NATIONALBOARDOF EXAMINATIONS FINALEXAM 201O DECEMBER MEDICINE SOCIAL& PREVENTIVE PAPER_I :3 hours Time Max.Marks :100 SPM/D/10/45/I Attemptall questionsin order. Eachquestioncarries10 marks' Writeshort noteson: 4+3+3 2 Enumeratecriteriaof an idealcontraceptiveList absoluteand Devices(IUDS)' for Intrauterine relativecontradiciions What are first Referral Units (FRUs)? Mention critical 3 of facilityof FRU.Describeanyone in brief' determinations Enumerate salient features of Janani Suraksha Yojna 4 processindicators to evaluatethisscheme Enumerate What is infantmoralityrate (lMR)?EnumeraiecurrentIMR in 3+1+3+3 5 and 5 main causesof lMR. List preventive lndia.Enumerate to reduceIMRin India. socialmeasures under Enumeratethe packageof servicesand beneficiaries 1 2+3+5 5+5 10 ICDS scheme.List the indicatorsto evaluatethe qualityof servicesunderICDSscheme. the usesof growthchart.List What is growthchart?Enumerate of growthchart. & disadvantages advantages 6 of Neonatal& Childhoodlllness Management Whatis Integrated (lMNCl)? Describe briefly managementof diarrhea with 7 in an Underfivechild. moderatedehydration and equity?Writein by mainstreaming Whatdo you understand brief measures taken under RCH-ll Programme for B 10 2+8 4+6 of gender. mainstreaming 9 10 Whatis essentialobstetriccare? Writein briefits components. (BFHI)? HospitalInitiative Whatdo you meanby BabyFriendly 4+6 Enumeratestepswhich a Hospitalmusi fulfillfor "labelingas BabyFriendlyHospital" INSIDETHE ORA,VYSUCHEIECTRO''TCGADGEISIS '',OI PERI}'ITTED POSSESSION / USEOF CELLPHONES HALL EXAMINATION 3+7 FINALEXAM DECEMBER 2O1O NATIONALBOARD OF EXAMINATIONS SOCIAL& PREVENTIVE MEDICINE PAPER-II Time :3 hours Max. Marks :100 sPM/D/10/45/tl Attemptall questionsin order. Eachquestioncarries10 marks 1 Define PerinatalMortalityRate. Enumerateits causes and suggestmeasures for its prevention. Describein briefthe socialand culturalfactorsaffectingmother z+J+a andchildhealthin India. 3 Write in brief qualityindicatorsused to monitorand evaluate RCHprogramme. 10 4 ListInventory conkoltechniques. BrieflydiscussABC andVED 10 Analysis. 5 What is NationalHealthAccount?Write in brief budgetingfor healthandzerobasebudgeting. 3+3+4 6 What is risk approachin antenatalcare? Enumeratehigh risk pregnanctes. 4+6 7 What is Juvenile Delinquency? Mention its causes and preventive measures. 3+4+3 8 Enumeratemicro biologicalindicatorsof water quality?What measureswill you suggest to ensure quality of water at 3+7 household level? 9 What are the determinants of Underfive mortality?Suggest preventive measures for a community of one lakhpopulation. 10 Define"Adolescence". What are the healthrelatedproblemsof adolescents?Suggest measures to reduce their health 2+4+4 problems. POSSESSTO/ USEOFCELLPHONES OR AIV}'SUCflEIECIRONICGADGEISIS NOI P ERMI|TEDINSIDETHE EXAMINATION HALL BOARDOF EXAMINATIONS NATIONAL FINAL EXAM DECEMBER 201O MEDICINE SOCIAL& PREVENTIVE PAPER-III :3 hours Time Max.Marks :'t00 sPM/D/10/45/il1 Attemptall questionin order. Eachquestioncarries10 marks '1 Describecurrent TB (XDR-TB)? Whatis extensivedrugresistant 3+3+4 for controlof XDRTB in India. situationandmeasures 2 (IPHS)?Enumerate What are IndianPublicHealthStandards the IPHS'sfor primaryhealthcentre. 2+B 3 What is Human DevelopmentIndex? How it is measured? 4+4+2 on HumanDevelopment Indexandlndia. Comment Enumerate the goals,strategyandcomponents of National 4 3+3+4 RuralHealthMission. What is GeographicalInformationSystem (GlS)? Describe 5 2+8 brieflywith suitableexamplesof its uses in various health programmes. 6 What is the cunent of statusof Pollo in India and measures 4+6 takenunderPulsePolioprogramme? . 7 Enumerate healthimpactof climatechange.Describeanyone 6+4 in detail. 8 What is childhoodobesity?Enumerateits causes,assessment2+2+3+3 andpreventive measures. What is HealthManagementInformationSystem?Explainin 9 2+8 briefhowit is usefulin management of RCHprogramme. 10 Writein briefthe epidemiology of depression and roleof Public healthProfessionals in its manaoement at districtlevel. POSSESSIOfl / USEOF CELLPHONES OR ATVY SUCHELECIRO,I,IC GADGETS IS ,VOIPERMITTED INSIDETHE EXAMINATION HALL 4+6 NATIONAL BOARD OF FINAL EXAM DECEMBER201O EXAMINATIONS MEDICINE SOCIAL& PREVENTIVE PAPER-IV :3 hours Time :100 Marks Max, SPM/D/10/45/|V Attemptall questionsin order' Eachquestioncarries10 marks 2+5+3 Enumerate measures of dispersion Describe Standard andexamples' diagram withsuitable Deviation 1 2Listocu|armanifestationsofviiaminAdeficiency.Describe for its Prevention. measures What is Gantt chart? Explain Gantt chartingwith suitable 2+4+4 3 examples. 2+4+4 and Whatis VerbalAutopsy?Describein briefits advantages disadvantages. Describeits incidence,causes What is sicknessAbsenteeism? andprevention. Brieflyexplainthe indicatorsof utilizationpatternof Hospital '1+3+3+3 Beds. the stepsof healthplanning Whatis planningcycle?Enumerate cycle.Describeonlyfirststepin detail. sheet What is informedconsent?Designa patientinformation 2+4+4 and consentform for a clinicaltrial of JapaneseencePhalitis vaccrne. the majorhealthproblemsof What is geriatricage? Enumerate olderpersonin India.BrieflydiscussNationalPolicyfor older 1+4+5 person. 10 Writein women? against Whatarethehealtheffectsof violence ViolenceAct of Womenfrom Domestic briefthe Protections 2005. INSIDETHE OR AI.'YSUCHEIECIROIVICGADGEISIS IVOIPERMITTED / USEOF CELLPHONES POSSESSIO''J HALL EXAMINAIION