Oxidations of amines with molecular oxygen using bifunctional gold

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Oxidations of amines with molecular oxygen using bifunctional
gold–titania catalysts
Søren K. Klitgaard, Kresten Egeblad, Uffe V. Mentzel, Andrey G. Popov, Thomas Jensen, Esben Taarning,
Inger S. Nielsen and Claus Hviid Christensen*
Received 14th September 2007, Accepted 2nd January 2008
First published as an Advance Article on the web 8th February 2008
DOI: 10.1039/b714232c
Over the past decades it has become clear that supported gold nanoparticles are surprisingly
active and selective catalysts for several green oxidation reactions of oxygen-containing
hydrocarbons using molecular oxygen as the stoichiometric oxidant. We here report that
bifunctional gold–titania catalysts can be employed to facilitate the oxidation of amines into
amides with high selectivity. Furthermore, we report that pure titania is in fact itself a catalyst for
the oxidation of amines with molecular oxygen under very mild conditions. We demonstrate that
these new methodologies open up for two new and environmentally benign routes to caprolactam
and cyclohexanone oxime, both of which are precursors for nylon-6.
In the fine chemicals industry, as well as in traditional organic
chemistry, many oxidations are being carried out using highvalent inorganic oxidants. The application of these types of
reagents often containing chromium or manganese inevitably
leads to the generation of huge amounts of metal waste.
In recent years several new procedures have been developed
wherein a catalyst is used to facilitate oxidation of alcohols
employing molecular oxygen as the stoichiometric oxidant.1–6
In this emerging field of green oxidation chemistry, catalysts
comprising gold nanoparticles have attained a very prominent
role,7 since they are often surprisingly active and on some
occasions exhibit different chemoselectivity than platinum metal
based catalysts. Thus, from a fundamental point of view, as
well as from a technical one, gold catalysis is a topic of intense
scientific interest; drawing attention from a very diverse group
of researchers. So far, literature reports on selective oxidations
using gold catalysts have focused primarily on oxidation of
alcohols to aldehydes,3 carboxylic acids4 or esters,8,9 oxidation of
aldehydes to esters,10 epoxidations of olefins,11–13 and activation
of C–H bonds in alkanes.14
Here, we report on our recent intriguing findings that gold
nanoparticles supported on titania (Au–TiO2 ) is a versatile and
bifunctional catalyst for the oxidation of amines with molecular
oxygen. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report
on oxidation of amines using a heterogeneous gold catalyst.
However, the fascinating feature of the chemistry reported
here is not only the new application of gold catalysis but
also that it opens up for the possibility of producing nylonprecursor materials from amines by oxidation with air in a
heterogeneous catalytic process (Scheme 1A). Moreover, we
report that cyclohexyl amine can be oxidized to cyclohexanone
Center for Sustainable and Green Chemistry, Department of Chemistry,
Technical University of Denmark, Building 206, DK-2800, Lyngby,
Denmark. E-mail: chc@kemi.dtu.dk; Tel: +45 4525 2402
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008
Scheme 1 Methods for producing caprolactam.
oxime with molecular oxygen using TiO2 as the catalyst in a
comparatively low-temperature process (Scheme 1B).
The conventional route to the nylon-6 precursor caprolactam
is a two step oximation and Beckmann rearrangement process
starting from cyclohexanone (Scheme 1C, reaction path 1).
First, cyclohexanone is converted into cyclohexanone oxime by
reaction with hydroxyl ammonium sulfate and ammonia, and
secondly, cyclohexanone oxime is converted into caprolactam
by Beckmann rearrangement using oleum. Very large amounts
of ammonium sulfate are generated as waste in this process.
Therefore, the development of new innovative processes in
which oximation is performed by reacting cyclohexanone with
ammonia and hydrogen peroxide instead of using hydroxyl
Green Chem., 2008, 10, 419–423 | 419
amine, as well as substituting oleum for solid acid catalysts
in the Beckmann rearrangement step, have attracted significant
attention. One of these new processes (Scheme 1C, reaction path
2), which is actually already operated industrially by EniChem
and Sumitomo, employs a titanium-containing zeolite (TS-1)
as the oximation catalyst,15 whereas the other highly innovative
process (Scheme 1C, reaction path 3) developed by Thomas
and Raja employs metal doped aluminium phosphates as the
catalyst.16 Very recently, yet another new process for preparing
cyclohexanone oxime was reported by Corma and Serna.17 In
this process (Scheme 1D), which is fundamentally different
from the oximation processes, since the oxime is produced
by reduction rather than oxidation, 1-nitro-1-cyclohexene is
chemoselectively hydrogenated into cyclohexanone oxime facilitated by Au–TiO2 .
Oxidation of cyclohexylamine
Cyclohexyl amine (99.5%, Fluka), TiO2 (anatase, calcined 24 h
at 500 ◦ C) and n-decane, and in some experiments also water,
were added to a two-necked round bottomed flask equipped
with a condenser. The stirred system was flushed with O2 and
heated to different temperatures for different periods of time.
The reaction was carried out under atmospheric pressure of O2
and the reaction mixture was analyzed using GC after reaction.
For the temperature series experiments, 8 g cyclohexyl amine,
2 g TiO2 and 0.5 g H2 O were reacted for 24 h at different
temperatures. For the experiments with different water contents
(Fig. 3b), 8 g cyclohexyl amine, 2 g TiO2 and different amounts
of water were reacted for 24 h at 80 ◦ C. For the time series
experiment, 8 g cyclohexyl amine and 0.1 g TiO2 were reacted at
90 ◦ C for different periods of time.
Results and discussion
All chemicals were purchased from commercial sources and used
without further purification. The gold catalysts were prepared
by deposition-precipitation using HAuCl4 ·3H2 O (Aldrich) as the
gold source.18
Oxidation of alcohol–amine mixtures and neat n-hexylamine
Oxidation of 1,6-hexanediamine
Our studies into the catalytic aerobic oxidation of amines were
triggered by our discovery that oxidation of mixtures of nhexyl amine and 1-butanol afforded different products with high
selectivity when employing different gold catalysts. With 1 wt%
Au–MgAl2 O4 , N-hexyl butanoic amide was produced, whereas
application of 1 wt% Au–TiO2 afforded N-hexyl hexanoic amide
with surprisingly high selectivity, see Fig. 1. The product of
reaction A, N-hexyl butanoic amide, can be easily explained
and it may be formed via two different reaction pathways,
as also discussed in the literature very recently for a different
catalyst system.19 Either, butanol is oxidized to butyl butanoate,
followed by aminolysis to afford the amide, or the hemiaminal
of butanal and n-hexyl amine is oxidized directly to the amide.
No attempts to verify by which reaction pathway the amide
was formed were performed, partly due to the fact that these
reactions are fundamentally akin entailing no oxidation state
changes for the amine. However, the product of reaction B can
only be explained by the amine substrate being initially oxidized
in the presence of the Au–TiO2 catalyst. In order to verify that
For the open flask experiments 1,6-hexanediamine (2.5 mmol,
97%, Fluka) dissolved in dioxane (10 ml) was charged to a 25 ml
round-bottomed flask equipped with a condenser together with
0.4 g catalyst and a catalytic amount of water (25 ll). The
reactor system was connected to an O2 cylinder and it was
flushed with O2 before being heated to 90 ◦ C in an oil-bath.
The reactor was maintained at the desired temperature for 18 h
before being cooled to room temperature. After reaction, the
slurry was extracted with 10 ml CH2 Cl2 and the extracted liquid
was analyzed using GC and GC-MS; using anisol (99%, Sigma–
Aldrich) as internal or external standard.
The autoclave experiments were conducted using a 325 ml
stainless-steel autoclave fitted with a glass-liner as the reactor.
The autoclave was charged with 1,6-hexanediamine (2.5 mmol,
97% Fluka), 0.4 g Au–TiO2 catalyst, dioxane (10 ml) and water
(25 ll). The autoclave was flushed with O2 and charged with a
pressure of 2 bar O2 before heated to 90 ◦ C in an oil-bath for
18 h. The product slurry was extracted with CH2 Cl2 as described
above for the open flask experiments.
Fig. 1 Oxidation of mixtures of 1-butanol and n-hexyl amine using (A)
Au–MgAl2 O4 and (B) Au–TiO2 , and n-hexyl amine using Au–TiO2 (C).
Oxidation of alcohol–amine mixtures
Mixtures of 1-butanol (10 mmol) and n-hexyl amine (10 mmol,
98%, Fluka), or neat n-hexyl amine (10mmol), were charged
to a 25 ml round-bottomed flask equipped with a condenser
together with 0.4 g catalyst. The reactor system was connected
to an O2 cylinder and it was flushed with O2 before being heated
to 115 ◦ C or 130 ◦ C in an oil-bath. The reactor was maintained
at the desired temperature for 20 h before being cooled to room
temperature. Samples were analyzed by GC and GC-MS; the
amounts of substrates and products were quantified using ndecane (98%, Fluka) as internal or external standard.
420 | Green Chem., 2008, 10, 419–423
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008
butanol played no role in the oxidation of n-hexyl amine, an
experiment using neat n-hexyl amine as the substrate liquid
was performed (Fig. 1C). Since this experiment resulted in the
formation of N-hexyl hexanoic amide with excellent selectivity
(91%), it was concluded that direct amine oxidation was in
fact taking place. To the best of our knowledge this is the first
observation that a heterogeneous gold catalyst can be used to
facilitate the oxidation of an amine with molecular oxygen.
Oxidation of 1,6-hexanediamine
After having shown that Au–TiO2 could be applied as a
catalyst for the oxidation of n-hexyl amine with O2 into Nhexyl hexanoic amide, we were interested in investigating if
other and potentially more interesting amides could also be
produced in this fashion. Specifically, we wanted to probe
the reactivity of 1,6-hexanediamine, as this amine substrate
could afford caprolactam upon oxidation of one of the amine
functionalities. Moreover, we were interested in investigating the
roles of the individual components of the Au–TiO2 catalyst in the
amine oxidation reaction. Therefore, we conducted a series of
experiments with 1,6-hexanediamine as the substrate and either
Au–TiO2 or pure TiO2 as the solid phase, as well as an experiment
in which no additional solid phase was added. The results of
these experiments is shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 Results of experiments with oxidation of 1,6-hexanediamine in
open flask and in autoclave using different solid additives at 90 ◦ C (black:
conversion; white: yield). (1) Au–TiO2 (open flask), (2) no catalyst (open
flask), (3) TiO2 (open flask), (4) Au–TiO2 (autoclave, 2 bar O2 ).
Fig. 2 shows the results of our experiments with oxidation of
1,6-hexanediamine carried out at 90 ◦ C over 18 h. It is seen that
merely heating the reaction mixture results in a small loss of 1,6hexanediamine, but no products could be detected by GC. Since
the boiling point of 1,6-hexanediamine (205 ◦ C) is well above
the reaction temperature (90 ◦ C), the loss of substrate from
the reaction mixture is most likely not due to evaporation but
rather results from polymerization of the amine. Similarly, no
products could be detected in GC from the experiments with
pure TiO2 added as the solid phase, proving that Au–TiO2
is catalyzing the oxidation of these amines into amides. We
also carried out experiments in autoclaves to see if increasing
the O2 pressure would also increase the caprolactam yield. In
general, these experiments resulted in a toothpaste-like slurry,
probably due to polymerization of both 1,6-hexanediamine and
caprolactam. Instead of performing tedious isolation work on
this paste, we extracted the soluble products from the solid with
CH2 Cl2 or dioxane and analyzed the liquids by GC and GCThis journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008
MS. The remaining solid might contain polymerized caprolactam, however, no attempts to quantify this were performed,
since the objective of this study was merely to survey the new
chemistry. As is evident from Fig. 2, increasing the O2 pressure
is not beneficial to this reaction, as the caprolactam is not
increased despite higher conversion of 1,6-hexanediamine. In
addition to caprolactam, the reaction mixture from the autoclave
experiment also contained cycloheptaneimine and azepan-2ol, both of which might be intermediates in the formation of
caprolactam. This suggests that the reaction can be tuned to
give even higher yields of caprolactam. The reaction mechanism
might involve peroxides when dioxane is present, as solvents
in some cases have been shown to take part directly in goldcatalyzed reactions.13 Attempts to raise the reaction temperature
to 130 ◦ C resulted in higher conversion of the amine but with a
much lower selectivity towards caprolactam.
Oxidation of cyclohexylamine
It is known that titanium catalysts can be applied to facilitate
oxidation of amines to oximes with H2 O2 as the stoichiometric
oxidant.20–22 However, far less literature reports and patents can
be found describing the application of molecular oxygen as the
stoichiometric oxidant and the few known processes available
either require high O2 pressures23 or high temperatures.24 Since
our process for oxidization of amines to amides functions at
much milder conditions we were a priori compelled to also study
the oxidation of amines to oximes in more detail using pure TiO2
as the catalyst.
Fig. 3a shows the results of a series of experiments carried out
to determine the optimal reaction temperature. As is evident
from Fig. 3a, conversion of cyclohexyl amine under the reaction
conditions proceeds more and more readily with increasing
temperature up to a certain point, when it suddenly decreases
dramatically. Presumably, this is due to evaporation of water
from the reactor as the experiments were carried out in an open
flask suggesting that water has a profound importance for the
reaction. Fig. 3b shows the results of a series of experiments
carried out to study the profound effect of water in the reaction.
It is seen from Fig. 3b that the reaction benefits from a catalytic
amount of water, and that increasing the water content of the
reaction mixture has a slightly detrimental effect on the overall
conversion of the cyclohexyl amine substrate. The selectivity
towards the oxime in all the experiments shown in Fig. 3 is
around 70%.
We tried to use less catalyst for the experiments and it turned
out that when using 0.1 g of TiO2 instead of 2 g, the addition
of water is not necessary. This is illustrated in Fig. 4, where it is
shown that when no water is added the reaction is much faster
when using 0.1 g TiO2 compared to 2 g. We suspect that the
excess TiO2 works as a drying agent and thereby retards the
Fig. 5 shows the result of an experiment were samples were
taken out after different reaction times.24 As is evident from
Fig. 5, the reaction can be pushed to completion with an overall
yield of cyclohexanone oxime of ca. 60% after ca. 10 days.
Experiments conducted in constant darkness and using Au–
TiO2 as the catalyst gave similar results, indicating that the
reaction is not photochemical and is indeed catalyzed by TiO2 .
Green Chem., 2008, 10, 419–423 | 421
Fig. 3 Results of experiments with oxidation of cyclohexyl amine; (a) temperature series experiments, (b) experiments with different water contents.
catalyzing the oxidation of amines into amides. The reaction
was demonstrated for n-hexyl amine and 1,6-hexanediamine.
Using the procedure reported here, both substrates could be
oxidized into amides, N-hexyl hexanoic amide and caprolactam,
respectively. Furthermore, the procedure could be applied to
carry out the oxidation of cyclohexyl amine into cyclohexanone
oxime with molecular oxygen using TiO2 as the catalyst under
very mild reaction conditions. These new oxidation procedures
could eventually find application as new green routes to nylon-6
Fig. 4 Results of experiments with oxidation of cyclohexyl amine in
the presence of water and with different amounts of TiO2 catalyst.
The Center for Sustainable and Green Chemistry is sponsored
by the Danish National Research Foundation.
Notes and references
Fig. 5 Results of experiments with oxidation of cyclohexyl amine; time
series experiments.
In conclusion, we have reported on our investigations into the
oxidation of amines with molecular oxygen using Au–TiO2 and
TiO2 as catalysts. It was found that Au–TiO2 is capable of
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