.m 2012 18th International Conference ENGINEERING MECHANICS 2012 pp. 28–29 Svratka, Czech Republic, May 14 – 17, 2012 Paper #323 INPUT T SHAPIN NG CONT TROL OF F ELECT TRONIC CAMS P. Beneš*, M . Valášek***, O. Marek k*** Abstrract: The papeer deals with the input shapping control of electronic ca ams that elimiinates their reesidual vibrattions. The moodels of seveeral different kinds of eleectronic camss are describbed, i.e. the simple tradittional one, thee serial one, the t parallel onne, the multi-input one. Then the input sshaping contrrol and its geeneralization is i described. The generalizzation means the shaper off arbitrary tim me length and d/or of arbitrrary rate com mbined with the set of shhaping functio ons of reentrry kind. It iss demonstrateed and explaiined that som me more comp plex shaping functions in comparison with the simpple Heavisidee pulse shapeers are more robust r against model misallignment. Thiss generalized input shapingg control is applied a to diff fferent kinds off electronic ca ams Keyw words: Input shaping, elecctronic cams, residual vibra ation, reentry commands 1. Intrroduction Conventtional cam drives d in modern machinnes can be replaced r by properly conntrolled serv vomotors. This conncept is gennerally called d an electronnic cam and d can be furrther dividedd into severaal groups accordinng to system structure – e.g. e serial, paarallel or multi-input elecctronic cams.. The deman nd for fast and preccise positioniing is cruciall in all mentiioned cases but b it could be b easily corrrupted by thee residual vibrationn. To suppreess the unwaanted dynam mics of flexib ble system the standard control inpu ut can be reshapedd in such a way w that it do oesn’t excite flexible mod des or, moree generally, th that all the en nergy put into flexxible modes is i completely y relieved at the end of th he travel (Miiu, 1989). Thhe differencee between original unshaped annd shaped sig gnal as well aas the respon nse of the two o-mass modeel is shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1:Com mparison of sshaped and unshaped u control input. ntrol input sh haping 2. Con The conntrol input thhat ensures no-vibration n positioning has to fulfilll some neceessary condittions. For the systeem describedd using state space formuulation as (1) , these connditions can be derived in n the form * ** *** Ing. Peetr Beneš: Fakuulta strojní, ČVU UT v Praze; Teechnická 4; 166 07, Praha 6; CZ, e-mail: petr.b .benes@fs.cvut.cz Prof. Ing. Michael Valášek, DrrSc.: Fakulta strojní, ČVUT v Praze; Technická 4; 166 07, Prah ha 6; CZ, e-maill: michael.valassek@fs.cvut.cz Ing. O Ondřej Marek: VÚTS, V a.s.; U Jeezu 525/4, 461 19, Liberec; CZ Z, e-mail: ondreej.marek@vutss.cz Beneš P., Valášek M., Marek O. 29 | (2) , ⋅ where Ul(s) is the finite time Laplace transform (Miu, 1989) of the l-th input, bl is the corresponding column of B matrix, t1 and t2 is the start and the finish time, n is the number of inputs. The solution ul(t) in the time domain is the inverse Laplace transform of Ul(s). This approach leads to the control input in the form of pre-computed curve. However if it is rewritten to the form of a dynamical block it acts like a filter that transform any arbitrary signal to no-vibration one (Beneš & Valášek, 2008). And in contrast with patented input shaping technique by Singhose & Seering (1990) the length of this shaper is not dependent on the system natural frequency and can be set arbitrary. 3. Robustness 15 15 10 10 5 5 U(s) U(s) Being a feed-forward method all control shaping techniques need precise system models. The vibration suppression is in fact caused by placing zeros of the control input into the poles of the system. Therefore incorrect system model causes that the control input is not design properly and vibrations are not canceled. To increase robustness to modeling errors it is possible to formulate additional constrains that either introduced more zeros to the control input or increase the order of existing ones. The price for that is the increase of necessary acting force or longer settling time. Comparison of spectral analysis of a standard shaper and a robust one is in Fig. 2. 0 −5 −10 −10 0 −5 0 10 Real(s) −10 0 Imag(s) 10 −10 −10 0 Real(s) 10 0 −10 10 Imag(s) Fig. 2: Spectral analysis of a) standard shaper b) robust shaper. 4. Conclusions The presented approach to control of electronic cams and other flexible systems combines advantages of two different control shaping techniques. It produces command shapers of arbitrary length with reentry property as well. It is opened to formulation of additional constrains that ensure robustness to modeling errors. Acknowledgement The research has been supported by the Czech Science Foundation, project No. GAP101/11/2110. References Beneš, P. & Valášek, M. (1990) Input Shaping Control with Reentry Commands on Prescribed Duration. Applied Computational Mechanics, Vol. 2, no.2, pp.227-234. Miu, D.K. (1993) Mechatronics, Electromechanics and Contromechanics. Springer-Verlag, New York. Singer, N. & Seering, W. (1990) Preshaping Command Inputs to Reduce System Vibration. Journal of Dynamics Systems, Measurements and Control, Vol. 112, pp.76-82.