High School Independent Study Online Learning Programs

High School Independent Study Online Learning Programs
1. Independent Study Online Learning High School Credit Recovery
This program will be offered at all five high schools (CCA, LCC, SDA, SS/NC, TP) using our
Online Edgenuity package. Students will follow all Independent Study regulations,
including having all exams proctored on campus. The program is available to students
who fail a class. Classes offered (P = College Prep; NCP = Non College Prep)
English 9, 10, 11, 12 (P)
World History, US History, Government, Economics, Psychology (P)
Integrated Math I, Integrated Math II, Algebra II (P)
Business Math (NCP)
Physical Science (NCP), Life Science (NCP)
Intro to Information Technology/Computer Apps (NCP)
All the above classes meet S.D.U.H.S.D. graduation requirements. Courses marked with
(NCP) are not approved by the University of California (UC).
2. Independent Study Online Learning High School Enrichment/Acceleration
This program will be offered to students at LCC and TP. Students will be eligible to take
Online Classes as long as they are enrolled in at least two traditional on campus classes
each day, for a total of four classes every other day. Students may elect to take more
than one of these enrichment classes in a school year. Students will follow all
Independent Study regulations, including having exams proctored on campus.
Classes offered:
English 9, 10, 11, 12 (P)
World History, US History, Government, Economics, Psychology (P)
Integrated Math I, Integrated Math II, Algebra II (P)
Intro to Information Technology/Computer Apps
All classes listed above meet S.D.U.H.S.D. graduation requirements. Courses designated
with (P) are UC/CSU approved college prep courses. Courses designated as (NCP) are
not UC/CSU approved courses – these are non- college prep courses.