Disability Activation Project Frequently Asked Questions 1. Will the Department of Social Protection refer people to projects? No, projects are expected to identify and recruit participants on their project. A process will be put in place with the Department to confirm participant eligibility. 2. What type of training is eligible? Training on its own is not an eligible activity. It must form part of a programme and can be incorporated into Personal Progression Plans. Based on need all types of training is eligible, both certified and non-certified but a clear rationale is necessary to justify the training proposed. 3. Is a participant on another Programme/in another Service eligible to apply? Yes, provided that the hours on the Disability Activation Project are additional. Service provision to participants must also be additional. It is also important to avoid duplication of outcomes; the Disability Activation Project must show additional progression outcomes. 4. What happens to a participant’s benefits if they are accepted on a Programme? Nothing, provided they have a continued entitlement to the benefits they are in receipt of. 5. Are transport costs eligible? Direct costs associated with activity under the Disability Activation Project are eligible, provided the necessary documentation is in place to verify expenditure e.g. invoices, receipts etc. Organising transport e.g. buses, taxis must adhere to procurement guidelines (ESF). 6. Is there a maximum amount of grant aid for a project and is there a specific amount for each strand? There is no maximum amount of grant aid and no breakdown per strand. However it is worth noting that it is intended to fund a ‘small number of strategic and innovative proposal’ under the Project. 7. Will an advance be paid to projects? Advances may be paid in exceptional cases based on a business case presented by the project. This will then be discussed and checked at a pre-contract check on any successful project. 8. What are the reporting requirements post funding? Pobal will seek quarterly progress and financial reports from successful projects. 9. What are acceptable outcomes on the project? The Disability Activation Project is about progression. It is based on need and the production of a personal progression plan. Progression means different things and will depend on the individual. However there may be a number of principles to consider: a) b) c) d) Consultation; Holistic, taking account of all aspects of the person; Short term/Long term goals; Built in reviews 10. What constitutes a consortium? There are important issues to consider in submitting a consortium application; a) One organisation should take the lead and is ultimately responsible for the project; b) A partner organisation(s) may want to sit on an Advisory Group only. Letters to this effect will be submitted as part of the application. c) A partner organisation (s) may want to be part of a formal partnership arrangement and a formal agreement may be in place. d) A partner organisation may want to deliver some actions. Eligible expenditure must be based on real costs.