Guidelines for BSN Intercultural Learning Experiences

Guidelines for BSN Intercultural Learning Experiences
Student application and selection
To guide students and faculty in the process of student application, selection and evaluation of
BSN intercultural learning experiences.
Student Information
Student name:
Student ID:
Intercultural learning experience location / destination:
Proposed dates of intercultural learning experience:
Application due date:
(as specified by intercultural learning experience BSN faculty)
Course Credit
Applicants are to clearly indicate the course credit preference for the intercultural learning
CPE (specify course #)
# of credits
Elective (specify course #)
# of credits
Semester exchange (specify)
# of credits
Other (specify)
# of credits
Student Application Process
1. Self-reflection: Prior to formally applying to this intercultural learning experience, students
are asked to self-assess how this learning opportunity matches their current learning
needs and ways of being. In other words, students should ask themselves what they
believe they will gain from the experience and what attributes they will bring to this group
focused learning experience. Seear (2007) states that an impressive list of personal
qualities is not necessary but rather “the absolute requirements are a flexible attitude
combined with careful pre-trip preparation so that you will have a good idea of what to
expect” (p. 322). Part of the student’s self-assessment includes ability to be:
flexible and cope with change
adapt to the unexpected
be outside their comfort zone
work in a group setting for an extended period of time
be culturally effective
Bachelor of Science in Nursing  Vancouver Island University
Revised: 2011
H:\BSN (Support Staff)\Curric (Courses)\International Experiences\Guidelines for BSN Intercultural Learning Experiences - student application
In addition, students are asked to reflect on any major issues that have occurred in the
past six to twelve months—study related challenges, serious family illness, death of a
loved one, end of a serious relationship including separation, and divorce. If students have
faced any of these major issues, they are asked to honestly reflect on how they are coping
to ensure this Intercultural Learning Experience which is stressful in and of itself, doesn’t
negatively impact their learning and/or the learning of the group. This is not a written
assignment, but rather students are asked to incorporate this self-reflection when deciding
to move forward with applying for an intercultural learning experience and when writing
their letter of application.
2. Letter written by student that addresses the following:
The reason(s) for applying for this Intercultural Learning Experience. This should
include what you personally hope to gain from this experience and how it will inform
your nursing practice/career (personal and professional goals).
How you will prepare for this experience (including how you will learn about the
country you are visiting and how you will prepare for your ambassadorial role for
nursing, VIU, and Canada while on this experience).
What aspects of your educational history will contribute to this experience?
If you have had previous volunteer experience(s), how this has prepared you for this
Please describe the skills, talents, and/or abilities that you have to offer for this
Who will be providing support (emotional, relational) for you as you prepare to go,
while you are in your host country, and when you return?
How you perceive your ability to be flexible and adaptable (e.g. in dealing with the
unexpected, being out of your comfort zone, with various cultures, coping within a
group/team environment for an extended period of time)
How will the learning from this experience be shared with others on return to
Format of letter: APA not required. Address letter to the BSN faculty member(s)
responsible for the Intercultural Learning Experience you are applying to.
3. Two letters of support for your application from VIU faculty within your program (one
must be one of your practice instructors from within the past year). Letters of support may
be sent via email to the BSN faculty member(s) responsible for the Intercultural Learning
Experience you are applying to and are to comment on the faculty member’s thoughts on
your suitability for this experience and their perspective/experience with you being able to:
Demonstrate professionalism
Be self-directed
Bachelor of Science in Nursing  Vancouver Island University
Revised: 2011
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Function well within a group/team setting; possess good relationship-building skills
within the class and clinical settings
Be flexible: able to appropriately, professionally, and effectively cope with the
unexpected and/or being out of their comfort zone
4. Completion of the following forms (available from International Department at VIU):
Study Abroad Application Form and Study Abroad Self-Assessment Form completed
and signed.
Acknowledgement of Responsibility and Assumption of Risk for Study Abroad
Programs completed, signed and witnessed by a VIU faculty member.
Cancellation and Refund Procedures for VIU Study Abroad Programs completed and
5. A $500 deposit (cheque made out to ‘Vancouver Island University’ – please specify on
bottom of cheque which field school you are applying to). Once you are accepted into the
Intercultural Learning Experience, this cheque is non-refundable (unless VIU cancels the
experience – see form Cancellation and Refund Procedures for VIU Study Abroad
6. Completed applications will be reviewed and rated by the faculty overseeing the
intercultural learning experience; students will be notified of whether they have been a
successful applicant for the intercultural learning experience.
Of Students: Students will be evaluated as per the applicable Course Outline(s) for the
Intercultural Learning Experience (e.g. Nursing 314, Nursing 375, Nursing 371).
Of the Intercultural Learning Experience: Feedback will be elicited from students and
practice partners during and following the intercultural learning experience. This information
will be used to guide future intercultural learning experiences. Upon completion of the
intercultural learning experience, the involved BSN faculty will write a report outlining key
points and any recommendations for future experiences. This report will be posted on the BSN
Portal and forwarded to:
Chair of BSN Curriculum Committee
Chair of BSN Evaluation Committee
Chair of BSN Program
VIU International Program
Bachelor of Science in Nursing  Vancouver Island University
Revised: 2011
H:\BSN (Support Staff)\Curric (Courses)\International Experiences\Guidelines for BSN Intercultural Learning Experiences - student application