Crimson and Gray Award Application

Crimson and Gray Award Application
The Crimson and Gray Awards recognize students who have demonstrated impressive leadership abilities within the WPI community and to
acknowledge the significant contributions these students have made to improve the quality of life at WPI. As part of the application process,
candidates will be asked to consider the ways in which their contributions to WPI reflect the core values of the Student Affairs Division:
Advocacy - Advancing the agenda of students to the university community.
Citizenship - Promoting integrity, leadership, personal responsibility, and global perspective.
Empowerment - Fostering and encouraging the growth and self-esteem of others.
Inclusion - Providing a voice to multiple viewpoints and promoting a culture of civility.
Respect - Modeling care and consideration of all members of our community and their contributions.
Support - Demonstrating genuine concern for the health, balance, and well-being of others.
Junior and senior WPI students and graduate students enrolled at WPI for a minimum of one year are eligible to apply for this award. Students must
be nominated by a WPI faculty or staff member in order to apply for the award.
Overview of the Selection Process
12/17/15 -- Nominated students are invited to apply for a Crimson and Gray Award
1/29/2016-- Deadline to apply for Crimson and Gray Award
4/4/16 -- Crimson and Gray Award recipients announced at the annual Student Recognition Awards Program
Application Requirements
Applicants must be in good academic and disciplinary standing at WPI.
Applications and any accompanying materials must be submitted by January 29, 2016.
Personal Data
Name [Required]
Phonetically spell out your full name [Required]
Please phonetically spell out your name so that if you are chosen as a recipient, we can properly pronounce it at the ceremony.
Example: Joannah Knobel is pronounced: Joe-ann-ah Kah-no-bell
WPI Box Number/Campus Mailing Address [Required]
College or Local Address [Required]
Email Address [Required]
Valid input:
Local Phone Number [Required]
Valid input:
- must be 10-15 digits long and may include only numbers,
hyphens, and spaces.
Major [Required]
Upload a Photo [Required]
Please upload a professional-looking photograph of yourself that we can include in PowerPoint at the award ceremony in April, should you be chosen as one of the
recipients; Preferably a head shot.
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Graduation Year [Required]
Valid input:
- Select only one choice.
[ ] 2016
[ ] 2017
[ ] Other
If other, what is your anticipated graduation year?
Organizational Activities
Please list academic honors and achievements: [Required]
Please include co-curricular on-campus (list of organization(s) and if applicable, list office(s) held): [Required]
Please include activities off-campus (list title of organization(s) and if applicable, list office(s) held):
Division of Student Affairs Core Values
The Crimson and Gray Award recognizes students whose contributions to WPI reflect the core values of the Division of Student Affairs. Please provide
evidence for how you support these values through your individual and organizational contributions.
Advocacy [Required]
Provide examples of how you advance the agenda of students to the university community.
Citizenship [Required]
Provide examples of how you promote integrity, leadership, personal responsibility, and global perspective.
Empowerment [Required]
Provide examples of how you foster and encourage the growth and self esteem of others.
Inclusion [Required]
Share examples of how you provide a voice to multiple viewpoints and promote a culture of civility.
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Respect [Required]
Provide examples of how you model care and consideration of all members of our community and their contributions.
Support [Required]
Provide examples of how you demonstrate genuine concern for the health, balance, and well-being of others.
Essay Questions and Additional Information
Please type your responses on a separate sheet of paper. The response to each question should be no more than 100 words. 1. Please describe your
most significant learning experience in your time here at WPI? How has it changed your view about WPI, people, and life in general? 2. How do you
believe you have made a significant contribution to the WPI community?
Please upload responses to the essay questions here: [Required]
Please upload a copy of your resume [Required]
Letter of Recommendation [Required]
Please upload one recommendation letter from someone who is able to comment on your growth and accomplishments at WPI. For example, this letter could be from a
WPI faculty or staff member, a coach, club advisor, or supervisor.
If they would prefer mail the letter, they can send it to Christine Girouard in the Student Activities office or email In this field, please upload a document
indicating if someone will be sending a letter. It is your responsibility to make sure it gets sent.
Terms and Conditions Checkbox [Required]
I understand to be considered to be a recipient of the Crimson and Gray Award I must be in good academic and disciplinary standing. I give my permission for my academic
and judicial history to be released to the Crimson and Gray selection committee.
Valid input:
- Select only one choice.
[ ] I Agree
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