Workshop 12: PBGC

PBGC Standard Terminations
and Coverage
Bela Palli, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)
Rhonda G Migdail, Keightley & Ashner LLP
Kurt F Piper, Piper Pension & Profit Sharing
To Be or Not to Be:
Planning for a Standard
Why is termination
• Business considerations
• Financial considerations
• Other options
– Plan freeze
Is plan projected to have sufficient
assets to pay all benefit liabilities?
• Consider sufficiency commitment from employer
– PBGC regulations allow an insufficiently funded plan to
proceed with a standard termination if the plan sponsor
and/or controlled group member makes a commitment
to contribute the additional sums necessary to make the
plan sufficient for all benefit liabilities
– Commitment must be in writing and signed by the plan
sponsor and/or controlled group member
– If the plan sponsor and/or the controlled group member
is in bankruptcy, the commitment must either be
approved by the bankruptcy court or unconditionally
guaranteed by a person not in bankruptcy
– Contribution subject to IRS section 404 deduction rules
Is plan projected to have sufficient
assets to pay all benefit liabilities?
• Consider majority owner “alternative
treatment” (consent to be at the “end of
the line”)
– A majority owner can agree to forego receipt
of all or a portion of his or her benefit to
extent needed to satisfy benefit liabilities for
non-majority owners
– A majority owner is a person who owns 50%
or more of a company
Majority Owner Consent
• To be valid:
– The agreement must be in writing
– The agreement must not be inconsistent with a
– If the benefit is greater than $3,500 (or $5,000
as applicable), the spouse, if any, must consent
in writing
• NOTE: IRS does not recognize waivers for
purposes of minimum funding requirements
Is plan projected to have sufficient
assets to pay all benefit liabilities?
• Consider “freeze and wait” approach
– Stop future benefit accruals
– “Freezing” a defined benefit pension
plan may not eliminate the need for
contributions if they are required by
minimum funding standards
– IRC § 436 considerations
Planning is key!
• Develop a “schedule” for termination
– Earliest/latest NOIT dates (and latest potential
204(h) notice date)
– Proposed termination date
– Notice of Plan Benefits and election
– IRS determination letter request (Form 5310) and
related notice
– Form 500 Filing with PBGC
– Annuity bids
– Earliest/latest distribution dates
Planning is key!
• Assign tasks (with deadlines) among actuary, attorney, plan
administrator, annuity placement advisor, etc.
– Determine who has “settlor” authority for decision, then document
(e.g., board resolution)
– Determine who has authority to act as plan administrator to
implement termination
• Determine any potential obstacles
– Any collective bargaining agreements bar to termination
– Evaluate availability and reliability of data and time needed to
determine all “benefit liabilities” and information needed for NOPB
• Develop participant communication strategy
– Check/update addresses for all participants/beneficiaries
– Identify any potential “missing” or “lost” participants
• Plan sponsor must undertake “diligent search” to take advantage of PBGC
missing participant program
Planning is key!
• Determine which costs may/should be paid from plan
– “Settlor” vs. “plan” expenses
• Determine “end game” investment strategy
– Potential use of derisking strategies
• Are there any illiquid assets and how will they be
• Research options for selection of annuity provider
• Consider whether there may be and how to deal with
potential reversion?
– Qualified replacement plan?
– Pro rata increases in accrued benefit?
Plan documentation issues
• What plan amendments are needed?
– Retain qualified status—Critical!
– Add termination lump sum provision (with immediate annuity)?
– Eliminate ancillary benefits or other non- 411(d)(6) protected
– Freeze benefits (if not already frozen) as a “fail safe” measure in
case termination not completed
– Address formula for allocating any residual assets among
– For cash balance plans, fix variable indices (interest crediting
and conversion to annuity)
– Be aware of PBGC’s rules on “post-termination amendments”
including residual asset allocation formula and other non411(d)(6) protected benefits
Standard Termination
Procedures: Doing it Right
Notice of Intent to Terminate
• Count 60–90 day period carefully from
proposed termination date back to NOIT
issuance date
– Exclude proposed termination date (“day
– Include NOIT issuance date
– If 60/90-day date falls within
weekend/holiday period, may issue NOIT on
day before/after weekend/holiday period
– Remember to test for earliest and latest
Notice of Intent to Terminate (Cont.)
• Need to anticipate who will be an “affected
party” as of future “proposed termination date”
– Err on side of over-inclusion (e.g., new
– But if you miss someone, PBGC’s “afterdiscovered affected parties” rules can save you
• Be careful regarding NOIT “freeze”
– PBGC less likely to nullify for defect if benefits
were frozen irrespective of plan termination
– Make clear if freeze is independent of
Notice of Intent to Terminate (Cont.)
• No required format, but best to use PBGC’s
“model” language in Form 500 package
– Possible foreign language requirement
• Additional information permitted
– Must not be “misleading”
– Helps to include cover letter to set expectations
(e.g., reason for termination, process/timing,
replacement plan, etc.)
• Once first NOIT issued, plan cannot pay lump
sums or purchase irrevocable commitments
until PBGC 60-day review period ends
(subject to “ordinary course” exception)
Notice of Plan Benefits
• Must issue NOPBs before filing Form 500 with
• Provides participant-specific data and allows
participant opportunity to make corrections
– Dates of birth / hire / termination, credited service,
compensation history (if applicable)
• Consider including election material with NOPBs
– May depend on expected timing of distributions and
expected receipt of IRS determination letter
– Note PPA 180-day notice/consent period provides
potentially more time for required notice period
Notice of Plan Benefits (Cont.)
• Determination of category (pay status,
valid election or de minimis benefits,
others not in pay status) may be unclear
– Example: de minimis hinges on interest rate
not yet known
– May want to provide NOPB information for
multiple categories
• If NOPB error discovered later, correct by
election notice deadline to preserve
possible “correction of errors” relief
IRS Determination Letter Request
• Not required, but usually advisable
– May not be feasible if goal is to distribute shortly after
PBGC review period
– But no disqualification “protection” without
determination letter and greater likelihood of IRS
– Note: PBGC will not treat determination letter as
determinative of whether all benefit liabilities have
been properly paid for Title I and Title IV purposes
• Must provide Notice to Interested Parties at least
10 days, but not more than 24 days, prior to the
date Form 5310 is filed
– Might coordinate with NOIT or NOPB
IRS Determination Letter Request (Cont.)
• File determination letter request before filing Form
500 with PBGC (allows later distribution deadline)
• Determination letter timing leads to potential loss
of control over distribution timing (risk of new
stability period and annuity purchase price
• May need substantial updating given IRS’s
determination letter “cycle” system (suddenly all
amendments needed!)
• Remember that IRS and PBGC post-termination
amendment rules differ!
IRS Determination Letter Request (Cont.)
• Data needed for Form 5310 and Form 6088
– 25 participants including 5% owners and highest
paid (in descending order of current three-year
average 415 compensation)
– Include years of participation and years of
credited service
– Need to estimate the present value of benefits at
the plan termination date
• Use lump sum value if provided for under plan terms
• Estimate annuity purchase assumptions for other
Form 500 Filing
• Watch out for deadline
– No later than 180th day after proposed
termination date
– No earlier than completion of NOPB issuance
• May need documentation of sufficiency
measures to certify to projected
sufficiency on the Schedule EA-S
(Enrolled Actuary’s certification)
– “Sufficiency commitment”
– Majority owner “alternative treatment”
Form 500 Filing (Cont.)
• If more time is needed (e.g., to
complete NOPB issuance or to
address sufficiency):
– Move the proposed termination date
(subject to 90-day limit regarding earliest
– Request an extension
– Start over (“61-day expedited” process)
PBGC Review
• PBGC likely to respond to Form 500 filing
2–3 weeks
– Acknowledgment letter (good news!)
– Notice of incomplete filing (can still correct)
– Notice of noncompliance (bad news!)
• If no word from PBGC within month or so,
call to make sure filing was received
• Termination distributions prohibited until
61 days after date PBGC received Form
500 filing
Notice of Annuity Information
• Often included with NOIT or NOPB, but
required at least 45 days before
• Must identify insurers from whom (or from
among whom) you intend to purchase
irrevocable commitments
– OK to include list of insurers from whom you
reasonably expect to solicit bids
– But new 45-day notice is required if new
insurer is to be used
Notice of Annuity Information (Cont.)
• Remember to give notice to all
participants and beneficiaries except de
minimis cashouts
– This includes participants expected to elect,
or who have elected, consensual lump sum
– One purpose of notice is to help participants
decide whether to elect lump sum
– Even a participant who has elected a lump
sum can change election (subject to
Standard Termination
Distribution: Doing it Right
• Must complete distribution by later of:
– 180th day after end of PBGC review period for
Form 500, or
– 120th day after receipt of favorable determination
letter (if valid request submitted by time Form
500 filed)
• May need extension (e.g., because of illiquid
assets, benefit dispute, election or data
– File request at least 15 days before deadline
– PBGC will focus on length of delay and exercise
of ordinary business care and prudence
Distribution (Cont.)
• Note deductibility issues regarding
contribution to “top up” for standard
termination distribution
– Can deduct in year of termination amount
necessary to be sufficient for all benefit
– PPA ‘06 rules generally allow larger
deductions (so may be no need to wait
until year of termination)
Distribution (Cont.)
• Distribution must meet ERISA/IRC requirements
(e.g., QJSA notice and consent, consequence of
failure to defer, special tax notice, etc.)
• Concerns regarding difficulty/cost to purchase
irrevocable commitment for small benefits (e.g.,
$6K benefit)
• If participant neglects or refuses to return election
forms (or cannot get spousal consent), must
• PPA “prohibited payment” restrictions do not apply
to payments to carry out standard termination in
accordance with applicable law
Distribution (Cont.)
• Watch out for timing of lump sum distributions
– Key issue: “annuity starting date” vis-à-vis stability
period (and resulting “lookback” month) changes
– PBGC regulations presume distribution date is ASD
in “absence of evidence establishing” another ASD
– But presumption may be overcome by use of
“immediate” ASD pursuant to Treas. Reg.§ 1.417(e)1(b)(1)
– Note that delays in payment beyond reasonable
administrative delay may result in new/later ASD
– Retroactive annuity starting dates: special concerns
Post-Distribution Certification
• Form 501 due within 30 days after distribution is
• PBGC provides penalty relief until 90 days after
distribution deadline
• Mark that 90th day on your calendar as soon as
you know distribution deadline!
• But may want to file Form 501 sooner, not later
– Likelihood of audit essentially same whenever you file
– Earlier filing puts you in earlier audit pool, so that any
audit takes place before memories/records harder to
Provision of Annuity Contract
• Where participant will receive distribution
through irrevocable commitment:
– Plan administrator or insurer must provide
participant annuity contract or certificate
within 30 days after it is available
– If contract/certificate unavailable by 90th day
after distribution deadline, plan administrator
must issue notice providing:
• Identifying information relating to insurer
• Statement re future receipt of contract or
Standard Termination Filings
and Audits
Standard Termination Filing
• Distributing plan assets in satisfaction of plan
– before filing Form 500 with PBGC
– within PBGC’s 60-day review period for the filing
– without filing the Form 500 with PBGC
• Filing is sent to the Premiums P.O. Box
Proper mailing address: Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Standard Termination Compliance Division
Processing and Technical Assistance Branch
1200 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005-4026
• Filing is faxed or emailed
Form 500 and 501 require original signatures
Standard Termination Filing
• Incorrect EIN and/or PN
• Not reporting a different EIN or PN if one was
used in a previous Premium Filing with PBGC
• Notice of Intent to Terminate issued less than
60 or more than 90 days prior to the proposed
termination date
• Notices of Plan Benefits issued after filing the
Standard Termination Notice with PBGC
• Standard Termination Notice not filed on or
before the 180th day after the proposed
termination date
• Filing a Standard Termination for a plan not
covered by PBGC
Standard Termination Filing
• Filing the Schedule MP and sending the MP funds
to the MP lockbox without conducting a diligent
search for the missing participants
• Sending missing participant funds to the MP
lockbox without the Payment Voucher
• Sending MP funds to the MP lockbox either way
before or way after filing the PDC and the
Schedule MP
• Not sending the Schedule MP and the Attachment
A and/or Attachment B along with the PDC
• Sending a Schedule MP without the plan
administrator or enrolled actuary’s signature
Standard Termination Audits
Audit a statistically significant number of plans terminating in
standard terminations to determine if the termination is in
compliance with the plan document, ERISA, PBGC Regulations and
the Code; if participants and beneficiaries have received their
benefit liabilities; and, if missing participant rules have been
followed. PBGC requires corrective action when needed. Currently
audit all plans with more than 300 participants and a random sample
of smaller plans
Conduct compliance audits of plan terminations when there is an
indication of a problem, e.g., a complaint from a participant or
Audit all plans that distribute plan assets in satisfaction of plan
liabilities before or without filing a standard termination notice with
Focus of PBGC audits is whether or not participants got proper
In case of problems, PBGC asks plan administrator to correct errors
PBGC Audits (Cont.)
• Timing of plan selection
– PBGC selects from Form 501’s filed in the
prior quarter
– To make cutoff, file Form 501 prior to end
of quarter
– If Form 501 filed late, any audit will be
• Initial audit letter generally issued
within 30 days after end of quarter
PBGC Audits (Cont.)
• Initial audit letter requests information in 30
– Summary participant data (name, address, and
distribution form, amount, and date)
– Reconciliation (from termination to distribution
date) of participant counts and assets
– Plan and trust documents
– Annuity contracts
– Collective Bargaining Agreement(s)
– Last actuarial report
– IRS determination letter
– Other information, including EA worksheet
PBGC Audits (Cont.)
• PBGC sampling
– PBGC selects sample participants from distribution
– PBGC requests detailed information on sample
– PBGC sends letters to sample participants to confirm
data used in benefit calculations and distribution
– PBGC reviews sample (follows up with PA, EA, etc.)
• Initial determination by auditor
• Final decision by higher level at PBGC
• PBGC enforcement of audit findings (will file suit if
PBGC Audits (Cont.)
• Focus of audit is on benefit determination and
• Most common error: lump sums too low
– Wrong determination date for interest rate or for
current age
– Wrong retirement age assumption
– Failure to use plan assumptions that require
greater than IRC§ 417(e) minimum lump sums
– Adoption of post-termination amendments
regarding lump sum assumptions
– Remedy: employer pays balance due plus
reasonable interest
Common Errors
• Accrued benefit calculation errors:
– Not fully vesting terminated participants who had not incurred
a five-year break in service and had not received a distribution
of the entire benefit as of the date of plan termination
– In the case of a plan amendment or a restated plan, not
protecting benefits accrued under prior plan provisions until
the later of the effective date or the adoption date of the
amendment or restated plan
– Not paying top heavy benefit if greater than the accrued
– Incorrectly taking into account service or compensation in the
calculation of the benefit
• Lump sum valuation errors:
– Use of incorrect interest rate, mortality table, or participant age
– Not protecting plan assumptions if they provide a higher
benefit then 417(e) assumptions
Common Errors
– Use of assumptions for an incorrect stability period and
look back month in calculation of 417(e) minimum lump
– Use of assumptions stated in post-termination
amendments, if they provide a lower benefit
• Others:
– Failure to obtain appropriate elections and spousal
– Alternative treatment (waiver)of benefits by non-majority
– Failure to include all benefits options in annuity contracts
– Failure to send the total value of Missing P’s benefits to
– Deduction of processing fees from participants’ benefits
– Rollover of missing participants’ benefits with a lump sum
value between $1,000 and $5,000 into an IRA
Nuances of PBGC Coverage
Exclusion from Coverage
• ERISA 4021(b)(13)
• Professional Service Employer
• No more than 25 active
participants at any time
Professional Service Employer
Or other association
Professional Service Employer
• Owned or controlled by
– Professional individuals or
– Executors or administrators of
professional individuals
Professional Service Employer
• Principal business is the
performance of professional
Professional Individuals include
Other licensed practitioners of the
healing arts
Professional Individuals include
Public Accountants
Public Engineers
Professional Individuals include
Actuaries  
Social or physical scientists
Performing artists
Types of Participants
(1) active participants
(2) terminated vested participants
(3) retirees and beneficiaries receiving
(2013 Premium Payment Instructions)
Example – 25 Active Rule
• A law firm maintains a DBPP
• 20 active participants
• Never had more than 25 active
• Thus the plan is not covered
Example – 25 Active Rule
• If the number of active participants
in the plan increases to 28 in a
subsequent year, the plan is
covered starting with that year
Example – 25 Active Rule
• If the number of active plan
participants then drops to 23, the
plan continues to be covered
because of the “at all times” rule
Other Professionals
• PBGC has been restrictive with its
acceptance of what other
professional individuals are.
• PBGC has set forth a list of
requirements in opinion letters for
who is a professional individual.
Criteria for Professional
• Provides services that require
knowledge of an advanced type in
a field of science or learning
customarily acquired by a
prolonged course of specialized
intellectual instruction and study,
Criteria for Professional
• As distinguished from a general
academic education and from an
apprenticeship or from training in
the performance of routine mental,
manual or physical process.
Criteria for Professional
• The rendering of professional
services generally requires the
consistent exercise of discretion
and judgment in its performance
and would usually be
predominantly intellectual in
Performing Artist
• Since I have many entertainment
industry clients, this is a
fascinating inclusion.
Performing Artist
• PBGC has not interpreted this as
only for “Performance Artists”
such as someone who splashes
paint on themselves and rolls on a
canvas in front of 300 stoned
audience members in Greenwich
Performing Artist
• While I’ve had someone who was
a performance artist as a client,
usually they are:
– Actors
– Directors
– Musicians
– Dancers
Performing Artist
• Some who are not generally
performing artists
– Writers
– Producers
– Gofers
PBGC Opinion Letter 98-1
• Management consulting firm
• New business development and
strategic services for Fortune 500
• Owner with 15 years of
experience and a degree from
University of London
PBGC Opinion Letter 98-1
• Not a professional service
– Owner does not have an advanced
– Not required by state law to hold a
specific license
PBGC Opinion Letter 98-1
– Services do not require knowledge
of an advanced type that is
customarily acquired through a
prolonged course of special
intellectual instruction.
– IRC section 448(b) on qualified
personal service corporations is
PBGC Opinion Letter 80-1
• Wholly owned by opticians licensed
to practice by State of Alaska.
• Engaged primarily in the business of
dispensing eyeglasses and contact
lenses and grinding lenses to
prescription and fitting them.
PBGC Opinion Letter 80-1
• Not a professional service
– While it requires a great deal of skill
– Does not require a prolonged course
of specialized intellectual instruction
– Is not predominately intellectual in
PBGC Opinion Letter 80-13
• Advertising and Public Relations
PBGC Opinion Letter 80-13
• Not a professional service
– Not on list
– While it requires a great deal of skill
– Does not require a prolonged course
of specialized intellectual instruction.
PBGC Opinion Letter 88-9
• Proposed to divide plan with 150
active participants into two plans
– One with 20 professionals
– The other with all non-professionals
• Since the one with professionals
is a continuation of the current
plan  No.
PBGC Opinion Letter 96-1
• Economic consulting firm
• The first ruling was … No, since
there are no State licensing
requirements for economists.
PBGC Opinion Letter 96-1
• Request for reconsideration since
three owners have Doctor of
Philosophy Degrees in economics
and the fourth is a CPA.
• All company’s work is economic
analysis except for minor other
work such as testimony.
PBGC Opinion Letter 96-1
• Yes, it is a professional service
– Advanced degrees
– Extensive work and teaching
experience (apparently not Gym)
– Provide intellectual services
– Etc.
Investment Advisors
• I’ve never seen anyone obtain
approval for an investment
• They almost always fail the
prolonged course of specialized
intellectual instruction test
Investment Advisors
• And they fail the performance of
services predominantly intellectual
in character test.
How to get a ruling on Coverage
• Mail
Standard Termination Compliance Division
Suite 920
Processing and Technical Assistance Branch
1200 K Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20005-4026
• Email
• Fax
– 202-326-4001