QUEEN LANE LIBRARY GUIDE Summer 2008 QUEEN LANE LIBRARY – “C” wing. Phone: (215) 991-8740 Basic sciences, including research literature for microbiology, immunology & neurosciences. HAHNEMANN LIBRARY – Center City Campus, 245 N. 15th St. Phone: (215) 762-7631 Medicine, allied health, public health, nursing, research literature for biochemistry, physiology & pharmacology. HAGERTY LIBRARY – University City Campus, 33rd & Market Streets. Phone: (215) 895-1500 Engineering, business, information science, design & media arts, general science, humanities, social sciences, etc. Special DragonCard proximity chip coding is required to enter Hagerty Library; go to DragonCard Office to arrange this. MACK SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY – Univ. City Campus, 3320 Market Street. Phone: (215) 571-4772 HOURS? - Go to Drexel Libraries home page: http://www.library.drexel.edu REGISTRATION? - Students are automatically registered for all Drexel University libraries. RETURN BOOKS AT ANY DREXEL LIBRARY (EXCEPT RESERVE – RETURN TO SAME LIBRARY) * * * PLEASE DO NOT RESHELVE LIBRARY BOOKS AND JOURNALS * * * We count them as we re-shelve them, to measure library use. QUEEN LANE LIBRARY Suggestion: walk through the library using the text below as an individual “tour guide”. 24-HOUR STUDY AREA Lounge, computers, copiers, and study area are open 24 hours for QUIET STUDY. Loan Desk and stack area close at night. 10 minutes before the Loan Desk closes, check out library materials you want to keep overnight. RESERVE COLLECTION – AT LOAN DESK WHAT’S THERE? Required/recommended textbooks, videos, slides, etc. WHY? Short loan periods allow many students to share few copies. Open Reserve LIST binder on the Loan Desk. • TITLE LIST – Is High Yield Gross Anatomy on reserve? • SUBJECT LIST – Are there any anatomy dissection videos on reserve? Under "ANATOMY", look for [Video] in Call Number column. LIBRARY CARD? Bring Drexel ID. Scanning a card is fast and avoids errors. HOW LONG CAN I KEEP A RESERVE BOOK? Daytime -- 3 hours (2 hours if demand is heavy) After 4PM -- Overnight, Due 9AM Mon-Fri, 10AM Sat, 1PM Sun High-demand items may be tagged as “Late Overnight”: -- Check out within 2 hours before Loan Desk closes, for use overnight. -- Must be in Return Bin before Loan Desk opens next day, or $9 (minimum) fine. FINE FOR LATE RETURN -- $1 per HOUR OR FRACTION of an hour. Fines exceeding $10 block further borrowing (and may block remote library access). 2 Drexel University Health Sciences Libraries, Queen Lane Library Guide, Summer 2008 CAN I “HOLD” A RESERVE ITEM FOR PICK UP LATER IN THE DAY? Fill out a Hold Slip at reserve desk. Only SAME DAY holds are accepted. Maximum number of HOLD requests is two per person per day. CAN I RENEW A RESERVE BOOK? Yes -- 2 renewals unless someone else requests the item. Phone renewals: 215 991-8740 -- BUT NO PHONE RENEWAL to change from overnight to daytime sign-out, or to change daytime sign-out to overnight. WHERE DO I RETURN RESERVE BOOKS? SAME RESERVE DESK where you borrowed them. If Loan Desk is closed, use Book Return bin (inside Library entrance at Queen Lane). QUEEN LANE LIBRARY STAFF David Wagner, Beth Salmon -- Loan Desk Staff, (215) 991-8740 Adrienne Jenness – Assoc. Coordinator, x8744 Martha Kirby - Coordinator, x8749 STUDENT WORKERS keep the Loan Desk open evenings and weekends. If you have work study funds, contact Adrienne at 991-8740 (Loan Desk) to apply for a job. COPY ROOM -- 10 cents/copy – Use coin machine or DragonCard. Add value to DragonCard at machine on Copy Room wall. DragonCard works for computer printing and photocopies. 28-DAY BOOKS - In glass-walled room Older editions of recommended texts are here. Most are basic science books, but we have a core collection on patient care and disease. 2 renewals allowed – in person, online (“Check My Library Record”), or by phone. Fine for late return: 25 cents/day. DICTIONARIES, HANDBOOKS, DIRECTORIES (REFERENCE) In glass-walled room, on low wooden shelves -- Library use only. Note: Medical dictionaries on Reserve can be checked out overnight. JOURNALS – In glass-walled room Basic science journals for scientists with laboratories at Queen Lane. A few “journals” (e.g. “Advances...”) are shelved with the books (find call # in online catalog). Most paper journals have been cancelled in favor of electronic (online). CAN MATERIALS BE SENT TO ME FROM OTHER LIBRARIES? Ask at Loan Desk or use Borrow from Other Libraries link on Library web page (next page). Specify QUEEN LANE as your “home” library if you are based at Queen Lane. Wait time: Drexel libraries – 1-2 days for articles; 1 week for books. Non-Drexel libraries – usually 1-2 days for articles; 1-2 weeks for books. COMPUTERS -- FireFox, Internet Explorer, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. For other applications use the Microcomputer Center, on the Ground Floor below the library. PRINTING: Pay with DragonCard only. Add value at machine in Copy Room. QUIET PLEASE: Avoid talking here. Students in the nearby study area can hear you. Drexel University Health Sciences Libraries, Queen Lane Library Guide, Summer 2008 CLASS FILE DRAWERS – against wall near computers Year 1 and Year 2 students may place class notes, etc. here to share with classmates. DREXEL ELECTRONIC LIBRARY http://www.library.drexel.edu/ HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARIES BOOKMARK THIS PAGE: http://www.library.drexel.edu/healthsciences/ SEARCH THE CATALOG -- books, journals, videos, etc. (print or online) at all Drexel Libraries. ● Try it: Click a blue Title link to show complete information. ● Click REQUEST to request delivery from a Drexel campus library. ● Use CLICK FOR RESOURCE link to open electronic books, journals, reports, etc ● Click MY LIBRARY RECORD to see items checked out (with due date), fines, status of Requested items, etc. You can RENEW ONLINE (except reserve items). ● Can’t find the book you want? Click “Start Over”, then try E-ZBorrow to search over 50 academic libraries at once. 3 4 Drexel University Health Sciences Libraries, Queen Lane Library Guide, Summer 2008 ELECTRONIC JOURNALS Back at home page, under Find, click Electronic Journals. Try it: Open an online article in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Assoc) Drexel Full Text links appear in databases like PubMed and CINAHL, allowing you to link directly to a specific article. To see these links, enter the database via library links and confirm your Drexel affiliation. More information appears below (p. 5: Journals). If you have problems, please contact the library so we can trouble-shoot. E-BOOKS E-books are in the online catalog, but here’s a fast way to find core biomedical titles: Back at home page, under Quick Links (left panel), click Core Health Sciences E-Books. In the Biochemistry category, try opening Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry. Under Internal Medicine, try opening ACP Medicine. HOW CAN I CONNECT FROM HOME? Use any Internet Service Provider. DCANet offers discounted prices: http://drexel.dca.net PROBLEMS? Primary contact is Ian Richmond at (215)762-1727 or ianr@Drexel.edu , but feel free to ask help from other library staff. HOW DO I OPEN “DREXEL ONLY” LIBRARY RESOURCES? IN LIBRARY – No username/password needed. OUTSIDE LIBRARY – Identify yourself as Drexel student/staff. There are 2 options: • Go to library home page - If you click a "restricted" link without logging in to DrexelOne, you will be asked to type your Drexel email username/password. • Log in to DrexelOne – then click a Library Services link on the Student Resources tab. Beware: DrexelOne may time out unexpectedly during a lengthy session. TOO MANY SIMULTANEOUS LOGINS? – At MDConsult, OVID, Web of Science, etc., access may be blocked temporarily if all licensed logins are in use. Try again in 10 minutes. Don’t leave assignments to the last minute, since all logins may be in use. QUEEN LANE STUDY AREA Study Rooms – No reservations. Access is governed by policy posted on the door. Personal Belongings – May be transferred to Security Desk if left in library. Laptop plug-in – Use carrels or table next to wall outlet. No cords in aisles (safety hazard). STRATEGIES FOR FINDING INFORMATION KEY QUESTION: IS THE INFORMATION LIKELY TO HAVE CHANGED RECENTLY? NO? --BOOKS are fine for information dating back 2 years or more. Latest textbooks are on Reserve at Queen Lane – Use Reserve Lists at Loan Desk. Older texts are in the 28-day book area. Dictionaries and handbooks (data/statistics/drugs) are on the Reference shelves. YES? -- JOURNALS offer recent diagnostic and treatment research. Use MEDLINE, PubMed, etc. to locate citations and abstracts; then locate the print or electronic journal to read the full article. INTERNET sites have news, current statistics, latest breakthroughs. DON’T KNOW? Start with books to get background information FINDING DISEASE & TREATMENT INFORMATION IN BOOKS What kind of book? Drexel University Health Sciences Libraries, Queen Lane Library Guide, Summer 2008 5 General medical text (diseases and treatment) Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine - electronic and print versions available. Cecil Textbook of Medicine - electronic and print versions available. ACP Medicine (Scientific American) - electronic and print versions available. Specialized text What practitioner would deal with your issue -- Family physician? Emergency room doc? GI specialist? Find textbooks for that discipline. Librarians can help, since we know which books are at Queen Lane. Hahnemann Library is excellent for specialized patient care/disease books. 28-day books borrowed from other campus libraries can be returned at Queen Lane. JOURNALS – Finding articles on a topic, by a specific author, etc. • Key journal article database for medicine is MEDLINE/PubMed. Use Quick Links on the Health Sciences Libraries page for easy access, and to enable Drexel full text access. • MEDLINE/PubMed Tutorials are available at: http://www.library.drexel.edu/resources/tutorials/medlinelearning.html. • Other databases? Click Find ..Databases/Articles on library main page. Click a broad topic for a list of databases in that discipline. • Reference librarians can help. We like opportunities to teach one-to-one. • Full text links in databases (PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, etc.) can be misleading. -- In PubMed, no Drexel Full Text links appear unless you use the library PubMed link. -- If no full text link appears, or a full text link doesn’t work, use Find/E-Journals as back-up. Also try the online Catalog. You may find the paper journal at Drexel. For quick access, hop a campus shuttle. • Interlibrary Loan Request delivery from Drexel Libraries or other libraries (worldwide!) using the Borrow from Other Libraries link (home page). Register as an ILLiad user; choosing Queen Lane as your “home” library if you are based here. THE INTERNET How reliable is internet information? -- Highly variable -- anyone can place any information on the Internet. Check the credentials of the person or organization providing the information. Is the information source credible and authoritative? Is the information likely to be biased (e.g. trying to sell you something?) Internet strengths -- News; alternative medicine (not always covered well in traditional medical literature); up-to-date disease statistics, consumer health information (MEDLINEPlus), images, teaching/learning aids. Try more than one search engine, since results can differ. SPECIAL TOPICS Statistics on diseases (especially incidence & prevalence) – Try the following: Textbooks that describe the disease Reference books: "Health United States", "Statistical Abstract of the United States", etc. Internet - for example the National Center for Health Statistics Psychosocial issues Books -- behavioral medicine, transcultural medicine, behavioral pediatrics, psychiatry, etc. Books on family practice, primary care, emergency medicine, etc. may cover social/psychological aspects of disease. Journal articles -- MEDLINE, Psycinfo, CINAHL (nursing and allied health). In MEDLINE select the “Psychology” Subheading after you find the correct MeSH for a disease. Internet -- patient discussion groups and consumer health information can be valuable.