Fair Trade Certified™ LABEL USE GUIDE These guidelines provide direction on how to use the Fair Trade Certified label and the term “Fair Trade Certified™” on your product labels, packaging and POS materials. FAIR TRADE CERTIFIED LABEL OPTIONS Label your Fair Trade products according to the total ingredient composition. Products that contain Fair Trade Certified™ (FTC) Ingredients can be labeled in one of three ways: 1. 100% FTC Ingredients Fair Trade Certified™ Label This applies to all coffee products, as well as other singleingredient products like honey, mangos, and rose bunches. (The product may contain up to 5% non-Fair Trade Certified ingredients, for example flavorings or additives, as approved by Fair Trade USA) 2. More than 20% FTC Ingredients Fair Trade Certified™ Ingredient, Ingredients, Ingredient-Specific (e.g. Roses, Cocoa, Tea, Sugar) Label Examples: Ice cream, beverages, cookies, mixed bouquets. Additional Ingredient Specific labels are available upon request. 3. Less than 20% FTC Ingredients Registered Products without Fair Trade Certified™ Label 1. No label on packaging 2. May use the words “Fair Trade Certified™ [Ingredient]” anywhere on the packaging All products must comply with our Multiple Ingredients Product Policy, which can be found here: http://www.fairtradeusa.org/certification/producers/ingredients 1500 Broadway, Suite 400, Oakland, CA 94612, +1 510 663 5260 www.FairTradeCertified.org FTUSA Label Use Guide rev_15 8/15/13 page-1 Fair Trade Certified™ LABEL USE GUIDE PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS In addition to using the correct label, all Fair Trade Certified products with packaging must meet the following requirements: All finished packaged products: 1. Placement of label on FRONT of packaging. 2. Indication of which ingredients are Fair Trade Certified™ in the ingredients panel (See options below) A) INGREDIENTS: CREAM, SKIM MILK, EGG YOLKS, FAIR TRADE CERTIFIED™ COCOA LIQUOR, SOY LECITHIN, FAIR TRADE CERTIFIED™ SUGAR, NUTS, SALT, GUAR GUM. Fair Trade Certified™ by Fair Trade USA B) INGREDIENTS: CREAM, SKIM MILK, EGG YOLKS, *COCOA LIQUOR, SOY LECITHIN, *SUGAR, NUTS, SALT, GUAR GUM. *Fair Trade Certified™ by Fair Trade USA 5. Products using the Fair Trade Certified Ingredient, Ingredients or Ingredient-Specific label (excluding roses) must indicate either the specific percentage of Fair Trade ingredients or a minimum percentage on the packaging. For extract or concentrate based products (e.g., bottled coffee), the percentage can be based on the ingredients used in the production of the product. Either indicate the specific percentage or the minimum percentage as follows: 3. Products that contain less than 100% FT Certified ingredients may not use the terms “Fair Trade” or “Fair Trade Certified” in the product name A) SPECIFIC PERCENTAGE: “37% FAIR TRADE CERTIFIED™ INGREDIENTS” 4. Products with Fair Trade Certified Cocoa, Sugar, Tea (Camellia Sinensis), or Juice may not use the statement “Made with Fair Trade Certified™ Ingredients” or “Contains Fair Trade Certified™ Ingredients.” *If you choose to disclose the percentage of Fair Trade ingredients on the front of the packaging, the recommended approach is indicating the percentage below the label as follows: B) MINIMUM PERCENTAGE: “OVER 35% FAIR TRADE CERTIFIED™ INGREDIENTS” 37% of Product Produce & Flowers: • For packaged fresh produce and flowers the Fair Trade Certified label should be on every consumer package and we recommend a short impact statement. (see page 5) • Each case of produce must have the Fair Trade USA label and the Fair Trade ID of the producer, exporter and importer printed directly onto the box or affixed with a sticker. • For unpackaged fresh produce, the Fair Trade Certified label should be on each piece of fruit or vegetable. It can be printed with the PLU number and brand or separately. Unfinished products: • If using the Fair Trade Certified label on packaging or materials for unfinished products, only Fair Trade Certified product should be identified, stored and transported in this packaging. Example: bag of green coffee for export. 1500 Broadway, Suite 400, Oakland, CA 94612, +1 510 663 5260 www.FairTradeCertified.org FTUSA Label Use Guide rev_15 8/15/13 page-2 Fair Trade Certified™ LABEL USE GUIDE 1.0” The Fair Trade Certified label must be placed on the FRONT of the package and can be no less than .75 inches by 1.0 inch or 5% of the front panel. 1.0” Label Placement: Location, Size and Tilt .75” .75” Written Usage: Fair Trade Certified™ Fair Trade Certified™ The first instance of the term “Fair Trade Certified™” is accompanied by the trademark indicator “™”. Clear Space: 1/8” 1/8” 1/8” 1/8” Provide a clear space of at least 1/8” of the height of the label. 1/8” 1/8” 1/8” Correct Versions: GLOBAL MARK The certification mark used depends on the geographic location where the product is sold. The Global Mark may be used on all products globally. The Prior Mark may only be used on products sold in the United States. Fair Trade USA encourages brands to transition to the Global Mark in 2013. Apply the FTC label consistently. There are a number of versions for various circumstances so that the certification mark is always reproduced accurately. A color version is always preferred. 1/8” Process Color (CMYK) c50 m0 y100 k0 c25 m0 y50 k0 c0 m0 y0 k100 2 color Black, PMS 376 C 2 color Black, PMS 375 U PRIOR MARK 1 color Greyscale 1 color Greyscale 1500 Broadway, Suite 400, Oakland, CA 94612, +1 510 663 5260 www.FairTradeCertified.org FTUSA Label Use Guide rev_15 8/15/13 page-3 Fair Trade Certified™ LABEL USE GUIDE Color Breakdown: The green globe behind the figure in the certification mark is accurately produced as 1 color with 2 tints. 30% Black c0, m0, y0, k30 100% Pantone 376 C Pantone 375 U c50, m0, y100, k0 50% Pantone 376 C Pantone 375 U c25, m0, y50, k0 0% Black Solid white background 10% Black c0, m0, y0, k10 100% Black c0, m0, y0, k100 100% Black c0, m0, y0, k100 Border: Rounded Corners The new FTC label is represented with rounded corners. The prior label has square corners. Rounded Corners Square Corners Misuse of the label: Do not alter the certification mark. Alternate FTC Ingredients Logo for use with dark backgrounds. 1500 Broadway, Suite 400, Oakland, CA 94612, +1 510 663 5260 www.FairTradeCertified.org FTUSA Label Use Guide rev_15 8/15/13 page-4 Fair Trade Certified™ LABEL USE GUIDE Fair Trade Impact Statements: B) Business Skills Impact statements help consumers understand why their purchase matters. We recommend using these statements to describe the impact of your commitment to Fair Trade. C) Women • Your purchase supports training for rural farmers. • Your purchase helps women support their families. A) Environment • Your purchase helps women start businesses. • Your purchase helps protect fragile ecosystems. • Your purchase helps communities access clean drinking water. D) Education • Your purchase keeps harmful pesticides out • Your purchase helps keep kids in school. of the environment. • Your purchase helps kids learn how to read. Recommend Short Statement: • Your everyday purchase of Fair Trade Certified™ [product or ingredients type] supports quality products that improve lives and protect the environment. Short Statement with Impact References: • Your everyday purchase of Fair Trade Certified™ [product or ingredients type] gives farmers better prices, helping to [Insert copy from impact statements]. Long Version: Every [delicious] [cup] of [coffee] matters more than you think. Your everyday purchases, [like your daily cup of coffee], can help farmers get better prices to help them [keep their kids in school and protect fragile ecosystems]. Look for the label. Buy Fair Trade Certified™ [coffee]. To learn more, visit www.FairTradeCertified.org. Every Purchase Matters Tag Line Alternatives: A) B) The Every Purchase Matters lock-ups are available for download here: http://fairtradeusa.org/resources/general/graphics 1500 Broadway, Suite 400, Oakland, CA 94612, +1 510 663 5260 www.FairTradeCertified.org FTUSA Label Use Guide rev_15 8/15/13 page-5