( 香 港 乒 乓 總 會 有 限 公 司 )
(Incorporating amendments as adopted by Special Resolutions passed on
31st December 1973, 31st December 1979, 14th December 1987,
28th December 1992 and 16th June 2008)
Incorporated the 13th day of October, 1972.
No. 29917
( 香 港 乒 乓 總 會 有 限 公 司 )
is this day incorporated in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance,
and that this company is limited.
GIVEN under my hand this Thirteenth day of October One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Seventy-two.
(Sd.) Sham Fai
for Registrar of Companies,
Hong Kong.
Company Limited by Guarantee and
Not having a Share Capital
( 香 港 乒 乓 總 會 有 限 公 司 )
First:- The name of the Association is “The Hong Kong Table Tennis
Association Limited (香港乒乓總會有限公司).”
Second:- The registered office of the Association will be situate in the
Colony of Hong Kong.
Third:- The objects for which the Association is established are:(a) To acquire and undertake the management, assets and liabilities and to
effectuate and carry into execution the powers, obligations, duties, objects,
rules, regulations and bye-laws of the unincorporated body known as the
Hong Kong Table Tennis Association (香港乒乓總會).
(b) To promote, support and protect the game of Table Tennis (hereinafter
called “the game”) in every way in which the Association or the Executive
Committee of the Association shall think proper, and to take all necessary
steps to prevent infringements of the rules and laws of the game, or other
improper methods or practices in the game and to protect it from abuses.
(c) To formulate, adopt, vary and publish rules, regulations, bye-laws, and
conditions for the regulation of the game or otherwise, and to take all
necessary steps to enforce such rules, regulations, bye-laws and conditions.
(d) To maintain, continue or provide for the affiliation of associations, clubs and
teams for promoting or playing of the game and to take over and continue
the registers of associations, club and teams maintained by the said
unincorporated body, Hong Kong Table Tennis Association (香港乒乓總
(e) To maintain, continue or provide for the registration of table tennis players,
and to take over and continue the registers of players maintained by the said
unincorporated body Hong Kong Table Tennis Association (香港乒乓總會).
(f) To take over and continue with such variations as from time to time as may
be decided by the Association or the Executive Committee of the
Association all the rules, registers, books, accounts and other documents of
the Hong Kong Table Tennis Association (香港乒乓總會).
(g) To promote, provide for, regulate and manage in all or any of the required
details of arrangements, including any arrangements for the benefit of
associations, clubs or teams, table tennis competitions, contests and matches,
interport, international or otherwise, and in Hong Kong or elsewhere, and to
provide for all or any facilities and amenities as may be considered
necessary for or ancillary to the comfort, conduct, conveyance, convenience,
or benefit of players and of the public, or of any other persons concerned or
engaged in such competitions, contests or matches.
(h) To accept, take over, or otherwise acquire all cups, shields, and other prizes
as may be approved by the Executive Committee of the Association and to
provide for the proper custody, insurance, protection, exhibition, award,
distribution or loan of or other dealing with any such cups, shields or prizes.
(i) To promote, co-operate, establish, join, subscribe to, assist and enter into
arrangements or amalgamate with, any clubs, associations, or teams whether
incorporated or unincorporated, in this Colony or any other part of the world,
having same or similar objects to those of the Association.
(j) To diseminate information on all matters affecting the game of table tennis,
and to print, publish, issue and circulate such papers, periodicals, books,
circulars and other literary undertakings as many seem conducive to the
attainment of the objects of the Association.
(k) To improve and elevate the technical and general knowledge of players and
persons engaged or interested in the game of table tennis, and with a view
thereto to provide for the delivery of lectures and the holding of classes and
to test by examinations or otherwise the competence of such persons and
players and to award certificates and to give prizes, grants and rewards.
(l) To establish and maintain libraries and reading rooms and to furnish the
same respectively with books, reviews, magazines and other publications
relating to the game of table tennis or otherwise.
(m) To provide training places for table tennis and to give or cause to be given
and provide for instructions and coaching in respect thereof.
(n) Subject to the provisions of Section 17 of the Companies Ordinance, to
purchase, take, lease, exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any real, personal
or leasehold property and any rights or privileges necessary or convenient
for the purposes of the Association and to construct, alter and maintain any
buildings required for the purposes of the Association.
(o) To improve, develop, or manage any property, movable or immovable, of
the Association, and to turn the property to profit and advantage in any way
that the Executive Committee of the Association may determine.
(p) To buy, prepare, make, supply, sell and deal in all kinds of jerseys, uniforms,
shoes, balls, nets, tables and apparatus used in connection with the game of
table tennis and all kinds of liquor, provisions and refreshments required or
used by the players or members of the Association or by other persons
frequenting the grounds, pavilion or premises of the Association.
(q) To raise and receive moneys by way of fees, subscriptions, levies, donations,
or other lawful means, for the purposes of the Association.
(r) To give subscriptions or donations to the funds of any charitable,
educational or benevolent institutions or projects.
(s) To lend or invest any money of the Association, as shall be approved by the
Executive Committee of the Association.
(t) The Executive Committee may borrow any money required for the purposes
of the Association.
(u) The Executive Committee shall not mortgage or sell the properties of the
Association except with the approval of the members in the general
(v) To do all such other things as are incidental or conductive to the attainment
of the above objects or any of them.
And it is hereby declared that the word “Association” in this clause shall be
deemed to include any partnership or other body of persons, whether
incorporated or not incorporated, and whether domiciled in Hong Kong or
elsewhere, and the intention is that the objects specified in each paragraph of
this clause shall, except where otherwise expressed in such paragraph be in
nowise limited or restricted by reference to or inference from the terms of any
other paragraph or the name of the Association.
Fourth:-The income and property of the Association, whencesoever derived,
shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Association
as set forth in this Memorandum of Association and no portion thereof shall be
paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise,
howsoever by way of profit to the members of the Association. Provided that
nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith of reasonable and proper
remuneration to any officer or servant of the Association or to any member of
the Association in return for any services actually rendered to the Association.
Fifth:-The liability of members is limited.
Sixth:- Every group member of the Association undertakes to contribute to
the assets of the Association in the event of the same being wound up during the
time when it is a group member, or within one year after it ceases to be a group
member, for payment of the debts and liabilities of the Association contracted
before the time at which it ceased to be a group member and of the costs,
charges and expenses of winding-up the same and for the adjustment of the
rights of the contributories amongst themselves, such amount as may be required
not exceeding HK$100.00 (Hong Kong Dollars One Hundred).
Seventh:- If upon the winding-up of the Association there remains, after
satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall
not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Association, but shall be
given or transferred to some other institution, or institutions having objects
similar to the objects of the Association, and which shall prohibit the distribution
of its or their income and property among its or their members to an extent at
least as great as is imposed on the Association under or by virtue of Clause 4
hereof, such institution or institutions to be determined by the members of the
Association before the time of dissolution, and in default thereof by a Judge of
the Supreme Court of Hong Kong having jurisdiction in regard to charitable
funds and if and so far as effect cannot be given to the aforesaid provision, then
to some charitable object.
We, the several persons whose names, addresses and descriptions are hereto
subscribed as desirous of being formed into a company in pursuance of this
Memorandum of Association:Names, Addresses and Descriptions of Subscribers
(Sd.) Yue Yun Hing (YUE YUN HING) (余潤興)
190, Tong Mei Road, 1st floor, Kowloon. Company Director.
(Sd.) Lau Kwok Chu (LAU KWOK CHU) (劉國柱)
Flat 6B, 20th floor, Kiu Kwun Building, King’s Road, H.K.
Shipping Executive.
(Sd.) Y. W. Ng (NG YAN WING) (吳恩榮)
Flat 1432, Wah Shun House, Wah Fu Estate, H.K. Clerk.
(Sd.) Yip Kam Chiu (YIP KAM CHIU) (葉錦釗)
21, Leighton Road, Ground floor, Hong Kong. Engineer.
(Sd.) Chow Chun Kow (CHOW CHUN KOW) (周振球)
Flat B1, 7th floor, Bay View Mansion, Moreton Terrace, Hong Kong.
Shipping Executive.
(Sd.) Yeung Hok Ling (YEUNG HOK LING) (楊鶴齡)
Flat F, 4th floor, Yuet Ming Mansion, 129 King’s Road, Hong Kong.
Shipping Executive.
(Sd.) T. W. Chan (CHAN TIN WAH) (陳天華)
Flat 70, Chung Shu Lau, 8th floor, Healthy Village, Hong Kong. Merchant.
(Sd.) Yick Ting Shui (YICK TING SHUI) (易庭瑞)
6, King Street, 4th floor, Tai Hang, Hong Kong. Merchant.
(Sd.) K. L. Chin (CHIN KING LUN) (錢景麟)
Flat C, Asia Building, 5th floor, King’s Road, Hong Kong, Merchant.
(Sd.) H. B. Tang (TANG HUNG BOR) (鄧鴻坡)
Flat 25, Man King Building, 15th floor, Ferry Street, Kowloon. Clerk.
(Sd.) S. C. Sih (SIH SU CHO) (薛緒初)
47, Kai Ming Street, 5th floor, Kowloon. Merchant.
(Sd.) Lai Moon (LAI MOON) (黎滿)
Flat B, 5th floor, Hoi Tin Lau, 242, Hoi Tan Street, Kowloon. Clerk.
(Sd.) S. W. Leung (LEUNG SIK WAH) (梁適華)
150, Tai Hang Road, Flat B1, 3rd floor, Hong Kong. Company Director.
Dated the 2nd day of October, 1972.
Witness to the above signatures:(Sd.) Wong Chun Ming
Certified Public Secretary
Hong Kong.
Company Limited by Guarantee and Not having a Share Capital
( 香 港 乒 乓 總 會 有 限 公 司 )
In these Articles:The “Ordinance” means the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 32).
The “Association” means the above-named Hong Kong Table Tennis
Association Limited.
The “Executive Committee” means the Executive Committee of the
When any provision of the Ordinance is referred to the reference is to such
provision as modified by any Ordinance for the time being in force.
Unless the context otherwise requires, expressions defined in the Ordinance
or any statutory modifications thereof in force at the date at which these
Articles become binding on the Association, shall have the meanings so
For the purpose of registration the number of members of the Association is
declared to be unlimited.
The subscribers to the Memorandum and Articles of Association, all
members of the unincorporated association known as the Hong Kong Table
Tennis Association ( 香港乒乓總會 ) and such other persons or bodies
as shall be elected to membership under these Articles shall be members of
the Association.
The Association shall consist of the following categories of members:
(1) Ordinary Member – any of the subscribers to the Memorandum and
Articles of Association and any group or club being an organization of
table tennis activities in Hong Kong has been admitted as member
before 1992 shall be an Ordinary Member and shall abide by the
Memorandum and Articles of Association.
(2) Associate Member – any group or club being an organization of table
tennis activities in Hong Kong and intending to join membership after
1991 shall be eligible to become an Associate Member.
(3) Honorary Member – any person who has become honorary life
president, honorary president, honorary life adviser, honorary adviser,
honorary legal adviser, honorary doctor, honorary life member or
honorary members pursuant to Article 13 shall become an Honorary
Any Associate Member who has become member of the Association for 5
years or more may be eligible to apply for ordinary membership subject to
the approval of the Executive Committee.
Every application for membership shall be submitted in a form provided by
the Association to the Executive Committee for consideration and approval.
The Executive Committee reserves the right to refuse any application for
membership without giving any explanation. Upon payment of the entry
fee and first annual subscription fee, a group or club shall become a
member of the Association.
All Ordinary Member shall have a right to vote at general meeting of the
Association and be elected to office but if an Ordinary Member does not
pay its annual subscription of the ensuing year after 15 th November it shall
lose its right to vote or be elected to any office in the general meeting and
such member shall lose its membership if it does not pay its annual
subscription within one month after the holding of the general meeting.
Ordinary Members who have been members of the Association as such for
less than three months shall have no right to vote, to elect or be elected.
All Associate Members shall have no right to vote, to elect or be elected to
any office.
Every member is entitled to all the privileges provided for in these presents
and enjoy, attend or participate in all the activities, facilities and amenities
provided by the Association.
10. Any member wishing to resign his membership of the Association shall
give notice in writing addressed to the Association and deposited at the
registered office of the Association.
11. If any member shall neglect or refuse to comply with any of the provisions
of the Memorandum or Articles or bye-laws of the Association or shall be
guilty of misconduct likely to be injurious to the Association, such member
shall be liable to expulsion by a resolution of the Executive Committee.
An expelled member shall forfeit all rights in and claim upon the
12. Any member whose subscription is in arrear shall automatically cease to be
a member of the Association.
Honorary Members
13. The Executive Committee may from time to time and at their discretion
invite suitable or qualified persons to be honorary life president or
presidents, honorary president or presidents, honorary life adviser or
advisers, honorary adviser or advisers, honorary legal adviser or advisers,
honorary doctor or doctors, honorary life member or members or other
honorary members of the Association.
Entry Fees and Subscriptions
14. Ordinary Member and Associate Member shall pay an entry and an annual
subscription fees, the amounts of which to be determined by the Executive
Committee from time to time in Executive Committee Meeting of the
15. Honorary Members need not pay any fees and subscriptions and shall not
be under any liability in the event of the Association being wound up.
General Meetings
16. General meeting represents the supreme power of the Association and is
held once in every calendar year on such a date as decided by the Executive
Committee from time to time provided always that any annual general
meeting must be held within 15 months from the last annual general
meeting and every annual general meeting shall be convened by the
President on such date at such time and such place as prescribed in the
notice sent to every member entitled to attend 21 days before the meeting.
Every Ordinary Member entitled to attend may appoint a representative to
attend the general meeting.
17. The above-mentioned general meeting shall be called ordinary general
meeting; all other general meetings shall be called extraordinary general
18. The President may, whenever he thinks fit, convene an extraordinary
general meeting and extraordinary general meetings shall also be convened
on the requisition of three-fourths majority of the members of the
Executive Committee or one-third of the Ordinary Members in writing
stating reasons. If the President does not convene the meeting within one
month after the requisition, the Executive Committee shall convene the
19. No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum of
members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business.
Save as herein otherwise provided the quorum for any general meeting
shall be at least one-fifth of the Ordinary Members entitled to attend.
20. If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is
not present, the meeting, if convened upon the requisition of Ordinary
Members, shall be dissolved; in any other case, it shall stand adjourned to
the same day in next week, at the same time and place, and if at the
adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour from the
time appointed for the meeting the members present shall form a quorum.
21. The business of the general meeting shall be:(a) to receive the report of the Executive Committee.
(b) to receive the audited accounts of the Association.
(c) to elect members of the Executive Committee.
(d) to elect President and Vice-presidents.
(e) to appoint auditor or auditors and to fix his or their remuneration.
to amend Articles of the Association.
(g) to transact any other business which may be properly dealt with at a
general meeting of the Association and of which business due notice
shall have been given.
22. Subject to Article 7, every Ordinary Member shall have one vote and every
honorary life member shall have 100 votes.
23. The President of the Association shall preside as chairman at every general
meeting of the Association.
24. If at any general meeting the President is not present, one of the
Vice-presidents shall take the chair; if the President and the Vice-presidents
are not present within 15 minutes after the time appointed for the meeting,
the chairman of the Executive Committee present, or if none, any member
present and who is entitled to vote, may be elected to be chairman.
25. The chairman of a general meeting may, with the consent of a meeting,
adjourn it from time to time and from place to place; but no business shall
be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left
unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place.
26. Except as hereinafter otherwise provided, at any general meeting a
resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided on a show of
hands unless a poll is (before or on the declaration of the result of the show
of hands) demanded by at least 2 members present in person entitled to
vote and unless a poll is demanded, a declaration by the chairman of the
general meeting that a resolution has, on a show of hands, been carried or
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carried unanimously, or by a particular majority, or lost, and any entry to
that effect in the book of the proceedings of the Association, shall be
conclusive evidence of the votes recorded in favour of, or against, that
27. If a poll is duly demanded it shall be taken in such manner as the chairman
directs, and the result of the poll shall be deemed to be the resolution of the
meeting at which the poll was demanded.
28. In the case of an equality of votes, whether on a show of hands or on poll,
the chairman of the general meeting shall be entitled to a second and
casting vote.
President and Vice-presidents
29. (a) The Association shall have a President and not more than eight
Vice-presidents to be elected at the annual general meeting. Such
posts are not salaried.
(b) Nominations of the President and Vice-presidents of the Association
for the coming year must be proposed by an Ordinary Member
entitled at the time of making the proposal to vote at a general meeting
and seconded by another one entitled at the time of the seconding to
vote at a general meeting. Such nominations must be sent by
registered post to the Association at least 10 days before the annual
general meeting.
30. The President shall be responsible for supervising all business and
maintaining good discipline, attending and presiding over the general
meetings of the Association.
31. TheVice-presidents shall assist the president in the supervision of all
business. In the absence of the President, one of them shall exercise his
Executive Committee
32. (a) The Association shall have an Executive Committee to be elected at
the general meeting. Executive Committee of the Association shall
have not less than eleven and not more than fifteen members subject
to such reduction or increase as the immediate outgoing Executive
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Committee may determine in the monthly meeting in November
before the annual general meeting. All members of the Executive
Committee are not salaried.
(b) Should any vacancy (vacancies) exist in the Executive Committee,
they may be recruited by the Executive Committee from the reserve
list elected in the annual general meeting.
33. The Executive Committee shall have the rights to:(a) enforce the resolutions passed in the ordinary and extraordinary
general meetings.
(b) invite suitable or qualified persons to be honorary life president
presidents, honorary president or presidents, honorary life adviser
advisers, honorary adviser or advisers, honorary legal adviser
advisers, honorary doctor or doctors, honorary life member
members or other honorary members of the Association.
(c) select representatives to attend meetings of other associations.
(d) select players representing the Association to participate in table
tennis contests.
(e) manage and control all affairs of the Association.
34. The Executive Committee shall elect among themselves the following
officials:(a) Chairman – presiding over the Executive Committee meetings and
managing all the internal and external affairs of the Association, and
auditing accounts.
(b) Vice-Chairman – assisting the Chairman in the executive of his duties
and exercising the powers of the Chairman in his absence.
(c) Honorary Secretary General – assisting the Chairman, enforcing all
resolutions supervising and assisting other Committee members in the
execution of their duties and in charge of correspondence and records.
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(d) Honorary Treasurer – in charge of finance, preparing budgets and
financial statements.
(e) Honorary Deputy Secretary – assisting the Honorary Secretary
General in the execution of his duties.
The Executive Committee may determine in the Committee meetings
to form Sub-Committees if and when required.
Mr. Wong Chun Ming, Certified Public Secretary, shall be the first
secretary of the Association until the first meeting of the Executive
35. Each Sub-Committee shall, on the recommendation of the convenor
appoint two or more Sub-Committee members whose appointment shall be
approved by the Executive Committee
36. The Executive Committee may delegate any of its powers to any
Sub-Committee from time to time and such delegation may be revoked by
the Executive Committee. Any Sub-Committee so formed shall, in the
exercise of the powers so delegated, conform to any regulations that may
from time to time be imposed on it by the Executive Committee.
Meetings of the Executive Committee
37. The Executive Committee shall hold at least ten meetings per year. The
quorum for such meeting shall be more than half of the Executive
Committee members present or by proxy. The honorary secretary general
shall give three days’ notice to every member entitled to attend.
Resolution shall be passed by simple majority of votes of the Executive
Committee members present or by proxy but to remove a resolution
previously passed it needs three-fourths majority of votes. The President
or Vice-president(s) who are subscriber(s) of the Association shall be
counted towards the quorum for meetings of the Executive Committee
should the President or Vice-president(s) be present at such Meeting. The
President and Vice-president(s) in such meeting shall be entitled to vote.
38. If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is
not present, the meeting, if convened upon the requisition of Executive
Committee members, shall be dissolved; in any other case, it shall stand
adjourned to the same day in next week, at the same time and place, and if
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at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour from
the time appointed for the meeting the Executive Committee members
present shall form a quorum.
39. Extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee shall be convened by
the chairman with twenty-four hours’ notice or within four days on the
requisition of one-third of the Executive Committee members.
Term of Office
40. The term of office of President, Vice-presidents and all Executive
Committee members shall be two years, but they shall be eligible for
re-election. The hand-over date for the new and retiring officers shall be
determined by the President with notice within ten days after the ordinary
general meeting.
41. The Executive Committee shall cause minutes to be duly entered in the
books provided for the following purpose:(a) an appointments of officers.
(b) the names of the members present or by proxy at each meeting of the
Executive Committee.
(c) resolutions passed by the Executive Committee.
(d) all resolution and proceedings of general meetings and of meetings of
the Executive Committee.
42. The Executive Committee shall provide for the safe custody of the seal,
which shall only be used by the authority of the Executive Committee and
every instruments to which the seal shall be affixed shall be signed by the
chairman and shall be countersigned by the honorary secretary general or
by some other person appointed by the Executive Committee for the
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43. The Executive Committee shall cause proper books of account to be kept
with respect to:(a) the sums of money received and expended by the Association and the
matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditure take place;
(b) the assets and liabilities of the Association; and
(c) all other matters necessary for showing the true state and condition of
the Association’s finances.
44. The books of account shall be kept at the registered office of the
Association or at such other place or places as the Executive Committee
shall think fit.
45. The Executive Committee shall from time to time determine at what times
and places and under what conditions or regulations, the accounts and
books of the Association, or any of them, shall be open to the inspection of
the members; and no member of the Association, except a member of the
Executive Committee, shall have right of inspecting any account or book of
the Association, except as conferred by statute or authorized by the
Executive Committee or by a resolution of the Association in general
46. At the annual general meeting, the Executive Committee shall lay before
the meeting an duly audited income and expenditure account, and a balance
sheet containing a summary of the property and liabilities of the
Association made up to a date not more than nine months before the
meeting, from the time when the last preceding account and balance sheet
were made up, and in the case of the first account and balance sheet, from
the incorporation of the Association, and such balance sheet and account
shall comply with the provisions of Section 122 and 128 of the Ordinance.
47. Every such account and balance sheet shall be accompanied by a report of
the Executive Committee as to the state and condition of the Association
and the account, report and balance sheet shall be signed by the Chairman
or Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee and at least one other
member of the Executive Committee.
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48. A printed copy of such account, balance sheet, and report shall ten days
before the general meeting be sent to each member of the Association
entitled to notice of the meeting.
49. Once at least in every year the accounts of the Association shall be
examined, and the correctness of the income and expenditure account and
balance sheet ascertained by one or more auditor or auditors.
50. The Association at each annual general meeting shall appoint an auditor or
auditors to hold office until the next annual general meeting, and their
appointment, remuneration, rights and duties shall be regulated by Sections
131, 140 and 141 of the Ordinance.
51. A notice may be served by the Association upon any members, either
personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter, properly
addressed to him at his registered address.
52. Any member whose registered address in not in Hong Kong may from time
to time notify in writing to the Association a correspondence address in
Hong Kong which shall be deemed to be his registered address.
53. As regards any member who has no registered address in Hong Kong, a
notice posted up in the registered office of the Association shall be deemed
to be well served on him at the expiration of twenty-four hours after it is so
posted up.
54. Any notice required to be given by the Association to the members or any
of them, and not expressly provided for by these presents shall be
sufficiently given if given by advertisement in two of the Chinese daily
newspapers then circulating in Hong Kong.
55. Any notice sent by post shall be deemed to have been served on the day
following that on which the letter containing the same is posted and in
proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the letter containing
the notice was properly addressed and sent to the post office. And a
certificate in writing signed by the honorary secretary general or other
officer of the Association that the letter containing the notice was so
addressed and posted shall be conclusive evidence thereof.
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Team of Players Going Abroad
56. Every team of players of the Ordinary Member or Associate Member of the
Association going abroad for contest, competition must sent in the names
of the players to the Association for approval fourteen days before their
departure and must send in a report concerning their activities abroad
within fourteen days after their returning to Hong Kong. If any team
going abroad for contest or competition does not comply with this article,
the Association have the right to inform the table tennis association there
abroad which is a member of the International Table Tennis Federation to
stop their contest, competition, and to disqualify them to be members of the
57. Players of the Ordinary Member or Associate Member of the Association or
players who have participated in the table tennis activities, contests and
competitions run by the Association shall have the duty to represent the
Association to participate in the other contests, competitions.
58. Selected players representing the Association shall not be absent from any
contest in which they are selected without first obtaining permission from
the officer-in-charge twenty-four hours before the contest. If in default,
they may be disqualified to be players of the Association.
Open Tournaments Sponsored by Non-Members
59. If an organisation, which is not an Ordinary Member or Associate Member
of the Association, intends to sponsor an open table tennis tournament, it
shall apply in writing to the Association enclosing a copy of the regulations
for the tournament fourteen days prior to the commencement date of entry
of the tournament. The Association shall have the right to refuse its
application. If it does not comply with this Article, the Association shall
stop members of the Association to participate in such tournament. Those
players and members who still participate in such tournament shall be
disqualified to participate in the contests and competitions of the
Association and international competitions.
60. Any Ordinary Member or Associate Member intending to sponsor any open
tournament shall apply to the Association in writing together with a copy of
regulations for the tournament fourteen days prior to the commencement
- 17 -
date for entry. Only with the approval of the Executive Committee in
writing may such tournaments be held. In case the Executive Committee
cannot convene a meeting in time, the chairman shall have the right to
Appeals Committee
61. Members of the Appeals Committee shall consist of the President and the
Vice-presidents of the Association.
62. Any member or member player may appeal to the Appeals Committee in
writing with an appeal fee of $300 on the decisions of penalty imposed
upon them by the Executive Committee within seven days after the making
of such decisions. Such fee may or may not be refunded as determined by
the Appeals Committee.
63. The decision of the Appeals Committee shall be final and binding.
Rules and Bye-laws
64. The Executive Committee may from time to time make rules and bye-laws
in relation to the Association, and may at any time in annual or vary any
bye-laws so made and all bye-laws so made shall be binding on the
member of the Association, and shall have full effect accordingly, provided
that such rules and bye-laws be not repugnant to, or inconsistent with, the
terms of the Memorandum of Association or these Articles.
65. The provision of clause 7 of the Memorandum of Association relating to
the winding-up or dissolution of the Association shall have effect and be
observed as if the same were repeated in these Articles.
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Names, Addresses and Descriptions of Subscribers
(Sd.) Yue Yun Hing (YUE YUN HING) (余潤興)
190, Tong Mei Road, 1st floor, Kowloon. Company Director.
(Sd.) Lau Kwok Chu (LAU KWOK CHU) (劉國柱)
Flat 6B, 20th floor, Kiu Kwun Building, King’s Road, H.K.
Shipping Executive.
(Sd.) Y. W. Ng (NG YAN WING) (吳恩榮)
Flat 1432, Wah Shun House, Wah Fu Estate, H.K. Clerk.
(Sd.) Yip Kam Chiu (YIP KAM CHIU) (葉錦釗)
21, Leighton Road, Ground floor, Hong Kong. Engineer.
(Sd.) Chow Chun Kow (CHOW CHUN KOW) (周振球)
Flat B1, 7th floor, Bay View Mansion, Moreton Terrace, Hong Kong.
Shipping Executive.
(Sd.) Yeung Hok Ling (YEUNG HOK LING) (楊鶴齡)
Flat F, 4th floor, Yuet Ming Mansion, 129 King’s Road, Hong Kong.
Shipping Executive.
(Sd.) T. W. Chan (CHAN TIN WAH) (陳天華)
Flat 70, Chung Shu Lau, 8th floor, Healthy Village, Hong Kong. Merchant.
(Sd.) Yick Ting Shui (YICK TING SHUI) (易庭瑞)
6, King Street, 4th floor, Tai Hang, Hong Kong. Merchant.
(Sd.) K. L. Chin (CHIN KING LUN) (錢景麟)
Flat C, Asia Building, 5th floor, King’s Road, Hong Kong, Merchant.
(Sd.) H. B. Tang (TANG HUNG BOR) (鄧鴻坡)
Flat 25, Man King Building, 15th floor, Ferry Street, Kowloon. Clerk.
(Sd.) S. C. Sih (SIH SU CHO) (薛緒初)
47, Kai Ming Street, 5th floor, Kowloon. Merchant.
(Sd.) Lai Moon (LAI MOON) (黎滿)
Flat B, 5th floor, Hoi Tin Lau, 242, Hoi Tan Street, Kowloon. Clerk.
(Sd.) S. W. Leung (LEUNG SIK WAH) (梁適華)
150, Tai Hang Road, Flat B1, 3rd floor, Hong Kong. Company Director.
Dated the 2nd day of October, 1972.
Witness to the above signatures:(Sd.) Wong Chun Ming
Certified Public Secretary
Hong Kong.
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