RECAPP Facility Evaluation Report Calgary School District #19 Lord Shaughnessy High School B2774A Calgary Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) Facility Details Building Name: Lord Shaughnessy High Scho Address: 2336 - 53 Avenue S. W. Location: Calgary Building Id: Gross Area (sq. m): Replacement Cost: Construction Year: Evaluation Details Evaluation Company: Arup Datta Architect Ltd. B2774A 9,896.85 $30,246,000 1966 Evaluation Date: October 18 2011 Evaluator Name: Brian Dennis Total Maintenance Events Next 5 years: 5 year Facility Condition Index (FCI): $2,438,327 8.06% General Summary: The Lord Shaughnessy High School Career & Technology Centre is a split two-storey concrete, masonry block and steel-framed structure with a partial basement, originally constructed in 1966. The building is currently under construction as part of a major renovation and modernization. Major portions of the school were not available to be reviewed due to ongoing construction or were in the process of being demolished. The entire second floor interior was being demolished and is scheduled for a complete renovation. Two steel-framed, single-storey additions were constructed in 1975 and 1983 on the east side of the original building. These additions were demolished as part of the renovation and are to be replaced by a new addition. The building at the time of evaluation was estimated to have a total gross floor area of 8883 square metres. Note that this is a transitional state between demolition of previous additions and construction of new additions. The second floor and much of the main floor of the building could not be visited due to ongoing renovation at the time of site visit. Structural Summary: Structural drawings were not available for review during the assessment, however the building's foundations likely consist of a poured concrete assembly with concrete foundation walls and strip footings. The structure consists of reinforced, poured concrete floors and load-bearing concrete/masonry block walls. The suspended second level in the original portion of the building has pre-cast concrete T-beams with concrete topping. The suspended main floor slab above the basement level is poured and reinforced concrete. The roof structural frame for the majority of the building is comprised of wood decking supported by open-webbed steel joists or pre-cast concrete T-beams spanning between load-bearing masonry block walls. No major work associated with the building structure was identified during the assessment. The building's structural elements are in acceptable condition. Envelope Summary: Exterior cladding consists of a combination of clay brick and pre-cast concrete panels. All flat roof sections consist of a modified bitumen membrane assembly. Main entrance doors have single-pane glazing and are set in aluminum frames. Windows are fixed and operable with double-glazed (not sealed) units set in aluminum frames. Replacement of failed windows is required, and a study and subsequent repairs are needed to determine the cause of moisture staining on the southwest exterior canopy. The building's envelope and exterior components are in acceptable condition. Interior Summary: Classrooms and corridors typically have resilient sheet or tile flooring. Carpeting is provided in the existing office area. Quarry tile is provided in washrooms and entrance vestibules. The majority of the interior walls are painted gypsum board or painted concrete masonry block. Classrooms, corridors, and offices have a suspended acoustic panel ceiling system. Washrooms are provided with painted gypsum board ceilings. All interior finishes have been or are being replaced as part of the ongoing 2011/2012 renovation. The building's interior finishes are in good condition. Mechanical Summary: Lord Shaughnessy High School was originally constructed in 1966. Small additions to the east side of the building Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 2 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) were completed in 1975 and 1983. A major renovation was conducted in 2011, the year of this audit, and for that reason many areas were under construction and could not be accessed. The majority of the domestic water, sanitary, and storm water drainage piping is original to the construction of the building. There are backflow prevention devices (BFPs) present on the boiler feed water supply, fire protection riser, and the domestic water supply. The domestic water heater was installed in 2003. The building is heated by two hot water heating boilers. Heating distribution is through original piping to convectors, finned tube radiation, fan coils, ceiling radiant panels and unit heaters. The hot water heating distribution system is reported to be original but a large amount was removed and upgraded in 2011. Bathrooms and kitchen areas throughout the building are equipped with independently operated roof-mounted exhaust fans. There is no air conditioning in the building. The HVAC controls are pneumatic and provide no energy management functions unless added in the recent renovation. The building has a standpipe system complete with fire hoses for life safety.The renovation added sprinklers to many areas and kept the fire hose cabinets. There are no recommendations as part of the recent audit. Items from previous recommended actions were left in but most likely were addressed during the renovation. Overall the mechanical systems in the building are in acceptable condition. Electrical Summary: The school was under construction at time of site visit. Items recorded were complete. New 1200 Amp 277/480 volt main breaker and MDP unit. Sub panels are located as required. T8 and T5 light fixtures of different styles are located in the renovated areas. Fire alarm system, emergency lighting, exit signage and intrusion detection are functional. Telephone system is operational. The facility is under construction. Recommendations cannot be provided. Overall, the electrical systems are in excellent condition. Condition Rating 1 - Critical 2 - Poor 3 - Marginal 4 - Acceptable 5 - Good 6 - Excellent Rating Guide Performance Unsafe, high risk of injury or critical system failure. Does not meet requirements, has significant deficiencies. May have high operating/maintenance costs. Meets minimum requirements, has significant deficiencies. May have above average operating maintenance costs. Meets present requirements, minor deficiencies. Average operating/maintenance costs. Meets all present requirements. No deficiencies. As new/state of the art, meets present and foreseeable requirements. Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 3 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) S1 STRUCTURAL A1010 Standard Foundations* Structural drawings were not available for review during the assessment. The building foundations presumably consist of cast-in-place concrete foundation walls and strip footings with conventional steel reinforcement. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 JAN-07 A1030 Slab on Grade* The main floor is a cast-in-place concrete slab-on-grade which is presumed to have conventional steel reinforcement. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 A2020 Basement Walls (& Crawl Space)* A small basement level is located below the former gymnasium stage area. The basement walls are comprised of cast-inplace concrete. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 B1010.01 Floor Structural Frame (Building Frame)* Load-bearing masonry block or cast-in-place concrete walls support roof and suspended floor structures. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 B1010.02 Structural Interior Walls Supporting Floors (or Roof)* Load-bearing interior walls throughout the building are concrete masonry block or cast-in-place, conventionally reinforced concrete. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 B1010.03 Floor Decks, Slabs, and Toppings* The suspended second level has pre-cast concrete T-beams with concrete topping. The suspended main floor slab above the basement level is cast-in-place reinforced concrete. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM 0 MAR-12 Page 4 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) B1010.05 Mezzanine Construction* The majority of the shop classrooms on the north and east sides of the school have cast-in-place concrete mezzanines which are supported by steel posts. A mezzanine situated above a paint shop at the north end of the building is cast-inplace concrete supported by load-bearing concrete masonry block. Rating 5 - Good Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 B1010.09 Floor Construction Fireproofing* Fireproofing is provided by the concrete floor slab, and by fire retardant spray to steel deck areas. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 B1010.10 Floor Construction Firestopping* Voids and gaps around mechanical and electrical through-slab conduit penetrations are sealed with a fire rated sealant. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 JAN-07 B1020.01 Roof Structural Frame* The roof structural frame for the majority of the building is wood decking supported by open-webbed steel joists. Shop classrooms along the north end of the building, including two mechanical penthouses and the roof structure above the second level of the building, have pre-cast concrete T-beams spanning between load-bearing concrete masonry block walls. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 B1020.04 Canopies* Exterior canopy at the southwest corner of the building is wood decking and open-webbed steel joists. It is supported by pre-cast concrete columns on its outer perimeter, and load-bearing concrete masonry block walls where it abuts the school structure. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 B1020.06 Roof Construction Fireproofing* The roof is not required to be fire rated. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM 0 MAR-12 Page 5 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) S2 ENVELOPE B2010.01.01 Precast Concrete: Exterior Wall Skin* Pre-cast concrete panels below window units, and pre-cast concrete vertical pilasters are located along the south and west elevations of the building. Pre-cast concrete panels also enclose the upper portion of exterior walls on all elevations. All pre-cast concrete panels have an exposed aggregate finish. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 3 - Marginal Event: 1966 0 MAR-12 Repair cracked precast fins BOE 4 m2 Concern: Several of the precast concrete fins that flank the windows were noted to be cracked at the top or bottom ends. Recommendation: Repair precast fins as required. Consequences of Deferral: Continued deterioration of fins. Type Year Cost Priority Repair 2012 Low $4,000 Updated: MAR-12 B2010.01.02.01 Brick Masonry: Ext. Wall Skin* A clay brick veneer is provided on all sides of the building, including all elevations of mechanical penthouses. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 3 - Marginal Event: 1966 0 MAR-12 Repoint Clay Brick Concern: Few deficiencies associated with the brick cladding were observed during the assessment; however localized deterioration of mortar joints was noted, most noticeably along upper building elevations facing north and west. Recommendation: Repoint damaged or deteriorated mortar joints as needed. An allowance for this work is included. Consequences of Deferral: Ongoing deterioration of the mortar joints potentially resulting in air and/or moisture infiltration into the building envelope. Type Year Cost Priority Repair 2012 Medium $15,807 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 6 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) B2010.01.09 Expansion Control: Ext. Wall* Expansion joints are provided at periodic intervals between sections of brick cladding. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 1966 0 JAN-07 B2010.01.11 Joint Sealers (caulking): Ext. Wall** Sealant is provided in construction joints, between cladding types and around window and door units on the school perimeter. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 3 - Marginal Event: 1986 20 MAR-12 Replace Joint Sealers - BOE: 3230 lm Concern: Sealant between sections of pre-cast concrete panels and around window units and exterior doors on the school perimeter was observed to be cracked, de-bonded and nonpliable. Site personnel reported no accounts of moisture ingress into the building as a result of the deficient sealant. Recommendation: Replace deficient sealant. Consequences of Deferral: Potential air and/or moisture infiltration into the building envelope or school interiors. Type Year Cost Priority Failure Replacement 2012 Medium $96,900 Updated: MAR-12 B2010.02.03 Masonry Units: Ext. Wall Const.* Exterior back-up walls are generally load-bearing concrete masonry block walls. Rating 5 - Good Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 B2010.03 Exterior Wall Vapour Retarders, Air Barriers, and Insulation* Wall assemblies are presumably equipped with a vapor retarder and insulation. It is unlikely that an air barrier would have been provided for a school of this vintage. The type and extent of materials used in the wall cavities is unknown. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM 0 MAR-12 Page 7 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) B2010.06 Exterior Louvers, Grilles, and Screens* Pre-finished metal louvers are provided on the mechanical penthouses. Rating 5 - Good Installed Design Life Updated 1966 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM 0 MAR-12 Page 8 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) B2010.09 Exterior Soffits* The canopy soffit at the southwest corner of the building appears to be cementitious stucco with an exposed aggregate finish to match adjacent pre-cast concrete elements. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 2 - Poor Event: 1966 0 MAR-12 Repair Exterior Canopy (145 sq.m) Concern: Cracked and stained finishes were observed on the soffit of the exterior canopy at the southwest corner of the school. Recommendation: Based on the results of the initial study, repairs are recommended to correct the cause of condensation build-up in the canopy. An allowance to complete the repairs is included. Consequences of Deferral: Ongoing staining of the canopy soffit, resulting in deteriorated finishes, and the potential for continued build-up of moisture in the canopy. Type Year Cost Priority Repair 2012 Medium $13,173 Updated: MAR-12 Event: Study Exterior Canopy Concern: Evidence of cracking and staining was observed on the canopy soffit at the southwest corner of the school. Site personnel indicated that the staining was not a result of previous or active roof leaks, but condensation resulting from the mixing of warm and cold air in this space. A review of this concealed space was not available during the site visit; therefore the exact cause of the condensation could not be determined. Recommendation: The concealed space in the exterior canopy should be reviewed to determine the cause of the condensation. Consequences of Deferral: Ongoing staining of the canopy soffit, resulting in deteriorated finishes, and the potential for continued build-up of moisture in the canopy. Type Year Cost Priority Study 2012 Medium $3,952 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 9 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) B2020.01.01.02 Aluminum Windows (Glass & Frame)** - 1966 All exterior windows on the school perimeter are fixed and operable, unsealed double-glazed units set in aluminum frames. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 3 - Marginal Event: 1966 40 MAR-12 Replace Aluminum Windows - BOE: 202 sq.m Concern: Several windows were noted to have failed seals. Recommendation: Issue is likely systemic due to age of windows. Recommend replacement. Consequences of Deferral: Loss of effective temperature and moisture control. Type Year Cost Priority Failure Replacement 2015 Medium $222,200 Updated: MAR-12 B2030.01.01 Aluminum-Framed Storefronts: Doors** Exterior entrances for students and staff on the south and west sides of the building have aluminum-framed pivot doors with single-pane glazing. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1990 30 MAR-12 Replace Aluminum-Framed Storefronts - BOE: 5 doors in 14 sq.m of storefronts Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2020 Unassigned $61,825 Updated: MAR-12 B2030.02 Exterior Utility Doors** - 1966 Service and secondary exit doors on the building perimeter are painted wood set in painted wood frames. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1966 40 MAR-12 Replace Exterior Utility Doors - BOE: 10 door leaves Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $25,000 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 10 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) B2030.02 Exterior Utility Doors** - 2011 Service and secondary exit doors on the north side of the building are steel doors set in pressed steel frames. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 6 - Excellent Event: 2011 40 MAR-12 Replace Exterior Utility Doors - BOE: 10 door leaves Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2051 Unassigned $25,000 Updated: MAR-12 B2030.03 Large Exterior Special Doors (Overhead)* Seven sectional or rolling metal overhead doors are provided on the north side of the building. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 2011 0 MAR-12 B3010.01 Deck Vapour Retarder and Insulation* Architectural drawings and ceiling cavities were not reviewed as part of the assessment; however roof assemblies are presumably equipped with a vapor retarder and insulation. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 1966 0 JAN-07 B3010.04.04 Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing (SBS)** All flat roof sections on the building are equipped with a modified bitumen membrane (SBS) assembly. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good Event: 2001 25 MAR-12 Replace SBS Roofing - BOE: 7200 sq.m Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2026 Unassigned $1,224,000 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 11 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) B3020.01 Skylights** Four skylights are located above the shop classroom located at the northwest corner of the school. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1995 25 MAR-12 Replace Skylights - BOE: 4 sq.m Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2020 Unassigned $4,400 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 12 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) S3 INTERIOR C1010.01 Interior Fixed Partitions* - 1966 Typically, painted concrete masonry block walls are original to the building. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good 1966 0 MAR-12 C1010.01 Interior Fixed Partitions* - 2011 Typically, painted gypsum board walls were installed as part of the 2011/2012 renovation. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good 2011 0 MAR-12 C1010.02 Interior Demountable Partitions* Partial-height demountable partitions are provided around workstations in the existing office area. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 2011 0 MAR-12 C1010.05 Interior Windows* Interior windows are single-glazed wired glass set in painted steel frames. The windows are provided around offices and classrooms in the autobody and fabrication shops, between classrooms in the salon area, and between corridors and classrooms. Rating 5 - Good Installed Design Life Updated 2011 0 MAR-12 C1010.06 Interior Glazed Partitions and Storefronts* Aluminum framed glazed storefront between the main entry vestibule and corridor, and around general office display area. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 C1010.07 Interior Partition Firestopping* Penetrations through rated walls were generally observed to be sealed. It is presumed that unrated openings will be sealed as renovations are completed. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 2011 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM 0 MAR-12 Page 13 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) C1020.01 Interior Swinging Doors (& Hardware)* - 1966 Original interior doors are stained solid core wood doors set in painted wood frames. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 1966 0 MAR-12 C1020.01 Interior Swinging Doors (& Hardware)* - 2011 Interior doors installed as part of the 2011/2012 renovation are painted wood doors set in painted metal frames. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good 2011 0 MAR-12 C1020.03 Interior Fire Doors* Interior fire doors are metal doors set in painted metal frames. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good 2011 0 MAR-12 C1030.01 Visual Display Boards** Classrooms are generally provided with smartboards, whiteboards, and tackboards. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good Event: 2011 20 MAR-12 Replace Visual Display Boards - BOE: 10 whiteboards, 4 tackboards Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2031 Unassigned $8,400 Updated: MAR-12 C1030.02 Fabricated Compartments (Toilets/Showers)** Pre-finished metal toilet partitions are provided in each student washroom in the building. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good 2011 30 MAR-12 Event: Replace Fabricated Compartments(Toilets/Showers) - BOE: 6 toilet stalls Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2041 Unassigned $7,200 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 14 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) C1030.08 Interior Identifying Devices* Metal room number tags are mounted on doors original to the building. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good 1966 0 MAR-12 C1030.10 Lockers** Prefinished metal lockers for student use are provided in corridors and in the autobody shop. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 2011 30 MAR-12 Replace 77 Lockers Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2041 Unassigned $38,500 Updated: MAR-12 C1030.14 Toilet, Bath, and Laundry Accessories* Toilet paper roll dispensers, liquid soap dispensers, individual mirrors (wall mounted), galvanized garbage cans, paper towel dispensers, sanitary supplies disposal bins, grab bars. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good 2011 0 MAR-12 C2010 Stair Construction* Staircases leading to the basement level are constructed of cast-in-place concrete. Steel pan staircases provide access to the second floor. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 1966 0 MAR-12 C3010.06 Tile Wall Finishes** Ceramic tile wall finishes are provided to urinal backsplashes in male washrooms. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 2011 40 MAR-12 Replace Tile Wall Finishes - BOE:6 sq.m Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2051 Unassigned $1,450 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 15 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) C3010.11 Interior Wall Painting* Concrete masonry block and gypsum board walls throughout the building have a painted finish. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 2011 0 MAR-12 C3010.14 Other Wall Finishes* - Brick Clay brick masonry is provided as an interior finish in the main entrance vestibule. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 3 - Marginal Event: 1966 0 MAR-12 Repair gap in masonry Concern: Several bricks are damaged or missing in a single localized area. Recommendation: Replace missing or damaged bricks and re-point area. Consequences of Deferral: Continued degradation of material, exposure of interior wall cavity and possibility of damage to internal components. Type Year Cost Priority Repair 2012 Medium $2,000 Updated: MAR-12 C3020.02 Tile Floor Finishes** Quarry tile flooring is provided in washrooms and entrance vestibules. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 2011 50 MAR-12 Replace Tile Floor Finishes - BOE: 162 sq.m Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2061 Unassigned $41,310 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 16 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) C3020.07 Resilient Flooring** - 1985 One classroom, storage room, and office entry area is finished with resilient tile flooring. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good 1985 20 MAR-12 Event: Replace Resilient Tile Flooring - BOE: 97 sq.m Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $4,950 Updated: MAR-12 C3020.07 Resilient Flooring** - Sheet Resilient sheet flooring is provided in renovated classrooms and offices. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good Event: 2011 20 MAR-12 Replace Resilient Sheet Flooring - BOE: 603 sq.m Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2031 Unassigned $48,240 Updated: MAR-12 C3020.07 Resilient Flooring** - Tile Resilient tile flooring is provided in renovated corridors and classrooms. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good Event: 2011 20 MAR-12 Replace Resilient Tile Flooring - BOE: 1146 sq.m Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2031 Unassigned $58,450 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 17 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) C3020.08 Carpet Flooring** Carpet flooring is provided in existing offices in the administration area. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 3 - Marginal Event: 1990 15 MAR-12 Replace Carpet Flooring - BOE: 56 sq.m Concern: Carpet flooring was observed to be worn, stained, or torn. All carpet flooring has generally surpassed its theoretical design life. Recommendation: Replace carpet flooring. Consequences of Deferral: Loss of aesthetic appeal and increased maintenance and repair costs from continued usage. Type Year Cost Priority Failure Replacement 2012 Low $3,700 Updated: MAR-12 C3030.06 Acoustic Ceiling Treatment (Susp. T-Bar)** The majority of the classrooms, offices, and corridors are provided with a suspended T-bar grid ceiling with in-laid acoustic panels. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good Event: 2011 25 MAR-12 Replace Acoustic Ceiling Treatment (Susp.T-Bar) BOE: 1690 sq.m Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2036 Unassigned $76,050 Updated: MAR-12 C3030.07 Interior Ceiling Painting* Painted gypsum board ceilings are provided in washrooms and storage rooms. Rating 5 - Good Installed Design Life Updated 2011 0 MAR-12 C3030.09 Other Ceiling Finishes* - Acoustic Tile Acoustic tile ceilings are provided in the main entrance vestibule. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM 0 MAR-12 Page 18 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) S4 MECHANICAL D2010.04 Sinks** - 1966 There are 8 original sinks in the building. Sinks in classrooms and staff rooms are stainless steel. The sinks in the janitor rooms are iron and enamel. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1966 30 MAR-12 Replace Sinks BOE (8) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $13,100 Updated: MAR-12 D2010.04 Sinks** - 2011 There are 16 sinks in the renovated portion of the building. There are 5 sinks in the classrooms and staff room which are stainless steel. There are black enamel hair wash sinks in the hair dressing classes. The shop has a stainless steel hand washing station. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 2011 30 MAR-12 Replace existing sinks BOE (16) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2041 Unassigned $26,100 Updated: MAR-12 D2010.05 Showers** There are approximately 12 shower fixtures in the basement change rooms. This area was not reviewed during the 2011 audit. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1966 30 MAR-12 Replace existing shower fixtures.BOE(12) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $6,586 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 19 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) D2010.08 Drinking Fountains/Coolers** There are 6 stainless steel fountains in the building. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 2011 35 MAR-12 Replace existing drinking fountains BOE (6) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2046 Unassigned $10,600 Updated: MAR-12 D2010.09 Other Plumbing Fixtures* A central thermostatic mixing valve controls the water temperature for the basement showers. This area could not be reviewed during the 2011 audit as it was under construction. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 1990 0 MAR-12 D2010.10 Washroom Fixtures (WC, Lav, Urnl)** - 1966 There are 14 vitreous china urinals in the building. The urinals did not appear to be replaced as part of the renovation. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1966 35 MAR-12 Replace Washroom Fixtures BOE (14) Urnl Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $24,600 Updated: MAR-12 D2010.10 Washroom Fixtures (WC, Lav, Urnl)** - 2011 There are 29 tank-less vitreous china water closets and 33 stainless steel lavatories in the building. The washrooms were undergoing renovation at time of inspection and it was believed to be all new fixtures. Exact quantity may be incorrect. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 2011 35 MAR-12 Replace water closets BOE (29) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2046 Unassigned $97,100 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 20 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) D2020.01.01 Pipes and Tubes: Domestic Water* Domestic water piping is copper throughout the building. As part of the renovation a large quantity of piping is being replaced. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 1980 0 MAR-12 D2020.01.02 Valves: Domestic Water** Isolation valves for hot and cold water fixtures. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1966 40 MAR-12 Replace Valves: Domestic Water BOE (50) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $62,800 Updated: MAR-12 D2020.01.03 Piping Specialties (Backflow Preventers)** There are backflow prevention devices on the boiler feed water supply (1993), fire protection riser (2000), and the domestic water supply (estimated 1995). These devices were not observed during the 2011 audit. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1993 20 MAR-12 Replace Backflow Preventors (3) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $18,000 Updated: MAR-12 D2020.02.02 Plumbing Pumps: Domestic Water** Recirculating hot water pump. Not observed during the 2011 audit. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1966 20 MAR-12 Replace Pumps: Domestic Water (2) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $4,804 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 21 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) D2020.02.06 Domestic Water Heaters** Domestic hot water is supplied to the building by two A.O.Smith domestic hot water heater tanks (~246 Litres each). The domestic hot water system contains an Armstrong circulation pump. Not observed during the 2011 audit. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 2003 20 MAR-12 Replace Domestic Water Heaters (2) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2023 Unassigned $66,272 Updated: MAR-12 D2020.03 Water Supply Insulation: Domestic* Insulation was being replaced as part of 2011 renovation. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 D2030.01 Waste and Vent Piping* Waste and vent piping is generally cast iron and original to the construction of the building. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 D2030.02.04 Floor Drains* Brass floor drains in washrooms and other service areas. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 D2030.03 Waste Piping Equipment* The building has four sump pumps located in the basement sump room. Sumps discharge to the municipal sewer system. This area was not reviewed during the 2011 audit. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1980 0 MAR-12 D2040.01 Rain Water Drainage Piping Systems* Rain water drainage piping is generally cast iron and original to the building construction. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM 0 MAR-12 Page 22 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) D2040.02.04 Roof Drains* The roof incorporates roof drains which are each fitted with gravel/debris strainers and flow restricters. This area could not be reviewed during the 2011 audit as it was under construction. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 2001 0 MAR-12 D3010.02 Gas Supply Systems* The natural gas supply is provided below grade on the west side of the building. The piping feeds the central heating boilers, rooftop units, and domestic hot water tanks in the building. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 1966 0 JAN-07 D3020.02.01 Heating Boilers and Accessories: H.W.** The building's heat source is two Cleaver Brooks hot water heating boilers that are original to the building (i.e. approximately 40 years old). Each boiler has a rated heating capacity of 5,230 MBH. This area was not reviewed during the 2011 audit. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1966 35 MAR-12 Replace heating hot water boilers BOE (2) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $263,446 Updated: MAR-12 D3020.02.02 Chimneys (& Comb. Air): H.W. Boiler** Standard venting for the boilers. This area could not be reviewed during the 2011 audit as it was under construction. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1966 35 MAR-12 Replace Chimneys BOE (12m) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $8,600 Updated: MAR-12 D3020.02.03 Water Treatment: H. W. Boiler* This area was not reviewed during the 2011 audit. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM 0 MAR-12 Page 23 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) D3040.01.01 Air Handling Units: Air Distribution** Ventilation supply for the original section of the building is provided by two central air handling units located in the second floor mechanical rooms. These units have hot water heating coils fed by the building's central hot water heating system. This area was not reviewed during the 2011 audit. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1966 30 MAR-12 Replace heat only air handling units BOE(2) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $26,344 Updated: MAR-12 D3040.01.03 Air Cleaning Devices: Air Distribution* Air filtration is part of the existing air handling units. This area was not reviewed during the 2011 audit. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 1966 0 MAR-12 D3040.01.04 Ducts: Air Distribution* Ductwork to renovated areas has been renovated. New ductwork to autobody and welding shops. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good 2011 0 MAR-12 D3040.01.07 Air Outlets & Inlets: Air Distribution* Ceiling diffusers and grilles located on walls. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good 2011 0 MAR-12 D3040.03.01 Hot Water Distribution Systems** Heating distribution is through piping to convectors, finned tube radiation, fan coils,ceiling radiant panels and unit heaters. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1966 40 MAR-12 Replace hot water heating supply lines BOE (8883m2/gfa) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $826,200 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 24 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) D3040.04.01 Fans: Exhaust** - 2011 General building exhaust (including washroom, kitchen, classroom, fumehood, and shop areas) is provided by a variety of roof and wall mounted exhaust fans installed at various times since the original construction of the building. This area was not reviewed during the 2011 audit. Except that a new welding and paint booth exhaust system was added. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 2011 30 MAR-12 Replace Fans: Exhaust Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2041 Unassigned $34,538 Updated: MAR-12 D3040.04.03 Ducts: Exhaust* New ductwork added to welding shop and paint booths. Ductwork to washrooms and other service areas. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 2011 0 MAR-12 D3040.04.05 Air Outlets and Inlets: Exhaust* Grilles and louvers located throughout spaces in areas reviewed. Majority of building not reviewed as under construction Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 2011 0 MAR-12 D3040.05 Heat Exchangers** This area was not reviewed during the 2011 audit. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 30 MAR-12 D3050.01.01 Computer Room Air Conditioning Units** This area was not reviewed during the 2011 audit. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM 30 MAR-12 Page 25 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) D3050.01.02 Packaged Rooftop Air Conditioning Units (& Heating Units)** - Shop Areas Approximately 8 packaged rooftop units (heating only) provide tempered make up air to shop spaces. This area was not reviewed during the 2011 audit. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1982 30 MAR-12 Replace Units BOE (8) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $291,500 Updated: MAR-12 D3050.01.02 Packaged Rooftop Air Conditioning Units (& Heating Units)** - Weight Room A single packaged rooftop unit (heating only) serves the weight room. This area was not reviewed during the 2011 audit. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1975 30 MAR-12 Replace existing rooftop unit Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $10,537 Updated: JAN-07 D3050.03 Humidifiers** This area was not reviewed during the 2011 audit. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 1966 25 MAR-12 D3050.05.01 Convectors** Convectors are located at some entrances. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1966 40 MAR-12 Replace convection heaters BOE (2) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $1,600 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 26 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) D3050.05.02 Fan Coil Units** Heating is provided to entrance vestibules by recessed fan coil units. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1966 30 MAR-12 Replace fan coil units BOE (2) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $11,600 Updated: MAR-12 D3050.05.03 Finned Tube Radiation** Heating is provided to shop areas throughout the building by wall mounted finned tube radiation. Heating is controlled by space-mounted, hand-adjustable unitary thermostats. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1966 40 MAR-12 Replace existing finned tube radiators BOE (2,220 m2/gfa) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $413,600 Updated: MAR-12 D3050.05.06 Unit Heaters** Primary heating is provided to shop areas throughout the building by unit heaters. Heating is controlled by spacemounted, hand-adjustable unitary thermostats. The unit heaters were replaced during the recent renovation. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 2011 30 MAR-12 Replace unit heaters BOE (5) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2041 Unassigned $18,000 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 27 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) D3050.05.08 Radiant Heating (Ceiling & Floor)** Radiant Ceiling panels are being installed in classrooms and other areas as part of the 2011 renovation. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good Event: 2011 35 MAR-12 Replace Panels BOE (60) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2046 Unassigned $578,000 Updated: MAR-12 D3050.07 Other Terminal and Packaged Units* Two paint spray booths have self contained ventilation and exhaust systems. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good 2011 0 MAR-12 D3060.02.01 Electric and Electronic Controls** At entrances and other areas. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1966 30 MAR-12 Replace Controls BOE (8883m2/gfa) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $14,900 Updated: MAR-12 D3060.02.02 Pneumatic Controls** Building control is primarily by pneumatic controls. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1994 40 MAR-12 Replace Pneumatic Controls BOE (8883m2/gfa) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2034 Unassigned $57,000 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 28 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) D3060.02.05 Building Systems Controls (BMCS, EMCS)** This area was not reviewed during the 2011 audit. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 20 MAR-12 D4010 Sprinklers: Fire Protection* During the recent renovation sprinklers were added to the facility. It is not known if the entire building has been sprinklered. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 2011 0 MAR-12 D4020 Standpipes* The building is equipped with a cast iron standpipe system complete with fire hoses. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 D4030.01 Fire Extinguisher, Cabinets and Accessories* Fire extinguishers are located at fire hose stations and other location throughout the building. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1990 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM 0 JAN-07 Page 29 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) S5 ELECTRICAL D5010.01.02 Main Electrical Transformers (Utility Owned)* Pad mounted transformer located at north side of school. Owned by ENMAX. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 1966 0 MAR-12 D5010.02 Secondary Electrical Transformers (Interior)** 150kVA Hammond Step down transformer. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 6 - Excellent Event: 2011 40 MAR-12 Replace 150kVA step down transformer. Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2051 Unassigned $39,517 Updated: MAR-12 D5010.03 Main Electrical Switchboards (Main Distribution)** 1200 amp 277/480 Cutler Hammer main breaker and MDP. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 6 - Excellent Event: 2011 40 MAR-12 Repalce 1200 amp 227/480 volt main breaker and MDP. Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2051 Unassigned $65,000 Updated: MAR-12 D5010.05 Electrical Branch Circuit Panelboards (Secondary Distribution)** 11 Cutler Hammer panels located in renovated areas. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 6 - Excellent Event: 2011 30 MAR-12 Replace 11 sub panels Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2041 Unassigned $33,000 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 30 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) D5010.07.01 Switchboards, Panelboards, and (Motor) Control Centers** Under construction at time of site visit. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 2011 30 MAR-12 Under construction. Information not available. Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2041 Unassigned $26,344 Updated: MAR-12 D5010.07.02 Motor Starters and Accessories** Under construction at time of site visit. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 2011 30 MAR-12 Under construction at time of the site visit. Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2041 Unassigned $26,344 Updated: MAR-12 D5020.01 Electrical Branch Wiring* Wiring in EMT conduit. AC90 flex cabling used for connection to motors and light fixtures. Rating 6 - Excellent Installed Design Life Updated 2011 0 MAR-12 D5020.02.01 Lighting Accessories: Interior (Lighting Controls)* 277 volt switches used in renovated areas. Rating 6 - Excellent Installed Design Life Updated 2011 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM 0 MAR-12 Page 31 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) D5020.02.02.02 Interior Fluorescent Fixtures** Various styles of T8 and T5 light fixtures in renovated areas. Remaining areas are still under construction at time of site visit. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 6 - Excellent Event: 2011 30 MAR-12 Replace lighting system for 8883 m2/gfa Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2041 Unassigned $378,330 Updated: MAR-12 D5020.02.03.02 Emergency Lighting Battery Packs** StanPro and Readi-lite battery packs and remote heads are located in renovated areas as required. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 6 - Excellent Event: 2011 20 MAR-12 Replace emergency lighitng in 8883 m2/gfa Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2031 Unassigned $41,380 Updated: MAR-12 D5020.02.03.03 Exit Signs* LED exit signs located as required in renovated areas. Rating 6 - Excellent Installed Design Life Updated 2011 0 MAR-12 D5020.03.01.04 Exterior H.P. Sodium Fixtures* Wall packs are located around perimeter of the school. Rating 6 - Excellent Installed Design Life Updated 2011 0 MAR-12 D5020.03.02 Lighting Accessories: Exterior (Lighting Controls)* Photo cell controlled. Rating 6 - Excellent Installed Design Life Updated 2011 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM 0 MAR-12 Page 32 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) D5030.01 Detection and Fire Alarm** The building has manual pull stations and heat detectors connected to a monitored Simplex 2001 fire alarm panel which controls fire alarm bells throughout the building. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1995 25 MAR-12 Replace main fire alarm panel for 8883 m2/gfa Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2020 Unassigned $385,945 Updated: MAR-12 D5030.02.02 Intrusion Detection** The building is equipped with a Silent Knight security system, complete with door bugs and some motion sensors throughout the building. The system is externally monitored. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 2000 25 MAR-12 Replace intrusion detection system for 8883 m2/gfa Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2025 Unassigned $89,225 Updated: MAR-12 D5030.02.04 Video Surveillance** Three Video cameras located on west side of school. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 6 - Excellent Event: 2011 25 MAR-12 Replace video survillance for (3 Cameras and Base Unit) Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2036 Unassigned $107,705 Updated: MAR-12 D5030.03 Clock and Program Systems* Clocks are not install in renovated areas at time of site visit. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 2011 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM 0 MAR-12 Page 33 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) D5030.04.01 Telephone Systems* Nortel Meridian telephone system. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 1986 0 MAR-12 D5030.04.05 Local Area Network Systems* WIFI and Supernet located in the school. Under construction at time of site visit. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 6 - Excellent 2011 0 MAR-12 D5030.05 Public Address and Music Systems** Under construction at time of site visit. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 2011 20 MAR-12 Replace existing public address system for 8883 m2/gfa Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2031 Unassigned $40,390 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 34 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) S6 EQUIPMENT, FURNISHINGS AND SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION E1030.01 Vehicle Service Equipment* An interior vehicle wash bay, vehicle paint booth, and vehicle lift is provided in the autobody shop. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 1966 0 MAR-12 E1090.04 Residential Equipment* Residential type equipment includes a refrigerator, stove and dishwasher in the existing servery. Washers and dryers are provided in the salon area. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 1966 0 MAR-12 E2010.01 Fixed Artwork* Metal school dedication plaque inset into brick masonry is provided in the main entrance vestibule. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable 1966 0 MAR-12 E2010.02 Fixed Casework** - 1966 Fixed wooden casework with laminated finishes are typically provided in classrooms and offices. Painted wood shelving is provided in storage room. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1966 35 MAR-12 Replace Fixed Casework - BOE: 552 sq.m/gfa Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $48,600 Updated: MAR-12 E2010.02 Fixed Casework** - 2011 Fixed wooden casework with laminated finishes are typically provided in salon classrooms. Painted wood shelving is provided in storage room. Glazed display cabinets are provided in corridors. Steel-clad countertops are provided in the engineering workshop. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 5 - Good Event: 2011 35 MAR-12 Replace Fixed Casework - BOE: 320 sq.m/gfa Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2046 Unassigned $28,200 Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 35 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) E2010.03.01 Blinds** Frame-mounted operable blinds are provided between window glazing in classrooms and offices on the south side of the building. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 4 - Acceptable Event: 1966 30 MAR-12 Replace Operable Blinds - BOE: 37 sq.m Type Year Cost Priority Lifecycle Replacement 2015 Unassigned $3,780 Updated: MAR-12 E2020.02.03 Furniture* Moveable desks, chairs and tables are typically provided in each classroom, office, and shop area. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 2011 0 MAR-12 F1020.02.13 Paint Booths* A commercial type vehicle paint booth is provided in the autobody shop.. Rating 5 - Good Installed Design Life Updated 2011 0 MAR-12 F1020.02.13 Paint Booths* - Mix Room A sealed and ventilated paint mix room is provided in the autobody shop. Rating 5 - Good Installed Design Life Updated 2011 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM 50 MAR-12 Page 36 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) S8 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT K4010.01 Barrier Free Route: Parking to Entrance* No handicapped parking stalls or signage is provided in front of the school or in the paved parking area north of the building. Rating Installed Design Life Updated 2 - Poor Event: 1966 0 MAR-12 Provide two barrier-free parking stalls Concern: Only standard parking stalls are provided along the north end of the property for student and staff usage. No curb cut-outs are provided along municipal sidewalks. Recommendation: Provide two barrier-free parking stalls closest to the northwest corner of the school. Each parking stall should be of adequate width and complete with appropriate signage and other identification markings. Consequences of Deferral: Non-compliance with current barrier-free standards and poor accessibility for handicapped persons. Type Year Cost Barrier Free Access Upgrade 2012 $2,634 Priority Medium Updated: MAR-12 K4010.02 Barrier Free Entrances* All entrances to the building are manually-operated (i.e., no automated door-openers). Rating Installed Design Life Updated 2 - Poor Event: 1966 0 MAR-12 Install Automated Door-Openers (2) Concern: All entrances to the school are manually-operated and provide poor accessibility for handicapped users. Recommendation: Install automated door-openers at the building's northwest entrance and corresponding vestibule entrance. Consequences of Deferral: Non-compliance with current barrier-free standards and poor accessibility for handicapped persons. Type Year Cost Barrier Free Access Upgrade 2012 $26,000 Priority Medium Updated: MAR-12 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 37 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) K4010.03 Barrier Free Interior Circulation* Elevator between floors is in an area off limits due to renovation and could not be observed. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 K4010.04 Barrier Free Washrooms* Washrooms are equipped for barrier-free usage. Rating 5 - Good Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 K4030.01 Asbestos* Suspected asbestos-containing materials identified within the building include drywall joint compound, spray-on fireproofing, mechanical pipe insulation and pipe elbows. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 JAN-07 K4030.02 PCBs* Suspected PCB-containing equipment identified within the building include fluorescent light ballasts and other electrical/transformer equipment. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 K4030.04 Mould* None observed or reported. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 K4030.07 Ozone Depleting Substances (CFC's, HCFC's, Halon)* None observed or reported. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 K4030.09 Other Hazardous Materials* None observed or reported. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM 0 MAR-12 Page 38 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) K5010.01 Site Documentation* Prime Consultant: ARUP DATTA ARCHITECT LTD. Year of Evaluation: 2011 Site description: The site at 2336, 53 Avenue S.W. Calgary is occupied by the Lord Shaughnessy High School, which is located at the southwest corner of the property. The building is currently under construction as part of a major renovation and modernization. Major portions of the site where not available to be reviewed as under construction the assumption is that much of the site damage caused by the construction will be repaired as part of the construction.. Site features include a paved parking lot to the north of the building, an enclosed central courtyard with landscaped and concrete-paved surfaces, and a grassed play field to the east of the building. There are concrete sidewalks to each building entrance. Landscaped areas are provided adjacent to the south and west sides of the building. Municipally-supplied domestic cold water enters the building from a meter room located on the west side of the building. Sanitary sewage collected in the building is discharged to the municipal sanitary sewer system presumably located below adjacent municipal roadways. Storm water collected from the building is discharged to the municipal storm water sewer system which is presumably located below adjacent municipal roadways. Natural gas supplied by local utility suppliers enters the building in the meter room located on the west side of the school. Electricity for the building is supplied to the main electrical panel adjacent to the boiler room via underground conduit from a utility-owned transformer located on the east side of the building. The north and east part of the site adjacent to the building could not be visited due to ongoing renovation at the time of site visit. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 Page0001.jpg Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 39 of 40 Calgary - Lord Shaughnessy High School (B2774A) K5010.02 Building Documentation* Prime Consultant: ARUP DATTA ARCHITECT LTD. Year of Evaluation: 2011 Building area evaluated: Original two-storey with partial basement, total floor area of 8361 sq.m Building / building sections not evaluated: ongoing renovation at time of site visit. Second floor, enclosed courtyard, and half of main floor not evaluated due to Anomalies regarding evaluation environment, drawings or areas evaluated: finished. Much of building under renovation and not The Lord Shaughnessy High School Career & Technology Centre is a split two-storey concrete, masonry block and steelframed structure with a partial basement, originally constructed in 1966. The building is currently under construction as part of a major renovation and modernization. Major portions of the school where not available to be reviewed as under construction or in process of being demolished. The entire second floor interior was advised as being demolished and scheduled for a complete renovation. Previous additions on the east side had been demolished to allow for a new addition. The original building has a total floor area of 8,361 square metres. Two steel-framed, single-storey additions were constructed in 1975 and 1983 on the east side of the original building. These additions were demolished as part of the ongoing 2011/2012 renovation. Rating 4 - Acceptable Installed Design Life Updated 1966 0 MAR-12 Roof plan Report run on: March 20, 2012 10:49 AM Page 40 of 40