On the point-of-presence optimization problem in IP networks Sur le problème de l’optimisation des points de présence dans les réseaux IP Steven Chamberland, Marc St-Hilaire, and Samuel Pierre This paper presents a model for the point-of-presence (POP) optimization problem in Internet protocol (IP) networks, where a POP is a node composed of several interconnected co-located backbone routers. This problem consists of selecting the number of routers and their types, selecting the interface card types, connecting the access and the backbone links to the ports, selecting the link types between the co-located routers, and routing the traffic within the POP. A detailed example solved by using a branch-and-bound algorithm is presented along with results for a set of randomly generated problems. The results show that fair-sized problems can be solved to optimality within a reasonable amount of time. Cet article présente un modèle pour le problème de l’optimisation des points de présence dans les réseaux IP (Internet protocol). Ce problème consiste à sélectionner le nombre de routeurs et le type de chacun, sélectionner les types des cartes à insérer dans les routeurs, brancher les liens d’accès et de transmission aux ports, sélectionner les types de liens entre les routeurs co-localisés et acheminer le trafic dans le point de présence. L’on présente un exemple détaillé en utilisant un algorithme de séparation et évaluation progressive, suivi de résultats pour des problèmes générés aléatoirement. Les résultats montrent que des problèmes de taille modérée peuvent être résolus en temps raisonnable. on average, within % of the proposed lower bound. Finally, in [5], the authors studied several network topologies (ring, tree and fullmesh) for the inter-router network within a POP. I. Introduction Due to the increasing demand for Internet network services, telecommunication carriers are investing continuously in their Internet protocol (IP) infrastructure. As a result, several backbone routers are colocated in the points of presence (POPs) as illustrated in Fig. 1. A POP is defined as an access point to the IP network owned by a telecommunication carrier. It usually includes routers and may also include other equipment such as digital/analogue call aggregators, servers and switches. Considering that IP routers and interface cards are still expensive, POP optimization is an important issue for these carriers in the quest to remain competitive. Actually, the POP optimization is typically done by hand or by using a network simulator to evaluate several scenarios. Since the number of routers increases continually, the scenario-oriented approaches are time-consuming, and the solutions found are rarely optimal. The literature of network engineering and operations research contains many articles relating to network optimization and planning, but the POP optimization problem has been considered by only a few authors. The difficulty of the problem was pointed out by Chamberland et al. [1]–[2], who first proposed a global approach for the POP optimization problem. The authors demonstrated that the problem is hard and proposed a greedy heuristic algorithm for finding solutions rapidly. For problems generated, the algorithm produced solutions that were, on average, within % of a proposed lower bound (found by solving a relaxed version of the problem with a branch-and-bound algorithm). Extended versions of the problem were proposed in subsequent papers by adding additional performance constraints [3] and reliability constraints [4] to the original problem. In those papers, tabusearch-based meta-heuristic algorithms were explored to find good solutions within a reasonable amount of time. The solutions found were, Steven Chamberland, Marc St-Hilaire, and Samuel Pierre are with the Department of Computer Engineering, École Polytechnique de Montréal, C.P. 6079, Succ. Centre-Ville, Montréal, Québec H3C 3A7. E-mail: steven .chamberland@polymtl.ca Can. J. Elect. Comput. Eng., Vol. 30, No. 3, Summer 2005 In this paper, we tackle the POP optimization problem in IP networks. This problem consists of selecting the number and types of routers to install in the POP (where a router type is characterized by its number of slots and its switch fabric capacity); selecting the interface card types (where an interface card type is characterized by its technology and port rate, its number of ports, and the number of slots necessary for its insertion into the router); connecting the access and backbone links to the ports; selecting the link types between the co-located routers; and routing the traffic within the POP. The objective is to minimize the cost of the POP. In fact, this paper extends the work of [6] by including additional constraints for the traffic routing and the inter-router link dimensioning. Moreover, in this paper we solve the POP optimization problem exactly, a feat which has never been done before in the literature. This paper is organized as follows. Section II presents a mathematical model for the POP optimization problem in IP networks. Section III presents a detailed example solved by using a branch-and-bound algorithm along with results for a set of randomly generated problems. Conclusions and further work are presented in Section IV. II. The mathematical model A. The assumptions We make the following assumptions about the organization of each POP: 2 CAN. J. ELECT. COMPUT. ENG., VOL. 30, NO. 3, SUMMER 2005 Number of access links 1 2 OC-3 Number of backbone links 2 1 OC-3 1 OC-12 1 2 OC-12 1 OC-48 3 1 OC-12 2 4 1 OC-12 2 OC-48 2 OC-3 5 1 OC-3 1 OC-12 3 1 OC-48 The POP to optimize 6 1 OC-12 4 7 2 OC-12 2 OC-3 Point of presence Point of presence 8 Interconnected routers in the POP 1 OC-3 1 OC-12 Client 3 OC-48 Backbone router Backbone link 1 OC-12 Backbone link 10 1 OC-3 1 OC-12 Inter-router link 1. The POP is composed of co-located interconnected routers. 2. The number of routers installed in the POP cannot exceed the maximum allowed. 3. The sum of the rate of the ports installed in a router cannot exceed its switch fabric capacity. Figure 2: Illustration of the problem. B. The notation The following notation is used throughout this paper. The notation is composed of sets, decision and traffic variables, cost parameters, link and router parameters, and constants. 1. Sets the set of link/port types used in the access network; We assume that the following information is known: 1. the clients connected to the POP and their access link types (where an access link type is characterized by its technology and rate); 2. the backbone links connected to the POP and their types (where a backbone link type is characterized by its technology and rate); 3. the maximum number of routers that can be installed in the POP; 4. the different types of routers (where a router type is characterized by its number of slots and its switch fabric capacity); 5. the different types of interface cards (where an interface card type is characterized by its technology and port rate, its number of ports, and the number of slots necessary for its insertion into the router); 6. the cost of purchasing each router type and installing it (including the floor space, cables, racks, electric installation and labour); 7. the cost of purchasing each interface card type and installing it (including the patch panel space, the cables and labour); 8. the cost of interconnecting two routers within the POP using a link and ports of a given type (including the cables and labour); 9. the traffic passing through the POP. To grasp the significance of the previous assumptions, we provide in Fig. 2 an example in which the clients are connected to the POP through OC-3 ( Mb/s) and OC-12 ( Mb/s) access links and the POPs are interconnected through OC-12 and OC-48 ( Gb/s) backbone links. OC-192 ( Gb/s) links and ports should be used to interconnect the routers within the POP. The problem consists in finding the minimum-cost POP subject to all the previous assumptions and facts. Note that optical carrier (OC-) represents an optical signal and that denotes the number of increments of Mb/s defined in the synchronous optical network (SONET) technology (for the technical aspects related to SONET networks, see [6], and for more information about IP over SONET, see [7]). Access link 9 Access link Figure 1: IP network architecture. Client 5 the set of link/port types used in the backbone network; the set of link/port types used to interconnect the routers within the POP; the set of link and port types (i.e., ); the set of clients connected to the POP; the set of other POPs (O-POPs) in the network (i.e., the POPs in the network connected to the POP that we want to optimize); the set of potential router locations in the POP (i.e., each potential location corresponds to a rack space used to install a router); the set of interface cards with ports of type ; the set of interface card types (i.e., ); the set of router types. 2. Decision and traffic variables a - variable such that at location is of type the number of cards of type the number of links of type ; if and only if the router installed ; the number of links of type location ; installed at location from client from O-POP ; to location to the number of links of type installed between location and location for (we impose the condition because the communication links are supposed to be full duplex and symmetric); the traffic flow (in bits per second) from client to location (from location to client ) originating from ; the traffic flow (in bits per second) from O-POP to location (from location to O-POP originating from ; the traffic flow (in bits per second) from location location originating from . ) to CHAMBERLAND / ST-HILAIRE / PIERRE: ON THE POP OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM IN IP NETWORKS 3. parameters Cost the cost of purchasing a card of type 4. location ; the cost of purchasing a router of type and installing it at location ; the cost (including the installation cost) of connecting location to location using a link of type . router. in the Constants the traffic demand from to passing through the POP (in bits per second); the number of links of type from to the POP. , (from C. The model In this section, we define the POP optimization model, denoted P. This model has the goal of minimizing the objective function subject to constraints: minimize (1) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (9) (8) Inter-router network topology constraints: subject to the following: ) 5. Link and router parameters the bit rate (in bits per second) of the link/port of type ; the number of slots in a router of type ; the switch fabric capacity (in bits per second) of a router of type ; the number of ports on the card of type ; the number of slots necessary to insert a card of type and installing it at 3 Access link capacity constraints: Client assignment constraints: O-POP assignment constraints: (3) (4) (5) (6) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) Traffic-flow conservation constraints: Router-capacity constraints (port level): Router-capacity constraints (switch fabric level): Inter-router link capacity constraints: Router-capacity constraints (slot level): Backbone link capacity constraints: Router-type uniqueness constraints: (2) (7) (22) (23) (21) (24) 4 CAN. J. ELECT. COMPUT. ENG., VOL. 30, NO. 3, SUMMER 2005 L EMMA 1: The inequalities (25) Integrality and nonnegativity constraints: IR IN IN IN IN ¾ are valid for P. (27) (28) P ROOF : We prove only (27), since (28) can be similarly proven. Let be a given location. If (5) , then using constraints or (6) and constraints (7), (10), (11) and (13) we obtain for and . However, if all , then using con straints (2), we obtain for all . Thus, inequalities (27) are valid for DP. (26) The following inequalities give lower and upper bounds on the number of routers to install in the POP. The objective function (1) of P is composed of three terms: the cost of the links, the cost of the cards and the cost of the routers. Constraints (2) are client assignment constraints that require each client to be connected to the POP with the required access link types, and constraints (3) are O-POP assignment constraints that require each O-POP to be connected to the POP with the required backbone link types. The router-type uniqueness constraints (4) require that at most one router type be installed at location , and constraints (5) require that the total number of slots used by the cards at location be less than or equal to the number of slots available for the router type installed at this location. Constraints (6) require that the sum of the rates of the ports installed at the router at location be less than or equal to its switch fabric capacity, and constraints (7) to (13) dictate that the number of links of type connected to a router be less than or equal to the number of ports of this type. Constraints (14) necessitate that the topology of the inter-router network be the one specified by the network planner. The full-mesh topology is considered in this paper. This topology has been chosen as the preferred topology since the network planner typically wants to minimize the number of hops between the clients in order to minimize the end-to-end delay and the jitter. However, if the number of routers is large (e.g., more than six routers), another topology such as a two-level topology should be used in order to minimize the number of inter-router links (where the first level of routers is used to connect the access links, and the second level to connect the backbone links). In fact, constraints (14) require at least one link between two locations if and only if routers have been installed at these two locations. These constraints were first described in [8], in the context of the topological network design problem with a two-level structure. Other topologies such as the tree or the ring topology were also considered (see [5] for more details concerning these topologies). Since P is -hard (transformation from the knapsack problem [9]), it is unlikely that large instances of this problem can be solved to optimality within a reasonable amount of time. Note that P can also be used for the POP expansion problem. Indeed, the network planner has only to fix a subset of the variables for representing the already existing configuration of the POP and solving the model to find the other variables. ! ! ! ! ! !" where and Access link capacity constraints (15) and (16) require that the traffic flow (in bits per second) from client to the POP be less than or equal to the total access link capacities from this client (in both directions), and backbone link capacity constraints (17) and (18) require that the traffic flow from to the POP be less than or equal to the total backbone link capacities installed between and the POP. Interrouter link capacity constraints (19) and (20) require that the traffic flow (in bits per second) from location to location be less than or equal to the total link capacities installed between and . Constraints (21) to (25) are traffic-flow conservation constraints, and constraints (26) are integrality and nonnegativity constraints. L EMMA 2: The following inequalities are valid for P: !" (29) (30) (31) (32) # where ! is the maximum number of ports of type per slot, # " and " is the minimum number of slots required to connect the access and the backbone links. P ROOF : Using equations (7) to (13), we obtain # (33) # With the full-mesh topology, we have , and using (5), we obtain for all and # # (34) # # If we sum inequality: " on the two sides of (34), we obtain the following ! (35) CHAMBERLAND / ST-HILAIRE / PIERRE: ON THE POP OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM IN IP NETWORKS 5 where ! and " are respectively defined by (31) and (32). From (35) we obtain " ! f(x) (36) and then !" ! or (37) x- ! !" (38) ! ! ! ! ! ! !" is an integer in all Two link types (i.e., OC-3 and OC-12) are used in the access network, two in the backbone network (i.e., OC-12 and OC-48), and one in the inter-router network (i.e., OC-192). The costs of the router types are given in Table 1, and the costs of the interface card types in Table 2. These costs include the purchase and the installation costs (including the floor space, the patch panels, the cables and connectors, the racks, the electric installation and labour). The cost of interconnecting two co-located routers is (including the cables and labour). !" L EMMA 3: The inequality ! is obtained for The proposition follows because feasible solutions of P. In this section, we first present a detailed design example, followed by results for a set of randomly generated problems. The CPLEX Mixed Integer Optimizer (see [10] for more information about CPLEX) is used to solve the model. Note that the algorithm used by the CPLEX is the branch-and-bound algorithm. For the tests, the branch-and-bound node limit was set to , the upper limit on the tree size was Mb, and the time limit was hours. For the computing platform, we used a Sun Ultra 5 workstation with Mb of RAM. and the maximum value of III. Numerical results !" ! (40) is valid for P. P ROOF : In Lemma 2, we showed that the righthand side of (37) is obtained when is equal to and ! # ! # . in (37), we obtain (40). Then, if we replace T HEOREM 1: If P is feasible, then (40) is respected and ! ! Figure 3: Equation . x P ROOF : Because (40) and (41) are obtained from constraints of P, therefore if P is feasible, then these inequalities are respected for all feasible solutions. The solutions of (39) are x+ (39) !" where IR. Then is used to define the feasibility region of P as the function of the number of routers installed. In Fig. 3, we depict equation and indicate the interval of such that . x max -AB Consider the following equation: ;;; !" A. An illustrative example For the example, the number of clients in is , the number of OPOPs in is , and the maximum number of routers that can be installed in the POP is (i.e., ). The number and types of access links are presented in Table 3, and the number and types of backbone links are presented in Table 4. The traffic demand is generated randomly using a uniform distribution law in the interval from to Mb/s between each pair of clients, from to Mb/s between each pair of O-POPs, and from to Mb/s between each client and O-POP. , therefore using Lemma 2, we know that Since ! and " the number of routers installed in the POP will be between and . Moreover, since (40) and (41) are satisfied, we cannot draw a conclusion about the feasibility of the example using Theorem 1. (41) The solution obtained with CPLEX took s, and its value was $585 500, obtained after exploration of branch-and-bound nodes. 6 CAN. J. ELECT. COMPUT. ENG., VOL. 30, NO. 3, SUMMER 2005 Table 3 Router type B Number and types of access links for each client Router type B OC-192 Client Location 1 Location 3 Type of card Number Type of card A B C D E F 0 0 1 3 6 1 A B C D E F Number 8 0 2 0 3 1 Figure 4: Solution of the example. Table 1 Characteristics of the router types Type Number of slots Switch fabric capacity (Gb/s) Cost ($) A 7 80 17 000 B 14 160 28 000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Technology A B C D E F OC-3 OC-3 OC-12 OC-12 OC-48 OC-192 Number of ports 4 16 4 16 4 1 Number of slots required 1 2 1 2 1 1 Cost ($) 3000 20 000 10 000 35 000 30 000 50 000 The solution, illustrated in Fig. 4, has two routers of type B (one at location and the other at location ), and an OC-192 link interconnecting them. B. Other results In this subsection, we present the results of a systematic set of experiments designed to assess the performance of the branch-and-bound algorithm. Twenty-five problems were randomly generated as follows. For each client, the number of access links is randomly selected among OC-3, OC-3, OC-12 and OC-12. For each O-POP, the number of OC-12 and OC-48 links is randomly selected in the interval from to . The optimal solution (i.e., OPT) is evaluated for each test problem. The solutions are presented in Table 5. The first column identifies the problem, the second contains the number of clients , and the third gives the number of O-POPs . The next column presents the optimal value or the best solution found by the branch-and-bound algorithm if the node limit (NL) or time limit (TL) is reached. The fifth column contains the number of nodes explored in the branch-and-bound tree, and the last column presents the CPU execution time. From Table 5, we note that the CPU execution time of the branchand-bound algorithm increases dramatically with increasing and 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Number of links OC-3 OC-12 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 Table 4 O-POP Type Client Number and types of backbone links for each O-POP Table 2 Characteristics of the types of interface cards Number of links OC-3 OC-12 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of links OC-12 OC-48 1 2 3 4 3 0 1 0 3 1 0 3 2 2 1 2 2 0 2 0 O-POP 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Number of links OC-12 OC-48 4 3 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 2 0 2 3 2 1 3 4 4 4 . The results show that fair-sized problems can be solved to optimality within branch-and-bound nodes and hours of CPU time. Only three out of problems were not solved within these limits. However, P cannot be solved for large problems with this approach. IV. Conclusions In this paper, we have studied the problem of designing POPs in IP networks and present an optimization model for selecting the number of routers and their types, selecting the interface card types, connecting the access and backbone links to the ports, and selecting the link types between the co-located routers. The model can be adapted to different objectives and situations by changing the cost function or by adding appropriate constraints. For instance, the model can be used for the POP expansion problem. Indeed, one has only to fix a subset of the variables for representing the already existing configuration of the POP and solving the model to find the other variables. The model presented has some limitations. For instance, it is difficult to predict the traffic passing through the POP (i.e., the values), and the cost of adding another client is not taken into account. More- CHAMBERLAND / ST-HILAIRE / PIERRE: ON THE POP OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM IN IP NETWORKS 7 References Table 5 Numerical results Problem P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 OPT ($) 157 000 221 000 212 000 375 500 368 500 338 000 304 000 427 500 389 500 472 500 328 000 564 500 519 500 537 500 604 500 595 500 656 500 585 500 NL(922 500) TL(911 500) 710 500 579 500 711 500 TL(1 014 500) 620 500 Nodes 37 38 99 10 721 1475 101 123 5633 21 647 31 273 68 23 863 8979 21 023 36 357 66 805 12 626 4735 100 000 46 163 1139 18 465 22 778 77 301 3492 CPU (s) 4 7 20 782 219 8 28 625 3273 5007 19 2070 2491 6450 12 591 4430 2106 1179 30 509 43 200 355 2800 12 979 43 200 9985 over, performance and reliability constraints need to be included in the model. We are currently examining these extensions. A detailed example solved by using a branch-and-bound algorithm has been presented along with results for a set of randomly generated problems with up to clients and other POPs. The results show that fair-sized problems can be solved to optimality within branch-and-bound nodes and hours of CPU time. Only three out of problems were not solved within these limits. However, P cannot be solved for large problems (with hundreds of clients) with this approach. It would be interesting to explore other exact algorithms, such as the constraints programming techniques, in order to find exact solutions more rapidly and to tackle large problems. [1] S. Chamberland, M. St-Hilaire, and S. Pierre, “A heuristic algorithm for the point of presence design problem in IP networks,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 7, no. 9, Sept. 2003, pp. 457–459. [2] ———, “A heuristic for the POP topological optimization problem in IP networks,” in Proc. IEEE Can. Conf. Elect. Comput. Eng. (CCECE ’03), Montreal, Que., May 2003, pp. 729–732. [3] S. Chamberland, “Point of presence planning problem in IP networks with performance guarantees,” Computers and Operations Research, to appear. [4] ———, “Point of presence planning problem in IP networks with performance guarantees,” in Proc. 4th Int. Workshop Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), Banff, Alta., Oct. 2003, pp. 363–370. [5] S. Chamberland, M. St-Hilaire, and S. Pierre, “An analysis of different co-located router network topologies within a POP in IP networks,” in Proc. IEEE Can. Conf. Elect. Comput. Eng. (CCECE ’03), Montreal, Que., May 2003, pp. 733–736. [6] R. Ballart and Y.-C. Ching, “SONET: Now it’s the standard optical network,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 27, no. 3, Mar. 1989, pp. 8–15. [7] J. Manchester, J. Anderson, B. Doshi, and S. Dravida, “IP over SONET,” IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 36, no. 5, May 1998, pp. 136–142. [8] S.H. Chung, Y.S. Myung, and D.W. 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