th 6dition E ASIA BEST EMPLOYER BRAND AWARDS 2015 12th August, 2015 | Pan Pacific, Singapore COUNTRIES REPRESENTED AUSTRALIA BANGLADESH CAMBODIA CHINA HONG KONG INDIA INDONESIA MALAYSIA PHILIPPINES SINGAPORE SRI LANKA THAILAND TURKEY TAIWAN UAE VIETNAM DESIGNATION | LEVELS REPRESENTED Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ APAC Marke ng & Communica on Manager APJ Sales Head Area Director of HR, Asia Pacific Assistant Director, Talent Development & Manager Career Development & Planning Group HR Assistant Manager - General Affairs & Safety Department Assistant President Assistant Vice President Business Development Head CEO & Crea ve Head CFO & Director Chairman Chief (HR & MS) Chief Execu ve Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Global Talent Officer Chief HR Officer Chief HR Officer, APMEA Region Chief Learning Officer Chief Medical Officer Chief People Officer & Group Head - HR CIO, Remote Sites & Asia - Australia Corporate HR Country Head - HR Country Manager Delivery Manager Director - Engineering & LAD Director - HR Director (Personnel) Director - Corporate Strategic Development Director of Communica ons Director of Segment Marke ng / Marcom Director Learning & Development EVP, Human Capital Division Execu ve Chairman Execu ve Director - HR Execu ve Vice President Execu ve VP - Corporate Services Financial Controller Asia Pacific First Vice President Franchise Sale Manager General & Country Manager General Manager Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Global HR Business Partner Global Lead Talent Manager Group Director of Marke ng & PR Group HR - Director Group Manager - Client Services Group President - HR Head - Group HR Head - HR Head - Implementa on & Support Head - Partner Resources Head - Public Affairs Head - Regional Biz Development Head of Projects Head of Business Opera ons Head of Corporate Affairs Head of HR Opera on, SEAP Head of HR, Southeast Asia Head of MICE, Incen ve, Corporate Sales & Golf Division Head of Public Affairs Head of Regional HR, Asia H e a d o f Ta l e n t & O r g a n i z a o n a l Development Head - Talent Acquisi on BPO Services Head, Employee Rela ons Head, Group Human Capital Head, Talent Acquisi on, ASEAN - Pacific HR - Director (Asia Pacific) HR Generalist HR Manager Human Resources Director Human Resources & Organiza onal Development Director Line Managers Manager - Corporate HR Manager, Human Resources Managing Director - Solu ons, Asia Pacific Managing Director, Asia Partner Resources Director People & Culture Manager Plant HR Head Prac ce Director President President - Corporate Services President - HR President - Technology & FM President & CEO Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ President & Global Head - Corporate HR President (HR A er - Market Corporate Services) Regional HR Director Regional Director, Windows Consumer Marke ng Regional HR Director - APAC Sales Manager - Asia Pacific Sales Secretary to the Government of India Senior Accountant Senior Corporate Communica ons Officer Senior Director - Quality & Business Strategy Senior Director, HR, APAC S e n i o r D i r e c t o r, H u m a n C a p i t a l Management Solu ons Senior Manager - HR Senior Manager - HR & Corporate Services Senior Manager - Opera ons Division Senior Talent manager Senior Vice President - GM Senior Vice President - HR Senior Vice President - Opera ons Specialist - Process & Policy Integra on Senior EVP & Chief Human Resources Officer Senior Manager Interna onal Media Rela onship, Corporate Affairs Senior Manager Quality Senior Regional HR Director Staffing Director Talent Acquisi on Manager, APAC Talent Development Manager Tech Service Sec on Leader Unit Manager - BPHR Vice President - Asia Pacific Vice President - HR Vice President HR, IT & Admin Vice President of South Pacific Region Vice President Sales - APAC Vice President Business Excellence Vice President Corporate Strategic Planning Vice President Process Excellence Vice President & General Counsel, Asia Pacific Vice President Legal Counsel, Asia Pacific THE JURY Ÿ MICHALE MCDONALD Global Chairman, World HRD Congress Ÿ DR. ARUN ARORA Chairman - Edvance Pre-schools Pvt. Ltd & Emeritus Chairman - World HRD Congress Ÿ DR. HARISH MEHTA Chairman & MD - Onward Technologies Ltd.; Emeritus Chairman - World HRD Congress & Founder Member - NASSCOM Ÿ PROFESSOR TOM HILTON Global Chairman, Asia Pacific HRM Congress Ÿ JONATHAN PETERS Global Chairman, Stars of the Industry Group Ÿ PROFESSOR INDIRA PARIKH President, Founda on for Liberal And Management Educa on India’s Iconic HR Leader Ÿ DR. R. L. BHATIA CEO - Fun And Joy At Work, Founder : | | Ÿ ANDREW KELLY Global Chairman, CMO Asia Award Ÿ NINA E. WOODARD President & Chief "N" Sights Officer, Nina E. Woodard & Associates, A Division of NDPendence Inc. Ÿ DR. SANJAY MUTHAL Execu ve Director, RGF Management Search Ÿ S. K. DUTT President & Head - Group HR, ABG Group Ÿ DR. SAUGATA MITRA Chief People Officer & Group Head - HR, Mother Dairy Fruit & Vegetable Pvt. Ltd. Ÿ PROF. DR. CHANDRA MAULI DWIVEDI Director, N L Dalmia Ins tute of Management Studies and Research ASIA’s BEST EMPLOYER BRAND Pfizer Corpora on Hong Kong Limited Hong Kong Pfizer is a leading biopharmaceu cal company, commi ed to applying science and our global resources to improve health and well-being at every stage of life. Since our establishment in Hong Kong in 1956, our mission is to add value to our colleagues and customers with the aim to improve Hong Kong people's quality of life. Our diversified healthcare products span from medicines, vaccines to consumer products; covering wellness, preven on and treatment for a broad range of diseases. We are commi ed to suppor ng the well-being of the community by partnering with the government, NGOs and pa ent groups to meet the changing healthcare needs. Hutchison Telecommunica ons Hong Kong Holdings Limited Hong Kong Hutchison Telecommunica ons Hong Kong Holdings Limited (HTHKH) is a leading telecommunica ons operator that combines the strengths of mobile, fixed and Wi-Fi networks. Advanced mobile communica ons are provided in Hong Kong and Macau under the "3" brand, while fixed-line residen al broadband, telephone and IDD services are offered in Hong Kong as part of the "3Home Broadband" stable of offerings. HTHKH also provides local and interna onal customers with sophis cated fixedline services, corporate solu ons, data centre capabili es, cloud compu ng and high-speed Wi-Fi services under the HGC brand. HTHKH is a member of the CK Hutchison Holdings group and channels the latest technologies into innova ons that set market trends and steer industry development. Dell Hong Kong Limited Hong Kong Michael Dell founded Dell, Inc. in 1984 with an unprecedented idea - by selling computer systems directly to customers and delivering the most effec ve compu ng solu ons to meet their needs. For many years, Dell has been a company known for listening to customers and delivering innova ve technology and services they trust and value. In 2013, the comple on of priva za on makes Dell the world's largest start-up. Today, four major technology trends are forcing customers to rethink their en re IT infrastructures - Cloud, Big Data, Mobility and Security. Dell's strategy is aimed at these customer impera ves - aligning our businesses by the customer's perspec ve and pain points: Transform, Connect, Inform and Protect - the areas they need to solve to in order to be successful. CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd. Hong Kong CLP Power Hong Kong Limited is the principal subsidiary of the CLP Group which is one of the largest privately-owned electricity u li es in Asia. CLP Power has been supplying Hong Kong with safe and reliable power to 80% of the Hong Kong's popula on for more than 110 years. Our core value, “CLP Cares for People”, extends to our employees. We are commi ed to provide employees with opportuni es for learning and professional and career development that prepares them to succeed in the future. We also take great pride in our engaged workforce which serves our customers to the very best of our ability. Cheung Kong Property Holdings Limited Hong Kong Cheung Kong Property Holdings Limited (“Cheung Kong Property” or “the Group”) is one of the largest property developers in Hong Kong. It has a leading market share in Hong Kong, a strong penetra on in the Mainland China, and an interna onal presence through its opera ons in Singapore, the United Kingdom and The Bahamas. Cheung Kong Property's principal ac vi es encompass residen al, commercial and industrial property development and investment; hotel and serviced suite opera on; and property and project management. The Group's business scope also comprises unit holding interests in listed real estate investment trusts. These include Fortune REIT, Prosperity REIT, and Hui Xian REIT. The Group also has interests in ARA Asset Management Limited and Hui Xian Asset Management Limited. ASIA’s BEST EMPLOYER BRAND ESQUEL GROUP Hong Kong Making a Difference, A S tch at a Time Founded in 1978, Esquel Group is a global tex le and apparel manufacturer with a ver cally - integrated supply chain that straddles from co on to retailing. Esquel employs a 58,000 mul na onal workforce, with manufacturing facili es in China, Malaysia, Mauri us, Sri Lanka and Vietnam, and merchandising offices servicing markets worldwide. Esquel manufactures over 100 million pieces of garments annually for leading brands including Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger and Nike. Long an advocate in innova on, environmental protec on and corporate social responsibility, Esquel aspires to make a difference in the tex le and apparel industry and contribute to the well-being of a wider community. Ÿ Hang Lung Proper es Limited - Hong Kong Deltek Systems (Philippines) Limited Philippines Deltek is the leading global provider of enterprise so ware and informa on solu ons for government contractors, professional services firms and other project- and people-based businesses. For decades, we have delivered ac onable insight that empowers our customers to unlock their business poten al. 20,000 organiza ons and millions of users in over 80 countries around the world rely on Deltek to research and iden fy opportuni es, win new business, recruit and develop talent, op mize resources, streamline opera ons and deliver more profitable projects. Deltek – Know more. Do more.® Globe Telecom, Inc. Philippines Globe Telecom is a leading full service telecommunica ons company in the Philippines, serving the needs of consumers and businesses across an en re suite of products and services including mobile, fixed, broadband, data connec ons, internet and managed services. Its principals are Ayala Corpora on and Singtel who are acknowledged industry leaders in the country and in the region. For more informa on, visit Follow Globe Telecom on Facebook at and Ta oo at oo as well as on Twi er @enjoyglobe and @chooseta oo and Instagram at @enjoyglobe and @chooseta oo. SPI Global Philippines Spi Global is the Philippines' most interna onally recognized full-service BPO provider, with 19 offices and facili es in countries across five con nents, including the US, Nicaragua, Netherlands, India, China, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Australia. It has over 20,000 employees, delivering a wide range of solu ons in Customer Rela onship Management, Content, and Healthcare. Spi Global is fully owned by Asia Outsourcing Gamma Limited, a company 80%-owned by CVC Capital Partners - one of the world's leading private equity and investment advisory firms - and 20% by the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company, the leading telecommunica ons provider in the Philippines. Website: Union Bank of Philippines Philippines Union Bank of the Philippines (UnionBank) is a publicly-listed universal bank. The Bank dis nguishes itself through superior technology, unique branch sales and service culture, and centralized backroom opera ons. UnionBank's superior technology allows delivery of online, real me business solu ons to meet the customers' changing and diverse needs through innova ve and customized cash management products and service offerings. The Bank's unique branch culture ensures efficient and quality service as well as mi gates opera onal risk. Its centralized opera ons enables the Bank to provide responsive, scalable, and secure transac on processing. UnionBank's clientele encompasses retail, middle-market and corporate customers, as well as major government ins tu ons. The Bank believes that its use of technology, and marke ng and opera onal structure has enabled it to capture and secure a loyal customer base, and to achieve high levels of efficiency and produc vity. ASIA’s BEST EMPLOYER BRAND Cebu Air, Inc. Philippines Cebu Pacific, now the Philippines' leading airline, entered the avia on industry in 1996 and has flown over 100 million passengers to date. It remains to be the pioneer of crea ve pricing strategies and the leader in innova on in the country's avia on industry. Cebu Pacific is an employer of choice providing opportuni es for professional and personal development. Cebu Pacific enhances the quality of life of its employees through a balanced work environment - building a venue for crea vity, collabora on and growth while promo ng the culture of fun and excellence throughout the airline. SEAOIL Philippines, Inc. Philippines SEAOIL Philippines, Inc. is proudly a FILIPINO company that shares and understands every Filipino's hopes for the future. Through our innova ve products, services, and programs, we remain true to our promise of “Fueling a Be er Future.” For over eighteen years, SEAOIL has consistently been able to introduce more advanced and environment-friendly fuel specifica ons ahead of our compe on. This includes the shi to unleaded gasoline, the introduc on of low sulfur diesel to minimize harmful exhaust emissions especially from public u lity vehicles, and the shi to alterna ve fuels like bioethanol gasoline and biodiesel. All these have now become industry standards. Regus Philippines Business Centers Philippines Regus is the global workplace provider. Its network of more than 2,300 business centres in 106 countries provides convenient, high-quality, fully serviced spaces for people to work, whether for a few minutes or a few years. Companies like Google, Toshiba and GlaxoSmithKline choose Regus so that they can work flexibly and make their businesses more successful. The key to flexible working is convenience and so Regus is opening wherever its 2.1 million members want support - city centres, suburban districts, shopping centres and retail outlets, railway sta ons, motorway service sta ons and even community centres. Founded in Brussels, Belgium, in 1989, Regus is based in Luxembourg and listed on the London Stock Exchange. For more informa on, please visit: Panasonic Asia Pacific Pte Limited Singapore Panasonic Asia Pacific provides the whole range of the brand's products and solu ons across the South East Asia and Pacific (APAC) region. The company focuses on promo ng its Business-to-Business por olio, such as in the field of energy solu ons, whilst maintaining solid Business-to-Consumer growth, in line with the group's global direc on. The region has 45 manufacturing sites, which hold as a key hub for Panasonic's global produc on ac vi es suppor ng the consumer, solu ons and components and devices business. Based in Singapore, Panasonic Asia Pacific regional headquarter encourages locally-ini ated energy solu ons partnerships and businesses. Panasonic Asia Pacific will con nue to promote green innova on and reduce its regional carbon dioxide emissions footprint in support of Panasonic's global eco ini a ves. DBS Bank Limited Singapore DBS is a leading financial services group in Asia, with over 280 branches across 18 markets. Headquartered and listed in Singapore, DBS has a growing presence in the three key Asian axes of growth : Greater China, Southeast Asia and South Asia. The bank's capital posi on, as well as "AA-" and "Aa1" credit ra ngs, is among the highest in Asia-Pacific. DBS has been recognized for its leadership in the region, having been named “Asia's Best Bank” by The Banker, a member of the Financial Times group, and “Best Bank in Asia-Pacific” by Global Finance. The bank has also been named “Safest Bank in Asia” by Global Finance for six consecu ve years from 2009 to 2014. ASIA’s BEST EMPLOYER BRAND Sennheiser Electronic Asia Pte. Limited Singapore Fully owned by Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. in Germany, Sennheiser Asia was formed in 1992 to oversee the en re Asian market and coordinate ac vi es with distributors in South Korea, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia and the islands of Maldives and Mauri us. Sennheiser Asia has acquired a strong foothold in the region for all its business segments, which include music/theatre, broadcast, film/studio, consumer, conference, audiology, avia on and call centre. Its product range also encompasses other globally recognized brands such as Neumann, L-Acous cs and Rycote, enabling the company to compete as a total solu ons provider. Marina Bay Sands Pte. Ltd. Singapore Marina Bay Sands is the leading business, leisure and entertainment des na on in Asia. The integrated resort features large and flexible conven on and exhibi on facili es, 2,560 hotel rooms and suites, the roo op Sands SkyPark, the best shopping mall in Asia, world-class celebrity chef restaurants and an outdoor event plaza. Its two theatres showcase a range of leading entertainment performances including world-renowned Broadway shows. Comple ng the line-up of a rac ons is ArtScience Museum at Marina Bay Sands which plays host to permanent and marquee exhibi ons. For more informa on, please visit Huggies Singapore Huggies® has been looking a er babies for years and we've learnt new things from each genera on that's been in our care. It's helped us fine -tune our diapers to meet what parents want and what babies need. What hasn't changed over the years is that parents need all the help they can get to raise happy, healthy babies. The best way we can help is to make sure our products do their job - and do it well. UPS Singapore UPS (NYSE:UPS) is a global leader in logis cs, offering a broad range of solu ons including the transporta on of packages and freight; the facilita on of interna onal trade, and the deployment of advanced technology to more efficiently manage the world of business. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, UPS delivers 18.0 million packages and documents each day to about 8.2 million customers, in more than 220 countries and territories. Today, UPS employs 435,000 people worldwide and operates a fleet of 99,892 vehicles including 5,461 alterna ve fuel-vehicles and 237 aircra . In 2014, UPS's total revenue was US$58.2 billion with the supply chain and freight business contribu ng US$9.4 billion. Lancome Singapore MasterCard Singapore MasterCard (NYSE: MA),, is a technology company in the global payments industry. We operate the world’s fastest payments processing network, connec ng consumers, financial ins tu ons, merchants, governments and businesses in more than 210 countries and territories. MasterCard’s products and solu ons make everyday commerce ac vi es – such as shopping, traveling, running a business and managing finances – easier, more secure and more efficient for everyone. Follow us on Twi er @MasterCardAP and @MasterCardNews, join the discussion on the Beyond the Transac on blog and subscribe for the latest news on the Engagement Bureau. ASIA’s BEST EMPLOYER BRAND Daimler South East Asia Pte. Ltd. Singapore Daimler South East Asia (DSEA) located in Singapore, is a regional hub for Daimler AG, one of the biggest producers of premium cars and the world's largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles. We are one of the world's most successful automo ve companies. The Daimler Group's divisions include Mercedes-Benz Cars, Daimler Trucks, Mercedes-Benz Vans, Daimler Buses and Daimler Financial Services. The office in Singapore oversees business development of the passenger and commercial vehicle business in Singapore, South Asia and South Pacific region and is the Asia-Pacific and African headquarters for the financial services division. The Group maintains a large and significant IT hub in Singapore as well as a regional logis cs centre, which supplies to the Asia-Pacific region. Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd. Singapore Vision is to create be er power for a changing world via two main business segments, Aerospace and Land & Sea. Be er, because our customers need our systems to become more efficient as we respond to the growing demand for all types of power in our fast changing world. We have had a presence in Singapore for more than 50 years and today the country is a regional hub for our Civil, Defence and Marine businesses and support func ons. We con nue to be commi ed to Singapore; recognising the opportuni es and advantages the country presents with its loca on, developed infrastructure and highly-skilled workforce. We play a significant role in Singapore's civil aerospace industry, accoun ng for over 15 per cent of the country's aerospace output. ® Kellogg Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. Singapore Kellogg's has in 2012 shi ed its Asia Pacific Headquarters from Sydney to Singapore aiming to drive, shape and create a cereal category in Asia Pacific. Driven to enrich and delight the world through foods and brands that ma er, Kellogg Company (NYSE: K) is the world's leading producer of cereal, second largest producer of cookies and crackers and - through the May 2012 acquisi on of the iconic Pringles® business - the world's second largest savory snacks company. At Kellogg, we believe in an inclusive workforce and emphasize on building a great rela onship with our employees - because we know that goodness shines from the inside out. Pride in our workplace and products is embedded in Kellogg's culture where high workplace standards are set across the globe. That's why we foster a safe work culture for our employees, and support their health and wellness with our benefits programs. Ÿ IRPC Public Company Limited - Thailand Microso Thailand Limited Thailand Established in 1993, Microso Thailand aims to empower every person and every organiza on in Thailand to do more and achieve more through technology that transforms the way people work, play, and communicate. As an employer, Microso Thailand drives innova on, a racts and retains talent, and serves its customers be er through diversity and inclusion which values different perspec ves, skills and experience. The company has been recognized for CSR excellence through its people empowerment programs such as Imagine Cup and Youthspark. Microso has consistently been chosen as one of the world's Great Places to Work, with outstanding benefits, opportuni es for personal growth, and unparalleled opportuni es to impact the world in a posi ve way. Interlink Telecom Public Company Limited Thailand Interlink Telecom Public Company Limited (INTERLINK) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Interlink Communica on Public Company Limited. Since its establishment in 2007, INTERLINK has many track records on building and opera ng fiber op c networks, for instance, TOT, CAT, PEA and MEA as well as receiving the approval for the award of the Interna onal Telecom Network Provider Type III License. INTERLINK has fully commi ed to build a fiber op cal network and Interna onal Transmission service to be er serve our customers' needs with the vision of Best Connec vity, Best Service and Best Price. Ÿ TMB Bank Public Company Ltd. - Thailand ASIA’s BEST EMPLOYER BRAND Precious Shipping PCL Thailand Thailand PepsiCo Interna onal Pte Ltd. Thailand PepsiCo is a world leader in convenient snacks, foods and beverages-home to some of the best loved and iconic brands around the world. Our business in Asia Middle East and Africa is the global growth engine of PepsiCo, spanning over 92 diverse countries-from emerging markets to developed markets. Living up to our promise of being a good corporate ci zen, through more efficient use of land, energy, water and packaging in our opera ons, we con nue to delight 75% of the world's consumers with our quality, tasty, fun, nutri ous and convenient products. Our employees are at the heart of PepsiCo. Through the Company's commitment to Talent Sustainability, we con nue to support the development of employees. Possibili es, our employment brand, reinforce our commitment to our people; enabling them to reach new heights in their careers and becoming truly world class talents. PepsiCo is universally recognized as one of the best companies in the world for leadership development. PT Ci link Indonesia Indonesia Telkomsel Indonesia Telkomsel is Indonesia's largest and world's sixth biggest cellular operator with more than 144 million subscribers. To serve customers all over Indonesia, including in remote areas, outer islands and border areas, Telkomsel is supported with more than 4.800 employees, with most are spread in the business loca ons of Telkomsel across Indonesia. In con nuing to win in the new digital era, Human Capital Management (HCM) has applied transforma on ini a ves with the theme “Building Capacity through Smart Execu on” to transform the three pillar of Human Capital Management transforma on which are People, Culture, and Organiza on. Berjaya Corpora on Berhad Malaysia Berjaya Corpora on Berhad (“BCorp”) and its affiliated companies (“BCorp Group”) have a total employee strength of 30,000 and is engaged in the core businesses of consumer marke ng & direct selling, financial services, property investment & development, hotels & resorts and recrea on development, gaming & lo ery management, food & beverage, environmental services, motor distribu on, internet - related businesses, water u li es, media, retail, and telecommunica ons. We offer our employees challenging and rewarding careers opportuni es, comprehensive benefits packages and work life balance as we view human capital as our greatest asset. We are commi ed to crea ng a compelling employee value proposi on and strive to be an "Employer of Choice". Telekom Malaysia Berhad Malaysia Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM), Malaysia's convergence champion and No.1 Converged Communica ons Services Provider, offers a comprehensive range of communica on services and solu ons in broadband, data and fixed-line. As a market leader, TM is driven by stakeholder value crea on in a highly compe ve environment. The Group places emphasis on delivering an enhanced customer experience via con nuous customer service quality improvements and innova ons, whilst focussing on increased opera onal efficiency and produc vity. Leveraging on our extensive global connec vity, network infrastructure and collec ve exper se, TM is well posi oned to propel Malaysia as a regional Internet hub and digital gateway for South-East Asia. TM remains steadfast in its transforma on into a new genera on communica ons provider to deliver an enhanced and integrated digital lifestyle to all Malaysians, and opening up possibili es through connec on, communica on and collabora on, towards our shared vision of eleva ng the na on into a high-income economy. ASIA’s BEST EMPLOYER BRAND Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) Malaysia Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) is Malaysia's fully integrated oil and gas mul na onal ranked amongst the largest corpora ons on FORTUNE Global 500. Opera ng our core business in the Upstream and Downstream sectors, we are present in more than 65 countries since our incorpora on in 1974. We are amongst the top producing oil and gas companies and the most profitable company in Asia. Steadily driving for new solu ons, we con nue pushing boundaries to manage the industry's new reali es and stay ahead. In our pursuit of business excellence, we nurture and develop our talents to do things differently by con nuously challenging industry norms to achieve real, sustainable and long-term growth. Ÿ Celcom Axiata Berhad - Malaysia AirAsia Malaysia At AirAsia, we see ourselves as not so much an airline operator but more of a people company that happens to be in the airline business. Understanding people enables us to realize the true needs of discerning travellers and provide paramount services and products to deliver utmost sa sfac on to our guests, each and every one with unique requisites and expecta ons. Our mission is to a ain the lowest cost so that everyone can fly with AirAsia and maintain the highest quality product, embracing technology to reduce cost and enhance service levels. Airport and Avia on Services (Sri Lanka) Limited Sri Lanka Access Engineering PLC Sri Lanka We build our brand by delivering value for money, mee ng client expecta ons and our products comprise mul -disciplinary engineering works – roads, bridges, buildings and other engineering works. We are the preferred partner of most interna onal contractors ac ve in Sri Lanka with more concentra on given to specialist construc on works such as steel flyovers, metal arch underpasses, specialized retaining wall systems, trenchless drilling and cable blowing to name a few. Our service por olio includes engineering design, piling, asphalt & concrete produc on, quarry opera ons, dredging, geotechnical laboratory services. Our quality, environmental and health & safety management systems are all accredited, so our geotechnical laboratory. Just In Time Group Sri Lanka Just In Time Group, with many leading specialised industry related principal rela onships in place, is focussed in the areas of strategic ICT solu ons, core ERP & CRM solu ons, systems integra on services, infrastructure solu ons, and strategic ICT investments, targe ng the banking and financial services industry, telecommunica ons, government, defence and commercial ver cal sectors. Listed by Gartner Research, in their Leading Offshore Services Loca ons in the Asia/Pacific 2015 report as a company with IT Outsourcing delivery capability in the region - Just In Time Group So ware Division comprises 2 subsidiaries specializing in mul ple SW related services. Ÿ Haycolour Pvt Ltd. - Sri Lanka ASIA’s BEST EMPLOYER BRAND LMRB Private Limited Sri Lanka Lanka Market Research Bureau (Private) Limited (LMRB) established in 1981 is Sri Lanka's first independent, interna onal market research agency. LMRB, which is part of the Kantar Group UK, offers a full range of services covering both qualita ve and quan ta ve research. To LMRB, employees are its biggest asset. LMRB's uniqueness is its employee nurturing culture that brings out teamwork and togetherness. The company con nues to adopt prac ces that revolve around a vision to develop the best in talent by commi ng to provide its employees with opportuni es to enhance their personal and professional growth. Kelani Cables PLC Sri Lanka Kelani Cables PLC was founded in 1969. Kelani is the pioneer in Sri Lanka's wire drawing industry. In 1973, Kelani Cables PLC was incorporated as a quoted public limited liability Company for the manufacturer of power cables, telecommunica on cables and enamelled winding wires in Sri Lanka. The Company was a subsidiary of Pacific Dunlop cables group of Australia un l 1999 and it therea er became a fully owned Sri Lankan Company. Since 1999 Kelani has been recognized as a fast developing cablemanufacturing Company in Sri Lanka. Kelani Cables PLC is the only brand that has won many awards in the category such as, the Ceylon Na onal Chamber of Industries Achiever of Industrial Excellence Gold Award for three consecu ve years in 2006, 2007 & 2008 & Crystal award winner in 2008. Na onal Quality award in 2006 awarded by Sri Lanka Standards Ins tu on (SLSI), the highest body in Sri Lanka where quality is concerned. The company won the Taiki Akimoto 5S Gold award in the year 2007 awarded by the Japan Sri Lanka Technical & Cultural Associa on (JASTECA). Kelani was awarded the Na onal safety award in 2010 for being the safest workplace in the manufacturing & processing sector in Sri Lanka. At the Sri Lanka Ins tute of Marke ng (SLIM) Brand Excellence 2012, Kelani Cables secured the bronze award for the 'Excellent Business Brand' category and Gold at the SLIM Brand Excellence in 2013 for the same category. Kelani Cables PLC clinched gold at the Sri Lanka Ins tute of Training and Development (SLITAD) People Development Award 2013. Purpose of kelani Brand : To provide a superior product Kelani Brand to all our consumers ensuring Quality & Safety of the product/s we manufacture and market locally and interna onally. Sri Lanka Export Development Board Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Export Development Board (SLEDB) commonly known as the EDB is the apex state organiza on responsible for the development and promo on of exports. The SLEDB is recognized and commended for its invaluable service rendered for the export community to drive the growth of the country's exports. The EDB performs its key func ons in five iden fied roles as a policy advisor, monitor, promoter, facilitator and knowledge provider. SLEDB provides a wider range of services to the Sri Lankan Exporters and poten al exporters. It is a one-stop shop to obtain trade informa on, market intelligence and incessant export marke ng guidance to achieve success in export business. Ÿ Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC - Sri Lanka Tenneco China Tenneco Inc. (NYSE: TEN) is one of the world's leading designers, manufacturers and distributors of clean air and ride performance products and systems for the automo ve, commercial truck and off-highway markets and the a er market. The company is well-balanced across end-markets, geographic regions, customers, product lines and vehicle pla orms. Using a combina on of leading-edge technology, manufacturing exper se and dedica on to customer service, Tenneco has penetrated new markets to solidify its leadership in the global supplier industry. The company is well posi oned to capture significant revenue growth, driven by stricter light and commercial truck and off-highway emissions regula ons being implemented globally. Wal-Mart China China Walmart is the world's largest private employer and retailer, and is among the most recognized global brands. Walmart helps people around the world save money and live be er – any me and anywhere - in retail stores, online, and through mobile devices. Each week, more than 250 million customers and members visit our nearly 11,000 stores under more than 70 banners in 27 countries and e-commerce website in 11 countries. In 2014, with net sales of approximately $485.7 billion, Walmart is on top of the list among Fortune 500 companies, employing more than 2.2 million associates worldwide. ASIA’s BEST EMPLOYER BRAND TCL Corpora on China TCL Corpora on is a global manufacturer of smart products and provider of Internet applica on services. The wholly-listed TCL Corpora on (000100.SZ) consists of TCL Mul media (01070.HK), TCL Communica on (02618.HK) and Tonly Electronics (01249.HK). Founded in 1981, TCL runs businesses with a workforce of 75,000 employees, with offices in over 80 countries and regions across Asia, America, Europe and Oceania, along with 23 R&D and 21 manufacturing facili es. In 2014, TCL reported opera ng revenue of 101 billion yuan (approx. US$16.6 billion) and the brand value equal to 66.9 billion yuan (approx. US$11.0 billion), ranking first among the TV brands in China. Telstra Corpora on Limited Australia Telstra is a leading Australia-based er one telecommunica ons and informa on services company offering a full range of communica ons services. With our interna onal headquarters in Hong Kong, we provide a full suite of end-to-end solu ons across data, voice, satellite and managed network services to wholesale and enterprise customers. Through our strategic investments over many years, including the 2015 acquisi on of Pacnet, we have established the largest subsea cable network in Asia Pacific, opera ng licenses throughout Asia, Europe and the Americas, and we facilitate access to more than 2,000 Points of Presence in 230 countries and territories. Transcom Beverages Limited Bangladesh Transcom Beverages Ltd. (TBL) took over the business of manufacturing, bo ling and marke ng of so drink beverages and hydra on, inter alia, Pepsi, 7up, Mirinda, Mountain Dew, Slice and Aquafina drinking water in Bangladesh in 2000 under an Exclusive Bo ling Agreement with PepsiCo Inc. USA. The company now owns and operates three most modern plants, directly employing over 1000 people, with facili es for manufacturing and bo ling in glass bo les, PET and cans. Since taking over the business in 2000, the company has grown at an average rate of 20% and today it is by far the leader with 42% market share, almost double the share of its nearest compe tor. TRANSCOM, originated with tea planta ons in 1885 and is today, one of the leading and fasted growing diversified business houses in Bangladesh employing over 13,000 people with an annual turnover of US Dollar 550 million. The group is involved in manufacturing & marke ng pharmaceu cals, electronic products like Samsung LED TVs, refrigerators and various ligh ng products. It is the sole franchisee of Pizza Hut and KFC in Bangladesh. It is also the first ever PepsiCo foods franchisee for snacks manufacturing in the world. TRANSCOM is the largest print media house in Bangladesh publishing both the leading English & Bangla daily newspaper. It also has the most extensive distribu on network with 30 branch offices throughout the country. TBL is managed by a highly dynamic and mo vated professional team with extensive knowledge and experience in FMCG. The HR department has put into ac on various training and development programs for its employees, with experts from home and abroad. The compensa on package is rated as one of the highest in the FMCG industry. It provides excellent job environment for career growth of individuals and prac ces performance culture where talent and crea vity are recognized and rewarded, as a result the a ri on rate is less than 4%. TBL was awarded the “ Bo ler of the Year” for India Region five mes, “Bo ler of the Year 2009” in AMEA Region (Asia, Middle East, Africa and Australia) and bestowed the highest honor presented to any bo ler in the PepsiCo global system, by being named “ Interna onal Bo ler of the Year 2009”. TBL and its parent company “TRANSCOM LIMITED” is headed by Mr. La fur Rahman, who, in 2012, was bestowed with the “Oslo Business for Peace Award” by the “Business for Peace Founda on” Norway, for his socially responsible and ethical business prac ces. Ÿ HTC Taiwan - Taiwan K RAHEJA CORP India Uflex Ltd. India ASIA’s BEST EMPLOYER BRAND Kronos Solu ons India Pvt. Ltd. Cellcard India Cambodia TH Group Vietnam ETISALAT UAE MOST INFLUENTIAL HR PROFESSIONALS Ÿ Norfazidah Abu Bakar, Vice President - HR Opera ons, AXA Affin General Insurance Berhad Ÿ Rahmat R. Hashim, Country Head - Human Resources, Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad THE MOST ADMIRED SEARCH FIRM IN ASIA Ÿ RGF MANAGEMENT SEARCH INDIA CEO OF THE YEAR Ÿ D. S. Rawat, Managing Director & Chief Execu ve Officer, Bhar Infratel Ltd. Ÿ Susir Kumar, Chief Execu ve Officer, Serco Global Services CEO WITH HR ORIENTATION Ÿ Husam Hourani, Managing Partner, Al Tamimi & Company Ÿ Dr. Murtaza Khorakiwala, CEO & Managing Director, Wockhardt Limited Ÿ Rajeev Kumar Jain, CEO - Mumbai Interna onal Airport Pvt. Ltd., GVK Mumbai Interna onal Airport Pvt Ltd. Ÿ Rana Kapoor, Founder, Managing Director & Chief Execu ve Officer, Yes Bank Limited EXEMPLARY LEADER AWARD Ÿ D. S. Rawat, Managing Director & Chief Execu ve Officer, Bhar Infratel Ltd. Ÿ Ashok Chaturvedi, Chairman & Managing Director, Uflex Ltd. Ÿ Tejjas Parmar, GM – Global Head - Opera ons & Maintenance Services, Suzlon Energy Ltd. HR LEADERSHIP AWARD Ÿ Chandan Cha araj, Execu ve Joint President – Global HR & Corporate Affairs, Uflex Ltd. Ÿ Md. Mashequr Rahman Khan, General Manager, HR & Admin and Management Representa ve for ISO 9001: 2008 QMS, Ibrahim Cardiac Hospital & Research Ins tute Ÿ Prakash Balakrishnan, Group HR Director, TH Group Ÿ Pushp Kumar Joshi, Director - HR, Hindustan Petroleum Corpora on Limited LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE IN SALES & SERVICE Ÿ Biswajit Patnaik, Chief Sales & Marke ng Officer, Bhar Infratel Ltd. EMERGING LEADER OF THE YEAR Ÿ Biswajit Patnaik, Chief Sales & Marke ng Officer, Bhar Infratel Ltd. LEADERS OF TOMORROW Ÿ Biswajit Patnaik, Chief Sales & Marke ng Officer, Bhar Infratel Ltd. BUSINESS SUPER ACHIEVER AWARD Ÿ Biswajit Patnaik, Chief Sales & Marke ng Officer, Bhar Infratel Ltd. YOUNG HR PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR Ÿ Amandeep Singh, Assistant Manager - Corporate HR, Uflex Ltd. HR PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR Ÿ Nora Bha a, Chief - Human Resources, Mahindra Intertrade Ltd. Ÿ Raji Arun, HR Director - India, AIG Analy cs & Services Pvt. Ltd. AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN IMPROVING PERFORMANCE THROUGH LEADERSHIP Ÿ AbdulAziz Al Sawaleh, CHRO, E salat Group WOMEN AT WORK LEADERSHIP AWARD Ÿ Raji Arun, HR Director - India, AIG Analy cs & Services Pvt. Ltd. WOMEN SUPER ACHIEVER AWARD Ÿ Shantha Mar n, CEO - ISC ,Middle East, Africa (S & E), AIG Analy cs & Services Pvt. Ltd. AWARD FOR ADMINISTRATOR OF THE YEAR Ÿ Sanjay Chawla, Head - Administra on, Serco Global Services BPO ORGANIZATION OF THE YEAR Ÿ MetLife Global Opera ons Support Center Ÿ Serco Global Services ORGANIZATION WITH INNOVATIVE HR PRACTICES Ÿ (Jasper Infotech Pvt. Ltd.) Ÿ Hindustan Petroleum Corpora on Limited Ÿ Na onal Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Ÿ Koenig Solu ons Ltd. Ÿ Viacom18 Media Pvt. Ltd. Ÿ Yes Bank Limited AWARD FOR HR STRATEGY Ÿ Piramal Glass Limited Ÿ LULU INTERNATIONAL SHOPPING MALL PVT LTD - Ÿ (Jasper Infotech Pvt. Ltd.) COCHIN Ÿ Viacom18 Media Pvt. Ltd. Ÿ Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Ÿ ETISALAT DREAM EMPLOYER OF THE YEAR Ÿ Lifestyle Interna onal Pvt. Ltd. Ÿ Wockhardt Limited Ÿ Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Ÿ Serco Global Services DREAM COMPANIES TO WORK FOR Ÿ (Jasper Infotech Pvt. Ltd.) Ÿ Commercial Credit and Finance PLC Ÿ ETISALAT Ÿ Xebia Ÿ Wockhardt Limited Ÿ Impetus Infotech (India) Pvt. Ltd. Ÿ Viacom18 Media Pvt. Ltd. Ÿ Yes Bank Limited Ÿ Hong Kong Disneyland Resort LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE IN SUSTAINABILITY Ÿ Hang Lung Proper es Limited AWARD FOR BEST HR STRATEGY IN LINE WITH BUSINESS Ÿ Lifestyle Interna onal Pvt. Ltd. Ÿ Wockhardt Limited Ÿ Mahindra Intertrade Ltd. Ÿ Tata Consultancy Services Ÿ ETISALAT Ÿ Hang Lung Proper es Limited Ÿ EC Group Dataso Pvt. Ltd. Ÿ Yes Bank Limited AWARD FOR OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE AND QUALITY IN BPO INDUSTRY Ÿ MetLife Global Opera ons Support Center Ÿ Serco Global Services AWARD FOR TALENT MANAGEMENT Ÿ Lifestyle Interna onal Pvt. Ltd. Ÿ Viacom18 Media Pvt. Ltd. Ÿ Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Ÿ Dalmia Bharat Limited Ÿ Na onal Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Ÿ Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN TRAINING Ÿ Lifestyle Interna onal Pvt. Ltd. Ÿ Na onal Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Ÿ K RAHEJA CORP Ÿ North Eastern Electric Power Corpora on Ltd. Ÿ Al Tamimi & Company Ÿ Hang Lung Proper es Limited Ÿ Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Ÿ NCR Corpora on Inc. DIVERSITY IMPACT AWARD Ÿ K RAHEJA CORP Ÿ Hindustan Unilever Ltd. AWARD FOR INNOVATION IN RECRUITMENT Ÿ Hindustan Unilever Ltd. AWARD FOR BEST CANDIDATE EXPERIENCE Ÿ K RAHEJA CORP BEST B SCHOOL RECRUITING PROGRAM Ÿ (Jasper Infotech Pvt. Ltd.) Ÿ Yes Bank Limited AWARD FOR INSTITUTION BUILDING Ÿ TH Group Ÿ Serco Global Services AWARD FOR CONTINUOUS INNOVATION IN HR STRATEGY AT WORK Ÿ Wockhardt Limited Ÿ NCR Corpora on Inc. PROMOTING HEALTH IN THE WORKPLACE Ÿ Kronos Solu ons India Pvt. Ltd. Ÿ Dalmia Bharat Limited AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN HR THROUGH TECHNOLOGY Ÿ Viacom18 Media Pvt. Ltd. Ÿ NCR Corpora on Inc. Ÿ Tata Consultancy Services Ÿ Dalmia Bharat Limited HR EVENT OF THE YEAR Ÿ (Jasper Infotech Pvt. Ltd.) Ÿ Hang Lung Proper es Limited Ÿ Mahindra Intertrade Ltd. Ÿ Serco Global Services AWARD FOR MANAGING HEALTH AT WORK Ÿ Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Ÿ Tata Consultancy Services TRAINING COMPANY OF THE YEAR Ÿ Yes Bank Ltd. th 6dition E ASIA BEST EMPLOYER BRAND AWARDS 2015 th 12 August, 2015 | Pan Pacific, Singapore Ÿ NOTE - Category Award are applicable only in some cases not in all cases. - The Report is right at the me of going to print. Any addi onal or altera ons made therea er will be announced later. Co-ordination Details : :+91-22-26611394 :+91 98216 22111 : : Address : 402, Savoy Chambers, Dattatraya Road, Santacruz Jn., Santacruz (W), Mumbai - 400 054. INDIA. SCAN THE CODE