Life is still good... even in Healthcare

Life is still good...
even in Healthcare
July 30-August 1, 2014
Sandestin Beach and Golf Resort
Village of Baytowne Wharf
Destin, FL
MGMA/Alabama Agenda
Life is Still Good…Even in Healthcare
Sandestin Beach & Golf Resort
Village of Baytowne Wharf
July 30 – August 1, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
8:00 - 5:00
Conference Registration Desk Open
9:00 - 11:30
Specialty Breakout Sessions-(Practice Managers Only)
9:00 - 11:30
9:30 - 11:30
Multispecialty, OB/GYN, Pediatrics, Primary Care, Surgery, Urology
11:30 - 12:30
Local Chapter Leadership Lunch
11:30 - 1:00
Strolling in the Exhibit Hall
11:30 - 6:00
Exhibits Open 1:00 - 1:15
Conference Welcome and Opening Remarks 1:15 - 2:45
General Session – Master Your World: 10 Dog-Inspired Executive Leadership Strategies to Improve
Productivity, Profits, and Communication for Medical Managers - Mary Kelly, Ph.D.
2:45 - 3:30
Break in Exhibit Area 3:30 - 5:00
Breakout Sessions
- A Different Way to Look at Costs - Efficiency in Your Operation - Owen Dahl, MBA, FACHE
- Life Is Good. . . Employee Problems Are Bad - Ashley Hattaway, JD
- Coding and Billing for Non-Physician Practitioners - Kim Garner Huey, MJ, CPC, CCS-P, PCS, CPCO
5:00 - 6:30
Reception in Exhibit Hall
Thursday, July 31, 2014
7:30 - 12:00
Conference Registration Desk Open 7:30 - 11:00
Exhibits Open 7:30 - 8:30
Breakfast Buffet 7:30 - 8:30
Past President’s Breakfast 8:30 - 10:00
General Session - Essential Strategies to Engage Incentive Programs and Emerging Payment Models
- Justin Barnes
10:00 - 10:45
Break in Exhibit Area 10:45 - 12:00
Breakout Sessions
- New Health Economy: The Rise of the Patient as a Consumer - Justin Barnes
- Compliance Risks in the Electronic Medical Record - Kim Garner Huey, MJ, CPC, CCS-P, PCS, CPCO
- Making the Work Comp Life Good: How Non-Clinical Actions Can Help Get More Workers’
Compensation Referrals - Sara Adkison, CPC
Afternoon Activities Golf, The Raven
7:30 -9:30
Football Tailgate Party, Fireworks on the Grand Lawn
Friday, August 1, 2014
7:15 - 12:00
Conference Registration Desk Open 7:15 - 10:30
Exhibits Open 7:15 - 8:15
Breakfast Buffet
8:15 - 9:45
Breakout Sessions
-The Alphabet Soup of CG-CAHPS: Why Should I Care - Jeff Morris, MD, MBA, FACS, FRCSC
- Hot Topics in HR – What to Expect in 2014-2016 - Kathy R. White, FACMPE, PHR
- Meaningful Use – Aiming for the Good Life - Adele Allison
9:45 - 10:30
Break in Exhibit Area 10:30 - 11:45
General Session – The Richest Man in Town - VJ Smith
11:45 - 12:00
MGMA/ALABAMA Business Meeting – Grand Prize Drawings
Conference Session Synopsis’
Master Your World: 10 Dog-Inspired Executive
Leadership Strategies to Improve Productivity, Profits, and Communication for Medical
Managers - Leadership is creating a vision as
well as executing the strategy. Leadership is also
why people, and companies, succeed or fail.
Some people believe leadership is limited to the
people at the top, but real leadership happens at all levels in every organization. True leaders strategically plan and implement
long-term programs to ensure tactical growth. Everyone benefits when managers and leaders apply three core techniques,
and then refine them with seven critical applications. Engaging
and immediately applicable, this inspirational program is packed
with tools to get results. In this session you will learn what most
employees are not getting from their leaders and managers that
they need to be more effective. We will also cover how to implement actionable items to create cohesive teamwork, improve
personal and professional productivity, and better engage those
around you. You will discover how to use your networks and relationships to further your influence and your business and be able
to track the strengths and weaknesses of your teams to best assign tasks, align goals, and achieve optimal outcomes while developing the leadership skills of your people. Mary Kelly, Ph.D.,
Professional Speaker, Economist and Leadership Expert,
Denver, CO.
A Different Way to Look at Costs - Efficiency in
Your Operation - This session will focus on efficiency in your practice and address basic costs.
We will review your current revenue cycle, how
it could change in the future, and how to determine what it really costs to see a patient. In this
session we will Identify gaps in your current revenue cycle and what can be done to fix them, Develop models to
determine your true cost of doing business and Identify key performance indicators, frequency, and trend analysis of all to insure
a stable and successful profit picture. Owen Dahl, MBA, FACHE,
Owen Dahl Consulting, The Woodlands, TX
Life Is Good. . . Employee Problems Are Bad
- Physician practices should be focusing on
caring for patients and making a profit. Problems with employees can shift that focus
in a very negative and frustrating way. This
session explores some of the issues faced
by employers and suggests some ways for
dealing with those issues and keeping the focus in the right
place. Ashley Hattaway, JD, Burr Forman, LLP, Birmingham.
Coding and Billing for Non-Physician Practitioners - So, you’ve decided to hire a nurse
practitioner or a physician’s assistant. Or maybe
you already have one of these providers on
staff. Either way, you want to make sure that
you are capturing, coding, and billing for those
services appropriately. This session discusses
the coding and billing regulations for Medicare, Blue Cross
Blue Shield, and other major payers. Hint: They are different!
Kim Garner Huey, MJ, CPC, CCS-P, PCS, CPCO, KGG Coding
and Reimbursement Consulting, LLC, Birmingham.
Essential Strategies to Engage Incentive Programs and Emerging Payment Models - Matching the goals of your healthcare community
with the right payment and care delivery models available today, and on the horizon, calls for
a strategic roadmap by your organization. For
example, the ICD-10 delay is no reason to stop
advancing clinical documentation, which is the foundation for
an array of programs like patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs), ACOs and emerging value-based and alternative payment
programs turning comprehensive data into quality reports and
incentive funds. Minimize the risk and control your own destiny
in a fluctuating period of healthcare transformation by assessing
your local healthcare ecosystem, health IT platform, population
health priorities and overall business model. Justin Barnes, Vice
President of Industry & Government Affairs, Greenway, Carrollton, GA.
New Health Economy: The Rise of the Patient as a Consumer
- Patient consumerism is quickly becoming one of the leading indicators of the financial success of your healthcare organization. The rise of high-deductible health plans, employers shifting care costs to employees, alternative care sources
such as retail health and mobile medical applications at their
fingertips are driving patients to examine options inside and
outside of traditional care. This means your patient engagement and retention strategies are not just about satisfaction
scoring, but your own financial health. All of this underscores
the need to explore care delivery and payment models also
using innovation to meet the demands that are shaping the
patient of today and certainly tomorrow.
Justin Barnes, Vice President of Industry & Government
Affairs, Greenway, Carrollton, GA.
Compliance Risks in the Electronic Medical Record - Physician practices often become so involved with the implementation of Electronic Health Records and ensuring compliance with meaningful use that they overlook the coding and
documentation aspects. This session will discuss the coding
and documentation hazards inherent in Electronic Health Records—including cloning, excessive documentation that is not
medically necessary, and inappropriate diagnosis codes. We
will review the findings of the Office of Inspector General audit of Electronic Health Records and coding and discuss ways
that practices can protect themselves. Kim Garner Huey, MJ,
CPC, CCS-P, PCS, CPCO, KGG Coding and Reimbursement
Consulting, LLC, Birmingham.
Making the Work Comp Life Good: How NonClinical Actions Can Help Get More Workers’
Compensation Referrals - Do you want more
workers’ compensation referrals, but you are
not sure how to go about getting them? Are
you frustrated by your lack of workers’ compensation cases? Whether you want to increase your business
or if you are thinking about entering the workers’ compensation market, this seminar is for you! Learn more about how
common non-clinical mistakes may be affecting your ability to
attract workers’ compensation patients and what can be done
to increase your referrals through effective communication,
education and coordination strategies. Sarah Adkison, CPC .
AlaMed Holdings, Birmingham.
The Alphabet Soup of CG-CAHPS: Why
Should I Care? - There are many acronyms in
the healthcare environment but the various
“CAHPS” surveys and their impact are poorly
understood by many, especially clinical providers. This presentation revisits the “Communication” domain in the various “CAHPS” surveys and cites the
evidence demonstrating that enhanced communication skills,
if consistently implemented, elevates the patient experience
and results in increased reimbursement, decreased liability
risk, reduced 30-day readmissions and improved clinical outcomes. This session will: describe the concepts of CG-CAHPS
and Value-Based Purchasing and the connection to the patient experience; Explain quality and patient experience data
transparency in the public domain and its direct financial
impact on physicians and Cite evidence from peer-reviewed
literature, demonstrating that consistent implementation of
the tools and tactics provided result in a positive patient experience, increased reimbursement, decreased liability risk, reduced 30-day readmissions and improved clinical outcomes.
Jeff Morris, MD, MBA, FACS, FRCSC, The Studer Group,
Hudson, OH.
Hot Topics in HR – What to Expect in 20142016 - As federal officials turn up the heat
with new rules impacting Human Resource
Management and the impact of changes with the ACA, the healthcare manager
must stay informed on the how the news
laws impact managing their staff. This session will provide
a picture of what to expect from 2014 -2016 in federal enforcement focus as well as other trends in Human Resource
Management. Additionally, the session will prepare the
manager who wants to update or create their employee
handbook in 2014. Kathy R. White, FACMPE, PHR, State
Volunteer Mutual Insurance Company, Brentwood, TN.
Meaningful Use – Aiming for the Good Life The good life in healthcare is one guided by
knowledge and inspired by doing the right
thing for the patient. On Jan. 2014, Stage 2
Meaningful Use hit full stride with the emergence of new technologies and measurement
emphasis. Join Adele Allison for an overview of the Stage 2 requirements, including the recent policy shifts in certified EHR
technology and anticipated revised timelines. Adele will explore technologies that must be in place for patient engagement and interoperability as well as the fundamentals of how
you can use these technologies to better serve the patient.
This session will also provide insight into policymakers’ work
in crafting measures for Stage 3 and how embracing Meaningful Use can best align your clinic for the future under healthcare reform. Adele Allison, Greenway Health, Birmingham.
The Richest Man in Town - This talk is based
on the life of ‘Marty’, a wonderful man who
ran a cash register at Wal-Mart. He was considered rich because he was loved and respected, but most of all, he was content with
every aspect of his life, no regrets. Marty’s
simple philosophies show what happens when you take the
time to be kind and compassionate. All that you give, you get
back, and more.
VJ Smith, Professional Speaker, Brookings, SD.
Conference Information
The MGMA/Alabama 2014 Summer Conference will be held at Sandestin Golf and
Beach Resort, a unique and charming destination that has been voted the “Best”
resort in Destin, Florida and the #1 resort on Florida’s beautiful Emerald Coast. Sandestin is a four season resort for all ages. There is something for everyone at this magnificent 2,400 acre property, including a variety of Destin vacation rental accommodations, sugar white sand beaches, full service beach services, golf for every level
of play, a top rated tennis club, water sports, marina, fitness center, spa, biking and
walking trails and even our own pedestrian Village, with shopping, dining, events,
and entertainment. Village and Grand accommodations, located along the peaceful
Choctawhatchee Bay, are reminiscent of a quaint village with modern day charm.
Enjoy the quaint shops, charming eateries and lively nightspots which make up the
Village. Beachside options are also available and are by far the most popular Florida
vacation rental at Sandestin, the spectacular sugar-sand beaches are the highlight
of beachfront accommodations.
Hotel reservations will be accepted until July 1, 2014 or until the room block is filled, whichever comes first. Group Code is: 22J194.
Make your reservations now by calling (800) 320-8115 or fax the enclosed Housing Request Form to (850) 267-8221. You may also
book accommodations online at :
Conference Registration
You can register online for the conference at There is a link to the online registration form at the bottom on our Home
Page as well as under the Education Tab / Summer Conference. If you are paying by credit card, you MUST use our online process. If you are
paying by check you can use the enclosed registration form and mail to the address listed on the form.
The registration fee covers all meetings, handouts, meals and breaks. If you plan for a spouse or guest to attend Wednesday’s Welcome Reception, extra tickets may be purchased for $25.00. Spouses and guests may attend Thursday evening’s Lawn Party, but please indicate number that will attend for planning purposes on your Conference Registration Form. Conference breakfast and lunch functions are for registered
conference attendees and exhibitors only. Attire for the entire conference will be casual. A jacket or sweater is suggested at your discretion.
Refund Policy
Cancellations received prior to July 1, 2014 are subject to a $50.00 cancellation fee. Cancellations received before July 15, 2014 are subject
to a $100.00 cancellation fee. Cancellations after July 15, 2014 and no-shows cannot be refunded. Substitutions from within the same group
are acceptable.
CME Credit
American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE) credit hours have been assigned to this program.
Program Committee
Lori Bates
Surgery Center of Cullman
Jimmy Norman, CPA, CMPE
University Orthopaedic Clinic & Spine Center
John D. Cade, Jr., CPA
Cardiology, P.C.
Charla Sewell, CMPE
Primary Care Internists of Montgomery
Sherry Johnston - Chair
Montgomery Vascular Surgery
Samantha Wiseman
Alabama Asthma, Allergy & Immunology Ctr, P.C.
MGMA/Alabama is an affiliate chapter of the Medical Group Management
Association (MGMA), the oldest and largest membership organization for
professionals in the field of practice management. MGMA/Alabama was
founded in 1976 by, and for, the medical practice manager and currently
boasts more than 700 members representing practices ranging from solo,
group, rural and university-based practices to multi-specialty clinics. The
mission of MGMA/Alabama is to advance the art and science of medical
practice management.
Book online:
Sandestin® Group Reservations
Call 800.320.8115 or Fax: 850.267.8221
Monday, July 28 - Sunday, August 3, 2014
Name _______________________________________ Number in Party: Adults ____ Children _____________
Company Name _______________________________ Business Phone _______________________________
Address ______________________________________________ E-Mail_______________________________
City ________________________________________ State ____________________ Zip _______________
Sharing With ______________________________________________________________________________
Arrival Day/Date ______________________________ Departure Day/Date____________________________
Please select method of payment:
Credit Card #____________________
Exp. Date _________ Signature _____________________________
Authorization # __________________
(located on the reverse side of card)
Check # ___________
Your cut-off date for reservations is July 1, 2014, after which rooms will be sold on a space-available basis.
A deposit of one night’s room rate is required to secure rooms.
All room rates quoted include 12% resort fee and DO NOT include 12% taxes.
Please circle your preferred accommodations. All requests are subject to availability at time booking request is received.
Any other type of accommodation besides what is in your block will vary in cost depending on location.
Beachside Studio*
Beachside 1 Bdrm*
Village Studio
Village 1Bdrm
Village 2 Bdrm
Grand Complex Studio
Grand Complex 1 Bdrm
Grand Complex 2 Bdrm
Grand Complex 3 Bdrm
Daily Rate
$ 324.00
$ 368.00
$ 212.00
$ 234.00
$ 357.00
$ 223.00
$ 245.00
$ 368.00
$ 480.00
*A minimum stay of 5 nights is required on Beachfront accommodations.
The Grand Complex consists of accommodations in the Grand Sandestin®, Lasata, Bahia, and Elation
Deposit is refundable in the event of individual room cancellation, provided notice is received by Sandestin® seven
days prior to scheduled arrival date.
BOOK ONLINE AT and enter group code 22J194