Case Study Analysis

Situational Analysis:
First in Show Pet Foods, Inc is facing a new circumstance for the company. They are in the process of launching a
new dog food product to supermarkets. The dog food is called Show Circuit. It is the finest dog food on the market to date
but it isn't very popular (for now). They currently just got done making a new package for the product and are launching
new ads with the packaging as the focal point.
The roll of the company right now is to get the product as mainstream as possible. They want people to recognize
the product by just seeing the logo. First in Show Pet Foods, Inc has gone through modifications to the product recently
to set up for the launch in supermarkets. One of the most difficult part of the whole process is that the dog food is not
stored at room temperature. Show Circuit has to be refrigerated. Therefor it will be next to human food in the refrigerated
isles. They are taking this as a positive for the company. Making a motto from the situation: The first dog food to appeal
to dogs only.
Their are a couple resources available in this case study. They gathered a study of the top claims for new dog food
product introductions for the period of 2006-2007 compared with 2007-2008. Showing the increase of dog foods with no
additives/no preservatives, more vitamins/minerals and all-natural. The next study they gathered was categorizing the
major dog food categories (dry, canned, and treats) and displaying the national brands included under each category. The
company also compared it's pricing to other dog food companies in the business and made a table out of each brand of dog
food in the Boston-Area sold at supermarkets. The pricing in the table is in 3 categories: Dry, Canned and Treats. Under
each is the national brands and price per ounce.
The main thing that needs to be focused on before moving along in the process is that this is the only dog food
in the Boston area supermarkets that needs to be refrigerated. One of the studies First in Show Pet Food, Inc gathered is a
major obstacle that they need to focus on. The study shows the decrease in additives, preservatives, vitamins, and minerals
in dog food and the amount purchased after these changes. This will effect the company if they have not changed their
product to accompany what (clearly) the consumer is looking for. Right now they have an all meat product with
preservatives. This isn't appealing to the new market. The price of the product also makes the new marketing decisions
difficult. In a study gathered about Show Circuits competitors a significant amount of products sold were due to pricing.
Central Core Difficulty
This product is facing a difficult time due to its lack of public awareness. The Boston area does not know about
this so-called "Show Circuit" dog food. They don't know the many blue ribbons it has won dog show competitors. They
haven't heard from there barber that it is the best product to buy when your dogs fur isn't looking so hot. The Boston area
wants to hear from other locals that this stuff really works. Not that an ad says it does. Not that the tub of dog food says it's
great. But that there best friend loves it and wouldn't use anything else. The company needs to get right to the heart of all
the dog owners in Boston and get high reviews. This posses a lot of potential harm to their external customers.
Company Goal
The company goal is to get rid of the external customers worries. They are going to work on this by advertising
(so they are already on the right track there) but also by creating a presentable website where you can sign up for
newsletters. By having the consumer sign up they will receive a free sample. Then after receiving the sample a call will be
made to the consumer to see how the product worked for them and if they would be willing to switch over to using Show
Circuit for there dog on a daily basis. But overall I feel that the best way to overcome the external customers fear is by
having the internal customer happy. With each Show Circuit sold in stores a questionnaire should be prompted to the
cashier to ask for the customers phone number and name. This will be sent directly to First in Show Pet Foods, Inc and a
complimentary customer service call will be made a month after the purchase to see how the experience went with trying
the new product.
The main objective that I want the company to focus on is newsletters, customer profiles and a customer service
team. Besides those main factors I want to have a representative of the company at every store Show Circuit is sold at. They
will be required to go there once a month, until the increase First in Show Pet Foods, Inc was looking for is achieved. They
will be required to ask external customers if they would be willing to try a product like Show Circuit. They will document
every question asked and every response received along with the name and phone number of the individual answering
them. After the day is over they will return all results to corporate to be processed into a data software. The software will
then list in a table all of the problems external customers had. After averaging the top 10 issues a data analysts that works
for First in Show Pet Foods will write up a summary of the results. The results will be shown to the CEO and modifications
will then be made to the company due to the 10 issues external customers had. If a phone number was left on the
questionnaire they will be called and informed on the measures that the company is taking to help please them directly.
They will be given a free sample of the dog food for their cooperation.
Primary Audiences
First in Show Pet Foods, Inc will need to communicate with external customers in order to achieve the objectives.
Define the Problem
Right now the company is at a point in it's existence that only a select few people know about the product and
how well it works. Those people are in the small bracket of dog show competitors. We need to take that bracket and extend
it to the general public. Show Circuit is well known to competitors but needs to be well known to your mom, brother, sister
or aunt. Anyone with a dog needs to of at least heard about the product.
Causes and Effects
As the company focuses more on the external customer they will loose focus on the internal customer, but only
for a bit. The product will not change. But neither will the price. Internal customers expect that the more they use the
product the cheaper it will become. This will not be the case immediately. Also, more money will be spent into making the
external customer happy. This will not effect First in Show Pet Foods, Inc because they will be making more due to the
increase in internal customers. Due to the amount of questionnaires the company will be receiving job opportunities will
increase. Which will bring more people to the company. More people working for the company means more people
knowing about the company. And do you know what that means? A decrease in external customers. The company goal is
working in more ways than one.
List of Alternative Solutions or Courses:
There are other ways that the companies issue may be taken care of. The first option is to have First in Show Pet
Foods, Inc create a new ad. This ad will be of a family playing with their dog. A nothing but normal family dog. The dog
will be eating Show Circuit, his hair will be shiny and the narrator will say, "Normal food for a normal dog." The family
will be playing and having fun and the frame will end with a picture of the tub of Show Circuit. Another way to target the
external customers is adding advertisements into local newspapers or magazines. What I think will top these two ideas is
product placement. First in Show Pet Foods, Inc will look into upcoming movie productions and pay to have the dog food
in a key point in the movie. This will have the external customers coming in like a teenager does after his mom yells,
"Food is ready."
Compare, Chose and Implement
There are so many competitors doing the same
TV Commercial
Americans sit at home and watch tv on a daily
thing. And a commercial for a new product
basis. 99% of homes in the US have a TV. In an
means nothing to anyone unless they have
average american house the TV will be watched
already heard of the product before hand. When
for 6 hours and 7 minutes. That is over 30,000
heard before hand it attracts the person to the
commercials a year.
product because they had already had a previous
interaction with it
Cheap and personal. Local papers are written by
Local Ads
locals for locals. Ads in their are specifically for
This doesn't get out the general public enough,
The most effective way of advertising. This will
get into the external customers mind
subconsciously. They will immediately
Product Placement
recognize the packaging and when they see it at
the store their mind will connect the movie to the
product and be urged to purchase it.
Product Placement is the chosen alternative. The company will look into family movies being directed in the near future.
Call up the company and ask for a product placement in the movie. Simple as that. They will look for the movie that is
expected to receive the most revenue/turnover.