb 3-Feb 4-Feb 5-Feb 6-Feb 9-Feb 10-Feb 11-Feb 12-Feb 13-Feb 16-Feb 17-Feb 18-Feb 19-Feb 20-Feb 23-Feb 24-Feb 25-Feb 26-Feb 27-Feb 28-Feb 2-Mar 3-Mar 4-Mar 5-Mar 6-Mar 9-Mar 10-Mar 11-Mar 12-Mar 13-Mar 16-Mar 17-Mar 18-Mar 19-Mar 20-Mar 23-Mar 24-Mar 25-Mar 26-Mar 27-Mar 30-Mar 31-Mar 1-Apr 2-Apr 3-Apr 6-Apr 7-Apr 8-Apr 9-Apr Friday Saturday 10-Apr 36 Review 18-Apr FINAL 9:00am-12:00pm 2 Ch 2 - 6 (Descriptive Stats) 2 Ch 2 - 6 (Descriptive Stats) 3 Ch 2 - 6 (Descriptive Stats) 4 Ch 2 - 6 (Descriptive Stats) 3 Ch 2 - 6 (Descriptive Stats) 5 Ch 7 - 10 (Regression) 4 Ch 7 - 10 (Regression) 6 Ch 7 - 10 (Regression) 7 Ch 7 - 10 (Regression) Registration Deadline 5 Ch 7 - 10 (Regression) 8 Ch 14 - 17 (Probability) 6 Ch 14 - 17 (Probability) 9 Ch 14 - 17 (Probability) 10 Ch 14 - 17 (Probability) 7 Ch 14 - 17 (Probability) 11 Ch 14 - 17 (Probability) 8 Ch 14 - 17 (Probability) 12 Ch 14 - 17 (Probability) 13 Ch 14 - 17 (Probability) Assignments Ch 11-13 Due 9 Ch 14 - 17 (Probability) 14 Ch 14 - 17 (Probability) 1 1 1 10 Ch 14 - 17 (Probability) Lab 1 Due at 8:50AM 15 Ch 14 - 17 (Probability) 16 Ch 18 (Sampling Distributions) 11 Ch 18 (Sampling Distributions) 17 Ch 18 (Sampling Distributions) 12 Ch 18 (Sampling Distributions) 18 Ch 18 (Sampling Distributions) Reading week Reading week 19 z and t-tools (Ch 19-25) 13 Ch 19 - 21, 23 (One Sample Inference) 20 z and t-tools (Ch 19-25) 2 2 2 14 Midterm Review Lab 2 Due at 8:50AM Assignments Ch 2-9, 14-16, 18 Due 21 Midterm Review MIDTERM (9:30 - 11:00AM) 22 z and t-tools (Ch 19-25) 15 z and t-tools (Ch 19-25) 23 z and t-tools (Ch 19-25) 16 z and t-tools (Ch 19-25) 24 z and t-tools (Ch 19-25) 25 z and t-tools (Ch 19-25) 16 z and t-tools (Ch 19-25) 26 z and t-tools (Ch 19-25) 17 z and t-tools (Ch 19-25) 27 z and t-tools (Ch 19-25) 28 z and t-tools (Ch 19-25) 19 z and t-tools (Ch 19-25) 28 z and t-tools (Ch 19-25) 3 3 3 20 z and t-tools (Ch 19-25) Lab 3 Due at 8:50AM 29 z and t-tools (Ch 19-25) 30 Ch 28 (ANOVA) 21 Ch 28 (ANOVA) 31 Ch 28 (ANOVA) 22 Ch 28 (ANOVA) 32 Ch 28 (ANOVA) 33 Ch 26 (Chi-Square Tests) 23 Ch 26 (Chi-Square Tests) 34 Ch 26 (Chi-Square Tests) 24 Ch 26 (Chi-Square Tests) 4 4 4 Withdrawal (Grade of W) Lab 4 Due at 8:50AM Easter Friday Easter Monday 25 Review 35 Ch 26 (Chi-Square Tests) 26 Review Last Day of Classes; Assignments Ch 19-16, 28 Due Policy about course outlines can be found in section 23.4(2) of the University Calendar. Disclaimer: Any typographical errors in this Course Outline are subject to change and will be announced in class. Page 7 of 7