B327 Branding, Advertising and Promotions This document addresses the content related abilities, with reference to the module. Abilities of thinking, learning, problem solving, team work, communication, debating and defending are addressed by the system wide curricular practices at the institute. Module Synopsis Branding, advertising and promotions are dynamic elements that drive an organisational growth in meeting changing consumers’ needs and dollars. Branding is an important concept which revolves around the creation of a name, term, sign design or a combination of them, and aims to create a level of awareness and reputation in an increasingly competitive marketplace of today. It is essential for organisations to develop and value-add to brands, with advertising and promotional communications as important elements for brand marketing strategy. This module introduces the students to the concept of dynamic brand exercise through an understanding of branding, advertising and promotional concepts to create an integrated marketing communication strategy. Students will learn how to create meaningful touch points that marketers can engage and interact with consumers by designing successful branding through the appropriate use of advertising and promotional tools. Topics covered include: Brands and brand Management, brand positioning, brand elements to brand equity, integrating marketing communications to build brand equity, measuring brand performance, and sustaining brand equity. Strictly Confidential. For Articulation Purpose Only. Module Learning Outcomes Throughout the course, students will learn: Branding and Brand Management Understand the concept of brand and brand identity (1) Explain the role and importance of branding (1) Identify the steps in strategic brand management process (1) Explain the concept of customer-based brand equity (2) Evaluate the sources of customer-based brand equity (2) Developing Brand Positioning Define brand positioning Relate frames of reference, points of difference associations and points of parity associations to brand positioning Apply the guidelines for developing a good brand positioning Design a brand mantra based on brand positioning Building a Brand Define brand resonance Describe the steps in building brand resonance Identify the components of brand resonance model Summarize the implication of brand building Selecting Brand Elements to Build Brand Equity Identify the different types of brand elements List the criteria for choosing brand elements Describe the tactics in choosing different brand elements Explain the rationale for mixing and matching brand elements Designing Marketing Programs to Build Brand Equity Describe how marketing programs enhance brand equity Discuss the ways product strategy can enhance product experiences Analyse the ways different pricing strategies can be adopted to build brand equity Apply how channel strategy can contribute to brand equity Strictly Confidential. For Articulation Purpose Only. Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations to Build Brand Equity Explain the eight main ways to leverage secondary associations Describe how each of the eight ways of leveraging secondary associations can be used to influence a brand Discuss some issues in leveraging secondary associations from different entities Developing Brand Equity Measurement Understand the need for measuring brands Explain the steps in conducting a brand audit Describe how to interpret a tracking study Discuss the qualitative and quantitative research techniques for brand measurement Integrated Marketing Communications in Branding and Setting Objectives Understand the role of integrated marketing communications (IMC) in branding Understand the importance of setting objectives for advertising and promotions Identify the characteristics of communication objectives Explain the hierarchical model of advertising (DAGMAR) Developing and Implementing Advertising Message Examine the considerations in selecting a source of a promotional message Examine different types of message structures Analyse the types of appeals used in the development of a message Understand the various creative execution styles used in advertising situations Evaluate creative approaches through basic criteria Evaluation of Non-Digital Media Identify the different media classes Understand the advantages and limitations of traditional media as advertising media Examine the types of support media in IMC program Select appropriate advertising media for a given product Evaluation of the Internet and Interactive Media Understand the role of the Internet and interactive media Identify the use of Web 2.0 media platforms Discuss the different forms of internet advertising Examine the latest revolution in digital and interactive media Strictly Confidential. For Articulation Purpose Only. Influencing Purchase Behaviour through Sales Promotions Understand how sales promotion is co-ordinated with advertising Understand the role of sales promotion in IMC program Examine the types of consumer- and trade-oriented sales promotion tools Developing Media Plan and Establishing Budget Understand the media planning process Describe the criteria in developing media plan Evaluate the ways to determine relative costs of media Describe the approaches to establishing promotional budget Measuring Advertising Effectiveness Understand the reasons for measuring advertising program effectiveness Describe the process of conducting research to measure advertising effectiveness Identify the methods for pretesting and posttesting of advertisements Understanding Ethics in Advertising Understand the social and cultural consequences of advertising Consider the social and ethical criticisms of advertising Strictly Confidential. For Articulation Purpose Only. Module Syllabus School/Centre Academic Year Module Name : Centre for Enterprise and Communication : AY 2013/2014 Semester 2 : B327 Branding, Advertising and Promotions Learning Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Understand the basic elements of advertising and promotional communications Understand the role of integrated marketing communications Analyse the communication process Develop media plan and strategy Understand the roles of sales promotion, public relations, publicity and corporate advertising Understand the roles and importance of brands and the concept of brand equity Understand key branding concepts, theories and tools related to brand management Develop and manage integrated marketing communications program to support brand development Conceptualise creative and critical strategies to develop, position and measure brand equity Module Coverage Allocated time per day (One day-One problem PBL pedagogy) Discussion in Study Cluster 4 Resource gathering and team work 3 Developing Brand Positioning 4 3 Building a Brand 4 3 Selecting Brand Elements to Build Brand Equity 4 3 Designing Marketing Programs to Build Brand Equity 4 3 Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations to Build Brand Equity 4 3 Developing Brand Equity Measurement 4 3 Branding and Brand Management Strictly Confidential. For Articulation Purpose Only. Formal Lab Experiment Module Coverage Allocated time per day (One day-One problem PBL pedagogy) Discussion in Study Cluster 4 Resource gathering and team work 3 Developing and Implementing Advertising Message 4 3 Evaluation of Non-Digital Media 4 3 Evaluation of the Internet and Interactive Media 4 3 Influencing Purchase Behaviour through Sales Promotions 4 3 Developing Media Plan and Establishing Budget 4 3 Measuring Advertising Effectiveness 4 3 Understanding Ethics in Advertising 4 3 Total = 15 problems = 105 hours 60 45 Integrated Marketing Communications in Branding and Setting Objectives Strictly Confidential. For Articulation Purpose Only. Formal Lab Experiment