We ask each family to take a few minutes each day to pray for all those at Camp WOW and specifically for your child / children attending. Here are a series of short prayer / reflections based on the theme of each day and the specific talks and witnesses your child will hear. Please feel free to add any other prayers you would like to this meditation. The reference reading is the reading we asked each teen speaker to reflect on as they prepared for their talks. It is our hope that you will take this time to pray and reflect on how God Reigns in your own life and the life of your family. Day One: Wednesday, June 16th Morning: Morning Offering: Dear Lord, I pray for all the campers heading off to Camp WOW this morning. I pray especially for safe travels as our child/children’s journey to camp. I pray also for an openness of hearts and minds for all the campers and counselors, that they may experience all that You have to offer them in these next four days. I pray in a special way for my son/daughter, that You may calm any nerves and allow him/her to enjoy this time away on the “mountain” with You. I ask this in Your Most Holy Name. Amen. Morning Reflection: “Christ Reigns in Our Attitudes” Reference Reading: Rev. 11:15, Mark 4:23, Mark 4:1-9, CCC 668-671 Where does Christ reign in my life? In the life of my family? What attitudes do I reflect in my daily life? Am I open to all that God has to offer me? Where can I better reflect God’s love in my parenting? What more can we do as a family to reflect how Christ reigns in our attitudes? Morning Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to be a reflection of You in my family. Help my family to surrender to You and Your reign and leave our baggage behind. Allow me to let go of those things that do not reflect Your reign in my life. Please pray for _________(your child’s name) today. Keep him/her safe and bless him/her with your amazing love. Amen. Make a commitment to offer up quality time to be with your child/children each day. Evening: Evening Reflection: “Christ Reigns in Our Minds” Reference Reading: Proverbs 2:1-11, Sirach 1:1, Acts 10:34-43, Isaiah 44:18, Acts 9, CCC 1,27,30 What did I fill my mind with today? Through all the busyness of daily life did I take time to allow God to enter more deeply into my own mind? Did I allow thoughts to enter my mind that were contrary to all that God has to offer me? Evening Prayer: Lord Jesus, I pray in a special way for my child/children tonight, that You may be with him/her and you may enter his/her mind more deeply. Please forgive me for the times I do not allow You to reign in my thoughts. Give me the grace to grow closer in my knowledge and understanding of Your amazing love. I pray in a special way for _________(your child’s name), that as he/she comes to the end of the first day of camp, he/she may find rest and comfort in You. In Your Holy Name. Amen. Offer an Our Father, Hail Mary, & Glory Be for your child/children. Day Two: Thursday, June 17th Morning: Morning Reflection: “Christ Reigns in Our Relationships” Reference Reading: Psalm 25, Psalm 32:1-2, Psalm 51, Luke 15:11-32, Hebrews 12:14 How has the forgiveness of others healed me? How has offering forgiveness to those around me effected me? What relationships do I have right now that are in need of forgiveness? How can I allow Christ to reign in those relationships? Morning Prayer: Dear Lord, Please open my heart to the forgiveness of others. Allow me to see where I need to offer forgiveness and compassion. Please heal my child/children for the times I have hurt them and not been the parent You call me to be. Help me look towards You as the ultimate forgiver and to reflect that forgiveness in all my relationships. I ask Lord that You watch over and guide my child/ children at camp. Be with _______(your child’s name) in today’s activities and open his/her heart to more deeply experience you. Amen Make a commitment to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation this week. Evening: Evening Reflection: “ Christ Reigns in Our Hearts” Reference Reading: Psalm 78:38, Luke 5:20, John 8:1-11, Psalm 130:3-4, Matthew 9:1-8, John 20:22-23, Mark 5:25-34 How do I allow Christ to reign in my own heart? What holds me back from completely opening my heart to the healing love God has for me? Evening Prayer: Lord God, I pray for my son/daughter tonight that he/she may experience Your awesome forgiveness tonight in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I pray for Your healing touch to enter into my child’s/children’s heart. I offer up all the campers and counselors tonight, as well as the volunteers and youth ministers. I pray for their safety and protection and that they may each experience You more deeply in their hearts. Thank You Jesus for Your Forgiveness! Amen. Offer an Our Father, Hail Mary, & Glory Be for your child/children. Day Three: Friday, June 18th Morning: Morning Reflection: “Christ Reigns in Me” Reference Reading: 1 Samuel 3:9, John 3:16, John 14:6, Romans 6:12-14, Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 Peter 2:9-10, 2 Peter 1:3-4, Mark 14:22-26, Matthew 26:26-30 Where in my life do I allow Christ to reign most often? Where in my life can I allow Christ to more deeply enter in? How can I better focus on the inner most parts of my soul and allow Christ to penetrate more deeply? How can I open myself up to allow God to be my best friend? And what does that mean to be a friend? What is one thing I can do today to allow Christ to reign in me more deeply? Morning Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for allowing me to experience Your forgiveness. Help me to look more earnestly to You in all that I do today. Quiet my soul, that I may allow You to enter more deeply into the recesses of my heart. I pray in a special way for _________(your child’s name) who is in his/her third day at Camp WOW. I pray that he/she may open his/her life more fully to You and allow You the Divine Healer to continue to heal all that is in need of healing. I pray that all the children at camp may allow you to reign more fully in their lives today. Thank you for being by my side as a parent. Help me to allow you to take the reigns of my parenting and allow me to be open to Your will for my family. Make a commitment to spend at least 10 minutes in quiet reflection today. Offering this time up for your child/children. Evening: Evening Reflection: “Christ Reigns in My Actions” Reference Reading: Acts 21:19, Philippians 3:12-18, James 1:19-25, Philippians 4:13, Jeremiah 1:4-10, Matthew 10:39, Luke 9:57-62, John 20:19-22, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-4, 1 Peter 3:8-17, 1 Peter 1:13-16, 2 Timothy 1:6-8, Matthew 28:19-20 In what actions did I show Christ’s reign today? What does it mean to be a disciple in Christ? When has Christ called me to action? How have I responded to this call? How do I share my faith with my children? How could I be a better example to my family of Christ’s reign in my actions? Evening Prayer: from the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon: where there is doubt, faith ; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life. Amen. Offer an Our Father, Hail Mary, & Glory Be for your child/children. Day Four: Saturday, June 19th Morning: Morning Reflection: “Christ Reigns in My Life” Reference Reading: Revelation 11:15, John 15:16-17, Matthew 5:13-16, John 13:12-17, John 15:1-8, Acts 4:32-35, Romans 10:14-15, 2 Corinthians 6:1-7, James 2:17, John 14:12-14, Rev 3:16 How can I go above and beyond the norm.? When do I feel lukewarm in my faith? How can I bring spice to my relationship with Christ? What more can I do to allow Christ to reign in my entire life? What can I do today to be the light of Christ to my family? How can I be a more faith-filled parent to my child/children when he/she comes home from camp today? Morning Prayer: Lord, thank you for all You have given to my family. Thank you for calling me out of the darkness and into Your glorious light. Help me today to welcome You more deeply into my life. Be with _______(your child’s name) as he/she finishes Camp WOW and prepares to come “down the mountain”. Help me to make our home an inviting place for You to always be present and for my child/children to know that You reign in all that we do. I pray in a special way for patience to love my child/children as he/she returns home tired, exhausted, and changed forever. Allow me to continue to cultivate all that was planted in my child/children’s soul this week. Amen. Make a commitment to hug your child/children and share with them how much you love them. Prayer for Safe Travel: Dear St. Raphael, patron of safe travel, your lovely name means "God heals." The Lord sent you to young Tobias to guide him throughout a long journey. Upon his return you taught him how to cure his father's blindness. How natural, therefore, for Christians to pray for your powerful help for safe travel and a happy return. This we ask for all those returning from Camp WOW today. That they may safely return home and know that they are loved by the all loving Father. St. Raphael, Pray for our child/children. Amen.