Peter Lind, Chairman
Peter Lind called the meeting to order at 8:30am, 60 Cassandra Blvd.
2. Members Present: Peter Lind, chair: Paul Silversmith, 15CB; Alan Klatsky, 25CB; Bob Kennedy,
65 CB; Lou Fleisher, 60CB; Carolyn Lind, Secretary; Ken Kohnle, Elite. Guests present: Lisa
Simon, Simon’s Cleaning Lady; Jim Foular, Readco; Les Milch, 1401 President; Vic DeJong,
Treasurer; Phil Walker, 1401 Board Member.
3. The April 14, 2015 minutes were approved. They should now be posted on bulletin boards and
Elite may post on the website.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Vic DeJong distributed a Promenade profit and loss exhibit and an overall
expense review, focusing on maintenance expenses, which has a favorable variance at this time.
Paul will analyze Jim’s weekly reports and give the committee a quarterly review for charges
that should be to the Villas and/or Joint.
5. Lisa Simon reported the following: windows have been washed in all 4 PMC buildings; #15 and
#65 garage floors have been swept; carpet cleaning is June 3 and that 3 tubs have been ordered
for storing cushions at #60.
6. Jim Foular is under budget primarily because he was unable to work during some of the winter
months. He will be working 3 days a week, sometimes with extra help in order to catch up on
work orders. Ken stated that Jim will stay within the budget.
7. Property Manager’s Report: Ken’s report and attachments were included in the pre-meeting
 Smoke Detector Replacement: Bud , LJ Electric, did not have an inspection/replacement
smoke detector proposal for review at this meeting. He will be asked to be available for
the next Board meeting.
 Entry Code Change: Lou reported that changes will start soon for Building 60CB. There
will be a third code for the mailman, Jim, etc. Buildings 15 and 65 will also be given a
code for building #60.
 Pipes in the walls: Phil Walker gave a brief summary of CT statues concerning pipes in
the walls. The bottom line is that the decision is up to the Board of Directors.
 Unit Maintenance Responsibilities Survey: After a lengthy discussion the building reps
voted to send an opinion survey letter prepared by Lou concerning “pipes, wires in the
walls” to measure opinion as to whose responsibility it should be to fix them, the 1401
association or the individual unit owner.
#25: Ken reported that the air conditioning unit in unit 110, 25CB is still leaking. The
easiest way to solve the problem is to relocate the compressor on the ground under the
owner’s window. The cost will be borne by the unit owner.
#15: Paul wondered why the heat was still turned on. The stairwell in #15 has been
excessively hot.
Gas Meters: Ken reported that 25 gas meters were replaced on the property, both at
the Villas and Promenade units.
Walk around: A walk around for all buildings will be scheduled.
8. Rules and Regulations:
Discussion centered on snow removal on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the Promenade buildings. The
problem is that many residences are not physically able to do so and some go away all winter.
Paul questioned how many units are affected if the snow is not removed. Having someone
from outside (Burr’s men) presents a problem of tracking snow in and out of units. Snow
removal will be placed under Maintenance Responsibility.
9. Energy/Electricity: The committee is having difficulty getting an electric company to audit the
buildings. The committee is making lists of ways to make the buildings more energy efficient.
Alan volunteered to serve on the committee.
10. #60 CB: Lou wondered why the 2 units being worked on because of water damage last winter
are taking so long to repair. Ken said it was because Travelers took so long to settle the claim,
which was only settled 2 weeks ago.
11. Building Reports: Reports were submitted in advance. Paul wondered why work orders from
over a year ago have not been completed. It was suggested that problems be discussed while
Jim is in attendance. Next month the Building Reports will be moved forward when Jim is here
so that questions can be answered. This will be a trial run.
12. New Business: Peter thanked Alan Klatsky for becoming the new representative of 25 CB.
13. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 10:07. Next meeting is June 9, 2015 at Building 60 CB.