modern JESUS army Streetpaper No. 81 Page 1
modern Jesus army: bringing spiritual and social help to all people
No. 85 FREE
Page 3
Crunch time: we all need to decide what we’re living for
Page 6
IT’S ALL the talk: “economic downturn”, “credit crunch”, “recession”.
Times are hard – businesses going bust, numbers of unemployed
rising fast, houses repossessed. The
rat-race isn’t working!
Money, riches and possessions were
never the answer to the human search
for a worthwhile life. God means us to
live spiritually. Real life and happiness
can’t be found through wealth. We can’t
find peace and happiness, with real,
trusting friends or a faithful husband or
wife through money.
Jesus said that the rich would find it
hard to get into God’s society and urged
them to get rid of their wealth. He gave
dramatic accounts of the rich farmer
who hoarded his possessions to live
long and be wealthy and then suddenly
died. He told also of the indulgent rich
man who lived with a poor beggar at his
gate whom he ignored, only to find that
he went to hell and the poor beggar to
heaven. He said God blesses the poor
but sorrow awaits the rich.
Jesus is the poor man’s friend. He
leads the poor to God. He brings them
forgiveness and eternal life. No rat-race
for Him!
modern JESUS army Streetpaper No. 85 Page 2
modern JESUS army Streetpaper No. 85 Page 3
MARK’S GOSPEL is part of the Bible and tells the story
of the life of Jesus. Packed into 60 pages you can find
how one man bridged the gap between man and God.
For your FREE copy cut out this coupon
and send it to Jesus Fellowship,
FREEPOST, Nether Heyford,
Northampton, NN7 3BR.
(Or text on 0774 0774 200,
phone on 0845 123 5550 to
reserve your copy.)
Mobs are
for violence
CHRISTIANS IN Orissa, India,
have lived in fear since a Hindu
extremist leader was assassinated last August.
Maoists claimed responsibility, but extremist Hindus blamed
local Christians. Thousands
of their homes and properties
were burned and tens of thousands were forced to hide in the
jungle or flee to refugee camps.
At least 67 have died.
Now extremist Hindu groups
are offering rewards to recruit
mobs to murder Christians. Dr
Faiz Rahman, the head of Good
News India, which runs several
orphanages in the state, said
“the going price to kill a pastor is
$250 US dollars”.
Eye-witness account from a
Jesus Army leader at www.
ALL GOOD armies have an HQ, and we are
no exception. We will answer your queries,
provide you with free literature or a Mark’s
Gospel, even pray with you over the telephone
if you are in special need.
Photo: cbit
You can call us: our National Helpline is
0845 123 5550 (local call rate), and generally
there are real people to talk to, not machines.
Email us at
Want to have a look at what the mJa is all about?
Check us out from anywhere in the world on our
But in these days of hi-tech, we still have an
address and lots of people write in.
Jesus Fellowship, FREEPOST,
Nether Heyford, Northampton, NN7 3BR
Across the UK you are welcome to call one of
our local churches if they are near you. There are
Jesus Army congregations and groups around the
UK. They are not all the same size, they meet in
different sorts of premises, but they are all made up
of people who love Jesus and are ready to help you
on in your faith too.
Belfast ........................................................... 0845 123 5552
Birmingham................................................... 0845 166 8153
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Streetpaper interviews UK young
people about their hopes and beliefs
“LOVE” is issue number
one for young people,
according to those who
spoke to Streetpaper.
pipped “happiness” to
the number one spot. And
many young people link
the two together.
Loved up
Love-struck John and
Hayley, 16 and 17, certainly think relationships are
where it’s at (they can’t
take their eyes off each
other). But so does deep
thinker Tim, 17, who says
he wants to be “strong for
people”. And lonesome
Jon, 18 – like many teenagers everywhere? – is
praying for “Someone” to
Love came down
arrive in his life.
Not many young people
But who’s the “Some- had made the connection
one”? Jon may be imagining between the God they felt
a brunette, someone with was far off and Jesus.
pretty eyes.
But Christians believe
But angry Jenni, 16, that Jesus is “God’s human
talked about God – though face”, “God in human skin”
she’s mad with her Maker. – come down to love the
human race.
to know why
“Why doesn’t God C a t Puzzled
God doesn’t
more show Himself, make 16, wonders
Himself visible?” about
insymbol of the
volved”. Dischuffed Sam, 19, shared her Christian faith, the cross.
gripe: “Why doesn’t God “Why would Jesus want to
show Himself, make Him- be reminded of His death
self visible?” And countless all the time, anyway?”
The cross Jesus died on,
youngsters wanted to know
according to the Bible, is
“why good people suffer”.
where Jesus took all the
results of human selfishness. He soaked it all up
and took it away into
death. He came back
from death – resurrected
– without it all.
This gives us all a
chance to get into the
greatest love relationship of all: with the God
who made us. And died
for us.
What are you waiting
for? Give love a chance.
After all, as philosophical Tim puts it “The future looks bleak.” But
he adds a note of hope:
“Jesus is sound. He sorts
you out.”
pport antiGod posters
LONDON BENDY buses now
display atheist adverts saying “There’s probably no God.”
Strangely, one of the campaign’s supporters is a Christian group, Theos. It donated
£50 because “the banners will
actually prompt people to think
about God”.
The ads tell people “Now stop
worrying and enjoy life.” Theos
Director Paul Woolley claims
this empty message shows
atheism offers little comfort to
people concerned about the
recession: “It would be hard to
come up with a more self-centred message” he said.
Unsurprisingly, atheist Professor Richard Dawkins lent his
support to the campaign. But
Christian support has come as
an eye-opener to many.
‘I googled
my way
to God’
Jon-Jon: “God does not want to be a secret”
Searcher Jon-Jon, 25, used search engine to find faith
“WAS MY FACE melting?
I didn’t know what was
London Central ............................................. 0845 166 8152
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Preston .......................................................... 0845 123 5554
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Swansea ........................................................ 0845 123 5556
Walsall ........................................................... 0845 123 5563
Wolverhampton............................................. 0845 123 5564
JESUS Fellowship Church is an evangelical Christian Church with a charismatic emphasis. It
upholds the full historical, Christian faith, in particular it upholds the doctrine of the Trinity
and the full divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Fellowship Church is a part of the Multiply
Christian Network and a member of the Evangelical Alliance. To receive Jesus Fellowship
literature regularly, free, send the response form on page 6 to Jesus Fellowship Central Offices,
FREEPOST, Nether Heyford, Northampton NN7 3BR. Tel. 0845 123 5550. modern Jesus
army Streetpaper No.85 © 2009, published three times a year by Jesus Fellowship Church,
Nether Heyford, Northampton NN7 3LB. Editor James Stacey. All photographs supplied and
copyright by Jesus Army Photo Library or Public Domain unless stated otherwise. Printed by
BGP Ltd., Bicester, Oxon. Reproduction of any part of this newspaper in any form requires
written permission. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the
Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale
House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189, United States of America. All rights reserved.
All articles are contributed by members of the Jesus Fellowship Church, also known as the
modern Jesus army. Some members live as part of the New Creation Christian Community.
Readers wishing to contact authors may do so by writing to the Jesus Fellowship Central Office.
MR DIFFERENT smiled a funny
sort of smile. Mr Different liked to
smile differently from everyone
Mr Different didn’t want to be
the same as everyone else. He
listened to music that other people never listened to. He wore
clothes other people never wore.
But Mr Different found he was
never the first to be different at
anything. When Mr Different
bought a new shirt, he found
that there were ten people who
had bought the same shirt already. When Mr Different went
on holiday, he picked the most
unusual place he could think
of. But when he arrived, some
people were returning for their
second visit!
Mr Different was upset that he
wasn’t as different as he wanted
to be. He flopped into his Different Ltd. chair at Different House
(which was the same as lots of
other people’s houses), sipping
a cup of different tea (which
tasted the same as lots other
There was a knock at the
number one ...
door. It was Mr Mysterious.
“Hola!” said Mr Different.
“How are you?” said Mr
Mr Different’s face fell. “I try
to be different” he said “but I
keep finding that I’m exactly the
“Oh” said Mr Mysterious “that’s
odd. You really are quite different
from everyone else I know.”
“I am?” asked Mr Different.
“Yes. You’re unique. Everybody
has something special about
them. If you look for it in other
people, you’ll notice what’s special about yourself.”
Mr Different thought that
sounded silly. But the next day
he noticed that Miss Jolly had
the brightest eyes he’d ever
seen. Mr Helpful talked with a
very interesting accent. And Mr
Humorous had the most unusual flower on his lapel.
And the more Mr Different noticed different things about other
people the more special he felt.
In fact he felt so special that
he wondered if anyone could
feel quite the way he did.
Photo: BBC
Jolie is in
new Bible
NEW BIBLES have been raising
eyebrows. Bible Illuminated is a
300-page glossy magazine with
photos of UN Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie and other
The Jesus Loves Porn Stars
Bible is XXXChurch’s freebie
for helping porn addicts and
taking Christianity into the porn
industry. The Manga Bible has
a comic book superhero style
Jesus. The Bible in Cockney
prays “You’re the Boss, God,
and will be for ever, innit?”
And The Brick Testament tells
stories from the Bible using
Archbishop of Canterbury
Rowan Williams likes The
Manga Bible. He said it
“conveys the shock and
freshness of the Bible”.
New man, Jon-Jon, freshly baptised as a Christian
Law student Jon-Jon Hilton
was crying for the first time
since he was a toddler. Minutes
earlier he’d googled God on his
computer: now he was having
a spiritual experience which led
him to self-discovery.
Jon-Jon’s childhood in a huge
house in the sunny Bahamas
may sound idyllic to rained-on
Brits. But Jon-Jon’s early years
were turbulent. His lawyer father had defended some notorious criminals. Jon-Jon grew up
in a family that was infamous
among the small Bahaman population. “Most of my family were
either lawyers or on the wrong
side of the law – or both” recalls
Jon-Jon, ruefully.
His mother was a stabilizing influence, especially after
she became a Christian when
Jon-Jon was 14. “I could see the
genuine change in her” says JonJon. “But, generally, I resented
the whole Christian thing – it’s a
very regular feature of life in the
Cynical Brits, used to religious
apathy, need to imagine a place
where high street shop signs
say things like “Jay’s Hardware
Store – where the customer is
king and Jesus is Lord”.
But for the Hilton family even
involvement with church life was
scandalous. Front page newspaper headlines about his family’s involvement in a brawl in a
church (complete with pictures)
convinced Jon-Jon of what he
had long felt: he had to get out
of the Bahamas and “reinvent
His chance came when he
moved to Oxford, UK, to study
A-levels. But “reinventing himself” went wrong within weeks:
Jon-Jon got into drug-fuelled
parties and study took a back
seat. But being “clever as well as
lazy” (his words), he still managed to get good grades in his
A-levels and went to university,
despite his life becoming more
and more chaotic.
“Drugs were everywhere at
university.” Jon-Jon felt his life
begin to spiral out of control.
One night Jon-Jon got down
on his knees and prayed, inspired by a mixture of Bahaman
Christian instinct and a Bible
passage he’d heard quoted in
the movie Pulp Fiction.
I typed
must I
do to be
“I asked God to bail me out”
says Jon-Jon. “I asked for a sign.”
The next day someone poked a
slip through the door with a bit
of the Bible on it which said ‘The
Lord will be gracious to you when
you cry to Him’.”
Jon-Jon started living “a double life”. Drugs and parties continued, but between times JonJon shut himself in his room,
put Radio One on loud, and listened to a Christian worship CD
through his headphones.
Jon-Jon’s new search culminated in his “face-melting”
crying experience. “I was desperate” remembers Jon-Jon. “I
typed into Google ‘What must
I do to be saved?’ and got to a
website that gave me a prayer to
pray. I clicked on ‘prayed it’ and
the screen told me angels were
rejoicing. That’s when I started
to cry.”
He cried himself to sleep, cried
when he woke up, and carried
on crying that morning. It was a
turning point: years of pain were
being cried out.
After this, Jon-Jon moved to
London to complete his legal
training. One night, smoking
outside the Trocadero, he was
given a flier for a Jesus Army
meeting and decided to check it
“When I arrived, late as usual”
recalls Jon-Jon “everyone was
singing in beautiful harmonies.
I thought ‘Oh my goodness: the
God I pray to is here’. He was invited to a meal later that week
and went along with a bottle of
coke, imagining a small group of
He found himself at the Jesus
Army’s big house near Oxford
Circus – with fifty-plus others.
It was his second “Oh my goodness” experience that week.
Jon-Jon fell in love with the
big Jesus family he found there.
He went back and back. The
unreality of social hobnobbing
with the educated elite lost any
appeal it had had. In February
2006, Jon-Jon cancelled a party
and invited his friends to his
baptism instead.
Now, three years later again,
Jon-Jon is fired with a vision. He
lives at the Jesus Army’s Oxford
Circus house and is a key volunteer at the newly opened Jesus
Centre there, which helps and
supports many people in need.
“God does not want to be a
secret” he says. “He wants to
be found. He found me – now I
want to help many, many others
to find Him.”
For more on the Jesus Centre’s work
with the disadvantaged in Central
London visit
modern JESUS army Streetpaper No. 85 Page 4
modern JESUS army Streetpaper No. 85 Page 5
You can’t see it but you
can certainly feel it.
Streetpaper homes in
on a love that is so
strong it’s physical.
number two ...
GRANT KEEPS a picture of his girlfriend, Laura,
in his wallet. He might not admit it to his mates,
but sometimes, when she’s away or they’re
apart, he touches her face on the photo.
Grant is intelligent enough to know it’s just a piece
of shiny cardboard, not actually Laura. But touching
that photo gives him a sense of connection with her.
Love is spiritual
– you can’t see it, you
can’t touch it. But try
and express it without
something physical?
Can’t be done. We live
in a physical world.
Even things we’d call
expressed physically.
When Jesus told His
first followers to gather
more followers, He told
them to do something
very physical to them –
dip them under water!
He used the word “baptised,” which is just an old Greek word for “dipped”.
Spiritual realities and physical realities are not a
million miles apart; they’re very close. In fact, they’re
inseparable. When people are dirty they need a bath.
When people need a new life, they need to bury the old
one. That’s what Christian baptism – being plunged
in water in God’s name – powerfully demonstrates:
being cleansed, spiritually, on the inside. Burying an
old life in a watery grave and rising to a new one.
When people are dirty
they need a bath.
When people need a
new life, they need to
bury the old one.
she liked.
Little Miss Perfect thought it was time to go
It was still raining but Little Miss Perfect was
happy inside her little car.
Leaving the shop with her new shoes, Little
Miss Perfect, heard a voice. “Excuse me” said
Mr Mysterious, “I do hope you can help. This
little boy has lost his mummy and he is very
The little boy was crying so much a pool of
tears formed around his shoes.
“Well!” said Little Miss Perfect. “Why don’t
you ask the policeman? The station is on the
other side of town. He’ll know what to do.”
Little Miss Perfect smiled to herself because she had been so very helpful.
That evening it was still raining. But Little
Miss Perfect shut her curtains.
She sat in her cosy chair by her little fire
and drank a warm cup of cocoa.
And she remembered all the perfect things
that had happened today.
number three ...
Oil on the head healed her M.E.
WHEN RUTH Burling, 33, developed ME at the age of 25, she had to
be signed off work for two and a half
years. But she did not want to resign
herself to living with this disease
– she had faith in God to heal her.
“I began to use oil to anoint myself daily” says Ruth. “In doing this,
I was asking God for healing.”
The Bible speaks of putting olive
oil on the head as a sign of God’s
power coming onto the person.
IT WAS the beginning of another perfect day.
Sunbeams poured through pretty curtains
and spotless, sparkling windows. Birds sang
in a tidy little garden.
Little Miss Perfect brushed her perfect
teeth, then went downstairs and picked up the
morning post.
She neatly nibbled her breakfast and sipped
her coffee.
There were no bills to pay and someone
had written to say thank-you for her donation
to charity.
Little Miss Perfect checked her hair was in
place and smiled again. “Perfect” she thought.
It was time to go to work.
It began to rain. Little Miss Perfect frowned
a little. But she kept dry in her shiny, clean car
as she drove round the corner to work.
Little Miss Perfect finished all her reports
before lunch time. She sat down with a cup of
tea and read the newspaper. Little Miss Perfect didn’t read any bad news. She turned to
the fashion pages and saw some shoes that
Big splash: Kieran, 16, experiences
the power of Christian baptism
It’s only possible because Jesus came down to
earth, died for us and rose again, never to die. If we
follow Him in faith, we can be cleansed and receive a
transformed life.
And you can’t get a much more down-to-earth
way of experiencing this new life than a public, fully
clothed, celebratory bath!
If a bath is down-to-earth, so is a meal. This is
another physical act Jesus got His first followers to
do: sharing a loaf of
bread and a cup of
wine to “remember”
Jesus. The bread
and wine stand for
His body and blood
– sacrificed for us
when He died.
Eating a meal is
an ancient sign of
committed friendship. When Christians share bread
and wine it a powerful statement of
their mended friendship with God and
true brotherhood with one another.
There are other physical things that Christians do
which can have spiritual results – like putting a hand
on someone’s head to bless or heal them, or using olive oil as a sign of God’s Spirit resting on a person.
Just like Grant’s photo, all these acts are really all
about love. “This is real love – not that we loved God,
but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to
take away our sins” (1 John 4:10, The Bible).
“The months drew on” says Ruth
“but I knew that God was teaching me to be consistent, so I carried
“After about six months, I was
healed! There was real change from
one day to the next – I got stronger
and stronger. I went back to work,
part time, and restarted a college
course I’d had to drop when I became ill. Since then my capacity has
continued to increase.”
Beth takes the big
plunge to find peace
Christian baptism was her turning point
WATCHING a video about baptism
at a Jesus Army event in 2005, Beth
Williams, 15, felt a sudden certainty: this was for her.
“At the time I was quite young”
explains Beth. “I didn’t feel quite
ready. But I knew it wouldn’t
be long before I took this step.
“That night I prayed, asking
God to let me know when the time
was right.
“It wasn’t until a year later. Out
of the blue someone asked me if I
had thought about baptism at all.
Instantly, I knew that I was ready
to be baptised.
“When the day came I was nervous, wondering what it would be
like. But as soon as I got into the
water, all my worries disappeared.”
She remembers “Coming up
out of the water, I felt full of God’s
power. It overflowed in worship and
tears. As I looked around at all of
the faces, I finally knew what people meant when they said they were
part of a ‘spiritual family’.
“My baptism was such a key moment for me” says Beth.
“It helped me to find freedom
from a lot of worries and anxieties. They have been replaced with
God’s peace.”
Aidan says that sharing bread
and wine is ‘raw, but powerful’
“I FIND sharing bread and wine (sometimes called
‘Holy Communion’) very deep” says Aidan, “It helps us
to remember the extent of Jesus’ sacrifice – and how a
new culture and our eternal future stem from that.”
“When we take bread and wine (actually we usually
use grape juice), it’s done together – from the same
cup, the same loaf of bread. This speaks to me of us
all being joined the church, all receiving our life from
Jesus. We’re His “body” on earth today.”
Aidan adds “I’ve had some really deep times sharing bread and wine with people. Once about 15 of us
young lads got together and were sitting on the floor in
a cold, otherwise empty, church. We sang a song about
the blood of Jesus cleansing us. Then we shared bread
and wine.
“There was a stark contrast between our roughness,
sprawled around singing, and the majesty of the building. Something connected and when we took the bread
and wine, Jesus’ presence was powerful there. That’s
what bread and wine is – raw and simple, yet with power in it.
“The most important aspect of taking the bread and
wine, in my opinion” declares Aidan “is the fact that it’s
a conscious decision to receive Jesus’ life: one which
faces us up to the reality of whether we are clean – and
offers us new life through Jesus’ awesome love.”
POOR MR Excuses almost knocked over
the headmaster as he ran into school.
“Sorry, I’m late Headmaster. It’s not my
fault! My fish was sick and I had to take him
to the vet! And then my shoelace broke! And
then I missed the school bus.”
“But you’re the teacher” exclaimed the
headmaster. “You’re not supposed to make
excuses!” And he swept away.
Mr Excuses sat at his desk for the first
lesson. But he’d forgotten to prepare any
“Sorry class” Mr Excuses explained.
“There was a fire last night and all of today’s
work has been burnt.”
All the children groaned.
After school Mr Excuses was on his way
home when he bumped into the vicar.
“Reverend!” exclaimed Mr Excuses. “Sorry I haven’t been to church, but I have been
really good lately, so I haven’t really needed
to come!”
And before the vicar could open his mouth
Mr Excuses had gone.
But just then Mr Excuses ran straight into
Mr Mysterious.
“Oh! I am sorry” said Mr Excuses as he
helped Mr Mysterious to his feet. “I had
something in my eye, and I couldn’t see.”
“No” said Mr Mysterious. “You weren’t
looking where you were going. Why don’t
you try being honest about your mistakes?”
“Excuse me?” said Mr Excuses.
No one had suggested that he be honest
“You’ll keep bumping into problems until
the day you realise you don’t have all the
answers” Mr Mysterious explained. “If I kept
running away from situations I’d be running
all my life” he added. “Go on. Be honest with
yourself. No one believes you anyway.”
Mr Excuses looked a little puzzled as he
walked through the front door of his house.
Mrs Excuses was waiting. As usual Mr
Excuses was late.
“You’re never going to believe this...” Mr
Excuses started.
“Go on” she replied. “Try me...”
Photo: m_r_ducks
-8 AU
Jesus n Square
N1 4A
pton N
your elders
and betters
have been receiving support in
a Jesus Army initiative.
9,700 letters were posted to
homes around the town offering
help with practical needs, social visits and spiritual support.
There were positive responses.
A woman from London rang
to ask if someone could visit her
elderly mother as she is often
alone needing company. An elderly couple requested help with
practical jobs. Others just rang
for advice.
“The best result overall is that
young people have been able
to form new friendships with an
older generation” commented
one Jesus Army leader.
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Photo: whizzy
Give these
ple their
pride back
A HUGE box of Thorntons
chocolates arrived at Coventry’s
Jesus Centre. The gift giver said
“I want to say thank you for restoring my self respect.” Support
workers had just managed to
get him off the streets and into
his own home. Now he has been
able to find work as well.
The Jesus Army’s Jesus
Centres are a means of providing visible Christian support
to many as well as a home for
Christian worship.
Another visitor commented “I
was homeless and a raving drug
addict and now I’ve got a place
and I’m ten times better. You
people have showed me faith
and given me support.”
For more on Jesus Centres
and how you can help visit
Jacqui spent years wrapped in a tissue of lies and
abuse. Now she’s free. She told Streetpaper her story.
YOU MIGHT expect a woman
who spent years meeting witches
at night to be a bit strange, even if
she doesn’t have green skin and a
Jacqui’s a normal, nice, cheerful
mum of three. Yet Jacqui’s story is
neither “normal” nor “nice”.
She grew up in rural England, but
life wasn’t idyllic. For ten years Jacqui suffered sexual abuse from a
close family member.
“He was a sailor. When he was on
leave, he would shower me with gifts
– buying my silence.” Much later, he
was arrested for another sexual offence and Jacqui went to
the police after years of
painful silence.
Partly because of this
troubled home life, Jacqui
would spend a lot of time
with her grandmother.
She first introduced Jacqui to witchcraft.
“She taught me about
things like wax effigies and
charms.” Jacqui’s occult
dabbling deepened in her teenage
years – but she didn’t see it as becoming a witch: “it was more to do
with nature, vibes and energies.”
So not Wicked Witch of the West.
At 20, Jacqui moved to the Midlands. There, she bumped into
some people from the Jesus Army.
“I used to invite them round and
we’d talk. I began to take steps
away from paganism. They brought
their flasks – and these odd glass
mugs. After they’d all gone, I realised that there was a mug left under
the bed. I washed it up, thinking ‘I’ll
give it back next time I see them’. It
never actually happened. That mug
stayed with me for years and has a
part later in the story.”
Jacqui’s earliest involvement
with the Jesus Army was short-
lived. Around the same time she
met them, she also met Jimmy,
who she moved in with and later
married. They moved back SouthWest and had three children.
But Jacqui began to suspect that
Jimmy was seeing someone else:
“He was away a lot. Things didn’t
add up.” They grew apart and Jacqui picked up some old friendships
in the pagan scene.
During her years away it had all
got heavier.
“There was a guy called Dan who
was running things as high priest”
says Jacqui. “There are levels in
lived there are lots of ancient tree
circles. We were driving past one.
He stopped the car and the next
thing I knew he’d dragged me out,
into the trees.”
There, in the tree circle, Dan
raped Jacqui.
Jacqui couldn’t tell anyone. “I
couldn’t report him – it’s difficult
to explain the whole coven secrecy
thing. I’d taken various oaths. And,
for me, it was like the pact of silence
I’d experienced as a child about the
Trapped in secrecy, the Jesus
Army web forum became a lifeline.
It was at that time that she
found out about Jimmy’s
affair as well.
Her friends in the Jesus
Army, and a determination
to stay strong “for my kids,”
gave Jacqui strength. She
decided to take action and
told Dan she was going to
the police.
Soon after, Dan moved
away. Jacqui’s nightmare
came to an end.
“I still had abusive messages online for a while after Dan moved”
remembers Jacqui, “but from then
on I became much more involved
with the Jesus Army. I was getting
Also Jacqui found her faith in
Jesus slowly growing. “I don’t trust
sudden dramatic changes” she says.
“But I found that Jesus is a friend
who is for you even if you mess up.”
In early 2006, Jacqui was baptised
as a Christian.
Her message to those trapped
in similar occult or abusive situations? “Get out of the secrecy, whatever has happened. And, whatever
you’ve done, there’s always room
for you with Jesus.”
• Some names have been changed.
Dan used the ritual
as an excuse to try
to push Jacqui to
have sex with him
a coven. Dan wanted me to be his
‘high priestess’ through a ceremony
called the Grand Rites.”
Dan used the ritual as an excuse
to try to push Jacqui to have sex
with him. Jacqui resisted: “I was
married and just saw it as wrong”.
Dan threatened Jacqui and started stalking her. She decided she
“wanted out” of the coven.
“Around that time I found the
Jesus Army’s glass mug,” says
Jacqui. “It felt like a message! I got
in touch again, via the Jesus Army
forum on the web.”
But things were getting heavier
with Dan.
“It was early February. I’d
dropped the kids off to school and
Dan turned up in the car. I got in
– a great mistake. Round where we
THE TRUTH is Jesus sets
people free: freedom from lies
and from selfishness, freedom
to love others. “It can be tough,
but it’s truly fulfilling to live as a
Christian” said James, 32.
The lie is that witchcraft and
the occult give people power
and spiritual experience. Jacqui
and many others found such
activities have wrapped them
in deceit, fear – and sometimes
The truth is Jesus brings true
spiritual life. Jesus connects us
to God. Aidan, 19, pictured at
a Jesus Celebration in London
(right), said “Jesus is about life,
love and freedom.”
The lie is that paganism is just
harmless, ancient religion. Much
ancient paganism was violent
and fear-based. As Jacqui’s story
shows all too clearly, its modern
forms can be just the same.
Real life in London: “dancing, singing, enjoying
each other and Jesus’ colourful life” (Aidan, 19)
Visit the online
SEND for a free catalogue to: Jesus People Shop, FREEPOST, Nether Heyford, Northampton NN7 3BR t: 0845 166 8172
OFFICIALS IN Milton Keynes
asked the Jesus Army if they
could be in the city centre over
the Christmas period.
The church had been making friends with teenagers in
the city and the council wanted
help in creating a friendlier and
safer environment for the festive
season. They reserved a space
for the church’s campaign bus
and even promised bouncers to
stand on the bus doors.
Christians mingled with the
locals and offered friendly conversation and prayer. Even the
tough-nosed doormen were impressed. One said “Being with
these guys has totally changed
my opinion of ‘bible bashers’.”
heart you have” answered Mr
“Why do bad things happen?”
“Sometimes we have to wait for
the good results to come later.”
Little Miss Questions was
impressed by Mr Mysterious’
answers but she wasn’t sure if
they were completely right. She
wondered who Mr Mysterious
really was.
“If you always question everything how will you ever find the
answer you need?” Mr Mysterious
said mysteriously. “The best question you can ask is about yourself:
Why am I here? How can I learn
to live the best way possible?”
“But I want to ask the biggest
questions no-one can answer
too!” said Little Miss Questions
“Even though you’ll never
get the answer?” asked Mr
“Because one day I might!”
“Well that’s faith for you” said
Mr Mysterious.
“Is it?” said Little Miss
Mr Mysterious smiled.
The waste
of Paradise
LITTLE MISS Questions always
questioned everything.
At the bakery she asked Mr
Baker “What was the best thing
before sliced bread?”
At the doctor’s she asked Dr Cleverly “Isn’t it a bit worrying that
doctors call what they do a practice?”
At the bank Little Miss Questions wondered “If money
doesn’t grow on trees, then why
do banks have branches?”
But Little Miss Questions had
some more serious questions
One night, Little Miss Questions walked down the road and
gazed up at the stars. “Someone
must know the answers to the
big questions” she thought.
And she decided to pay a visit
to Mr Mysterious.
Sipping a cup of camomile
tea Little Miss Questions asked
“What’s the most important thing
in the world?”
“Love” replied Mr Mysterious.
“Should people always try to
be good?”
“It’s really about what kind of
and Bible
number four ...
PARADISE – get paid to go there!
How would you like to spend six
months on a tropical island? And be paid
for it?
An Australian tourist office is looking
for a “caretaker” for islands on the Great
Barrier Reef. You’ll be paid £70,000 in salary, get your own villa and work only 12
hours a month!
The agency is expecting thousands of
Or consider a previous advert for an
altogether hardier existence on a remote
island in the Scottish Orkneys. A good
sized property for about £300 a year rent.
Again thousands applied.
What is it about secluded places that
attract us to sell up and move far away
from anybody else? Does having your
own corner of God’s earth where no-one
can disturb you sound like Eden? Reconnecting with nature restores the soul.
But what about reconnecting with one
We live among strangers, disconnected
from one another. We pollute the earth
because we’re disconnected from creation too. Not only that, but prevalent self
harm indicates we’re even disconnected
with our selves. Somewhere along the
line, paradise has been well and truly
The original Eden story, in Genesis in
the Bible, is a sad tale of our original disconnection with God, after which everything else fell apart. Only with Jesus was
reconciliation with God made fully possible.
Just about everyone wants an idyllic
lifestyle. Let’s get reconciled with God;
then paradise will get to work on us
– from the inside out.
Paradise – He paid for it.
modern JESUS army Streetpaper No. 85 Page 7
modern JESUS army Streetpaper No. 85 Page 6
modern JESUS army Streetpaper No. 85 Page 8
Man on the street: UK people are open to Jesus
number five ...
mJa Events 2009
2.00pm & 6.00pm
Cocks Moors Woods Leisure Centre, Alcester Road
South, Kings Heath, BIRMINGHAM B14 6ER
From 11.00am
Jesus Centre, Abington Square, NORTHAMPTON NN1 4AE
MR MYSTERIOUS thought about all the
people he’d met that week.
Mr Different, Little Miss Perfect, Mr Excuses,
Little Miss Questions (see p.2, 4, 5 & 6). Mr
Mysterious felt a little exhausted. Would his
friends ever be happy with so many problems?
“Nothing, even the very worst situation, is too
big a problem if you’re willing to ask for help” he
thought. “You just need to know who to ask.
“After all, it’s not what you know but who you
know!” he said to himself.
But no-one knows who Mr Mysterious really
is – that’s what makes him so mysterious.
“Ah! But my friends do!” Mr Mysterious
answered, almost as if he could read my mind
and yours.
“Anybody who is a true friend really does get
to know me.”
And he winked mysteriously.
So, whenever you know you need help
(and that’s most of the time for most of us),
just look to the friendship of Mr Mysterious.
After all, by now you’ve figured out who Mr
Mysterious is, haven’t you?
Jesus Christ came to show us who God really is. He loved, healed and taught anyone who
would really listen – because He is God in human form. And He promised to rescue anyone
who wanted to be rescued from the evil around them and within them.
He showed God’s true love, by letting His own body be destroyed on a Roman cross. Executed like a criminal he soaked up all the hatred and fear that suffocates humanity. And He
came back to life as only God could, witnessed by His friends at the time. He’s still alive and
He’s waiting, from heaven, to be your friend. You can pray like this:
Jesus, I need Your help. Will You help me start again? Give me a new life that I can
share with You and give me friends who will help me to follow You.
Giant Marquee, Cornhill Manor, Pattishall,
Giant Marquee, Cornhill Manor, Pattishall,
From 12.30pm
Trafalgar Square, LONDON
Info: Jesus Fellowship, FREEPOST, Nether Heyford,
Northampton NN7 3BR t: 0845 123 5550
UK HIGH streets are
changing fast.
For a start, where’s
thought Britain would get
so sentimental about the
passing on of pick’n’mix?
But Woolworths has been
crunched out of credit and
it’s no longer there. What will
be next? Who will be next?
Some predict that the slide
will continue until the average
UK shopping street looks like
a row of rotting teeth – huge
gaps everywhere.
The Jesus Army have
found that many people
want to talk about faith and
prayer on the streets. It’s
not surprising that when the
false gods of cash and credit
take a tumble, people want
real answers.
In fact, Christianity on UK
streets is an ancient feature
of British life. The Christian
message first arrived in the
country on Roman roads.
Recycled paper made up
79.0% of the raw material
for UK
in 2007
The French Revolution in
1789 was a time of massive
fear – even worse than losing
Woolworths. In those days,
famous preacher John Wesley
rode the length and breadth
of Britain’s roads announcing
that faith in Jesus was
the answer. Some say his
message saved England from
bloody revolution.
Then there was the Sally
Army with their brass
bands and fearless work on
the streets for the poor in
Victorian times – and they’re
still going strong today.
The Jesus Army is part
of this UK streets story. In
insecure times, faith in God is
the answer many are longing
for. So the Jesus Army takes
faith to the streets, talking
praying, sharing.
Text your prayer request or
questions to 0774 0774 200.
We’d love to hear from you.
mJa UK: 0845 123 5550
(local call rate)
For help/info:
Jesus Fellowship, FREEPOST,
Nether Heyford, Northampton
Tel: 0845 166 8171
Fax: 0845 166 8178