Algyői Általános Iskola Algyő Primary School On 15th March Hungarians commemorate the Revolution and the following War of Independence against the Austrian-Habsburg rule in 1848-49. This day is one of the most prominent National Holidays in Hungary. Brief Historical Background on 15th March The Habsburg and their allies liberated Buda and from 150year Turkish occupation in 1686. However Hungary did not become a free country but a province of the Austro-Habsburg Empire. Hungarians fought against the Habsburg oppression throughout the coming centuries. The most important antiHabsburg movements include the Thököly movement, the War of Independence in 1703-11 lead by Ferenc Rákóczi. The Austrians beat down these movements. Ferenc Rákóczi The first half of the 18th century was a period of compromise between the Austrian rulers and Hungary. Influenced by the events of French revolution a new resistance movement, the Jacobin, emerged in Hungary toward the end of the 18th century. Lead by Ignác Martinovics the Jacobin's main objecties were the independence of Hungary and tranforming the country to a bourgeois society. The Jacobin movement failed too; the Habsburgs arrested and executed the leaders of the organisation. Ignác Martinovics The Reform Era The Hungarian Reform Era started in 1825 when at the diet Count István Széchenyi (17911860) offered his 1-year income to establish the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Széchenyi become a prominent figure of this era facilitating great developments in Budapest and the country. The other outstanding personality of this era was Lajos Kossuth. Hungarian Acadamy of Science István Széchenyi Lajos Kossuth The spirit of nationalism arose in other European countries and capitals and they only heightened the enthusiasm of Hungarian reformers. On political level Lajos Kossuth's fiery speeches provoked anti-Habsburgs feelings while Sándor Petőfi roused common people through his uplifting poems. Petőfi Sándor: Nemzeti Dal in Hungarian Talpra magyar, hí a haza! Itt az idő, most vagy soha! Rabok legyünk, vagy szabadok? Ez a kérdés, válasszatok! A magyarok istenére Esküszünk, Esküszünk, hogy rabok tovább Nem leszünk! Fényesebb a láncnál a kard, Jobban ékesíti a kart, És mi mégis láncot hordtunk! Ide veled, régi kardunk! A magyarok istenére Esküszünk, Esküszünk, hogy rabok tovább Nem leszünk! Rabok voltunk mostanáig, Kárhozottak ősapáink, Kik szabadon éltek-haltak, Szolgaföldben nem nyughatnak. A magyarok istenére Esküszünk, Esküszünk, hogy rabok tovább Nem leszünk! A magyar név megint szép lesz, Méltó régi, nagy híréhez; Mit rákentek a századok, Lemossuk a gyalázatot! A magyarok istenére Esküszünk, Esküszünk, hogy rabok tovább Nem leszünk! Sehonnai bitang ember, Ki most, ha kell, halni nem mer, Kinek drágább rongy élete, Mint a haza becsülete. A magyarok istenére Esküszünk, Esküszünk, hogy rabok tovább Nem leszünk! Hol sírjaink domborulnak, Unokáink leborulnak, Es áldó imádság mellett Mondják el szent neveinket. A magyarok istenére Esküszünk, Esküszünk, hogy rabok tovább Nem leszünk! Sandor Petofi: National Song Get up Hungarian, the country is calling you! This is the right time, now or never! Will we be slaves or free? This is the question, choose one! We are swearing By the Hungarian’s God We are swearing on We won’t be slaves anymore. We were slaves until this time, Our forefathers were damned, Those who lived and died free They can’t lie in servant soil. We are swearing By the Hungarian’s God We are swearing on We won’t be slaves anymore. The Hungarian name will be nice again, Worthy of his old, great fame, We will wash down the shame Which has been here by the centuries. We are swearing By the Hungarian’s God We are swearing on We won’t be slaves anymore. We are swearing By the Hungarian’s God We are swearing on We won’t be slaves anymore. Where our graves are lying Our grandchildren fall on knees And they list our holy names By blessing prayer. Fugitive, derelict man, Who doesn’t dare to die now, if must, Whose paltry life is worth much Than the honour of the country. We are swearing By the Hungarian’s God We are swearing on We won’t be slaves anymore. We are swearing By the Hungarian’s God We are swearing on We won’t be slaves anymore. The sword is brighter than the chains, It adorns arms, And we wear chains still! Let us have our old sword! The Revolution on 15th March 1848 The revolutionary wave that had swept over Europe in spring 1848 resulted in a bloodless revolution in Hungary on 15th March. A bunch of Hungarian poets and writers formed the core of the radicals. They were preparing for a demonstration on 19th March at their regular meeting place, the Café Pilvax. They heard the news of the revolution in Vienna on the evening of 14th March so they decided to bring forward the demonstration. The revolutionaries started to gather people while reciting Petőfi's National Song and reading their demands worded in the 12 points (kids at school had to learn it by heart when they learn about the Revolution). What the Hungarian nation wants. Let there be peace, liberty, and concord! 1. We want freedom of the press, the abolition of censorship. 2. A responsible government in Buda-Pest. 3. An annual parliamentary session in Pest. 4. Civil and religious equality before the law. 5. A Hungarian National Guard. 6. A joint sharing of tax burdens. 7. The cessation of socage [land tenure]. 8. Juries and representation on an equal basis. 9. A national bank. 10. The army must swear to support the constitution, our soldiers must not be dispatched abroad, foreign soldiers must be removed from our soil. 11. The freeing of political prisoners. 12. Union (with Transilvania) The mass lead by Petőfi in the pouring rain occupied a press and printed out the poem and the 12-points. The Habsburgs didn't dare to intervene. Despite the rain an even bigger crowd gathered in the garden of the National Museum by afternoon. Following the events on 15th March a Hungarain delegation went to Vienna to tell their demands to Ferdinand V. After several discussions the Habsburgs accepted an independent Hungarian ministry lead by Count Lajos Batthyány. Count Lajos Battyány "We swear unto thee - that slaves we shall no longer be!" In summer 1848 Vienna decided to take action against the Hungarian revolution. The ethnic minorities living in Hungary weren't happy with the Hungarian's victory. The Croats allied with Austria and their troops attacked and invaded Hungary. Despite the Habsburgs' more power and larger army they weren't strong enough to defeat Hungarians so Austria convinced Russia provide support to breakdown Hungarian War of Independence. Despite being a small country, Hungary humiliated Austria by fighting tooth and nail and she emphasized this by surrendering not to the Emperor but to the Russian Czar in August 1849. Terror Following the defeat retribution began. Thirteen generals were executed at Arad on 6th October 1849, Count Batthyány Lajos, Hungary's first prime-minister was shot at Pest, thousands were sentenced to death and to prison. The Habsburgs built the Citadel fortress on Gellert Hill at that time with cannons directed at the town below. The age The Citadel of terror stifled Hungary in the coming years. October 6 is the depressing day commemorating the unlawful execution of 13 Hungarian military generals on that day in 1849 – by the order of Franz Joseph, Emperor of the Habsburg Monarchy, after the end of Hungary’s War of Independence (1848-1849). Hungarians still today consider the execution to be a martyrdom among the generals, namely: Karoly Knezic, Jozsef Nagysandor, Janos Damjanich, Lajos Aulich, Gyorgy Lahner, Erno Poeltenberg, Karoly Leiningen-Westerburg, Ignac Torok, Karoly Vecsey, Erno Kiss, Jozsef Schweidel, Arisztid Dessewffy, Vilmos Lazar. One of the executed was actually a colonel, but reportedly promoted to the rank of general – post mortem. While the execution took place in Arad, (then still part of Hungary, in what today is Romania). Hungarian President Count Lajos Batthyany was reportedly also executed in Pest on that day. Batthyány Eternal Flame Under today’s Geneva Convention the lifes of the 13 generals would have been saved, historians say. They added that the October 6 date was intentionally chosen for the quick-step execution by the Emperor to revenge the hanging of the Habsburg Minister of Defense Theodor Baillet von Latour (October 3, 1848). Today a small obelisk marks the spot where was Count Lajos Batthyany murdered. Tough the Revolution was beat down but it wasn’t in vain. Most of the demands of the 12 points were realized. How do we remember in Algyő Primary School Preparation We make a lot of cockades and flags. 1. The original cockade 2. The bended Hungarian cockade 3. The cockade used by in general And we decorate our school with them. The inhabitants of Algyő take part in the celebation in the village centre at the monument with the national flag on every 15 March. We also commemorate and children put their flags and flowers on the monument.