SYLLABUS - METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Course Identification Title: Course Section: Academic Year/Quarter: Credit Hours: Date Class Begins: Date Class Ends: Last Date to Drop Class: Meeting Days/Time: Delivery Type: Location of Class: MCC Spanish Web Address: Dates Class Does Not Meet: Contact Information Instructor’s Name: Metro Office Location: Office Telephone: Office Fax: E-Mail Address: Alternate E-mail: Office Hours: Academic Program Area: Academic Dean & Contact: Elementary Spanish I SPAN 1110 4A Spring 2011 7.5 March 9, 2011 – Class census date: March 22, 2011 May 23, 2011 May 7, 2011 Monday & Wednesday / 8:30 a.m. - 11:55 a.m. Classroom Fort Omaha Campus, Bldg. #10 Room 108 n/a Ms. Karina A. Clarke Fort Omaha Campus, Building #10, Office 222C 402-457-2367 402-457-2833 Monday, 12:00-18:00 Languages and Visual Arts Tom McDonnell, 402-289-1306, EVC Course Information Course Description: This is the first of two sequential courses that comprise a traditional first year Spanish College course. Students learn basic skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Course Prerequisites: None. We strongly recommend that the student have College level reading and writing skills, as well as be computer literate. Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to demonstrate an elementary level of language proficiency in audio and oral skills, reading and writing, and awareness of some Hispanic culture and history in several Spanish speaking countries. The student will: 1. Use basic Spanish vocabulary. 2. Respond orally or in writing to elementary questions in Spanish. 3. Understand elementary written passages in Spanish 4. Recognize and use many regular, irregular and stem-changing indicative tense verbs both orally and in writing in the present, preterit and imperfect tenses. Required Materials: ¡Arriba! My Spanish Lab Access Code. (You must purchase this code and it is good for SPAN 1110 & 1120) Course Code: CRSCDEX-244535 Supplemental Materials: ¡Arriba! 5th Brief Edition. Zayas-Bazán, Bacon, Nibert textbook (This text is used for both 1110 and 1120). DVDs (¡Pura vida!, Vistas culturales, Entrevistas)will be viewed in class and can be viewed at the Fort, South, Sarpy, Fremont and Elkhorn libraries as well as My Spanish Lab Textbook Audio CDs and Ritmos de nuestro mundo cd will be available at the Fort, South, Sarpy, Fremont and Elkhorn libraries as well as My Spanish Lab. Student Activities Manual (hardcopy) will be available at MCC-Learning Centers Course Structure: The course will be comprised of lectures given by the instructor; participation in cooperative learning exercises with the whole class and in many small group/ partner activities consisting of speaking, listening, reading and writing. DVDs will be viewed in class (if need be, students may repeat viewings in any of the main campus libraries). Metropolitan Community College 1 Course Assessment 1. Types of Assessment/Assignments a. Students will be assessed based upon the following: 1. Attendance/ participation (25%): 1. Attendance: is recorded for every class: 10 % 2. Participation: students who are in class are expected to participate in all activities and assessments presented in class. 15 % 2. Homework (25%) 1. Completion of ALL assigned Student Activities Manual activities (SAM) 2. Compositions/Writing Assignments in My Spanish Lab* 3. Chapter Tests (25%) 1. 4 chapter tests will be graded (Chapters, 1, 2, 4, 5) 4. Exams (25%) 1. Midterm Exam with Speaking Component for Chapters 1-3 2. Final Exam with Speaking Component for Chapters 4-6 *All writing assignments will be assigned at the discretion of the instructor. If assigned, they will be counted in the Homework grade. b. Homework: Students must complete textbook readings, all Student Activities Manual work/activities (many of which require using My Spanish Lab) and all other homework assigned by instructor. Outside of explicitly assigned homework, students must practice oral, written & web-based drill work (repetition) on their own using My Spanish Lab and related resources to memorize vocabulary and verb conjugations. c. Make up and late assignment policies: All assignments will be due on the dates listed in My Spanish Lab. Late work is frowned upon, but late work will be accepted for chapters 1-3 up until the Midterm and for 4-6 up until the Final, for partial credit. NOTE: All late work will be accepted/graded at the discretion of the instructor and the instructor reserves the right to deduct points for turning in assignments late. d. Make up Tests: The student is allowed to make up only one (1) Chapter Test given in the entire course. The student must make up that test within 5 business days of the missed assessment. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor that he/she wants to make up the assessment. If the student fails to make arrangements within 5 business days with the instructor it is assumed that the student will not make up the assessment and no arrangements will be made. Any missed assessments that are not made up will receive the grade of 0. Students will not be allowed to re-do assessments that have already been taken. Exams are not eligible for this; exams will be taken on the dates listed on the syllabus, no exceptions. e. Exams: The Midterm and the Final exams are requirements for the course and will be taken on the dates listed on the syllabus. If a student does not take and complete the Midterm Exam the instructor reserves the right to fail the student in the course; if the student does not take and complete the Final Exam the instructor reserves the right to fail the student in the course. f. The General Education Competencies assessed in this course: Communication Social Cultural Awareness 2. Grading Policy A = 90 – 100%, B = 80 – 89%, C = 70 – 79%, D = 60 – 69%, F < 60%; FX = failure due to excessive absences *Final grades, grades for exams, tests, MSL work and class participation will not be scaled or curved. 3. Maintenance of Student Records a. Students will receive a Midterm progress report and a Final grade b. Homework and quizzes will be returned within one week. c. Grade books / spreadsheets will be kept by the instructor for a minimum of one (1) year. d. Midterm and Final exams will be kept for one (1) year. SPAN 1110 4A - 2 Required Student Expectations: 1. Class Participation – 15% of final grade: Showing up to class is an important part of the grade, but participation and active engagement in the class (i.e. in-class speaking activities; participation in pair, group individual activities; in-class written activities, note-taking, demonstration of class preparedness) are essential. Calculation of the participation grade is up to the discretion of the instructor and will be based on the student’s level of interaction in class as well as compliance with in-class activities of the aforementioned examples. Student are encouraged to participate every day, ask questions, take notes and take the initiative in engaging themselves during class time. Each student will be eligible for 10 class participation points for day. 2. Attendance Policy- 10% of final grade: Each student may miss two (2) classes (the equivalent of one week) before losing full attendance points. Any and all absences will negatively affect the student’s attendance & class participation grade!! The student receives 10 points per day for attendance. The first two (2) absences the student will receive 1/2 of the credit or 5 points. If a student misses part of the class, they will be deducted half points (for example: if a student leaves early from class the instructor reserves the right to deduct at least 5 points from the daily attendance grade.) Any full or partial absences over the first full two days (this also includes accumulated partially missed days) the student will receive grade of 0 points for each subsequent day of absence. The student will also be deducted points for any cumulative full absences as well (i.e. a student arrives late to two classes; up to 10 points can be deducted.) As a courtesy, please notify the instructor of any anticipated absence either by phone/voicemail or by e-mail. GENERAL RULE: DON’T MISS CLASS! 3. After four (4) cumulative absences the instructor reserves the right to fail the student from the course. Six (6) cumulative absences will result in a failing grade for the course. A failure due to excessive absences will receive a grade of FX, which is failure due to absences. There is no special consideration for absence due to illness and/or hospitalization. 4. Keep in mind: You have to attend class to be eligible for class participation points. SO ANY ABSENCE WILL NEGATIVELY AFFECT THE CLASS PARTICIPATION GRADE AS WELL AS THE ATTENDANCE GRADE. For example, if you attend class and participate, you are eligible for 20 points. If you leave class early, but have participated, you are eligible for 10 points. If you attend the entire class but do not participate you are eligible for 10 points. If you don’t attend class you do not receive any points (0). 5. Expected Classroom Behavior: Arrive to class prepared and on-time, with homework completed and previous lessons mastered Participate in whole class, individual and small group/ partner activities Refrain from using portable electronic devices Respect all classmates Stay in class until class is finished 6. Any student who misses a class has assumed the responsibility to gather the information covered in class and the assignment for the following class. Find two people in the class that you can phone or e-mail for this information. a. b. Classmate/ Phone/ Email Classmate/ Phone/ Email _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 7. Note about transfer credit: Students who are expecting to transfer this course to another institution should understand that it is the student’s responsibility, and not that of the instructor, to understand and adhere to the transfer guidelines of the “transfer to” institution. It is strongly suggested the student educate themselves about these guidelines and adhere to them to insure that the class will transfer upon completion of the course. 8. Note about financial aid requirements: Students who are taking this class using financial aid should understand that it is the student’s responsibility, and not that of the instructor, to understand and adhere to the financial aid guidelines pertaining to grades and GPA. It is strongly suggested the student educate themselves about these guidelines and adhere to them to insure that there is no issues that will affect subsequent financial aid eligibility. The instructor has no involvement with the Financial Aid office. 9. Notice: This syllabus is written as an expectation of class topics, learning activities, and expected learning outcomes. However, the instructor reserves the right to make changes in this schedule that may result in enhanced or more effective learning for students. These modifications will not substantially change the intent or objectives of this course and will be done within the policies and guidelines of Metropolitan Community College. SPAN 1110 4A - 3 Arriba/My Spanish Lab Support (The information below can be accessed from the homepage of My Spanish Lab. Click Support on the toolbar) Visit our Customer Technical Support website at Here you can: Search frequently asked questions. Ask a Question and receive a detailed response, monitored 24/7. Chat online with a live representative. Visit for chat support hours. Technology Support For assistance with student email, passwords, and most other MCC technology, contact the Help Desk at 457-2900 or By using the information technology systems at MCC (including the computer systems and phones), you acknowledge and consent to the conditions of use as set forth in the Metropolitan Community College Procedures Memorandum on Acceptable Use of Information Technology and Resources. It is your responsibility as a student to be familiar with these procedures. The full text may be found at the following website: Learning Support Metro's Learning, Math, and Writing Centers can help you achieve educational success. The staff in these centers provides drop-in assistance with basic math, reading, writing and computer skills. We offer a friendly, supportive learning environment. Self-paced computer-assisted instructional support in reading, vocabulary, typing, English as a Second Language, and online course orientation is also available. Detailed information about these services are in the Student Handbook, College Catalog, and online. Links to these resources are located at College Policies College policies, such as student rights and responsibilities, academic standards, plagiarism, and etc. are outlined in the College Catalog and Student Handbook. This information can be accessed via the online catalog at Student Withdrawal: If you cannot participate in and complete this course, you should officially withdraw by calling Central Registration at 402-457-5231 or 1800-228-9553. Failure to officially withdraw will result in either an attendance-related failure (FX) or failing (F) grade. The last date to withdraw is noted in the CLASS IDENTIFICATION section of this syllabus. Student Code Of Conduct: The College has a standard code of conduct that involves consequences for specific academic and non-academic behavior that may result in a failing grade, probation, or suspension from the college. More complete information about the code of conduct is located in the Student Services portion of the online catalog ( Academic Honesty: Students are reminded that materials they use as sources for class work may be subject to copyright protection. Additional information about copyright is provided on the library website at or by your instructor. In response to incidents of student dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, illegal peer-to-peer file sharing, etc.), the College imposes specific actions that may include receiving a failing grade on a test, failure in the course, suspension from the College, or dismissal from the College. Disciplinary procedures are available in the Advising/Counseling Centers or at Accommodations For Students With Disabilities: If you have a disability that may substantially limit your ability to participate in this class, please contact a Vocational Special Needs Counselor, located in the Student Services Office on each campus. Metropolitan Community College will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with documented qualifying disabilities. However, it is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations. For further information, please contact the Student Services Office at your campus. Other pertinent college policies are posted on the CDS website: SECTION V: SCHEDULE OF ASSIGNMENTS: This is a tentative class plan & assignment schedule. The instructor reserves the right to make adjustments to this schedule. Class Dates o Class Activities Homework 1 3/9 Begin Chap 1 Introduction to Elementary Spanish I SAM o Syllabus and Expectations o Video Tutorial: How to Sign Up for My Spanish Lab (MSL) o My Spanish Lab Login (MSL) o Click on "Overview" for a general tour. o Click on "Student Registration" for Signing up for the Course. Begin Chapter 1 o Objectives p. 2-3 Objective 1-A: Meeting and greeting others in Spanish o Power Point: Saludos y despedidas (Hello & Goodbye) o Saludos y despedidas, p. 4-5 (texto) o Acts. p. 6: 1-1,1-2 & 1-3 SPAN 1110 4A - 4 2 3/14 3 3/16 4 3/21 5 3/23 Objective 1-B: Spelling your name o Vowels and Alphabet, p. 7-9 (texto) o Power Point: Vowel Sounds & Diphthongs o Help with Pronunciation o Power Point: Accents & Accentuation o Acts. p. 9: 1-7, 1-8, Objective 1-C: Performing simple math problems o Numbers 0-100, p. 10-11 (texto) o Power Point: Los números (Numbers) o Acts. p. 11: 1-11, 1-13 (speaking) Objective 1-D: Talking about the calendar and dates o Days of the week, months and seasons, p.13-16 (texto) o Power Point: Los días, meses, estaciones y fecha (Days & Date) o Acts. p. 14-16: 1-15, 1-16, 1-17 (speaking) o Simple Conversation - Class 2 Objective 1-E & Objective 1-F: Describing your classroom & Identifying colors o En la clase, p.18-21 (texto) o Acts. p. 20-21: 1-21, 1-22, 1-23, 1-24A (speaking) Objective 1- G: Talking about yourself and others o Power Point: Articles, Nouns, Gender & Number o Power Point: Using the Verb HAY o Nouns & Articles p. 22-24 (texto) o Acts. p. 23-24: 1-27, 1-28 (speaking), 1-29, 1-30 o Adjective form, position and agreement, p. 24-25 (texto) o Power Point: Colors & Descriptive Adjectives o Acts. p. 25: 1-31, 1-33 (parejas), 1-34 (speaking) o Subject pronouns and the present tense of SER, p. 26-28 (texto) o Power Point: Using the verb SER o Power Point: Subject Pronouns in Spanish o Acts. p. 27: 1-36 EXTRA PRACTICE WORKSHEETS (EPW): Chapter One Speaking Test 1 Chapter 1 Test Begin Chapter 2 o Objectives p. 38-39 Objective 2-A: Describing yourself, other people and things o Adjetivos descriptivos y adjetivos de nacionalidad, p. 40-41 (texto) o Acts. p. 42-43: 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4 (speaking), 2-5 (speaking) o List of Nationalities for Spanish Speaking Countries o Notes on Q & A and Descriptions o SER Notes & Worksheets + SER Worksheets Answers o Articles & Adjectives Wksht + Article & Adjectives Wksht Answers o Revised Simple Conversation for Class 4 Objective 2- D: Talking about what you like to do. o ¿De dónde eres?; ¿Qué haces? ; ¿Qué te gusta hacer?, p. 55 (texto) o Act. p. 56: 2-21, 2-22 o The present tense of regular –ar verbs, p.57-58 (texto) o The present tense of regular –er and –ir verbs p, 60-61 (texto) o Power Point: Basics for Conjugation o Verb Conjugation Drills Chart for Verb Conjugation Practice Objective 2- E: Talking about what you have and what you have to do. o Power Point: Using the Verb TENER o The present tense of TENER, p. 63 (texto) o TENER QUE + infinitivo, p. 64 (texto) o Verb Drill + Verb Drill Answers o EPW: Chapter Two o WORKSHEETS: 1.4 - 1.7, 2.1, 2.6, 2.7, & 2.5 o WORKSHEETS: 1.4 - 1.7, 2.1, 2.6, 2.7, & 2.5 ANSWERS Continue Chap 1 SAM Continue Chap 1 SAM Complete Chap 1 SAM Begin Chap 2 SAM SPAN 1110 4A - 5 6 3/28 7 3/30 8 4/4 9 4/6 10 4/11 Objective 2-C: Asking and responding to simple questions o Formation of yes/no questions and negation, p. 48-49 (texto) o Power Point: Understanding the Process of Question and Answer o Acts. p. 49: 2-11 o Interrogative words, p. 50 (texto) o Power Point: Question Words (Interrogatives) o Acts. p. 50-52: 2-13, 2-14, 2-15, 2-17 (speaking) Objective 2-B: Asking for and telling time o Telling time, p. 44-46 (texto) o Power Point: La hora (Telling Time) o Acts. p. 46-47: 2-7, 2-8, 2-9 o Power Point: Fun with Infinitives (Actions in the Near-future) o Using “+ infinitive” phrases (me gusta + infinitive) Speaking Test 2 o Simple Conversation o ADD: Description o ADD: Dos (2) Preguntas generales Chapter 2 Test Written Begin Chapter 3 o Objectives, p. 74-75 Objective 3-A: Exchanging information about classes o Materias académicas y la vida estudiantil, p. 77-78 (texto) o Acts. p. 78-80: 3-2, 3-3, 3-4 (speaking), 3-5 o The numbers 101-3,000,000, p. 81 (texto) o Acts. p. 82-83: 3-7, 3-8, 3-9ª, 3-10 Objective 3-E: Asking for and giving simple directions o The present tense of IR and HACER, p.95 (texto) o Power point: Using the Verb IR o Power point: Using the Verb HACER o Acts. p. 96-97: 3-27, 3-28, 3-29, 3-30 (speaking) o EPW: Chapter Three o Simple Conversation Revised for Class 9 Summary of the uses of SER and ESTAR 100-101 (texto) o Power Point: Using ESTAR & HABER o Acts. p. 98-99: 3-31, 3-32, 3-33, 3-34 (speaking), 3-35 o Power Point: Comparing & Contrasting SER & ESTAR (I & II) o SER & ESTAR Venn Diagram - Summary o Acts. p. 101-102: 3-38, 3-40, 3-42 (speaking) Objective 3-B: Talking about things that belong to you o Possessive adjectives, p. 83-84 (texto) o Power Point: How to Express Possession o Acts. p. 84-86: 3-11, 3-12, 3-13 (speaking) Objective 3-C: Talking about how you and others feel o Other expressions with TENER, p. 85-86 (texto) o Acts. p. 87-88: 3-15, 3-16, 3-17 Objective 3-D: Describing yourself and others o Actividades y edificios ,p. 91 (texto) o Acts. p. 92-94: 3-21, 3-22, 3-23, 3-24 Review of Chapter 3 + Midterm Expectations Review/Practice for the Midterm Exam 11 4/13 Midterm Exam Chapter 1-3 + Midterm Speaking Exam Continue Chap 2 SAM Complete Chap 2 SAM Begin Chap 3 SAM Continue Chap 3 SAM Continue Chap 3 SAM Complete Chap 3 SAM SPAN 1110 4A - 6 12 4/18 13 4/20 14 4/25 15 4/27 16 5/2 Begin Chapter 4 , Objectives, p. 114-115 Objective 4-A: Talking about your family o Miembros de la familia, p. 117 o Acts. p. 118: 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 o Power Point: Definitions of Family Members In-Class Writing: "Una familia" Objective 4-D: Extending invitations o Lugares de ocio, p. 133 Acts. p. 134-135: 4-26, 4-27, 4-28, 4-31 (speaking) Objective 4-B: Expressing desires and preferences o Power Point: Stem-Change Verbs o The present tense of stem-changing verbs e:ie, o:ue, e:I, p. 119-120 o Acts. p. 121-123: 4-6, 4-7. 4-8, 4-9, 4-10 (speaking) o Power Point: Using the Verb SALIR o Power Point: Irregular 1st Person Verbs o The present tense of PONER, SALIR and TRAER, p. 128-129 o Acts. p. 129-130: 4-19, 4-21 o Worksheets: Irregular, Special, Irregular "yo" & Stem-Change Verbs o Worksheets: Irregular, Special, Irregular "yo" & Stem-Change Verbs Practice ANSWERS o Handout: Chapter Four Verbs - Fully Conjugated Objective 4-F: Discussing things you know o SABER and CONOCER, p.139-140 o Power Point: Contrasting SABER y CONOCER o Worksheet: Saber & Conocer / Worksheet: Saber & Conocer ANSWERS o Acts. p. 140-141: 4-39, 4-40, 4-41A Objective 4-C: Planning activities o Direct objects, the personal a and direct object pronouns, p. 125-126 o Power Point: Using Direct Objects, Pronouns and Personal “a” o Acts. p. 126-127: 4-13, 4-14, 4-15, 4-16, 4-17, o Worksheet on Direct Object Pronouns (DOPs) o Answers for Worksheet on Direct Object Pronouns (DOPs) o Worksheet: Personal "A" o Worksheet: Personal "A" ANSWERS Objective 4-E: Making Spatial References o Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns, p. 137-138 o Power Point: Demonstrative Adjectives o Demonstratives Worksheet o Demonstratives Worksheet Answers o Acts. p. 138-139: 4-33, 4-34, 4-35, 4-36 (speaking) o Lecture Notes - Parts of Speech o Revised Simple Conversation Class 14 o EPW: Chapter Four Speaking Test 4 Chapter 4 Test Begin Chapter 5 Objectives, p. 154-155 Objective 5-A: Describing your daily routine and habits & Expressing needs related to personal care & expressing emotional states o Las actividades diarias, p. 156-159 o Acts. p. 158: 5-1, 5-2, 5-4 Begin Chap 4 SAM Objective 5-A: Describing your daily routine and habits & Expressing needs related to personal care & expressing emotional states o Las actividades diarias, p. 156-159 o Acts. p. 158: 5-1, 5-2, 5-4 o Reflexive & Reciprocal constructions, p. 159 -162 o Handout: Present Tense Verb Categories o Power Point: Using Reflexive Verbs Continue Chap 5 SAM Continue Chap 4 SAM Complete Chap 4 SAM Begin Chap 5 SAM SPAN 1110 4A - 7 17 5/4 18 5/9 19 5/11 20 5/16 o Worksheets: Reflexive Verbs Practice o Acts. p. 161-162: 5-6, 5-7, 5-12 Objective 5-E: Describing what is happening at the moment o The present progressive, p. 176-178 o Fun With Infinitives (REVISED) o Power Point: The Present Progressive o Worksheets: Present Progressive o Acts. p. 177: 5-30, 5-31 Objective 5-B: Comparing objects and people o Comparisons of equality & inequality, p. 163-166 o Power Point: Comparisons of Equality & Inequality o Comprehensive Practice Worksheets for Comparatives o Power Point: Adverbs in Spanish o Practice Worksheet Adverbs o Acts. p. 164-165: 5-13, 5-14, 5-15 (speaking) Objective 5-C: Talking about what you do around the house o Los quehaceres domésticos, p. 168-173 o Acts. p. 170-173: 5-19, 5-20, 5-21 (speaking), 5-22 Objective 5-D: Describing people or things using superlatives o The superlative, p. 173-176 o Power Point: The Superlative & Absolute Superlatives o Practice Worksheets for Superlatives o Acts. p. 174-176: 5-25, 5-26, 5-27, 5-29 (speaking) o Simple Conversation Class 17 o EPW: Chapter Five Speaking Test 5 Chapter 5 Test Begin Chapter 6 o Objectives, p. 188-189 Objective 6-A: Discussing food, eating preferences and ordering meals o Las comidas, p. 190-194 o Acts. p. 192: 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4 (speaking) Objective 6-B: Talking about things and expressing to or for whom o The verbs DECIR and DAR, p. 195-197 o Power Poin: Using DAR and DECIR o Practice Worksheets: DAR & SALIR, DECIR & OÍR o Power Point: Prepositions & Contractions o Acts. p. 196-197: 6-10, 6-11, 6-12 Objective 6-C: Expressing likes and dislikes o Indirect objects, and indirect object pronouns, p. 195-197 o GUSTAR and similar verbs, p. 198-200 o Power Point: Indirect objects and Indirect Object Pronouns (IOPs) o Worksheets: Indirect Objects o Power Point: GUSTAR y Verbs Like It (VLI) o Worksheet: Using GUSTAR & VLI o Acts. p. 198-200: 6-16, 6-17, 6-20, 6-12 (speaking) Objective 6-D: Discussing cooking and recipes o En la cocina, p. 202-206 o Acts. p. 204-206: 6-25, 6-26, 6-27, 6-29 (speaking) Yout Tube: El Cocinero Fiel: Recetas de cocina en vídeo - Funky Chef Recipes on Video Objective 6-E: Talking about events in the past o The preterit of regular verbs, p. 207-210 o Power Point: El pretérito o Worksheets on Preterit Tense Conjugation o Acts. p. 208-209: 6-31, 6-32, 6-34 (speaking) Objective 6-F: Talking about events in the past Complete Chap 5 SAM Begin Chap 6 SAM Continue Chapter 6 SAM Continue Chap 6 SAM SPAN 1110 4A - 8 o o o o 21 5/18 22 5/23 Preterit verbs with orthographic changes, p. 210 Acts. p. 211-212: 6-38, 6-39, 6-40 My First Composition (In-Class Workshop) EXTRA PRACTICE WORKSHEETS: Chapter Six Review of Chapter 6 + Final Expectations Final Speaking Exam Click HERE for Final Review or Extra-Day to catch-up Final Exam, Chapters 4-6 + Final Speaking Exam Continue Chap 6 SAM Complete Chap 6 SAM Getting Started with My Spanish Lab: 1. Part One: The Student Access Code STEP 1: Before You Register 1. Visit the website for your course ( and click Browser Tune-up to confirm that you have met the Systems Requirements. 2. Confirm that you have the following needed to register: Valid Email Address Student Access Code - packaged with your text or available standalone at the bookstore. (You may also purchase instant access online from the website for your course). Instructor’s Section/Course ID: CRSCDEX-244535 STEP 2: Register for Your Course Go to the website for your course ( Under “Register or Buy Access,” click Students, and follow the registration instructions. If you need help, click the link for the “step-by-step tutorial” on how to register. STEP 3: Login to Your Course Go to the website for your course ( Click the Log in button under the “Returning Users” and enter the Login Name and Password you created. STEP 4: Set Your Time Zone Click My Profile after signing in to your course. Select your Time zone from the menu. STEP 5: Set Pop-Up Blockers Some browsers will block all pop-ups—even those you want! To allow pop-ups for your MyLab, open your browser and do the following (there may be some variations with each browser): Click Tools Pop-up Blocker Pop-up Blocker Settings. When prompted for “Address of Website to allow”, enter: * 2. Part Two: Enrolling in your Spanish Course STEP 1: Before You Enroll 1. Go to the website for your course ( Click on Browser Tune-up to confirm that you have met the Systems Requirements. 2. Confirm that you have the following needed to register: Instructor’s Section/Course ID: STEP 2: Enroll in Your Course 1. Go to the website for your course ( Click the Log in button under the “Returning Users” and enter the Login Name and Password you created. A “Forgot Login name or Password?” is available if you’re not sure! 2. On the “My Courses” page, click Enroll in a Course. 3. Type the Course ID provided by your instructor. 4. On the Confirm Course screen, verify that the Course ID you entered matches your instructor’s course. Click Next. 5. On the Summary screen, confirm the information is correct and then click Enter Course Now to enter your instructor’s course. You now have access to your resources! STEP 3: Set Your Time Zone Click My Profile after signing in to your course. Select your Time zone from the menu. STEP 4: Set Pop-Up Blockers SPAN 1110 4A - 9 Some browsers will block all pop-ups—even those you want! To allow pop-ups for your MyLab, open your browser and do the following (there may be some variations with each browser): Click Tools Pop-up Blocker Pop-up Blocker Settings. When prompted for “Address of Website to allow”, enter: * 2011 Spring Quarter Important Dates Classes Begin ………………...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….March 9th (W) Spring Recess (College Closed) ………………………………………………………………................................................April 23-24 (SA-SU) Fall Priority for Current Students with 50+ credit hrs Webadvisor only registration begins………………………………April 27 (W) Fall Current Student Webadvisor only registration begins ………………………………………………………………………………..May 4 (W) General Registration Begins …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....May 11 (W) Student Withdrawal Deadline to drop a class…………………………………………………………………………………………… Varies by Class* Winter Term Incomplete “I” Grades Due………………………………………………………………………………………………………….May 18 (W) Last Day of Spring Classes………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………May 24 (TU) Final Grades Due and Posted to WebAdvisor by 5:00 p.m. ................................................................................May 26 (TH) To view the Last Day for a student to withdraw “drop” a class go to the class schedule found on line at . Then, find the course section and click on the Important Dates link next to the course. The refund withdraw dates for each course section are automatically calculated based on the start and end dates and the number of sessions for a course. A student must withdraw by this date to avoid being assigned a grade of “F”. Important Dates Last Day to Withdraw refers to grades only. REFUND POLICIES for Credit Courses A student is responsible for withdrawing “dropping” from a course(s) if unable to attend. Non-attendance or non-payment does not relieve a student from the obligation to pay. To withdraw “drop” from a course log on to WebAdvisor and click “Register and Drop Sections”. An official schedule change that reduces or terminates a student’s academic credit load may entitle the student to a refund. The eligibility and amount of a refund is automatically calculated by the date of the withdrawal. A student may see the refund percentage received through midnight of the same day by logging into WebAdvisor and clicking on the Tuition Refund Calculator. Note: Schedule changes may have implications for students on Financial Aid. Check with the Financial Aid Office prior to any schedule changes at 457-2330. SPAN 1110 4A - 10