Synode Montreal & Ottawa Conference

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The United Church of Canada
L’Église Unie du Canada
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Expanded Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
Synode Montreal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Expanded Executive, in Lachine, Quebec
June 23, 2015 10:00 a.m.
Rev. Mead Baldwin
Rick Balson
Rev. Pierre Goldberger
David Lee
Marc Grenon
Dave McCormack
Rev. Ryk Allen
Rev. Cathy Hamilton
Rev. Andrea Harrison
Rev. Daniel Hayward
Carolyn Ruda
Rev. Rosemary Lambie
Joel Miller
Rev. Whit Strong
Sabrina Di Stefano
Larry Richardson
Past- President, Chair of Conference Native Concerns,
Co-Président, Consistoire Laurentien
Past-Chair, Ottawa Presbytery
Chair, Montreal Presbytery
Chair, Quebec-Sherbrooke Presbytery
Representative, Quebec-Sherbrooke Presbytery, Chair, Mission
Clergy Rep. to General Council Executive
Representative, Seaway Valley Presbytery
Chair, Conference Stewardship
Conference Executive Secretary
Staff M&O Conference (Montreal), Recording Secretary
Conference Personnel Minister (West)
Conference Personnel Minister (East)
Staff M&O Conference (Ottawa office)
Rev. David Sherman
Rev. Barbara Bryce
Rev. Kent Chown
Ottawa Presbytery Minister
Chair, Conference Continuing Education
Conference Webweaver
Rev. Angelika Piché
Kim Baird
Rev. Anne Montgomery
Rev. Elaine Beattie
Barbara Reynolds
Guy-Lin Beaudoin
Patricia Lisson D.M.
Charlotte Griffith
Linda Suddaby
Rev. Rosa Cruz
Président, Table de concertation régionale des ministères en
français du Synode Montreal & Ottawa Conference
Past-President, Conference United Church Women
Chair, Ottawa Presbytery
Representative, Ottawa Presbytery
Representative, Montreal Presbytery
Past-Chair, Montreal Presbytery
Lay Representative to General Council Executive
Chair, Seaway Valley Presbytery
Co-Présidente, Consistoire Laurentien
Mead invited all in attendance to present themselves.
« Au nom de Notre Seigneur, Jésus-Christ, chef souverain de l’Église, et par l’autorité qui m’a été
conférée par l’Assemblée Annuelle 2015 du Synode Montréal et Ottawa, je déclare ouvert, par la
présente, l’exécutif du Synode Montréal et Ottawa et ses travaux dans l’intérêt du Royaume de Dieu. »
“In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only Sovereign head of the Church, and by the authority of the
2015 Annual General Meeting of the Montreal and Ottawa Conference, I hereby declare this meeting of
the Conference Executive duly constituted and to be in session for conducting the business which will
properly come before it.”
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The United Church of Canada
L’Église Unie du Canada
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
Opening Worship – President Mead Baldwin. Worship included a Call to Worship, an Opening Prayer,
and the singing of the hymn Draw the Circle Wide (MV 145). This was followed by the scripture reading
Deuteronomy 30:11-20, a message that reflected on ‘a time of change’, in light of the Comprehensive
Review and preparing for General Council 42, and the singing of hymn Called by Earth and Sky (MV
135). Worship ended with a benediction, and references were made to Walter Brueggeman quoted by
Barbara Brown Taylor: “the world for which you have been so carefully prepared is being taken away
from you, by the grace of God” and to Nelson Mandela: “there is no passion to be found in playing small,
in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living” Choose life!
Introductions, Explanation of and Approval of Agenda:
Mead explained the different sections of the mission statements of the agenda.
MOTION: (R. Balson/P. Goldberger) that for the purpose of this Expanded Executive meeting, everyone
present from Synode Montreal & Ottawa Conference is able to vote. Carried
MOTION: (C. Ruda/D. Hayward) to accept the agenda as circulated, with guests from the Philippines
joining us for lunch and a brief presentation immediately following. Carried
Minutes - Executive Meetings of May 5, 2015
MOTION: (R. Balson/D. Lee) to accept the Minutes of May 5, 2015 as circulated. Carried
Business Arising from the Regular Meeting:
(June 17, 2014) Licensed Lay Worship Leaders
(May 31, 2015) Creation of Québec Presbytery
(May 31, 2015) Climate Change Proposal
(May 31, 2015) AGM 2016
(November 6, 2014) Conference Handbook
(May 5, 2015) Ad-Hoc committee
Promote the spiritual support, pastoral care, and professional development of Ministry Personnel Promouvoir le soutien spirituel, les soins pastoraux et le développement professionnel nécessaires au
personnel ministériel.
President’s Report (report given orally) Mead was present at the closing of the Truth and
Reconciliation Commission; and attended the aboriginal prayer circle. Applauds the work carried
out by Ottawa Presbytery for organizing and providing billeting. Made reference to the pins
(United for Reconciliation) and explained it was nice to see all wearing the pin. The Experience
of the closing of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was very powerful.
Executive Secretary’s Report (see appendix A) under 6.1 it was added that the Conference
Personnel Ministers had been away on two weeks of intensive study.
Presbytery Reports
Ottawa Presbytery (no report)
Seaway Valley Presbytery (no report)
Consistoire Laurentien (no report)
Montreal Presbytery (no report)
Quebec-Sherbrooke Presbytery (no report)
Provide leadership in supporting Presbytery efforts to ensure that all Pastoral Charges have ongoing
effective pastoral ministry and participate in the formation of new Ministry Personnel - Diriger et
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The United Church of Canada
L’Église Unie du Canada
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Expanded Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
soutenir les efforts des consistoires pour que toutes les charges pastorales bénéficient d'un ministère
pastoral efficace et sans interruption, et participent à la formation du nouveau personnel ministériel.
a) June 19, 2015 Barbara Reynolds, co-chair of Ottawa Pastoral Relations re frequency of VAM
renewal forms (for action)
There has also been another request to look at the various items of the VAM forms. The
Executive decided it will formulate a response by November 2015.
Executive Secretary’s Report –Licensed Lay Worship Leaders Conference Personnel
Minister West, Rev. Whit Strong had been commissioned to work with committee and reported
eight people were in attendance and one via skype. It was explained that there needs to be
consistency in dealing with LLWL. During the meeting the committee looked at twenty
individual topics, from the frequency of preaching, to doing funerals, etc. Members of the
committee will meet in July to propose a policy in writing which it will presented to the
Presbyteries in the fall.
Reports from Continuing Education Funds: The fund has used up its reserves. The committee
will meet again in October.
Education and Students: The fall meeting is scheduled for October 6, 2015. The meeting will
also be integrating members from the Conference Interview Board.
Interim Ministry: Quiet for past couple of years. One person interested in being recognized to be
in the program, and people are being interviewed who are coming out of interim ministry
Internship and Educational Supervision: (see Appendix B) Report from Rev. David Lambie
who was part of the matching meeting. The Conference currently has four students in internship,
with one ending in August.
Interview Board: no report
Settlement: no report
Prevention of Sexual Misconduct, a complaint was filed informally.
Promote the co-ordination of strategic use of resources through exploring regional co-operation Favoriser la coordination et l'utilisation stratégique des ressources en explorant les possibilités
de coopération régionale.
Executive Secretary’s Report
“Title: Creation of Québec Presbytery Originating Body:
Montreal Presbytery and Quebec-Sherbrooke Presbytery
Financial Implications if known: minimal
Staffing Implications if known: minimal
Source of Funding if known: n/a
The Montreal and Quebec-Sherbrooke Presbyteries propose that in order to combine resources to
further Ministries in the Province of Quebec
The Synode Montreal & Ottawa Conference amalgamate effectively July 1st 2016, the current
Montreal Presbytery and Quebec-Sherbrooke Presbytery as a single Presbytery and invite
Consistoire Laurentien pastoral charges Faith Communities, elsewhere in the Province of Quebec
or reasonably adjacent to same, but within the bounds of such Conference, to be included in such
amalgamated Presbytery;
During the period prior to April 1st 2016, the respective amalgamating presbyteries shall
conclude appropriate governance arrangements to assure fair representation and appropriate
sharing of expertise and resources by all Presbyteries involved. In the event that a full agreement
cannot be reached by the amalgamating presbyteries prior to April 1st 2016, the Synode Montreal
& Ottawa Conference shall have the binding power to resolve any open issues.
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The United Church of Canada
L’Église Unie du Canada
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
Synode Montreal & Ottawa Conference, subject to General Council approval, modifies the
charter of the Finance and Extension Board of Montreal Presbytery accordingly to permit it to
transition to the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act.”
A verbal report was provided:
Thus far, the working group has met one time. Montreal Presbytery named four people as its team
(Paul Stanfield, Rick Sheffer, Fred Braman and Marc Grenon), and five from Quebec Sherbrooke
(David McCormack, Debra Kigar, Eric Lukacs, Charlotte Griffith, David Lambie). It was agreed
there would be four voting members, and one non-voting member (Debra) representing the
eastern region. The most recent meeting took place in Granby and lasted for two and a half hours.
The agenda included identifying concerns in both Presbyteries, exchanges of information, and
strategizing how committee members of both Presbyteries could meet. Discussion also focused
on how to invite Consistoire Laurentien and Conference staff into the conversation (it was noted
that Consistoire Laurentien was invited to the meetings but did not attend). The representatives
from both Montreal and Quebec-Sherbrooke Presbyteries agreed to some working principles – to
share finance and budgets with each other, and in the event that a new Presbytery is created, the
respective 2016 budget of each Presbytery would remain separate, where the budget in 2017
could potentially be amalgamated.
Discussions included the potential location of a presbytery office considering the larger
geography, taking into account that it might be a meeting location for committees, an alternative
being having three meeting locations for committees and the entire presbytery to meet as a whole.
Consensus about youth ministry and Mission Support was that both presbyteries would maintain
current levels of funding. It was suggested that rather than naming number of Presbytery
members, other factors would be considered, looking for representation in a more regional
method. There might also be an intentional twining of communities. Finances were discussed at
length, including how assessments could be done. The next meeting is scheduled to take place on
Friday September 11th in Granby. There will be 8 at table and one via telephone. It was noted that
the work in encouraging and the collaboration have been honest.
It was asked that written updates on the progress of the working group come from both the
Montreal and Quebec-Sherbrooke Presbyteries respectively.
There were questions regarding changes from the original revised motion presented by Montreal
Presbytery and that which was passed at Annual Meeting, specifically in regards to time line
changes and role of Conference. It was noted that decisions regarding changes in presbytery
boundaries must be approved by the Executive. By way of explanation, the working group at the
AGM suggested that the motion was complicated, and things were taken out in order to simplify.
Concern was also expressed that items 1 and 2 in the proposal are about ministry, and should be
separate from item 3 which pertains to the Finance and Extension Board. It was explained that
General Council will not approve changes without seeing the new bylaws. It must be made clear
in the bylaws to whom the Finance and Extension Board will be accountable, in the event that
Presbyteries do not exist in the future, i.e. Regional Councils of the United Church of Canada.
Representatives commented that discussions concerning merging the presbyteries came up at the
Ottawa Presbytery Executive meeting and the merger motion, and concept of a Quebec
Presbytery had taken pastoral charges (especially in the Gatineau) by surprise. This highlights the
necessity of a widely transparent discussion. It was asked what arrangements have been made so
that Ottawa Presbytery might observe and be informed on the work conducted by the working
group. It was highlighted that the vision and mission statement of Ottawa Presbytery includes all
of its present pastoral charges.
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The United Church of Canada
L’Église Unie du Canada
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Expanded Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
It was explained that by April 1, 2016 a protocol will be produced. If the Protocol is accepted and
the amalgamation of the Presbyteries is accepted, then an invitation will be made to all who want
to join. Minutes will be made available to all from the meetings. All will be invited if they feel it
is in their interest to join. The underlying foundation of the work is to respond to two Presbyteries
who want to merger; they are discussing the terms and a letter will go out to Presbyteries
afterwards. Representatives from Quebec Sherbrooke Presbytery identified that this merger will
help with the shortage of human resources and in sharing in the responsibilities of the work of the
Congratulations were extended to both Presbyteries for beginning the process of working
together. It was explained that the reason why Consistoire Laurentien opted out of discussions
was an issue of the timing of the meeting and insufficient notice. At the end of April when the
invitation was extended, Consistoire Laurentien was still working on formulating its response to
Comprehensive Review. It wasn’t possible to create another group to be part of the conversation
for merging Presbyteries and creating a Quebec Presbytery. Moreover, Consistoire Laurentien, as
an invitation to discussion, received one document regarding the jurisdiction of the Finance and
Extension Board which was very complicated. The Consistoire Laurentien would like to
understand more, and did not have the time to formulate the appropriate questions, but feel
strongly that they need to be included in the discussion before everything is decided and a
protocol created. It would be better to try it out first, before creating a structure. It seems very
preliminary. The April date is too short term. The Consistoire does not want to be lost in the
MOTION: (R. Allen/ B Bryce) That David McCormack, David Lambie, Eric Lukacs, Charlotte
Griffith, Debra Kigar (non-voting member) be named to the working-group, working towards
creating a newly formed Quebec Presbytery, as the Quebec-Sherbrooke Presbytery
representatives. Carried
MOTION: (B. Bryce /R. Allen) that Marc Grenon, Fred Braman, Paul Stanfield, Rick Sheffer, be
named to the working group with the request that Montreal Presbytery amend the composition of
the working group giving consideration to lay, ordered and gender balance to a maximum of five.
MOTION: (R. Balson /R. Allen) that a progress report be presented at the November 2015
Executive retreat by representatives of the working groups. Carried
MOTION: (D. McCormack /M. Grenon) that the merger meetings between Quebec-Sherbrooke
Presbytery and Montreal Presbytery be open meetings, and that any interested observers are
welcomed to attend, particularly representatives of Consistoire Laurentien and the churches in
Gatineau, with an understanding that the working group may be expanded in the future, subject to
approval by the Conference Executive. Carried
The next meeting is scheduled for September 11th.
MOTION: (J. Allen/R. Allen) that the proposed modified Charter and new by-laws for the
Canada Not-for-profit Corporation being formed from the Finance and Extension Board of
Montreal Presbytery be presented to the Executive of the Synode Montreal and Ottawa
Conference, prior to April 1, 2016 such that all may understand the implications for funding of
future ministries and the process for accountability for the funds that are historically from United
Church of Canada property. Carried – Marc Grenon, David McCormack abstains
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The United Church of Canada
L’Église Unie du Canada
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
MOTION:(D. Lee/ A.Harrison) that the Executive Secretary be authorized to organize a
gathering in early October to include all staff of the Conference and presbyteries,
including all paid or volunteer secretaries. Carried – David Sherwin abstains
Reports from YAYA presentation: Jean Daniel presented PowerPoint slides, and highlighted
Young and United (Facebook page), a past youth event in Lennoxville, youth from Lachute, QC,
confirmation visit to Montreal of youth from other Presbyteries, the preexisting relationship
between youth via the Annual General Meeting, the youth group at Église St Marc. Jean-Daniel
highlighted that youth ministry in the past has specifically been geared towards teenagers; but he
is working to expand ministry for young adults. This will focus on young adults themselvesthrough Anglican and United ecumenical services at St James, pub nights in Ottawa Presbytery,
in collaboration with Rev Hillary Merritt, etc., There is an exchange of youth from Ottawa and
Montreal whereby these groups are attending each other’s events. A Facebook page called Young
and United is up and running, allowing Jean Daniel to see who gets information, who opens and
reads the information, and who is following the Facebook page. Podcasts are in the works (Joelle
Leduc helping for French version of pod casts). Online pastoral care is keeping Jean-Daniel busy.
Jean Daniel is working at building intergenerational connection and made reference to the AGM.
Despite it being a church business meeting, the youth and young adults showed interest in being
part of table group conversations. Rosemary reinforced this interest displayed by youth in church
business naming the youth going to General Council. Jean Daniel has had the opportunity to
preach in each Presbytery with the exception of Ottawa. One of the most vibrant and active youth
was just baptized at Southwest. Another was baptized at St. James. There will be a YAYA
worship service in Laurier Park, and Jean-Daniel is working with the Anglican Church and will
be part of hosting an Anglican/United youth event in July, which is expected to be a youth
camping trip. The United Church of Canada Youth Forum will be arriving in Montreal at the end
of July as part of its youth pilgrimage across Canada. Jean-Daniel is working towards finalizing
an itinerary during their visit. These youth and young adults will join the YAYA from Conference
and will be leading the worship at St. James United Church on August 2. YAYA were invited to
be present at Montreal Pride. There is a Conference-wide youth and young adult event scheduled
for September 11 in Bedford. There is a jointly Anglican/United event planned to take place in
October and all Conference-wide young adults (18-30) are invited. The event had already
received funding (up to 5 thousand dollars) from Anglican dioceses. On October 23-25th 2017
Rendezvous will be held in Montreal. Joelle Leduc and Jean-Daniel will be involved in the
planning and ensuring that the event will 50-50 bilingual. The map of the pilgrimage was
displayed showing each city pilgrims of Youth Forum will be visiting. Each site is chosen
specifically for historical significance in the United Church. Sam Chambré was introduced as the
Pilgrim representing Montreal & Ottawa Conference.
Report from Mission Support, Trois- Rivières Fund, BHAL-JUN 발전 Fund: Mission
Support anticipates that cuts will be 24% to the Mission and Service Grants, and therefore is
suggesting a 25% cut for each of the Presbyteries. The additional 1% left for flexibility. Direct
deposit has been set up for mission support receiving bodies.
Trois Rivières funding has been active in helping with training Licensed Lay Worship Leaders in
Quebec-Sherbrooke Presbytery.
Promote efforts/initiatives/support of development and redevelopment of Pastoral Charges and Mission
Units - Favoriser les projets de développement et de revitalisation des charges pastorales et des unités
de mission, et soutenir les efforts dans ce sens.
a) May 18, 2015, Debbie Beattie, Official Board Co-Chair St. Andrew’s Church Hemmingford
re July Baptism (for information)
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The United Church of Canada
L’Église Unie du Canada
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Expanded Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
b) June 4, 2015, Erene Anthony, Official Board Chair Union United Church re June14
celebratory Service of Thanksgiving (for information)
Executive Secretary’s Report
Reports from The United Theological College This year for the first time in 100 years, the
United Theological College, the Montreal Diocesan Theological College and the Presbyterian
College celebrated convocation together. House of Lazarus Won an award for advocacy from
Ontario Association of Food Banks. Association considers everybody in outreach and helps with
collaboration efforts to have each body work together, Rideau Hill Camp Registration were up
200 from previous years, received a major donation for renovations.
Visit from the Cordillera Human Rights – stop on their campaign tour to raise awareness
Representatives from the Cordillera Human Rights Group shared heart-wrenching stories of their
lives in the Cordillera region in the Philippines, siting numerous attacks on indigenous people and
extra-judicial killings in order to accommodate big mining companies and energy companies who
want to exploit the lands. There have been close to 100 extra judicial killings. Of the 8 most
recent cases of extra judicial killings, 6 cases were where mine sites are located. In the same area
Canadian company Olympus Pacific Minerals Inc. was doping exploration, 3 members of the
indigenous community and advocates for Human Rights in the Philippines were massacred and
found in shallow graves in March 2105. This May begins the investigation into death of human
rights advocates and to correct state policies. Indigenous communities are continuously under
attack. 60-70% of the country’s military is currently deployed to protect investment mining.
Leaders and members of communities are receiving death threats, receiving burial blankets which
is an intimidation tactic, stating that the recipient will not see the sky in July. Support is
desperately needed to gather strength and find hope. In 2006 there were five extra judicial killings
in a week and the United Nations was forced to intervene. There is still much to do and advocates
need to continually keep the cause in the public interest and hold those accountable by taking
witness to these injustices.
To learn more about becoming involved visit the Beaconsfield initiative website at:
Ensure ways of providing a collective Conference voice on public Christian witness – S'assurer de
faire entendre la voix collective du Synode comme témoignage chrétien sur la scène publique.
a) May 20, 2015 Nora Sanders, General Secretary, General Council re copy of letter sent to
various government officials regarding the M&O recommendation that the opening prayers of
Parliament include an acknowledgement of Aboriginal People. (for information)
b) June 18, 2015 Patmore C. Henry, Connexional Secretary, The Conference of the Methodist
Church in the Caribbean and the Americas, re historic decision to recognize the title Bishop
for the head of the Church. (for information) This is a special moment for the Methodist
Church in Haiti; now they are part of Caribbean Council of Churches with same foothold as
other members.
Executive Secretary’s Report
“In response to the Proposal entitled “Climate Change Proposal for Montreal & Ottawa
Conference”, originating from the Ottawa Presbytery, and attached hereto as appendix A,
It is moved by Paul Dillman/Claire Borel
1) That Synode Montreal & Ottawa Conference encourage Ottawa Presbytery in developing an
action plan to assist congregations in reducing carbon footprints and, upon completion of the
plan, share it with the wider church; and
2) That Synode Montreal and Ottawa Conference continue to support initiatives that are working
at developing a Climate Change Action Plan; and
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The United Church of Canada
L’Église Unie du Canada
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
3) That Synode Montreal and Ottawa Conference encourage its constituent parts to promote and
use the United Church Federal Election Kit 2015. Carried”
The executive of Ottawa Presbytery will set up a working group, the first step is to organize letter
writing and contact campaign. The action plan will take a bit longer but the Conference will be
kept informed as it goes on.
“Decision concerning the Annual General Meeting in 2016 / Décision concernant
l’Assemblée général annuelle en 2016
“MOTION: (R. Olsen/ A. Schiebout )
1) WHEREAS the proposed 2016 budget only includes the cost for a one-day meeting of an
expanded Conference Executive and a Celebration of Ministry;
2) WHEREAS the decision whether or not to hold an Annual General Meeting should not be
solely financially driven;
3) AND WHEREAS the gathering of people from across the Conference at an Annual General
Meeting is important;
a) the 2016 Annual General Meeting be a one-day gathering in a central location which will
include both business and the Celebration of Ministry;
b) the one-day AGM be open to all who would normally attend an AGM, and the Celebration of
Ministry open to all;
c) there be no cost to participants, but travel and any desired accommodation will be at each
participant’s expense.
MOTION : (R. Olsen/A. Schiebout)
1) ATTENDU QUE le budget proposé pour 2016 n’inclut que les coûts pour une réunion d’une
journée de l’exécutif du synode et une célébration du ministère;
2) ATTENDU QUE la décision de tenir ou non une assemblée générale annuelle ne devrait pas
être motivée uniquement par des considérations financières;
3) ET ATTENDU QU’IL importe de rassembler des gens provenant des quatre coins du synode
pour tenir une assemblée générale annuelle;
a) l’assemblée générale annuelle soit un rassemblement d’une journée dans un endroit central qui
permet le déroulement des activités et la célébration du ministère;
b) l’assemblée générale annuelle d’une journée soit accessible à tous ceux et celles qui y assistent
habituellement et que la célébration du ministère soit ouverte à tous et toutes;
c) il n’en coûte rien aux participants-es, mais que ceux-celles-ci assument les frais de
déplacement et d’hébergement.”
The AGM planning committee will begin to address the 2016 needs, based upon the decision
to change the meeting format and budget. Mead expressed his appreciation for how well the
Annual General Meeting dealt with each of the proposals and how smooth the process went.
Reportsfrom AGM 2015-6 (see appendix C),
JGER Rev. Andrea Harrison explained that the committee did not have an annual workshop this
year, and instead the group focused more on putting together a proposal to bring to the AGM in
response to the Comprehensive Review, with emphasis on the place of justice and human rights
work in the new structuring of the church. There is a concern that this work may disappear,
therefore the committee is encouraging that at least 10 % of staff be focused on Justice and
Human Rights Work.
Native Concerns Rick Balson informed the group that the committee has not met since the last
Executive meeting. He reminded the group that July 11 is 25 years anniversary since the Oka
Crisis. A day of commemoration, including a church service in Kanesatake will take place.
Activities will be taking place at the Pines and there will be special guests. Interfaith service at
the pines. Thanks was extended to all that were involved with the closing of the Truth and
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The United Church of Canada
L’Église Unie du Canada
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Expanded Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
Reconciliation Commission. The organizers of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission were
immensely impressed with the United Church’s involvement. It was emphasized that the church
needed to continue keeping the TRC in front of press and in front of people so that it does not get
shelved. It was mentioned that David McDonald and Jamie Scott will be retiring and that they
have big shoes to fill their shoes. A debt of gratitude needs to be extended to them both.
Provide an inspirational link between local United Church communities and the United Church of
Canada as a whole community - Devenir un pont et une inspiration entre les communautés locales de
l'Église Unie et l'Église Unie du Canada comme communauté d'ensemble.
a) June 13, 2015 Nora Sanders, General Secretary, General Council re Nicole Beaudry to serve
on the GC 42 Sessional Committee (for information)
Executive Secretary’s Report An Orientation Day is planned for commissioners in mid-July; the
working book is to be available end of June.
Report from General Council Executive Representatives
Reports from Communications – webweaver presentation Kent briefly explained the website
and invited all to post events and information pertinent to the Conference on it, UCW (see
appendix D)
Promote whole-life stewardship - Promouvoir le soutien de la vie dans ses diverses dimensions.
Executive Secretary’s Report:
MOTION: (D. McCormack/R. Sword ) that the Executive Secretary be authorized to offer Denis
Marcoux, Conference Stewardship Coordinator, a “fee for services” contract for Stewardship
workshops from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Carried
MOTION: (D. McCormack/R. Allen) that the Executive Secretary be authorized to offer Carolyn
Ruda a “fee for services” contract from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 in order to be Conference
Mission & Service Fund Enthusiast Support Person actively promoting the Mission & Service
Fund within the Conference with congregations and local congregational enthusiasts. Carried
Report from Stewardship Committee (see appendix E) Carolyn Ruda provided information
regarding the Stewardship event taking place in September called Opening the Doors to Generosity.
Carolyn reiterated that change is coming but we have to be calm. Carolyn asked that members of the
Executive advertise the event in their constituencies and support this Conference-wide event as much
as possible. She quoted Alexander Graham Bell: “We look so long at the door that just closed on us
that we do not see the door that just opened up.” This event will be the time and place to learn and
discuss the new way stewardship and mission and service will be in the future. Opening the Doors the
Generosity is on Facebook with leadership provided by four General Council staff.
Provide administrative effectiveness in the “art” of making our Conference life happen. - Fournir
l'efficacité nécessaire à la pratique de ‘l'art de faire vivre' notre Synode.
a) April 17, 2015 Nora Sanders, General Secretary of General Council re Certificate of
Resolution to execute an encroachment servitude (for information)
b) May 26, 2015 John Coffin, Chair, Trustees of Summerlea UC re lease (for action)
MOTION: (D. McCormack/P. Goldberger), that the Executive of the Synode Montreal and
Ottawa Conference of the United Church of Canada approve the renewal of the lease with
Summerlea United Church, Lachine QC which includes an increase from $1780/month to
$1822/month, reflecting the percent rate of positive change of the Canadian Core Consumer Price
Index for the current year of the lease, July 1st 2015 to June 30, 2016. Carried
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The United Church of Canada
L’Église Unie du Canada
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
c) June 11, 2015 Norma McCord, Chair of the Joint Management Committee, UC Regional
Centre re copy of letter to the Board of Trustees of City View United Church(for information)
Executive Secretary’s Report –
MOTION [May 5, 2015]: (R. Olsen/D. Lee) that the Synode Montreal and Ottawa Conference
Executive recommends that an ad-hoc committee be created to identify a process to begin a
strategic plan in response to the outcome of the GC42. The plan will include discussion about
future office space. Carried
MOTION: (B. Bryce/D. Hayward) that the Executive of the Synode Montreal and Ottawa
Conference name the following individuals Jim Allan, Rick Balson, Marc Grenon, and person to
be named to form an ad-hoc committee with the mandate to identify a process to begin a strategic
plan in response to the outcome of the GC42. This committee will begin to meet during the week
of September 29 and bring a progress report to the November Executive. Carried
What is the length of the mandate? November 2015 but it can go longer. The purpose is to get
people talking. David Lee has expressed interest, along with Pierre Goldberger.
Conference Handbook – Larry to present the conference handbook which was circulated to the
Executive (a copy of the Conference Handbook was circulated to all attending meeting).
MOTION: (D.Lee/C.Ruda) that the Conference handbook be adopted. Carried
MOTION:(M. Grenon/C. Ruda) that the Executive Secretary be authorized to offer Beverly
Anderson-Levine, Conference Archivist (Montreal), and Marnie Hunt Stephens and Pat Brown,
Assistants to the Conference Archivist (Ottawa), a “fee for services” contract from July 1, 2015 to
June 30, 2016 in keeping with the current budget framework. Carried
Reports from Archives – Rosemary presented the new brochure prepared for Heritage Trust
Finance (see appendix F)
MOTION: (J.Allen/D. McCormack) that the financial statements be approved as
presented. Carried
Larry highlighted that budget reflects funds still existing for the AGM this year because the
Conference has not yet been billed for the event.
Nominations: MOTION: (D. McCormack/B. Bryce) that the Executive of the Synode Montreal
and Ottawa Conference name Laurie Joe as representative on the Executive of the General
Council Judicial Committee.
and the following two names, _____ and _____ as M&O representatives on the General Council
Judicial Committee.
Suggested (Ron Coughlin, Charlotte Griffith, Barbara Reynolds, Fred Braman)
Other Business – request from Ottawa Presbytery.
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The United Church of Canada
L’Église Unie du Canada
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Expanded Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
MOTION: (D.Sherwin/D.Lee) that the Synode Montreal & Ottawa Conference approve Jan Lougheed,
Diaconal Minister, to administer the sacrament of Holy Communion at Stittsville United Church on July
5th 2015. Carried
Future Meetings 2015-2016
Tuesday, September 15, 2015 10 am. - conference call (Carolyn Ruda)
Thursday, November 5 (opening worship – Jean-Daniel Williams) 10 am – 9:00 pm Retreat, Fri.
Nov. 6 (Marc Grenon) 9:00 am – noon business, joined by
** GC Commissioners 1:00 -4:00 pm at Villa St. Martin. Gouin Blvd, Montreal. QC
Tuesday, February 16, 2016 conference call 10 am - 12
Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10 am-4 pm, in Lachine; 1:00 - 4:00 pm with GC commissioners**
Saturday, May 28, 2016 Expanded Executive, 10 am – 4 pm COM 6:30
MOTION (D.Lee/J-D. Williams) that the meeting be adjourned at 2:39 p.m.
Rev. Mead Baldwin
Conference President
Rev. Rosemary Lambie,
Conference Executive Secretary
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Executive Secretary’s Report
Committee for Internship and Educational Supervision
Follow up Report from AGM 2015 Planning Committee
United Church Women’s Report
Stewardship Committee Report
Financial Report June 23, 2015
Pages 12-14
Pages 15
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L’Église Unie du Canada
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
Appendix A
Report of the Executive Secretary
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Opening Remarks:
Psalm 133:1 “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in peace!” It is my hope and indeed,
my prayer, that as the United Church of Canada, and more locally, the Synode Montreal & Ottawa Conference
discuss, debate and negotiate changes that will be necessary, that we can remember this simple fact, “How good
and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in peace!”
1. Promote the spiritual support, pastoral care, and professional development of Ministry Personnel Promouvoir le soutien spirituel, les soins pastoraux et le développement professionnel nécessaires au personnel
Anticipating that transitions are immanent, both Conference Personnel Ministers have taken some study time
since the Annual Meeting. The fall will be time to welcome some and be supportive of others.
2. Provide leadership in supporting Presbytery efforts to ensure that all Pastoral Charges have ongoing
effective pastoral ministry and participate in the formation of new Ministry Personnel - Diriger et soutenir les
efforts des consistoires pour que toutes les charges pastorales bénéficient d'un ministère pastoral efficace et
sans interruption, et participent à la formation du nouveau personnel ministériel.
Whit has begun a conversation with the committees in Ottawa, Seaway, Montreal and QSP regarding Licensed
Lay Worship Leaders and will provide a progress report to the Executive. The aim is to create guidelines for
consistent expectations and accountability.
The committees have completed much of their regular work until autumn, but staff are already preparing
for the Orientation event in mid-October, and the Interview Board with new candidates in late October.
3. Promote the co-ordination of strategic use of resources through exploring regional co-operation Favoriser la coordination et l'utilisation stratégique des ressources en explorant les possibilités de coopération
The Youth and Young Adult support Committee has a new chair and we hope for a conference call soon. JeanDaniel Williams organized the YAYA gathering which began on Thursday evening at the Annual General
Meeting and provided time for meeting with the President, Executive Secretary and Worship leader who recruited
leadership, but also focused time with Cathy Hamilton who ‘walked ‘ them through the proposals and process to
help them feel better prepared to engage in conversation. He is now preparing for the delegation of 13 pilgrims
(Sam Chambre is M&O) and the leaders travelling from coast to coast prior to GC 42 and who will be in our
Conference for 4 days in early August.
La Table de Consultation régional des ministères en français are hopeful that the proposals for GC 42 will help lift
the profile of ministry in French as a priority.
Concerns have been discussed with the staff regarding possible changes and the rising anxiety level of people
feeling either uninformed or misinformed. A recent letter from the Chair of Ottawa Presbytery regarding the
proposed Quebec presbytery is a case in point. It was felt that a gathering for all staff and volunteer secretaries
which has not happened for a number of years would be both helpful and productive.
4. Promote efforts/initiatives/support of development and redevelopment of Pastoral Charges and
Mission Units - Favoriser les projets de développement et de revitalisation des charges pastorales et des unités
de mission, et soutenir les efforts dans ce sens.
The Mission Support Committee will reconnect in September to face whatever challenges await them.
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L’Église Unie du Canada
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Expanded Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
I attended the Annual meeting of St. Columba House and heard of how much is accomplished with the
limited funds available as they extend a hand to the community.
5. Ensure ways of providing a collective Conference voice on public Christian witness – S'assurer de faire
entendre la voix collective du Synode comme témoignage chrétien sur la scène publique.
The focus for the Native Concerns Committee has been the Truth and Reconciliation Commission closure,
which was an emotionally charged 4 days in Ottawa with a lot of United Church participation. For
National Aboriginal Sunday, I presented as part of a team at Ste Genevieve United, using TRC video clips
and photographs from the event. The next events will recognize the 25thanniversary of the Oka Crisis
which deeply affected relationships with Kanesatake/Oka and Hudson, Kahnawake and Chateauguay.
The AGM 2015 planning committee felt affirmed in its decisions when reading the evaluations. It was
clear that the participants had appreciated the extra time given for discussion and small group detailed
work, as well as the leadership offered from within the membership of the Conference.
6. Provide an inspirational link between local United Church communities and the United
Church of Canada as a whole community - Devenir un pont et une inspiration entre les communautés locales
de l'Église Unie et l'Église Unie du Canada comme communauté d'ensemble.
The time and energy committed to preparing for the Comprehensive Review proposals with a Sessional
Committee was well spent as our process, while time consuming, was well executed. Hanna Strong has resigned
for personal time constraints. The General Council nominations committee made the final choice from amongst
our 23 commissioners to balance the committee for General Council 42. They have selected Nicole Beaudry as a
bilingual lay person.
An orientation date will be set for all commissioners in mid-July, once the Workbook of proposals from all
Conferences has been distributed.
I was blessed with the opportunity to participate in the Union United return to their home on Delisle St.
(Montreal) after 4 years doing ministry from other neighbourhoods while the building was undergoing
renovations. There is still work to do, and money to find, but the passion and energy of the congregation is
amazing and they have proved their determination. Highlights of the service were the choir loft filled with
enthusiastic singing and Oliver Jones playing twice on the baby grand piano that he has given for the music
ministry of the congregation. It was for a crowd without even standing room around the edges of the sanctuary for
2 ½ hours of praise, clapping, singing, prayer, messages and celebration.
7. Promote whole-life stewardship - Promouvoir le soutien de la vie dans ses diverses dimensions.
The Stewardship Committee has made final plans for an event on September 18-19 and are promoting with
flyers and on Facebook. It will feature 4 national staff from Philanthropy presenting; location in Cornwall.
8. Provide administrative effectiveness in the “art” of making our Conference life happen. - Fournir
l'efficacité nécessaire à la pratique de ‘l'art de faire vivre' notre Synode.
Permission to sign legal documents for St. Columba House has been received from the General Council office and
that transaction is now completed.
The Archives Committee will offer a team contract for assistant Archivists Marni Hunt-Stephens and Pat Brown
for Ottawa and Seaway Valley. The new bilingual brochure for the Heritage Trust Fund was launched at the AGM
which we hope will encourage contributions.
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L’Église Unie du Canada
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
Holidays have been chosen to ensure that there will always be one staff member available to respond to needs
during the summer period.
Respectfully submitted,
Rosemary Lambie (Rev.) - Executive Secretary
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Appendix B
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Expanded Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
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Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
Appendix C
Following is Report from Planning Committee for AGM 2015
The committee met via conference call on June 10 to review survey monkey results and to begin planning for
AGM 2016.
Survey results and discussion revealed that outcomes for the meeting were achieved. If anyone is interested in
reading the survey results please send a note to Larry Richardson or Joel Miller.
The committee took the following action:
1) commissioned a study by the AV team for the electronic delivery of the AGM
2) listed criteria for site suitable for one day meeting 2016, and Rosemary Lambie agreed to begin investigating
possible venues
Including church sites
3) set committee meeting dates
The date for AGM 2016 is dependent on site availability and decision by Executive.
Respectfully submitted
Arlyce Schiebout, Chairperson
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Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Expanded Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
Appendix D
M&O Conference UCW report
Yes, we do make a difference!
2014 – M&O Conference UCW donations to M&S - $81,178.00
2014 – National UCW donations to M&S - $1,462,840.00
M&O Conference UCW held its AGM on May 13 and 14 at the Ramada Inn in Cornwall, Ontario. We gathered
with women from Ottawa, Seaway Valley, Montreal and Quebec Sherbrooke. We welcomed a special guest
UCW’s National President Phyllis Buchner. Our theme was Bread of Life.
We enjoyed and became more informed as we listened to three presentations. The first, titled Jesus is the bread of
life, given by Carolyn Ruda. The second was given by Kim Baird, who led us through the United Church of
Canada’s, Bread not Stone, about ending child poverty in Canada. Our third speaker was Pauline Pratt, the
director of The House of Lazarus in the Seaway Valley Presbytery. She informed us on the workings of Lazarus
House but also on all the red tape and hoops that they have to deal with at the different government levels.
Carolyn Ruda as always keeps us up to date with Mission & Service.
We spent some of our money on the wonderful books from the resource table.
Our National President, Phyllis encourage and lead us in an open space discussion on the Comprehensive Review
and how does UCW fit into the United Church’s future structure. It was inspiring to hear the concerns and hope of
the other women who present. On the National level, the national conference is being held from September 14 to
18, 2015, in Mississauga. National UCW will be celebrating it’s 55th Anniversary which is being held July 10 to
14, 2017 in Vancouver, the theme celebrating the Spirit.
We ended the meeting by sharing an Agape meal.
UCW – 74 annual Summer Event is being held July 25&26, 2015 at the Ramada Inn in Cornwall. The theme –
The Hearts Journey through the Seasons. The theme presentations include; Bible study on Ecclesiastes 3, You
Inner Season – topic mental health, and Music of the Seasons. Saturday evening a night at the movies with
popcorn sales going to M&S. We join the congregation at Knox- St. Paul’s for Sunday morning worship and then
share a BBQ lunch before heading for home.
Carolle Dallas-Arbuckle
President M&O Conference UCW
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Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
Appendix E
Montreal and Ottawa Conference
Conference Stewardship Report
Expanded Conference Executive Meeting
June 23rd, 2015
“Opening the Doors to Generosity ~ Ouvrir les portes vers la générosité”
A Montreal and Ottawa Conference Stewardship Event
September 18 , 2015 (10 am – 9 pm)
September 19, 2015 (9 am – 4 pm)
Ramada Hotel and Conference Centre,
805 Brookdale Avenue,
Cornwall, Ontario K6H 7N7
Embracing an understanding of stewardship & Mission and Service as ALL that we do, with ALL that we have,
ALL the time.
As we spent last week celebrating the 90th Anniversary United Church of Canada in many different ways some
people in our pastoral charges feel they have more questions than answers about where the church is headed. For
some this is a time of uncertainty as we await the outcome of General Council 42, and the proposals brought
about in light of the Comprehensive Review Report. But this is a time when we need to remain calm, and let our
faith and trust in God still our fears.
One of the places where people will find answers to their questions is the Stewardship Event we are having in
September. “Opening the Doors to Generosity,” being held at the Ramada Hotel and Conference Centre in
Cornwall. Fri September 18 – Sat September 19. When we talk about doors we immediately think of things being
locked up, and you have to find the right key to open the door.
At this event we will be unlocking the doors to the questions people have about Stewardship & Mission and
This event will be under the leadership of four members of the General Council Philanthropy Unit
David Armour - director
Cheryl Curtis – Mission and Service
Susan Graham Walker –Stewardship
And Ruth Nobel – Mission and Service engagement
They will give participants the best keys to use the following resources:
Mission and Service
The new resources arriving at pastoral charges over the summer, and into the fall to help you promote and support
Mission and Service carrying with them a new reminder that “Mission and Service is the Heart and Soul of the
United Church of Canada.” It is at the very heart of who we are as the United Church of Canada. We have long
time Mission and Service partners, here in our conference, in Canada, and around the world that depend and
deeply appreciate our continued support.
A new resource is arriving at our pastoral charges right now!
Theme: “Called to Be the Church” from our new Creed.
Its foundation: Inspiring, Asking and Thanking
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L’Église Unie du Canada
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Expanded Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
It will give everyone the tools they need for a Congregational Giving Program.
Learning where and how to connect with the resources now found on social media and web-sites. New ones are
being added all the time.
Resources and ways for children, youth and young adults to experience “whole life stewardship.” “Be an opener
of doors for such as come after you.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Rev. Dr. Glen Stoudt of Orleans United Church will give us new insight into Stewardship in your congregations
lived through “Stewardship Conversation,” instead of a stewardship committee.
With this event taking place a month after General Council 42 in Newfoundland I am sure you will have questions
as we move forward as a church, and this event is where you will find answers.
Remember this workshop is open to everyone; clergy, and all members in our pastoral charges. Be sure to
promote and support this conference event in any way that you can.
I have attached the flyer, brochure and registration form to this e-mail but they are available on the conference
web-site, from myself, or they have been e-mailed to your presbytery secretaries. We are also on facebook:
“Opening the Doors to Generosity,” please like and share.
“Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you.” Matthew 5:48
Carolyn Ruda
Montreal and Ottawa Conference
Mission and Service Support
Chair, Conference Stewardship
613 932-2415
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Appendix F
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015
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L’Église Unie du Canada
Synode Montréal & Ottawa Conference
Meeting of the Expanded Executive
Lachine, QC
June 23, 2015