AP European History Term Project Topic: Which European Person

AP European History Term Project
Topic: Which European Person, Event, or Idea was the most influential shaper of Modern Europe?
Part 1: Term Paper
In a 10 page paper you will need to address the following topic and defend your answer. You will
need to include a 1 page (maximum) explanation of the topic (including relevant lead up, this will
include names, dates, locations…). After the Background, in the main body of your essay, you will need
to provide evidence that supports your Thesis. Your Evidence will need to be supported by primary (at
least 1 for the whole paper) and secondary sources (at least 1 per paragraph). Your conclusion will
restate your thesis, wrap up your main ideas, and give lasting impacts.
- 10 Pages (minimum)
- Double Spaced
- 1” Margins
- 12pt Times New Roman Font
Paper Tips:
- An academic title includes the topic and a general idea of what the paper will be about.
o Bad Ex. “Modernization Paper”
o Ex. “Impact of Modernization in Uzbekistan and Siberia”
- Your Thesis is going to be by far the most important part of your paper. It needs to make a
claim and introduce the evidence that will be used to support the claim throughout the
course of the paper.
o Bad Ex. “The plains Indians were impacted in many ways by the United States.”
o “Although many factors contributed to the elimination of the traditional life of the
plains Indians, the Homestead act, the spread of the railroad, and the discovery of
gold in the Black Hills, had the greatest impact on the Sioux of the uppers plains.”
Header Example:
John Johnson
AP European History
End of Term Paper
Part 2: Verbal Defense
In a 15-17min presentation you will need to defend your claim in front of the class. Your speech will be
broken up into the following parts:
Introduction: Introduce Topic and general Information about it (No more than 3 minutes)
Main Body: Your evidence
Conclusion: Wrap up and give lasting impacts (approx. 4 min)
You will need to present your paper in a professional manner.
Paper (Homework Grade)
Presentation (Participation Grade)
Mechanics _____/3 (Grammar, Thesis, Format)
Professionalism _____/1 (Dress, Format)
Strength of Evidence _____/7
Meeting Time Requirements _____/3
Factual Information _____/5
Speech Mechanics _____/3
Annotated Bibliography _____/5
Evidence _____/3
Timeline of Project:
May 21 – Choose Topic
Class time will be used to research topic
May 22-23 – Collect Sources
Need minimum of 5 secondary sources and 1 primary source
May 24-25 – Outline
A detailed outline of what your paper will be about
Include Formatting of Body Paragraphs (what each one will be about
Outline due May 28
May 28 – Check Outlines
Thesis Writing (write 3 different Thesis statements for paper)
Attention Grabber (write 3 different Attention grabbers)
Will collaborate with others to narrow down to best one
May 29 - June 1 – Work Time
In class time to work on paper 1st Draft Due June 4th
June 4 – Peer Reviewing
Will trade papers and read over each others to provide advice to each other
June 5-7 – Editing/Writing
Papers Submitted to Mr. T by 7:00pm June 7th
June 8 –Begin Planning Presentations
Will get papers back by end of class
June 11 – Papers Due
Presentation 1 (6:20-6:35) Presentation 2 (6: 45–7:00) -
Presentation 3 (6:20-6:35) –
Presentation 4 (6:45-7:00) –
Presentation 5 (6:20-6:35) –
Presentation 6 (6:45-7:00) –
June 12
June 13
For Non-Presenters: You will need to keep notes of suggestions for the speaker. What are they doing
well, what do they need to work on?
June 14 – Wrap Up on Class
End of Class Party