MLA (7t h ed.) - Los Angeles City College

Los Angeles City College Library
MLA (7th ed.)
Online Sources
MLA (Modern Language Association) Style - Citing Online Sources
Library Subscription Services (Online Databases)
Elements (with samples):
1. Author's name (last name, first name)
2. Title of article (in quotation marks)
3. Name of periodical (italicized)
4. Volume. Issue
Kass, Leon R.
“Defending Human Dignity.”
Commentary (Note: no period)
Note: Journal citations include the volume and issue number while magazine/newspaper citations do not.
5. Date published
6. Page number(s)
7. Database title ( italicized )
8. Medium of publication
9. Date of access (day month year)
Dec. 2007.
Academic Search Premier.
12 Aug. 2015.
Author. “Title of Article.” Name of Periodical Volume. Issue. Date published: Page Number(s).
Database Title. Medium of publication consulted. Date of access.
Examples for a Works Cited List
Kass, Leon R. “Defending Human Dignity.” Commentary Dec. 2007: 53-61. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 12 Aug. 2015.
Martin, Hugo. "Anaheim Targets Short-Term Rentals." Los Angeles Times 15 Sep. 2015: C4.
ProQuest. Web. 18 Sep. 2015.
Nolte, Carl. “A City and Its Firemen Mourn Their Fallen Comrade.” The San Francisco Chronicle 31
Oct. 2003: A18+. LexisNexis Academic. Web. 29 Aug. 2015.
Obama, Barack. "Racism Against Young African American Men Needs to Be Addressed." Racial
Profiling. Ed. Noel Merino. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven P, 2015. Current Controversies.
Rpt. from "Remarks by the President on Trayvon Martin." The White House, 19 July 2013.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 15 Sept. 2015.
Price, Tom. “Future of Journalism.” CQ Researcher 27 Mar. 2009: 273-96. CQ Researcher Online.
Web. 3 Sep. 2015.
Twiss, Sumner B. “History, Human Rights, and Globalization.” Journal of Religious Ethics 32.1
(2004): 39-70. JSTOR. Web. 29 Aug. 2015.
Online Books
If citing an online book that also appeared in print, begin the citation with the relevant facts about print
publication (author, title, place of publication, publisher, year published, etc.), followed by:
1. Name of the database or Web site (italicized).
2. Medium of publication consulted (Web).
3. Date of access (day, month, and year).
Berk, Laura E. Awakening Children's Minds: How Parents and Teachers Can Make a Difference.
New York: Oxford UP, 2004. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 16 Sep. 2015.
Chbosky, Stephen. "The Perks of Being a Wallflower." Novels for Students. Ed. Sara Constantakis.
Vol. 47. Farmington Hills: Gale, 2015. 216-36. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 16
Sept. 2015.
Web Pages
A Web page is a single document on the World Wide Web, a part of a Web site. It can be compared to
an online version of an article or a section of a book.
1. Name of the author, compiler, editor, or translator.
2. Title of the Web page or article (in quotation marks)
3.Title of the Web site or online periodical (italicized )
4. Name of the publisher or sponsoring institution
No author given – start with the title
“The Articles of Confederation.”
A Chronology of US Historical Documents.
U of Oklahoma College of Law,
Note: If no publisher is given, use “N.p.”
5. Date of publication or latest update
31 Mar. 2015.
Note: If no date is given, use “n.d.”
6. Medium of publication
7. Date of access (day month year)
3 Sep. 2015.
8. URL
Note: You should include a URL as supplementary information when the reader probably cannot
locate the source without it or when your instructor requires it.
Author(s). “Title of the Page.” Title of the Web site. Name of Sponsoring Institution, Date of
publication. Medium of publication. Date of access. <URL optional, ask instructor>.
Examples for a Works Cited List
“The Articles of Confederation.” A Chronology of US Historical Documents. U of Oklahoma College
of Law, 31 Mar. 2015. Web. 3 Sep. 2015. <>.
Green, Joshua. “The Rove Presidency.” The Atlantic. Atlantic Monthly Group, Sept. 2007. Web. 29
Aug. 2015. <>.
Tyre, Peg. “Standardized Tests in College?” Newsweek. IBT Media, 13 Mar. 2010. Web. 19 Sep.
2015. <>.
Van Helden, Albert et al., eds. “Copernican System.” The Galileo Project. Rice U, 1995. Web. 2 Sep.
2015. <>.
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