Accounting Services Bureau, Inc. Announces Version 4.4.3 An easy to use utility that gives you 7 features that QuickBooks® doesn't offer when exporting trial balances to Excel. All this for $100! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Exports P&L class codes Exports date ranges or "Net Change" in addition to "As of" dates Exports account #s in their own column instead of embedded with the description/name Exports the balances in one column instead of debit and credit columns Replacement table for class codes Appends class code in front of or after the account number New! Export a range of net change figures in monthly columns More information and Free Trial Version at Export Trial Balance Data from QuickBooks™ to import into ProSystems fx Engagement® Export Trial Balance Data from QuickBooks™ to import into Write‐Up CS® 7801 Johnny Mercer Blvd. Post Office Box 30219 Savannah, GA 31410 Office: (912) 898-1707 Fax: (912) 898-0302 Rock Castle Construction (QuickBooks Sample Product-based Company) Balance Sheet Prev Year Comparison As of December 31, 2016 9:56 AM 12/15/2017 Accrual Basis "As Of" Dec 31, 16 "Net Change" Dec 31, 15 $ Change ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings 10100 · Checking 36,810.16 24,342.03 12,468.13 10300 · Savings 15,881.03 15,600.00 281.03 500.00 500.00 0.00 53,191.19 40,442.03 12,749.16 21,249.39 49,024.10 -27,774.71 21,249.39 49,024.10 -27,774.71 10400 · Petty Cash Total Checking/Savings Accounts Receivable 11000 · Accounts Receivable Total Accounts Receivable Other Current Assets 12000 · Undeposited Funds 18,252.08 0.00 18,252.08 12100 · Inventory Asset 12,767.04 17,903.00 -5,135.96 12800 · Employee Advances 770.00 770.00 0.00 13100 · Pre-paid Insurance 4,943.02 4,050.00 893.02 13400 · Retainage Receivable 1,796.72 1,796.72 0.00 38,528.86 24,519.72 14,009.14 112,969.44 113,985.85 -1,016.41 22,826.00 22,826.00 0.00 Total Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Fixed Assets 15000 · Furniture and Equipment 15100 · Vehicles 15200 · Buildings and Improvements 15300 · Construction Equipment 16900 · Land 17000 · Accumulated Depreciation Total Fixed Assets 78,936.91 78,936.91 0.00 325,000.00 325,000.00 0.00 15,300.00 15,300.00 0.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 0.00 -110,344.60 -65,908.69 -44,435.91 421,718.31 466,154.22 -44,435.91 1,720.00 1,720.00 0.00 1,720.00 1,720.00 0.00 536,407.75 581,860.07 -45,452.32 13,100.00 20,119.00 -7,019.00 13,100.00 20,119.00 -7,019.00 Other Assets 18700 · Security Deposits Total Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 20000 · Accounts Payable Total Accounts Payable Page 1 of 10 Rock Castle Construction (QuickBooks Sample Product-based Company) Balance Sheet Prev Year Comparison As of December 31, 2016 9:56 AM 12/15/2017 Accrual Basis "As Of" "Net Change" Dec 31, 16 Dec 31, 15 $ Change Credit Cards 20500 · QuickBooks Credit Card 0.00 12,362.89 -12,362.89 530.00 9,521.00 -8,991.00 530.00 21,883.89 -21,353.89 24010 · Federal Withholding 0.00 1,377.00 -1,377.00 24020 · FICA Payable 0.00 2,118.82 -2,118.82 24040 · FUTA Payable 0.00 100.00 -100.00 24050 · State Withholding 0.00 308.34 -308.34 24060 · SUTA Payable 0.00 110.00 -110.00 24070 · State Disability Payable 0.00 98.09 -98.09 24080 · Worker's Compensation 0.00 1,214.31 -1,214.31 0.00 5,326.56 -5,326.56 72.18 3,146.88 -3,074.70 72.18 8,473.44 -8,401.26 13,702.18 50,476.33 -36,774.15 23000 · Loan - Vehicles (Van) 16,290.52 21,692.00 -5,401.48 23100 · Loan - Vehicles (Utility Truck) 19,936.91 19,936.91 0.00 23200 · Loan - Vehicles (Pickup Truck) 22,641.00 22,641.00 0.00 28100 · Loan - Construction Equipment 14,343.11 14,343.11 0.00 28200 · Loan - Furniture/Office Equip 21,000.00 21,000.00 0.00 28700 · Note Payable - Bank of Anycity 31,180.52 60,000.00 -28,819.48 296,283.00 296,283.00 0.00 421,675.06 455,896.02 -34,220.96 435,377.24 506,372.35 -70,995.11 38,773.75 38,773.75 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 36,213.97 18,470.43 17,743.54 25,542.79 17,743.54 7,799.25 101,030.51 75,487.72 25,542.79 536,407.75 581,860.07 -45,452.32 20600 · CalOil Credit Card Total Credit Cards Other Current Liabilities 24000 · Payroll Liabilities Total 24000 · Payroll Liabilities 25500 · Sales Tax Payable Total Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Long Term Liabilities 28900 · Mortgage - Office Building Total Long Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity 30000 · Opening Bal Equity 30100 · Capital Stock 32000 · Retained Earnings Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY (A Net change to R/E is ‐0‐ unless there was a J/E to R/E) 12 m Net Change P&L Activity Page 2 of 10 Rock Castle Construction Profit & Loss by Class January through December 2016 9:54 AM 12/15/2017 "10" "20" "30" "888" New Construction Remodel Overhead Unclassified Accrual Basis TOTAL Ordinary Income/Expense Income 40100 · Construction Income 40110 · Design Income 2,400.00 40130 · Labor Income 11,203.50 4,342.22 0.00 789.28 16,335.00 40140 · Materials Income 15,093.33 20,613.74 0.00 316.70 36,023.77 40150 · Subcontracted Labor Income 43,220.00 68,652.62 0.00 793.88 112,666.50 71,916.83 94,608.58 0.00 1,899.86 168,425.27 835.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 835.00 835.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 835.00 72,751.83 94,608.58 0.00 1,899.86 169,260.27 790.21 4,830.75 0.00 0.00 5,620.96 7,590.62 4,580.98 0.00 0.00 12,171.60 225.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 225.00 54500 · Subcontractors 20,450.00 32,900.00 0.00 0.00 53,350.00 Total 54000 · Job Expenses 28,265.62 37,480.98 0.00 0.00 65,746.60 29,055.83 42,311.73 0.00 0.00 71,367.56 43,696.00 52,296.85 0.00 1,899.86 97,892.71 60110 · Fuel 0.00 0.00 1,715.00 0.00 1,715.00 60120 · Insurance 0.00 0.00 2,850.24 0.00 2,850.24 60130 · Repairs and Maintenance 0.00 0.00 2,550.00 0.00 2,550.00 Total 60100 · Automobile 0.00 0.00 7,115.24 0.00 7,115.24 60600 · Bank Service Charges 0.00 0.00 150.00 0.00 150.00 60900 · Depreciation Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 44,435.91 44,435.91 0.00 0.00 600.00 0.00 600.00 Total 40100 · Construction Income 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,400.00 40500 · Reimbursement Income 40520 · Permit Reimbursement Income Total 40500 · Reimbursement Income Total Income Cost of Goods Sold 50100 · Cost of Goods Sold 54000 · Job Expenses 54300 · Job Materials 54400 · Permits and Licenses Total COGS Gross Profit Expense 60100 · Automobile 62100 · Insurance 62110 · Disability Insurance Page 3 of 10 Rock Castle Construction Profit & Loss by Class January through December 2016 9:54 AM 12/15/2017 "10" "20" "30" "888" New Construction Remodel Overhead Unclassified Accrual Basis TOTAL 62120 · Liability Insurance 0.00 0.00 5,092.98 0.00 5,092.98 62130 · Work Comp 0.00 0.00 3,300.00 0.00 3,300.00 0.00 0.00 8,992.98 0.00 8,992.98 62420 · Loan Interest 0.00 0.00 4,705.48 0.00 4,705.48 Total 62400 · Interest Expense 0.00 0.00 4,705.48 0.00 4,705.48 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 250.00 64220 · Computer Repairs 0.00 0.00 714.00 0.00 714.00 64230 · Equipment Repairs 0.00 0.00 1,800.00 0.00 1,800.00 Total 64200 · Repairs 0.00 0.00 2,514.00 0.00 2,514.00 64800 · Tools and Machinery 0.00 0.00 1,457.91 0.00 1,457.91 65110 · Gas and Electric 0.00 0.00 1,841.43 0.00 1,841.43 65120 · Telephone 0.00 0.00 880.00 0.00 880.00 65130 · Water 0.00 0.00 288.00 0.00 288.00 0.00 0.00 3,009.43 0.00 3,009.43 0.00 0.00 28,195.04 44,435.91 72,630.95 43,696.00 52,296.85 -28,195.04 -42,536.05 25,261.76 0.00 0.00 281.03 0.00 281.03 0.00 0.00 281.03 0.00 281.03 0.00 0.00 281.03 0.00 281.03 43,696.00 52,296.85 -27,914.01 -42,536.05 25,542.79 Total 62100 · Insurance 62400 · Interest Expense 63600 · Professional Fees 63610 · Accounting Total 63600 · Professional Fees 64200 · Repairs 65100 · Utilities Total 65100 · Utilities Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Other Income/Expense Other Income 70200 · Interest Income Total Other Income Net Other Income Net Income Page 4 of 10 TBX Screen Shot TBX will read the class list and give you the opportunity to replace with something else. The replacement can be the same name, alpha, numeric … It will list all headers and their subs‐class names, which could be five levels deep! A "Raw" Net Change .CSV EXPORT FILE FROM TBX OPENED WITH EXCEL Rock Castle Construction Trial Balance by Class From 1/1/2016 To 12/31/2016 Report Basis: Accrual Exported On:6/28/2013 ACCOUNT NACCOUNT NACCOUNT TACCOUNT DCLASS COD ALIAS CLAS AMOUNT 10100 Checking Bank Cash 10100 12468.13 10300 Savings Bank Savings 10300 281.03 11000 ‐27774.7 11000 Accounts R AccountsReAccounts Receivable 12000 18252.08 12000 UndepositeOtherCurreUndeposited Funds 12100 ‐5135.96 12100 Inventory AOtherCurreInventory Asset 13100 893.02 13100 Pre‐paid In OtherCurrePre‐paid Insurance 17000 ‐44435.9 17000 AccumulateFixedAsset Accumulated Deprecia 20000 7019 20000 Accounts P AccountsPaMoneys you owe to ve 20500 12362.89 20500 QuickBooksCreditCard QuickBooks Credit Car 20600 8991 20600 CalOil Cred CreditCard 24010 1377 24010 Payroll LiabOtherCurrentLiability 24020 2118.82 24020 Payroll LiabOtherCurrentLiability 24040 100 24040 Payroll LiabOtherCurrentLiability 24050 308.34 24050 Payroll LiabOtherCurrentLiability 24060 110 24060 Payroll LiabOtherCurrentLiability 24070 98.09 24070 Payroll LiabOtherCurrentLiability 24080 1214.31 24080 Payroll LiabOtherCurrentLiability 25500 3074.7 25500 Sales Tax P OtherCurreSales Tax Payable 23000 5401.48 23000 Loan ‐ Vehi LongTermL Loan ‐ Vehicles (Van) 28700 28819.48 28700 Note PayabLongTermLiability 10 4011010 ‐2400 40110 ConstructioIncome 20 4011020 ‐1000 40110 ConstructioIncome 10 4013010 ‐11203.5 40130 ConstructioIncome 20 4013020 ‐4342.22 40130 ConstructioIncome 99 4013099 ‐789.28 40130 ConstructioIncome 10 4014010 ‐15093.3 40140 ConstructioIncome 20 4014020 ‐20613.7 40140 ConstructioIncome 99 4014099 ‐316.7 40140 ConstructioIncome 10 4015010 ‐43220 40150 ConstructioIncome 20 4015020 ‐68652.6 40150 ConstructioIncome 99 4015099 ‐793.88 40150 ConstructioIncome 40520 Reimburse Income 10 4052010 ‐835 10 5010010 790.21 50100 Cost of GooCostOfGoo Cost of Goo 20 5010020 4830.75 50100 Cost of GooCostOfGoo Cost of Goo 10 5430010 7590.62 54300 Job Expens CostOfGoo Job Materia 20 5430020 4580.98 54300 Job Expens CostOfGoo Job Materia 10 5440010 225 54400 Job Expens CostOfGoo Licenses 10 5450010 20450 54500 Job Expens CostOfGoo Subcontrac 20 5450020 32900 54500 Job Expens CostOfGoo Subcontrac 30 6011030 1715 60110 AutomobileExpense Fuel Expen 30 6012030 2850.24 60120 AutomobileExpense Business Tr 30 6013030 2550 60130 AutomobileExpense 30 6060030 150 60600 Bank ServicExpense Bank Servic 99 6090099 44435.91 60900 DepreciatioExpense Depreciatio 30 6211030 600 62110 Insurance:DExpense Disability In 30 6212030 5092.98 62120 Insurance:LExpense Liability Ins 30 6213030 3300 62130 Insurance:WExpense Workman's 30 6242030 4705.48 62420 Interest ExpExpense Loan Intere 30 6361030 250 63610 ProfessionaExpense Accounting 30 6422030 714 64220 Repairs:Co Expense Computer R 30 6423030 1800 64230 Repairs:EquExpense Equipment 30 6480030 1457.91 64800 Tools and MExpense Tools and M 30 6511030 1841.43 65110 Utilities:Ga Expense Gas and Ele 65120 Utilities:Te Expense Telephone 30 6512030 880 30 6513030 288 65130 Utilities:WaExpense Water 30 7020030 ‐281.03 70200 Interest IncOtherIncomInterest Inc Total: 0 A NET CHANGE TRIAL BALANCE FROM TBX AFTER WIDENING COLUMNS AND FORMATTING AMT COLUMN AS NUMBERS Rock Castle Construction Trial Balance by Class Notice that the appended class codes are in the "alias" column From 1/1/2016 To 12/31/2016 Report Basis: Accrual Exported On:6/28/2013 Acct # 10100 10300 11000 12000 12100 13100 17000 20000 20500 20600 24010 24020 24040 24050 24060 24070 24080 25500 23000 28700 40110 40110 40130 40130 40130 40140 40140 40140 40150 40150 40150 40520 50100 50100 54300 54300 54400 54500 54500 60110 60120 60130 60600 60900 62110 62120 62130 ACCOUNT NAME ACCOUNT TYPE Checking Bank Savings Bank Accounts Receivable AccountsReceivable Undeposited Funds OtherCurrentAsset Inventory Asset OtherCurrentAsset Pre‐paid Insurance OtherCurrentAsset Accumulated Depreciation FixedAsset Accounts Payable AccountsPayable QuickBooks Credit Card CreditCard CalOil Credit Card CreditCard Payroll Liabilities:Federal Withholding OtherCurrentLiability Payroll Liabilities:FICA Payable OtherCurrentLiability Payroll Liabilities:FUTA Payable OtherCurrentLiability Payroll Liabilities:State Withholding OtherCurrentLiability Payroll Liabilities:SUTA Payable OtherCurrentLiability Payroll Liabilities:State Disability Payable OtherCurrentLiability Payroll Liabilities:Worker's Compensation OtherCurrentLiability Sales Tax Payable OtherCurrentLiability Loan ‐ Vehicles (Van) LongTermLiability Note Payable ‐ Bank of Anycity LongTermLiability Construction Income:Design Income Income Construction Income:Design Income Income Construction Income:Labor Income Income Construction Income:Labor Income Income Construction Income:Labor Income Income Construction Income:Materials Income Income Construction Income:Materials Income Income Construction Income:Materials Income Income Construction Income:Subcontracted Labor IncoIncome Construction Income:Subcontracted Labor IncoIncome Construction Income:Subcontracted Labor IncoIncome Reimbursement Income:Permit ReimbursemenIncome Cost of Goods Sold CostOfGoodsSold Cost of Goods Sold CostOfGoodsSold Job Expenses:Job Materials CostOfGoodsSold Job Expenses:Job Materials CostOfGoodsSold Job Expenses:Permits and Licenses CostOfGoodsSold Job Expenses:Subcontractors CostOfGoodsSold Job Expenses:Subcontractors CostOfGoodsSold Automobile:Fuel Expense Automobile:Insurance Expense Automobile:Repairs and Maintenance Expense Bank Service Charges Expense Depreciation Expense Expense Expense Insurance:Disability Insurance Insurance:Liability Insurance Expense Insurance:Work Comp Expense ACCOUNT DESC CLASS CODE ALIAS CLASS AMOUNT Cash 10100 12,468.13 Savings 10300 281.03 Accounts Receivable 11000 (27,774.71) Undeposited Funds 12000 18,252.08 Inventory Asset 12100 (5,135.96) Pre‐paid Insurance 13100 893.02 Accumulated Depreciation 17000 (44,435.91) Moneys you owe to vendors and suppliers 20000 7,019.00 QuickBooks Credit Card 20500 12,362.89 20600 8,991.00 24010 1,377.00 24020 2,118.82 24040 100.00 24050 308.34 24060 110.00 24070 98.09 24080 1,214.31 Sales Tax Payable 25500 3,074.70 23000 5,401.48 Loan ‐ Vehicles (Van) 28700 28,819.48 10 4011010 (2,400.00) 20 4011020 (1,000.00) 10 4013010 (11,203.50) 20 4013020 (4,342.22) 99 4013099 (789.28) 10 4014010 (15,093.33) 20 4014020 (20,613.74) 99 4014099 (316.70) 10 4015010 (43,220.00) 20 4015020 (68,652.62) 99 4015099 (793.88) 10 4052010 (835.00) Cost of Goods Sold 10 5010010 790.21 Cost of Goods Sold 20 5010020 4,830.75 Job Materials 10 5430010 7,590.62 Job Materials 20 5430020 4,580.98 Licenses 10 5440010 225.00 Subcontractors Expense 10 5450010 20,450.00 Subcontractors Expense 20 5450020 32,900.00 Fuel Expense 30 6011030 1,715.00 Business Truck Policies 30 6012030 2,850.24 30 6013030 2,550.00 Bank Service Charges 30 6060030 150.00 Depreciation Expense 99 6090099 44,435.91 Disability Insurance 30 6211030 600.00 Liability Insurance 30 6212030 5,092.98 Workman's Compensation 30 6213030 3,300.00 Design Income broken out by class Subcontractors broken out by class A NET CHANGE TRIAL BALANCE FROM TBX AFTER WIDENING COLUMNS AND FORMATTING AMT COLUMN AS NUMBERS Rock Castle Construction Trial Balance by Class Notice that the appended class codes are in the "alias" column From 1/1/2016 To 12/31/2016 Report Basis: Accrual Exported On:6/28/2013 Acct # 62420 63610 64220 64230 64800 65110 65120 65130 70200 ACCOUNT NAME Interest Expense:Loan Interest Professional Fees:Accounting Repairs:Computer Repairs Repairs:Equipment Repairs Tools and Machinery Utilities:Gas and Electric Utilities:Telephone Utilities:Water Interest Income ACCOUNT TYPE Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense OtherIncome ACCOUNT DESC Loan Interest Expense Accounting Fees Computer Repairs Equipment Repairs Tools and Machinery Gas and Electric Telephone Water Interest Income CLASS CODE ALIAS CLASS AMOUNT 30 6242030 4,705.48 30 6361030 250.00 30 6422030 714.00 30 6423030 1,800.00 30 6480030 1,457.91 30 6511030 1,841.43 30 6512030 880.00 30 6513030 288.00 30 7020030 (281.03) Total: I added a Sum formula to test the column (0.00) TRIAL BALANCE FROM TBX In monthly columns AFTER WIDENING COLUMNS AND FORMATTING AMT COLUMNS AS NUMBERS *Being careful not to reformat the date header! Rock Castle Construction Trial Balance by Class "Net Change" Trial Balance From 1/1/2016 To 12/31/2016 Notice that the appended class codes are in the "alias" column Report Basis: Accrual Exported On:6/25/2013 ACCOUNT 10100 10300 11000 12000 12100 13100 17000 20000 20500 20600 24010 24020 24040 24050 24060 24070 24080 25500 23000 28700 40110 40110 40130 40130 40130 40140 40140 40140 40150 40150 40150 40520 50100 50100 54300 54300 54400 54500 54500 60110 60120 60130 60600 60900 62110 62120 62130 62420 63610 64220 64230 64800 65110 65120 65130 70200 ACCOUNT NAME ACCOUNT TYPE Checking Bank Savings Bank Accounts Receivable AccountsReceivable Undeposited Funds OtherCurrentAsset Inventory Asset OtherCurrentAsset Pre‐paid Insurance OtherCurrentAsset Accumulated Depreciation FixedAsset Accounts Payable AccountsPayable QuickBooks Credit Card CreditCard CalOil Credit Card CreditCard Payroll Liabilities:Federal Withholding OtherCurrentLiability Payroll Liabilities:FICA Payable OtherCurrentLiability Payroll Liabilities:FUTA Payable OtherCurrentLiability Payroll Liabilities:State Withholding OtherCurrentLiability Payroll Liabilities:SUTA Payable OtherCurrentLiability Payroll Liabilities:State Disability PayableOtherCurrentLiability Payroll Liabilities:Worker's Compensatio OtherCurrentLiability Sales Tax Payable OtherCurrentLiability Loan ‐ Vehicles (Van) LongTermLiability Note Payable ‐ Bank of Anycity LongTermLiability Construction Income:Design Income Income Construction Income:Design Income Income Construction Income:Labor Income Income Construction Income:Labor Income Income Construction Income:Labor Income Income Construction Income:Materials Income Income Construction Income:Materials Income Income Construction Income:Materials Income Income Construction Income:Subcontracted LaboIncome Construction Income:Subcontracted LaboIncome Construction Income:Subcontracted LaboIncome Reimbursement Income:Permit Reimbur Income Cost of Goods Sold CostOfGoodsSold Cost of Goods Sold CostOfGoodsSold Job Expenses:Job Materials CostOfGoodsSold Job Expenses:Job Materials CostOfGoodsSold Job Expenses:Permits and Licenses CostOfGoodsSold Job Expenses:Subcontractors CostOfGoodsSold Job Expenses:Subcontractors CostOfGoodsSold Automobile:Fuel Expense Automobile:Insurance Expense Automobile:Repairs and Maintenance Expense Bank Service Charges Expense Depreciation Expense Expense Insurance:Disability Insurance Expense Expense Insurance:Liability Insurance Insurance:Work Comp Expense Interest Expense:Loan Interest Expense Professional Fees:Accounting Expense Repairs:Computer Repairs Expense Repairs:Equipment Repairs Expense Tools and Machinery Expense Utilities:Gas and Electric Expense Utilities:Telephone Expense Utilities:Water Expense Interest Income OtherIncome ACCOUNT DESC CLASS CODALIAS CLAS 16‐Jan Cash (1,964.83) Savings ‐ Accounts Receivable (22,512.54) Undeposited Funds ‐ Inventory Asset (4,603.95) Pre‐paid Insurance (675.00) Accumulated Depreciation ‐ Moneys you owe to vendors and suppliers 12,634.00 QuickBooks Credit Card 12,362.89 5,470.02 1,377.00 2,118.82 100.00 308.34 110.00 98.09 1,214.31 Sales Tax Payable 1,680.56 3/4 Ton PU ‐ 48 months 6.9% purcha. 436.07 2,315.90 10 4011010 ‐ 20 4011020 (1,000.00) 10 4013010 ‐ 20 4013020 (1,175.00) 99 4013099 ‐ 10 4014010 ‐ 20 4014020 (18,920.24) 99 4014099 ‐ 10 4015010 ‐ 20 4015020 (2,910.00) 99 4015099 ‐ 10 4052010 ‐ 10 5010010 ‐ QuickBooks Automatically Increases QuickBooks Automatically Increases 20 5010020 5,038.95 Job Materials 10 5430010 ‐ Job Materials 20 5430020 4,050.98 Licenses 10 5440010 ‐ Subcontractors Expense 10 5450010 ‐ Subcontractors Expense 20 5450020 2,050.00 Fuel Expense 30 6011030 138.00 Business Truck Policies 30 6012030 712.56 30 6013030 218.00 Bank Service Charges 30 6060030 12.50 Depreciation Expense 99 6090099 ‐ Disability Insurance 30 6211030 50.00 Liability Insurance 30 6212030 350.00 Workman's Compensation 30 6213030 275.00 Loan Interest Expense 30 6242030 491.90 Accounting Fees 30 6361030 ‐ Computer Repairs 30 6422030 ‐ Equipment Repairs 30 6423030 ‐ Tools and Machinery 30 6480030 ‐ Gas and Electric 30 6511030 123.67 Telephone 30 6512030 ‐ Water 30 6513030 24.00 Interest Income 30 7020030 ‐ 16‐Feb 15,097.14 ‐ (20,504.29) ‐ 208.20 (675.00) ‐ 2,050.00 (1,600.00) 4,050.98 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,382.72 438.57 2,331.15 ‐ ‐ ‐ (1,635.00) ‐ ‐ (1,078.70) ‐ ‐ (3,481.50) ‐ ‐ ‐ (208.20) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,600.00 142.00 ‐ 222.00 12.50 ‐ 50.00 350.00 275.00 474.15 ‐ ‐ ‐ 268.39 125.89 80.00 24.00 ‐ 16‐Mar 16‐Apr (7,898.37) 11,238.14 93.42 ‐ 10,221.20 (8,508.48) ‐ ‐ ‐ (329.85) (675.00) (675.00) ‐ ‐ (279.00) 714.00 1,600.00 (1,400.00) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 83.60 (318.02) 441.09 443.63 2,346.49 2,361.94 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (840.00) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (4,103.50) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (2,730.00) (16,500.00) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 329.85 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,400.00 7,500.00 ‐ 127.00 162.00 ‐ 712.56 232.00 192.00 12.50 12.50 ‐ ‐ 50.00 50.00 350.00 350.00 275.00 275.00 456.29 438.30 ‐ ‐ 714.00 ‐ 450.00 ‐ ‐ ‐ 389.20 120.93 80.00 80.00 24.00 24.00 (93.42) ‐ 16‐May 2,468.35 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (675.00) ‐ ‐ 1,400.00 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 318.02 446.18 2,377.49 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (16,500.00) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 7,500.00 143.00 ‐ 232.00 12.50 ‐ 50.00 350.00 275.00 420.20 ‐ ‐ ‐ 950.23 128.03 80.00 24.00 ‐ 16‐Jun (11,349.39) 29.30 11,605.00 ‐ ‐ 5,161.00 ‐ (4,050.00) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 448.75 2,393.14 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (11,605.00) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 5,275.00 157.00 ‐ 186.00 12.50 ‐ 50.00 350.00 275.00 401.98 ‐ ‐ 450.00 ‐ 135.02 80.00 24.00 (29.30) 16‐Jul (4,692.25) ‐ 5,516.05 ‐ ‐ (823.83) ‐ (2,683.75) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (161.49) 451.33 2,408.90 ‐ ‐ (3,123.50) ‐ ‐ (2,006.06) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (225.00) ‐ ‐ 2,458.75 ‐ 225.00 ‐ ‐ 126.00 712.56 126.00 12.50 ‐ 50.00 498.83 275.00 383.64 ‐ ‐ ‐ 239.29 128.03 80.00 24.00 ‐ 16‐Aug 15,250.36 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (823.83) ‐ 753.88 ‐ (2,340.00) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 161.49 453.92 2,424.76 (2,400.00) ‐ (2,000.00) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (32,175.00) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2,769.87 ‐ ‐ 16,125.00 ‐ 136.00 ‐ 240.00 12.50 ‐ 50.00 498.83 275.00 365.19 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 118.03 80.00 24.00 ‐ 16‐Sep (15,174.19) 85.92 16,115.00 ‐ ‐ (823.83) ‐ 1,235.87 ‐ 2,340.00 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 456.53 2,440.72 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (16,115.00) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 7,325.00 135.00 ‐ 215.00 12.50 ‐ 50.00 498.83 275.00 346.62 ‐ ‐ 450.00 ‐ 112.95 80.00 24.00 (85.92) 16‐Oct 10,521.68 ‐ (14,595.61) 16,252.08 (326.24) (823.83) ‐ 694.00 (4,050.00) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (599.65) 459.16 2,456.79 ‐ ‐ (3,910.00) ‐ ‐ (7,660.82) ‐ ‐ (6,155.00) ‐ ‐ (446.00) 376.24 ‐ 2,362.00 ‐ ‐ 2,925.00 ‐ 148.00 712.56 231.00 12.50 ‐ 50.00 498.83 275.00 327.92 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 160.39 80.00 24.00 ‐ 16‐Nov (7,039.97) ‐ 1,560.09 2,000.00 (84.12) (823.83) ‐ ‐ 4,050.00 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 497.12 461.80 2,472.96 ‐ ‐ (1,330.00) ‐ ‐ (1,322.95) ‐ ‐ (2,160.00) ‐ ‐ (164.00) 84.12 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 145.00 ‐ 238.00 12.50 ‐ 50.00 498.83 275.00 309.11 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 166.34 80.00 24.00 ‐ 16‐Dec Total Amount 6,011.46 12,468.13 72.39 281.03 (6,671.13) (27,774.71) ‐ 18,252.08 ‐ (5,135.96) 3,226.17 893.02 (44,435.91) (44,435.91) (4,050.00) 7,019.00 ‐ 12,362.89 (530.00) 8,991.00 ‐ 1,377.00 ‐ 2,118.82 ‐ 100.00 ‐ 308.34 ‐ 110.00 ‐ 98.09 ‐ 1,214.31 30.35 3,074.70 464.45 5,401.48 2,489.24 28,819.48 ‐ (2,400.00) ‐ (1,000.00) ‐ (11,203.50) (1,532.22) (4,342.22) (789.28) (789.28) ‐ (15,093.33) (614.80) (20,613.74) (316.70) (316.70) ‐ (43,220.00) (1,541.12) (68,652.62) (793.88) (793.88) ‐ (835.00) ‐ 790.21 ‐ 4,830.75 ‐ 7,590.62 530.00 4,580.98 ‐ 225.00 ‐ 20,450.00 1,650.00 32,900.00 156.00 1,715.00 ‐ 2,850.24 218.00 2,550.00 12.50 150.00 44,435.91 44,435.91 50.00 600.00 498.83 5,092.98 275.00 3,300.00 290.18 4,705.48 250.00 250.00 ‐ 714.00 450.00 1,800.00 ‐ 1,457.91 132.95 1,841.43 80.00 880.00 24.00 288.00 (72.39) (281.03) Total: The following rows were added after export from TBX as a test: Test All accounts ‐ net to zero P&L accounts Only (0.00) (10,469.68) (0.00) (2,779.47) 0.00 (5,933.43) 0.00 (3,526.36) (0.00) (6,335.04) (0.00) (4,237.80) (0.00) (14.96) (0.00) (15,880.58) (0.00) (6,676.02) 0.00 (9,988.38) 0.00 (3,094.05) (0.00) 43,392.98 0 (0.00) (25,542.79)