Building a Science Vocabulary Prefixes, Suffixes, and Stems The following list gives the meaning of prefixes, suffixes, and stems that are commonly used to form scientific terms. Whenever you encounter a new term in your study of biology, break it down and try to find the parts in this list. Such a habit will greatly simplify your mastery of biological vocabulary. As an example, you might take the word nephrology . The stem nephro- is derived from the Greek word nephros , meaning kidney, while the stem log- is derived from the Greek word logos , meaning thought or study of . You might later encounter the word nephrolith , and you would only have to determine the meaning of the suffix -lith , since you would already know the meaning of the first part of the word. Or when you ran across such words such as bacteriology and zoology , you would probably have a good idea of what they mean. After some practice, you will be surprised how many new words you can define without looking them up. It has often been necessary to add a vowel when combining forms for pleasing pronunciation. For example, bacteri- + -logy becomes bacteriology. For the same reason it has been necessary, at times, to drop or change a vowel in a prefix, suffix, or stem. For example, gastro becomes gastric , the adjective pertaining to the stomach. Most scientific terms are derived from either the ancient Greek or the Latin because neither of these languages is in use now so that they are unchanging, and they are also studied universally. Therefore, if you know some of the most common word parts derived from Greek and Latin, you can quickly increase your science vocabulary. a-; anabac-aceus; -aceous acouacr-; acroadadenoagri-al alb-algia altoamebamphibiampho-; ambananaandroanemoangioanteanteroanthoantianthropoapaquarchaeoarthroaster-; astr-ate -ation atomaudiautobactrbarbbarobathbenebibio-; bi-blast brachibranchibrevdendr- no; lacking; none away from; out from to; toward of or pertaining to hearing extreme; peak to; toward gland field; soil having character of white pain high change; alternation leading a double life both not; without up masculine; man wind vessel before; ahead of time front flower against man to; toward water primitive; ancient joint stars used in forming verbs from nounds used in forming nouns from verbs vapor hear self stick; club beard weight depth; height well; good two; twice; double life; living sprout; germ having arms having fins short tree bronchcalorcarbcardi-carncarpcarpalcaudcell-cene centicentrcephalcervicchemchlorchrom-; -chrome chyme-cide circumcirrucococccoelcollcomconconicontracorpcosmocotylcountercrypt-cule; -culus cucmulcuticyan-cycle; cycicystcyt-; -cyte dactydecadecideliquescdemi-gest windpipe heat coal; carbon heart meat fruit wrist tail Practice Quiz #1 storeroom; chamber new; recent hundreth center head neck referring to chemistry green color juice killing around; about hairlike curls with; together seed hollow glue with; together with; together cone against body world; order; form cup against hidden; covered added to nouns to form diminutive heaped skin dark blue ring; circle bladder; pouch cell; receptacle finger ten tenth become fluid half carry; produce dentdermdidiadigit dindisdormdorsdu-; duo -duct dynamdysecechinecoectelectroen-en encephalend-; ententer-eous epi-err erythroethnoeuextraex-fer ferrofibr-fid; fis-flect; -flex florfluorfolifractgalact-; galaxgastrogeo-gen; -gine -gene; genekilolachrylactlat-less leuclignlinlinguliquliplith-; -lite loc-logy -lysis; -lyte; -lyst macrmalmallemammmargmastmedmegmela-; melan- tooth skin two; double through; across finger; toe terrible apart; out sleep back two lead power ill; bad out of; outside spiny; prickly house Practice Quiz 2 outside; without electric; electricity in; into made of brain within; in intestines nature of; like on; above wander; go astray red race; people well; good beyond; outside of out of bear; carry; produce iron fiber; thread divided into; split bend flower fluorine leaf break milk; milky fluid stomach land; earth producer; former origin thousand tear milk side; flank without white; bright; light wood line tongue become fluid; liquid fat stone; petrifying place study dissolve; decompose large bad; evil hammer breast border; edge breast middle great; million black; dark globglottis -gon -gony -grade -gram -graphy; -graph gravgross gymnogyngyrhaem-; hemhepatherbheterohexhibernhipphistholohomohomohorthybrid hydrhygrhypohyperhyphohypno-ic ichthyigniminin-ine infrointerintra-ion -ism iso-itis neonephro-nerneur-; nervnoct-; nox-node -nomy; -nome nonnotnucoboculoctodont-oid olfomniooopthalopt-; -opsy orborthoscuoste- ball; round mouth of windpipe angle; corner offspring; generation; coming into being step; division writing; record writing; record heavy thick naked female ring; circle; spiral blood liver grass different; other six winter Practice Quiz 3 horse tissue entire; whole man same; alike garden mongrel water wet; moist beneath; under; less above; beyond; over weaving sleep added to nouns to form adjectives fish fire not to; toward; into not of or pertaining to below; beneath between within; inside go; come a state or condition equal; same inflammation; disease new; recent kidney moist; liquid nerve; tendon night knot distribute; arrange; law not back center against eye eight tooth like in form or shape smell all egg eye eye; vision circle; round; ring straight; correct; right mouth bone mesmet-; metameteor-meter; -metry metromicromillimismitomolemonomontmortmov-; -mot morphmultimycelmycetmyriamollnasnemat-phyte; phytoplanplasm-; -plast pleurpneumo-pod polyporportpostpompreproproctoprotopseudpterpulmopulspyrquadrquinradirerectrenretrhinrhizrubrsaccharosaprsaursclersci-scope -scribe; -script semiseptseptic -sis solsolvsomnsonspec-; spic- middle; half; intermediate between; along; after lofty; high; in air way of measuring; instrument for measuring uterus Practice Quiz #4 small thousandth wrong; incorrect thread; filament mass one; single mountain death move shape; form many threadlike fungus many soft nose thread plant roaming; wandering form; formed into rib; lung lungs; air foot many; several opening carry after; behind fruit before; ahead of time forward; favoring rectum; anus first; primary false; deceptive having wings or fins lung drive; push heat; fire four; four-fold five ray; spoke of a wheel; energy in rays again; back correct; back kidney net; made like a net nose root red sugar rotten lizard hard know look; observe write half; partly Practice Quiz #6 partition; seven putrefaction; infection condition sun loosen; free sleep sound look at -ous ovoxypachypaleopalmpanparpath-; -pathy -ped pentperpermeaphagphenophilphon-; -phone -phore photophyc-phyll physisperm-; -spore spher-spire statstellsternstom-; -stome stratstereostrictstylsubsuper-; sursym-; syntachytarsotaxteleterrtetrthalltherm-tom toxicotoptranstritrichtrophtrop-ule ultraurvasvectven-; ventventrvicevigvit-; vivvolvvotxanthinzo-; zoozygzym- full of; abounding in egg sharp; acid; oxygen thick old; anceint broad; flat all beside; near; equal; bring forth disease; suffering foot five Practice Quiz #5 through pass; go eat show living; fond of sound bearer light seaweed; algae leaf nature; natural qualities seed ball breathe standing; placed stars breast; chest mouth layer solid; three dimensions drawn tight pillar under; below over; above; on top together quick; swift ankle arrangement far off; at a distance earth four young shoot heat cut; slice poison place across three hair one who feeds; well fed turning; changing diminutive beyond urine vessel carry come belly in place of strong life roll; wander devour; eat yellow animal yolk yeast Practice Quiz #7 A WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 1. A no, not anarchy, asexual, atheist 2. AB from, away absorb, abstract 3. ABIOS lifeless abiogenesis, abios 4. ACRO height, extremity acrobat, acrophobia 5. ACU needle, sharp acupuncture, acute 6. AD on, to (toward) addict, adhere, adsorb 7. ADENO gland adenoid, adenovirus 8. ALBU white albumin, albuminuria 9. ALGIA pain cephalgia, neuralgia 10. ALLO other, different allosteric, allosaurus 11. AMBI both ambidextrous, ambiguous 12. AMNIO lamb amnion, amniotic 13. AMPHI both, 2 kinds amphibian, amphibious 14. ANA up, back, again analogy, anaphase 15. ANEMO wind (moving air) anemometer, anemone 16. ANGIO cased, closed angiosperm, angiocarp 17. ANNEL ring annelid, anniversary 18. ANTI against, opposite antigen, antiparallel 19. ANTH flower anther, antheridium 20 ANTHROP human, mankind anthropology 21. API top, peak apex, apical 22. AQUA water aquatic, aqueduct 23. ARACHN spider arachnid, arachniphobia 24 ARCHI old archeologist 25. ARTHRO jointed arthritis, arthropod 26. ASTER star asteroid, astronaut 27. AUTO self, same automobile, autonomous B WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 28. BAC rod, stick bacteria, bacillus 29. BI two bilateral, bipedal 30. BIO life biology, biography 31. BLASTO germ, embryo blastocyst, blastoderm 32. BRACHI arm brachiopod, brachium 33. BRONCHI windpipe broncial, bronchitis 34. BRYO moss bryology, bryophyte C WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 35. CALCI lime, chalk calcification, calcium 36. CALYP husk, cover calyx 37. CAPI hair capillary, capillitium 38. CARNA flesh, meat carnivore, carnal 39. CARPO wrist metacarpal 40. CAUDA stem caudal, acaudal 41. CEPHAL head cephalic, encephalitis 42. CEREB brain cerebellum, cerebral 43. CHELA claw chelate, cheliped 44. CHLOR green chlorophyll, chloroplast 45. CHONDR cartilage hypochondria 46. CHORD cord, string chordata, chordate 47. CHROM color chromatin, chromoplast 48. CILIA little hairs ciliates, cilium 49. CO with covalent, cotransport 50. COCHL snail cochlea, cochleated 51. COEL hollow, cavity, chamber coelomate, coelom 52. CORPUS body corpse, corpus luteum 53. COTYL cup cotyledon 54. CUTI skin cuticle, cutin 55. CYST bladder cystitis, cystogram 56. CYTO cell cytology, cytoplasm D WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 57. DENT, DONT tooth dentist, orthodontist 58. DERM skin dermatology,hypodermic 59. DI two dice, diurnal 60. DORS back dorsal, dorsal fin 61. DUCT to lead aqueduct, conduct 62. DYS ill, bad dysentery, dyslexia E WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 63. ECHINO spiny echinoderm 64. ECTO outside ectoderm, ectoplasm 65. EMBRYO swelling(inside) embryology, embryonic 66. ENCHYMA tissue parenchyma, sclerenchyma 67. ENDO within endocrine, endoskeleton 68. ENTER gut enteric, enteritis 69. EPI above, upon epinephrine, epilogue 70. ERYTHRO red erythrocyte, erythromycin 71. EU true, most typical eukaryote, eucalyptus 72. EX, EF away from efferent, exit 73. EXO, ECTO outer ectoderm, exoskeleton 74. EXTRA outside extraneous, extract F WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 75. FERR iron ferric, ferrous 76. FIBRI hairlike fiber, fibrin 77. FLAGEL whip flagellate, flagellum 78. FOLI plant, leaf foliage, folio 79. FOLLI sac, bag follicle, follicular 80. FUCO seaweed fucoxanthin G WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 81. GASTR stomach gastritis 82. GEN make, birth genetics, genital 83. GENY origin, makeup progeny, ontogeny 84. GERM sprig, seed germicide, germinate 85. GLOSS tongue glossary 86. GLOB ball globular 87. GLUCO sweet glucose 88. GLYCO sweet oil glycerin, glycogen 89. GNATH jaws Agnatha 90. GON sexual gonad, gonorrhea 91. GYMNO naked gymnasium, gymnosperm 92. GYN female gynocologist H WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 93. HALO salt halogen 94. HEPA liver hepatic, hepatitis 95. HELMINTH type of worm platyhelminthes 96. HEMO blood hemoglobin, hemostat 97. HETERO unlike, dissimilar heterozygous, heterogenous 98. HIST tissue histology, histolysis 99. HOMO like, similar homology, homozygous 100. HYDRO water,aqueous hydrogen, hydrophillic 101. HYPER above hyperactive, hypertonic 102. HYPO under hypochondria, hypotonic I WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 103. ICHTHY fish ichthyosis, ichthyologist 104. INFRA below infrared, infrastructure 105. INSULA island insulin, peninsula 106. INTER between interchange, intercellular 107. INTRA within, inside intravenous, intrauterine 108. ISO equal isobar, isoceles 109. ITIS inflammation bronchitis, gastritis K WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 110. moving, dynamic kinetic, kinesis KIN L WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 111. LEUCO, LEUKO white leukocyte, leukemia 112. LIGA to bind ligament, ligase 113. LIPO fat lipase, lipid 114. LOGY study arachnology, malacology 115. LYMPH clear fluid lymph nodes or glands 116. LYSIS loosen, break down analyze, hydrolyze M WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 117. MACRO large macroscope, macrobiotic 118. MAMM breast mammal, mammillary glands 119. MAXILLA jaws maxillary,maxillae 120. MEDI middle median, mediate 121. MEDULLA marrow medulla oblongata 122. MEGA large, female megalopolis, megaton 123. MELA black melancholy, melanin 124. MER part polymer 125. MERI divide meristem, meridian 126. MESO middle mesozoic, mesoderm 127. META among, changing metaphase, metatarsal 128. MICRO small micrscope, microbiology 129. MITO thread mitochondria, mitosis 130. MORPH form morphology, polymorphic 131. MUTA change mutation, mutagen 132. MYCE nail, wart mycelium, myceloid 133. MYCO fungus mycobacterium, mycology 134. MYO muscle myocardium, myopathy N WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 135. NEMATO thread nematocyst, nematode 136. NEO new neoplasm, neonatal 137 NEPHRO kidneys(refers to) nephrologist, nephritis 138. NEURO nerve nervous, neuron 139. NOTO back notochord 140. NUCLE walnut, kernal nucleolus, nucleoplasm O WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 141. OID like, form hominoid, spheroid 142. OL alcohol, or an oil ethanol, glycol 143. OO egg oocyte, oogenesis 144. ORTHO straight orthodontist, orthodox 145. OS, OSTE bone ossify, osteoblast 146. OVI, OVO egg oval, oviparous P WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 147. PACHY thick or heavy pachyderm, pachysandra 148. PALP lip palpus, pedipalp 149. PAR bring forth parent 150. PARA beside, beyond parabola, parasite 151. PATHO suffer, illness pathetic, pathology 152. PED foot pedal, pedestrian 153. PERI around pericardium, peritoneum 154. PHAGO eating phage, phagocytosis 155. PHORE carry, bearer gametophore 156. PHOTO light photsynthesis, photograph 157. PHYLL leaf chlorophyll, xanthophyll 158. PHYTO plant phytochemistry 159. PLASM molded image (form) cytoplasm, plastic 160. POD foot chiropodist, hexapod, tripod 161. POLY many polygon, polymorphic 162. POME apple pomaceous, pomade, pomegranate 163. POST after posthumous, postlude 164. PRE before prepare, premature 165. PRO before proactive, producer 166. PROTO first prototype, protozoa 167. PSEUDO false pseudonym, pseudopodia 168. PTER wing helicopter, pterodactyl R WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 169. REN kidney renel, reniform, renin 170. RETI net reticle, reticulate, retina 171. RHINO nose rhinoceros, rhinovirus 172. RHIZO root rhizome, rhizopod S WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 173. SAPRO rotten saprogenic, saprohyte 174. SARC flesh or muscle sarcoma, sarcasm 175. SCHIZO cut, cleaved, split, schizoprenia fragmented 176. SCLERO hard scleroderm, sclerosis 177. SCUTUM shield scutate, scute, scuttle 178. SEMEN. SEMIN seed inseminate, seminar 179. SEPTIC rotted antiseptic, septic tank, septicemia 180. SOMA body chromosomes, somatic 181. SPERM seed carposperm, spermatozoa 182. SPORO seeds, spores, spore, sporophyte reproductive units 183. STAMEN threads stamen, staminate, stamina 184. STERO solid, three dimensional steroid 185. STIMUL goad, prick stimulate, stimuli, stimulus 186. STOMA mouth stomach, stomata, stomatic 187. SUB under, below substrate, submarine 188. SUPRA above supranational 189. SYM same, similar symbiosis, symmetry, sympathy 190. SYN with synapse, synchrony, synthetic T WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 191. TARS ankle, foot metatarsal, tarsier, tarsus 192. TAXI to move geotaxic, phototaxic, taxicab 193. TEGMEN cover integument, tegula, tegular 194. TEL-, TELO last, end, far telemater, telecast 195. TEN to hold fast tenacious, tenaculum, tenant 196. TENDO stretch, sinew tendon, tendril 197. TETAN spasm tetanic, tetanus, tetany 198. THALAM chamber thalamic, thalamus 199. THALLO spring flowers thalloid, thallophyte, thallus 200. THEC bag, sac oothecua, spermathecua 201. THYRO oblong shield thyroid, thyroiditis 202. TINEA worm tineal, tineidea, tineoid 203. TOM cut atom, diatom, microtome 204. TOMY cutting hysterectomy, tracheotomy 205. TON stretch, tense hypertonic, isotonic, tonic 206. TOXI poison toxic, toxicology, toxin 207. TRACHE windpipe trachea, tracheal, tracheitis 208. TRANS across transfusion, translate 209. TRI three tripod, tripoblastic 210. TRICH hairlike trichinid, trichinosis 211. TROPHIE nourishing, stimulating trophic 212. TROPO turning geotropic, phototroprism 213. TYMPAN drum tympanic membrane, tympanum U WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 214. URE urine urease, urea, urethra 215. URTICA nettle, burn urticaceous, urticating 216. UVULA grape uvular, uvulatomy, uvulitis V WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 217. VARIO change varicella, varicose veins 218. VASO blood vessel, vessel vasoconstrictor, vasodilator 219. VENA vein vena cava, venatic, venation 220. VENTR little belly ventricular, ventriloquist 221. VERMI worm veriform appendix, vermin 222. VERT to change, turn convert, divert, invert 223. VIRU slime, ooze virulence, virulent, virus 224. VORE eating carnivore, herbivore 225. VOROUS feeding on insectivorous, herbivorous X WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 226. XERO Dry xerophyte 227. XYLO wood xylem, xylene, xylophone Z WORD PART MEANING EXAMPLES 228. ZOO animal protozoa, zoo, zoophyte 229. ZYGO yoke zygospore, zygote 230. ZYME leaven, ferment enzyme, zymogen Goodman, Harvey D., et. al. "Biology," Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, Orlando, 1989. Name - __________________________________ Vocabulary Development Practice Quiz 1 (A through Caud-) _______ 1. barometer _______ 2. angiogram _______ 3. acrosome _______ 4. androgen _______ 5. sebaceous _______ 6. bathyscape _______ 7. arthralgia _______ 8. alb _______ 9. polyantha _______ 10. blastula _______ 11. metacarpal _______ 12. tachycardia _______ 13. anemometer _______ 14. ambidextrous _______ 15. antebrachium _______ 16. adduct _______ 17. caudal _______ 18. siderastrea _______ 19. brachial _______ 20. archeopteryx A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. pertaining to a sweat gland a device for measuring wind speed a genus of starfish irregular heartbeat male hormone portion of sperm at the extreme or peak end an early cell mass able to use both hands equally a white garment worn by a priest a device which measures air pressure (weight) a type of rose that bears many flowers a wrist bone pertaining to the arm a vehicle for exploring the deep oceans a medical test to study the blood vessels pain in the joints movement of a bone toward the body means "ancient wing" - the name of the first bird ever discovered tail region forearm Name - __________________________________ Vocabulary Development Practice Quiz 2 (Cell through Eco-) _______ 1. dendrite _______ 2. dystocia _______ 3. corpulent _______ 4. polydactyly _______ 5. circumaxillary _______ 6. cutisector _______ 7. phytochrome _______ 8. cyanosis _______ 9. insecticide _______ 10. cephalic _______ 11. decimate _______ 12. chymopoiesis _______ 13. chloroseptic _______ 14. canaliculus _______ 15. cystitis _______ 16. echinoderm _______ 17. cosmogony _______ 18. diapedesis _______ 19. dorsal _______ 20. cryptozoology A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. dark blue color of body, due to insufficient oxygen having many fingers (more than ten) a chemical that will kill cockroaches and ants a tree-like projection from a nerve cell movement of fluid through blood vessel walls head region around the armpit having a large, fleshy body an instrument for cutting small pieces of skin for grafting a plant pigment or color difficult childbirth spiny-skinned animal the creation of the world a narrow tube or passage way; a tiny canal production of digestive juice inflammation of the urinary bladder to kill every tenth one a green mouthwash back region the study of animals of folklore such as the Yeti Name - __________________________________ Vocabulary Development Practice Quiz 3 (Ect- through Hibern-) _______ 1. gravid _______ 2. herbarium _______ 3. heterotroph _______ 4. ethnic _______ 5. genuflect _______ 6. gynecomastia _______ 7. erythrocyte _______ 8. epimysium _______ 9. foliose _______ 10. hypoglossal _______ 11. aquifer _______ 12. galactose _______ 13. geotropism _______ 14. endoderm _______ 15. ectoparasite _______ 16. floriculture _______ 17. hemostasis _______ 18. polygon _______ 19. gastroenterology A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. inflammation of the liver blood clotting a rock layer that bears water inner layer of skin (cells) milk sugar related to a race or people a lichen form that is leaf-like to bend the knee having the breasts of a female an organism that feeds on others located below the tongue a tissue on or covering the muscle study of the digestive system living outside the body heavy with eggs red blood cell the growing of flowers a turning toward the earth (gravity) having many corners or angles plant collection; may contain grasses _______ 20. hepatitis Name - __________________________________ Vocabulary Development Practice Quiz 4 (Hipp- through Metro-) _______ 1. hygrometer _______ 2. ichthyology _______ 3. blepharitis _______ 4. hyperplasia _______ 5. hemolysis _______ 6. hydrocele _______ 7. hypoxia _______ 8. horticulture _______ 9. lactate _______ 10. lipoma _______ 11. igneous _______ 12. mastitis _______ 13. leucocytes _______ 14. lacrimal _______ 15. intramural _______ 16. coprolite _______ 17. melanocyte _______ 18. pelvimetry _______ 19. mesencephalon A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. to give milk a large bacteria-eating cell lack of adequate oxygen a device which measures moisture in the air tumor of fat tissue a sac or tumor containing watery fluid an infection of the ducts of the breast destruction of red blood cells white blood cells excessive development of tissue study of gardening an inflammation of the eyelid pertaining to tears the mid region of the brain a cell which produces a dark pigment a stone made from dung measurements that are important in pregnance inside the walls rocks formed by fire; volcanic rock study of fish _______ 20. macrophage Name - __________________________________ Vocabulary Development Practice Quiz 5 (Micro- through Pent-) _______ 1. monoeuralgia _______ 2. nephritis _______ 3. omniscient _______ 4. octogenerian _______ 5. pentose _______ 6. pachyderm _______ 7. osculate _______ 8. mycelium _______ 9. osteocyte _______ 10. myometrium _______ 11. oocyte _______ 12. panhellenic _______ 13. pathogen _______ 14. odontoid _______ 15. myoneural _______ 16. neonatal _______ 17. olfactory _______ 18. myriapod _______ 19. orbicularis A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. having many feet tooth-like in shape an organization of all Greeks a disease-causing microbe care of the new-born child an infection of the kidney pertaining to the sense of smell a five carbon sugar an immature egg cell to kiss (move the mouth) thick-skinned animals muscular wall of uterus bone cell the phylum of soft bodied organisms a close contact between a muscle and nerve cell threadlike mass of mold a person 80 years old pain along the course of one nerve all-knowing a muscle that is circular or round _______ 20. mollusca Name - __________________________________ Vocabulary Development Practice Quiz 6 (Per- through Semi-) _______ 1. pseudopod _______ 2. chromophil _______ 3. phagocyte _______ 4. phenotype _______ 5. mesophyll _______ 6. perichondrium _______ 7. porifera _______ 8. proctoscope _______ 9. disaccharide _______ 10. pyrogen _______ 11. archeopteryx _______ 12. reticulum _______ 13. sclerosis _______ 14. quadriplegic _______ 15. protostome _______ 16. rhinoplasty _______ 17. renin _______ 18. rhizoid A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. a color-bearing cell a hardening of a tissue connective tissue around cartilage a cell that takes stain; color loving cell a hormone secreted by the kidney a root-like projection a cell that engulfs or "eats" its food false foot characteristics that an organism shows means "first mouth" cells in the middle of the leaf a double sugar nose formation surgery all four limbs paralyzed animals that carry many openings; the sponges a fire-causing agent ancient wing; name of the first bird a netlike system within the cell a plant that lives off rotting material a device used to look inside the anus _______ 19. chromatophore _______ 20. saprophyte Name - __________________________________ Vocabulary Development Practice Quiz 7 (Sept- through Zym-) _______ 1. somnabulate _______ 2. sepsis _______ 3. spirometer _______ 4. stricture _______ 5. tetrad _______ 6. syncephalus _______ 7. tachycardia _______ 8. taxidermy _______ 9. toxicodendron _______ 10. trichome _______ 11. autotroph _______ 12. pustule _______ 13. ureter _______ 14. stratified _______ 15. style _______ 16. phototropism _______ 17. xanthophyll _______ 18. antivivisection A. B. C. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. a tube which conducts urine arrange the skin rapid or swift heart beat D. a yellow plant pigment in leaves layered a genus of poisonous plants "siamese" twins having a single head together and two bodies a colonial algae that moves by rolling around a plant response that is a turning toward the light a small pus-filled sore a pillar-shaped female plant structure a narrowing or closing; a region that has been "drawn tight" a self-feeder a putrified state a device to measure breathing against the cutting up of living creatures able to look at with great discernment to sleep walk a cluster of four a hair-like outgrowth _______ 19. volvox _______ 20. perspicacious