General and Specific Terms of Participations

General Terms of Participations
at Trade Fairs and Exhibitions
1. General
Organizer of the ConCarExpo 2016 is VDI Wissensforum GmbH, VDI-Platz 1,
40468 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49 211 6214-201, Fax: +49 211 6214-154
2. Application/Registration
Signing up for a trade fair or exhibition (event) requires the submission of the duly
completed application form of the organizer bearing a legally binding signature.
Registration constitutes a contract offer to VDI Wissensforum GmbH (hereinafter
referred to as organizer) and cannot be tied to conditions and restrictions, particularly with respect to desired stand positions, which do not represent a condition for
participation. Exclusion of competition is not granted. Registration shall be binding,
irrespective of admission.
With the signature, the General and Specific Terms of Participation are recognized as
binding by the applying party. The applying party is also liable for their staff’s ad­
herence to these Terms & Conditions during their assignment on their behalf at the
event. The duly completed registration form has to be returned to VDI Wissensforum
GmbH, Postfach 10 11 39, D-40002 Düsseldorf or via E-Mail to
3. Admission/Stand Area Confirmation
Those enterprises and institutions are admitted to the exhibition whose exhibits contribute to and prove helpful in the illustration or supplementation of the envisaged theme
and belong to the product groups and goods listed in the nomenclature appended to
the registration form of the organizer. Admission of enterprises, institutions and exhibits
shall be at the discretion of the organizer by means of a written stand space confirmation. This is issued and signed automatically and is valid without handwritten signature.
The contract comes into effect with the admission. Provisions or conditions made in the
application form shall only be effective if confirmed in writing by the organizer. If the
content of the admission deviates materially from the contents of the registration/application, a contract shall exist based on the contents of the admission, unless the exhibitor
objects in writing within two weeks following receipt of the admission.
Exhibitors do not have any legal right to be granted admission. If the number of
registration forms complying with the requirement profile that are received by the
organizer prior to the expiration of the registration period exceeds the number of
available exhibition spaces, the organizer shall have the right to make a discretionary decision regarding the admission of registrants to the exhibition. An exhibitor who
has previously failed to settle their financial obligations to the organizer or who has
failed to settle them in time may be excluded from admission. The organizer retains
the right to withdraw an admission that has already been granted if it was made on
the grounds of incorrect information or false assumptions or if the preconditions of
admission are subsequently no longer applicable.
4. Assignment of Exhibition Space
Assignment of space will be made by the organizer in accordance with the product
groups and arrangement of the event concerned and is subject to the space available. Specific preferences regarding the location expressed in the registration/application form will be considered as far as possible. The order of receipt of applications/
registrations will not be the sole deciding factor for assignment of space.
In particular cases the organizer shall be entitled for significant reason, to allocate
exhibition space to the exhibitor that deviates from the admission. Likewise, the
organizer shall be entitled to alter size, dimension and location of the exhibition
space without the possibility to derive any legal claims from this for the exhibitor.
The organizer shall notify the exhibitor of the necessity for such alteration
without delay and, if possible, offer a comparable space elsewhere in the exhibition. If this entails an alteration in the stand rental payment, reimbursement or
subsequent invoicing shall result. Exhibitors are entitled to withdraw their application within 2 weeks of receipt of such notification. Exhibitors must accept that by
the commencement of the trade fair or exhibition the positioning of the remaining
stands may have altered since the time of admission; no claim may be made on
account of such alterations. Structural pillars and supports are included in the calculated stand rental. No right for reduction will result thereof. Swapping the assigned
space with that of another exhibitor or transfering it to a third party, even if only in
part, is not allowed without the permission of the organizer
5. Joint Exhibitors
Stand spaces are rented out only as complete spaces and only to one contractual
partner. Exceptions may be made to this rule, if necessary. If several exhibitors wish
to share a stand space, they must name a representative in their application form
who is authorized to act on their behalf while negotiating with the organizer.
6. Co-exhibitors
Each further exhibitor, who uses the exhbition space in addition to the exhibitor,
with whom the organizer has concluded the exhibition contract, is considered a coexhibitor. Use of the exhibition space by another company with their own products
and their own staff (co-exhibitor), requires a specific application for permission and
approval by the organizer. Exhibitors shall also be regarded as co-exhibitors, if there
are close business ties or organizational links to the exhibitor. The admission of one
or more co-exhibitors is subject to an additional fee. The amount of the co-exhibitor
fee is stated in the Specific Terms of Participation for the event. Main exhibitor and
co-exhibitor are both liable as joint and several debtors for the fullfilment of all
exhibitor obligations by the co-exhibitor(s). The exhibitor shall not be entitled to
sublet the rented exhibition space, in full or in part, to any third party or allow them
to use it or swap exhibition space.
7. Stand Rental, Lien
Stand rentals as well as other fees and payment method are shown in the Specific
Terms of Participation. The stand rental refers to the rented space, without including
any stand partition walls or other installations or structures in the rent.
Stand rental and other fees are net amounts and the relevant statutory Value Added
Tax valid at the time of the event has to be paid in addition. Payment of the stand
rental invoice by the dates specified is prerequesite for the use of the assigned exhibition space. Objections regarding the invoice can only be considered if submitted
14 days after invoicing.
The organizer is entitled to exercise their right of lien and sell any distrained
property on the open market after written notice of intention. No liability will be
accepted for damage to seized items unless in case of wilful intent or caused by
gross negligence.
8. Withdrawal of Application, Cancellation of part of Stand Space
A withdrawal of the application is possible prior to the admission at the payment of
a withdrawal fee of EUR 150,–, plus statutory V.A.T. If the exhibitor withdraws their
application, cancels part of the stand space or does not participate in the event,
the organizer is entitled to use the rented out stand space or the cancelled part of
the space for other purposes and relet to third parties. If the exhibitor possesses
no mandatory withdrawal or termination right, they still remain obliged to pay the
following cancellation fee on cancellation or partial cancellation after admission has
been confirmed:
up to 90 days prior to commencement of the event 50 %
up to 30 days prior to commencement of the event 80 % and
less than 30 days prior to commencement of the event the full amount of the
agreed rental for the cancelled stand space. In each of the above cases, the exhibitor
retains the right to prove that the organizer has saved costs that are not considered
in the deduction and has benefitted as a result of the cancellation, partial cancellation or non-participation. As a general rule, if other vacant spaces of the size let to
the exhibitor are still available for the event, the exhibitor may not claim that the
organizer has benefitted from reletting the stand space or part of it or using it for
other purposes, especially in terms of the rental obtained.
9. Cancellation of Admission
The organizer is entitled to cancel confirmation of admission and relet the space
elsewhere in the following cases:
The stand is not discernibly occupied in good time, i. e. at the latest 24 hours
prior to the official opening of the event.
The exhibitor fails to pay the stand rental at the agreed time and allows a period
of grace granted by the organizer to lapse without result.
An application to commence insolvency proceedings against the exhibitor’s ­assets
is lodged or rejected for lack of assets, or insolvency proceedings have already been
The conditions for stand space confirmation are no longer fulfilled by the registered exhibitor or the organizer receives knowledge of grounds which would have
justified exclusion, had they been disclosed earlier.
The exhibitor violates the organizer‘s site regulations. The organizer reserves the
right to assert claims for damages in such cases. The exhibitor for his part has no
entitlement to claim damages.
10. Cancellation of rented Exhibition Objects and other Services
Once admission has been confirmed, the exhibitor must pay charges even if he
withdraws his application or does not exhibit. Furthermore, the organizer reserves
General Terms of Participations
at Trade Fairs and Exhibitions
the right to assert claims for damages. If the exhibitor cancels any ordered rented
exhibition objects and/or other services, the following cancellation fee is payable
based on the value of the order.
90 days to 30 days prior to commencement of assembly (see Specific Terms of
Participation) of the event, 25 % of the order value
29 days to 15 days prior to commencement of assembly (see Specific Terms of
Participation) of the event, 80 % of the order value
from 14 days prior to commencement of assembly the full amount is due. The
exhibitor retains the right to prove that the requested compensation for costs incurred
is too high.
11. Exhibits, Exclusion of Items
The exhibitor may only exhibit or offer goods and services which belong to the groups
of goods and products listed in the nomenclature appended to the Organizer’s application form for the event and entered in the exhibitor’s application to participate
in the event. The organizer is entitled to have items removed which have not been
listed in the application form or prove to be a cause of annoyance, dangerous or
otherwise unsuitable or which verifiably violate any industrial property rights. If
the demand of the removal of said items is not complied with, said items will be
removed by the organizer at the exhibitor’s expense. If a violation of industrial property rights by an exhibitor is proven (e. g. on the grounds of a valid court ruling
against the exhibitor), the organizer may exclude the exhibitor from participating
in a subsequent event.
12. Stand Assembly, Equipment and Design
Stands must conform to the overall layout of the exhibition. The organizer reserves
the right to prohibit the erection of stands which are unsuitable or have been inadequately equipped or to alter them at the exhibitor‘s expense. Stand layout and
design have to be done in such a way that no adjacent exhibition space is obstructed
by exhibits, advertising space, showcased objects or otherwise.
During the fixed opening hours throughout the entire event the exhibition space
must be properly equipped and staffed with competent personnel. Stand fitting must
be completed at the latest by the end of the period allowed for stand assembly
and cleared of any packaging materials. Company name and headquarters must be
clearly marked on a stand sign. In the event of non-conformity the Specific Terms
of Participation shall take precedence over the General Terms of Participation. The
stand boundaries specified to the exhibitor must not be exceeded. Exceedance of
the specified height limit requires the organizer’s approval. The same applies if very
heavy exhibits are exhibited. The attachment of anchor points in the hall floor is
not permissible. Removal of exhibits and dismantling of stands prior to the end of
the event are not permissible. In case of non-compliance the exhibitor is obliged to
pay a penalty in the amount of one half of the gross stand rental to the organizer.
Following the end of the event, the basic structure, as far as it has been provided by
the organizer, has to be returned undamaged and restored to its original state. The
exhibitor is liable for any damages that have been caused by improper handling or
that have not been reported immediately upon occurrence.
Furthermore, the exhibitor shall be liable for damage to the floor, the partition walls
and any material provided on a rent or loan basis. Exhibits which still remain on
the stands after the end of the period allowed for dismantling may be removed and
stored at the exhibitor‘s own expense.
13. Force Majeure, Cancellation of Event
If the organizer is prevented from holding the event for reasons of force majeure
or other circumstances beyond his control, he is required to notify the exhibitors
accordingly without delay.
Basically, the claim to stand rental is voided, but the organizer may charge the exhibitor for work carried out to his order to the extent of the costs incurred, insofar as
the result of such work may still be of interest to the exhibitor.
Should the organizer be in a position to hold the event at a later date, he is likewise
required to notify the exhibitors to this effect without delay. Exhibitors are entitled to
cancel their participation in the event at the new time within two weeks of receiving
such notification, in which case they are entitled to be reimbursed of the paid stand
rental or the stand rental is to be cancelled. If the organizer is compelled to curtail
or cancel an event for reasons of force majeure or other circumstances beyond his
control after it has commenced, the exhibitor has no claim to any refund or cancellation of the stand rental, unless the damage has been caused deliberately or by gross
negligence and for which the organizer can be held responsible. If the organizer is
at fault for having acted with gross negligence, the compensation for damages is
limited to the agreed stand rental fee.
14. Assembly and Dismantling Passes, Exhibitor Passes
Passes for exhibitors and workmen employed during the period of stand erection,
assembly and dismantling will be issued to the exhibitor, if applicable. The validity
of these is solely limited to the assembly and dismantling periods and does not cover
admission during the event.
A limited number of free exhibitor passes will be issued to exhibitors and their
­employees for the period of the event.
These passes will be made out in the name of the person concerned and must be
signed by the holder. They are not transferable and only valid in conjunction with an
identity card. Misuse of the passes will lead to their instant withdrawal. The number
of passes issued is not increased by the inclusion of co-exhibitors. Additional passes
can be obtained against payment.
15. Advertising, Raffles, Stand Parties
Advertisement of any kind is allowed only within the stand space rented by the exhibitor for his own firm and only for products and/or services produced or distributed
by him, insofar as these have been listed in the application form and admitted. The
use of apparatus and equipment which is aimed to achieve an increased advertising
effect through visual and/or acoustic means requires the written consent of the organizer. Advertising outside the stand space rented by the exhibitor is only possible as
part of the advertising and sponsoring measures offered by the organizer.
Advertising of a political nature is generally prohibited. Raffles, competitions, prize
contests and quiz events and the like require the prior written consent of the organizer. Celebrations and other events held on the stand space outside exhibition
opening hours require the written consent of the organizer and have to be applied
for in good time. They are subject to a fee.
The fee payable will be calculated in accordance with the Specific Terms of Parti­
16. Photographs, Drawings, Films
The organizer is entitled to have photographs, drawings and film and video recordings made of the exhibition, exhibition constructions and stands and showcased
items to use these for promotion or press purposes without exhibitors being able to
object for any reason. This also applies to photographs produced directly by press
or television with the consent of the organizer. Photographs, drawings and film recordings of the exhibition stand made upon request of the exhibitor can only be
commissioned with the prior consent of the organizer. The exhibitor shall not have
the right to take photographs or make drawings and film recordings of other exhibitors’ stands or exhibits.
17. Direct selling
Direct selling is not allowed unless expressly permitted by the Specific Terms of
Participation, in which case objects for sale must be marked clearly with their prices.
Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that they obtain the necessary permits from
the relevant trade and health authorities and comply with regulations.
18. Cleaning
The organizer is responsible for general cleaning of the grounds and hall passages.
Stand cleaning is the responsibility of exhibitors and must be completed daily before
the opening of the event. Exhibitors are to use the service contractor engaged by the
organizer for stand cleaning.
19. Supervision
The general supervision in the exhibition center will be done by companies subcontracted by the organizer. This shall not affect the liability provisions listed in item
20. Exhibitors are responsible for the supervision of their stand and their exhibits.
They are strongly recommended to make their own arrangements for the security of
their stands and exhibition items and effect appropriate insurance cover. Valuable
items which can be easily removed must be locked away at night. Additional stand
supervision is available at the exhibitor‘s own expense by using the service contractor engaged by the organizer.
20. Liability, Insurance, Accident Prevention
The organizer assumes no custodial care for any exhibition goods, stand equipment
or other items brought to the event and does not assume any liability for damage
or loss.
The organizer bears unlimited liability only in cases of wilful intent or gross negligence and for damages due to loss of life, bodily injury or damage to health. In all
other cases the organizer shall be liable only
General Terms of Participations
at Trade Fairs and Exhibitions
in the event of a breach of cardinal obligations. Cardinal obligations are obligations of fundamental importance for the proper execution of the contract and which
the exhibitor can expect to be regularly fulfilled;
if the organizer is legally obliged to take out liability insurance cover or this is
usually the case;
if the organizer has claimed a special degree of trust or occupies a qualified
position of trust.
In these cases, however, the organizer is only liable for typical foreseeable damage
(hence not usually for any consequential damage) and then only up to a limit of
EUR 100,000 for each case of damage. The liability limitation applies only to entrepreneurs, legal entities under public law and special public assets. Moreover, liability
due to slight or ordinary negligence is excluded. This liability limitation also applies
to the conduct of the organizer‘s performing and vicarious agents.
The exhibitor/co-exhibitor or joint exhibitor is liable for any damage to persons or
property caused culpably by himself, his employees, his representatives or his exhibits and equipment. We strongly recommend taking out an exhibition insurance. The
exhibitor shall be obliged to attach guards and protection devices on machinery and
equipment that are in line with the accident prevention rules of the relevant trade
association. The organizer is entitled to prohibit the exhibition or commissioning of
machinery and equipment at his discretion.
21. Protection of industrial Property Rights
The exhibitor shall be solely responsible for protecting copyright or other industrial
property rights relating to the exhibits. Therefore the exhibitor shall be obliged to
protect his goods and services against any property right infringement. In addition, the exhibitor has to refrain from violating or infringing any industrial property
rights. In the event that the infringement of industrial property right is substantiated, the organizer reserves the right to exclude the exhibitor from this event and any
future events. In this case the exhibitor is obliged to pay the full amount of stand
rental and all other fees arising from the event to the organizer. The assertion of any
further claims against the exhibitor shall remain unaffected thereby.
The assertion of claims of the exhibitor against the organizer on the grounds of
industrial property right infringement by third parties is excluded.
22. Site Regulations, Infringements
The organizer exercises domiciliary rights across the entire exhibition area during
assembly, exhibition and dismantling times. Exhibitors agree to accept the site regulations throughout the event across the entire exhibition grounds.
The organizer’s site regulations brought to the attention of the exhibitor as well as
the house rules of the local exhibition company shall be deemed as binding for the
exhibitor and his vicarious agents. The instructions of the organizer‘s employees,
who identify themselves by producing official identity cards, must be complied with.
Violations of the General and Specific Terms of Participation or the provisions as part
of the site regulations shall entitle the organizer, if such non-compliance is not refrained from immediately upon request to do so, to immediately close the exhibition
stand at the exhibitor’s expense without compensation or liability for any damages.
23. Exclusion Clause, Period of Limitation
Claims of the exhibitor against the organizer must be communicated to the organizer in written form within three months following the event. If the exhibitor fails to
make a claim in good time, these claims made by the exhibitor against the organizer
are excluded.
Any claims of the exhibitor against the organizer shall lapse within six months from
the end of the month in which the final day of the exhibition falls. Excluded from this
are claims in case of liability of the organizer due to wilful intent.
24. Place of Performance, Place of Jurisdiction
Place of performance and place of jurisdiction is Düsseldorf. The law of the Federal
Republic of Germany shall apply.
25. Data Protection
Personal data are collected, processed and used by the organizer and, if applicable,
by service partners in accordance with the provisions of the German Federal Data
Protection Act and other relevant data protection regulations for the purpose of
providing support and information for customers and potential customers and for
handling the services offered.
26. Consent to the Use of Data
The exhibitor consents to the storage, processing and use of his data transferred with
the registration/application form (company name, address, telephone/fax number
and e-mail address) by the organizer and, if applicable, by service partners for the
event and information purposes (advertising). This consent may be withdrawn at any
time by notifying the organizer without incurring additional costs other than the
usual transmission costs at the basic rates.
27. Severability Clause
If any provisions of these General Terms of Participation are partially void or incomplete, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions and the contract.
In such cases, the parties are obliged to replace the void or missing provision by a
provision that most closely relates to the business purpose intended by the parties.
Specific Terms of Participation
at the Trade Fair ConCarExpo 2016
1. Venue, Duration, Opening Hours
Venue: Messe Düsseldorf, Hall 1
Duration: Wed. 29 – Thu. 30 June 2016
Opening hours: Wed. 29 – Thu. 30 June 2016 09:00–18:00 h daily
2. Organizer
VDI Wissensforum GmbH
VDI-Platz 1, 40468 Düsseldorf
3. Registration Deadline
Registration deadline of the event is 15 January 2016
4. Contractual Terms
Contractual basis for participation in the Trade Fair ConCarExpo 2016 are the General and Specific Terms of Participation for Trade Fairs and Exhibitions, the site
regulations of the Messe Düsseldorf, the organizational (e. g. exhibitor information),
technical (e. g. service file) and other provisions delivered to the exhibitor prior to
the beginning of the event.
If VDI Wissensforum GmbH (VDI WF GmbH) provides additional exhibition services
through a ServicePartner in response to a separate order, the General Terms and
Conditions of the respective ServicePartner shall prevail over these Specific Terms of
Participation in the event of non-conformity.
5. Admission/Stand Space Confirmation
See Item 3 of the General Terms of Participation for Trade Fairs and Exhibitions.
Cancellation after receipt of stand space confirmation is governed by item 8 of the
General Terms of Participation in Trade Fairs and Exhibitions.
6. Exhibitors and approved Exhibits
Admissible as exhibitors are: manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, representatives
and publishers, domestic and foreign, offering only those products and services
that can be assigned to the product directory provided. All exhibition goods must
be specified in the application. Goods that violate the regulations for the protection
of industrial property rights in Germany are not admitted (counterfeit products).
7. Rental of Net Stand Area per m2 Stand Area (or part thereof)
EUR 220 In-line stand (1 side open, minimum stand area 12 m2)
EUR 250 Corner stand (2 sides open, minimum stand area 12 m2)
EUR 270 Peninsula stand (3 sides open, minimum stand area 36 m2)
EUR 290 Island stand (4 sides open, minimum stand area 54 m2)
The type of stand depends on the allocation of floor space, exhibitors have no right
to claim a certain type of stand. Rental includes:
– Hire of the stand space during assembly, exhibition and dismantling.
– General guarding of the exhibition halls.
– General lighting of the exhibition halls.
– General cleaning of the passageways.
– Heating and ventilation of the exhibition halls
8. Complete Rental Stand
All charges per m2 of stand space (rounded up to nearest full m2), in addition to
rental charge for net stand area (see item 7). All pictures are exemplary.
Rental includes:
Hire of complete stand. One of the four models of stand available can be selected
in the enclosed order form “Complete rental stands”. Further versions are available
upon request.
The organizer is responsible for assembling and dismantling the complete rental
stand. The complete rental stand and its fittings must not be pasted over, nailed,
painted or damaged in any way. Damages incurred during the rental period will be
charged to the exhibitor. The basic type of complete rental stand can be enhanced
with additional equipment in the same system at extra cost.
The exhibitor service file with more details on further services as well as the
order forms will be sent to the exhibitor in due time.
9. Co-Exhibitors
Co-exhibitors are companies which present their own products and services on the
stand of the exhibitor (main exhibitor) represented by their own staff. Their independence must be recognizable without spatial separation. Co-exhibitors can only be
admitted if the information requested in the registration form for co-exhibitors has
been filled in completely and is in line with the Terms and Condition of Participation
of the event. Co-exhibitors are subject to the same conditions as the exbhibitor.
Co-exhibitors are subject to a fee in the amount of 800 € plus the communication
package of 280 €.
10. Exhibitor’s Passes
Each exhibitor will be given free passes for the required stand personnel according
to the exhibition stand size. 3 passes for up to 10 m2 stand space will be provided, plus 1 pass for each further 10 m2 (or part thereof). Any additionally required
exbhitor’s passes can be purchased for entitled persons at EUR 18 plus statutory
V.A.T. The number of exhibitor’s passes which can be booked additionally is limited
as follows:
bis 20 m2 = 4 exhibitor’s pass
24–59 m2 = 6 exhibitor’s passes
60–119 m2 = 10 exhibitor’s passes
120–199 m2 = 20 exhibitor’s passes
> 200 m²
= 40 exhibitor’s passes
11. Communications Package for Exhibitors
The organizer provides each exhibitor with a communications package containing
the following services:
– Entries in the alphabetical list of exhibitors and list of products in the print exhibition catalogue (company name, stand number, contact details and product
specification) in the exhibitor’s catalogue (free distribution to all visitors).
– Entries in the alphabetical list of exhibitors including product specification on the
– Link of company name in the organizer’s online exhibition catalogue to the
exhibitor’s website and e-mail address. The exhibitor connects a return link to
the organizer’s homepage.
– Entry of company name of the exhibitor in the online floor plans
The exhibitor agrees to purchase the communications package at a total price of
EUR 280 (+VAT). This will be charged together with the stand rental. No reduction in
price can be granted if only part of the package is used.
12. Communications Package for Co-Exhibitors
The organizer provides each co-exhibitor with a communications package with print
and online services. (See item 15 for services provided). The Co-exhibitor agrees
to pay a participation fee of € 800 (+VAT) and to purchase the communications
package at the price of EUR 280 for each co-exhibitor registered by him. This will be
charged together with the stand rental or later. No reduction in price can be granted
if only part of the package is used.
13. Assembly and Dismantling, Passes
Assembly: Monday 27 June – Tuesday 28 June 2016 daily from 08:00–18:00 h
Exhibition stands for which assembly has not commenced by 12 noon on Tuesday, 28
June 2016, will be decorated by the organizer, if they cannot be otherwise disposed
of. Any costs arising from this shall be borne by the exhibitor.
Dismantling: Friday 01 July 2016, 08:00–18:00 h
Access to the halls during assembly and dismantling times is only permitted with
special passes, which are not valid during the event.
14. Stand Design
The exhibitor is responsible for stand equipment and decoration. The overriding
principle for the design of all exhibition stands is transparency. All open sides
must be freely accessible, which means, that at least 50 % of any side facing an
aisle must not be obstructed by structures of fittings. Minimum height ist 2.50 m.
The rear sides of stand partition walls, advertising carriers or other design elements
facing neighbouring stands and exceeding a height of 2.50 m must be white, in a
clean and tidy condition and must not contain any text or graphics.
Exhibits exceeding a height of 3.50 m require the organizer’s approval.
­Maximum stand height is 6 m.
Specific Terms of Participation
at the Trade Fair ConCarExpo 2016
If no rental exhibition stand is used, the fitting of a fascia board (0.30 m high) on
all open sides of the stand is stipulated. The fascia board anel may not be required if
the necessary stand quality is provided in some other way. The exhibition organizer
reserves the right to give further instructions concerning the design of stands. Only
water-soluble adhesives may be used on the fibre board stand partition walls and
these may not be painted unless they have first been wallpapered first. After the
event, wallpaper or other wall coverings must be removed by the exhibitor, otherwise
the partition walls will be stripped and cleaned at the exhibitor’s expense.
All other stand partition walls, floors, hall walls, pillars, installations, fire-fighting
equipment and other permanent hall fixtures must not be pasted over, nailed,
­painted or damaged in any way. The exhibitor is liable for any damage done and
will be charged with the costs. Any pillars, installations and fire-fighting equipment
located within the stand are part of the allotted stand space and must be accessible
at all times. Floor coverings in the stands are only to be fixed with double-sided
adhesive tape (solely with solvent-free adhesive tape).
The exhibitor agrees to comply with these requirements. Non-compliance may
result in claims for damages by the organizer resp. the neighbouring ­exhibitors
15. Multi-storey Stand Structures
In the event of multi-storey stand structures, the rental to be paid by the exhibitor
to the organizer will be increased by 50 % for the stand space covered by the upper
16. Payment Conditions
The exhibitor may be charged an advance payment of 25 % of the expected stand
space rental on confirmation of the application.
The full stand space rental less any advance payment will
be charged to exhibitor on confirmation of stand space. The advance payment will
be reimbursed if the exhibitor is not admitted and the stand space is not confirmed.
Payment is due by the date specified on the respective invoice. Invoices are payable
in full without deduction. All payments are to be made in EURO, quoting invoice
number. If the exhibitor enters a different invoice address in the application form,
he authorizes the stated person/company to receive the invoice and other payment
requests. This does not exempt the exhibitor from his obligation to pay. For subsequent changes to the invoice address for which the exhibitor is responsible, VDI WF
GmbH may charge a processing fee of EUR 50. An entitlement to occupy the alloted
stand space exists only after payment of invoices in full. The exhibitor is to provide
proof of payment.
16. Insurance
The exhibitor is generally obliged to make his own adequate insurance arrangements. Insurance for exhibitors to cover the transport risk and the risk involved with
the stay is recommended.
17. Modifications
The organizer reserves the right to cancel, postpone or relocate the event, to shorten
or lengthen the duration, or if necessitated by spatial conditions or official orders or
other in the organizer’s view compelling reasons to assign to the exhibitor another
space or to modify and reduce the size of the space. No right to withdraw from the
contract shall arise from this.
18. Exhibitor Claims, Written Form, Place of Fulfillment, Jurisdiction
All exhibitor claims against the organizer must be made in writing. The statutory
period of limitation begins on the last day of the exhibition. Agreements that deviate
from these or the supplementary terms must be made in writing. German law and
the German text shall apply exclusively.
Place of fulfillment and jurisdiction is Düsseldorf. The organizer reserves the right
to assert his claims before the court where the exhibitor has his registered office.