SYLLABUS FOR MAE 314: SOLID MECHANICS Spring 2016 Instructor: Facilitators: Richard Johnson, Rm.3272 EBIII, Centennial Campus NCSU E-mail for class: johnsonmae314@gmail .com (I also have an ncsu address but your e-mail may get lost in the traffic so I request you use the address given if it concerns MAE314.) Course materials will be posted on Moodle at . Course notes and recordings available through under site-based courses for Spring 2015. TBA Class Schedule: M, W 3:00PM to 4:15PM online Office Hours: TBA Catalogue description: The topics analyzed in this course will be: Concepts and theories of internal force, stress, strain, and strength of structural element under static loading conditions; analysis of the constitutive behavior for linear elastic structures; deflection and stress analysis procedures for bars, beams, and shafts; and stability of columns. Pre-requisites: MA 242 with a grade of C- or better and MAE 206 or CE 214; Textbook: Mechanics of Materials, Beer, Johnston, DeWolf and Mazurek 7e, McGraw Hill. Please note that references in syllabus (chapter numbers) are to seventh edition, but sixth edition will satisfy content. To receive credit for MAE 314 students will have to demonstrate that they are able to: 1. Apply linear elastic material laws to calculate deformations of deformable bodies; 2. Integrate deformable body concepts with static equilibrium to solve statically indeterminate problems; 3. Model simple beams; 4. Design a structural component including the concept of factor of safety; 5. Interpret two dimensional stresses and strains using coordinate transformations; 6. Calculate maximum normal/shear stresses and strains; 7. Model thin walled pressure vessels. Topics to be covered: 1. Introduction to Solid Mechanics 2. Tension, Compression and Shear 3. Axially Loaded Members 4. Torsion 5. Advanced Shear Force, Bending Moments 6. Stresses in Beams 7. Deflection of Beams 8. Analysis of Stress and Strain 9. Pressure Vessels 10.Column Analysis MAE314 Spring 2016 Schedule, Reference to chapters in 7e of Beer DAY DATE TOPIC READING HMK Due WEEK 1 Wed. 1-6-16 Concepts of Stress Ch 1.1-1.3 WEEK2 Mon. 1-11-16 Stress & Strain (axial load) Ch 2.1A,B, D, E, F and G Wed. 1-13-16 Stress & Strain (axial load) Ch 2.2-2.5 WEEK 3 Mon. 1-18-16 Holiday Holiday Due Wed Wed 1-20-16 Stress & Strain (axial load) Ch 2.7, 2.8, 2.10, 2.11, HWK SET 1 WEEK 4 Mon. 1-25-16 Torsion Ch 3..1 Due Wed. Wed. 1-27-16 Torsion Ch 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 HWK SET 2 WEEK 5 Mon. 2-1-16 Pure Bending Ch 4.1, 4.2 Due Wed Wed. 2-4-16 Review for Test Review Chs 1,2 and 3 HWK SET 3 WEEK 6 Mon. 2-8-16 Test based on Ch 1, 2 and 3 Based on HWK Sets 1, 2 ,3 TEST 1 Wed. 2-10-16 Pure Bending Ch 4.4, 4.5 WEEK 7 Mon. 2-15-16 Beams in Bending Ch 5.1, 5.2 Due Wed Wed. 2-17-16 Beams in bending Ch 5.3 HWK SET 4 WEEK 8 Mon. 2-22-16 Shear Stress in Bending Ch 6.1 Due Wed Wed. 2-24-16 Transformations Ch 7.1, 7.2 HWK SET 5 WEEK 9 Due Monday Mon. 2-29-16 Review for Test 2 Review Chapters 4, 5 and 6 HWK SET 6 Wed. 3-2-16 TEST 2 Chapters 4, 5 and 6 Based on HW SETS 4,5,6, TEST 2 BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK WEEK 10 Mon. 3-14-16 Mohr’s circle Ch 7.2 Wed. 3-16-16 Mohr”s circle Ch 7.4, 7.9 WEEK 11 Mon. 3-21-16 Beams and Shafts Ch 8.1, 8.2 Due Wed. Wed. 3-23-16 Combined Loading Ch 8.3 HWK SET 7 WEEK 12 Mon. 3-28-16 Deflection in Beams Ch 9.1 Due Wed Wed. 3-30-16 Deflection in Beams Ch 9.2 HWK SET 8 WEEK 13 Mon. 4-4-16 Superposition in Beams Ch 9.4 Due Wed Wed. 4-6-16 Columns Ch 10.1 HWK SET 9 WEEK 14 Mon. 4-11-16 Review of chs 7,8,9,10 Due Wed Wed 4-13-16 TEST 3 on Chapters 7, 8, 9 Based on HW SETS 7,8,9,10 HWK Set 10 WEEK 15 Mon. 4-18-16 TEST 3 on chapts 7, 8, 9,10 Based on HW Sets 7,8,9,10 TEST 3 Wed. 4-20-16 Review for Final Mon. 4-25-16 Last day of classes MAE314 Spring 2015 GRADING: Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Final Exam Homework 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Grade Distribution A+ 97-100% B+ A 94-96% B A90-93% BF less than 60% 87-89% 84-86% 80-83% C+ C C- 77-79% 74-76% 70-73% D+ D D- 67-69% 64-66% 60-63% Policies, Regulations, and Rules: To receive credit all homework papers must be your own work and must be turned at the beginning of class on the due date. Late homeworks will be graded but will not be assigned any credit unless agreed to by the instructor in advance. Copied homeworks (whether from published sources or from a friend) will constitute plagiarism. Working together is acceptable but make sure that your submission is your work and represents your understanding of the material. Attendance in class is required. Make-up work will be available only for excused absences and a written request with explanation will be required. It must be arranged within two weeks of the due date at the option of the instructor, prior to two weeks before the end of classes. Requests for test regrading should be within one week after the tests are returned. A written request with explanation will be required. Students are expected to be familiar with the University policy on Academic Integrity. An Honor Pledge is implied on each test, final exam, and any additional special assignments. The Honor pledge will be as follows: ”I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this test, exam or special assignment. I have not discussed the contents of this test or exam prior to taking it.” Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. During tests and exams electronic devices may only be used for calculation and cannot be used for consulting stored memory or communication with other devices or persons. There is one permitted exemption explained below for an electronic textbook. In the case of an open textbook test or exam where the student has an electronic version of the textbook the electronic device containing that text (example a laptop) may be used under the implied pledge that the device is only used for reading the textbook.