Culture and International Business Reading-list.

Culture and International Business
Jens Kaalhauge Nielsen, Ph.D.
Phone: 87794149,
Please note that this is a preliminary list;
an updated list will be available at the beginning of the course.
Introduction: How to think about complex systems like Culture and Society?
What is culture?
Cognition and the evolution of culture.
The industrial revolution and the culture of the West.
Industrial organization, cybernetics and the institutionalization of cognitive capacities.
The cultural framework of industrial dynamics.
Culture, innovation and business dynamics.
Culture and business organizational behaviour.
Conclusion and debate.
1. Introduction: How to think about complex systems like Culture and Society?
Guberman, Shelia, “Reflections on Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s “General System Theory:
Foundations, Development, Applications.” Los Altos, California, USA. No Date.
Kroeber, A.L. and Talcott Parsons, "The Concept of Culture and Social System." The American
Sociological Review, vol.23. 1958. pp.582-583.
Boldyrev, Ivan & Carsten Herrmann-Pillath, "Hegel's 'Objective Spirit' and its contemporary
relevance for the philosophy of Economics." Working Paper. National Research University
Higher School of Economics, 2012.
Weber, Max, "Remarks on Technology and Culture." Theory, Culture & Society. Vol.22. no.4.
2005. pp.23-38.
White, Leslie A., "Energy and the evolution of culture." American Anthropologist, vol.45. No.3.
Part1. July-September 1943. pp.335-356.
Supplementary literature:
Interview with Heinz von Foerster. (Video, German language).
Staubman, Helmuth, “The Affective Structure of the Social World: Repairing a Blind Spot in
Luhmann’s Sociology with Parsons’ General Theory of Action.” Department of Sociology,
University of Innsbruck, July 2004.
2. What is culture?
Parsons, Talcott, “Culture and Social Systems Revisited.” Social Science Quarterly, September
1972. pp.253-266.
Parsons, Talcott, “A Tentative Outline of American Values.” Theory, Culture & Society, vol.6.
1989. pp. 577-612.
Parsons, Talcott, “On the Concept of Value-Commitments.” Chapter 16 in Talcott Parsons, Politics
and Social Structure. New York: The Free Press 1969.
Nielsen, Jens Kaalhauge, “On the Concept of Culture.” Working Paper. pp.1-29.
Nelson, Eric S., "The World Picture and its Conflict in Dilthey and Heidegger." Humana.Mente.
Vol.18. September, 2011.
Supplementary literature:
Straub, D.W., K. Loch et al., ”Toward a theory-based measurement of culture.” Journal of Global
Information Management. Vol.31. no.1. 1997. pp.1-11.
Freyer, Hans, Theory of Objective Mind: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Culture. Ohio
University Press, 1998.
Weber, Alfred, "Fundamentals of Culture-Sociology. In J. Rundell & S. Mennell (eds.) Classical
Readings on Culture and Civilization. London: Routledge, pp. 191-215.
Eliot, T.S., Notes Towards the Definition of Culture. Harcourt, 1949.
Sumner, William Graham, Folkways. Boston: Ginn and Co, 1906.
3. Cognition and the evolution of culture.
Heinrich, Joseph and Richard McElreath, “The Evolution of Cultural Evolution,” Evolutionary
Anthropology, Vol. 12. Pp.123-135. 2003.
Heinrich, Josph and Robert Boyd, "On Modeling Cognition and Culture: Why cultural evolution
does not require replication of representations." Journal of Cognition and Culture, Vol.2. No.2.
Beratan, Kathi K., “A Cognition-based View of Decision Processes in Complex Social-Ecological
Systems.” Ecology and Society,12 (1), 2007.
Kronenfeld, David B, “Culture as Distributed Cognition.” Department of Anthropology, University
of California, Riverside, November, 1999.
Gabora, Liane, “The Origin and Evolution of Culture and Creativity.” Journal of Memetics, 1997.
Gabora, Liane, "The Cultural Evolution of Socially Situated Cognition." Cognitive Systems
Research, 9 (1-2) 2008. pp.104-113.
Lewontin, Richard C., “The Evolution of Cognition: Question We Will Never Answer.” ????
Cordes, Christian, "Emergent Cultural Phenomena and their Cognitive Foundations." Max Planck
Institute for Economics, 2007.
Evers, Colin W. "Culture, Cognitive Pluralism and Rationality." Educational Philosophy and
Theory. Vol.39. Issue 4. 2007. pp.364-382.
Tomasollo, Michael, Malinda Carpenter, Josep Call, Tanya Behne & Henrike Moll, "Understanding
and sharing intentions: The origins of cultural cognition." Behavioral and Brain Sciences,28.
2005. pp.675-735.
Kalberg, Stephen, "Max Weber's type of Rationality: Cornerstones for the Analysis of
Rationalization Process in History." The American Journal of Sociology, Vol.85. No.5. March
1980. pp.1145-1179.
Supplementary resources:
Conversation with History: Richard C. Lewontin. Interviewer: Harry Kreisler. (Video). University
of California at Berkeley, November 20, 2003.
Plotkin, Henry, “Cognition and History: The Evolution of Intelligence and Culture.” University
College London, 1996.
Gabora, Liane, “Ideas is not Replicators but Mind are.” Biology and Philosophy, 19 (1), 2004.
4. The industrial revolution and the culture of the West.
Nielsen, Jens Kaalhauge, "The flower that didn't bloom: why did the industrial revolution happen in
Europe and not in China? Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies. Vol.8. Issue 1.
Mokyr, Joel, “Why was the Industrial Revolution, a European Phenomenon?” Department of
Economics and History, Northwestern University, Fall 2002.
Landes, David S. “Why Europe and the West? Why Not China?” Journal of Economic
Perspectives, Vol.20. no.2. Spring 2006. Pp.3-22.
Schluchter, Wolfgang, "The Paradox of Rationalization: On the Relation to Ethis and World." in
Guenther Roth & Wolfgang Schluchter, Max Weber's Vision of History.
Duchesne, Richardo, "Defending the Rise of Western Culture against its Multicultural Critics." The
European Legacy, Vol.10. no.5. 2005. pp.455-484.
Duchesne, Richardo, "Reply to Mark Elvin." Canadian Journal of Sociology. Vol.36. No.4. 2011.
pp.378McCloskey, Deirdre Nansen, "The Argument of Bourgeois Dignity: Why Economics Can't Explain
the Industrial Revolution." The Ethical Dimension in Economic History, February 3-5, 2010.
McCloskey, Deirdre Nansen, "Science, Bourgeois Dignity and the Industrial Revolution." MPRA,
Wittfogel, Karl A. "Chinese Society: A Historical Survey." The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol.16.
No.3. May 1957. pp.343-364.
Supplement readings:
Duchesne, Ricardo, The Uniqueness of Western Civilization. Brill, 2011.
Mokyr, Joel, "Culture, Institutions and Modern Growth." Prepared for the Conference:
Understanding Institutions and Development Economics. St. Louis, Nov 4-5, 2010.
Mokyr, Joel, Video: "Engines of growth - On the origins of the Industrial Revolution." 8-9 June,
Jones, Eric L. Locating the Industrial Revolution: Inducement and Response. World Scientific
Publishing Company, 2010.
McCloskey, Deirdre N. Bourgeois Dignity: Why Economics Can't Explain the Modern World.
University of Chicago Press, 2010.
Grant, Edward, The Foundations of Modern Science in the Middle Ages: Their Religious,
Institutional and Intellectual Contexts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Gief, Avner, Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy: Lessons from Medieval Trade.
Cambridge University Press, 2006.
5. Industrial organization, cybernetics and the institutionalization of cognitive capacities.
Gavetti, Giovanni, "Cognition and Hierarchy: Rethinking the Microfoundations of Capabilities'
Development." Organization Science, Vol.16. No.6. November-December, 2005. pp.599-617.
Kayashima, Michiko; Alejandro Peña-Ayala and Riichiro Mizoguchi, "Problem-Solution Process
by Means of a Hierarchical Metacognitive Model." Tamagawa University, Japan, 2011.
Elsner, Wolfgang & Gero Hocker, "Simple and Complex Organizational Forms: Markets,
Hierarchies, and Networks in an 'Organizational Triangle'."Discussion Paper. Department of
Economics, Universität Bremen, 2008.
Nicolini, Davide, "Comparing Methods for Mapping Organizational Cognition." Organizational
Studies, Vol.20. No.5. 1999. pp 833-860.
Anderson, Philip, "Complexity Theory and Organization Science. Organization Science, Vol.10.
No.3. May-Jun, 1999. pp.216-232.
Simon, Herbert A., "The Architecture of Complexity." Proceedings of the American Philosophical
Society. Vol.106. No.6. Dec 12, 1962. pp.467-482.
Sun, Peter Y.T. & Marc H. Anderson, "Between Absorptive Capacity and Organizational Learning,
and Proposed Integration." International Journal of Management Reviews, 2010.
Dean, A.& M. Kretschmer, "Can ideas be capital? Factors of production in the post industrial
economy: a review and critique." Academy of Management Review, Vol.32. 2007. pp.573-594.
Nadkarni, Sucheta & Pamela S. Barr, "Environmental Context, Managerial Cognition, and Strategic
Action: An Integrated View." Strategic Management Journal, Vol.29. 2008. pp.1395-1427.
Manral, Lalit, "Managerial cognition as bases of innovation in organization." Management
Research Review, Vol.34. No.5. 2011. pp.576-594.
Pilotti, Luciano & Silvia Rira Sedita, “Human Capital Development in a Complex Learning
System: The Virtuous Interaction Between Individuals, Organizations and Communities.”
Universitá degli Studi di Milano, 2005.
Faulconbridge, James R., "The 'War for Talent': the gatekeeper role of executive search firm in elite
labour markets." Department of Geography, Lancaster University, 2009.
Supplement readings:
Delia, Emilo, Complexity Leadership in Industrial Innovation Teams: A Field Study of Leading,
Learning and Innovation in Heterogeneous Teams. Ph.D. dissertation. The State University of
New Jersey, 2011.
Barnard, Chester I. The functions of the executive. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University press, 1938.
5. The cultural framework of industrial dynamics.
Mathews, John A., "Catch-up Strategies and the Latecomer Effects in Industry Development." New
Political Economy. Vol.11. No.3. September 2006.
Inglehart, Ronald & Wayne E. Baker, "Modernization, Cultural Change and the Persistence of
traditional values" American Sociological Review, 2000. Vol.65. February: 19-51.
Inglehart, Ronald & Christian Welzel, "Development and Democracy: What We Know about
Modernization Today. Foreign Affairs, March 2009.
Hatch, Mary Jo, “The Dynamics of Organizational Culture,” Academy of Management Review,
vol.18, no.4. October 1993.
Fitzgerald, T.H. “Can Organizational Culture really be managed?” Organizational Dynamics, vol.1.
1988. pp.5-15.
Van Oudenhoven, J.P. “Do Organizations Reflect National Cultures? A 10-Nation Study.”
International Journal of Intercultural Relations, vol. 25. 2001. pp.89-107.
Hofstede, Geert, "The culture of International Business is Culture." In Peter J. Buckley and Pervez
N. Ghauri (ed.) Internationalization of the Fir: A Reader. 1999.
Franke, R.H., Hofstede, G. & Bond M.H., ”Cultural roots of economic performance: A research
note.” Strategic Management Journal, vol.12. 1991. pp.165-173.
Hofstede, Geert., “National cultures in four dimensions: A research theory of cultural differences
among nations,” International Studies of Management and Organi8zation, vol.13. 1983.
Kedia, B.L. & R.T. Keller and S.T. Julian, “Dimensions of National Culture and Productivity of
R&D Units.” Journal of High Technology Management, vol.3. no.1., 1992. pp.1-18.
Shane, S.A., Why Do Some Societies Invent More Than Others?” Journal of Business Venturing.
Vol.7., 1992. pp.29-46.
Kukkonen, Karin, "Popular Cultural Memory: Comics, Communities and Context Knowledge."
Nordicom Review, vol.29. no.2. 2008. pp.261-273.
Supplementary literature:
Yip, George S., Johnny K. Johansson & Johan Ross, “Effects of Nationality on Global Strategy.”
Management International Review, vol.37. no.4. 1997. pp.365-385.
Hausmann, Richardo, "In Search of the Chains that Hold Brazil Back." John F. Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University, October, 2008.
6. Culture, innovation and business dynamics.
Geels, Frank W. "From sectoral systems of innovation to socio-technological systems: Insights
about dynamics and change from sociology and institutional theory." Research Policy, vol.33.
2004. pp.897-920.
Kreiser, Patrick, Louis Marino and K. Mark Weaver, “Correlates of Entrepreneurship: The Impact
of National Culture on Risk-Taking and Proactiveness in SMEs.”
Lorsch, J. “Managing Culture: The Invisible Barrier to Strategic Change,” California Management
Review, Winter, 1986.
Shane, S., “Cultural influence on national rates of innovation. Journal of Business Venturing, vol.8.
1993. pp.59-73
Martin, Roman, "Measuring the knowledge base of regional innovation systems in Sweden." Lund
University, 2012.
Rasmussen, Bruce, "Innovation and Industry Structure in the Biomedical Industry: Some
Preliminary Results." Centre for Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University of Technology,
Murray, Fiona, “Innovation as overlapping scientific and technological trajectories: exploring
tissue engineering.” MIT Sloan School of Management, no date.
Ismail, Wan Khairuzzaman & R. Abdmajid, “Framework of the culture of innovation: A Revisit.”
Jurnal Kemanusiaan, vol. 9. June 2007.
Freeman, Alan, ”Culture, Creativity and Innovation in the Internet Age.” MPRA/ Birkbeck College,
May 23, 2008Pisano, Gary P. "The Evolution of Science-Based Business: Innovating How We Innovate."
Harvard Business School, January 9, 2010.
Altenbury, Tilman; Hubert Schmitz and Andreas Stamm, "Breakthrough? China's and India's
Transition from Production to Innovation." World Development, Vol.36. No.2. 2008. pp.325-344.
Supplementary literature:
Straub, D.W., “The effect of culture on IT diffusion: e-mail and fax in Japan and the US.”
Information Systems Research, vol.5. no.1. 1994. pp.23-47.
Van Rij, Jeanne, “Trends, Symbols, and Brand Power in Global Markets: The Business
Anthropology Approach.” In: Gay Ferraro (ed.) Applying Cultural Anthropology: Readings.
Pp.110-115. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing, 1998.
Feinstein, Jonathan, The Nature of Creative Development. Stanford University Press, 2006.
De Long, David, "Building the Knowledge-Based Organization: How Culture Drives Knowledge
Behaviors." Center for Business Innovation, Ernst & Yong, 1997.
Lundvall, B.A., "Innovation as an interactive process: from user-producer interaction to the national
system of innovation." In G. Dosi et al. (Eds.), Technological Change and Economic Theory.
Pinter, London, 1988. pp.349-369.
Tshikuku, Kabeya, “Culture, Entrepreneurship and Development in Africa.” December 2001.
8. Culture and business organizational behaviour.
Flota, Timothy B. & Walter J. Ferrier, “International Expansion through sequential investment: The
effects of national culture on buyouts and dissolutions in biotechnology partnerships.” The
Journal of High Technology Management Research, Vol.11. Issue 2. 2000. pp.175-198.
Hult, G. Thomas; Charles C. Snow & Destan Kandemir, "The Role of Entrepreneurship in Building
Cultural Competitiveness in Different Organizational Types." Journal of Management, vol.29.
No.3. 2003. pp.401-426.
Hofstede, Geert., “Managerial values: The business of international business in culture.” In: T.
Jackson (ed.) Cross-Cultural Management. Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1995.
Ghauri, Pervez, “Negotiation with the Chinese: A Sociocultural Analysis,” Journal of World
Business, vol. 36, no.3. Fall 2001.
Jones, G.K. & H.J. Davis, ”Implications of National Culture on the Location of global R&D,”
Management International Review, Second Quarter, vol. 40., Issue 1. 2000. pp. 11-39.
Kogut, Bruce and Singh, Harbir, “The Effect of National Culture on the Choice of Entry Mode,”
Journal of International Business Studies, vol.19. no. 3. Fall 1988.
Li, Ji, Lam, Kevin and Qian, Gongming, “Does Culture Affect Behavior and Performance of Firms?
The Case of Joint Ventures in China,” Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 32. no.1.
Spring 2001.
Geletkanycz, M.A. “The salience of ‘culture’s consequences: The effects of cultural values on top
executive commitment to the status quo.” Strategic Management Journal, vol.18. no.8. 1997.
Yadong, Luo, "The changing Chinese culture and business behavior: The perspective of
intertwinement between guanxi and corruption." International Business Review, Vol.17. Issue 2.
April 2008. pp.188-193.
Reinhardt, Forest L., Robert N. Stavins & Richard H.K. Vietor, "Corporate Social Responsibility
through an Economic Lens." John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, April,
Supplementary literature:
Abdul Rahim A. Al-Meer, “Attitudes Towards Woman as Managers: A Comparison of Asians,
Saudis and Westerners,” Arab Journal of the Social Sciences, April 1988, pp.139-149.
Sackmann, Sonja A., “Culture and Subcultures: An Analysis of Organizational Knowledge,”
Administrative Science Quarterly, vol.37. March 1992. pp.140-161.
Maruyama, M. “Mindscapes, Individuals and Cultures in Management,” Journal of Management
Inquiry, vol. 2. No. 2. 1993. pp.140-154.
Kelly, Lane, Whatley, Arthur and Worthley, Richard, “Assessing the Effects of Culture and
Managerial Attitudes: A Three-Culture Test,” Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 18.
no.2. Summer 1987.
9. Conclusion and debate.
Schatzberg, Eric. "Symbolic Culture and Technological Change: The Cultural History of Aluminum
as an Industrial Material." Enterprise & Society, Vol.4. No.2. June 2003. pp.226-271.
Herger, Nils, Roland Hodler & Michael Lobsiger, "What determines Financial Development?
Culture, Institutions, or Trade." Swiss national centre of competence in research, Working
Paper, February 2007.
Devi, K. R. Lakhsmy, "Multi National Corporations, Development Discontent and Civil Society:
The Pathology of People's Movement against Coca Cola India. Department of Economics,
University of Calicut, India. March 30, 2006.
Tripsas, Mary & Giovanni Gavetti, “Capabilities, Cognition and Inertia: Evidence from Digital
Imaging.” Harvard Business School, Harvard University, May 2000.