6. Skeletal System: Histology and Development.

Bones and Skeletal Tissues
 The
skeletal system
consists of bones,
cartilage, tendons,
and ligaments.
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Skeletal System
– shock absorption and reduction
of friction
 Cartilage
 Ligaments
 Tendons
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– connect bone to bone
– connect muscle to bone
Skeletal Cartilage
 Has
high water content which accounts for
its resilience or ability to spring back to its
original shape after being compressed.
 Contains
no nerves or blood supply and is
surrounded by a layer of dense irregular
connective tissue (perichondrium) that
resists outward expansion when the
cartilage is compressed.
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Skeletal Cartilage
3 types:
 1) Hyaline Cartilages
– provide support with resilience
– most abundant
– includes
 articular
cartilages - cover ends of most bones at
moveable joints
 costal cartilages - connect the ribs to the sternum
 respiratory cartilages - form the skeleton of the
larynx (voicebox) and reinforces respiratory
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Skeletal Cartilage
 2)
Elastic Cartilages
– Contain stretchy elastic fibers so they are better
able to stand up to repeated bending
– Found
 External
 Epiglottis - the flap that covers the opening of the
larynx each time we swallow.
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Skeletal Cartilage
 3)
– Highly compressible
– Have great tensile strength
– Consist of roughly parallel rows of
chondrocytes alternating with thick collagen
– Found in sites that are subjected to both heavy
pressure and stretch, such as the padlike
cartilages (menscii) of the knee and the discs
between the vertebrae
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 Supports
the body
 Protects organs
 Facilitates movement
 Stores minerals and fats
 Site of blood cell production
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 206
bones divided into two groups:
– Axial
 skull,
vertebral column, and rib cage
– Appendicular
 bones
of the upper and lower limbs and the girdles
(shoulder and pelvic)
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Classification of Bones
Bone shape:
Individual bones can be
classified as
 long
(humerus, femur)
 short (carpals, tarsals)
 flat (parietal, sternum)
 or irregular (vertebrae,
Illinois State University
Classification of Bones
Bone shape:
Individual bones can
be classified as
 long
(humerus, femur)
 short (carpals, tarsals)
 flat (parietal, sternum)
 or irregular (vertebrae,
Illinois State University
Classification of Bones
Bone shape:
Individual bones can
be classified as
 long
(humerus, femur)
 short (carpals, tarsals)
 flat (parietal, sternum)
 or irregular (vertebrae,
Illinois State University
Classification of Bones
Bone shape:
Individual bones can
be classified as
 long
(humerus, femur)
 short (carpals, tarsals)
 flat (parietal, sternum)
 or irregular (vertebrae,
Illinois State University
Bone anatomy:
 The
diaphysis is the shaft
of a long bone, and the
epiphyses are the ends.
 The
epiphyseal plate is the
site of bone growth in
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Bone anatomy:
 The
medullary cavity is a
space within the diaphysis.
 Red
marrow is the site of
blood cell production, and
yellow marrow consists of
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Bone anatomy:
 The
periosteum covers the
outer surface of bone.
– The outer layer contains blood
vessels and nerves.
– The inner layer contains
osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
Perforating fibers hold the
periosteum, ligaments, and
tendons in place.
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Bone anatomy:
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Bone anatomy:
 The
endosteum lines cavities inside bone
and contains osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
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Bone anatomy:
 Short,
flat, and
bones have an
outer covering
of compact
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Bone Histology:
Bone matrix
 Bone is composed
of an organic
matrix (mostly
collagen) that
provides flexible
strength and an
inorganic matrix
that provides
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Bone Histology:
Osteoblasts produce bone matrix and become
 Osteocytes are located in lacunae (la cue knee)
and are connected to each other through canaliculi.
 Osteoclasts break down bone.
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Bone Histology:
2. Cancellous bone:
 Lamellae (little plate) combine to form trabeculae
(tra bec u lee), beams of bone that interconnect to form a
latticelike structure.
 The trabeculae are oriented along lines of stress and
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University structural strength.
Bone Histology:
3. Compact bone:
 Canals within
compact bone
provide a means
for the exchange of
gases, nutrients,
and waste products:
 canaliculi connect
osteocytes to each
other and to
haversian canals;
Illinois State University
Bone Histology:
 Haversian
contain blood vessels
that pass to
Volkmann’s canals;
 and Volkmann’s
canals carry blood to
and from the
periosteum or
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Bone Histology:
Compact bone consists of highly organized
 circumferential lamellae (la mel lee) cover
the outer surface of compact bones;
 concentric lamellae surrounding Haversian
canals, forming osteons;
 interstitial lamellae are remnants of the
other lamellae left after bone remodeling.
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Bone Histology:
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Bone Formation or
 All
embryonic connective tissue begins as
 Intramembranous bone formation = formation
of bone directly from mesenchymal cells.
 Endochondral ossification = formation of bone
within hyaline cartilage.
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Intramembranous Bone Formation
 1.
connective tissue
 2. Bone matrix is
 3. Woven bone and
periosteum form
 4. Compact bone
forms and red
marrow appears
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Intramembranous Bone Formation
 1.
connective tissue
 2. Bone matrix is
 3. Woven bone and
periosteum form
 4. Compact bone
forms and red
marrow appears
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Intramembranous Ossification:
 Beneath
the periosteum, osteoblasts lay
down compact bone to form the outer
surface of the bone.
 Fontanels
are areas of the membrane that
are not ossified at birth.
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Endochondral Bone Formation
Development of Cartilage model
– Mesenchymal cells form a cartilage
model of the bone during development
Growth of Cartilage model
– in length by chondrocyte cell division
and matrix formation ( interstitial
– in width by formation of new matrix
on the periphery by new chondroblasts
from the perichondrium (appositional
– cells in midregion burst and change
pH triggering calcification and
chondrocyte death
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Endochondral Ossification
Begins the second month
of development
 1.
Formation of a bone
collar around a hyaline
cartilage model
 2.
Cartilage deteriorates in
the center
 3.
A nutrient artery
supplies the internal cavity
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Endochondral Ossification
 4.
The diaphysis elongates
and a medullary cavity
 5.
Ossification of the
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Endochondral Bone Formation
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Bone Growth in Length
 Epiphyseal
plate or cartilage
growth plate
– cartilage cells are produced by mitosis
on epiphyseal side of plate
– cartilage cells are destroyed and
replaced by bone on diaphyseal side
of plate
 Between
ages 18 to 25, epiphyseal
plates close.
– cartilage cells stop dividing and bone
replaces the cartilage (epiphyseal line)
 Growth
in length stops at age 25
Illinois State University
Bone Growth in Width
Only by appositional growth at the bone’s surface
Periosteal cells differentiate into osteoblasts and form bony ridges
and then a tunnel around periosteal blood vessel.
Concentric lamellae fill in the tunnel to form an osteon.
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Bone Growth
Appositional Growth:
 1. Long bones grow in width by bone
apposition on the outer surface of the bone.
 2.
Short, flat, and irregular bones mostly
increase in size by appositional growth.
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Bone Growth
Endochondral Growth:
 1. Endochondral growth involves the
interstitial growth of cartilage followed by
endochondral ossification of the cartilage.
 The
result is an increase in bone length.
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Factors Affecting Bone Growth
– adequate levels of minerals and vitamins
 calcium and phosphorus for bone growth
 vitamin C for collagen formation
 vitamins K and B12 for protein synthesis
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Factors Affecting Bone Growth
Sufficient levels of specific hormones
– during childhood need insulinlike growth factor
 promotes cell division at epiphyseal plate
 need hGH (growth), thyroid (T3 &T4) and insulin
– sex steroids at puberty
 growth spurt and closure of the epiphyseal growth
 estrogens promote female changes -- wider pelvis
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Hormonal Abnormalities
 Oversecretion
of hGH during childhood
produces gigantism
 Undersecretion of hGH or thyroid hormone
during childhood produces dwarfism
 Both men or women that lack estrogen
receptors on cells grow taller than normal
– estrogen responsible for closure of growth plate
Illinois State University
Bone Remodeling
 Ongoing
since osteoclasts carve out small
tunnels and osteoblasts rebuild osteons.
osteoclasts form leak-proof seal around cell edges
secrete enzymes and acids beneath themselves
release calcium and phosphorus into interstitial fluid
osteoblasts take over bone rebuilding
 Continual
redistribution of bone matrix along
lines of mechanical stress
– distal femur is fully remodeled every 4 months
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Fracture & Repair of Bone
Fracture is break in a bone
 Healing is faster in bone than in cartilage due
to lack of blood vessels in cartilage
 Healing of bone is still slow process due to
vessel damage
 Clinical treatment
– closed reduction = restore pieces to normal position
by manipulation
– open reduction = surgery
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Named for shape or position of
fracture line
Common types of fracture
– closed -- no break in skin
– open fracture --skin broken
– comminuted -- broken ends of
bones are fragmented
– greenstick -- partial fracture
– impacted -- one side of fracture
driven into the interior of other side
– Pott’s -- distal fibular fracture
– Colles’s -- distal radial fracture
– stress fracture -- microscopic fissures
from repeated strenuous activities
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Repair of a Fracture (1)
Formation of fracture hematoma
– damaged blood vessels produce clot in 6-8 hours, bone cells die
– inflammation brings in phagocytic cells for clean-up duty
– new capillaries grow into damaged area
Formation of fibrocartilagenous callus formation
– fibroblasts invade the procallus & lay down collagen fibers
– chondroblasts produce fibrocartilage to span the broken ends of the bone
Illinois State University
Repair of a Fracture (2)
 Formation
of bony callus
– osteoblasts secrete spongy bone that joins 2 broken
ends of bone
– lasts 3-4 months
 Bone
– compact bone replaces the spongy in the bony callus
– surface is remodeled back to normal shape
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Calcium Homeostasis & Bone
 Skeleton
is reservoir of Calcium & Phosphate
 Calcium ions involved with many body systems
– nerve & muscle cell function
– blood clotting
– enzyme function in many biochemical reactions
 Small
changes in blood levels of Ca+2 can be
deadly (plasma level maintained 9-11mg/100mL)
– cardiac arrest if too high
– respiratory arrest if too low
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Exercise & Bone Tissue
 Pull
on bone by skeletal muscle and gravity is
mechanical stress .
 Stress increases deposition of mineral salts &
production of collagen (calcitonin prevents bone loss)
 Lack of mechanical stress results in bone loss
– reduced activity while in a cast
– astronauts in weightlessness
– bedridden person
 Weight-bearing
exercises build bone mass
(walking or weight-lifting)
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Development of Bone Tissue
 Both
types of bone formation
begin with mesenchymal cells
 Mesenchymal
Mesenchymal Cells
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cells transform
into chondroblasts which form
 Mesenchymal cells become
osteoblasts which form bone
Developmental Anatomy
5th Week =limb bud appears
as mesoderm covered with
6th Week = constriction
produces hand or foot plate
and skeleton now totally
7th Week = endochondral
ossification begins
8th Week = upper & lower
limbs appropriately named
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Aging & Bone Tissue
Bone is being built through adolescence, holds
its own in young adults, but is gradually lost in
 Demineralization = loss of minerals
– very rapid in women 40-45 as estrogens levels
– in males, begins after age 60
Decrease in protein synthesis
– decrease in growth hormone
– decrease in collagen production which gives bone its
tensile strength
– bone becomes brittle & susceptible to fracture
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 Decreased
bone mass resulting in porous bones
 Those at risk
– white, thin menopausal, smoking, drinking female with family
– athletes who are not menstruating due to decreased body fat &
decreased estrogen levels
– people allergic to milk or with eating disorders whose intake of
calcium is too low
 Prevention
or decrease in severity
– adequate diet, weight-bearing exercise, & estrogen replacement
therapy (for menopausal women)
– behavior when young may be most important factor
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Disorders of Bone Ossification
 Rickets
 calcium
salts are not deposited properly
 bones of growing children are soft
 bowed legs, skull, rib cage, and pelvic deformities result
 Osteomalacia
 new
adult bone produced during remodeling fails to
 hip fractures are common
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