101 Cowboy Quotes - Ranch and Farm World.com

“Simple Sayings” Cards
We are happy to give you this collection of 101
smile on your face, and warm your heart.
“Simple Sayings” to brighten your day, put a
These quotes are ready to print and cut into individual cards. They are perfect to use to
motivate, encourage, humor and inspire yourself and to share with employees, members,
customers, clients, friends and others. Feel free to print as many sets as you’d like. Post
them on bulletin boards, pass out at staff meetings or use in your own creative way at
work or at home.
We’d love to hear from you! Please send us your most inspirational, funny, encouraging or
motivational “saying” so we can include them in future
them to us at info@ranchandfarmworld.com!
“Simple Sayings.”
You can e-mail
We hope you enjoy your cards!
(Disclaimer: Many of our “Simple Sayings” have been sent to use from others. There may not be credit given
where credit is deserved, however, we have made every effort to include original authors. Please accept our
apologies in advance for any of these oversights)
1630 S. Stapley Dr. Suite 114, Mesa, AZ 85204
“Never approach a bull
from the front, a horse
from the rear, or a fool
from any direction.”
“If somebody outdraws you,
smile and walk away. There's
plenty of time to look tough when
you're out of sight.”
The farmer is the only man in our
economy who buys everything at
retail, sells everything at wholesale,
and pays the freight both ways.
While farmers generally
allow one rooster for ten
hens, ten men are
scarcely sufficient to
service one woman.
~John F. Kennedy
“Courage is fear that has
said its prayers.”
~Giovanni Boccaccio
~Karl Barth
“Make time for your loved ones.
We are not promised tomorrow so
make the most of today.”
The first farmer was the first man.
All historic nobility rests on the
possession and use of land.
“Most folks are about as
happy as they make up their
minds to be.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
~ Abraham Lincoln
“If you find yourself in
a hole, the first thing to
do is stop diggin'.”
Let the farmer forevermore be
honored in his calling; for they
who labor in the earth are the
chosen people of God.
- Thomas Jefferson
“Don’t squat with
your spurs on!”
“Through the days of love and
celebration and joy, and
through the dark days of
mourning-the faithful horse has
been with us always.”
The farmers are
the founders of
~Daniel Webster
“Any idiot can face a
crisis—it’s day to day
living that wears you out”
~ Anton Chekhov
“The quickest way to
double your money is to
fold it over and put it back
into your pocket.”
“Sometimes we have winter
all summer and summer all
winter. It's mighty regular
about not raining, though.”
“Never miss a
good chance to
shut up.”
“It doesn't matter how old
you are. A good pair of
wranglers are a must for any
age of cowboy or cowpoke.”
“The hardest thing
about learning to ride
is the ground.”
“The only way to
avoid housework is
to live outside.”
“Example is not the main thing in
influencing others, it is the
only thing.”
~Albert Schweitzer
“Don't try on another
man's hat. It's almost
as bad as getting on
his horse.”
“Few cowboys ever owned
much. The primary reward
of being a cowboy was
the pleasure of living a
cowboy's life.”
“Real courage is when you
know you're licked before
you begin, but you
begin anyway.”
~Harper Lee
“There is no secret
so close as that
between a rider and
his horse.”
“When you ask for free
advice, you get exactly what
you paid for.”
“What can you do to
promote world peace? Go
home and love your family.”
“A loyal friend laughs at
your jokes when they’re not so
good, and sympathizes
with your problems when
they’re no so bad.”
~Mother Teresa
He who would look with contempt
upon the farmer's pursuit is not
worthy the name of a man.
~Henry Ward Beecher
“Always take a good look at
what you’re about to eat. It’s
not so important to know
what it is, but it’s critical to
know what it was.”
~Arnold Glasgow
“There were only two
things the old-time
cowpunchers were afraid
of: a decent woman and
being set afoot.”
“Don't interfere with
something that ain't
botherin' you none.”
There are only three things
that can kill a farmer:
lightning, rolling over in a
tractor, and old age.
“Get outside and enjoy
nature, and let tomorrow
take care of itself.”
Bill Bryson
“When you see three cowboys riding in
a pickup truck you can always tell what
cowboy is the smartest......the one in the
middle. He never drives and he never
has to get the gate!!!!!”
“The truth of the matter is that you
always know the right thing to do.
The hard part is doing it.”
“People who fight fire with
fire usually end up with
~Gen. Norman Schwarzkoff
~Abigail Van Buren
“And God took a handful of
southerly wind, blew His
breath over it and created
the horse.”
“When in doubt, let
your horse do the
"One day in the country
is worth a month
in the city."
“With out heroes, we are
all plain people and don’t
know how far we can go.”
“Are you humbly
Or grumbly hateful?”
~Bernard Malamud
~Pastor Roland Smith
“Its not how many times you
get bucked off that counts, its
how many times you saddle
back up.”
“Before you criticize someone, walk a mile
in their shoes. That way you're a mile
away, and you have their shoes too.”
"He that rideth the fence,
ripeth his pants!"
~Grace Mohler
“Sit tall in the saddle hold your
head up high, keep your eyes fixed
where the trail meets the sky and live
like you ain't afraid to die, don't be scared
just enjoy your ride”
~Chris LeDoux song
"There's a little cowboy in all
of us, a little frontier.
~Louis L’Amour
“Live today, live
tomorrow and live every
day like your last.”
“If God wanted you to talk more
than he wanted you to listen, he
would have given you two
mouths and only one ear!”
~Curryrice1’s Grandmother
worry ‘bout bitin' off
more'n you can chew; your
mouth is probably a whole lot
bigger'n you think.”
“A stubborn horse walks
behind you, an impatient
horse walks in front of you,
but a noble companion
walks beside you.”
“The biggest troublemaker you'll
probably ever have to deal with
watches you shave his face in the
mirror every morning.”
“A cowboy will watch the
sunset because it is a
perfect work of art by the
man upstairs.”
“Wherever you
journey, make it a
“Women come and go.
But a man's cowboy
spirit will last a
life time.”
“Just remember, when
you’re over the hill, you
pick up speed.”
~Charles M. Schultz
“Boots, chaps and
cowboy hats…
nothing else
“It is easier to get an
actor to be a cowboy
than to get a cowboy
to be an actor.”
“When searching for
direction, the only
way to look is up.”
“You will do foolish
things, but do them with
“If you look at zero you see
nothing; but look through it
and you will see the world.”
~ Collette
~Robert Kaplan
“Prayer is not asking for what
you think you want, but
asking to be changed in ways
you can't imagine.”
~ Kathleen Norris
Life is too short, ride
your best horse first!"
“Behind every successful
rancher is a wife who
works in town.”
“Nobody ever
drowned in their own
“Generally, you ain't
learnin' nothing when
your mouth's a-jawin'.”
When you're young and you
fall off a horse, you may
break something. When
you're my age, you splatter. "
-Roy Rogers
Epitaph for Clyde Kennedy"When they lay me down to rest
Put my spurs and rope upon my
chest Get my friends to carry me
and then go turn my horses free"
“The greatest pleasure I know is to do
a good deed by stealth and have it
found out by accident.”
~ Charles Lamb
"The man who does
not love a horse
cannot love a
The horses prance and paw
and neigh, Fillies and colts l
ike kittens play...
~Spanish Proverb
~Oliver W. Homes
If you're riding' ahead of the
herd, take a look back every
now and then to make sure
it's still there.
~Will Rogers
“Remember that
silence is
sometimes the
best answer.”
“Live a good, honorable life.
Then when you get older and
think back, you'll enjoy it
a second time.”
“If lawyers are
disbarred and clergymen
are defrocked, shouldn't it
follow that cowboys
would be deranged?”
“Shirts that cost more than a
week’s worth of groceries are
like horseshoes that cost
more than a horse”
“You can tell a true
cowboy by the type of
horse he rides.”
“Just 'cause you're following a
well-marked trail don't mean
that whoever made it knew where
they were goin'."
~Texas Bix Bender
“To me, horses and
freedom are
“Lettin' the cat outta
the bag is a whole
lot easier than
puttin' it back.”
“Something happens to a
man when he gets on a horse,
in a country where he can
ride forever.”
“Nature gave us all
something to fall back
on, and sooner or later
we all land flat on it.”
We believe ranchers and farmers
and family business owners can
make better decisions about the
future than the government can.
A farm is a good thing, when it
begins and ends with itself, and
does not need a salary, or a shop,
to eke it out.
~George Bush
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
We can't all be heroes because
someone has to sit on the curb
and clap as they go by.
~Will Rogers
“If you can dream it,
you can do it”
~Walt Disney
“A lovely horse is always an
experience….. It is an
emotional experience of
the kind that is
spoiled by words.”
There is no gilding of setting sun
or glamour of poetry to light up
the ferocious and endless toil of
the farmers wives.
Hamlin Garland
“Times change. The
farmer's daughter now
tells jokes about the
traveling salesman.”
~Carey Williams
“It is not enough for a
man to know how to ride;
he must know how to fall.”
“There are only two emotions
that belong in the saddle; one
is a sense of humor and the
other is patience.”
“If your horse says no, you
either asked the wrong
question or asked the
question wrong.”
“Even if a farmer intends to
loaf, he gets up in time to
get an early start.”
“There’s nothing’ in
life that’s worth doin’
If it cain’t be done
from a horse.”
~Edgar Watson Howe
“Common sense isn't
as common as you
might think.”
Life on a farm is a
school of patience; you
can't hurry the crops or
make an ox in two days.
Henri Alain
“Country fences need to
be horse high, pig tight,
and bull strong.”
“The best sermons
are lived, not
“The mountains we
ride past will outlast
everything we know.”
“Ask me to show you
poetry in motion, and I
will show you a horse.”
“The only people to get
even with are those who have
helped you”
“You can't
unsay a cruel