SIMULATION AND DESIGN OF RF OSCILLATORS L. Eichinger1, F. Sischka1, G. Olbrich2, R. Weigel3 Agilent Technologies, Germany, 2Munich University of Technology, Germany, 3University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany 1 Abstract – An accurate simulation and design was achieved with Computer-Aided-Engineering (CAE) of RF oscillators. Signal and phase noise modeling of all passive- and active components in the RF oscillator circuit is the prerequisite for accurate simulation. The design showed a very good agreement between simulated and measured data. The required modeling methods, the measurements, the used simulation technologies and the design steps are presented. I. INTRODUCTION Wireless communication systems with complex digital modulation schemes require low phase noise RF oscillators. With today’s trend to even more complex modulation schemes, low phase noise becomes even more critical. Surface acoustic wave filters (SAW) and acoustic surface transverse wave delay lines (STW) are the key components in RF oscillators as the frequency controlling components to achieve low phase noise. CAE models, frequency- and time domain simulators, optimization and statistical design methods allow an accurate design of RF oscillators. The Advanced Design System ADS provides these different types of RF analyses including DC, linear frequency, harmonic balance (HB) and phase noise analysis for non-linear circuits, planar electromagnetic (EM) for physical design and layout verification, convolution and circuit envelope for oscillator startup (advanced time domain and envelope analysis respectively, which can process frequency models in time domain) [1]. The design includes both linear and nonlinear modeling techniques as well as 1/f-noise modeling and extraction to arrive at specific design goals for phase noise and output power. A prototype of this RF oscillator circuit was built up [2]. The simulation in ADS showed an accurate oscillator design. A very good agreement between simulated and measured data was achieved. II. RF OSCILLATOR DESIGN FLOW AND CONSIDERATIONS Accurate oscillator designs require exact linear models for passive and nonlinear models for active components as well as phase noise parameters. Fig. 1 shows the schematic of the RF oscillator circuit. RF_Output Amplifier1 Matching1 Power_Splitter Phase_Shift STW_Delay_Line Amplifier2 Matching2 Fig. 1: RF oscillator block diagram schematic. Two identical silicon bipolar low noise MMIC amplifiers are used. A spice model of the MMICAmplifier was available on the manufacturer‘s Webpages. Flicker-noise (1/f-noise) of the BJT device strongly influences the phase noise. Unfortunately the phase noise parameters were not included in the spice model. 1/f-measurements are required to extract the phase noise parameters. The RF oscillator frequency is controlled by the STW delay line. A set of S-Parameters represents the model, but these don’t show the 1/f-noise behavior. 1/f-Mesurements have to be performed to model the STW delay line and finally improve the accuracy of the RF oscillator design. The dielectric loss (tanδ) of the substrate material must be known for precise phase noise analysis. Even a low factor of quality of components such as capacitors and inductors have a bad influence on the phase noise performance. For each component in this RF oscillator circuit an approved model must be used and therefore different measurements and extraction methods are applied. III. PASSIVE FREQUENCY MODELS AND SUBSTRATE MATERIAL Several models for passive components such as a capacitor (Fig.2) are available. The simplest model is to define the capacity and the factor of quality. A more precise model needs a more complex model [4]. In this RF oscillator design high Q components are used. The models are provided within the ADS libraries. delay line, whereby both must have a similar characteristic (Fig. 3a). Fig. 3a: 1/f-measurement setup of STW delay line The flicker frequency fα[STW] was experimentally determined to be 3.5 kHz and the system noise floor is -163 dBc/Hz. Fig. 3b shows the 1/f-measurement of the STW delay line. C1 C=1.0 pF C2 C=1.0 pF Q=50.0 F=100.0 MHz Mode=proportional to freq SRLC1 R=1.0 Ohm L=1.0 nH C=1.0 pF Fig. 2: RF models for capacitor The RF oscillator was built on a high Q substrate material (RT-Duroid). The substrate data was provided by the manufacturer. The most important parameters are the dielectric loss (tanδ=0.002) and the conductivity (Cond= 5.8E+7 Siemens/Meter) for accurate phase noise simulation. Fig. 3b: 1/f-measurement results of STW delay line These two parameters are sufficient to make a 1/fnoise model of the STW, because the system noise floor has an approximately constant level of -163 dBc/Hz with frequency and intercepts with the determined flicker frequency at fα[STW]=3.5 kHz. For offsets below fα[STW] the phase noise increases with 1/f-. Fig. 4a demonstrates the nonlinear noise (1/fnoise) simulation setup. S-parameter data set of the STW IV. 1/F-NOISE MEASUREMENT AND MODELLING OF THE STW DELAY LINE S-parameters of the STW delay line were measured using a network analyzer. These measured Sparameters don’t contain the 1/f-noise. Measurements were made with a phase noise system to characterize the noise floor and the flicker frequency fα[STW] of the STW delay line. A highly stable source is splitting the signal into two paths. Each path contains a STW Source 1 SRC1 V_Noise=(0.13/(sqrt(noisefreq))) uV 2 Vout Ref SNP1 File="saw.s2p" Term2 Fig. 4a: Schematic of the 1/f-noise simulation of the STW delay lines. The frequency of the RF signal source is set to the STW delay line center frequency. The noise voltage source is connected in series with the S-parameter data set to get the 1/f-noise noise characteristic of the real STW. Equation 1 is used in the noise voltage source element to determine the noise voltage. Vnoise = k0 [µV] (1) f noise V. 1/F-NOISE MODEL EXTRACTION OF THE MMIC-AMPLIFIER An ADS and a SPICE model of the MMIC amplifier (MSA0835) is available. However, it does not cover the noise performance. 1/f-NOISE MEASUREMENT In order to extract the 1/f-noise parameters of the MMIC amplifier, measurements of the noise voltage power spectral density across the load resistance have to be performed at several bias conditions [3]. Fig. 5 shows the schematic of the measurement setup. The phase noise analysis mixes the frequency down to zero and delivers the 1/f-phase noise spectrum at the node Vout. An optimization of ko was performed. The goal was to fit the simulated (Fig. 4b) to the measured (Fig. 3b) 1/f-noise curves. The final simulation results are depicted in Fig. 4b with an optimized parameter of k 0 =0.13. Psb/Pc (dBc/Hz) To demonstrate the absence of 1/f-noise in the Sparameter data set we run the same simulation of Fig. 4a without the noise voltage source. The trace in Fig 4b (indicated with x) resulted from this simulation. The modified model (S-parameter data set and the noise voltage source in series) is used in the oscillator circuit to simulate an accurate phase noise. m1 noisefreq=4.078MHz pnmx=-163.0 dBc 0.0000 -10.00 -20.00 -30.00 -40.00 -50.00 -60.00 -70.00 -80.00 -90.00 -100.0 -110.0 -120.0 -130.0 -140.0 -150.0 -160.0 -170.0 ko m1 40.00M 10.00M 1.000M 100.0k 10.00k 1.000k 100.0 10.00 1.000 noisefreq, Hz Fig. 4b: Simulation results of the 1/f-noise. A very good agreement between measured and simulated results could be achieved. Fig. 5: Low frequency noise measurement setup. Device under test (DUT) is the amplifier. The supply voltage (VCC) is fed via low-pass filters in order to achieve a low system noise level. A blocking capacitor decouples the noise voltage of the amplifier output signal from DC components. The output signal is fed to the baseband noise input of a phase noise measurement system. The amplified noise power spectral density is then detected using an FFT analyzer in the frequency range from 1Hz to 100kHz and using an analog spectrum analyzer in the range from 100kHz to 10MHz. By replacing the DUT with a 50 Ohm load, the noise floor of the entire measurement setup is checked. In the frequency range of interest the system noise floor is found to be 50dB to 30 dB below the measured noise data of the amplifier in the operating bias point. 1/f-NOISE EXTRACTION The amplifier chip comprises two transistors and six diodes. In the amplifier model, the diodes are used to represent the nonlinear distributed base-collector capacitance. They are not forward biased and should not conduct any current. Therefore they are not significant contributors to 1/f-noise, which is proportional to DC current. The dominant 1/f-noise source location is in the input bias current of a bipolar A inb 2 I f = K f ⋅ b ⋅ ∆f . f (2) -100 -110 Sv[dBV/sqr(freq)] junction transistor (BJT) and is integrated in the Gummel-Poon model as a noise current source parallel to the base-emitter contact. The 1/f-noise model equation for a bipolar transistor follows the equation -120 1/f -130 -140 -150 -160 Af and Kf are the noise parameters we are looking for. It is important to check the DC model performance first (fitting of Ib). In our case, referring to the whole amplifier chip rather than individual transistors, we compare the DC supply current ICC vs. VCC from measurements and simulations with the DC parameters. The extraction Software IC-CAP [4] was applied to this task. As depicted in Fig. 6, the fit is very good, which allows to continue with the second step, the 1/f modeling. Applying an IC-CAP toolkit [5], the parameters Af and Kf identical for both transistors, were extracted as Af = 1.0 and Kf = 28.5E15 respectively over different bias voltages VCC. Fig 7 shows the measured and simulated noise voltage spectra at the used bias voltage of VCC=15V in the oscillator circuit. The flicker frequency of the amplifier fα[amp] was determined to be 8 kHz. Again, a very good fit between measurement ( ) and ) was obtained. simulation ( Fig. 6: The measured (─) and the simulated (---) supply current ICC versus supply voltage VCC in order to quickly check the provided chip model parameter quality. -170 1E1 1E2 Flicker Frequency 1E3 1E4 1E5 1E6 Noise Freq [Hz] Fig. 7: 1/f-noise modeling result of the amplifier chip. V. RF OSCILLATOR SIMULATION AND OPTIMIZATION In our design flow we used different simulation technologies of ADS [1]. These technologies incorporate the effects of nonlinear distortion, high frequency effects and noise. The extracted and approved models from previous sections are used in the design. The layout traces are represented as microstrip lines, corners, tees and vias, etc. to model the effects of the layout parasitics in the oscillator circuit. First a DC simulation was performed to make sure the DC-operating point of the oscillator circuit is correct. The linear frequency oscillator analysis and the advanced Hybrid Optimizer [1] found the various values of the phase shift component and of the matching networks to meet the oscillation conditions. The linear frequency simulation can’t show the exact operation frequency of the RF oscillator, but it helps to approximate and find the first guess. With that knowledge the HB-simulator will find the correct oscillation frequency, the higher harmonics and the output power belonging to them very quickly and easily. The phase noise analysis is part of HB. RF oscillator startup frequency was evaluated with Circuit Envelope. Before building up the prototype a harmonic balanceplanar electromagnetic (HB-EM) Co-Simulation was performed for verification. 8 4 0 -4 -8 -12 180 135 90 45 0 -45 -16 -20 -24 -90 -135 -180 O pen Loop Phase (G rad) O pen Loop G ain (dB) LINEAR CIRCUIT SIMULATION In the first design step the Matching1, the Matching2 and the Phase Shift component, in Fig. 1 of oscillator circuit were simulated and optimized with the high frequency linear circuit simulator (S-parameter analysis) to get an open loop gain greater than one and zero phase angle. The linear simulator first performs a DC analysis, while the nonlinear devices are linearized at the bias point. All components are characterized by their small-signal [S] or [Y] parameters. It finds the solution such that the sum of all AC currents into each circuit node is zero. Then it computes the S- and Y- Parameters of the overall circuit at external ports [1]. In order to compute the oscillation condition of the closed loop oscillator circuit, the test component OscTest was placed between the phase shift element and amplifier1 (Fig 1). It computes the small signal loop gain of the oscillator without breaking up the oscillator loop. The initial linear frequency analysis shows that the open loop gain is higher than 0 dB and the phase is 0 degrees at the operating frequency (Fig. 8). To get the exact oscillation frequency and output power, a harmonic balance simulation has to be performed. 1.9820 1.9815 1.9810 1.9805 1.9800 1.9795 1.9790 1.9785 1.9780 freq, GHz Fig. 8: Open-loop gain (indicated with x) and phase (indicated with o) of the oscillator. HARMONIC BALANCE SIMULATION The harmonic balance (HB) simulator [1] and the ADS test element “OscPort” was used for nonlinear oscillator circuit analysis, noise analysis and optimization. In the HB simulation, the OscPort was used instead of the OscTest element. The OscPort is a special element used in HB analysis of an oscillator where the simulator must find both the frequency of oscillation and the spectral solution. It is used to intercept the oscillator feedback loop without breaking it or altering the circuit characteristics. The HB simulator and the “OscPort” component automatically determine the operating characteristics. Power Out [dBm] DC SIMULATION The first step in the oscillator design is to perform a DC analysis to verify the operating point of the Amplifier. The DC analysis automatically checks the topology of the circuit and finds the solution iteratively such that the sum of all DC currents into each circuit node is zero. It uses the Newton-Raphson convergence algorithm for nonlinear devices (BJTs, FETs, diodes). 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 m1 m2 0 2 4 m1 freq=1.98078E9 dBm(vout)=6.42135 m3 6 8 10 freq, GHz 12 m2 freq=3.962E9 dBm(vout)=-17.764 14 16 18 m3 freq=5.942E9 dBm(vout)=-22.100 Fig. 9: Simulation of the oscillator output spectrum. The initial simulation process performs three steps: First, finding the frequency, where the circuit satisfies the linear oscillation condition. Second, it calculates the frequency and the power such that the open-loop gain is at unity magnitude and zero phase angle. The third step is a harmonic balance analysis of the closed-loop oscillator to get an accurate solution. Fig. 9 shows the simulated spectrum. PHASE NOISE SIMULATION The phase noise analysis is incorporated in the ADS HB simulator [1]. ADS analyzes the phase noise in an oscillator by two separate, independent methods, from the oscillator frequency sensitivity to noise (pmfm), and from small-signal mixing of noise (pnmx) [1]. The frequency sensitivity to noise may be viewed as the oscillator acting as a VCO and changing its operating frequency due to FM modulation caused by noise generated in the oscillator. The small-signal mixing of noise comes from the nonlinear behavior of the oscillator, where noise mixes with the oscillator fundamental and harmonics mix into sideband frequencies on either side of the oscillator signal. These two models are two different ways of looking at the same problem. The simulated single sideband phase noise results are shown in Fig. 10. These phase noise simulation results have the names pnmx and pnfm and are the results from the two different phase noise analyses that are performed for an oscillator. The mixing analysis (pnmx) for phase noise is automatically performed by ADS. Below the oscillator feedback frequency f τ , both results, pnmx and pnfm, are identical. The oscillator feedback frequency f τ is equal to 1 . (3) fτ = 2πτ In our case the oscillator feedback frequency f τ =290kHz, while the STW delay line has a group delay of τ=550ns [2]. Above f τ , pnmx is the correct result, because the FM noise analysis is not capable of displaying the broadband noise floor. 0 m3 m2 noisefreq=1.000kHz noisefreq=10.00kHz pnfm=-100.4 dBc pnfm=-128.5 dBc -20 Psb/Pc (dBc/Hz) -40 -60 -80 m2 -100 m3 -120 -140 -160 -180 -200 1.000 10.00 100.0 1.000k 10.00k 100.0k 1.000M 10.00M noisefreq, Hz Fig. 10: Simulation of single-sideband phase noise of RF oscillator. VERIFICATION OF LAYOUT PARASICTICS WITH HB-EM-CO-SIMULATION In a typical high frequency design flow, single analytical microstrip models are used. If microstrip lines are placed very closely, coupling effects could disrupt the RF-circuit. In our design we verified the RF oscillator design with a Co-Simulation of harmonic balance (HB) and planar electromagnetic (EM) before building up the prototype, to take the layout parasitics into account. A layout component was automatically generated by Momentum for usage in the schematic as an EM based model. The symbol is a scaled version of the layout artwork. Fig. 11 shows the schematic of the layout component connected to the MMICAmplifiers, the STW delay line and the lumped components. The HB-EM-Co-simulation showed very good agreement with the analytical models. Fig. 11: Schematic with layout component for HBEM-Co-simulation VI. INFLUENCE OF THE MODEL PARAMETERS ON PHASE NOISE PERFORMANCE In this section the impact of the model parameters on the phase noise performance is discussed. The following models are used in the RF oscillator design, which are described in previous sections. - STW delay line model: S-parameters were measured and a 1/f-noise model was extracted (Section IV). - MMIC amplifier model: A Spice model was available. The phase noise parameters were extracted and used in the Spice model (Section V). - High Q capacitors model: The models were used from the ADS library. The phase noise analysis delivered -100.4dBc/Hz at 1kHz offset, based on these parameters (Fig. 10). If only one parameter is not considered, an error would occur, e. g. - if the 1/f-noise of the STW delay line is not considered, the phase noise simulation results will have an error of 3.8 dB. a phase noise simulation without having the phase noise parameters Af and Kf will result in an error of 1.9dB. an error of 0.6 dB will occur, if no capacitor models are available. If all these 1/f-noise parameters are not considered (all phase noise parameters are ideal), then the error of the phase noise simulation is 13.1dB. If a lower Q-substrate would be used, e.g. tanδ=0.06, the phase noise would be degraded to -96.5dBc/Hz against –100.4dBc/Hz. VII. DISCUSSION OF SIMULATED AND MEASURED DATA The HB analysis delivered a very accurate oscillation spectrum (Fig. 9) compared with the measured results. The single-side-band phase noise in Fig. 12 was measured up to 300 kHz with a phase noise measurement system using the frequency discriminator method. Fig. 12: Measurement of single-sideband phase noise of RF oscillator. An excellent agreement of the simulated (Fig. 10) and the measured (Fig. 12) singe-sideband phase noise was achieved. The calculated and the simulated oscillator feedback frequency f τ are identical. The measured and simulated phase noise of the STW delay line oscillator is –100 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz and –70 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz. CONCLUSION In this paper an accurate RF oscillator design and simulation is described. Most important is the correct signal and phase noise modeling of all passive and active devices. We used a nonlinear model (Gummel Poon) for the active devices, measured the 1/f-noise at different operating points and extracted the phase noise parameters. A 1/f-noise model of the STW delay line was developed. Exact substrate data and RF-models of the lumped components were used to achieve the goal. All these resulted in accurate phase noise simulations. This demonstrates an example of an accurate design before building up the prototype. REFERENCES [1] Agilent Technologies, „Advanced Design System 2003A Documentation”, Agilent EEsof-EDA, /manuals.htm [2] L. Eichinger, B. Fleischmann, P. Russer, R. Weigel, „A 2 GHz surface transverse wave oscillator with low phase noise“, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, MTT-36, no. 12, pp. 1677-1684, Dec. 1988 [3] F. X. Sinnesbichler, M. Fischer, G. R. Olbrich, „Accurate extraction method for 1/f-noise parameters used in Gummel-Poon type bipolar junction transistor models”, IEEE MTT-S Digest, Vol.3, pp. 1345-1348, June 1998 [4] Franz Sischka, „ IC-CAP Characterization & Modeling Handbook”, Agilent Technologies, [5] EEsof-EDA 2003, _mdl_handbook.html [6] F. Sischka, „1/f noise modeling IC-CAP Toolkit”, Agilent Technologies, EEsof-EDA 2003, GBOOK/7DEVICE_MODELING/6NOISE/NOI SEdoc.pdf