Classics 342 Homer in Translation Spring 2014 Tu/Th 11:00am-12:15pm Modern Languages 413 Professor Alex Kennedy Office: Learning Services Building 218 Office Hours: M/W 3:00-4:00pm and by appt. Phone: 621-7420 Email: TA: Michael Spanne Office: Learning Services Building 203 Office Hours: M 10:30am-12:30pm Email: Course Description: This course introduces the works of the ancient Greek poet Homer. We will read all of Homer’s two epic poems, the Iliad and Odyssey, in English. The first half of the course will focus on the Iliad, and the second half will focus on the Odyssey. In the last two weeks of the course, we will read selections from three other ancient epics as a way of examining Homer’s place within the epic tradition as a whole. Class meetings will focus on discussion of the themes of the works as well as their literary and historical context. Required Texts: R. Lattimore, trans., The Iliad of Homer, 2011 R. Lattimore, trans., The Odyssey of Homer, 2007 Additional readings will be given as handouts or as PDF files posted on D2L. Grading: Attendance and Participation Class Presentation Quizzes Midterm Exam Final Exam Papers 10% 5% 10% 20% 25% 30% (15% each) Attendance and Absence Policies: Attendance and participation in class are required. We will discuss important themes and ideas from the texts in class, so it is important that you attend. Be aware that if you miss class or come to class late, it is your sole responsibility to find out what you missed. All holidays or special events observed by organized religions will be honored for those students who show affiliation with that particular religion. Absences pre-approved by the UA Dean of Students (or Dean’s designee) will also be honored. Class Presentation: Each student will be expected to give a brief presentation (3-5 minutes) to the class on a short passage (approximately 10 lines) of his/her choosing from the reading. The presentation should briefly explain the context of the chosen passage, i.e. what is happening at that moment in the text, and then discuss how this passage relates to a key theme (or themes) in the text. Each presentation will be due on the day we are scheduled to cover that portion of the text in class. Quizzes: There will be a short quiz every day that we have class, except for the first two class meetings and the day of the midterm. Each quiz will include four short-answer questions based on that day’s reading assignment. Although there will be a total of 27 of these quizzes, your final quiz score will only be calculated out of 100 points, which means you basically get 8 free points. There will be no makeup quizzes. If you miss a quiz (or two), you will merely lose some of your free points. Any additional missed quizzes will count as a zero. Quizzes will take place at the beginning of class. Exams: There will be a midterm and final exam. Both exams will include identification or discussion of terms, themes, and/or passages from the readings. The final exam will also include an essay. Only the essay portion of the final exam will be cumulative. Makeup exams will only be allowed in cases of illness or family emergency and must be requested in advance. Papers: Two 4-5 page papers will be required. One will draw on the readings from the Iliad, and the other on the readings from the Odyssey or a combination of both works. More details about paper topics and requirements will be distributed later. Expectations: Students are expected to come to class with the assigned readings completed. Our class meetings will primarily consist of discussion of the readings, and you are expected to contribute to this discussion. In class, please be respectful of others (for the UA policies regarding threatening behavior by students, see Come to class on time, turn off and put away cell phones and other electronic devices, and refrain from behavior that is distracting to the instructor or other students. The use of laptop computers will not be allowed in class. Academic Integrity: You are responsible for completing your own work in accordance with the UA Code of Academic Integrity (see Cheating on quizzes and exams or plagiarizing papers will result in an automatic failing grade for the course and disciplinary action. Accessibility and Accommodations: It is the University’s goal that learning experiences be as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience physical or academic barriers based on disability, please let me know immediately so that we can discuss options. You are also welcome to contact Disability Resources (520-6213268) to establish reasonable accommodations. Please be aware that the accessible table and chairs in this room should remain available for students who find that standard classroom seating is not usable. Tentative Reading and Exam Schedule: Week 1 Thurs, Jan 16 Introduction (no reading assignment) Week 2 Tues, Jan 21 Iliad Introduction, pp. 1-53 Thurs, Jan 23 Iliad Books 1-2 Week 3 Tues, Jan 28 Iliad Books 3-4 Thurs, Jan 30 Iliad Books 5-6 Week 4 Tues, Feb 4 Iliad Books 7-8 Thurs, Feb 6 Iliad Books 9-10 Week 5 Tues, Feb 11 Iliad Books 11-12 Thurs, Feb 13 Iliad Books 13-14 Week 6 Tues, Feb 18 Iliad Books 15-16 Thurs, Feb 20 Iliad Books 17-18 Week 7 Tues, Feb 25 Iliad Books 19-20 Thurs, Feb 27 Iliad Books 21-22 Week 8 Tues, Mar 4 Iliad Books 23-24 Thurs, Mar 6 Midterm Week 9 Tues, Mar 11 Odyssey Books 1-2 Thurs, Mar 13 Odyssey Books 3-4 Paper 1 Due Spring Break (March 17-21) Week 10 Tues, Mar 25 Odyssey Books 5-6 Thurs, Mar 27 Odyssey Books 7-8 Week 11 Tues, Apr 1 Odyssey Books 9-10 Thurs, Apr 3 Odyssey Books 11-12 Week 12 Tues, Apr 8 Odyssey Books 13-14 Thurs, Apr 10 Odyssey Books 15-16 Week 13 Tues, Apr 15 Odyssey Books 17-18 Thurs, Apr 17 Odyssey Books 19-20 Week 14 Tues, Apr 22 Odyssey Books 21-22 Thurs, Apr 24 Odyssey Books 23-24 Week 15 Tues, Apr 29 Apollonius (D2L) Paper 2 Due Thurs, May 1 Vergil (D2L) Week 16 Tues, May 6 Lucan (D2L) Final Exam: Thursday, May 15, 10:30am-12:30pm Information contained in the course syllabus, other than the grade and absence policies, may be subject to change with reasonable advance notice, as deemed appropriate by the instructor.