創業與創新管理(741 U4940) Section 2:創意與創新 Creativity and

創業與創新管理(741 U4940)
Section 2:創意與創新 Creativity and Innovation
Chung-hsing Huang 黃崇興(huan4625@ntu.edu.tw)
I. Objectives of the Section
This part of course provides an opportunity to build a framework or develop a
thinking process or methodology for creativity and innovations development in
either businesses or ordinary life. The emphasis throughout is on the development
and application of thinking models and process tools that clarify the interactions
between new ideas, patterns of technological and market change, and the structure of
internal capabilities as a human being or learning organization. We would like to
provide a framework for insightful planning and thinking when deciding how to
structure yourself or your organization to create and innovate.
II. Grading Policy
(1) Class Attendance, Participation & Contribution
(2) Short Individual Write-ups
You will write two brief write-ups to demonstrate your pre-reading effort and
basic understanding of the contents of either cases or articles. The write-ups
should be approximately 2 pages in length at most and completed individually.
(3) A Fun Section Exam & Group Project
In the final section exam, you will be challenged by a set of questions for creative
answers in 60 minutes.
As for the final project you should illustrate how you
would develop a product or service in a creative manner, for example making a
commercial, designing a CIS, planning a party, etc.. Then you have to extend it
from just an idea to an innovation, or even consider the possibility to make it a
product. Your project should include key aspects of the developing process,
including areas such as: initiatives, motives, points of improvement, value in
thinking. Or even bigger as the innovation’s market potential, what opportunity
you are taking advantage of, how it fits with the structure of the industry, who
would be the customers and what dimensions are most important to them, what
competencies would you need to make this work. The deliverables for the project
is a power point presentation or video of your findings. The final project can be
done individually or in a team with other person. But, be fun and innovative.
III. Required Reading and Websites Visiting
決定未來的 10 種人,大塊文化 (The ten Faces of Innovation)
IV. Class Topics
Topic 1 甚麼是創意,如何有創意
¾ Creativity, Ideas, Inventions, Innovations, New Products, New Business
¾ Assignment: A creative works defined, made and presented (essay, video,
music, drawing, performing, etc..)
Topic 2 甚麼是創意,如何有創意
Discussion of the book “The Ten Faces of Innovation”
A Whack on the Side of the Head – How Can You Be More Creative, (handout)
Prep Questions:
1. Have you even been creative/innovative in ordinary life?
2. Discuss the barriers for not being innovative in an organization?
Topic 3 創意與創新
¾ Discussion of the book 賴聲川的創意學
¾ Sharing of search results Bright Ideas (from last week assignment)
¾ HBR Article: “How to Kill Creativity”, Sept – Oct. 1998
Topic 4 創新的機制
HBR Article: “Creativity is not Enough”, The Innovative Enterprise Aug 2002
HBS Case: “What’s the BIG Idea? (A)
Prep Questions:
1. Why is the Big Idea Company able to identify and bring to market
innovative concepts, while other companies complain about a lack of
innovative ideas?
2. How proprietary or defensible is Big Ideas' system? Could one of the
other major toy companies replicate it? Why or why not?
3. Should Big Idea focus on product partnerships or get additional equity to
bring high potential inventions to market?
Topic 5 企業的創新管理
HBS article: “Connect & Develop: Inside Proctor & Gamble’s New Model for
Innovation” – March 2006
HBS article: “Innovation: The Classic Traps” – Nov. 2006
Topic 6 企業創新的障礙
Business Week article: “3M’s Innovation Crisis” – June 11, 2007
HBS article: “Is it Real? Can We Win? Is It Worth Doing? Managing Risk and
Reward in an Innovation Portfolio” – Dec. 2007
Topic 7 創意與創新的練習
¾ In-Class Creative Exam
¾ Final Presentation of the Group Project
Topic 8 Invited Guest Speaker (TBD)