Eleventh Grade Student Book List Subject Publisher/Copyright Regular English & Glencoe/2009 Honors English Glencoe/2009 Science Glencoe/2013 Am. History II Holt McDougal/2012 Foreign Language Glencoe/2008 Glencoe/2008 Math Glencoe/2009 Glencoe/2009 McGraw –Hill/2014 *Glencoe/2011 Pearson/2011 Computer 1 Title Literature: The Reader’s Choice American Lit. 1900 to Present Writer’s Choice Grammar and Composition Chemistry Matter & Change Digital workbook (from teacher) The Americans (10th & 11th grade will use same text) French 2 - Bon Voyage French 2 Workbook and Audio Activities OR Spanish 2- iAsi se dice! Spanish 2 Workbook and Audio Activities Algebra II Homework Practice Workbook OR Pre-Calculus OR Intermediate Algebra (11th edition) ***New Purchase from School Edition Grade 11 ISBN# 0078800498 Grade 11 Grade 11 Grade 11 Grade 11 0078887765 978-0-07-896405-3 Level 2 Level 2 9780078791468 0078656621 Level 2 Level 2 9780078777837 9780078883828 9780547491158 9780076639908 9780076602995 9780076602186 Grade 11 0-321-61336-8 ***New Purchase from School *New textbooks and workbooks will be purchased from Morgan. The first time purchase with teaching materials is less expensive if we buy in bulk. New books will be purchased directly from the Morgan book store on dates to be announced. “Control + click” on the Link below to find places to purchase textbooks. Type in one ISBN # at a time or all numbers at the same time (using a comma between each number) and click “buy or rent.” If all numbers are typed in at one time and a book does not appear, try typing the ISBN # by itself. Click on “more info” beside each book to show the places to purchase. On the right side click and scroll to “new items only" to purchase workbooks. Please do not purchase used workbooks due to missing pages or ones that have been written in. Please make sure you buy new workbooks, not used ones. http://www3.bigwords.com Pictures for each subject are shown below. Eleventh Grade Student Book List (Reg and Honors Eng.) Please note that a picture image of each book may not be available from each seller. If a picture is not available, be sure to check the publisher and copyright date, the title of the book, the edition and the ISBN # to make sure each is correct. If any book cannot be found on this link, check other websites such as Amazon.com or Cheapertextbooks.com.