Paper 17

Report to:
Date of Meeting:
Trust Board
27 June 2012
Agenda item:
Title of Report:
Board Sponsor:
Chief Executive’s Report
For Information
James Scott, Chief Executive
James Scott, Chief Executive
1. Purpose of Report (Including link to objectives)
The purpose of the Chief Executive’s Report is to highlight key developments within
the Trust which have taken place since the last Board meeting.
2. Summary of Key Issues for Discussion
2.1 National Awards
The Trust is a finalist in the Health Service Journal Patient Safety awards for our
structured mortality review.
A structured mortality review started at the Trust in November 2008 and has
continued as part of our patient safety work. 50 sets of consecutive notes from
patients who have died in the previous six months, are examined using a structured
tool; we now have data from 350 patients. The notes review identifies themes to serve
as a focus for Patient Safety work, harms which have occurred to patients, and patient
stories from which learning can be taken. The learning and stories are used to inform
quality improvement work and fed back to teams and governance structures within the
The winner will be announced at the Awards Ceremony on 4th July 2012.
The Trust has also been shortlisted for the 2012 Health Service Journal Efficiency
Awards in the Energy Efficiency category. The RUH Team Green Energy
Management Project was nominated for its work in reducing the Trust’s carbon
footprint whilst improving the patient environment.
The winner of the award will be announced at the Awards Ceremony on 25th
September 2012.
2.2 Application for the Patient and Family-Centred Care Programme to the
King’s Fund and The Health Foundation Inspiring Improvement
In April the Trust made an application for a Patient and Family-centred care (PFCC)
programme, as part of a national UK wide bidding process, to the King’s Fund and
The Health Foundation Inspiring Improvement organisations, to facilitate and
implement quality improvement to the practice of RUH multi-disciplinary clinical
teams. We were informed in May that our application had been successful and
feedback from the selection panel on the quality of the bid was very positive.
Author : James Scott, Chief Executive
Document Approved by: James Scott, Chief Executive
Agenda Item: 17
Date: 15 June 2012
Version: One
Page 1 of 3
The application process required selection of two patient medical conditions and the
teams involved with their pathway or journey of care within the hospital. The two
pathways selected were taken from the priority areas for patient and carer experience
from this year’s Quality Accounts, involving patients in the end stage of life and
patients with Care and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)/ long term
lung disease. The staff teams working with these patients and carers are committed to
making significant quality improvements for people, with a strong focus on patient,
family, carer and staff experience. The programme begins in July.
2.3 The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations
The regulations which came into force on 25th May 2011 required that users of
websites consented to the storage or access to information stored on a subscriber or
users terminal equipment – in other words a requirement to obtain consent for cookies
and similar technologies. The UK Government extended the deadline for compliance
with the regulations to 25th May 2012. The Trust’s website does not use cookies or
similar technologies and therefore there is further action required by the Trust under
these regulations. If the Trust changes its approach to the use of cookies then the
requirements of the regulations will need to be taken into account.
2.4 Update on NHS Foundation Trust Application
As at 19th June 2012, 5,214 public members have signed up to support the Trust’s
NHS Foundation Trust application.
Planning for the next Caring for You has begun; Dr Alex Ward will be leading the
session on Diabetes which will take place on 17th July 2012 at 18:00 in the PGMC.
Invites will be sent to members during the week commencing 25th June 2012.
Three more Governor Information sessions have been booked to take place during
the week commencing 25th June 2012 in order to encourage more members to put
themselves forward in the forthcoming elections. The quarterly newsletter has been
used to ensure that all Public members at all levels are invited to the sessions. An
additional information session specifically for staff is being arranged, and the
Membership Office is working with UH Bristol to ensure that one of their current Staff
Governors can attend to give our staff a detailed idea about the Governor role.
2.5 Commercial Director Appointment
Following an interview process on 18th May 2012, Jocelyn Foster has been appointed
to the post of Commercial Director. Jocelyn will join the Trust on 30th July 2012.
Jocelyn recently left Kent County Council where she had been working as Director of
Business Strategy. Jocelyn brings with her a wealth of experience having worked in
both the NHS and private sector.
2.6 Consultant Appointments
Mr Andrew Felstead was appointed on 30th May 2012 as a Consultant in Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery. Mr Felstead is currently employed by University Hospitals
Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and has previously spent time training at the RUH. He
Author : James Scott, Chief Executive
Document Approved by: James Scott, Chief Executive
Agenda Item: 17
Date: 15 June 2012
Version: 1
Page 2 of 3
is due to start on 3rd September 2012.
Dr Matthew Laugharne was appointed on 11th June 2012 as a Consultant Radiologist.
Dr Laugharne is currently working at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation
Trust and has previously spent time at the RUH on the training rotation. He is due to
start mid August.
Dr James Walters was appointed on 13th June 2012 as a Consultant in Acute
Medicine. Dr Walters is currently working at University Hospitals Bristol NHS
Foundation Trust but has previously worked at the RUH during his training rotations.
His start date is to be confirmed.
3. Recommendations (Note, Approve, Discuss etc)
The Board is asked to note the report.
Care Quality Commission Outcomes (which apply)
Not applicable
5. Legal / Regulatory Implications (NHSLA / Value for Money Conclusion etc)
Not applicable
6. NHS Constitution
None identified
7. Risk (Threats or opportunities link to risk on register etc)
Strategic and environmental risks are considered by the Board on a regular basis and
key items are reported through this report.
8. Resources Implications (Financial / staffing)
Not applicable
9. Equality and Diversity
Not applicable
10. Communication
Not applicable
11. References to previous reports
The Chief Executive submits a report to every Trust Board meeting.
12. Freedom of Information
Author : James Scott, Chief Executive
Document Approved by: James Scott, Chief Executive
Agenda Item: 17
Date: 15 June 2012
Version: 1
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