MARCH 2014 COUNSELOR’S CORNER NATIVITY ELEMENTARY MRS. JENESSA INTERNET SAFETY & TECHNOLOGY USE MORNING SESSION WITH OFFICER CLOWER TUESDAY, MARCH 18 7:45-8:15 AM HOLY SPIRIT SOCIAL HALL OR WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19 7:45-8:15 AM NATIVITY CAFETERIA PARENTS ARE HIGHLY ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND EITHER SESSION. SHORT SESSIONS AND OPPORTUNITY FOR Q & A Kindness Week: Mission Possible (Random SEE WHAT SULLIVAN HAS TO OFFER MARCH 31, 6:00-8:00 ************** FOR ALL CURRENT, INCOMING, AND INTERESTED FAMILIES *************** INTERACTIVE OPEN HOUSE **************** PARENT AND CHILD ATTEND TOGETHER **************** OPTIONAL: UNIFORM PRESENTATIONS **************** LITE SUPPER OF HOTDOGS & CHIPS WILL BE SERVED **************** Acts of Kindness) KINDNESS WEEK March 10-14 Kindness Week will be celebrated March 10-14. This year’s theme is Mission Possible. As secret service agents for the week, our goal is to secretly serve others with over 1,000 random acts of kindness. Our exciting agenda is below: Monday: “Secret Service Mission”-Kick-off assembly at 8:30 *Wear black pants and a black top like a secret agent. Quote: Kindness comes from different directions...kindness comes to you, through you, and from you. It’s just a matter of when you want to start! Tuesday: “Secret Agents Unite” *Wear your Charger t-shirt and uniform pants. Quote: When you carry out acts of kindness you get a wonderful feeling inside. It is as though something inside says, “Yes! This is how I ought to feel.” Wednesday: “Give Generously to Others” *Bring $1 (or more) for non-uniform day. Money will be collected and donated to JPII Catholic Schools mission in Chimbote, Peru. *************** TRANSITION TO MIDDLE SCHOOL: EXPO AT SULLIVAN MIDDLE SCHOOL FILLIPI Quote: A small spark of kindness can put a colossal burst of sunshine into someone’s day. Thursday: “Put Yourself in Someone Else’s Shoes” *Wear crazy socks and mismatched (yet comfortable) shoes. Quote: A warm smile is the universal sign of kindness. Friday: “Mission Possible” Did we reach our school goal? *Regular uniform day. Classroom certificates ceremony of success. Quote: People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Throughout the Week Counselor visits: Kindness is Cooler, Mrs. Ruler by Sachiko Yoshikawa. Activity: Each student will fill out a Mission Possible card to add to the school display. Take a chance to check out all the Secret Missions our students are carrying out. BOYS TOWN LIFE SKILLS This month’s Advanced Skills are: Solving Problems, Showing Appreciation, Showing Respect, and Accepting Others. NURTURED HEART APPROACH “The Nurtured Heart Approach® is a set of strategies that builds richer relationships. It inspires appropriate behaviors by energizing children when things are “going right”, and it sets clear limits. With the Nurtured Heart Approach® a child builds a sense of Inner Wealth which is the basis for great decision making and success—critical for all children in the modern world.” For more information, go to