Index of Contents 1.Presentation ...................................................................................................................3 2.History.............................................................................................................................4 1.Department creation (1989-1993) .............................................................................4 2.Implementation of higher studies and moving to the “Magisterio”-Teachingbuilding (1993-1998) ....................................................................................................4 Stabilization, consolidation and projection of the Department (1998-2004) ...............5 3.Moving to the new installations at Las Lagunillas Campus (2004-2008). .................5 3.The Department within University of Jaén ....................................................................8 1.Students’ evolution ....................................................................................................8 1.Technical Engineering Degree in Topography ........................................................8 2.Engineering in Geodesy and Cartography .............................................................8 ......................................................................................................................................9 2.Lecturers evolution ..................................................................................................10 3.Participation in Governing Bodies ............................................................................11 Contracts and Projects carried out ..............................................................................12 Infrastructures ................................................................................................................16 Facilities .......................................................................................................................16 Technical Equipment ...................................................................................................16 Material Resources .....................................................................................................22 4.Department teaching....................................................................................................24 1.Technical Engineering Degree in Topography ...........................................................24 2.Engineering Degree in Geodesy and Cartography....................................................24 3.The Future in the studies of Geomatics in the framework of the EHEA and the new study plans. .................................................................................................................24 Subjects taught by the Cartography, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Department ...24 Technical Engineering in Topography ......................................................................24 Chart. 1. Core and obligatory subjects in Technical Engineering in Topography taught by the Cartography, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Department. ............................26 Chart. 1. Optional subjects in Technical Engineering in Topography taught by the Cartography, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Department. .......................................26 Subjects taught in other degrees.............................................................................27 1.Postgraduate studies taught and organized by the Department of Cartographic, Geodetic Engineering and Photogrammetry. .........................................................29 Directed by: Francisco Javier Ariza López ....................................................................29 Masters Degree in Technical Studies (60 credits) ....................................................30 Doctorate in Science and Engineering in Geodesic and Cartographic Technology .31 Research Groups with the MAIN Researchers in the Department ..................................33 Research Group: CARTOGRAPHIC ENGINEERING ........................................................33 Description...............................................................................................................33 Members..................................................................................................................33 Contact ....................................................................................................................33 Activities ..................................................................................................................34 Publications .............................................................................................................35 Research Group: MICROGEODESY JAÉN ......................................................................40 Description...............................................................................................................40 Members..................................................................................................................40 Contact ....................................................................................................................40 Research Lines .........................................................................................................40 Publications .............................................................................................................41 Research Group: PHOTOGRAMMETRIC AND TOPOMETRIC SYSTEMS .......................45 Description...............................................................................................................45 Members..................................................................................................................45 Contact ....................................................................................................................45 Research Lines .........................................................................................................46 Publications .............................................................................................................46 ActiviTIes organizED BY the Department ........................................................................55 Awards .........................................................................................................................55 Congresses ...................................................................................................................56 Other ...........................................................................................................................59 Publications OF THE Department ....................................................................................61 Contact ADDRESSES .........................................................................................................62 Address ........................................................................................................................62 Telephones, fax and e-mail ..........................................................................................62 E-Mail ...........................................................................................................................62 Web ..............................................................................................................................63 HOW TO GET HERE ..........................................................................................................64 1. PRESENTATION The Department of Cartographic, Geodetic Engineering and Photogrammetry of University of Jaén is, st pursuant to that set forth in the Organic Law 6/2001 of 21 December thereby regulating Universities, the basic institution in charge of organising, coordinating and developing the research and short courses of the field of knowledge bearing the same name. This task is performed following teaching and research programme of the University, and supporting those activities and teachers’ initiatives pursuant to the teaching and research programme of University of Jaén. It was founded in 1993 coinciding with the creation of the own Jaén University. Since then, it has shown great growth up to present, having nowadays a total of 33 lecturers, 3 administration and services staff members (2 laboratory experts and 1 administration clerk) and 2 grant holders. Courses are given to around 1000 students divided up into a Technical (3- year Degree) Engineering Degree in Topography, an Engineering Degree in Geodesy and Cartography, a Technical Degree in Industrial Engineering and a Technical Degree in Mines, qualified at the Higher Polytechnic Schools of Jaén and Linares. It offers an own doctorate programme given since 1996, at present integrated in the Inter-university Programme called “Engineering Science and Technology in Geodesy and Cartography”. The university counts on 3 research groups of the Andalusia Plan of Research (APR) with heading in the own Department: Cartographic Engineering (TEP-164), created in 1997 with a total of 10 researches from the Universities of Jaén, Extremadura and Granada; Jaén Micro-Geodesy (RNM-282), also created in 1997 with a total of 9 researchers from the Universities of Jaén, Madrid Complutense, Malaga and Granada; and Topometric and Photogrammetry Systems (TEP-213) created in 2002, with 8 researchers from the Universities of Jaén, Cadiz and Madrid Polytechnic. The research activity focuses on aspects of cartographic production (quality and generalization), geographical information systems (GIS), terrain digital models (TDM), remote-sensing, air and terrestrial photogrammetry, cadastre and valuations, geodesy, global navigation satellite and positioning systems (GNSS), movements and deformations control, environmental and natural risks applications. This is a Department formed by a young and dynamic human group that, however, enjoys a great experience in teaching and researching tasks, and also in innovation, what it is reflected on their many publications (international books and magazines), research projects (at European, national, regional, etc level), and research and service rendering contracts. As a result of such activity, there have been set cooperation with several institutions (cartographic institutes, ministries, departments, regional councils and town councils) and companies of this field. The Department aims are focused at present on a commitment to providing quality and excellence in teaching and researching, the real and compromised adaptation to the European Higher Education Area and the technologic innovation; all for the development of its several scopes and levels in the denominated Society of Knowledge and Information. 2. HISTORY 1. Department creation (1989-1993) The Department of Cartographic, Geodetic Engineering and Photogrammetry was founded in 1993 st coinciding with the creation of University of Jaén (5/1993 Act of 1 July thereby regulating the Creation th of the University of Jaén, BOJA Official Gazette of the Council of Andalusia No 72 of 6 July, BOE Official TH State Gazette of 25 August) which segregated it from Granada University, that used to offer the studies provided by the University of Jaén School- later Campus- and the Technical Schools of Jaén and Linaresprior to that date. However, the Department precedents go back to the academic year 1989/90 with the introduction of the Technical Engineering Degree in Topography (3- year Degree) , offered in the then called Polytechnic University School of Jaén (EUPJ), becoming then the first university offering this Degree in Andalusia. This was the focus where university activities related to Topography and related disciplines started. The Department rose from the germen of a group of lecturers from the Knowledge Area of Cartographic, Geodetic Engineering and Photogrammetry which used to be then included in the Department of Graphic Expression in Engineering at Granada University. As coordinator of the academic field of the University of Jaén, it was appointed the lecturer José Luis de la Cruz González. The field achieved sustained growth since 1989 when were set the referred ITT studies that gathered the main part of the teaching load of the Department lecturers, reaching a great number of lecturers at the moment of its creation. th The Department was effectively created on 16 December 1993 date at which it was held the first Department Council with a total participation of 14 lecturers. In fact, 10 of them rendered their service full-time and 4 of them part-time, but all of them working for the field of knowledge of Cartographic, Geodetic Engineering and Photogrammetry. The lecturer Antonio Abolafia Valero, deceased in 2001, took the reins of the headship, being the secretary the lecturer Manuel Torres Cantero. The Department was physically located at the underside of the Polytechnic University School of Jaén (popularly known as “Peritos” – expert engineers- as from the fifties, the studies of Industrial Engineers were provided in this school). 2. Implementation of higher studies and moving to the “Magisterio”Teaching- building (1993-1998) This initial period of the Department ended a year later, as during the next academic year 1994-95, the studies of Engineering in Geodesy and Cartography were implemented. As for this implementation, the University of Jaén together with the Polytechnic University of Valencia were pioneers in Spain. These second cycle studies reached great importance in the consolidation and development of the Department. Yet, this consolidation had started to be effective after several lecturers became full lecturers (a total of 9 had become full lecturers in the University School in 1995). In 1994, coinciding with the start of the Engineering studies in Geodesy and Cartography, the Department achieved a great expansion as 8 new lecturers joined it. This process continued during the following years and up to academic year 1996-97 it gathered 28 lecturers in total. The starting of providing higher university degrees studies involved that the Polytechnic University School becoming then the Higher Polytechnic School of Jaén (EPS). The EPS completed its offer of studies by including new higher university degrees in the following years. Hence, it implemented degrees in Industrial Organisation Engineering, Computing Engineering and Industrial Engineering. The lecturers came from diverse origin. In one hand, the first Doctors joined the Department (Agronomy Engineers, Geologists and Mathematicians), and in the other hand, former students of Topography that had completed their studies in University of Jaén, also started to work for the Department. As an outcome of this expansion, new offices were established on the first floor of the building, known as EPS, as a transitory solution. Later on, at the beginning of the academic year 1996/97, they moved to the neighbour building located at calle Virgen de la Cabeza, ”Magisterio”- Teaching- as up to that year it used to offer those studies. This moving to a new building allowed a quite remarkable improvement of the School and Department dependencies (classrooms, laboratories, computers room, instrumentation storage, offices...), although the discomfort of an old and not renewed building was still noticed. The implement of IGC studies was a basic part in the Department development. It is important to highlight that being a pioneer in its implement; it somehow turned out to be a reference point at national level. In fact, a relevant percentage of students that had studied the Technical Engineering Degree in Topography at other universities (Extremadura University, Madrid Polytechnic University, Basque Country University, Cataluña Polytechnic University) together with those who studied in Jaén, had finally graduated here during the first academic years of the Degree. The new range of studies indeed satisfied the learning preoccupations of many Technical engineers in Topography, what lead to reaching a great number of students during the first academic years. This fact, together with the relevant increase in the number of students interested in studying at the ITT, allowed the Department expansion up to the point that it practically duplicated. Likewise, the Department made a greater investment in teaching and research material, such as the topographic and geodetic material (total stations and the first GPS receptors, the fix antenna of GPS located at the Las Lagunillas Campus, the receiving antenna of the NOAA satellites and Meteosat, photogrammetry equipments, etc). Another important consequence was the creation in 1996 of a doctorate programme that indeed completed the learning offer in Cartography, Geodesy and related sciences, and that provided service to the graduates of the IGC, some of which worked as lecturers for the Department and also to some other professionals of different degrees that required special learning in this field. The doctors lecturers of the Department were in charge of teaching this programme in most cases, as they had joined the department in the previous years, with the support of well known and prestige lecturers from other Universities (Madrid Polytechnic, Valencia Polytechnic, Cantabria…), being its first coordinator the lecturer Francisco Javier Ariza López. In those years, the effects of the Department new configuration were clearly noticed in its headship, as under the headship of the lecturer Antonio Abolafia, appeared as secretaries the lecturers Antonio Alcalá Jiménez (1995-1997), also prematurely deceased some time afterwards, and Antonio Ruiz Armenteros (1997-1998). Other positions were occupied by members of the Department such as the management of the Cultural Activities Secretariat of the Office of the Vice-President of University Extension by the lecturer Antonio Garrido Almonacid from 1995 to 1999. In this year, the lecturer Marina Cruz Rodríguez occupied this position, and then he was appointed as the Director of the Hall of Residence Domingo Savio. The headship of the Studies Plan Secretariat of the Office of the VicePresident of Academic Organization and Teachers was occupied by the lecturer Antonio Alcalá Jiménez in the period from 1997 to 1999. The sub- managements for the EPS and ITT and IGVC were in charge of the lecturers Manuel Torres Cantero and Carlos Pinilla Ruiz from 1995 to 1999, at the time that Francisco Baena Villodres was the Director. The continued expansion process of the Department generally culminated in the academic year 1998/99 with the entry of 4 new teachers, all of them engineers in Geodesy and Cartography from Jaén University. From that moment, a new steady period started as in the following years it suffered a decrease in the enrolment of students in the Degrees of ITT and IGC (particularly in the latest), which would be traduced therefore into a phase of stability and consolidation of the Department lecturers (around 30 lecturers) similar to the present one. Stabilization, consolidation and projection of the Department (19982004) In 1998, a new board of directors was appointed headed by the lecturer Jesús García Morant, already retired, and also the lecturer Pedro Castro Guzmán in charge of the secretariat. Since this year and up to 2002, the consolidation and promotion process of the Department practically culminated in the present configuration, with the presence of 2 lecturers, 4 permanent lecturers of university and 18 lecturers of University School. At this stage, once the studies of first, second and third cycle were consolidated, doctors joined the department and the first research groups were created, the efforts mainly focused on an improvement of the Department research quality. To this end, research projects at different levels were developed (national, regional, local and of the own University) as well as contracts were entered into with several institutions and companies for research and services rendering. In the other hand, the doctorate programme likely underwent a growing process as it coincided with the new studies structure pursuant to RD1998. It was provided to 11 students in two-year periods 1999/2001 and 2001/2003 when the lecturers Jorge Delgado García and Francisco Javier Cardenal Escarcena were in charge of the coordination while the lecturer Francisco Javier Ariza López was appointed for the sub-management of the IGC of the EPS, at the same time that Manuel Crespo Alonso directed the ITT sub-management. Besides that, the first doctors were awarded this qualification by the st Department; actually the reading of the 1 doctoral thesis took place in 2001 and another 2 more in 2002. Furthermore, some other lecturers that ended their studies years before outside of University of Jaén allowed that the Department could reach the number of 10 Doctors in 2002. From year 2001, enrolment decreased as abovementioned, due to a clear consequence of birth rate falling in the eighties, fact that it is noticed now in the University. This decrease was further noticed in the IGC, as it was dragging out this the same problem apart from other two that were added to it. The first one is that the recycling task and extension of studies had already fulfilled its function among the ITT professionals. Therefore, the IGC was going to be specially nourished from university graduates in ITT that have recently finished their studies and decided to continue them. The second one is related to economic junctures such as the construction boom that during the first years of the century was really amazing and that allowed students who had just been graduated to be immediately employed and even to some students that had not even finished yet. The great professional demand for technical engineers in Topography is going to lead to the higher university courses being affected due to lack of motivation and time of the possible students. The doctorate continues likewise dragging on the former problem, to which is added the finalisation of third cycle studies by the Department staff (with some lecturers from others knowledge fields of the University and even from other Universities such as Extremadura, Basque Country, etc.. that lack from third cycle studies). As an outcome, in year 2003 the minimum number of 10 students required to start the programme was not reached and therefore it was suspended. From year 2004 the third cycle studies reappeared in University of Jaén as a part of an inter-university programme in which participate several Universities (Madrid Complutense University, Valencia Polytechnic University, Salamanca University, Cantabria University, Alcalá de Henares University and the own University of Jaén). This fact ensured not only the continuance of the programme during three more two-year periods but also, it provided students from other universities that joined Jaén programme. 3. Moving to the new installations at Las Lagunillas Campus (20042008). In 2004 started a new stage of the Department by virtue of two events that followed each other in time. These are, on the one hand, the appointment of a new board of directors for the Department, with the lecturer Jorge Delgado as Director while keeping the lecturer Pedro Castro Guzmán in the position of Secretary, but on the other hand, the moving of the Department together with the rest of the EPS to the new location at the University Campus of Las Lagunillas. This moving to a new building that was superbly equipped meant a remarkable improvement of the installations, both in the lecturers’ dependencies and in laboratories and seminaries, at the same time that it was equipped with teaching equipment (topographic- geodetic material, computers room and some other equipment). This fact therefore led to a new expansion phase of the Department that was reflected on the reading of new doctoral thesis and also in an increase in number and entity of research contracts and projects, many times headed in the own Department. Besides that, a quite stagnation in the number of students (after a fall in the previous years), hinders the increase in the Department lecturers number, although it is produced a promotion of the staff that still continues nowadays. The management promoted some initiatives such as the creation of Teaching Units that would develop lecturers’ coordination in certain fields that had become very extensive and complex. Also, it was promoted a Department Evaluation towards quality improvement in teaching, researching, administration and management that culminated in 2006 with the presentation of an evaluation report detailing strong and weak points and improvement proposals that are still being developed in their appropriate monitoring plan (initiated in 2007). Other performances of the Board of Directors concerning administration and management have been the creation of an administrative procedural manual, setting the economic management criteria for lecturers and the starting of the programme contract in 2005. The programme contract of the Department is an agreement signed between the former and the University (a reflection of the one entered into between the University and the Andalusia Regional Government) and that generally sets a series of objectives to be fulfilled by the Department in two outlines (compromise and quality) that are going to have a clear and growing incidence in the Department budgets. The last stage of the Department starts in 2007 with the appointment of the lecturer Tomás Fernández Del Castillo as Director, replacing Jorge Delgado that joined the Office of the Vice -President of University for Strategic Planning and Quality Control. During this stage, it takes place a slight increase in the teaching staff, mainly due to keeping a steady number of enrolments in ITT, the entry of new adjunct lecturers and assistant teachers as an outcome of the promotion of the most senior grant- holder students of the Department that replaced some retired lectures. In the latest times, the Department objectives focused on a commitment to having quality and excellence in teaching and research, the real and compromised adaptation to the European Higher Education Area and the technologic innovation, all for the development of its several scopes and levels in the denominated Society of Knowledge and Information. Above all, the adaptation to the EHEA it means a very important challenge for the Department at all levels. To start with, the development of new studies plans in which the Department must have an important voice (especially in the new Degree in Geomatics and Topography). In any case, on a long-term, the implement of the EHEA will mean a change in the way of conceiving teaching, which shall be more focused in the autonomous learning of the student. At the same time, it will promote students and teaches mobility and will be committed to adapting teaching to new technologies and teaching innovation. ORGANIZATION CHART Director: Lecturer Dr. TOMÁS FERNÁNDEZ DEL CASTILLO Secretary: Lecturer Dr. MANUEL ANTONIO UREÑA CAMERA Board of Directors: Lecturer Dr. TOMÁS FERNÁNDEZ DEL CASTILLO Lecturer Dr. MANUEL ANTONIO UREÑA CAMERA Lecturer Dr. FRANCISCO JAVIER ARIZA LÓPEZ Lecturer Dr. ANTONIO JOSÉ GIL CRUZ Student ROCIO GARCÍA PULIDO Academic and Teaching Issues Committee: Lecturer Dr. TOMÁS FERNÁNDEZ DEL CASTILLO Lecturer Dr. MANUEL ANTONIO UREÑA CAMERA Lecturer Dr. FRANCISCO JAVIER CARDENAL ESCARCENA Lecturer Dr. JOSÉ LUIS DE LA CRUZ GONZÁLEZ Student REMEDIOS M. SÁNCHEZ QUIRÓS Research Committee: Lecturer Dr. TOMÁS FERNÁNDEZ DEL CASTILLO Lecturer Dr. MANUEL ANTONIO UREÑA CAMERA Lecturer Dr. Mª CLARA DE LACY PÉREZ DE LOS COBOS Lecturer JUAN JOSÉ RUIZ LENDÍNEZ Student TAMARA RUIZ MARTÍNEZ Economic Issues Committee: Lecturer Dr. TOMÁS FERNÁNDEZ DEL CASTILLO Lecturer Dr. MANUEL ANTONIO UREÑA CAMERA Lecturer Dr. ANTONIO MIGUEL RUIZ ARMENTEROS Lecturer JOSÉ LUIS MESA MINGORANCE Student ROCIO C. GARCIA PULIDO Infrastructures Committee: Lecturer Dr. TOMÁS FERNÁNDEZ DEL CASTILLO Lecturer Dr. MANUEL ANTONIO UREÑA CAMERA Lecturer Dr. ANTONIO T. MOZAS CALVACHE Lecturer MANUEL CRESPO ALONSO Student ÁLVARO TRENAS CABRERA Library and Publications Committee: Lecturer Dr. TOMÁS FERNÁNDEZ DEL CASTILLO Lecturer Dr. MANUEL ANTONIO UREÑA CAMERA Lecturer Mª SELMIRA GARRIDO CARRETERO Lecturer Dr. Mª ISABEL RAMOS GALÁN Student ANTONIO PAREJA MANSO 3. THE DEPARTMENT WITHIN UNIVERSITY OF JAÉN 1. Students’ evolution 1. Technical Engineering Degree in Topography On the Technical Engineering Degree in Topography it was produced a first phase of amazing increase in the number of students enrolled since its creation in the academic year 1989/90 up to the academic year 1998/99, that coincided with the start of the Degree and the creation of the own University of Jaén, that in this period also relevantly increased its number of students. Like this, it ranged from 50 students of new enrolment in 1989/90 to more than 180 students in 1993/94, number that was kept with certain ups and downs up to academic year 1997/98, when a few more than 150 students were enrolled. After this first period, enrolments suddenly fell down (under 100 students) from academic year 1998/99 that was due, in one way, to a decrease in birth-rate from the eighties on, and also, to the increase of the degrees offered by Jaén University. It was due to this more than to internals factor, as the degree enjoys good prestige considering the employment rates that have always kept. During the academic years 2000/01 and 2001/02, certain recovery took place probably due to the informative activities on secondary schools and some others made by the Department of Cartographic, Geodetic Engineering and Photogrammetry and by the own School. However, in the two following academic years 2002/03 and 2003/04, a new decrease was contrasted calculating the number of new students enrolled in about 60 students. Finally, from year 2004/05 a new recovery was produced being calculated from 90 to 100 the number of enrolments, with annual fluctuations that are kept up to present. Chart 1. Evolution of the Number of entries for the ITT certificate 2. Engineering in Geodesy and Cartography This degree suffered a decreased in enrolments almost since it was created. However, it was particularly remarked from academic year 1997/98 decreasing in 5 years from 60 students enrolled in that year to a few more than 10 in 2001/02. The reasons for this continued decrease must be sought partially in the birth rate decrease that was already affecting the ITT. Furthermore, it was mainly the creation of this degree in other Universities what most affect it and also the fact that it was less the number of professionals in Topography interested in completing their studies. Most of all, it was the high employment rates of the Topographic Technical Engineering Degree, main source of students for this degree, what caused this deep decrease. From academic year 2001/02, the number is stabilized in minimum values although it shows certain downwards tendency that appears to having been frustrated in the last year when certain recuperation of enrolments took place. 2. Lecturers' evolution In general terms, it has been positive with a continued increase of permanent and total lecturers from the creation of the Department, even though this increase was faster during the first years. From academic year 1998/1999 certain stabilization in numbers of lectures around 30 was produced due to the fall of students already referred to in the due paragraph. During the first years, there took place a continued increase in the number of lecturers that in the shortterm became permanent lecturers (Permanent Lecturers in the University School TEUs) in a way that in academic year 1993/94 when the Department was created, the number of lecturers was set in 14, half of which are TEUs, 4 are adjunct lectures working full time (ATC) and 3 part time (ATC). O the next year (1994/95) as a consequence of implementing the studies of IUGC and the strong increase in the students enrolment in ITT, led to the contract of 8 lectures full time (ATC). In the following years the expansion of the Department continued at good pace with new employment contracts (between 2 and 3 per year), up to reaching 35 lecturers in 1998/99. At the same time but with certain tardiness (a mean of 3 year), the lecturers working full time started to become permanent lecturers, as much as permanent lecturers of the University School (TEUs) as permanent lecturers of the University (TUs). In this way, the first TUs (doctors) of the Department joined it in 1996. From that academic year, started a new period during which the increase of lecturers is blocked. Even more, it showed a certain fall, as a result of noticing enrolment decrease in the two degrees. It must be remarked the unfortunate coincidence of the decease of two Department lecturers in this year. This fact, together with the transfer of some lecturers to other universities, finally stabilized their number in 28-29. During this period, from 1998 to 2002, it is achieved the stabilization of high percentage of lecturers in the Department, as TEUs, TUs and even creating the first lecturerships in the Department (academic year 2001/02). From that date, the number of lecturers was almost stable (period from 2002 to 2007), but from that moment, a series of changes due to the retirement of 2 lecturers and the access to the Board of Directors of another 2, and the stabilization of students together with lecturers’ promotion (new doctors, six-year periods, projects, etc, that mean a discount on teaching loads). As an outcome, during the academic years 2007/08 and 2008/09, 7 new lecturers joined the Department (2 assistant lecturers and 5 adjunct lecturers to TP), that have reached the present number of 33 lecturers. Another phenomenon during the last years has been the promotion of some TEUs to TUs. 3. Participation in Governing Bodies The Department has always kept certain representation in the University governing bodies, as much in the bodies of the University itself, and of the different centres, more than ever in the Higher Polytechnics School of Jaén where the main part of its teaching is provided. Among the Governing Bodies, the Department has always relied on four managements of Secretariat and one Office of the Vice-President of University. During the government of the University Rector Luis Parras Guijosa, the lecturer Antonio Garrido Almonacid headed the Office of the Vice- President of University Extension from 1995 to 1999, when he was appointed to manage the University Hall of Residence Domingo Savio, holding this position up to year 2003. Later on, the lecturer Marina Cruz Rodríguez was appointed for the position of Cultural Activities Director from 1999 to 2003, and the lecturer Antonio Alcalá Jiménez hold the position of Director of the Studies Plan Secretariat in the Office of the Vice -President of Academic Organization and Teaching from 1997 to 1999. More recently, with the entry of a new rectory team in 2007 with the Rector Manuel Parras Rosa, the lecturer Jorge Delgado García was appointed Vice-President of Strategic Planning and Quality Management and the lecturer Manuel Alcázar Molina as Director of the Continuing Education Secretariat inside the Office of the Vice-President of the University for European Convergence, Postgraduate Courses and Continuing Education, positions that they still hold nowadays. Likewise, the lecturer Jesús García Morant was a member of the Governing Body on behalf of the Department Directors from 1999 to 2004. On the University Senate, representation has been raging from 2 to 3 people, number kept up to present, and the lecturers members are Antonio Gil Cruz, Manuel Alcázar Molina and Jorge Delgado García. Concerning centres of studies, the Department has always relied on a relevant representation in the Board of Directors of the Higher Polytechnic School of Jaén. In this way, from 1995 to 1999 it counted on two tutors per Degree, one for the ITT, the lecturer Manuel Torres Cantero, and another one for IGC, the lecturer Carlos Pinilla Ruiz. Shortly afterwards, with the appointment of a new board of directors under the heading of Pedro Gómez Vidal, these positions were occupied from 1999 to 2004 by Manuel Crespo Alonso and Francisco Javier Ariza López. From year 2004, upon the studies plan and degrees were already experienced, the EPS started to share a sole tutor for the degrees in ITT and IGC, position that was held by Francisco Javier Cardenal Escarcena, who continued holding this position even when Juan Gómez Ortiz was appointed for the management of the EPS in 2006. At present, this lecturer occupies the position of Academic Organization Tutor following the remodeling of the board of directors after the reelection of Juan Gómez Ortiz as director of the EPS in 2008. Likewise, it should be remarked that the Department has been duly represented in the Meetings of the Centers where it offered teaching courses, especially in Jaén EPS, where apart from the person appointed by the Department, it has been represented almost always by one or two lecturers more. At present, representation in the Meeting of the Higher Polytechnic School of Jaén is granted to the Department director Tomás Fernández Del Castillo, the Academic Organization Tutor Javier Cardenal Escarcena and the lecturers Carlos Pinilla Ruiz and Jorge Delgado García. As far as the Higher Polytechnic School of Jaén is concerned, its representation is granted to Carlos Enríquez Turiño. Finally, we should point out that the Department has counted with 4 directors along its history: Antonio Abolafia Valero (1993-1998), Jesús García Morant (1998-2004), Jorge Delgado García (2004-2007) and Tomás Fernández del Castillo (2007-) and 5 secretaries: Manuel Torres Cantero (1993-1996), Antonio Alcalá Jiménez (1996-1997), Antonio Ruiz Armenteros (1997-1998), Pedro Castro Guzmán (1998-2008) and Manuel Ureña Camera (2008-). Contracts and Projects carried out The Department, through the Lecturers who integrate it, has carried out numerous works under the article 83 of the LOU. Some of the most representative works carried out in the last few years are as follows: Description: PROJECT OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TERRITORIAL INFORMATION SYSTEM LOCAL GIS DEVELOPED AS PART OF THE LOCAL PLAN “AVANZA”. Corporation/Financing Government: TOWN HALL OF TORREDONJIMENO Author / Authors: Francisco J. Ariza López Description: CRITERIA FOR THE ELABORATION OF TECHNICAL RULINGS. Corporation/Financing Government: CARTOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE OF ANDALUCÍA Author / Authors: Francisco J. Ariza López Description: QUALITY CONTROL FOR TOPOGRAPHIC SUPPORT OF THE FLIGHT B/N 1:20000 FOR THE GENERATION OF THE DIGITAL ORTOPHOTO OF ANDALUCÍA Corporation/Financing Government: CORPORATION PÚBLICA PARA EL DESARROLLO AGRARIO Y PESQUERO DE ANDALUCÍA S.A. Author / Authors: Antonio José Gil Cruz Description: STUDY ON THE PREDICTION AND MITIGATION OF SLOPE MOVEMENTS IN STRATEGIC ROADS OF THE JUNTA DE ANDALUCÍA Corporation/Financing Government: INSTITUTO ANDALUZ DE CIENCIAS DE LA TIERRA (UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA-CSIC) Author / Authors: Jorge Delgado García Description: PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND TOPOGRAPHY WORKS FOR THE GENERATION OF CARTOGRAPHY FOR THE REHABILITATION OF THE RAUDAL DE LA MAGDALENA (JAÉN) AND OF ORTOIMAGES OF THE AQUIFER OF THE CASTILLO – LA IMORA (JAÉN) Corporation/Financing Government: TOWN HALL OFJAÉN Author / Authors: Emilio Mata; Jorge Delgado; Francisco J. Cardenal; Pedro J. Castro and María de los Ángeles Hernández Description: REALIZATION OF CARTOGRAPHY FOR THE REMODELING OF “CALLE DEL CARMEN” AND THE “PLAZA 28 DE FEBRERO” IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF ALCAUDETE (JAÉN) Corporation/Financing Government: TOWN HALL OF ALCAUDETE Author / Authors: María de los Ángeles Hernández; Emilio Mata; Jorge Delgado; Francisco J. Cardenal; José L. Pérez Description: STUDY ON THE RUSTIC ESTATE MARKET IN ANDALUSIA Corporation/Financing Government: DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DEL CATASTRO Author / Authors: Francisco J. Ariza López Description: EVALUATION OF DIVERSE CARTOGRAPHIC SERIES OF THE ANDALUCIAN CARTOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE. Corporation/Financing Government: ANDALUCIAN CARTOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE. Author / Authors: Francisco J. Ariza López Description: CARTOGRAPHY POSITIONAL CONTROL BY LINEAL ELEMENTS Corporation/Financing Government: MINISTERIO DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA Author / Authors: Francisco J. Ariza López Description: PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND TOPOMETRY WORKS FOR THE GENERATION OF CARTOGRAPHY FOR THE REHABILITATION OF THE IGLESIA DE STO. DOMINGO (ALCALÁ LA REAL, JAÉN) Corporation/Financing Government: TOWN HALL OF ALCALÁ LA REAL Author / Authors: Jorge Delgado García Description: “ANALYSIS OF PRECISIONS OBTAINED THROUGH DIGITAL AERO TRIANGULATION AND GENERATION OF DIGITAL MODELS OF ELEVATIONS FROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS 1:40000 FOR ITS USE IN THE ELABORATION OF ORTOPHOTOMAPS 1:25000. QUALITY CONTROL” Corporation/Financing Government: STEREOCARTO S.L. Author / Authors: Jorge Delgado García Description: PROJECT ON THE RULING OF THE POSITIONAL COMPONENT EVALUATION. Corporation/Financing Government: AENOR, CTN/148 Author / Authors: Francisco J. Ariza López Description: COURSE ON THE QUALITY OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION. Corporation/Financing Government: IGN. Author / Authors: Francisco J. Ariza López. Description: ANALYSIS OF THE PRESENT SITUATION AND DIAGNOSIS OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE. Corporation/Financing Government: ANDALUCIAN CARTOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE. Author / Authors: Francisco J. Ariza López. Description: DIAGNOSIS OF THE GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION STATE FOR THE CARTOGRAPHIC PLAN OF ANDALUSIA. Corporation/Financing Government: ANDALUCIAN CARTOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE. Author / Authors: Francisco J. Ariza López. Description: CRITERIA FOR THE ELABORATION OF THE TECHNICAL RULING. Corporation/Financing Government: ANDALUCIAN CARTOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE. Author / Authors: Francisco J. Ariza López. INFRASTRUCTURES The Department of Cartographic, Geodesic and Photogrammetric Engineering at the University of Jaén counts with a series of Facilities, Equipments and materials at both main and satellite campuses: The building “A3 -Engineering and Technology” at the Campus de “Las Lagunillas” in Jaén and the Superior Polytechnic School of Linares. These resources are managed by the Department for the teaching and research tasks entrusted. Facilities Among the facilities attached to the Department are the offices of the Teaching and Research Personnel and of the Administration and Services Personnel (“PAS”), as well as the Laboratories and Seminars. In Chart distribution of spaces attached to the Department is shown. Facility Teaching & Research Personnel Offices “PAS” Offices Laboratories/classrooms Seminars: Warehouse Name Calibration, Industrial Measures and Others Laboratory Cartography, Teledetection and G.I.S. Laboratory Digital Photogrammetry Laboratory Analogical Photogrammetry Laboratory Analytical Photogrammetry Laboratory Stereoscopes Laboratory Photography Laboratory Topography and Geodesy Laboratory-Warehouse Seminar of the Department: Printing Service Seminar of the Department: Seminar on Graduation Projects Number 27 (4 doubles) 1 (shared) 2 3 1 Chart . Department Installations. 2 Location A3-(Jaén) (EPS-Linares) A3 A3-353 1 A3-367 A3-368 A3-364 1 A3-355 1 A3-366 1 1 1 A3-371 A3-355a A3-369 1 A3-351 1 A3-304 1 A3-357 Pic. . Topography and Geodesy LaboratoryWarehouse Pic. . Digital Photogrammetry Laboratory Pic. . Cartography, Teledetection and G.I.S. Laboratory Pic. . Analogical Photogrammetry Laboratory Pic. . Analytical Photogrammetry Laboratory Pic. . Stereoscopes Laboratory Technical Equipment The technical resources of the Department can be divided in resources assigned to people and collectives. Among the first ones we can point out those IT equipments assigned to Lecturers. They are renewed every 4 years by the Department. The collective technical resources are located in the common Laboratories and Seminars of the Department. We can point out among them: • Technical instrumentation of the Laboratories: They are directly used in teaching and research tasks. In Chart we point out the most important existing resources: Laboratory Equipment Calibration, Industrial Measures and Other Instruments from the Topography and Geodesy Laboratory-Warehouse are used. Cartography, Teledetection and G.I.S. 22 IT equipment Fujitsu Siemens. 1 Server System REMBO Fujitsu Siemens. Digital Photogrammetry 3 Digital Systems Leica 1 System Leica DVP 1 Scanner Photog. Vexcel Imaging Corporation VX3000 1 Scanner Photogrammetric Vexcel Ultra Scan 5000 Analogical Photogrammetry 1 Restituitor Wild B8S 3726 1 Restituitor Wild B8S 5345 1 Restituitor Carl Zeiss Jena Topocart -D 1 Restituitor Wild A-8 1 Restituitor Oficine Galileo Stereosimplex Santoni Mod III 1 Pantographer Carl Zeiss Jena 1 Plotter Wild Aviotab ta 10 Analytical Photogrammetry 1 Restituitor Wild Heerbrugg Sandstem 9 1 Restituitor Wild Leitz Kern DSR 14 1 Restituitor Leica SD 2000 1 Stereo-comparator Zeiss Psk 2 1 Mono-comparator Leica Pug 4 1 Restituitor Zeiss Planicomp P3 1 Orthocomp Zeiss Z2 HP Stereoscopes Mirrors Stereoscopes and Picture Stereometres: • 11 units Topcon • 10 units Carl-Zeiss Jena Photography Photogrammetric Camera Zeiss Jena UMK 10 Enlarger Durst Phototechnik M 370 BW Topography and Geodesy Laboratory-Warehouse TOTAL STATIONS AND TACHEOMETERS LEICA TCR805 LEICA TC1800 LEICA TC805 LEICA TCA2003 LEICA TCRA1203 NIKON C-100 PENTAX PCS-1S SOKKISHA SET3 WILD TC1000 WILD TC500 G.P.S. EQUIPMENT MONOFREQUENCY LEICA SANDSTEM 200 MONOFREQUENCY LEICA SANDSTEM 300 MONOFREQUENCY LEICA SANDSTEM 500 BIFREQUENCY LEICA SANDSTEM 300 BIFREQUENCY LEICA SANDSTEM 500 BIFREQUENCY LEICA SANDSTEM 1200 THEODOLITES SOKKIA TM1A SOKKIA TM6 SOKKIA TS20-A SOKKIA KT5 WILD KI-RA WILD T0 WILD T1 WILD T2 WILD T16 WILD T3000 ZEISS THEO 10-B ZEISS 80A GYROSCOPE WILD GAK1 LEVELS LEICA DNA03 WILD LNA2L WILD N3 WILD NA20 WILD NA24 WILD NA28 WILD NA2000 WILD NK2 Chart . Laboratory Equipment. Pic. . Equipment Leica TCRA 1203 Pic. . Equipment Leica GPS Sandstem 1200 • Other common technical means: They support the Department staff’s work. They are placed at the common Seminars of the Department and at the offices of the technical and administrative PAS. The following can be pointed out:         Black and White Photocopier. Colour Photocopier. 3 Printers per Net. 1 plotter. 1 Web server. 1 FTP server. 1 Fax Audiovisual means, PDAs, navigators and laptops. Material Resources Among the material resources of the Department related with the teaching and research work Cartography library and Graduation Projects Library can be pointed out. In Chart these resources are described: Resourse Cartography library Description • Analogical and Digital Cartography: • Satellite images: Landsat Sensors, Spot, ASTER, Quickbird, etc. Location A3-351; A3-384 PFC Library Newspaper library Number of copies: 730. Journals assigned to the Department. Chart . Material resources. A3-304 A3-384 1. DEPARTMENT TEACHING The Department of Cartographic, Geodetic Engineering and Photogrammetry of University of Jaén teaches its courses of first and second cycle directly at the Higher Polytechnic School of Jaén (EPSJ), and also, at a minor rate, at the Higher Polytechnic School of Linares (EPSL). This teaching is directly related to Geomatics. Geomatics is a modern scientific term of wide international spreading that integrates a wide range of disciplines and techniques such as Geodesy, Topography, Cartography, Photogrammetry, Spatial Remote Sensing, Positioning and Satellite Navigation (GPS and Galileo systems, for instance), the (GIS) Geographic Information Systems or the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) among others. The fast progress during the last decade of computing technology and programming, and also of the terrestrial, air and space observation techniques, had allowed Geomatics to become a discipline requiring professionals with a solid scientific and Technical training, with a creative nature and that manage to react in new situations. The Department of Cartographic, Geodetic Engineering and Photogrammetry in the EPSJ provides teaching in two Degrees of the Geomatics field: • • Technical Engineering Degree in Topography. Engineering Degree in Geodesy and Cartography. In these degrees, the Department is responsible for the teaching of over 50% of the credits in both main and compulsory subjects. It is compromised to offer quality education that excels at national level thanks to the researches and activities carried and also to the high level of education achieved by the graduated. To this end, the Department is organizing with regard to Teaching Units: Methods of Topography and Geodesy, Applied Topography and Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Cartography and GIS. 1. Technical Engineering Degree in Topography These tuitions are provided in the Higher Polytechnic School of Jaén since 1989. This is a first cycle degree lasting three academic years divided into a four-month programme arranged in 222 credits. At the moment, the studies plan of 1995 is still in force, though revised in 2000 and partially adapted to the new teaching techniques of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) as this Degree is integrated in a pilot project of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation Systems (ECTS). Once the courses of studies are finished, students are awarded the Diploma of the Technical Engineering Degree in Topography, which authorises the holder of this qualification diploma to practice a profession of highdemand at present, especially in the civil work and construction sector. 2. Engineering Degree in Geodesy and Cartography This education is provided at the Higher Polytechnic School of Jaén since 1994, being University of Jaén pioneer among other Spanish universities on providing this degree on its academic offer. This is a second cycle degree (150 credits) lasting two academic years divided into a four-month programme. The studies plan in force at present dates back to year 2000. It should be remarked as a special feature of interest of this degree, that the ratio lecturer/students is very favourable, being treated as the best valued degree offered by University of Jaén in the surveys made to the students in the academic year 2007/08. This factor, together with the multidisciplinary approach of these studies, results in a professional profile highly appreciated by the companies and government administrations of this field, which does facilitate work insertion event in other fields not related to civil work. 3. The Future in the studies of Geomatics in the framework of the EHEA and the new study plans. Imminent changes that will be made due to the incorporation of the EHEA shall be produced in the Spanish university panorama and will be reflected on a deep restructuring of study plans and actual teaching methodologies. In this sense, the Department of Cartographic, Geodetic Engineering and Photogrammetry in coordination with the EPSJ, is implicated in the teaching renovation caused by the convergence with Europe. Furthermore, it is an active part of the workgroup coordinated by the Conference of Directors of the Schools of the Technical Engineering in Topography (three- year degree) and Engineering in Geodesy and Cartography that at present is defining the Studies Plan of the Engineering Degree in Geomatics and Topography. This new Degree that will have the same professional attributions as the present Technical Engineering Degree in Topography will be divided into four academic years with a tuition of 240 European credits (ECTS). This new Engineering Degree in Geomatics and Topography will be implemented in the academic year 2010/2011 and it will progressively replace the present studies of Technical Engineering Degree in Topography that shall be extinguished (together with the rest of present studies plans of all the Degrees in Spain) in 2015. In a parallel way to the Degree definition, the Department of Cartographic, Geodetic Engineering and Photogrammetry is working to determine a Master in the field of Geomatics in order to provide academic continuance for the future graduates in Geomatic Engineering and Topographic and which, in any case, makes easier the access to Doctorate studies. Subjects taught by the Cartography, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Department Technical Engineering in Topography ITT Subjects Topography I Topography II Topometry Cartography I Photogrammetry I Cartography II Teledetection Topometrical Nets Photogrammetry II Topography of Works and Rises Geodesy Geographical Information Systems Cadastre Term 1º 1º 2º 2º 2º 2º 2º 2º 3º 3º 3º 3º 3º Chart. 1. Core and obligatory subjects in Technical Engineering in Topography taught by the Cartography, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Department. ITT Subjects Valuations Analytical Projections Observation Adjustments Industrial Topography Automatized Topography Construction Tunneling and Major Structure Topography Terms 1º 1º 2º 2º 2º 2º 2º Aero triangulation and Block Adjustment (*) 2º Terrain Photogrammetry (*) 3º Topography in Civil Engineering 3º Geodesic Control of Deformations (*) 3º (*) Common subjects with Engineering in Geodesy and Cartography Chart. 1. Optional subjects in Technical Engineering in Topography taught by the Cartography, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Department. Engineering in Geodesy and Cartography EGC Subjects Analytical Photogrammetry Geodesic Nets and Mathematical Cartography Digital Photogrammetry Advanced Teledetection Positioning Instruments and Systems Geographical Information Systems Cartography Production Term 1º 1º 1º 1º 1º 1º 2º Chart. 1. Optional subjects in Technical Engineering in Topography taught by the Cartography, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Department. CGE Subjects Term Spatial Geodesy 1º Analytical Cartography 1º Applied Teledetection 2º Non-Topographic Photogrammetry 2º Aero triangulation and Block Adjustments(*) 2º Terrain Photogrammetry (*) 2º Photogrammetry (*) 2º (*)Common subjects with Engineering in Geodesy and Cartography Chart. 1. Optional subjects in Engineering in Geodesy and Cartography taught by the Cartography, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Department. Subjects taught in other degrees Subjects Topography and Construction Applied Topography Engineering Topography I Mines Topography Topography II General Topography in Electrical Degree Technical Industrial Engineering Technical Industrial Engineering Mines Technical Engineering (Esp. ME and SPM) Mines Technical Engineering (Esp. ME and SPM) Mines Technical Engineering (Esp. EM and SPM) Mining Technical Engineering (Esp. RECE) Centre EPSJ EPSL EPSL EPSL EPSL EPSL EM: Mines Exploitation; SPM: Mine Surveying and Prospecting; RECE: Energy, Combustible and Explosive Resources. Chart. 1. Subjects taught by the Cartography, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Department at other centres within Jaén University. Postgraduate courses The Postgraduate Official Programmemes are courses of study directed towards the student specialization in his/her academic, professional or research training and that are divided in two cycles as a continuation of their Degrees (that will be the First Cycle in the adaptation of the Spanish system to the EHEA): • The Second Cycle is directed to the advanced learning, of either specialised or multidisciplinary character and directed to academic of professional specialization, or to promote the initiation of research tasks. The conclusion of this cycle leads to the award of the MASTER diploma. • The main aim of the Third Cycle is the advanced learning of the student focusing on researching techniques. It also includes the elaboration and presentation of the Doctoral Thesis. The conclusion of this cycle leads to the award of the DOCTOR diploma. 1. Postgraduate studies taught and organized by the Department of Cartographic, Geodetic Engineering and Photogrammetry. Within the framework established by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), a set of postgraduate university studies have been developed. The aim for these studies is to respond to the society’s needs, with a teaching scope that guaranties quality of knowledge taught and also that academically backs the teaching received. The Department of Cartographic, Geodetic Engineering and Photogrammetry did not wish to keep out of the tendency marked by the EHEA and has worked to offer a solid postgraduate training that diversifies university offer to fit new employment markets. As a result, several qualifications have been developed as Expert, Specialisation and Master, with new methodologies adapted to non-attendance training contexts, just remarking available material, practical activities and the support and communication from lecturers and teachers. University Expert: “Quality assessment of Geographic Information” (25 credits ECTS) This course has been developed with the aim of applying control and/or quality evaluation methods in the scope of the productions and management of geographic information. It particularly stresses the importance of the study of the regulation related to quality, sampling and meta-data. Directed by: Francisco Javier Ariza López Coordinated by: José Luis García Balboa Links : http://coello.uJaén/Quality http://viceees.uJaé Masters Degree in “Cadastre, Urban ruling and Valuation” (60 credits) and International Masters Degree in “Cadastre and Valuation” (90 credits ECTS). Developed with the aim of educating in the areas of Town Planning, Cadastre and Real Estate Valuation so that those professionals or recently graduated who take the course can deal with guaranties with the following working areas: • • • • • Elaboration, conservation, management and inspection of the Rustic and urban Land Registries. Control and guidance in the land titling processes. Management of the Municipal and Provincial Estates. Information and municipal, provincial and departmental management. Geomatics and Territorial Information Systems. • • Rustic and urban land valuations and mortgage and patrimony related. Management of Registry offices and Cadastre. The first one is structured in two expert degrees: University Expert in Cadastre and University Expert in Valuations. The second one is structured in three expert degrees: University Expert in Cadastre, University Expert in Multipurpose Cadastre and University Expert in real Estate Valuation. Directed by: Manuel Alcázar Molina Links: http://coello.uJaé http://viceees.uJaé Masters Degree in Technical Studies (60 credits) The objective of this educational programme is to educate and train to be able to work as insurance or real estate legal technicians in the whole territory. It is structured in two University Expert Degrees: one centred in Real Estate Legal Technical Studies and another in Insurances Technical Studies. In the case of Real Estate Legal Surveying this issues are considered in relation with this area: Knowledge on the Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil (Civil Processing Law) Graphic documentation used in Legal Technical Studies. Compatibilities, rights and obligations of Legal Technicians; etc. And in case of Insurance Technical Studies: Insurance Entities and insurance types. Ley de Contratos de Seguros (Insurance Contract Law). Valuation Models in the insurance market. Links : http://coello.uJaé http://viceees.uJaé Doctorate in Science and Engineering in Geodesic and Cartographic Technology The Cartography, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Department of University of Jaén participate in this Inter-university doctorate programme together with these universities: Complutense de Madrid, Salamanca, Alcalá de Henares, Cantabria and Polytechnic University of Valencia. In such programme the following subjects can be taken: Cartography, Photogrammetry, High precision Topography, Geodesic Nets, Teledetection, Terrestrial Tides, Geomatics, Physical Geodesy, Spatial Geodesy, Natural Risks, Metrology, Cadastre and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). In particular, this Department gives the following courses: • • Advanced non-metrical, digital and video cameras Calibration Methods. Applications (3 credits). Geostatistics Methodology for the creation of numerical databases. Application to Cartography and the Environment (3 credits). • Advanced Applications to the treatment of satellite images in Cartography and the Environment (3 credits). • Modelization, simulation and decision-making with GIS tools (3 credits). • Applications of Geomatics to Cadastre, Valuation and Ruled Territory Management (3 credits). • Cartography on natural risk and the Environment (3 credits). • Quality in topographic-geodesic instruments (3 credits). • Generalization of topographic and thematic databases (3 credits). • • • Interferometry satellite radar InSAR. Principles and applications (3 credits). Precise GPS Data Processing: Algorithms, programmes and solutions (3 credits). Scientific Production in English in impact Journals (3 credits). And last, to point out that the research lines that can be followed in this Doctorate programme at University of Jaén are: • • • Treatment topocartographic variables. Statistical estimation and simulation. Generation of Cartographic products through digital Photogrammetry. Teledetection: sensors, image advanced treatment, cartographic and environmental applications. • Cartographic production and Geographical Information System. Photogrammetry advanced methods for close objects. • • Thematic Cartography. Design of a Cadastre model for the territorial organized management and the documented • decision-making. GPS data processing. • • Radar Interferometry (InSAR) Coordinated by: Carlos Pinilla Ruiz and José Luis de la Cruz González. Link: http://coello.uJaé RESEARCH GROUPS WITH THE MAIN RESEARCHERS IN THE DEPARTMENT Research Group: CARTOGRAPHIC ENGINEERING Description The GIIC is a Group belonging to the Andalusian Research Plan (called PAI) catalogue and it is framed among those centred in Technology for Production, aspect which points out its marked vocation for understanding Cartographic problems from the perspective of Engineering and under the view of production. The Cartographic Engineering Research Group (GIIC) is integrated by a total of 10 specialists belonging to the Universities in Jaén, Granada and Extremadura, and to diverse public and private institutions. Members Researcher responsible Dr. Mr. Francisco J. Ariza López Members Dr. Mr. Manuel Alcázar Molina Dr. Mr. Alan Atkinson Gordo Ing. Ms. Pilar Belart Rodríguez Dr. Mr. José Luis García Balboa Dr. Mr. Carlos Pinilla Ruiz Dr. Mr. Juan Francisco Reinoso Gordo Ing. Mr. Juan José Ruiz Lendínez Dr. Mr. Manuel Ureña Camera Dr. Mr. Joaquín Zurutuza Juaristi Centre University of Jaén University of Jaén University of Extremadura University of Jaén University of Jaén University of Jaén University of Granada University of Jaén University of Jaén University of Jaén Contact Web site: http://coello.uJaé Activities With a clear tendency to innovation, the GIIC directs its Research activities and services, Development, Innovation and Transferency in the following way: • Research: Basic and Applied Research in the field of Cartographic and Geomatics Engineering. The main lines are: – – – Cartographic generalization. Quality and process control in Cartography. Development of Land Registries and Valuation models. – – – – Image improvement. Modelization, simulation and decision-making with GPS. Teledetection. Geodesy, Geophisics and GNSS. • Development: Implementation of Geomatic applications, with a special vocation for non conventional applications, in the fields of environment, renewable energies and Cadastre: – – – – – Solar energy and potentiality of bio-mass (forest and agrarian). Leave models of marginal agricultural lands. Hydrologic models. Tools and software for GNSS processing. Land Registries in Latin-America. • Transference: Technology transference activities and research results among the GIIC and the Corporations in the Cartography sector, in: – – – – – – – – • Cadastre applications. Cartography and navigation. Consultancy in national and international institutions. Design, implementation and GSI analysis. Graphic databases generation. Implementation of Quality Systems. Treatment of digital satellite and photogrammetric images. Web Mapping, 3D Mapping and On demand Mapping. Education and divulgation: Teaching specialization courses, Seminars, workshops, conferences, etc., on Cartography related subjects, Geographical Information Systems, Teledetection, Cadastre and Geodesy, with special attention on: – – Local Administrations. Latin-American countries. Publications Books: Ariza, F.J., Rodríguez, A.F. (2008). Introduction to ruling in geographical information: the ISO 19100 family. Publ. GIIC. Alcázar, M. (2007). Cadastre, property and prosperity. Publ. University of Jaén. Alcázar, M. (2005). Real Estate Cadastre. Publ. Caja Rural de Jaén. Alcázar, M. (2004). Real Estate Valuation. Publ. Montecorvo. Ariza, F.J.; García, J.L.; Amor, R. (2004). Practical Quality cases in Cartographic Production. Publ. Jaén University. Ariza, F.J. (2002). Quality in Cartographic Production. Publ. Ra-Ma. Ariza, F.J. (1999). Cartographic Reproduction. Publ. Jaén University. Pinilla, C. (1995). Teledetection Elements. Publ. Ra-Ma. Articles: Francisco Javier Ariza López, Alan David Atkinson Gordo and José Rodríguez Avi (2008). Acceptance curves for the positional control of geographic databases. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 134 (1). 2632. Francisco Javier Ariza López and Alan D. Atkinson Gordo (2008). Analysis of some positional accuracy assessment methodologies. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 134(2). 45-54. Francisco Javier Ariza López and Alan D. Atkinson Gordo (2008). Variability of NSSDA estimations. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 134(2). 39-44. Francisco Javier Ariza López and José Luis García Balboa (2008). Approximating cartography to the customer´s expectations: Applying the “House of Quality” to map design. Cartográfica, 43: 107-123. Francisco Javier Ariza López and José Luis García Balboa (2008). Generalization-oriented road line segmentation band means of an artificial neural network applied over a moving window. Pattern recognition. ISSN: 0031-3203, 41: 1593-1609. José Luis García Balboa; Francisco Javier Ariza López (2007). Generalization-oriented road line classification band means of an artificial neural network. Geoinformática ISSN: 1384-6175, vol. 12, number 3, pages 289-312. Francisco Juan García Tortosa; P. Alfaro; Jesús Galindo Zaldívar; Luis Gibert; Angel Carlos Lopez Garrido ; Carlos Sanz de Galdeano Equiza ; Manuel Antonio Ureña Camara (2007). Geomorphologic evidence of the active Baza fault (Betic Mountain Range, South Spain). Geomorphology ISSN: 0169-555x, vol., number, pages 1-18. Joaquín Zurutuza Juaristi; Miguel J. Sevilla de Lerma (2007). Influence of the cut-off angle and the bearing in high-precision GPS vector determination. Journal of Surveying Engineering ISSN: 0733-9453, vol. 133, number 2, pages 90-94. Root, R., Zarco-Tejada, P. J., Pinilla, C., S. L. Ustin, R. Kokaland, G. Anderson, and S. Hager. Identification, characterization, and mapping of invasive leafy spurge with the EO-1 Handperion orbital imaging spectrometer. IEEE Transactions on GeoScience and Remote Sensing. Aurora Cuartero Sáez; Francisco Javier Ariza López (2005). Accuracy, reliability, and depuration of spot hrv and terra aster digital elevation models. IEEE transactions on geosciences and remote sensing ISSN: 0196-2892, vol. 43, number 2, pages 404-407. Alcazar Molina, M.G.; Ariza López, F.J. (2003). Rustic Cadastre as a modernization element of territory. Land reform, land settlement and cooperatives, 1: 51-66. FAO (United Nations), Rome (Italy). Pinilla Ruiz, C; Ariza López, F.J. (2002). The PSF and the definition enhancement band deconvolution. Application to spot images. The International Journal of remote sensing, volume: 23 pages, initial: 2379 final: 2391. Taylor & Francis, London, UK. Ureña Camera, M.A.; Ariza López, F.J. (2001). Mathematical morphology applied to raster generalization of urban city block maps. Cartográfica, volume: 37 pages, initial: 33 final: 48. York University Press, Canada. García Balboa, J.L.; Ariza López, F.J. (2000). Frequency filtering of lineal elements band means of wavelets. A method and an example. The cartographic journal, volume: 37(1) pages, initial: 39 final: 49, Maney Publishing, Aberdeen, UK. Ariza López, F.J.; López Luque, R.; López Pinto, A. (1996). Territorial competitiveness of the stand alone photovoltaic systems versus grid electricity supply. A method and a study based on geographical information systems. Solar Energy, volume: 61 pages, initial: 107 final: 118, Pergamon Press, London, UK. Projects: • Analysis of the present situation and diagnosis of geographical infrastructure, research and innovation, objectives and action lines. (ICA-JA) • Analysis of fauna ways through the olive groves in the Alto Guadalquivir (UJA) Viability analysis, market, production and technological characteristics study for the • implementation of the sawmill industry on the north slope of Sierra Nevada (CMA-JA) Potential bio-mass analysis when pruning olive trees in the province of Jaén through • GSI. Application of nets analysis in emergency management in the local civil protection • services of the Town hall of Adra (Town hall of Adra). • Application of nets analysis in emergency management in the local civil protection services of the TOWNHALL OF Jaén (Town hall of Jaén). • Cartographic bases for the elaboration of the “Plan de Conservación del Lobo en Andalucía” (CMA) (Wolf Conservation Plan in Andalusia). • Comparison of the hydrological and thematic exploitation of SPOT pairs in opposition to Cartography E50k, through GSI. Application to the Bermejales Basin (Granada). • ConPoCar: Positional Control Quality in Cartography through lineal elements (MEC). • Quality Control of the ground occupation classifications through satellite images in the province of Jaén. • Development of a Cadastre digitalization system (CEI, SL). • Development a GSI application for the geometric design of high voltage electricity lines (ANDELSA). • Determination of the bio-mass in the province of Jaén through Teledetection integration and GSI. • Determination of the mini-hydraulic energy potential through the use of GSI. • Design of a Guide-map of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and las Villas. • Design of a GSI for the management of the Sierra Mágina Natural Park. • Design of a GSI for the management of solid waste treatment in the province of Jaén. • Study of a hydrographic basin through GSI. Application to the Guadalmellato basin. • Viability study of the systematized organization and implementation of an exploitation module of the territorial information (DGC-JA). • Market study of rustic real estates in Andalucía (03RU02EM411) (DGC-MHAC). • Study through GSI of the viability of Bio-mass supply to a thermal power station. • Study for the coordination and optimum utilization of agrometeorologic stations net in the research centres of the Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca de la Junta de Andalucía (CAPAJA). • Quality evaluation of diverse cartographic series of the Andalucian Cartography Institute (ICA-JA). • Generalization Urban Areas in FormatRaster. • Generalization of lineal elements through Algorithms in the spatial domain and the frequency. • Map of geo-morphoedaphic units of the Parque Natural de Sierra Mágina (CMA). • • Spatial modelizations of the olive fly through GSI. Geographical Information System Plan for the management in the Gerencia de Urbanismo del Town hall of Seville. • Generalization process of roads of the BCN25 automatized derivation of the BCN50. • Proposal for the definition of the forest strategic plan (FUECO-Helsinki University Knowledge Service). • Technical and organizing structure proposal, according to ISO 9000, for the cartographic production in Extremadura. Supranacional Net of environmental Laboratories (INTERREG ii) (CMA-UE). • • Cartovisual Thematic Net (AECI). GeoCaMVa Thematic Net (Geomatic, Multipurpose Cadastre and Valuation) (AECI). • • Simulation Model for Applications Utilizing Renewable Energy Techniques (SMART) (SMART JOU2-CT94-0416). • Geographical Information System. Development and application of a land evaluation model and its implementation in a Cadastre evaluation method. • Stirling Pumping Unit Utilizing Renewable Energy (SPRAND) (JOULE-THERMIE; SPRAND JOU2-CT94-0251). • Strategy for the Introduction of a Power Plant in Spain (JOULE-THERMIE; SPRAND JOU2-CT94-0251). • Technical Applied GSI to urban economy: the case of Torredonjimeno. • Viability of the utilization of the TIROS-NOAA satellite series in solar radiation studies. Application of the SGP4 model to the time resolution study. • Viability of the bio-mass energy use from the olive tree grove in the province of Jaén through GSI. • Facility and design of a GSI at Torredonjimeno Town hall (Jaén). • Criteria for the elaboration of a technical ruling system in Andalucía (ICA-JA). • Diagnosis of the geographical information state for the elaboration of the Cartographic Andalusia Plan (ICA-JA). • Ruling project on the evaluation of the positional component. AENOR. GeOasis: Intelligent System of Touristic Information position based. Excellence Project • of the Conserjería de Innovación Ciencia y Corporación (Junta de Andalucía). Research Group: MICROGEODESY JAÉN Description The Research Group “MicroGeodesy Jaén” was created by the end of 1997 Cartographic, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering Department at the University of Jaén and it centres its activities in the Geodesy area (GPS, GALILEO, INSAR, and Active nets). This Group is part of the Andalusian Research Plan (PAI) and catalogued in the Research and Technologic Development Groups inventory of the Junta de Andalucía with reference: RNM-282. The responsible researcher is Antonio J. Gil Cruz, Lecturer at the University of Jaén at the Knowledge Area in Cartographic, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering. Members Responsible Researcher Dr. Mr. Antonio J. Gil Cruz Members Dr. Ms. Mª Jesús Borque Arancón Ms. Mª Selmira Garrido Carretero Ms. Elena Giménez de Ory Dr. Ms. Clara de Lacy Pérez de los Cobos Dr. Ms. Mª Isabel Ramos Galán Dr. Mr. Antonio Miguel Ruiz Armenteros Dr. Mr. Mario Ruiz Morales Centre UNIVERSITY OF JAÉN Centre UNIVERSITY OF JAÉN UNIVERSITY OF JAÉN UNIVERSITY OF JAÉN UNIVERSITY OF JAÉN UNIVERSITY OF JAÉN UNIVERSITY OF JAÉN NATIONAL GEOGRAPHY INSTITUTE Contact Web site: (http://coello.uJaé Research Lines • Geodesic Control of Land Deformations and its Application in the Prediction of Natural Catastrophies. • Control of Deformations in Civil Engineering. • Control of Movements in Olive grove Lands as a Consequence of Erosive Agents. • Interferometry Satellite Radar (INSAR) applied to the study of Crust Movements. • Positioning and Navigation based on GNSS Active Stations Nets. • GALILEO: European Navigation System. Publications Articles: P. Alfaro, J. Delgado, C. Sanz de Galdeano, J. Galindo-Zaldívar, F. J. García-Tortosa, A. C. López-Garrido, C. López-Casado, C. Marín-Lechado, A.J. Gil, M.J. Borque (2008). The Baza Fault: a major active extensional fault in the central Betic Mountain Range (South Spain). International Journal of Earth Sciences. Vol: 97: 1353-1365. M. I. Ramos, F. R. Feito, A. J. Gil, J. J. Cubillas (2008). A study on spatial variability of soil loss with high resolution DEMs: a case study of a sloping olive orchard in southern Spain. Geoderma. ISSN: 0016-7061. Vol: 148: 1-12. M. I. Ramos, A. J. Gil, F. R. Feito, A. García-Ferrer (2007). Using GPS and GIS tools to monitor olive tree movements. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. ISSN: 0168-1699. Vol: 57. : 135-148. G. Rodríguez-Caderot, M. C. Lacy, A. J. Gil, E. B. Blázquez (2006). Comparing Recent Geopotential Models in Andalusia (Southern Spain). Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica. ISSN: 0039-3169. Vol.: 50. : 619-631. A. J. Gil, J. Galindo, M.J. Borque, L. Marín, P. Ruano, C. Sanz de Galdeano (2005). Geodetic deformation monitoring in Zafarralla fault and Sierra Tejada antiform (Spain): Status Report. Acta Geodynamic. Geomater. Vol: 2: 25-28. Czech Republic. C. Lacy, A. J. Gil, G. Rodríguez-Caderot (2005). A method for the ionospheric delay estimation and interpolation in a local GPS network. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica. ISSN: 0039-3169. Vol: 49. : 63-84. Prague. Ramos M. I., Feito F. R., Gil A. J. (2004). Towards high precision digital elevation model. Journal of WSCG. ISSN: 1213-6972. Vol: 12: 145-148. Pilsen, Czech Republic. E. B. Blázquez, A. J. Gil, G. Rodríguez-Caderot, M. C. Lacy, J. J. Ruiz (2003). ANDALUSGEOID2002: The New Gravimetric Geoid Model of Andalusia (Southern Spain). Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica. ISSN: 00393169. Vol: 47. : 511-520. Prague. J. Galindo-Zaldívar, A. J. Gil, M. J. Borque, F. González-Lodeiro, A. Jabaloy, C. Marín-Lechado, P. Ruano and C. Sanz de Galdeano (2003). Active faulting in the internal zones of the central Betic Mountain Range (SE, Spain). Journal of Geodynamics. ISSN: 0264-3707. Vol: 36/1-2. : 239-250. Ruiz A.M., Ferhat G., Alfaro P., Sanz de Galdeano C., Lacy M. C., Rodríguez- Caderot G., Gil A. J. (2003). Geodetic Measurement of Crustal Deformation On Nw-Se Faults of the Betic Mountain Range, Southern Spain, 1999-2001. Journal of Geodynamics. ISSN: 0264-3707. Vol: 35. : 259-272. C. Lacy, F. Sansó, G. Rodríguez-Caderot and A. J. Gil. The Bayesian Approach applied to GPS Ambiguity Resolution. A mixture model for the discrete-real ambiguities alternative. Journal of Geodesy. ISSN: 09497714. Vol: 76 (2):82-94. 2002. A. J. Gil, G. Rodríguez-Caderot, C. Lacy, A. Ruiz, C. Sanz and P. Alfaro (2002). Establishment of a nonpermanent GPS network to monitor the deformation in Granada Basin (Betic Mountain Range, Southern Spain). Studia Geophysica & Geodaetica. ISSN: 0039-3169. Vol: 46. : 395-410. C. Lacy, G. Rodríguez-Caderot, E. Marín, M. J. Borque, A. J. Gil, L. Biagi (2001). An Analysis of Orthometric Heights provided band GPS and a Geoid Model in Northern Andalusia (Spain). Geomatic Research Australasia. Vol: 74. : 1-16. Gil A. J., Lacy C., Rodríguez-Caderot G., Ruiz A. M., Alfaro P., Ruiz M. (2001). Non-Permanent GPS Network to monitor ground deformation in the central sector of the Betic Mountain Range (Spain). Geophysical Research Abstract. 1029-7006. Vol: -. : 1664-1664. Vienne (Austria). C. Lacy, G. Rodríguez-Caderot, E. Marín, A. Ruiz, M. J. Borque, A. J. Gil, L. Biagi (2001). A Gravimetric Geoid Computation and Comparison with GPS Results in Northern Andalusia (Spain). Studia Geophysica & Geodaetica. ISSN: 0039-3169. Vol: 45: 55-66. A. J. Gil, G. Rodríguez-Caderot, C. Lacy, L. Biagi (2000). GPS/Levelling Traverses for Testing a Gravimetric Quaisgeoid Solution in Eastern Andalusia (Spain). International Geoid Service Bulletin. ISSN: 1128-3955. Vol: 10: 100-103. Milan (Italy). A. J. Gil, A.M. Ruiz, G. Rodríguez-Caderot, C. Lacy (2000). Deformation studies in Padul-Nigüelas and Granada city faults. Geophysical Research Abstracts. ISSN: 1029-7006. Vol: -. : 1-1. Vienne (Austria). Research Projects: TOPOIBERIA: GEOSCIENCES IN IBERIA. TOPOGRAPHY STUDIES AND 4D DEVELOPMENT INTEGRATED STUDIES. Financing Entity: Ministerio de Educación and Ciencia (CONSOLIDER-CSD2006-00041). Participating Entities: Jaume Almera Institute(CSIC) (Coordinator) and 10 more Groups (UCM, UGR, UPC, UB, IGME…), among them the Group Micro-Geodesy of the Jaén University Duration, from: October 2006 until: October 2011 Responsible Researchers: J. Gallart (IJA-CSIC) (Coordinator); IP Group UJA: Antonio J. Gil Number of participating Researchers: 100 POSITIONING AND NAVIGATION BASED SERVICES IN GNNS PERMANENT STATION NETS WITH REAL TIME APPLICATIONS (RTK). Financing Entity: MEC. Project de I. ESP2006-10113 Participating Entities: University of Jaén. Duration, from: October 2006 until: September 2009. Quantity of the subvention: 47,610 Euros. Responsible Researcher: Antonio José Gil Cruz (University of Jaén). Number of participating Researchers: 9. AN IMPACT STUDY ON GPS MODERNIZATION AND THE EUROPEAN PROJECT GALILEO IN PRECISION POSITIONING TECHNIQUES. Financing Entity: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Ref. ESP2005-01997 Participating Entities: University of Jaén, Universidad Complutense and Politecnico di Milano (Campus de Como). Duration: from 2006 until 2009. Quantity of the subvention: 17,850 Euros. Responsible Researcher: M. Clara de Lacy. QUANTIFICATION OF TECTONIC CONVERGENCE, ESCAPE AND UPLIFTING PROCESSES, IN THE SOUTH OF SPAIN AND NORTH OF AFRICA. PROPOSAL OF TECTONIC MODEL. (EXCELLENCE RESEARCH PROJECT) Financing Entity: Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Corporación de la Junta de Andalucía. Participating Entities: University of Granada, University of Jaén. Duration: January 2006 until December 2008. Quantity of the subvention: 169,400 Euros. Responsible Researcher: Francisco González Lodeiro (University of Granada). GEODESIC, GEOPHISIC AND TELEDETECTION INVESTIGATIONS ON DECEPTION ISLAND AND ITS ENVIRONMENT (ANTARTIC PENINSULA -SOUTHERN SHETLAND ISLANDS). Financing Entity: MEC. CGL2005-07589-C03-01/ANT. Participating Entities: University of Cádiz, University of Jaén, University of Valencia and Museo Natural Sciences Museum. Duration: December 2005 until December 2008. Quantity of the subvention: 249,900 Euros. Responsible Researcher: Manuel Berrocoso (University of Cádiz). PRESENT TECTONIC ACTIVITY IN BALANEGRA FAULT AND ITS RELATION WITH MAJOR FOLDS. Financing Entity: DGI. Acción Complementaria CGL2004-0167-E. Participating Entities: University of Granada, University of Jaén, University of Alicante and Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra. Duration: May 2005 until May 2006. Quantity of the subvention: 11,000 Euros. Responsible Researcher: Jesús Galindo Zaldívar (University of Granada). GEOMETRY OF THE GUADIX-BAZA BASIN BASEMENT (BETIC MOUNTAIN RANGE). Financing Entity: DGI. Acción Especial BTE2001-5230-E. Participating Entities: Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra, University of Jaén, University of Granada and University of Alicante. Duration: April de 2003 until December 2004. Quantity of the subvention: 17,725.29 Euros. Responsible Researcher: Carlos Sanz de Galdeano (Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra). APPLICATION OF SATELLITE RADAR INTERFEROMETRY (INSAR) TO DEFORMATIONS CONTROL IN THE CENTRAL SECTOR OF THE BETIC MOUNTAIN RANGE. Financing Entity: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (DGI). Acción Complementaria (Ref. ESP2006-28463-E) Participating Entities: University of Oporto (Portugal), University of Jaén, Technical University of Delft (Holland). Duration: June 2007 – December 2008. Quantity of the subvention: 9,200 Euros. Main Inv.: Antonio Miguel Ruiz Armenteros (University of Jaén). Research Group: PHOTOGRAMMETRIC AND TOPOMETRIC SYSTEMS Description The Research Group “Photogrammetric and Topometric Systems” was created in 2002 in the Cartographic, Geodesic and Photogrammetry Engineering Department in the University of Jaén and it centres its activities in the Air and close object Photogrammetry environment, Teledetection, Topometry, environmental and natural risks applications. This Group is part of the Andalusian Research Plan (ARP) and catalogued in inventory of Research and Technological Development Groups of the Junta de Andalucía with reference: TEP-213. The Responsible Researcher is Jorge Delgado García, Associate Lecturer in the University of Jaén at the Knowledge Area Cartographic, Geodesic and Photogrammetry Engineering. Members Responsible Researcher Dr. Mr. Jorge Delgado García Members Dr. Mr. Francisco Javier Cardenal Escarcena Dr. Mr. Tomás Fernández del Castillo Dr. Mr. Santiago García López Dr. Mr. Alfonso Gómez Ms. María Ángeles Hernández Caro Mr. Emilio Mata de Castro Mr. José Luis Pérez García Dr. Mr. Antonio T. Mozas Calvache Mr. Juan José Vales Bravo Mr. Lázaro Amaro Mellado Centre UNIVERSITY OF JAÉN Centre UNIVERSITY OF JAÉN UNIVERSITY OF JAÉN CÁDIZ UNIVERSITY POLYTECHNICAL MADRID UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF JAÉN UNIVERSITY OF JAÉN UNIVERSITY OF JAÉN JAÉN UNIVERSITY EGMASA INSTITUTO GEOGRÁFICO NACIONAL Contact Web site: http://coello.uJaé Research Lines • • • • • • • • • Low cost Applications in non-Topographic Photogrammetry. Digital Photogrammetry: Automatization of Photogrammetric Processes. Use of new sensors for the improvement topo-cartographic information. Quality Control of Photogrammetric processes. Photogrammetry applied to Industry, Architecture, Archeology and Environment. Modelization of sliding slope processes. Cartography on Geology risks. Topometry applied Industrial measurements. Geostatistics Applications to Space-time data Treatment. Publications Articles: El Hamdouni, R.; Irigaray, C.; Fernández, T. & Chacón, J. (2008). Assessment of relative active tectonics, southwest border of Sierra Nevada (Southern Spain). Geomorphology, 96 (1): 150-173. Elsevier, UK. Fernández, T.; Irigaray, C.; El Hamdouni, R. & Chacón, J. (2008). Correlation between natural slope angle and rock mass strength rating in the Betic Mountain Range, Granada, Spain. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and Environment, 67 (2), 153 -164. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg. Irigaray, C.; Fernandez, T.; El Hamdouni, R.; Chacon, J. (2007). Evaluation and validation of landslidesusceptibility maps obtained by a GIS matrix method: examples from the Betic Mountain Range (Southern Spain). Natural Hazards, vol. 41 (1): 61-79. Walraevens, K.; Cardenal, J.; Van Camp, M. (2007). Reaction transport modelling of a freshening aquifer (Tertiary Ledo-Paniselian aquifer, Flanders-Belgium). Applied Geochemistry, 22 (2): 289-305. Chacón, J.; Irigaray, C.; Fernández, T. & El Hamdouni, R. (2006). Engineering geology maps: landslides and geographical information systems. Bulletin Engineering Geology and Environment, 65: 341-411, Springer. García, S.; Delgado,J.; Cardenal, F.J.; Caracuel, J.E. (2005). Using PCA transformation to remove the tenuous cloudiness effect in multispectral satellite sensor images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26: 209216. Franco,C.; Soares, A.; Delgado, J. (2006). Geostatistical modelling of heavy metal contamination in the topsoil of Guadiamar river margins (S. Spain) using a stochastic simulation technique. Geoderma, 136 (34): 852-864. Fernández, P.; Jiménez, J.D.; Fernandez, T.; Irigaray, C.; El Hamdouni, R.; Crosetto, M.; Chacon, J. (2006). First results on DInSAR assessment on landslides activity in the Guadalfeo river valley (Granada, South of Spain). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8. Cardenal, F.J.; Mata, E.; Ramos, M.; Delgado, J.; Pérez, J.L.; Hernández, M.A.; Castro, P.; Torres, M. (2005). Low cost digital photogrammetric techniques for 3D modelization in restoration works. A case study: St. Domingo de Silos Church (XIV century, Alcala la Real, Spain). The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 30: 722-727. Gomez, A.; Delgado, J.; Bohigas, B. (2004). A new education and business model based in low cost digital photogrammetric work stations. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 35, 148-153. Mata, E.; Cardenal, F.J.; Delgado, J.; Pérez, J.L.; Castro, P.; Hernández, M.A.; Ramos, M.; Torres, M. (2004). Digital and analytical photogrammetric recording applied to cultural heritage. A case study: St. Domingo de Silos Church (XIV century, Alcalá la Real, Spain). The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 35, 5, 455-460. Delgado, J.; Soares, A.; Carvalho, J. (2004). Landsat-Spot images integration using geostatistical cosimulation techniques. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 35, number 4, pages 895-900. Franco, C.; Soares, A.; Delgado, J. (2004). Characterization of environmental hazard maps of metal contamination in Guadiamar river margins. GEOENV IV: Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, 425436, Kluwer Academic Publ, Dordrecht, Holland. Delgado, J.; Chica, M.; Abarca, F. (2004). Geostatistical digital image merging. GEOENV IV: Geostatistics for Environmental Applications: 79-90, Kluwer Academic Publ, Dordrecht (Holland). Fernández, T; Irigaray, C.; El Hamdouni, R. & Chacón, J. (2003). Methodology for the assessment on slope susceptibility and mapping band means of a GIS. Application to the “Contraviesa” area (Granada, Spain). "GIS and Landslides", Chacón & Corominas editors. Natural Hazards, 30: 297-308, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Holland. Irigaray, C.; Fernández,T. & Chacón, J. (2003). Rock slope instability assessment using the SMR classification: a GIS-based approach. "GIS and Landslides", Chacón & Corominas editors. Natural Hazards, 30: 309-324. Kluwer Academic Publishers (Holland). Carvajal, F.; Delgado, J.; Cardenal, J. and Giráldez, J. V. (2001). Geostatistical Analysis for Characterization of Gulland Topographic Features in Olive Tree Areas. GEOENV III: Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, Kluwer Publ. Co., Dordrecht (Holland). Delgado, J.; Cardenal, J.; Caracuel, J. E. and Gómez-Molina, A. (2001). Geostatistical Approach to the Digital Terrain Modelization. GEOENV III: Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, 505-506, Kluwer Publ. Co., Dordrecht (Holland) Irigaray, C.; Lamas, F.; El Hamdouni, R.; Chacón, J. & Fernández, T. (2000). The importance of the precipitation and the susceptibility of the slopes for the triggering of landslides along roads. Natural Hazards, 21: 65-81. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Holland. Caracuel, J., Cardenal, J., Delgado, J., García-López, S. (2000). A simple photogrammetric method to improve quantitative image analysis in geoscience research. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 70 (6): 13371340. Cardenal, J., Delgado, J. and Torres, M. (2000). On the use of spreadsheet for teaching Analytical Photogrammetry. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 28, 54-61 Walraevens, K., Cardenal, J. (1999). Preferential pathways in Eocene clay: hydro-geological and hydrogeochemical evidence. En: Aplin, A. C., Fleet, A.J. and Macquaker, J. H. S. (eds.), Muds and Mudstones: Physical and Fluid Flow Properties. Geological Society London Special Publication, 158: 175-186. Irigaray, C.; Fernández, T.; El Hamdouni, R. and Chacón, J. (1999). Verification of landslide susceptibility mapping. A case study. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 24: 537-544. John Wiley & Sons. Research Projects Integration and exploratory Analysis multisource geo-spatial data for the follow-up and modeling of the Development and vulnerability of coastline areas. Application to an area in “Levante de Almeria”. Excellence Projects, Junta de Andalucía: 2008-2011. Development automatic techniques for the inventory of unstable areas based on Photogrammetry, Teledetection and Geographical Information Systems. Financing Entity: Junta de Andalucía, Excellence Projects. Participating Entities: University of Granada and University of Jaén. Main Researcher: José Chacón Montero. Duration: 3 years (2007-2010). Development of an extraction system of urban territorial and environmental information from satellitetaken high resolution images. Financing Entity: PROFIT. Participating Entities: University of Jaén. Main Researcher: Jorge Delgado. Duration: 2 years (2006-2008). Identification and dating of sliding movements in the mountainous front of Sierra Mágina and Sierra Sur in Jaén. Financing Entity: Diputación de Jaén. Participating Entities: University of Jaén. Main Researcher: Mario Sánchez Gómez. Duration: 2 years (2006-2008). INTERREG III/B (MEDOCC) Sandstéme d’Evaluation et Contrôle de la Désertification dans le Mediterranée Occidentale. Financing Entity: European Union. Participating Entities: INESRE (Portugal), IST (Portugal), Jaén University, CSIC, INRA (France), Innovation Theory (Italy), DUTE (Grecia), Direction General de Florestes (Argelia), Observatory of the Sahara and Sahel. Main Researchers: Amilcar Soares (INESRE). Jorge Delgado García (Jaén University). Duration: 2 years (2006-2008). Development of software for the generation of real ortoimages as an urban territorial information base (DATA). Financing Entity: Ministerio de Industria, Comercio and Turismo. Participating Entities: Altais Cartografía y Urbanismo S.L, Heli Ibérica Photogrammetry S.L, Universidad. Main Researcher: Jorge Delgado García. Duration: 2 years (2006-2007) Analysis improvement of land-sliding dangerousness through the use of useful digital models of terrain developed with photogrammetric auscultation, laser and topometric techniques. Financing Entity: Plan Nacional I+D. Participating Entities: University of Cantabria. Researcher MAIN: Alberto González Díez. Duration: 3 years (2006-2009). Actualization of Spanish cartography on Deception Island. Financing Entity: Plan Nacional I+D. Participating Entities: University of Cádiz. Main Researcher: Santiago Garcia Lopez. Duration: 1 year (2005). Geodesic and geophysics techniques for the study of the volcanic complex Teide-Pico Viejo. Financing Entity: Plan Nacional I+D. Participating Entities: University of Cádiz. Main Researcher: Alicia Garcia Garcia. Duration: 1 year (2005). DInSAR monitoring of active landslides along the A-92 highway, between Granada and Diezma cities (Granada province, South Spain): Comparison of results with other techniques of ground control. Participating Entities: University of Granada, University of Jaén. Main Researcher: José Miguel Azañón Hernandez. Duration: 1 year (2005). Geodesic, geophysical and teledetection investigations on Deception Island and its environment (Antarctic Peninsula- Southern Shetland Islands). Financing Entity: Plan Nacional I+D. Participating Entities: University of Cádiz. Main Researcher: Manuel Berrocoso Domínguez. Elaboration of slope movement prediction maps in static and dynamic conditions detailed scale through GSI and Teledetection. Application to the Centre-Oriental sector of Andalusia. Financing Entity: CICYT I+D+I. Participating Entities: University of Granada. Main Researcher: José Chacón Montero. Duration: 3 years (2005-2008). Geodesic control of the volcanic activity in Deception Island (Antarctic). Financing Entity: Plan Nacional I+D. Participating Entities: University of Cádiz, University of Jaén. Main Researcher: Manuel Berrocoso. Duration: 3 years (2005-2008). Tectonic control of relief in Sierra Nevada and Neogene-Quaternaria surrounding basins. Application to geologic risk evaluation. Financing Entity: Ministerio de Ciencia and Tecnología. Participating Entities: University of Granada, University of Jaén. Main Researcher: Dr. José Miguel Azañón Hernández. Duration: 3 years (2005-2008). Methodologies and instruments development (hardware and software) for the optimum exploitation of mixed lidar sensors systems and digital camera (Project INARA-CARTO). Financing Entity: Iberoeka, Ministerio de Industria, Comercio and Turismo (PROFIT), Comunidad de Madrid (IMADE). Participating Entities: Sterocarto S.L., Instituto de Geomatica, University of Jaén and Polytechnic Madrid University. Main Researcher: Alfonso Gómez Molina (Stereocarto). Jorge Delgado García (University of Jaén). Duration: 2 years (2005-2006). Collaboration contract between the Corporation Expografic s.a. and the University of Jaén for the provision of consultancy services and scientific assessment. Financing Entity: Expografic. Participating Entity: University of Jaén. Main Researcher: Tomás Fernández Del Castillo. Duration: 3 years (2005-2008). Aquatic media environment diagnosis and acoustic pollution evaluation in the Campo de Gibraltar. Financing Entity. Participating Entity: University of Cádiz. Main Researcher: Enrique Nebot Sanz; Diego Sales Márquez. Evaluation of slope movement activity in the Guadalfeo valley through radar differential Interferometry. Financing Entity: CICYT- I+D+I. Participating Entities: University of Granada, Jaén University. Reference: ACCIÓN ESPECIAL. Main Researcher: Dr. José Chacón Montero. Duration: 6 months (2005). Planification guide for geotechnical studies of seismo-resistent conditions in Andalusia, transposition map of Andalusia scale 1:400.000 and pilot map per province. Financing Entity: Consejería de Planificación Territorial, Junta de Andalucía. Participating Entities: University of Granada, University of Jaén. Duration: 3 years (2004-2007). Generation of ortophotographies in the Cenes de la Vega sector (Granada) scale: 1000. Participating Entity: University of Jaén. Main Researcher: Jorge Delgado Garcia. Duration: 1 year (2004) Application of Digital Photogrammetry to Susceptibility Analysis and Dangerousness of Slope Instability Processes (FODISPIL). REN2002-00079/RIES. Financing Entity: Plan Nacional de I+D+i (Conv. 2002) - Área de Recursos Naturales. Participating Entities: University of Cantabria, University of Extremadura, University of Jaén, Instituto Técnico Superior (Portugal), ITC (Holland), Canadian Geological Survey (Canada). Responsible: Dr. Alberto González Díez (University of Cantabria). Duration: 3 years (2003-2005). Geologic risks: Sliding Slope and Active Tectonic in the Guadalfeo river basin in Granada: Vulnerability and derived risks. Financing Entity: Ministerio de CYT I+D+I. Participating Entity: University of Granada. Responsible: José Chacón Montero. Duration: 3 years (2002-2005). Recent Tectonic activity in the SE of the Peninsula and its influence in the vulnerability of the territory regard to geologic risks (ATERIGE). REN2001-3378/RIES. Financing Entity: Plan Nacional I+D+I (Conv. 2001) - Área Recursos Naturales. Participating Entities: University of Granada (UGR), Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC/UGR), Universidad Pablo de Olávide (UPO), University of Jaén (UJA), Polytechnics Madrid University (UPM), Instituto Geológico and Minero de España (IGME). Responsible: Dr. José Miguel Azañon Hernández (University of Granada). Duration: 3 years (2002-2004). Geologic and Geophysics Integrated studies in the margins and Sedimentary basins in the South of Iberia: Relation between the Superficial and deep Processes in the “Mar de Alborán” and its connection with the Atlantic. REN2001-3868-C03-01. Financing Entity: Plan Nacional I+D+I (Conv. 2001) - Área Recursos Marinos. Participating Entities: Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC/UGR), Instituto de Ciencias Del Mar (CSIC), Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra "Jaume Almera" (CSIC), University of Granada (UGR), University of Málaga (UMA), University of Jaén (UJA). Responsible: Dr. Mª Del Carmen Comas Minondo (IACT). Duration: 3 years (2002-2004). Elaboration of Digital Ortophotos as a Graphic Base of the Southern Area of the Irrigating Project in the Campo de Níjar (Almería). Financing Entity: University of Almeria. Participating Entities: University of Jaén. Duration: 5 months (July-December 2002). Photogrammetric and Topometric Generation Works in Cartography for the Rehabilitation of the Iglesia de Sto. Domingo (Alcalá la Real, Jaén). Financing Entity: Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Alcalá la Real. Participating Entities: University of Jaén. Responsible: Prof. Dr. F. Javier Cardenal / Prof. D. Emilio Mata de Castro. Duration: 6 months (2001). Precision Analysis obtained in automatic digital aero triangulation processes and uprising digital models from air photography 1/40000 for ortoimages 1/25000. Quality control. Financing Entity: Stereocarto S.L. Participating Entities: University of Jaén. Responsible: Prof. Dr. Jorge Delgado García. Duration: 6 months (2001). Supranational Net of Multifunctional Environmental Laboratories. Financing Entity: Consejería de Medioambiente de la Junta de Andalucía. Participating Entities: University of Jaén. Responsible: Prof. Dr. Jorge Delgado García. Duration: 4 years (1999-2002). Application of Geographical Information Systems to stability analysis and Cartography to slope susceptibility movements. Financing Entity: CICYT- I+D. Participating Entities: University of Granada, Polytechnic University in Cataluña, Technology and Geominery Institute in Spain, University of Cantabria, University of Oviedo, Polytechnic School in Valencia. Main Researcher: Jordi Corominas Dulcet. Duration: 3 years (1997-2000). Cartography and Analysis of mass movements and associated risks in slopes excavated in metamorphic rocky massifs through a G.I.S.: Application to the Gualchos-Rubite-Polopos-Sorvilán basin (South of the province of Granada). Financing Entity: CICYT-I+D. Participating Entities: University of Granada. Main Researcher: José Chacón Montero. Duration: 3 years (1997-2000). ACTIVITIES ORGANIZED BY THE DEPARTMENT The Cartographic, Geodesy and Photogrammetric Engineering Department of the University of Jaén has organized diverse courses, Seminars, conferences, prizes, etc. related with common themes in Geodesy, Cartography and photogrammetry. Not only the Lecturers in this Department but also professionals and nationally and internationally well known researchers have participated in these activities. Likewise, this Department is involved in activities for the diffusion of the different disciplines related with Geomatic Engineering (expositions, workshops, participation in thematic nets, etc.) as well as through collaboration agreements with universities in countries in a development process. Awards The International Prize Francisco de Coelho for the End of Degree Projects in Cartography and Related Sciences, which is celebrating its tenth edition in 2009, is announced by the Vicerrectorado de Extensión Universitaria and the Superior Polytechnics School in Jaén, at Jaén University. Students from Technical Schools or Universities who have presented their End of Degree Projects (or equivalent work) can participate in these awards - created in honor of Mr. Francisco Coelho de Portugal y Quesada, who introduced modern Cartography in Spain and also a fruitful cartographer- in any of these subjects: Cartography, Topography, Photogrammetry, Cadastre, Geographical Information Systems, Teledetection, Territorial Ordination, Geodesy, etc. There are two categories: those projects through which you can obtain a 2-year degree will enter the first category and those for a superior degree will enter the second category. In the 2008 edition, the Jury of the IX Awards gave the following ones to: The award to the End of Degree Project, in its Superior Degree category, was given to Ms. María Dolores Gómez Vidal, for the Project titled “Evolutive Analysis of the vegetation in the Guadalquivir Basin between the years 2000 -2008, through a series of temporal NDVI images of the MODIS sensor”. The award to the End of Degree Project, in the 2-years-degree category, was given to Mr. Carlos J. Gil Sarmiento, for the Project titled "Rectification of the Photogrammetric flight in 1974 of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria municipality”. Congresses The Research group "MicroGeodesy Jaén" (RNM-282) organized the “ISGDM´2005”: International Symposium on Geodetic Deformation Monitoring: From Geophysical to Geodetic Roles, celebrated at the University of Jaén in March 2005. This Symposium was sponsored among others by the International Association in Geodesy (IAG) and issues related with the determination of deformations of the terrestrial crust and soils were analyzed from geodesic observations with applications in Engineering and Geophysics. (http://www.uJaé Inauguration of the “International Symposium on Geodetic Deformation Monitoring: From Geophysical to Geodetic Roles” on the 17th of March 2005 at the Jaén University. Seminars “Seminar on evaluation and control Systems on desertification in the Occidental Mediterranean area (Project SADMO, INTERREG IIIB/MEDOCC)”. Organization: Jorge Delgado García. Participating lecturers: Francisco Javier Cardenal, Emilio Mata, María Angeles Caro, José Luis Pérez, Manuel Ureña and Tomás Fernández. Jaén, 2008. “Seminar on positional control methodologies in Cartography”. Organized by the Cartographic, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering Department for the IGN through the CTN/148-AENOR. Francisco Javier Ariza López. Jaén, 2007. “Technical Seminar: New challenges in Cartography”. Francisco Javier Ariza López. Jaén, 1998. Seminar on evaluation systems and desertification control in the Occidental Mediterranean (Project SADMO, INTERREG IIIB/MEDOCC) celebrated in Jaén on the 15th of February 2008. Courses “Digital Cartography and Navigation. New Technological Challenges”, Organized by the Town hall in Andújar and University of Jaén as part of the XII Autumn University Courses Andújar, Tomás Fernández del Castillo and Manuel A. Ureña Camera, (2008). “Design of lineal works. CLIP under Windows”, organized by the Cartographic, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering Department in collaboration with the Delegación Provincial in Jaén of the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Tecnicos en Topografía. Director: Pedro J. Castro Guzmán, (2008). “On the job training in Digital Photogrammetry and Geodesy for the technicians in the Corporation Sacandr S.A.”, organized by the Cartographic, Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering Department. Director: Pedro J. Castro Guzmán. (2007 first edition and 2008 second edition) “Specialist in Electronic Topography”, organized by University of Jaén and financed by the Consejería de Empleo de la Junta de Andalucía and the European Union. Participating Lecturers: Enríquez, C.; Cruz, J.L.; Crespo, M.; Ramos, M.I. and Castro, P.J., (Celebrated inn 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008). “Real Estate Market”. Extention course of the International University of Andalucía. Director: Manuel Alcázar Molina, (2007). “Course on Teledetection”, at the Open University of Jaén. Carlos Pinilla, (2007). “Use of GSI in field works”, XII Geographical Information Technologies National Congress, Granada. Carlos Enríquez, (2006). “University Expert in Applied Geology Engineering to Civil works” (2nd Edition). Permanent Education Centre of the University of Granada. Jorge Delgado, (2004 and 2005) "Geomatics: Introduction to digital Cartography ". Lecturers’ Centre in Jerez, Consejería de Educación y Ciencia. Francisco J. Ariza (200?). "Introduction to Geographical Information Systems ". Superior Polytechnic School in Algeciras. Francisco J. Ariza (200?). “Specific software in drawing works”. Jaén. Manuel López Romero, (2002). Conferences • CONFERENCES CARRIED OUT BY THE MEMBERS OF THE DEPARTMENT Ruiz, A.M. (2008): “Radar Interferometry”. Superior Polytechnic School. Jaén. Ariza, F.J. (2007): “Proposal of a research on positional accuracy”. EuroGeographics: Plenary Meeting of the ExG-Q. Madrid. Gil, A.J. (2007): “Geodesic Investigations on Deception Island (Antartic)”. Escuela Politécnica Superior. Jaén. Alcázar, M. G. (2006): “Uma discussao internacional quanto ao Cadastro Técnico Multifinalitario”. 7º Congreso de Cadastro Técnico Multifinalitario e Gestao Territorial, Florianópolis (Brasil). Ariza, F.J. (2006): ”Quality ISO 19100”. Introduction to the Ruling Family ISO 19100 on Geographical Information”.Sevilla. Pinilla, C. (2006): “Introduction to Teledetection”. VI Semana de la Ciencia, Madrid. Alcázar, M. G. (2005): “The Cadastre in Spain: background, present situation and future perspectives”. University of Bahía Blanca (Buenos Aires - Argentina) Ariza, F. J. (2003): “Quality in Cartography”. Feria Andaluza Expo-Geomática, Sevilla. Ariza, F. J. (2003): “Quality in Cartography”. Ciclo internacional de conferencias de la UPM, Madrid. García, J. L. (2003): “Automatization of the Generalization, requirement of Cartography for the XXI century”. Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão del Instituto Politécnico de Beja (Beja, Portugal). García, J. L. (2003): “What Quality does a map have?”. Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão del Instituto Politécnico de Beja (Beja, Portugal). • CONFERENCES ORGANIZED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE DEPARTMENT. Velasco, A. (2008): “The European directive INSPIRE and its influence on Cadastre information”. Conference at the IX edition of the Francisco Coelho International Award. Place: Jaén University. Rodriguez, A. (2008): “Spatial Data Infrastructures and NeoCartography”. Organized by: Tomás Fernandez and José Luis Mesa. Place: Jaén University. Folgueira, M. (2008): “Reference systems and their link with the Earth rotation”. Invited Conference in the Course on Spatial Geodesy. Organized by: Clara de Lacy. Place: Jaén University. Quesada, F. M. and Nebrera, A. (2008): “Municipal infrastructure area in the Diputación Provincial de Jaén and thematic Cartography in small municipalities”. Organized by: Antonio Garrido and José Luis Mesa. Place: Jaén University. Zarco, P. (2008): “Hiperespectral and thermical Teledetection for the estimation of biophysical parametres in vegetation. Present situation and future lines”. Organized by: Carlos Pinilla and Tomás Fernández. Place: Jaén University. Cano, M. A. and González de Matesanz, F. J. (2007): “ETRS89. Implementation of the new geodesic reference system”. Organized by: Antonio Garrido and Tomás Fernández. Place: Jaén University. Juliao, R. P. (2007): “Cartographic and Cadastre project in Portugal”. Organized by: Tomás Fernández. Place: Jaén University. Other • THEMATIC NETS Participation in the "Cartovisual" Thematic Net financed by the (AECI). Responsible: Francisco J. Ariza López. Coordination and participation in the "GeoCaMVa" Thematic Net (Geomatic, Multipurpose Cadastre and Valuation) financed by the International Cooperation Spanish Agency (AECI) in which the Universities in Jaén, Polytechnics University in Valencia and Polytechnics University in Madrid (on the Spanish side) and the University in Azuay (Cuenca – Ecuador), and the University in La Habana (La Habana – Cuba) are part of. Responsible: Francisco J. Ariza López. • EXPOSITIONS Exposition “New Cartography in Spain”. Organized by: Francisco J. Ariza López. Date: November 1999. Place: Jaén University. • WORKSHOPS The CGPE Department participates in the programme “Conoce la Ingeniería” (Get to know Engineering), which celebrates in 2009 its seventh edition. This initiative of the Superior Polytechnic School (EPS) in Jaén pursues to get high school students to know the different disciplines in modern Engineering. In the workshops taking place in the Laboratories at the EPS, students get in contact with the equipment and methods common to different branches in Engineering. • SPECIAL COLLABORATION AGREEMENTS This Department collaborates with the University of Ngozi (Burundi) through economical aids for the acquisition of bibliographic material. This university, founded in 1995 with the objective of providing a common project which could unite the different ethnical groups confronted in the civil war, teaches nowadays Medicine, Economy and Law, Arts, Agronomy and Information technology studies. PUBLICATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT Title: Quality in the Cartographic Production Author: Francisco Javier Ariza López Publisher: Ra-Ma Title: Practical Cases on Quality in the Cartographic Production Authors: Francisco Javier Ariza López, José Luis García Balboa and Raúl Amor Pulido Publisher: Jaén University Title: Cadastre Author: Manuel Alcázar Molina Publisher: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Title: Real Estate Cadastre. Author: Manuel Alcázar Molina Publisher: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Title: Real Estate Cadastre. Author: Manuel Alcázar Molina Publisher: Publicaciones Caja Rural de Jaén Title: Cadastre, property and prosperity Author: Manuel Alcázar Molina Publisher: Jaén University Title: Practice Notebook on Topometric Nets Authores: María J. Borque Arancón and María Selmira Garrido Carretero Publisher: Jaén University Title: Practice Notebook on Topometry Authors: Maria J. Borque Arancón, Antonio Miguel Ruiz Armenteros, José Luis García Balboa and Manuel Crespo Alonso Publisher: Jaén University Title: The Cadastre in Spain Author: Manuel Alcázar Molina Publisher: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Title: Teledetection Elements Author: Carlos Pinilla Ruiz Publisher: Ra-Ma Title: Topographic Instruments Author: José Luis de la Cruz González Publisher: Jaén University Title: Interactions of radiation in teledetection Author: Carlos Pinilla Ruiz Publisher: Jaén University Title: Introduction to Radar in Teledetection Author: Carlos Pinilla Ruiz Publisher: Jaén University Title: Topography Problems Author: José Luis de la Cruz González Publisher: Jaén University Title: Solved Problems in Astronomy Authores: Antonio José Gil Cruz and Maria de Gracia Rodríguez Caderot Publisher: Sirius Title: Cartographic Reproduction Author: Francisco J. Ariza López Publisher: Jaén University Title: Works Topometry Author: Jesús García Morant Publisher: Jaén University Title: Tunneling Topometry Authors: Jesús García Morant, David García Bodego Publisher: Jaén University Title: Fourier Transformations in Teledetection Author: Carlos Pinilla Ruiz Publisher: Jaén University Title: Real Estate Valuation Author: Manuel Alcázar Molina Publisher: Montecorvo Title: Geodesy Problems Author: Carlos Enríquez Turiño, Manuel López Romero and María Isabel Ramos Galán. Publisher: Jaén University CONTACT ADDRESSES Address Departmento de Ingeniería Cartografica, Geodésica and Photogrammetry. Jaén University. Campus "Las Lagunillas" s/n. Edificio A-3. JAÉN. Telephones, fax and e-mail Director of the Department: Tomás M. Fernández del Castillo Secretary: Manuel A. Ureña Camera Administrative support to the Department: Joaquín Segura Martín Fax: +34 953 21 28 43 tfernan@uJaé +34 953 21 28 52 maurena@uJaé +34 953 21 28 54. jsegura@uJaé E-Mail ingcar@uJaé Web http://coello.uJaé +34 953 21 28 55 HOW TO GET HERE