Fourth Grade Mathematics
Learning Goals for 4 th 9-‐Weeks
Skills students should demonstrate by the end of the 4 th 9-‐weeks of school:
Unit 11-‐ Making Connections
Learning Goal: Student will understand that representations of solutions to problem situations involving adding and subtracting fractions with equal denominators are related to the number line and properties of operations.
How parents can help:
You and your student can use the free paint chips that you find at Lowe’s and Home Depot to help create number lines with fractions with common denominators.
You can use the paint chips with three colors or six colors. It just depends on how many fractions you want to list on your number line.
You can also practice using the steps in order to add/subtract fractions. o Since the denominators are the same, you will add/subtract the top numbers (numerators). o Put the answer over the same denominator ending up with only one fraction. o Simplify or reduce the fraction (if needed).
You and your student can use the Internet and to reinforce adding and subtracting fractions with equal denominators. o ng_and_subtracting_fractions/v/adding-‐fractions-‐with-‐like-‐ denominators o
o‐ denominator.html
Learning Goal: Student will know that whole numbers and decimals can be added and subtracted efficiently and accurately using the standard algorithm.
How parents can help:
You and your student can use the standard algorithm of adding and subtracting prices from a grocery or shopping receipt.
You and your student can also add prices in the store as you shop to get him/her involved in the shopping experience.
Remember to follow these steps: o Write down the numbers, one under the other, with the decimal points lined up. o Put in zeros so the numbers have the same length. o Then add or subtract from right to left regrouping when needed. o Remember to put the decimal point in the answer. o These same rules apply with whole numbers with the exception of the decimal.
Fourth Grade Mathematics
Learning Goals for 4 th 9-‐Weeks
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce adding and subtracting decimals and whole numbers. o‐decimals.html
o http://www.math-‐‐Jeopardy/decimals-‐ jeopardy-‐game.html
o ngDecimalsAdd.htm
Learning Goal: Student will understand when adding two non-‐zero whole numbers and/or positive decimals, the sum will always be larger than each of the addends, but when subtracting two non-‐zero whole numbers and/or positive decimals, the difference will always be smaller than the minuend.
How parents can help:
You and your student can use a deck of cards without the face cards to practice adding and subtracting.
You can also use the advertising ads that come in the newspaper or mail to practice adding decimals on a reusable surface made out of a piece of paper inside of a Ziploc bag. You can use dry erase markers or Vis-‐a-‐Vi markers to work out the problems.
Doing these activities will make it fun and reinforce the concept too.
Please discuss why the answer(s) are larger when adding and smaller when subtracting than the minuend.
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce adding and subtracting non-‐zero whole numbers and positive decimals. o‐decimals.html
o http://www.math-‐‐Jeopardy/decimals-‐ jeopardy-‐game.html
o ngDecimalsAdd.htm
Learning Goal: Student will know that solving problems involving multiplication and division fluently requires the efficient and accurate use of strategies and methods.
How parents can help:
You and your student can play a Fly Swatter Multiplication Game.
You will need the following items: poster board, fly swatter, two dice, and markers.
You will divide the board into 12 sections. Write each answer in one of the squares.
Roll only one of the dice so that you can get different factors if you are working on your 7’s. The other dice will stay on 7 because and can be changed depending on what number you are working on.
Fourth Grade Mathematics
Learning Goals for 4 th 9-‐Weeks
When the second dice is rolled, your student needs to read the equation out loud and swat the answer on the poster board. – 7 X 4 = 28
Now, have your student practice reading the equation backwards using the word “divided by” in place of the equal sign and an equal sign in place of the multiplication sign to practice division and how they are both related to one another.
You and your student can review the strategies and ways to help make both operations easier. o Multiplication-‐ array, equal groups, repeated addition, number line, house method, area models, distributive property, partial product o Division-‐ make equal groups, draw an array, repeated subtraction, fact family (multiplication), and number line.
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce multiplication and division. o‐games o
Learning Goal: Student will understand that when multiplying two non-‐ zero whole numbers where one of the factors is not equal to one, the product will always be larger than each of the factors, and when dividing two non-‐zero whole numbers where the divisor is not equal to one, the quotient will always be smaller than the dividend.
How parents can help:
You and your student can play Tic-‐Tac-‐Toe made out of paper with 9 answers placed on the board.
You can make it reusable by placing the “tic-‐tac-‐toe” board inside of a
Ziploc bag and just keep changing the quotients and products.
Use these directions to help you with the game. o You will roll two dice to see if you get two factors or a dividend and divisor of an answer on the Tic-‐Tac-‐Toe board. If you do, you place your “x” or “o”. Once you get three in a row, you win. If the player does not get the answer right, it will be the other player’s turn.
You and your student can use the Internet to practice getting products and quotients. o‐games/7-‐11-‐ years/multiplication-‐and-‐division o
Fourth Grade Mathematics
Learning Goals for 4 th 9-‐Weeks
Learning Goal: Student will solve multi-‐step problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division that may be represented and solved with strip diagrams and equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity (whole numbers).
How parents can help:
You and your student can practice drawing strip diagrams with story problems made up about your life to include daily activities you do outside of school.
Here is an example of a strip diagram problem:
These diagrams provide a pictorial representation of the part-‐part-‐whole concept of large numbers. It breaks the number down to make it smaller.
The strips will allow you and your student to solve multi-‐digit addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems.
You and your student can use the Internet and videos to solve multi-‐step problems. o
Learning Goal: Student will understand that input-‐output tables can be used to represent problems and numerical expressions and to generate number patterns that follow a given rule.
How parents can help:
You and your student can make your own robot machine with an input for one hand and an output for the other hand. A picture is linked below to see how it looks.
You can use an empty pasta container, aluminum foil, and your student’s creativity to create an input/output machine.
Next, you and your student can take turns creating tables with missing value(s) that follow a given rule.
Please write out all the numerical expressions for the table you create
(e.g., 7+7, 14 + 7, 28 + 7, etc.).
You can keep track of how many you get right by modeling how to check the answers each time you find the rule.
Fourth Grade Mathematics
Learning Goals for 4 th 9-‐Weeks
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce input/output tables. o o
o‐4/input-‐output-‐tables-‐with-‐ addition-‐subtraction-‐multiplication-‐and-‐division
Learning Goal: Student will determine the perimeter of rectangles may be found by finding the sum of all the sides and represented with a formula.
How parents can help:
You and your student can practice determining the perimeter of rectangles using either one of these formulas: l + w + l + w = P; P= 2 l + 2 w
You can use tape on the floor to create rectangles in order to determine the perimeter.
You can also use straws or building blocks in order to create rectangles.
You and your student can determine the length and width and then use the formula to determine the perimeter.
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce perimeter of rectangles. o shoot/PerimeterShapesShoot.htm
o o
Learning Goal: Student will determine the area of rectangles may be found by multiplying dimensions and represented with a formula.
How parents can help:
You and your student can practice determining the area of rectangles using this formula: A = l x w
You can use the same shapes created from the previous learning goal to determine the area using the formula.
You and your student can determine the length and width and then use the formula to determine the area.
You can also use the virtual geoboard to determine area too with the last website.
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce area of rectangles. o shoot/AreaShapesShoot.htm
o o maths/perimeter_and_area/index.html
Fourth Grade Mathematics
Learning Goals for 4 th 9-‐Weeks
Learning Goal: Student will understand how data can be collected, sorted, and organized.
How parents can help:
You and your student can use dry goods from your cupboard or toys from a toy box to organize and sort.
You could also clip pictures out of magazines and practice categorizing and sorting them into groups. The same set could be sorted in multiple ways as long as each group follows the same commonality.
You and your student can create a table/chart and questions to ask about the table.
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce how to collect, sort, and organize data. o
/picturemaker/ o‐games/7-‐11-‐years/data-‐ handling o
Learning Goal: Student will understand that representations of data are based on counts (frequencies) or measures of data values.
How parents can help:
You and your student can discuss the difference between categorical versus numerical data.
Categorical is just like it sounds, “category” or a subject of a graph like favorite books or leisure activities.
Numerical data involves numbers like, “How much candy do we eat?”.
Now, create both kinds of tables with paper or on the computer with
Word or Excel.
Create questions to go along with the tables and have another member of the family answer them.
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce how to understand representations of data. o
/picturemaker/ o‐games/7-‐11-‐years/data-‐ handling
Learning Goal: Student will understand that different representations of data can be used and constructed in a data set in order to emphasize various aspects and solve one-‐ and two-‐step problems.
How parents can help:
Fourth Grade Mathematics
Learning Goals for 4 th 9-‐Weeks
You and your student can discuss how stem-‐and-‐leaf plots are a method for showing the frequency with which certain classes of values occur. A good example is shown with the Purple Math website below.
A dot plot is a graphical display of data using dots to represent each data point on a number line.
Help your student interview other family members to see how long it takes them to eat breakfast and create your own dot plot together.
Frequency tables show the number of times the data value occurs in ascending order of magnitude with their corresponding frequencies.
Using these representations help to create a pictorial model to help solve word problems.
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce how to understand representations of data. o
o o‐plots.html
o‐create-‐a-‐dot-‐plot o
Unit 12: Essential Understandings of Fractions
Learning Goal: Student will know that fractions can be composed and decomposed with unit fractions of the same denominator.
How parents can help:
You and your student can practice composing and decomposing fractions.
Use small strips of paper and write fractions on them with the same denominator. This symbolizes that a fraction can be broken down into its individual unit fractions-‐ ⅗ is the same as ⅕ + ⅕ + ⅕
This will allow your student to see how each fraction has parts that make a whole.
Then, allow your student to compose (+) and decompose (-‐) lots of different fractions. They will love it!
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce composing and decomposing fractions. o‐day-‐15-‐ composing-‐and.html
o‐add-‐fractions-‐with-‐like-‐ denominators-‐by-‐decomposing-‐into-‐unit-‐fractions o‐decompose-‐fractions-‐using-‐ addition o‐place-‐fractions-‐on-‐a-‐ number-‐line-‐1
Learning Goal: Student will understand that equivalence of two fractions can be determined using a variety of methods.
Fourth Grade Mathematics
Learning Goals for 4 th 9-‐Weeks
How parents can help:
You and your student can use strip diagrams to determine if fractions are
You can also draw pie charts to determine equivalency too.
You and your student can also determine equivalency by cross-‐ multiplying to get a whole number. o You cross multiply from denominator across to numerator of the other fraction, which determines the whole number value. o You do the same to determine the other fraction’s value. o The whole number values will determine equivalency.
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce equal fractions. o ry_equivalent1.htm
Learning Goal: Student will understand that fractions with different numerators and different denominators can be compared using various methods.
How parents can help:
You and your student can use pictorial models to help determine equivalency. o Draw number lines and use the range of whole numbers as your beginning and ending point. o With each fraction, divide the number lines up equally using the denominator as your guide. o You can now compare fractions.
You can also use Play-‐Doh by using the denominator to determine how many pieces and remove parts based on the numerator as the fractional value missing.
You can just draw pie charts using a given fraction to compare them too.
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce symmetrical items. o ns_fractions1.htm
Fourth Grade Mathematics
Learning Goals for 4 th 9-‐Weeks
Learning Goal: Student will distinguish when fractions and decimals may be used to represent the same quantity.
How parents can help:
You and your student can use fake money to help model the value of fractions and decimals. o Hundred-‐ $100 o Tens-‐ $10 o Ones-‐ $1 o Tenths-‐ dime (1/10) o Hundredths-‐ 100 pennies (1/100)
Using money will help your student understand how decimals and fractions are related.
Use advertising ads to practice writing and reading values of different numerical values.
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce angles of triangles. o
ml o‐games/7-‐11-‐years/fractions-‐ and-‐decimals
Learning Goal: Student will know that representations of solutions to problem situations involving adding and subtracting fractions with equal denominators are related to the number line and properties of operations.
How parents can help:
You and your student can use the paint chip stirrers that are free at the
Home Depot and Lowe’s to create number lines with fractions.
You can use the number lines to add/subtract fractions, but you also can add or subtract numerators to determine the answer as well.
These answers will correlate together just as long as you are using the order of operations when adding and subtracting.
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce adding and subtracting fractions. o http://www.math-‐‐and-‐subtracting-‐fractions-‐ game.html
o man_add_subtract_fractions.htm
o hootFractionsAddition.htm
Learning Goal: Student will know that benchmark fractions may be used to verify the reasonableness of sums and/or differences of fractions with like denominators referring to the same whole.
Fourth Grade Mathematics
Learning Goals for 4 th 9-‐Weeks
How parents can help:
You and your student can discuss what are benchmark fractions.
Benchmark fractions are like ¼, ½, ¾, 1⁄10 the most common, or
“Famous”, fractions to help you to compare to other fractions
Benchmark fractions really help you understand the value of all the other fractions that are not common.
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce benchmark fractions. o‐compare-‐fractions-‐to-‐a-‐ benchmark-‐of-‐one-‐half-‐using-‐number-‐lines o ateFractionsShapesShoot.htm
Learning Goal: Student will use a number line to compose an infinite series of points that are labeled according to a specified unit length and its distance from zero.
How parents can help
You and your student can write different fractions and decimals on index cards and practice placing them in order on the floor with string/shoe string or at the edge of a table.
Do this with different fractions/decimals to keep practicing.
You can also use a ruler to practice different values on a number line.
You can also use sidewalk chalk to create number lines outside.
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce number lines. o o lRescueFractionsNumberLineGame.htm
Unit 13: Essential Understandings of All Operations
Learning Goal: Student will know that whole numbers and decimals can be added and subtracted efficiently and accurately using the standard algorithm.
How parents can help:
You and your student can use the standard algorithm of adding and subtracting prices from a grocery or shopping receipt.
You and your student can also add prices in the store as you shop to get him/her involved in the shopping experience.
Remember to follow these steps: o Write down the numbers, one under the other, with the decimal points lined up. o Put in zeros so the numbers have the same length. o Then add or subtract from right to left regrouping when needed. o Remember to put the decimal point in the answer. o These same rules apply with whole numbers with the exception of the decimal.
Fourth Grade Mathematics
Learning Goals for 4 th 9-‐Weeks
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce adding and subtracting decimals and whole numbers. o‐decimals.html
o http://www.math-‐‐Jeopardy/decimals-‐ jeopardy-‐game.html
o ngDecimalsAdd.htm
Learning Goal: Student will understand when adding two non-‐zero whole numbers and/or positive decimals, the sum will always be larger than each of the addends, but when subtracting two non-‐zero whole numbers and/or positive decimals, the difference will always be smaller than the minuend.
How parents can help:
You and your student can use a deck of cards without the face cards to practice adding and subtracting.
You can also use the advertising ads that come in the newspaper or mail to practice adding decimals on a reusable surface made out of a piece of paper inside of a Ziploc bag. You can use dry erase markers or Vis-‐a-‐Vi markers to work out the problems.
Doing these activities will make it fun and reinforce the concept too.
Please discuss why the answer(s) are larger when adding and smaller when subtracting than the minuend.
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce adding and subtracting non-‐zero whole numbers and positive decimals. o‐decimals.html
o http://www.math-‐‐Jeopardy/decimals-‐ jeopardy-‐game.html
o ngDecimalsAdd.htm
Learning Goal: Student will know that solving problems involving multiplication and division fluently requires the efficient and accurate use of strategies and methods.
How parents can help:
You and your student can review the strategies and ways to help make both operations easier. o Multiplication-‐ array, equal groups, repeated addition, number line, house method, area models, distributive property, partial product o Division-‐ make equal groups, draw an array, repeated subtraction, fact family (multiplication), and number line.
Fourth Grade Mathematics
Learning Goals for 4 th 9-‐Weeks
You and your student can use the Internet to see how the different strategies are solved. o‐ZtBY o‐solve-‐division-‐problems-‐ using-‐array o‐divide-‐4-‐digit-‐dividends-‐
Learning Goal: Student will understand that when multiplying two non-‐ zero whole numbers where one of the factors is not equal to one, the product will always be larger than each of the factors, and when dividing two non-‐zero whole numbers where the divisor is not equal to one, the quotient will always be smaller than the dividend.
How parents can help:
You and your student can play Tic-‐Tac-‐Toe made out of paper with 9 answers placed on the board.
You can make it reusable by placing the “tic-‐tac-‐toe” board inside of a
Ziploc bag and just keep changing the quotients and products.
Use these directions to help you with the game. o You will roll two dice to see if you get two factors or a dividend and divisor of an answer on the Tic-‐Tac-‐Toe board. If you do, you place your “x” or “o”. Once you get three in a row, you win. If the player does not get the answer right, it will be the other player’s turn.
You and your student can use the Internet to practice getting products and quotients. o‐games/7-‐11-‐ years/multiplication-‐and-‐division o
Learning Goal: Student will understand that problems involving intervals of time and money may be solved using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and/or division.
How parents can help:
You and your student can use the standard algorithm to find elapsed time. o Place the second time directly underneath the hours and minutes for the first time. o As you add/subtract from right to left, remember to convert your
60 minutes to 1 hour and vice versa.
You can use an analog clock to move the clock hands to determine intervals of time passed.
You can play a game called “Race to a Quarter” and increase the value as needed. o Collect all the change you can find around the house
Fourth Grade Mathematics
Learning Goals for 4 th 9-‐Weeks o Roll one dice to determine how many coins you get to pick to be closet to the target o Player closet to the target value wins
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce time and money. o‐feed-‐money-‐ game o
ml o‐and-‐money
Learning Goal: Student will distinguish between fixed and variable expenses that allows individuals to manage their personal finances.
How parents can help:
You and your student can discuss the difference between fixed and variable expenses by talking about your own expenses at home.
Fixed-‐ these expenses are the same amount every month like your mortgage.
Variable-‐ these represent those daily spending decisions like “eating out”, buying clothes, etc. and vary from month-‐to-‐month.
You and your student can add up and see how your family is doing with both kind of expenses and see where improvement is needed.
Please use this website to help aid your discussion with your student. o‐your-‐financial-‐ resources.html
Learning Goal: Student will know that personal finances involve profit, which is determined from expenses (or costs) and income.
How parents can help:
You and your student can create his/her own budget. This could include
getting your student his/her own bank account.
This will allow your student to buy things and budget his/her allowance so that they have a set amount of money left over each month.
This budget can also be used with “fake money” so that they can understand the concept first.
Please use these websites to help aid your discussion with your student. o
Learning Goal: Student will know that various savings options have advantages and disadvantages.
How parents can help:
You and your student can set up a bank account with Bankaroo that is a mobile app to many types of devices.
You as the parent will have access to whatever activity your student has with his/her back account.
Fourth Grade Mathematics
Learning Goals for 4 th 9-‐Weeks
You can find a savings account with the highest interest rate and no monthly fee or minimum balance.
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce savings accounts. o‐us o‐savings-‐account o‐cds/kids/
Learning Goal: Student will know that a weekly allowance can be allocated among spending; saving, including for college; and sharing.
How parents can help:
You and your student can create a spending plan based on a set allowance to mange their money with goals created together.
These goals can pertain to any of the following: movies, sports equipment, clothes, other entertainment, etc.
For example: checkout from the library, rent a video, matinee, or full price movie.
That is an example of what you and your student can decide.
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce a weekly allowance. o‐library/c-‐sg-‐ l1.pdf?sfvrsn=2
Learning Goal: Student will know that the basic purposes of financial institutions can be described as keeping money safe, borrowing money, and lending.
How parents can help:
You and your student can take a trip to the bank and have a banker discuss what they do with the money that is deposited, whom do banks serve as agents, and some examples of depositors and borrowers.
For example, banks lend out money you deposit to borrowers that will pay 5% interest.
You and your student can use the Internet to reinforce purposes of financial institutions. o