MPS Monthly Newsletter Th e M P S N e w s l e t t e r i s published each m onth w ith im portant personnel inform ation to keep the Te a m M i l d e n h a l l co m m u n i t y inform ed of the latest personnel program s, policies and procedures. Please share this new sletter w ith all personnel in your squadron. In This Issue ► Leave Program Highlights ► Personnel Records and Your Career ► DEROS Options and Your Career In Every Issue ► Where to Get Assistance in the MPS ► Getting Assistance at the vMPF ► Getting Assistance at the AF Portal ► MPS Hours of Operation ► MPS Telephone Numbers PPA AS SS SPPO OR RTT V VIIS SA AA APPPPTTS S Appointments (30 mins) are available daily from 09001400 and on Thurs walk-ins from 1300-1700. July 2012 Leave Program Highlights Accrual Leave accrues at the rate of 2 1/2 calendar days per month. Members do not earn leave when they are absent without leave (AWOL), in an unauthorized absence status, serving a court-martial sentence, or in an excess leave status. General Leave Rules Leave must begin and end in the local area. The term local area means the place of residence from which the member commutes to the duty station on a daily basis. All leaves need to be submitted and approved by the supervisor NLT 3 duty days prior to the first day of leave for MPS assignment of the leave authorization number. Members are not on leave until a leave authorization number has been issued. To prevent delays, it’s recommended that leave request be processed 14 days prior to departure. “Use or Lose” Leave Congress recognizes that military requirements may prevent members from using their planned leave. The National Defence Authorization Act of 2010 extended the temporary increase in maximum number of leave days members accumulate and carryover until Sept. 30, 2013. The temporary provision allows service members to carry over 75 days of leave from fiscal year to fiscal year. Leave in excess of 75 days at fiscal year-end balancing is lost unless the member is eligible for up to 45 days of Special Leave Accrual (SLA), not to exceed 120 days total. The purpose of SLA is to prevent members from losing accrued leave if they are unable to take normal leave due to significant and unforeseen specific operational mission or contingency operation requirements in support of the operations defined by HQ USAF. Selling Back Leave Members can be paid for unused leave at certain points in their career, such as reenlistment, voluntary retirements, separation, or discharge. By law, members may receive accrued leave payment up to a maximum of 60 days during their military career. When a member "sells" leave, he/she receives one day of base pay for each day of leave "sold." However, the legislative history of the law clearly expresses congressional concern that members use leave to relax from the pressures of duties and not as a method of compensation. Contact the Customer Support Section at 238-3490 for more information. N NEEEED DH HEELLPP?? G GEETT A AS SS SIIS STTA AN NC CEE IIN N TTH E M P S : HE MPS: Personnel Records and Your Career Ca r eer Dev elopment S ect ion P hone: 2 3 8 -5 5 4 3 Are you eligible to test for promotion, or getting ready to meet a promotion board? Verify your personnel records are accurate! Selective Reenlistment Program (SRP) Enlisted Extensions Officer & Enlisted Promotions Assignments Notifications Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) Retirements / Separations Formal Training Orders Career Status Bonus (CSB) Command Sponsorship DEROS Options / Information vMPF Assistance It is extremely important that you take the time to verify that your Personnel Record is accurate throughout the year. This is done by ensuring that all of your EPR/OPRs and decorations are updated in MILPDS by checking vMPF. You must also verify that each document has been filed in your electronic record in PRDA/ARMS. Although an EPR/OPR or decoration is updated in MILPDS, if it is not in PRDA it may not be counted towards promotion. The board must be able to see an actual copy of the report or decoration. During the recent MSgt/TSgt promotion releases several enlisted members have had their line number put on hold because they were missing an EPR or decoration from their record. It can sometimes be very difficult and time consuming to track down a report/decoration that was done years ago. Cus t omer S uppor t S ect ion P hone: 2 3 8 -2 8 5 8 To locate PRDA, you can log in to the AF Portal, and you will see Personnel Record Display under Top Links. vMPF is also accessible here. Military Personnel In-processing CAC Issue ID Card Issue DEERS Updates Citizenship Information Ration Cards Leave Web Program Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) Essential Station Messing (ESM) Serviceman’s Group Life Insurance (SGLI) Family Serviceman’s Group Life Ins (FSGLI) Passports VISAs Force Ma na gement S ect ion P hone: 2 3 8 -5 2 9 5 Officer / Enlisted Classification Actions AFSC & Duty Title Updates Base EPR & OPR monitor Duty Status Information Permanent Change of Assignment (PCA) Unfavorable Information File (UIF) Mgt Control Rosters AMJAM Requests Base UPMR Monitor Awards and Decorations Updates Special Duty Application Pay (SDAP) In addition to verifying that your EPR/OPRs are updated correctly, you must also ensure that your duty history is correct. The duty history shows all the duty titles that you have held as well as the base where you were assigned. In order for a duty title to be added to your history, officers must have performed in the duty for at least 60 or more calendar days, and enlisted must have performed in the duty for at least 120 or more calendar days. The following are some of the source documents that can be used for duty history entries: • • • • • • AF Form 910, Enlisted Performance Report (AB-TSgt) AF Form 911, Senior Enlisted Performance Report (MSgt-CMSgt) AF Form 707, Officer Performance Report (Lt-Col) AF Form 707A, Field Grade Officer Performance Report (Maj-Col) AF Form 707B, Company Grade Officer Performance Report (2Lt-Capt) AF Form 475, Education/Training Report If you require an update to your duty history, you can log on to the AF portal, and under Top Links you will see MyPers. Once you log in to MyPers, under “I would like to” you will see Update Duty History. After you click on that, you will then click on Request Changes in Duty History. On that screen you will be able to add, change or delete a duty title. You will also be required to upload any supporting documentation. No changes can be made without supporting documents. Once you have uploaded your documents you can submit the request to AFPC. Current duty information must be updated at the MPS Force Management office and will require source documents as well. Contact the Force Management Section at 238-5295 for more information. O OT TH HE ER RP PLLA AC CE ES ST TO OG GO O FFO OR R A S S I S T A N C E : ASSISTANCE: vMPF: Hardship/Humanitarian/Separation Applications Update Assignment Preference (Dream Sheet) Correction of Military Records (BCMR) Update/Correction of Personnel Data Record of Emergency Data (vRED) Various Assignment Applications Enlisted Promotion Information Accrual Travel Voucher Online PCS Out-processing Checklist Various Extension Requests Correction of Decoration Retirement Application Citizen Application Retraining CJR status AF Port a l: Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) Website Air Force Fitness Management System AFPC Secure Application New OPR/EPR forms E-Pubs and Forms IT E-learning Leave Web My Pay vMPF Personnel Records Display Application (PRDA) Automated Records Mgt System (ARMS) Assignment Management System (AMS) Base Level Service Delivery Model (BLSDM) DEROS Options and Your Career The DEROS program is an important part of your overseas military career, and it is important to understand how your DEROS option decisions can affect your reenlistment and assignment opportunities. 1. Airman must depart RAF Mildenhall by the last day of their DEROS month. 2. In order to be considered for an assignment cycle, Airmen must have or obtain 1 year retainability from their DEROS. If Airmen are eligible to obtain the required retainability they must report to the MPS Reenlistment office and obtain full required retainability. 3. If Airmen are eligible and they choose to decline to obtain the full required retainability, they must officially decline in writing by completing the AF Form 964. The MPS will accomplish an AF Form 964 on the Airman’s behalf for those Airmen who are eligible to obtain retainability, but have not done so by the 25th day of the 8th month prior to their DEROS. An Airman’s DEROS will be involuntarily extended to match the DOS if they fail to obtain the required retainability in the established timeframe. If the DEROS is involuntarily extended to match the DOS because of insufficient retainability, the original DEROS will not be reinstated based solely on the fact that they acquired retainability after the established suspense dates. If he/she is a first term Airman and his/her DEROS flips to match his/her DOS, he or she will only be allowed to reenlist, not extend. 4. If further clarification is required, consult the PSD Guide Overseas Returnee Counseling Handout and attachment 1 or contact the Reenlistment office in the MPS. Contact the Career Development Section at 238-5543 for more information. Upcoming AFPC Webinars 27 Jul 12 - FY13 NCO Retraining Program Webinar, 1000 & 1700 CST • M MP PS SC Co on nttaacctt N Nu um mb beerrss Chief: 238-4160 Superintendent: 238-4181 Customer Support: 238-2858 or 238-5289 Career Development: 238-5543 or 238-5314 Force Management: 238-5295 or 238-7227 H Ho ou urrss o off O Op peerraattiio on n:: Mon, Tue, Wed, & Fri 0830-1530 Thurs 0830-1730 The AFPC "Retirements - 101 for Enlisted" Brief has been pre-recorded and is available for viewing at your leisure. Contact AFPC at for a copy of this briefing. The AFPC "Retirements - 101 for Officers" Brief has been pre-recorded and is available for viewing at your leisure. Contact AFPC at for a copy of this briefing.