Andrew Rosen Notes for Basics Tenses: *Antes de sus viajes implies imperfect* *Al always makes infinitive* Present: O, as, a, amos, an Ar O, es, e, emos, en Er O, es, e, imos, en Ir -ger or –gir to j in the yo (coger cojo, coges, coge, cogemos, cogen) - guir to g in the yo (distinguir distingo, distingues, distingue, distinguimos, distinguen) - CONSONANT + cer to z (vencer venzo, vences, vence, vencemos, vencen) - VOWEL + cer/cir toz c in the yo (conocer conozco, conoces, conoce, conocemos, conocen) Stem changes: Know the eie and oue verbs in ar/er Know the eie and oue and e in ir - iar/uar have written accent on i or u (enviar envío) - uir (not guir), a y is used after u (destruir destruyo) Preterite: é, aste, ó, amos, aron Ar í, iste, ió, imos ieron Er/Ir Irregulars: Ir/Ser Fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fueron Estar/Andar Estuve/anduve Caber/Saber Cupe/supe Traducir/Producir/Conducir Traduje/produje/conduje Dar/Ver Di/vi Hacer Hice, hiciste, hizo, hicimos, hicieron Decir dije Poder Pude Querer Quise Poner Puse Venir Vine Traer Traje Tener Tuve Ir verbs that have 3rd person changes: e->i: (servir) – serví, serviste, sirvió, servimos, sirvieron o->u: (dormir) – dormí, dormiste, durmió, dormimos, durmieron These irregulars have no accents Andrew Rosen Other Changes: Gar (ggu): Llegar – Llegué Car (cqu): Buscar – Busqué Zar (zc): Almorzar – Almorcé Leer/caer (iy): Leyó/Cayó Imperfect: Aba, abas, aba, ábamos, aban Ar ía, ías, ía, íamos, ían Irregulars: Ir Iba Ser Era Ver Veía Future: é, ás, á, emos, an Irregulars: Poner Pondr Tener Tendr Venir Vendr Salir Saldr Valer Valdr Caber Cabr Poder Podr Saber Sabr Hacer Har Quere Querr Haber Habr Decir Dir Conditional: Ending + imperfect tense in the er/ir Ser: Usually permanent condition Description Origin Soy Nationality Eres Time Es Date Occupation Somos Religion Son Estar: Usually temporary condition Weather Emotion Location Condition Estoy Estás Está Health Estamos Opinion Están Present Progressive too Andrew Rosen Fact vs. Opinion La pizza es la mejor del mundo – Description (ser) En mi opinion… - Opinion (estar) Present Progressive/Gerundio: ar ando er/ir iendo * The verb "estar" is conjugated in the present tense before using the present progressive verb * * Stem changes apply * (eg: Decir Diciendo) (eg: Dormir Durmiendo) * A "y" is used when the spelling must be altered to agree with the pronunciation * (eg: leer leyendo) Past Participle: Ar ado Er/Ir ido Conjugate haber in the present: he, has, ha, hemos, han * The use of "estar" typically means it is an adjective * *If it’s an adjective, the verb needs to have the right ending for gender and plural/singular* Imperative: Go to the “yo” drop the “o” and add opposite ending. Use exclamation points I. Formal A. Usted Ar e B. Er/Ir a Ustedes Ar en Er/Ir an II. Informal A. Negative Tú Ar es B. Er/Ir as Positive Tú Ar a III. Er/Ir e Irregular Positive Tú Di – Decir Ten - Tener Ve – Ir Ven - Venir Sé – Ser Pon - Poner Sal - Salir Haz - Hacer Andrew Rosen IV. Irregular Formal Commands and Negative Tú A. If there is a stem change in the present first person, then there is a stem change in the imperative Dormir Duerma B. Hacer Haga If it is a car (que), gar (gue) or zar(ce) then the imperative also changes Buscar Busque C. Comenzar Comience Pagar Pague Subjunctive Irregulars Ir Vaya Ser Sea Saber Sepa Dar Dé (Drop the accent when going to negative tú) Estar Esté V. Indirect and Direct Object Pronouns A. Positive Commands (accent is needed for words that are more than one syllable unless you are adding two pronouns) Escríbeme (Write me) Cómprelo (Buy it) Cómpremelo (Buy me it) Hágalo (Do it) Negative Command (Indirect before Direct) (Le/Les + Lo/La Se lo/la) B. No me lo escribe (Don’t write me it) No lo compre (Don’t buy it) Spanish Present Subjunctive The present subjunctive tense has to have: 2 Nouns, 2 Verbs (First one being a WEIRDO), and a “que” *Note: If the sentence does NOT have a que, write the infinitive form for the second verb. Rule for conjugating verbs: Go to the “yo,” drop the “o,” and add the opposite ending Irregular verbs: Haber (Haya) Ir Ser (Vaya) (Sea) Saber (Sepa) Dar (Dé) Estar (Esté) *Note: Accents only go on the “Yo” and “El, Ella, Usted” forms of “Dar” *Note: Accents go on all forms EXCEPT the nosotros Andrew Rosen If verbs end in (for present form of el/la/ too!): -car, the c gets changed to qu Sacar Saque -gar, the g gets changed to gu Llegar Llegue -zar, the z gets changed to c Empezar Empiece (Watch for the stem change) -ger OR -gir, the g gets changed to j Coger Coja Dirijir Dirija -guir, the gu gets changed to g Seguir Siga -cer WITH a VOWEL before the c, the c gets changed to a zc Conocer Conozca -cer WITH a CONSONANT before the c, the c gets changed to a z Vencer Venza WATCH FOR THESE: *ir stem changes in subj. do not go back to original in nosotros (eie goes to ei and oue goes to ou) Pensar Piense Pienses Piense PENSEMOS Piensen Volver Vuelva Vuelvas Vuelva VOLVAMOS Vuelvan Sentir Sienta Sientas Sienta SINTAMOS Sientan Dormir Duerma Duermas Duerma DURMAMOS Duerman Poder Pueda Puedas Pueda PODAMOS Puedan Common WEIRDO’s: Wishing: Querer, Desear, Esperar, Preferir Emotion: All emotions are game. Gustar AND No Gustar are both subjunctive. Watch out for Parecer. Parecer by itself is NOT subjunctive. However, with a “No” in front OR becomes subjunctive. “Mentiras” after it, it Impersonal: Everything starting with “Es …” Watch out for Convenir, and “Es preciso”. Although it means, “It is precise…”, it is still *Note: Es major and Más vale are both subjunctive. subjunctive. Andrew Rosen Request: Decir, Pedir, Sugerir, Insistir Doubt/Denial: Dudar, Negar, Es dudoso *Note: Although “Creer” and “Pensar” are not usually subjunctive, when they are preceded by a “No”, OR they are used as the first verb in a question, the second verb MUST be subjunctive. -This applies to: No es … (seguro, cierto, verdad, evidente) *"No negar" is not subjunctive Order: Aconsejar, Mandar, Exigir *Resultar = to result in (not subj.) Imperfect Subjunctive: *Always used after “como si” * *after a “si” clause, the 2nd verb is conditional and the first is imperfect subj* *Take off 3rd person preterit ending and add* Ara/aras/ara/áramos/aran Ar Iera/ieras/iera/iéramos/ieran er/ir I. The Perfect Tenses Present Perfect (Pretérito Perfecto) (Have) - He, Has, Ha, Hemos, Han Subject + D/I Object + Haber + Verb (ado/ido) Past Perfect (Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto) (Had) - Había, Habías, Había, Habíamos, Habían Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto/Futuro Compuesto) (Will Have) - Habré, Habrás, Habrá, Habremos, Habrán Conditional Perfect (Condicional/Potencial Perfecto) (Would Have and Probably) – Habría, Habrías, Habría, Habríamos, Habrían Andrew Rosen II. Irregular Past Participles Infinitive •Abrir •Cubrir •Decir •Escribir •Hacer •Imprimir •Morir •Poner •Romper •Ver •Volver •Componer •Descomponer •Describir •Descubrir •Deshacer •Devolver •Envolver •Imponer •Posponer •Predecir •Prever •Revolver •Caer •Creer •Leer •Oír •Traer Past Participles •Abierto •Cubierto •Dicho •Escrito •Hecho •Impreso •Muerto •Puesto •Roto •Visto •Vuelto •Compuesto •Descompuesto •Descrito •Decubierto •Deshecho •Devuelto •Envuelto •Impuesto •Pospuesto •Predicho •Previsto •Revuelto •Caído •Creído •Leído •Oído •Traído Present Perfect Subjunctive: Haya/hayas/haya/hayamos/hayan + participio pasado (ado/ido) Past Perfect Subjunctive: Hubiera/hubieras/hubiera/hubiéramos/hubieran + participio pasado (ado/ido) *Always comes after a “si” clause with the 2nd verb in the conditional perfect while the 1st is past perfect subjunctive*