UNIVERSIDAD ESTATAL A DISTANCIA VICERRECTORÍA ACADÉMICA ESCUELA CIENCIAS SOCIALES Y HUMANIDADES CATEDRA DE INGLÉS TÉCNICO ORIENTACIONES ACADÉMICAS PARA EL CURSO INGLÉS BÁSICO CÓDIGO: 00990 SEMANA A ELABORADO POR: LICDA. ZAIDA MENDEZ CUEVAS TUTORA REVISADO POR: M.A. MÓNICA CHACÓN PRADO COORDINADORA CÁTEDRA INGLÉS TÉCNICO Ingrese a este curso visitando el nuevo sitio web de la Escuela: www.uned.ac.cr/sociales TERCER CUATRIMESTRE, 2012 Inglés Básico Código: 00990 1. INTRODUCCIÓN Esta orientación se ha elaborado con el objetivo de proveer guía e información indispensable al estudiante de la asignatura Inglés Básico. La misma cuenta con cronograma de estudio, contenidos, tareas, y los rubros e instrumentos de evaluación. 2. PROPÓSITO DEL CURSO: Este curso está diseñado para estudiantes de diversos programas que requieren adquirir conocimientos, técnicas y habilidades básicas del idioma Inglés para la comprensión de lectura. Se consideran como elementos claves la adquisición de vocabulario, el correcto uso del diccionario y el conocer estrategias para su aplicación en la lectura de textos y gráficos de distintos campos profesionales. 3. OBJETIVOS: Al finalizar el curso, el estudiante: Adquirirá técnicas de comprensión de lectura para su aplicación en textos de lengua inglesa. Analizará textos variados y académicos, artículos de periódicos y revistas por medio de las técnicas de skimming, scanning, vista previa del texto y el uso de indicadores de secuencia. Adquirirá vocabulario general y patrones de expresión en inglés por medio de la aplicación de estrategias del uso de vocabulario. Aplicará estrategias para la comprensión de vocabulario, tales como la omisión de palabras desconocidas y análisis de vocabulario en contexto (collocations, definiciones, ejemplos y sinónimos). Identificará en textos y gráficos los diferentes aspectos morfológicos, sintácticos y gramaticales empleados en la comprensión de lectura en inglés. Utilizará técnicas para la comprensión de gráficos. Analizará los elementos fundamentales de coherencia en textos y gráficos para la comprensión de información en inglés. Empleará las técnicas de comprensión de lectura y adquisición de vocabulario, para reconocer la idea central e ideas secundarias; así como, hacer predicciones del texto. 2 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura Inglés Básico Código: 00990 4. OBSERVACIONES GENERALES El curso de Inglés Básico está dirigido a estudiantes de diferentes carreras de la UNED, que requieran aprender el uso instrumental del inglés para la comprensión de textos escritos. Por ello, las lecturas elegidas estarán relacionadas a los distintos campos profesionales, ofreciendo una gran variedad de temáticas. Por su naturaleza teórico práctica, este curso sigue una metodología a distancia, bajo la cual se estudian individualmente los materiales didácticos del curso y se realizan los ejercicios de auto evaluación que aparecen en el material, los cuales están acompañados de las respectivas respuestas para su verificación. El material didáctico de este curso está en inglés, para ofrecerle al estudiante un contacto real con la lengua. Junto con el libro de trabajo (“Well Read”: Skills and Strategies for Reading from Laurie Blass), se brindará una guía de estudio, la cual complementa el texto y amplía los conceptos teóricos, por medio de explicaciones y ejemplos en español. A la vez, se ofrecerán tutorías presenciales no obligatorias en los centros universitarios donde la matricula lo permita. En éstas se discutirá lo leído para cada clase y se evacuarán dudas y/o consultas. Debe informarse acerca de los centros universitarios donde se imparten las tutorías del curso Inglés Básico. Para obtener los horarios de las tutorías, acuda al centro universitario donde se matriculó y verifique con cuidado la semana en la que éstas se impartirán, sea A o B. Esta información también puede encontrarse en la página web de la UNED (pulsando un click en “Servicio a estudiantes”, y luego “Horario de tutorías presenciales). También, puede ingresar por medio del link: http://www.uned.ac.cr/tutoria/ La evaluación del curso consta de dos exámenes ordinarios y dos tareas. Las tareas están incluidas en este folleto y son de carácter individual. Las fechas de exámenes aparecen en el “Instructivo de Matrícula y Oferta de Asignaturas” del cuatrimestre correspondiente o en la dirección http://www.uned.ac.cr/infmatricul/calendarios/index.shtml Para las pruebas escritas, el uso del diccionario durante el examen es permitido. Sin embargo, prestar el diccionario; así como, utilizar traductores y diccionarios electrónicos es prohibido. Las fechas y contenidos de estos instrumentos se detallan más adelante. 3 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura Inglés Básico Código: 00990 NOTAS IMPORTANTES La información de horario de tutorías y fechas de exámenes no se suministra por teléfono. Recuerde la opción del Programa de Apoyo Didáctico a Distancia (PADD). Para hacer uso eficiente de este recurso, refiérase a la última página de estas orientaciones. La información sobre las notas de los exámenes y el promedio final no se puede ofrecer por teléfono ni correo electrónico. No obstante, el estudiante podrá consultar todos estos datos en la página Web de la UNED a través del entorno NODOS. Programa de Apoyo Didáctico a Distancia (PADD) Un apoyo para el (la) estudiante. El Programa de Apoyo Didáctico a Distancia conocido por las siglas PADD, es un servicio para atender las consultas administrativas y académicas de los estudiantes por las siguientes tres vías: Por correo electrónico: paddsociales@uned.ac.cr Por teléfono a los números 2527-2554, 2280-1694 Por fax al: 2280-1694 Con la Licda. Scarlet Reyes Amador, de Lunes a Viernes de 8:00a.m a 4:30p.m. Existe un Buzón telefónico del PADD, en el cuál se deja la consulta grabada en el número 2234-3235, y por ese mismo medio de obtiene la respuesta, en un plazo máximo de 24 horas. Si va a utilizar el correo electrónico, redacte la pregunta en forma clara y precisa, no olvide indicar el nombre y código de la materia, además identifíquese con su nombre completo. Un servicio para usted 4 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura Inglés Básico Código: 00990 CRONOGRAMA DE ESTUDIO En la siguiente tabla se detalla la distribución de unidades por tutoría, así como las actividades evaluativas por realizar. Tutoría #1 Tutoría #2 Chapter #1: The Sociology of food Chapter #2: Technology in Movies Capítulo #4: Aspectos morfológicos y sintácticos del inglés (material complementario) Chapter #3: Sport Psychology Chapter #4: The Culture of Music Capítulo #4: Aspectos morfológicos y sintácticos del inglés (material complementario) pp. 1-16 pp. 17-34 + Guía de estudio pp. 35-54 pp. 55-74 Tarea #1 PRIMER ORDINARIO: CHAPTERS 1, 2, 3, & 4, más CAPITULO #4 (Guía de estudio) Tutoría #3 Tutoría #4 Chapter #5: Global Community Chapter #6: Business Etiquette Capítulo #4: Aspectos morfológicos y sintácticos del inglés (repaso) pp. 75-94 pp. 95-112 Guía de estudio Chapter #7: Fashion Philosophy Chapter #8 Ethics in Education Capítulo #4: Aspectos morfológicos y sintácticos del inglés (repaso) pp. 113-132 pp. 133-150 Tarea #2 SEGUNDO ORDINARIO: CHAPTERS 5, 6, 7 & 8, más CAPITULO #4 (Guía de estudio) INSTRUMENTOS DE EVALUACIÓN: I Examen ordinario II Examen ordinario 2 Tareas 35% 35% 30% (15% cada una) Las fechas de entrega de las tareas serán las siguientes: Tarea N°1: la entrega de la primera tarea de Semana A es hasta el 29 de setiembre de 2012, hasta las 4pm inclusive. Tarea N°2: la entrega de la segunda tarea de Semana A es hasta el 10 de noviembre de 2012, hasta las 4pm inclusive. Tareas después de la fecha establecida no serán aceptadas. La tutoría podría no ser en la misma fecha que la entrega de las tareas. Se sugiere el presentarlas al Centro Universitario más cercano para obtener comprobante de entrega de la 5 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura Inglés Básico Código: 00990 misma. No se calificaran sólo las respuestas. El estudiante puede presentar las tareas al fotocopiarlas de las orientaciones, transcribiendo en su totalidad la tarea o al descargar las orientaciones desde la web: http://www.uned.ac.cr/WSConOriAca/Default.aspx TEXTOS PARA EL CURSO Blass, Laurie. (2008). Well-Read 1: Skills and Strategies for Reading. Oxford University Press: US Chacón, Mónica. (2011). Guía de Estudio para el curso Inglés Básico. UNED ENLACES EN LÍNEA Los siguientes son una lista de sitios web los cuales contienen ejercicios y prácticas adicionales relacionadas con los temas de este curso. http://www.nonstopenglish.com/lang/es/allexercises/grammar/ http://www.curso-ingles.com/varios/acibre.php http://nonstopenglish.com/lang/es/allexercises/fillinthegaps-014.asp http://www.upv.es/jugaryaprender/ingles/reading.htm http://www.mansioningles.com/Vocabulario.htm http://www.scribd.com/doc/280173/The-food-chain-comprension-lectora-ingles http://www.englishcom.com.mx/puntuacion-en-ingles/uso-delapostrofe.html?act=all http://www.mansioningles.com/Gramatica.htm http://www.speakspeak.com/html/d3a_resources_grammar_practice_beginners.ht m http://www.curso-ingles.com/nivel1.php http://www.saberingles.com.ar/reading/index.html http://esl.about.com/od/beginningreadingskills/English_Reading_Comprehension_fo r_Beginners.htm http://www.english-online.org.uk/theread.htm Atención a estudiantes: Mónica de Jesús Chacón Prado Encargada de Cátedra de Inglés Técnico Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Miércoles: 2:00 p.m. a 4:00 p.m. Teléfono: 2527-2680 Correo electrónico: mochacon@uned.ac.cr 6 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura Inglés Básico Código: 00990 UNIVERSIDAD ESTATAL A DISTANCIA ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES Y HUMANIDADES CATEDRA DE INGLES TECNICO INGLÉS BÁSICO, Cód. 0990 TAREA No. 1 Valor: 15 % Incluye: CHAPTERS 1-4 y CAPÍTULO 4 (GUÍA DE ESTUDIO) NOMBRE 1er APELLIDO 2do APELLIDO CARNÉ/CÉDULA GRUPO FECHA CENTRO UNIVERSITARIO 29/09/2012 NOMBRE TUTOR (A) CALIFICADOR (A) PTS OBTENIDOS (44 pts) PORCENTAJE (15%) FIRMA NOTA General Instructions: Read the text carefully. Then answer all the questions in English. Unusual Olympic Sports There are three sports you may not hear of: curling, biathlon and skeleton. Curling Curling is a sport that is played on ice. Two teams of four players each slide eight stones along the ice to a colored circle on the ice (called the house). The object is to place a stone closest to the center of the house. Canadian Olympic curler Sammy McCann began very young practicing this sport because his father managed a hotel with an ice rink. Biathlon Biathlon has been an Olympic event since 1960. It comes from the tradition of hunting on ski. It is a combination of cross-country skiing and shooting. In Norway people can either play soccer or do cross-country skiing. Norwegian biathlon competitor Anne Kristiansen tried biathlon at age eight and won her first event at age twelve. Skeleton The sport of skeleton racing first became an Olympic sport in 1928. Skeleton racers slide down on icy course at very high speed on a simple sled. The sled is called “skeleton’’ because early sleds looked like human skeletons. Zach Gale, a famous skeleton racer, started skeleton racing until he was 30. 7 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura Inglés Básico Código: 00990 Taken and adapted from: Anderson Neil (1997) Active Skills for Reading. Thompson ELT. Canada. A. Scan the passage quickly to find the answers to these questions. Write complete answers. (10 points, 2 pts/each correct answer, 1pt grammarspelling, 1pt content) 1. How old was Anne Kristiansen when she tried biathlon the first time? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________. 2. Where is the Olympic curler from? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________. 3. How did the early sleds of "skeleton" look like ? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________. 4. What is the fastest of the three sports? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________. 5. What does Biathlon combine? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________. 8 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura Inglés Básico Código: 00990 B. Complete the following definitions with the words and phrases from the box. Write the term in the space provided. Do not repeat any option. One extra option is given. (5 points, 1 point each) Hunt Look like Object Race Slide House 1. Goal, the main idea of a game. 2. To find and kill animals. 3. Move on ice. 4. A speed competition in running , driving etc. 5. To seem the same to the eye. C. Check ; the part of the speech for the boldfaced words. (5 points, 1/pt each correct answer) Noun Verb Adjective 1) Curling is a sport that is played on ice. 2) In Norway you can either play soccer or do crosscountry skiing. 3) Norwegian biathlon competitor Anne Kristiansen tried biathlon at age eight. 4) Sammy McCann began very young practicing this sport. 5) The sport of skeleton racing first became an Olympic sport in 1928. 9 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura Inglés Básico Código: 00990 Part II. Read the passage carefully. Then answer all the questions. 1 Facts about food Everywhere on earth there are “food specialists” with different or opposite views on the best kind of nutrition for the various purposes. A lot of people believe the most healthful diets are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals, but low in fat, cholesterol, sugar and salt. Some nutritionists say the perfect eating plan contains mostly carbohydrates without much protein. In contrast, other scientists say people need meals with meat, chicken, fish, or milk products and only small amounts of grains, potatoes, bread, rice, and noodles. One famous diet plan allows only certain foods at certain times-protein with protein, carbohydrates with carbohydrates, fruits alone, and so on. It has restrictive options. Some eaters stay away from all meat and maybe even fish and milk products. They get their protein from plants, mostly beans. Others want only high-fiber food. These people may not eat white bread or white rice or even cooked vegetables. So what is the best way to eat and be healthy? The discussion of this topic will go on far into the future The necessary substances and element for human life and health are water, protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Most kinds of food contain some of these nutrients, but they are not all the same in their effects on people. Various ingredients and dishes affect the mind in different ways, and some kind of nourishment has better effects on the brain than others. For instance, can broccoli increase brain power? Maybe so. Low levels of the Bvitamins can cause a decrease in memory and thinking abilities, nutritionists say, but dark green vegetables contain a lot of these nutrients. Another example of a “memory helpers” is lecithin-a substance from soybeans, also found in high-fiber food like nuts and whole grains. High-protein foods influence the mind in more helpful ways than dishes high in sugar and carbohydrates. And the caffeine in coffee or tea may help thinking. 2 3 In many places outside the big cities, food with more than four legs is part of good nutritious home cooking. Fried or grilled ants are a tasty but expensive snack in Colombia, South America. In various parts of Mexico, over 300 types of insects serve as food. In Southern Africa, many people like to eat at least one kind of caterpillar or worm. They enjoy it fried or, dried, or cooked in tomato sauce. In Thailand cooks create a spicy-hot pepper sauce with water bugs. In Vietnam grasshoppers filled with peanuts are a special dish. And in some regions of China, bugs are not only a part of meals but an important ingredient in medicine too. Most kinds of insects have high nutritional value. They contain a lot of proteins, vitamins and minerals. Many people like their taste. They are everywhere on the planet. They add to the variety of people’s diets. For several reasons, insects are an important kind of food in the global diet, and they will become a more common ingredient in the future. 4 The growing similarities in diet and eating habits around the world are influencing people of various cultures in different ways. For example, Western foods are damaging health in the industrialized island country of Japan. 10 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura Inglés Básico Código: 00990 Western diet has affected it because instead of small meals of seafood, rice and vegetables, the typical Japanese diet, people now include large amounts of meat and dairy products. According to Japanese health researchers such changes in eating habits are related to a great increase in health problems such as heart disease, strokes, cancer and diabetes. Taken and adapted from: Hartman Pamela, Kirn Elaine (2002). Interactions 1 Mc Graw- Hill Contemporary, New York A. Write the subject that the boldfaced pronoun refers to in the text “Facts about food’’ (6 points, 1 pt/each) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. It they They they They It (¶ 1) (¶ 1) (¶ 2) (¶ 3) (¶ 3) (¶ 4) B. Check ; True or False based on the reading. (6 points, 1/pt each correct answer). Statements True 1. In most parts of the world “food specialists” agree that there is only one perfect eating plan diet for everybody. 2. Some eaters prefer beans to get proteins because they don’t eat meat. 3. Water is an indispensable element for human’s life. 4. Chinese people use insects only for medical purposes. False 5. Fats are not necessary for human health. 6. People eat worms cooked in tomato sauce in Southern Africa. 11 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura Inglés Básico Código: 00990 C. Scan the passage quickly to find the answers to these questions. Write complete answers. (12points, 2 pts/each correct answer : 1 pt grammarspelling /1 pt content) 1. What can low level of vitamin B cause to the human body? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________. 2. Where can people get lecithin from? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________. 3. Why are most kinds of insect considered nutritious? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________. 4. What does the typical Japanese diet consist of? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________. 5. How many kinds of insects Mexican people eat? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________. 6. Write two sentences that provide examples to support the text. (1 pt each correct sentence) a. _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________. b. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________. 12 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura Inglés Básico Código: 00990 UNIVERSIDAD ESTATAL A DISTANCIA ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES Y HUMANIDADES CATEDRA DE INGLES TECNICO INGLÉS BÁSICO, Cód. 0990 TAREA No. 2 Valor: 15 % Incluye: CHAPTERS 5-8 y CAPÍTULO 4 (GUÍA DE ESTUDIO) NOMBRE 1er APELLIDO 2do APELLIDO CARNÉ/CÉDULA GRUPO FECHA 10/11/2012 CENTRO UNIVERSITARIO NOMBRE TUTOR (A) CALIFICADOR (A) PTS OBTENIDOS (43 pts) PORCENTAJE (15%) FIRMA NOTA General Instructions: Read each exercise carefully. Then answer all the questions in English. Part I. Read the following text very carefully. Then, answer the exercises. Business Etiquette in International Countries by Lisa Magloff, Demand Media Globalization has increased the amount of international business dealing, and with this has come a greater need for business managers to understand the etiquette of doing business in foreign countries. Deals can be lost by people who are unaware of a foreign associate's culture, customs or etiquette. Etiquette matters, because learning the culture and customs of another country shows respect, which is key to developing a business relationship. Correct Behavior Some behaviors that are normal sometimes in the United States, such as kissing a female colleague on the cheek, may be inappropriate or even illegal or in other cultures. Jeanette S. Martin and Lillian H. Chaney, in their book "Global Business Etiquette: A Guide to International Communication and Customs," suggest that it is particularly important to consider when a behavior that is legal in the United States, such as gift giving, may be illegal in another country. Similarly, a behavior that is illegal in the United States, such as bribery, may be expected in a foreign country. In this case, it becomes necessary to find a polite way to avoid the illegal custom. 13 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura Inglés Básico Código: 00990 Before You Travel Dana Persia, owner of DP Image Consulting, suggests in a CNN article that it is important to prepare before traveling. Research business etiquette and learn a few phrases in the language of the country you will visit. This will help set a tone of cooperation and friendship. Persia also emphasizes that Americans should not judge the etiquette of others and or act in a superior manner. Try to blend in by toning down any behaviors, such as loud talking, that may make you stand out from the locals. Greetings When meeting with people from other cultures, set a professional tone at the start and make a good initial impression by using the correct greeting. Although the handshake has become a standard greeting, even in countries such as Japan where it is not the traditional greeting, it is wise to be prepared for the traditional greeting. When traveling to Japan, know the etiquette for bowing. Kimberley Roberts, writing for the International Business Center, suggests pausing and taking your cue from the other person on which style of greeting to use. Follow Others When you are unsure what etiquette to use in an international situation, it is safest to follow the lead of the person you are meeting with. Watch your hosts for clues as to proper dining table etiquette and avoid discussing someone's personal life unless they bring it up first. Always keep an open mind; for example, don't refuse to sample local delicacies Taken from: www, mallbusiness.chron.com/business-etiquette-internationalcountries-3111.html A. Complete the following definitions with the words and phrases from the box. Write the term in the space provided. Do not repeat any option. Two extra options are given. (7 points, 1 point each) colleague behavior deal customs locals bribery clues bowing delicacy 1. ________________ an agreement or arrangement, especially in business, that helps both sides involved. 2. ________________ the actions and mannerisms made by organisms, systems, or artificial entities in conjunction with their environment 3. ________________ to bend the knee or body or incline the head, as reverence, salutation, recognition. 14 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura in Inglés Básico Código: 00990 4. ________________ the act or practice of giving or accepting money or any other valuable consideration given or promise with a view to corrupting the behavior of a person. 5. ________________ anything that serves to guide or direct in the solution of a problem. 6. ________________ something delightful or pleasing, especially a choice food considered with regard to its rarity, costliness. 7. ________________ a group pattern of habitual activity usually from one generation to another. transmitted B. Check ; True or False based on the reading. (6 points, 1/pt each correct answer). Statements True False 1. To ignore etiquette rules can cause serious problems to businessmen. 2. To have a successful foreign business meeting is not necessary to know about the different way people greet. 3. American should feel superior when visiting other countries for business. 4. It is for businessmen to learn some basic vocabulary of the language from the country they will visit. 5. Kissing a female coworker on the cheek is accepted worldwide. 6. Visitors should follow their hosts when they are not sure of how to behave. C. Check ; the part of the speech for the boldfaced words. (5 points, 1/pt each correct answer) Noun Verb Adjective Adverb 1. Always keep an open mind. 2. It is wise to be prepared for the traditional greeting. 3. Learning the culture and customs of another country shows respect. 4. When meeting with people from other cultures, set a professional tone 5. Dana Persia suggests in a CNN article that it is important to prepare before traveling. 15 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura Inglés Básico Código: 00990 PART II Read the following text. Answer all the questions about it. We Are More Connected but We Are Not Interconnected 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I sat in the main hall at a recent conference attended by 1,000 creative, innovative, and smart people. Many of us traveled hundreds of miles and paid hundreds of dollars just to be in that room together. We changed our schedules. We missed family time. We reordered our obligations in order to be physically present in the same room. What did we do once we were in the same room together? Like junkies desperate for a fix, the majority of the people around me poured over their cell phones and iPads, tweeting, texting, and even playing games. I sat by myself with people all around me using technology in order to be “more connected” with more people. The people in that room were connected indeed. They had lots of “connections,” but they weren’t necessarily interconnected with the people either around them or appearing as bits of text on their device. Connected vs. Interconnected Technology is such a wonderful tool. I’m not here to slam it in general. I tweet and text, but I also think we need to frankly discuss the quality of our connections and how we use technology in particular situations When you’re in a room filled with people who intentionally showed up in order to learn and network, texting should be on the lower end of priorities. The thing is that it’s hard to sit next to a person and start talking. I did this over and over again at that conference, and each time I would have preferred to send that text message or tweet rather than break the ice. One guy kind of grimaced, as if I was torturing him by asking what he was up to at the conference. Other folks welcomed a chance to talk about what they love to do. Some introduced me to their friends. Some of us even swapped business cards. Arriving at that point was hard work. The easy connection through impersonal technology will always be easier than becoming interconnected with a flesh and blood person who may ignore or reject you. It’s costly, but the quality of that connection has the potential to change lives Taken and adapted from: http://inamirrordimly.com/2011/10/11/we-are-moreconnected-but-we-are-not-interconnected/ 16 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura Inglés Básico Código: 00990 A. Scan the passage quickly to find the answers to these questions. Write complete answers. (10 points, 2 pts/each correct answer: 1 pt grammarspelling / 1 pt content). 1. Write the main idea for the text. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________. 2. What were people in the same room using technology for? __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________. 3. Was it easy for the writer of the article to break the ice? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________. 4. Why is it difficult to interconnect with a flesh and blood person? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________. 5. Write the sentence in which the author expresses his positive opinion toward technology. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________. 17 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura Inglés Básico Código: 00990 B. Write the subject that the boldfaced pronoun refers to in the text ’’we are more connected but we are not interconnected’’ (8 points, 1 pt/each correct answer) 1. Us (¶ 1) 2. Our (¶ 2) 3. Their (¶ 3) 4. Me (¶ 4) 5. Our (¶ 5) 6. Him (¶ 7) 7. He 8. They (¶ 7) (¶ 7) PART III Scan the table below to answer the questions that follow it. (7 points, 1/pt each correct answer). Statement of account: Account Number 012257 John Davis Transaction description debit credit Balance Jun 1 2012 Balance brought down $1500.00 Jun 6 2012 Deposit—personal savings Jun 7 2012 Withdrawal $ 125.00 $1675.00 Jun 10 2012 Cable and Phone bill $ 75.35 $1599.65 Jun 14 2012 standing order - Acme insurance $ 100.00 $1499.65 Jun 17 2012 Grocery Shopping $ 197.00 $1302.65 Jun 21 2012 Withdrawal $ 250.00 $1052.65 Jun 24 2012 Mortgage payment $1030 $22.65 Jun 28 2012 Monthly paycheck Jun 30 2012 Interest $300.00 $1800.00 $ 900.00 $922.65 $ 5.30 $927.95 18 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura Inglés Básico Código: 00990 1. How much money did John have at the beginning of the month? ____________ 2. How much money did he save into the account this month? _________________ 3. What was the highest debit transaction of the month? ___________________ 4. When did John have the lowest balance of the month? _________________ 5. How much money did he take out himself this month? ___________________ 6. When did he receive his salary? ________________________ 7. How much interest did he earn? ____________________ lacm 19 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura Inglés Básico Código: 00990 20 ______________________________________________________________ UNED: Institución Benemérita de la Educación y la Cultura