Organizational Assessment Questionnaire On Gender Equity Revised Aug 2013 Description This tool contains a series of questions that represent “good organizational practice” in creating conditions that support the engagement of woman and girls in physical activity, sport, and recreation. Information collected during the process of responding to the questionnaire will help your organization develop a clear sense of where it is on the path towards gender-equity and establish its priorities for action. Question Categories: 1. Formal Systems: Policies/Finances/Monitoring/Evaluation 2. Leadership/Organizational Culture 3. Recruitment/Selection/Retention/Recognition/Appreciation 4. Education/Training/Professional Development 5. Communication/Awareness/Promotion 6. Access/Participation/Programming 7. Facilities/Equipment When to Use this Questionnaire Use this questionnaire as part of an ongoing process of assessing your organization’s progress towards gender-equity goals. How to Use this Questionnaire Be Diligent: Answer the questions. If you fill out the questionnaire electronically, you can expand the amount of space available for comments. Use the lens as a reporting tool to record your findings and suggestions for change. Seek information and make organizational changes as a result. Be Flexible: One size does not fit all. If some questions do not work for you or are not applicable, modify the questions, keeping the issues front-of-mind. 1 Organizational Assessment Questionnaire on Gender Equity Assessment Item Yes No Formal Systems: Policies/ Finances/Monitoring/Evaluation Systems 1. Is gender equity part of the organization’s foundational documents i.e. vision, mission, constitution, bylaws, strategic plan? 2. Does the organization have policies and procedures to encourage and support the participation of females? 3. Does the organization have a designated board or staff person responsible for identifying and addressing barriers to female participation? 4. Is there a strategy or action plan in place to address issues of gender inequality at all levels i.e. management, board of directors, leader, coach, official, and participant? Finances 5. Has the organization determined how many organizational resources support boys/men in comparison to girls/women? 6. Has the organization considered the possible reallocation of resources to ensure greater participation of females within the organization and its programs and services? 7. Is there wage parity between male and female staff members, program leaders, and coaches? Monitoring and Evaluation 8. Has the organization examined the impact of its policies and procedures on the participation of females? 9. Does the organization have a system in place to track the participation rates by sex? 10. Does the organization use research, demographic information, documented evidence (i.e. focus group results, pilot projects, satisfaction surveys) to determine its target groups(s) and priority areas? 11. Does the organization evaluate its activities to determine if it reached all the people it intended to reach and if changes are required to its policies, programs, or services? Comments Leadership/Organizational Culture 12. Is there equitable representation of diverse males and females as key decision makers within the organization? 13. Are there specific targets for gender representation on the Board of Directors, committees, and staff? 14. Is there gender balance on the selection committees for board members, staff, volunteers, and award recipients? 15. Do position descriptions/ads make mention of gender equity principles and encourage women to apply? 16. Does the organization provide flexible arrangements to enable staff and volunteers to better balance work and personal responsibilities? (e.g. flextime) 17. Does the organization have effective means of ensuring respectful working relations between males and females? 18. Does the organization have effective means of identifying and addressing conflicts? 19. Does the organization seek participation from and/or partnerships with organizations representing diverse groups, including females? 20. Are mechanisms in place so that females can participate in planning, program delivery, and evaluation of the organization’s activities? 2 Assessment Item Yes No Comments Recruitment/ Selection/Retention/Recognition/Appreciation Recruitment, Selection, and Retention 21. Is there gender balance on the selection committee for coaches, program leaders, and officials? 22. Is there a retention program to attract and retain girls/women in all aspects of a sport, program, or activity? 23. Are there incentives available to attract and retain female leaders, administrators, coaches, and officials? 24. Has the organization put in place supports that address the barriers females face in becoming involved? (i.e. child care, transportation, flexible meeting times, flexible meeting participation, etc.) Recognition and Appreciation 25. Are awards available for males and females of comparable value? 26. Are the historic contributions of both males and females equally recognized? 27. Are female volunteers recognized for their service in ways they will appreciate? Comments Education/Training/Professional Development 28. Is there a comprehensive orientation process for new staff, board members, and volunteers that includes training on gender equity, diversity, and social inclusion? 29. Are opportunities provided to strengthen the gender and diversity knowledge and skills of staff, board members, and volunteers? i.e. training, direct support, literature 30. Are appropriate developmental opportunities available so girls/women can compete at all levels within a sport, program, or activity? 31. Are female only developmental opportunities available for girls/women to foster their interest in participating a sport, program, or activity? 32. Are female only developmental opportunities available for girls/women to foster their interest in leadership/coaching/officiating? 33. Do development initiatives cater to the learning and scheduling needs of females? 34. Is there a mentor program available to female coaches/leaders? 35. Are there opportunities for female coaches/leaders to apprentice with experienced individuals? 36. Is there a vehicle through which female coaches/officials/administrators can network with other females? 37. Are examples of “good practices” related to female involvement gathered and shared? Comments Communication/Awareness/Promotion 38. Does the organization integrate the perspectives of girls/women into its information, documentation, and products? 39. Is the language gender-neutral and gender-sensitive to avoid making judgments about male/female roles and behavior? 40. Do materials provide gender inclusive examples and images? 3 43. Assessment Item 41. Are attributes such as power, confidence, decisiveness, risk taking, empathy, kindness, generosity, and courage equally attributed to boys/men and girls/women? 42. Is there equal media coverage for boys/men and girls/women? 43. Is there an awareness campaign designed to increase female participation in activities? 44. Is there outreach to parents, families, and communities to support the participation of girls and women? Comments Yes No Access/Participation/Programming 45. Does the target audience include girls/women representing diverse backgrounds? 46. Is there gender balance in participant numbers? 47. Is the environment within which girls/women participate, gender sensitive and welcoming to diverse girls/women? 48. Are targeted programs available to encourage the participation of girls and women? 49. Do girls/women have the opportunity to participate in female only activities? 50. Do girls/women have access to female leaders, coaches, and officials? 51. Do girls/women have access to female leaders, coaches, and officials with equivalent qualifications to male coaches? 52. Are initiatives/incentives available to help keep female athletes active within a sport, program, or activity once they cease to compete? 53. Is there an equitable split in terms of allocation of funds in support of participant/player development, uniforms, travel arrangements, medical and therapy services, etc? 54. Does the organization develop and promote girls/women as role models to encourage participation? 55. Does the organization develop and provide boys/men as role models to support gender equity? Comments Facilities/Equipment 56. Are policies in place to ensure equitable assignment of facility use time to males and females? 57. Are females involved in facility use scheduling? 58. Is their equity between males and females with regards to locker/shower room facilities? 59. Is their equity between males and females with regards to uniforms? 60. Is their equity between males and females with regards to equipment? 61. Are activities held in places where women typically gather? 62. Are females involved in decision making related to planning facilities/spaces? 63. Are females involved in decision making related to the management of facilities? 64. Does the organization consider the safety needs of females before sites are chosen and facilities constructed? Comments 4