2014 © ACTFL These three examples are sample scripts a

 These three examples are sample scripts a teacher in a dual-immersion setting might
use to create an interpersonal conversation to engage his or her students following a
social studies unit based on immigration and ethnic heritage. Consult the ACTFL
Proficiency Scale and Performance Descriptors for Language Learners for more
information about the criteria at each level.
1. Families always have interesting stories. My father’s family is from Italy. My
mother is French. Tell me about 3-4 people in your family and the different
countries they are from.
2. In my family, we celebrate lots of holidays. Can you list the holidays that are
special in your family?
3. Families often have special foods for celebrations or holidays. My grandmother
cooks with lots of tomatoes, olive oil, spices, and pasta. What are some of the
foods that your family likes and uses for cooking special meals?
4. My family celebrates birthdays in a special way. How do you celebrate
1. Throughout history people leave their country and go to another country. Many
people have come to the United States for different reasons, like war or other
bad things. What are some of the reasons why people leave where they are
living; why do people move to another country?
2. When people move to another country, they often cannot bring many things with
them. Talk about some of the things that people take with them to a new country
and why, and some of the things they leave behind. Why is it hard to leave those
things behind, why is it difficult to not take certain things with you?
3. When people arrive in a new country, their life is not easy. For one thing, the
language may be new to them and maybe do not know it very well. What makes
it difficult (Why is it difficult) to start a new life in a new country?
4. Think about students in your school or community who have recently moved from
another country. What are some things your school does to make them feel
welcome’ what can your school do to help them be part of their new
1. Before the recent elections, there were a lot of ads on television and radio about
candidates and issues. Can you describe in detail a specific ad? How was the
information presented? What did you like (dislike) about the ad? Tell me about
the ad in as much detail as possible.
2. Advertisements are designed to inform you and to influence your vote. The
message is usually short and quickly tells you why one candidate is better than
2014  ACTFL
the another candidate. Describe in detail an ad that you saw. Tell what was said
about each candidate that was either positive or negative. Here is a political ad
from the recent election in _______ (view 30 second ad). What information did
the ad tell you about the candidate? How did this ad try to persuade you? Do
you think you want to vote for this candidate?
3. Nowadays news comes all the time, all day long, from many different sources..
Tell me about how you get news. How often do you check what is going on in
the world or in your community? Compare how you get your news today with
how your parents (grandparents?) got the news when they were your age?
4. Many candidates talk about issues of immigration. Here is part of a candidate’s
website and what she said about immigration. You have been studying a lot
about immigration issues. How much do you agree with this candidate’s
opinion? Why do you feel that way?
2014  ACTFL