w w w . c a r l o a l b e r t o . o r g
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30
Moncalieri (Torino), Italy
Tel +39 011 670 5000
Fax +39 011 670 5088 allievi@carloalberto.org
2015 2016
1. The Collegio
2. AllieVi ProgrAm
3. PlACemenT
4. CAlendAr
5. Senior AllieVi
6. JUnior AllieVi
7. CoUrSeS
8. FACUlTy
9. reSeArCh
10. eVenTS
11. ConTACTS
dear Allievi, it is my greatest pleasure to welcome you at Collegio Carlo Alberto. your committment and enthusiasm will be a fundamental part of this enterprise. here you will have the opportunity to develop your intellectual skills not only through courses, but also through frequent interactions with the researchers of the Collegio.
Welcome once again,
Pietro garibaldi
The Collegio Carlo Alberto was created in 2004. it is a foundation jointly established by the
Compagnia di San Paolo and the University of Torino. its mission is to foster research and teaching in economics and the social sciences, upholding the values and best practices of the international academic community.
The Collegio is a dynamic research community formed by faculty of the University of
Torino, full-time junior and senior faculty, hired on the international academic job market, visiting scholars. They conduct interdisciplinary research within the social sciences, with both empirical and theoretical emphasis.
As far as education is concerned, the Collegio promotes and coordinates the “Allievi Program.”
The Allievi are outstanding students of the University and the Politecnico of Torino who, in addition to fulfilling their university requirements, receive advanced training (courses and seminars) at the Collegio. The program’s goal is to nurture the best talents, directing them towards either the best graduate programs in economics and statistics or successful highlevel business careers.
The Collegio also organizes five master’s degree programs: a master in economics, a master in economics & Complexity, a master in Finance, a master in insurance & risk management and a master in Public Policy and Social Change (the latter three in collaboration with the University of Torino). Finally, two doctoral Programs of the University of Torino are hosted at the Collegio.
every two years, the Collegio awards the Carlo Alberto Medal to an outstanding italian economist under the age of 40. The medal award ceremony takes place in mid-June alongside the Vilfredo Pareto lectures , a series of lectures delivered by distinguished scholars in economics and Social Sciences.
The Collegio also organizes several outreach events addressed to the general public. The
Collegio Aperto lectures are a series of lectures on current economic, social and political events, given by leading international scholars and professionals. The annual Onorato
Castellino lecture , also featuring distinguished scholars and public intellectuals, honors the memory of the first President of the Collegio and member of the research unit CerP, who bestowed the institution his vision, integrity, and grace. Besides the events listed above, research interaction with the international community is fostered by the seminar series and numerous conferences that the Collegio organizes during the academic year.
For those who are interested in economics, finance and other social sciences the Collegio is a unique research and educational opportunity, spanning academic research and public policy.
The allievi program of the Collegio Carlo Alberto is an “honors” program that enhances the education of outstanding students from the University and the Politecnico of Torino.
The objective is to help them succeed in their international academic or professional careers. The Allievi attend courses and tutorials at the Collegio that are in addition to the students’ university requirements. The Allievi Program thus complements and strengthens the preparation students get during their college years.
The Allievi of the Collegio Carlo Alberto are enrolled either in a laurea triennale or in a laurea magistrale in economics and related subjects at the University or at the Politecnico of Torino.
Related subjects are widely defined and include, for instance, engineering, mathematics, political sciences and statistics. These students are expected to fulfill their university requirements, as well as to participate in additional activities (classes and tutorials) at the
The admission to the Allievi Program is purely based on merit. The Collegio awards a scholarship and provides a study station to each student admitted to the program. The Allievi interact on a daily basis with faculty members, Fellows and Affiliates of the Collegio. Moreover, they have access to the Collegio’s facilities and scientific activities, such as seminars, conferences, masters and doctoral courses. The studies of each Allievo are supervised by a mentor assigned upon enrollment.
The Allievi are subdivided into:
• Junior allievi : these are students enrolled in a laurea triennale program at the University or at the Politecnico of Torino. In addition to the university degree, the Junior Allievi who successfully fulfill the Collegio requirements are awarded the Allievi Diploma from the
• Senior allievi : these are students enrolled in a laurea magistrale program at the University or at the Politecnico of Torino. In addition to the university degree, the Senior Allievi who successfully fulfill the Collegio requirements are awarded the Master in Economics from the Collegio. Alternatively, depending on the Allievi’s interests and inclinations, and in agreement with the Director of Studies, specific study programs may be designed which then lead to the award of the Master in one of the following three subjects: Economics and
Complexity; Financial Economics; Statistics and Applied Mathematics.
All lectures held at the Collegio are delivered in English.
Courses are scheduled in 12-weeks semesters. The first semester runs from the last week of
September, whereas the second semester starts in mid February.
The following types of courses are offered:
• Standard semester courses : these courses meet twice a week and last for 30-40 hours overall. The average class size is of 15 students.
• Directed studies : a faculty member individually advises an Allievo on a mutually agreed topic.
• Tutorials : a faculty member advises a small group of Allievi on a topic of mutual interest.
• Seminar courses : the instructor selects a suitable number of seminars in the Collegio’s seminar series relevant for the Allievi’s training; the Allievi are then expected to attend these seminars, to meet the speakers, and to discuss the papers presented at the seminars with the instructor.
For each course, the instructor distributes a syllabus detailing the topics to be covered, office hours and grading policy. Class attendance is compulsory. At the end of each course there is a written test, and the grade earned by the Allievo is reported in her/his academic records at the
Collegio (both in thirtieth, according to the standard Italian university grading system, and in letters; see the conversion table at the end of the section with grades explanation).
Subject to seating availability and class size limit, the Director of Studies can authorize students of other institutions to attend semester courses at the Collegio. The exchange students are expected to be honors students at their home institution.
The Allievi must enroll either in a laurea triennale or in a laurea magistrale program at the
University or at the Politecnico of Torino. The additional activities of Junior and Senior Allievi at the Collegio last, respectively, for three and two years.
Upon enrollment, the Director of Studies nominates a mentor who supervises each Allievo’s studies at the Collegio. The mentor is a faculty member of the Collegio.
At the beginning of each academic year, the Allievo prepares a study program for the given year in accordance with her/his mentor. Such a program must comply with the specific rules set below and is then submitted, for approval, to the Director of Studies.
If an Allievo fails an exam at the Collegio, the Director of Studies can, at her/his discretion, ask the Allievo to either quit the program or take the exam again during the following academic year.
At the end of each academic year, an Allievo is expected to complete at least 75% of her/his required university coursework (measured in credits), with an overall grade average of at least
27/30. Otherwise, the Director of Studies can, at her/his discretion, ask the Allievo to quit the program.
The Allievo who successfully completes her/his course requirements both at the University and at the Collegio with an overall average grade of at least 27/30 is admitted to the final examination.
JUNior allievi
The program of studies of a Junior Allievo must include at least two courses per year, for an overall course load of at least 60 hours, to be chosen among the courses offered at the
For the Junior Allievi, the final examination consists of an oral discussion where the Allievo discusses an essay that she/he wrote on a subject of her/his choice. The Allievo’s essay is
expected to demonstrate that she/he fruitfully attended the Collegio’s courses and that her/ his preparation is adequate for undertaking the Master’s degree program offered in the second level of the Allievi Program - laurea magistrale. The essay is supervised either by a faculty member or by a fellow of the Collegio. Based on the oral examination, the exam committee, composed by three faculty members, decides whether or not to award the Diploma to the
Allievo (with or without distinction).
The final examination cannot be taken more than once and must take place by the month of December immediately following the official end of the laurea triennale. Otherwise, the
Allievo must quit the program and the Diploma cannot be awarded.
The Junior Allievi who earn the degree with distinction are automatically admitted to the
Master’s program as Senior Allievi. Junior Allievi who earn the degree without distinction can be admitted to the Master’s program only via the regular Senior Allievi admission procedure.
SeNior allievi
The program of studies of a Senior Allievo must include at least three courses per year, for an overall course load of at least 90 hours, to be chosen among the courses offered at the Collegio.
For the Senior Allievi, the final examination consists of an original thesis to be written on a subject of her/his choice. Its contents are presented in a scientific seminar, called thesis defense, to an ad hoc Thesis Committee. The Allievi are expected to master the recent scientific literature on the topic and to give some original insight into the problem. The thesis work is supervised either by a faculty member or by a fellow of the Collegio. The Allievo is expected to communicate to the Director of Studies the name of her/his supervisor at the latest by the end of the third semester. Once nominated, the supervisor replaces the mentor. The Thesis Committee acts on behalf of the teaching board and consists of three members nominated by the Director of Studies among the Board’s members.
Based on the quality of the written thesis and of the seminar, the Thesis Committee decides whether to recommend to the Collegio’s Director to award, with or without distinction, the Master to the Allievo (the distinction requires a unanimous vote of the Committee). The supervisor is expected to attend the final examination seminar and, before the seminar and behind closed doors, to present the Allievo and her/his achievements to the Committee. However, she/he does not participate in the deliberations of the Committee regarding her/his advisee. The thesis defense is open to public.
The final examination cannot be taken more than once and must take place by the month of
May immediately following the end of the laurea magistrale. Otherwise, the Allievo must quit the program.
Based on the Thesis Committee’s recommendation, the Collegio’s Director decides whether the
Allievo can be awarded the Master, with or without distinction. The Collegio officially awards the degrees to the Allievi in a public graduation ceremony.
After graduation, the Senior Allievi become Alumni of the Collegio. As such, they can join the
Alumni Association, they are invited to all public ceremonies and events at the Collegio and they have access to the Collegio’s facilities and resources.
The Collegio may provide an Allievo with individual scholarships that contribute to:
• fees and tuitions due to the University;
• lodging (only for students non-resident in the Piedmont area);
• teaching and research material (such as books and software) related to the activities performed at the Collegio.
Lunch meals are provided for all students.
Allievi from outside the Piedmont Region are typically offered a single room accommodation at the Collegio “R. Einaudi” (http://www.collegioeinaudi.it/), a renowned university residence, which provides highest standard student accommodation since 1935.
The Director of Studies can also award funds to the Allievi to cover their participation to conferences and workshops relevant for their final dissertations.
Any Italian or foreign student eligible to enroll or already enrolled in a laurea triennale or magistrale in economics or related subjects at the University and at the Politecnico of Torino is entitled to apply to the Allievi Program. Related subjects are widely defined and include, for instance, engineering, mathematics, political sciences and statistics.
A call for candidates for a given academic year is typically available starting from February of the previous year.
30 cum laude
Very Good
Very Good
Barely Satisfactory
Low, Pass
Placement of students who completed the Allievi Program after 2009:
Gloria Allione PhD student in Economics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA)
Cecilia Balocchi PhD student in Statistics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA)
Valentina Barbero Reale Mutua Assicurazioni, Torino
Matteo Bizzarri Accenture, Milano
Carlotta Bonsignori Frontier Economics, London (UK)
Marta Bruschi Banca Sella, Biella
Giampaolo Caramellino PhD student in Economics, London School of Economics (UK)
Oriana Cesari
Alberto Ciancio
KPMG, Torino
PhD student in Economics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA)
Mattia Ciollaro
Marco D’Aurelio
PhD student in Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh (USA)
BlueThink, Milano
Isabella David PhD student in Economics, University College London, London (UK)
Alessandro De Sanctis Financial Research Division, European Central Bank, Frankfurt (Germany)
Gianluca Detommaso PhD student in Applied Mathematics, University of Bath, Bath (UK)
Giulia Devecchi Reale Mutua Assicurazioni, Torino
Giuseppe Di Benedetto PhD student in Statistics, Oxford-Warwick Statistics Programme
(OxWaSP), Oxford and Coventry (UK)
Claudio Di Loreto Fondaco SGR, Torino
Simone Fabiole-Nicoletto PhD student in Economics, London School of Economics, London (UK)
Marta Fana PhD student in Economics, SciencesPo Paris, France
Ilaria Febbo Directorate General Statistics, European Central Bank, Frankfurt (Germany)
Alberto Frascarolo Ernst & Young, Milano
Gianni Ghetti PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Torino
Marco Ghiani PhD student in Economics, Boston College, Boston (USA)
Michela Giorcelli PhD student in Economics, Stanford University, Palo Alto (USA)
Francesco Grande PhD student in Mathematics, Berlin Mathematical School, Berlin
Fabio Iannuzzelli PhD student in Economics and Finance, CEMFI, Madrid (Spain)
Aleksandra Kolndrekaj PhD student in Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid (Spain)
Ilaria Laganà
Fabrizio Lecci
Roberto Marfè
Italian Embassy, Beirut (Lebanon)
PhD student in Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh (USA)
PhD student in Finance, Swiss Finance Institute and HEC, Université de Lausanne (Switzerland)
Chiara Margaria
Giorgio Martini
PhD student in Economics, Yale University, New Haven (USA)
PhD student in Economics, Graduate School of Business, Stanford
University, Palo Alto (USA)
Diego Mattone
Silvia Montagna
Vito Musci
Consuelo Nava
Ernst & Young, Milano
PhD student in Statistics, Duke University, Durham (USA)
MBA Fellow Collège des Ingénieurs, Paris (France)
PhD student in Statistics and Applied Maths, Università di Torino, Torino
Federica Odifreddi Policy Adviser, HM Treasury, London (UK)
Giulia Pasquale ERSEL Gestione Patrimoni, Torino
Alberto Pellicioli
Marco Pelosi
Valerio Perrone
PhD student in Finance, London School of Economics, London (UK)
PhD student in Finance, London School of Economics, London (UK)
PhD student in Statistics, Oxford-Warwick Statistics Programme
(OxWaSP), Oxford and Coventry (UK)
Federico Petri
Federico Petrini
Aviva Assicurazioni, Milano
Reale Mutua Assicurazioni, Torino
Stefano Pietrosanti PhD student in Economics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA)
Deborah Pistorio PhD student in Economics, University College London, London (UK)
Luciano Pomatto PhD student in Managerial Economics and Strategy, Kellog School of
Management, Northwestern University, Evanston (USA)
Alberto Racca McKinsey & Company, Milano
Giorgia Romagnoli PhD student in Economics, New York University, New York (USA)
Elisa Rubbo PhD student in Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge (USA)
Alexandra Scudo PhD student in Economics, Stockholm School of Economics,
Stockholm (Sweden)
Claudio Senatore Olivieri e Associati Acturial and Financial Consulting, Roma
Matteo Sesia
Katia Sette
PhD student in Statistics, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA (USA)
Ernst & Young, Torino
Emilia Soldani
Federico Tadei
PhD student in Economics, New York University, New York (USA)
PhD student in Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena (USA)
PhD student in Economics, University College London, London (UK) Federico Tagliati
Stefano Tracà PhD student in Operations Research, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge (USA)
Francesco Vercelli PhD student in Economics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA)
Alberto Vigada Bain & Company Consulting
Francesca Zanichelli Government Finance Statistics Unit, European Central Bank, Frankfurt
Updates at: www.carloalberto.org/education/allievi/alumni-and-placement
The Alumni Association was launched in 2014. Its mission is to foster the academic excellence of the Collegio Carlo Alberto and of the Allievi Program at an international level by promoting the communication between its members, the Collegio and its friends.
The Alumni Association aims at assisting the Allievi and the Alumni of the Collegio by providing a strong and beneficial network over which knowledge, information, academic and professional experiences can be shared with other members.
The Alumni Association also contributes to a successful transition of the Allievi of the Collegio towards top level international careers and Ph.D. programs by organizing meetings and conferences.
More information can be found on: www.alumni.carloalberto.org
The Allievi’s courses are organized according to the calendar below and take place in the historical building that houses the Collegio. Until 1998, it housed a prestigious boarding school, the Real Collegio Carlo Alberto, founded by King Carlo Alberto in 1838 and run by the religious order of the Barnabites. The Allievi Program symbolically follows the long tradition of high-level education of the Real Collegio.
Exam Session
August 26 - September 11
September 14 - September 18
Exam Session
FIRST SEmESTER (9 weeks)
September 21 - November 20
November 23 - December 4
SECoND SEmESTER (11 weeks)
February 15 - April 29
Exam Session
Holiday, Classes Suspended may 2 - may 14 march 25-29; April 25, may 1
(mentor: Aleksey Tetenov)
(mentor: Pierpaolo De Blasi)
(mentor: Marit Hinnosaar)
(mentor: Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll)
(mentor: Cristian Bartolucci)
(mentor: Aleksey Tetenov)
(mentor: Dino Gerardi)
(mentor: Ignacio Monzón)
(mentor: Marit Hinnosaar)
(mentor: Marit Hinnosaar)
(mentor: Matteo Ruggiero)
(mentor: Dino Gerardi)
(mentor: Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll)
(mentor: Dino Gerardi)
(mentor: Matteo Ruggiero)
(mentor: Igor Pr ü nster)
(mentor: Edoardo Grillo)
(mentor: Matteo Ruggiero)
(mentor: Marit Hinnosaar)
(mentor: Toomas Hinnosaar)
(mentor: Toomas Hinnosaar)
(mentor: Marit Hinnosaar)
(mentor: Matteo Ruggiero)
(mentor: Igor Pr ü nster)
(mentor: Toomas Hinnosaar)
(mentor: Aleksey Tetenov)
(mentor: Aleksey Tetenov)
(mentor: Ignacio Monzón)
(mentor: Dino Gerardi)
(mentor: Stefano Favaro)
(mentor: Ignacio Monzón)
(mentor: Cristian Bartolucci)
(mentor: Cristian Bartolucci)
(mentor: Edoardo Grillo)
(mentor: Filippo Taddei)
(mentor: Alessandro Barattieri)
(mentor: Ignacio Monzón)
(mentor: Edoardo Grillo)
(mentor: Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll)
(mentor: Edoardo Grillo)
(mentor: Filippo Taddei)
(mentor: Toomas Hinnosaar)
(mentor: Alessandro Barattieri)
(mentor: Toomas Hinnosaar)
(mentor: Igor Pr ü nster)
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy matteo.assandri@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 19/12/1991
• 2011-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Economics, Università di
Torino. Graduation expected 2015
• 2010-2013: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di Torino.
Dissertation title: “Electoral budget cycle and re-election chances”, supervisor Prof.
Massimilano Piacenza. Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2005-2010: Liceo Scientifico “E. Majorana” (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Moncalieri. Grade 100/100 cum laude
• 2009: Merit award “Eccellenze della scuola piemontese” by Regione Piemonte
• Internship at “European School” in Moncalieri
• Summer 2012: Office worker in the Università di Torino main archive
• Summer 2009: Internship in local newspaper’s ‘’Torino Cronaca Qui’’ editorial staff
• Italian: mother tongue
• English
• Basic knowledge of STATA
• 2011 ECDL Full
• Basic knowledge of the main Linux tools
• Basketball, travelling, playing chess
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy marco.ballesio@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 26/05/1991
• 2011-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• July 2015-current: Visiting Student in the Stochastic Numerics Research Group at KAUST,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
• 2014-2015: Erasmus Student at Aalto University, Helsinki, Department of Computer Science
• 2013-current: student Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Mathematical Engineering,
Politecnico di Torino
• 2010-2013: Laurea Triennale (undegraduate degree) in Mathematics for Engineering,
Politecnico di Torino. Grade 110/110
• 2005-2010: Liceo Scientifico Statale “Alessandro Volta”, biology project, Torino. Grade
100/100 cum laude
• June 2015 Applied Bayesian Statistics School (Modern Bayesian Methods and Computing for the Social Sciences) in Como, Italy. Organized by CNR IMATI-Milano, in collaboration with Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università Cattolica, Milano
• June 2014 Applied Bayesian Statistics School (Applied Bayesian Non-Parametrics) in Como,
Italy. Organized by CNR IMATI-Milano
• August 2013: Participation to Jyväskylä Summer School. University of Jyväskylä. Finland
(Advanced Methods for Classification of Big High Dimensional Data)
• May 2012: Participation in Progetto Diderot “Alfaclass Update” organized by CRT Foundation
• September 2012: Participation in Eighth World Conference on Future of Science:
Nanoscience Society organized by Umberto Veronesi Foundation
• 2011: Participation in Progetto Diderot “Alfaclass Summer School” organized by CRT Foundation
• Italian: mother tongue; English: 2009 FIRST Certificate in English; Basic knowledge of
French and Finnish
• Programming language C, MatLab, R, LaTex, Basic knowledge of Stata; 2008: ECDL Certificate
• Playing basketball: 2008/2009, 2009/2010, 2011/2012 Serie C2 (Semi-Professional League)
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy alice.battiston@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 10/05/1992
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Economics, Università di
Torino. Graduation expected in 2016
• 2011-2014: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università degli Studi
Roma Tre. Grade 110/110 cum laude
• Fall 2013: Erasmus student at Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
• 2006-2011: Liceo Scientifico “Augusto Righi” (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Rome. Grade 100/100
• 2013: Erasmus Scholarship at Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
• 2011: Ranked 1st at the admission tests of both Università degli Studi Roma Tre, department of Economics, and Università di Tor Vergata, department of Economics (declined)
• Summer 2012 Volunteer at Kadampa Buddha Center, Keighley, UK
• Summer 2010 Volunteer at British Red Cross, Eastbourne, UK
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: fluent (IELTS 7.5, July 2013)
• Spanish: fluent
• French: good
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X environments
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• Basic knowledge of R, MATLAB, LaTeX
• Volleyball, swimming, reading, travelling
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy riccardo.battiston@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 08/12/1993
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2015-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Economics, Università di
Torino. Graduation expected in 2017
• 2012-2015: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics (“Banca Borsa e
Assicurazione), Università di Torino. Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2007-2012: Liceo Scientifico “Galileo Ferraris” (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Torino. Grade 87/100
• 2013: One month studying holiday in Cambridge, England
• 2007-2012: participation in several editions of “Mathematics Olympiads”
• 2010-2014: Latin, Mathematics and Economics tutoring for students of secondary school and enrolled to the first year of university
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2013 BEC (Business English Certification, level B2), grade C
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X environments
• 2015: ECDL certificate
• Basic knowledge of EViews
• Competent in LaTeX (good)
• Sports: waterpolo (taking part in national competions, 2007-2011), boxing
• Other interests: Cinema, Astronomy
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy paolo.baudissone@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 25/02/1992
• 2012-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Economics (“Banca, borsa e assicurazione”), Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2016
• 2011-2014: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics (“Banca, borsa e assicurazione”), Università di Torino. Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2006-2011: Istituto Tecnico Commerciale “E. Tesauro” (technical institute), Fossano. Grade
• School grant “Lascito Favole” (Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Fossano) obtained in 2009 and 2011
• June 2010: internship in “Cassa di Risparmio di Fossano S.p.A”.
• June 2009: internship in “Studio commercialistico Monasterolo”, Fossano (CN)
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2011 PET (Preliminary English Test, level B1)
• French: 2011 DELF (Diplome d’Etudes en Langue Francaise, level B2)
• Good knowledge of Microsoft Office
• Basic knowledge of statistical software R
• Basic knowledge of econometric software EViews
• Knowledge of LaTeX environment
• ECDL core
• ECDL Excel Advanced certificate
• Sports practiced: bowls (bronze medal U 18 national team championship in 2007), golf, ski
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy jolanda.beraldi@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 03/10/1992
• 2013-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-2015: Laurea Magistrale in Quantitative Finance and Insurance, Università di Torino.
Grade 110/110 cum laude and honour mention
• 2010-2013: Laurea Triennale in Mathematics for Finance and Insurance, Università di
Torino. Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2005-2010: Liceo Scientifico Statale “Gino Segré” P.N.I. (high school with emphasis on sciences), Torino. Grade 90/100
• 2011: Participation to the “Festa della Matematica” in a team
• 2005-2010: Participation to several editions of the “Olimpiadi della Matematica” and
“Olimpiadi della Fisica”
• 2015-current: Ernst&Young Actuarial Consultant
• 2011-2012: Tutor in Geometry and in introductory courses at Università di Torino
• 2010-2014: Tutor for secondary school students in Mathematics and English
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2010 CAE (level C1)
• French: 2009 DELF B2
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X environments
• ECDL (2010)
• Basic knowledge in C++, R, Python, Netlogo and SAS
• Volunteering for ASAI and for the project “Volontari per la lettura”
• Travelling, cooking, playing the piano and skiing
• Cinema, opera and classical music
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy mario.cannella@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 13/02/1992
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Economics, Università di Torino
• 2011-2014: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università degli Studi di Pavia. Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2005-2010: Technical Economic Institute, “G. Boccardo” (high school with emphasis on accounting and law), Novi Ligure (AL). Grade 95/100
• 2012-2013: ten months Erasmus Scholarship at the Department of Economics, University of Birmingham, UK
• 2010: Participation to the regional “Olimpiadi della Matematica”
• 2015-current: Collaboration in research project “Behavioral Economics e Nudging”, IESCUM
• 2014: Part Time at the Erasmus Office, Università degli Studi di Pavia
• 2013-2014: Individual tutoring in Microeconomics, Statistics and Financial Math
• 2012: Volunteering as English Teacher in a Primary School, Barranquilla, Colombia
• 2011: Kitchen Hand at “Many Wine”, Sydney, Australia
• 2008-2010: Summer job as a Lifeguard, Borghetto di Borbera (AL)
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: proficient
• Spanish: intermediate
• French: elementary
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X environments
• Microsoft Office and Internet tools, GRETL, EViews, Python, Netlogo and LaTeX
• 2009 ECDL Certificate
• Travelling, reading, fitness
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy gabriele.carcaiso@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 14/03/1993
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Economics, Università di
Torino. Graduation expected in 2016
• 2012-2014: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics and Trades, Università di Firenze. Dissertation on International Economics entitled “Hyperinflation in Germany
1922-1923”, supervisor Professor Giulio Cifarelli. Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2007-2012: Liceo Classico “Galileo” (high school with emphasis on humanities), Firenze.
Grade 98/100
• 2015: awarded best student of the School of Economics and Management of the University of Florence in the year 2014
• 2009-2012: Awards in competions in Latin (Certamina) and Ancient Greek (Agon)
• 2010-current: Tutor in Mathematics, Latin and Ancient Greek for high school students
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge
• French: basic knowledge
• German: basic knowledge
• Competent in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• Internet Tools
• Soccer (played in Tuscany Regional League), classic literature, history
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy jacopo.cicatiello@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 24/04/1992
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student) Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014- current: Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in “Quantitative Finance and Insurance”,
School of Management and Economics, Università di Torino. Graduation expected 2016
• 2011-2014: Laurea Triennale in “Banca, Borsa e Assicurazione”, School of Management and
Economics, Università di Torino. Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2006-2011: Liceo Scientifico “G.P. Ballatore” (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Mazara del Vallo (TP). Grade 100/100
• 2009-2011: Award for participation in “Giochi della chimica, fase regionale”, Palermo
• 2006-2011: Award for participation in “Olimpiadi della matematica, fase provinciale”, Trapani
• 2008: Award for participation in “Giochi della biologia, fase regionale”, Palermo
• May-July 2014: Tutor LIASES, Scuola di Management ed Economia, Torino
• May-July 2013: 150 hours stage,Bartolini & Mauri assicuratori, Torino
• June-August 2012: Bricklayer / stonemason, Edil Sicula, Mazara del Vallo
• 2006-2008: Member of “consulta comunale giovanile”, Comune di Mazara del Vallo (TP)
• Italian: Mother tongue; English: B2 level; French: Basic knowledge
• Competent in Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix environments
• Good knowledge of Ubuntu and derivatives
• Member of the Ubuntu Italian forum staff
• Basic knowledge of python, R, gretl, Eview
• Sports practiced: basketball, sky, volleyball; AVIS blood donor
• 2003-2010: Diploma di compimento inferiore di pianoforte, Conservatorio “Antonio
Scontrino”, Trapani
• 2003-2006: Diploma di teoria e solfeggio, Conservatorio “Antonio Scontrino”, Trapani.
Grade 7/106.5/10
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy alice.cortese@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 16/01/1993
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2012-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economia e Commercio,
Università di Torino. Graduation expected in October 2015
• 2007-2012: Liceo Scientifico“Leonardo Cocito” (high school with emphasis on sciences)
Alba (CN). Grade 94/100
• 2011: 3 weeks Students Exchange in Medford, Oregon
• 2011: Participation in “Mathematics Olympics”
• 2013: hostess for “Well Com” (Public relation, events organization, communication company)
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2011 PET (Preliminary English test, level B1), with Merit
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X environments
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• Course of BLS (Basic Life Support)
• Volleyball player and coach with “diploma” from CSI (Centro Sportivo Italiano), Alba
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy francesco.cosentino@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 02/11/1992
• 2011-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Mathematics, Probabilistic
Modeling, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2016
• 2011-2014: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics for Finance and
Insurance, Università di Torino. Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2006-2011: Liceo Scientifico “Niccolò Copernico” P.N.I. (high school with emphasis on sciences), Torino. Grade 100/100
• 2012: “Alpha-class”, Progetto Diderot, Fondazione CRT, 1 ranked
• 2010-2011: “Matematica all’n-sima potenza”, Progetto Diderot, Fondazione CRT
• 2006-2011: Participation in several editions of “Olimpiadi della Matematica” and “Festa della Matematica” as a member of the high school team
• 2011: Participation in “Fisica in gioco” in Torgnon (AO)
• 2009 and 2010: award for Participation in “Mathematics days” in Bardonecchia (TO)
• 2007 and 2008: award for Participation in “Mathematics days” in Pracatinat (TO)
• 2012-2014: Tutor (winner of a competition for a part-time collaboration, art. 13, organized by Università di Torino, Interfacoltà di Matematica per la finanza e l’assicurazione), for the following courses: Analisi I, Precorso, Informatica
• 2011-2014: Tutor for “Mathesis”, Università di Torino, Matematica; teacher in a training course for the “Olimpiadi di Matematica” competition at Torino high schools
• 2012-2014: Evaluation and correction of the “Olimpiadi della Matematica” competition
• 2012: Selected as a Tutor and to represent the University of Torino for an internship in
Bardonecchia “Mathematics days”
• Italian: mother tongue; English: good knowledge, 2010 P.E.T. (Preliminary English Test, level
B1); French: basic knowledge
• Competent in Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix environments
• Proficient in Microsoft Office suite: Word, Excel, Powerpoint
• 2009 European Computer Driving License ECDL-Core Full
• Good knowledge of math software: Matlab, Maple, Sas, Cabri 3D
• Programming, scripting and markup languages: HTML, Python, Pascal, Latex
• Excellent knowledge of C++; Good knowledge of Network and Internet.
• 2000-current: Football; 2004-2005: Football, winner of “Super Oscar” with CBS Milan
Calcio; Hobbies: football, athletics, swimming
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy edoardo.durso@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 10/10/1991
• 2013-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Mathematics, Università di
Torino. Graduation expected in 2015
• 2010-2013: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics, Università di Torino.
Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2006-2010: Liceo Scientifico “Carlo Cattaneo” (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Torino. Grade 100/100 cum laude
• 2010-2013: Scholarship INdAM (Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica “Francesco Severi”)
• 2012: Participation in a summer school for INDAM scholarship holders
• 2012: Participation in Progetto Diderot, Alfaclass Update
• 2011: Participation in Progetto Diderot, Alfaclass: 1st prize for teams, 4th prize for individuals
• 2006-2010: Several participations in Olimpiadi Nazionali della Matematica: 1st prize for teams in 2010, two silver coins for individuals in 2009 and 2010
• 2010: Participation in Progetto Diderot, Matematica all’n-esima potenza- Senior: 2nd individual prize
• 2009: Participation in Progetto Diderot, Matematica all’n-esima potenza- Junior: 1st individual prize
• 2010-2011: Math tutor at two local high schools: prepared honors students for Olimpiadi della Matematica
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good. 2009 FCE (First Certificate in English, level B2), grade A
• Spanish: elementary knowledge
• French: elementary knowledge
• Competent in Microsoft Windows environment
• Good knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• Programming, scripting and markup languages: C++, LaTeX (good)
• Swimming, reading, travelling
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy federico.deandrea@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 05/03/1992
• 2011-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Economics, Università di Torino
• 2015: Exchange program with Erasmus scholarship, Freiburg, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität,
• 2011-2014: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economia e Commercio, Università di Torino. Grade: 110/100 cum laude
• 2006-2011: Liceo Classico “C. Cavour” (high school with emphasis on humanities), Torino.
Grade 100/100
• August 2015: participation to Solvay Summer School, Brussels, Belgium
• March 2014: delegate at RomeMUN - Model UN Conference in Rome
• 2011: winner of “Progetto Diderot - Diritto ed Economia” (CRT)
• 2006-2010: participation to several editions of the “Mathematics Olympics” and
“Mathematics days”
• 2012-2013: External Relations Responsible, AIESEC Torino
• 2012 (Summer): internship in marketing, AIESEC University of Aegean, Greece
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge - 2011 FCE (First Certificate of English, level B2)
• French and German: basic knowledge
• ECDL full (2011)
• Basic knowledge of STATA, TSP, Python
• Reading, travelling, swimming, cinema
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy lucia.donato@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 22/11/1993
• 2012-current: Allievo (Honors Student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2012-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2015.
• 2007-2012: Liceo Classico Statale “Edmondo De Amicis” - PNI project (high school with emphasis on Mathematics), Imperia. Grade: 100/100
• 2010: School experience at “Glenfield College”, Aukland, New Zealand (3 months)
• 2012: High School students Tutor on math
• 2008-2014: Babysitting
• ltalian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge
• French: basic knowlwdge
• Good knowledge of Windows, Internet tools and Microsoft Office
• 2013-2014: Rappresentante del Consiglio di Corso di studi “Economia e Commercio”,
Università di Torino
• 2004-2013: Drama school “Lo Spazio Vuoto” (Imperia)
• 2009-2014: Staff member Agesci Imperia 1
• 2012-2013: Voluntary member of “Libera, associazioni nomi e numeri contro le mafie”
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy mattia.duma@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 15/01/1992
• 2011-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Quantitative Finance and
Insurance, Università di Torino
• 2011-2014 Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics for Finance and
Insurance, Università di Torino. Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2006-2011: Liceo Scientifico Statale “Galileo Ferraris” (high school with emphasis on
Sciences and P.N.I.), Torino. Grade 100/100
• Partecipation to Alfaclass summer school 2012, Diderot project, Fondazione CRT
• Scholarship “Alla scoperta del diritto e dell’ economia”, Diderot project, Fondazione CRT
• Participation in several editions of “Olimpiadi della matematica”, “Olimpiadi della fisica”,
“Olimpiadi della filosofia”
• Participation in “certamen di storia e letteratura risorgimentale”
• December 2014-May 2015: Divulgatore Matematico in competition “Matetraining 2015”, Taxi
1729 s.n.c.-“Progetto Diderot”- Fondazione CRT
• June-July 2014: Studio Garbolino Milanese Ranalli, stager in Financial Consulting Area
• December 2013-May 2014: Mathematic tutor in IIS “Primo Levi” - “Scuola dei Compiti -
Matematica Sperimentale area” Project
• September 2013-January 2014: Tutor for Unito. Interfacoltà di Matematica per la Finanza e l’Assicurazione, Precorsi, Analisi 1, Analisi 2
• 2009-2012: mathematics and English tutoring for high-school students (8-10 hours a week)
• 2009: staff member in a children’ s camp (6-10 years old)
• Italian: mother tongue; English: good knowledge
• Programming scripting and markup languages: C++, Latex, Maple, MatLab, Python, R, SAS
• Cycling and Running, Math Games
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy augusto.fasano@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 15/08/1991
• 2011-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Mathematical Engineering,
Politecnico di Torino
• 2010-2013: Laurea Triennale (undegraduate degree) in Mathematics for Engineering,
Politecnico di Torino. Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2005-2010: Liceo Classico “V. Alfieri” (high school with emphasis on humanities), Torino.
Grade 100/100 cum laude
• 2011: Participation to Progetto Diderot: Alfaclass Summer School 2011
• 2006-2010: Participation in several competitions in Latin (Certamina) and Greek (Agon) language translation
• 2006-2010: Participation to several editions of “Olimpiadi della Matematica” and “Festa della Matematica”
• March 2015-current: Statistics Traineeship Programme, Monetary and Financial Statistics
Division, European Central Bank, Frankfurt (Germany)
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge (First Certificate in English 2011)
• French: basic knowledge
• Programming, scripting and markup languages: C, Matlab, LaTeX (good knowledge), php, sql, R (intermediate), C++, html (basic knowledge)
• Microsoft Office, Internet Tools
• Sports: soccer (winner of “Campionato Allievi regionale” in 2007/2008), rowing (national final 2009), skiing, snowboarding, running, trekking
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy cecilia.ferrando@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 21/02/1990
• 2009-current: Allieva (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: Alta Scuola Politecnica (honors student), Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino
• 2013-2015: Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Architecture Construction City,
Politecnico di Torino, 110/110 summa cum laude
• 2010-2013: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Architecture, Politecnico di Torino.
Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2004-2009: Liceo Classico “V. Gioberti” (high school with emphasis on humanities), Torino.
Grade 100/100 cum laude
• 2014: Erasmus+ scholarship winner for 2014/2015 exchange program to Paris (École
Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville)
• 2009: Merit award “Eccellenze della scuola piemontese”, Regione Piemonte
• 2009: Talent Scout Program (after nationwide selection), Università Bocconi
• 2008-2009: Matematica all’n-esima Potenza, Progetto Diderot, Fondazione CRT
• 2008: Participation to the Scuola Normale Superiore Summer school
• Participation to several editions of the “Mathematics Olympics”
• Participation to 4 stages “Mathematics days” in Pracatinat
• Participation to several editions of the “Festa della Matematica”
• 2010-2012: Hostess at Conservatorio Statale di Musica “G. Verdi”, Torino
• 2011: Participation to Compagnia di San Paolo Torino2020 project (after selection)
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: IELTS band 8, very good user (level C1), TOEFL 116/120
• French: advanced knowledge
• Microsoft Office
• Stata (basic knowledge)
• AutoCAD (2D and 3D modelling), Revit Architecture (basic knowledge); 3DStudioMax (3D modelling and rendering); Sketch up and Vray (3D rendering); DiaLux (professional lighting design); Sketchbook Designer (basic knowledge); Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator,
Adobe InDesign, Rhino and Grasshopper (parametric design)
• Fashion, visual arts, history of art, cultural heritage and restoration, literature, music, classical ballet
• 2008: Classical ballet advanced course exam (IV corso inferiore), Arké Danza, Libera
Università di Danza e Teatro (grade 48/60)
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy federico.ferrari@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 06/12/1993
• 2015-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2015-current: Student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Stochastics and Data Science,
Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2017
• 2013-2015: Laurea Triennale in Economics and Finance, Università degli studi di Bologna.
Grade: 110/110 cum laude
• Fall 2014: Erasmus student at Lund University, Lund, Sweden
• 2007-2012: Liceo Scientifico PNI “Giacomo Ulivi” (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Parma. Grade: 94/100
• Attendance during High School at several editions of “National Mathematical Olympiad -
Team Challenge”, with the best placement of 10th in the year 2011 in the national team competition
• Student elected representative in the provincial student organization
• 2011-current: bookshop “Sessanta BPM” for the months of August and December every year
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: fluent (IELTS Grade 7, July 2013)
• Good knowledge in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• Basic knowledge of R, Gretl and SPSS
• Programming, scripting and markup languages: LaTeX (good)
• Movies, TV series, Reading
• Travelling
• Rugby
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy francesca.ferraro@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 26/10/1991
• 2013-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Quantitative Finance and
Insurance, Università di Torino
• 2010-2013: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economia and Management, LUISS
“Guido Carli”, Roma. Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2009-2010: Liceo Scientifico “Fratelli Vianeo” (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Tropea, Vibo Valentia. Grade 100/100 cum laude
• 2010: Participation in Summer school Frances King London
• 2005: Award writing contest “Calabria per sempre” organized by foundation “Nicola Liotti”
• Participation in several editions of the “Mathematics Olympics”
• 2012: Internship in an accounting office
• 2010: Assistance in a travel agency
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge (Certificates: PET, FCE, C1, IELTS with grade 6)
• French: basic knowledge
• Chinese: A1 Elementary
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OSX environments
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint
• Basic knowledge of STATA
• Travelling, voluntary with Rotaract, extreme sports, horse-riding, reading, playing the piano
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy riccardo.fogliato@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 18/02/1993
• 2015-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2015-student: Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Economics, Università di Torino.
Graduation expected in 2017
• 2014-January 2015: Master Economie Théorique et Empirique at Paris School of Economics.
Exchange semester at École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Paris
• 2012-2015: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics and Management, Università degli Studi di Padova. Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2007-2012: Liceo Scientifico “Primo Levi”, Montebelluna (TV)
• January 2015: 2-month “Stage de recherche” at CEPREMAP. Cleaning and managing a database, development of the model and econometric analysis. My research will be used for the paper “Innovations and Imitations in the music industry: empirical example from
• July 2012: sales clerk at Billabong Int. ltd Group shop. Barcelona, Spain.
• July 2011: summer internship at Two Seasons, Billabong International ltd Group. Human resources department
• July 2010: summer internship at Billabong International ltd Group, public listed company at
AFX. Customer sevice, italian division, Hossegor, France
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2015 TOEFL IBT: 98/120 (C1)
• French: fluent
• Intermediate knowledge: Excel, Stata
• Basic knowledge: SAS, R
• Programming languages: Python, Javascript (basic), Latex
• Long distance runner
• Classical guitarist (diploma di teoria e solfeggio at Conservatorio di Musica di Trento, 2011)
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy danilo.forastiere@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 22/04/1993
• 2013-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-2015: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Physics, Università degli
Studi di Torino
• 2012-2013: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Physical Engineering,
Politecnico di Torino
• 2007-2012: Liceo Scientifico PNI “G. De Lorenzo” (high school with emphasis on sciences)
Lagonegro (PZ). Grade 100/100 cum laude
• 2011, 2012: Participation in “Physics Olympics”
• 2011: Participation in summer school of Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (after a nationwide selection)
• 2011: Participation in “Natural Sciences Olympics”
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge (2013 FCE, First Certificate of English, level B2)
• French: basic knowledge
• General knowledge of Windows and Linux operating systems
• Programming, scripting and markup languages: C, C++, Python, Wolfram Mathematica,
Matlab, Java, Latex
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy simona.giglioli@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 30/06/1993
• 2013-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economia e Commercio,
Università di Torino. Graduation expected in October 2015
• 2007-2012: Liceo Classico “Vincenzo Gioberti” (high school with emphasis on humaties),
Torino. Grade 90/100
• 2009: Participation to the stage “Mathematics days” in Bardonecchia
• 2008, 2009: Intensive English course in Canterbury for one month in summer
• 2013: Usher at Auditorium Rai in Torino
• 2012: Volunteer in a project to help children to do their homework
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2012 Certificate in Advanced English, CAE grade C
• French: basic knowledge
• Competent in Microsoft Windows
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• Good knowledge of Internet tools
• 2013: member of the “Consiglio di Dipartimento”, Department of Economics and Statistics,
Università di Torino
• 2013: building superintendent
• Dance, theatre, playing guitar
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy matteo.giordano@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 15/06/1993
• 2015-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2015-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Mathematics, Università di
Torino. Graduation expected in 2017
• 2012-2015: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics for Finance and
Insurance, Università di Torino. Grade: 110/110 cum laude
• 2007-2012: Liceo Scientifico “Amedeo Avogadro” (high school with emphasis on sciences and mathematics), Biella. Grade 100/100
• 2013: Partecipation in Progetto Diderot “Alfaclass summero school”, Fondazione CRT
• 2013: winner of “Posto di studio gratuito”, Collegio Einaudi
• 2013: Partial-time collaboration at Università di Torino. Teaching Assistant for Informatics, first-year course of bachelor’s degree in Mathematics for Finance and Insurance
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2011, FCE (First Certificate of English, level B2), grade A
• English: 2009, PET (Preliminary English Test), passed with merit
• Competent in Microsoft Windows environments
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• Good knowledge of MATLAB, SAS and R
• Programming, scripting and markup languages: C++, LaTeX
• Sports: Volleyball (2011, third place in FIPAV Piemonte regional Under 18 championship), skiing, swimming and cycling
• Alpinism, hiking and trekking
• Reading, cinema and theatre
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy alessandro.grande@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 14/12/1991
• 2013-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Mathematical Engineering,
Politecnico di Torino. Graduation expected in 2015
• May 2012: Graduate Management Test (GMAT). Grade 750/800 (98th perc.)
• 2010-2013: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Statistica, Economia, Finanza e
Assicurazioni, Università di Roma Sapienza. Grade 110 cum laude
• 2005-2010: Liceo Scientifico “Augusto Righi” (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Rome, Italy. Grade 100/100
• 2012-2013: 6-months Erasmus Scholarship at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
• 2005-2010: participation in several editions of “Olimpiadi della Matematica” and “Olimpiadi
Italiane di Informatica”
• Italian: mother tongue.
• English: fluent (level C2), 2012 CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) grade A
• Spanish: intermediate (level B1)
• R, SAS (basic), STATA
• LaTeX (good)
• Piano, basketball, sailing
• 2004-2012: Piano student at Scuola di Musica Sylvestro Ganassi
• 2010: “Diploma di Teoria e Solfeggio” at Conservatorio “Santa Cecilia”
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy mattia.landolfi@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 28/02/1992
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: Alta Scuola Politecnica (honors student), Politecnico di Milano & Politecnico di Torino
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Mechatronic Engineering,
Politecnico di Torino. Graduation expected in 2016
• 2011-2014: Istituto di Studi Superiori dell’Università di Genova, ICT section (honors student),
Università di Genova
• 2011-2014: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Biomedical Engineering, Università di Genova. Grade: 110/110 cum laude
• 2006-2011: Istituto Tecnico Industriale “Gastaldi-Abba” (high school with emphasis on industrial chemical engineering), Genova. Grade: 95/100
• 2014: Participation in the Silicon Valley Study Tour program (after nationwide selection)
• 2012-2014: ISSUGE-ISICT Scholarship (awarded to the four best students of Istituto di Studi
Superiori dell’Università di Genova, ICT section)
• 2013: ASING award (award won for having been one of the ten best engineering students of the first year at the Università di Genova in a.y. 2011-2012)
• 2012: Pretto-Cassanello Scholarship (awarded to the six best engineering students in Genova in a.y. 2011-2012)
• 2010: Pretto-Cassanello Scholarship (awarded to the best students of all Technical Institutes in Genova in a.y. 2009-2010.)
• 2010: Second Classified in the Regional “Olimpiadi della Chimica”
• 2007-2011: Participation in the Regional “Olimpiadi della Matematica”
• 2014: Intern at MACLAB laboratory, Università di Genova (Bachelor’s thesis work)
• 2010: Stager at ARPAL (Agenzia Regionale Protezione Ambiente Ligure), Genova
• 2008-2013: Private Tutor, for High School students, in scientific subjects
• Italian: mother tongue; English: intermediate, B2 level; French: elementary
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint (ECDL certificated)
• Good knowledge of MATLAB, Netlogo, PSoC Creator, LTSpice, FlexSim
• Programming, scripting and markup languages: C, C#, C++, Python, LaTeX, aspx (basic), sql
(basic), assembly (basic)
• Good adaptability and good logical and problem solving skills
• Fitness, climbing, diving (PADI open water diver)
• Travelling, meet new people, know new cultures and different ways of thinking
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy lorenzo.masoero@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 20/07/1992
• 2012-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Quantitative Finance and
Insurance, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2015
• 2012-2014: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di
Torino. Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2007-2011: Liceo Classico “Vittorio Alfieri” (high school with emphasis on humanities),
Torino. Grade 100/100
• 2007-2011: Participation in several editions of “Olimpiadi della Matematica”
• 2007-2011: Participation in several competitions of Latin (Certamina) and Greek (Agon) language translation
• 2011: Participation in Progetto Diderot: “Alla scoperta del diritto e dell’economia”
• 2010-2012: Mathematics, Italian, Greek, Latin tutoring for secondary school students
• 2011-current: sailing instructor
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: fluent
• German: basic knowledge
• Python, R, LaTeX
• Alpine Skiing (instructor, since 2012), sailing (instructor, since 2014), Music
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy marco.masoero@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 10/09/1992
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: Student, Laurea Magistrale (Master’s degree) in Mathematics, Università di
Torino. Graduation expected in 2016
• 2013-2014: Erasmus student at Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, France
• 2011-2014: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics, Università di Torino/
Politecnico di Torino. Grade: 110/110 cum laude
• 2006-2011: Liceo Scientifico “G. Ancina” (high school with emphasis on sciences), Fossano.
Grade 92/100
• 2015: Scholarships for excellence project: “Riemann International School of Mathematics:
Nonlinear Phenomena in Mathematics and Economics”, Varese
• 2013-2014: 9 months Erasmus scholarship at Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, France
• 2011: INdAM Award (Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica “Francesco Severi”)
• Participation in several editions of Mathematics Olympics
• 2011-current: Private tutor in mathematics and physics for high school student
• Italian: mother tongue; English: fluent; French: good
• Competent in Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X environments and Linux distributions.
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint.
• Basic knowledge of MATLAB, SPSS, R
• Programming, scripting and markup languages: C++, LaTeX (good)
• Member of a basketball team for 6 years, member of a baseball team for 4 years, volleyball, swimming, running, skiing
• Voluntary Activities: Math teacher for foreign children, voluntary work in a rehabilitation community in Tuscany (Italy), voluntary work in reformatory in Naples, Italy
• Member of a scout group (from 8 to 20 years old)
• Piano classes for 6 years
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy alessandro.milazzo@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 22/03/1991
• 2013-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Mathematics, Università di
Torino. Graduation expected in 2015
• 2010-2013: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics, Università di Parma, with a dissertation about mathematical modelling of risk measures in a financial market.
Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2005-2010: Liceo Scientifico “Guglielmo Marconi” PNI (high school with emphasis on sciences), Parma. Grade 100/100
• 2005-2010: Participation in several editions of Mathematics Olympics and “Campionati
Internazionali di Giochi Matematici” organized by Università Bocconi
• 2006: Participation in the XVIII Certamen “Latinus Ludus”
• 2005: Winner of the XIII RMT “Rally Matematico Transalpino”
• 2012-2013: Organizing committee member for RMT (Rally Matematico Transalpino) in Parma
• 2010-2013: Maths tutor for High School and University students
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge
• Office, Matlab, C++, LaTeX
• Basic knowledge of Prolog
• Sports, travelling, music
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy andrea.milesi@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 31/12/1992
• 2013-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Management Engineering,
Politecnico di Torino. Graduation expected in 2016
• 2011-2015: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Management Engineering,
Politecnico di Torino. Grade 107/110
• 2006-2011: Liceo Scientifico “Benedetto Cairoli” (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Vigevano (PV). Grade 100/100 cum laude
• 2006-2011: Participation in several editions of “Olimpiadi della Matematica”
• 2010: Participation in “Scopri il tuo talento”, Università Bocconi
• 2010-2011: Participation in “Concorso Internazionale CICERO” (translation from Latin into
Italian), third place in 2011 edition.
• Tutor for High School students, Vigevano
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2012 CAE (Certificate in Advanced English, level C1), grade C
• Competent in Microsoft Windows environment
• Good knowledge of Microsoft suite: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access
• Basic knowledge of MATLAB
• Good knowledge of MiniTab (statistics software)
• Good knowledge of C language
• Good knowledge of Network and Internet
• Hobbies: cycling, reading
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy enrico.nano@carloalberto.org www.carloalberto.org/education/allievi/students/senior/nano
Date of birth: 11/10/1991
• 2010-current: Allievo (Honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Economics, Università di Torino.
Graduation expected in 2016
• 2010-2013: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di Torino.
Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2013 (January-June): Exchange program with Erasmus scholarship, Copenhagen Business
School, Denmark, GPA: 11/12
• 2005-2010: Liceo Classico “V. Alfieri”, focused in Humanities, Torino. Grade 100/100
• 2014: ‘Erasmus Student Placement’ scholarship
• 2012: Summer Program, Inha University, Incheon, South Korea
• 2011: Summer Program, Higher School of Economics, Moscow and Saint Petersburg, Russia
• 2011: ‘Marco Polo’ award for University first year results, FinPiemonte SpA
• 2007: 3 weeks English language full immersion course, Kent School of English, UK
• 2015: Blue Book Trainee, European Commission, DG CONNECT, Unit ‘Software & Services,
Cloud Computing’, Brussels, Belgium
• 2014: Summer Business Analyst, UniCredit Bank, rotational programme in 3 departments,
Moscow head office, Russia
• 2014: Bain & Company Business Course, Milano
• 2013-2014: Research assistant for Prof. Elsa Fornero, CERP, Moncalieri
• 2011-2014: Editor and founding member, ‘Observatory of Eastern Asia’, www.
osservatorioasiaorientale.org, Torino
• 2010-2014: Private instructor for high school students in Ancient Greek, Latin, Physics and
• 2010-2014: Volunteer, ‘Biennale Democrazia’ and ‘Salone del Libro’, Torino
• 2011-2013: Treasurer and founding member, ‘CoPe ONLUS’ youth Non-Profit Organization for social work, Torino
• 2003-2004: First place winner, National classical guitar competitions ‘Musica d’insieme’
(98/100) and ‘Michele Todini’ (100/100), Italy
• Italian: native; English: excellent; French: good; Russian: basic; Spanish: basic
• Good knowledge of STATA, MATA, EViews, Python and NetLogo
• Proficient in MS Office Suite, Internet tools, MS Windows and MAC OS X
• 2009 ECDL (European Computer Driving License) full version, GPA: 96/100
• Basketball (9 years at a competitive level), triathlon, skiing, hiking, sailing
• Travelling, playing classical guitar, geopolitics, creative writing, philosophy
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy giulia.oddone@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 22/12/1993
• 2013-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2012-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in October 2015
• 2007-2012: Liceo Scientifico S.G.Calasanzio (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Carcare (SV). Grade 100/100
• 2010: Participation to summer schools in Boston (3 weeks)
• 2009-2010: 4 weeks in Grenoble (France), Exchange Program
• 2011-2013: work placement in 2 Tourist Office
• 2010-2011: 6 week of work in accountancy office (Comune di Calizzano)
• 2010: secondary school students’ tutoring in French and Mathematics
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2012 FCE (First Certificate of English, level B2), grade C
• French: 2012 Diplôme du Baccalauréat Général en série SCIENTIFIQUE avec la mention Tres Bien
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X environments
• ECDL certificate
• Knowledge of music
• Singing (competitions and concerts)
• Tennis (racing at a competitive level)
• Cinema
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy francesca.panero@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 12/04/1993
• 2012-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2012-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2015
• 2007-2012: Liceo Classico “V. Alfieri” (high school with emphasis on humanities and sciences), Torino. Grade 98/100
• September 2013: participation in Progetto Diderot “Alfaclass”
• 2011-2012: participation in Progetto Diderot: “Matematica all’n-esima Potenza!” (ranked
2nd in team competition)
• 2007-2012: participation in several editions of “Mathematics Olympiads”
• 2013-current: Mathematics tutor in Liceo “V. Alfieri”
• 2012-current: Mathematics and Physics tutor for secondary school students
• 2008-2013: Children’s entertainer in oratory
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: very good knowledge, 2010 FCE (First Certificate of English, level B2), grade A
• French: good knowledge, 2012 DELF (Diplôme d’études en Langue Française, level B1), grade 92/100
• Competent in Microsoft Windows environment
• 2011 ECDL Full (European Computer Driving Licence)
• Programming, scripting and markup language in C++
• International volunteering: Gabon (August 2011), Dem. Rep. of Congo (August 2013)
• Music: Pianoforte (2002-current), organ (2012-2013). Active part in several choirs (2003-current)
• Sport: Synchronized swimming (2005-2011 regional competitions), tennis
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy luca.perdoni@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 29/06/1992
• 2011-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Economics, Università di Torino
• 2011-2014: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di Torino.
Grade110/110 cum laude
• 2006-2011: Liceo Scientifico P.N.I. “A. Issel” (high school with emphasis on sciences), Finale
Ligure (SV). Grade: 100/100
• 2011: Participant at Bocconi Talent Scout Program (after nationwide selection process)
• 2010: Scuola Normale Summer School (for nationwide selected student)
• Participation to several editions of the “Campionati Italiani Giochi Matematici” organized by Università “L. Bocconi”
• 2013: English Lab. Tutor at Turin School of Management and Economics
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: fluent
• French: good knowledge
• Advanced knowledge of Microsoft, Windows and Mac environment
• Good knowledge of Python
• Good knowledge of STATA
• Vice-President of HAPAX, cultural association focused on drama and music
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy marco.pontin@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 14/02/1993
• 2012-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2012-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mechanical Engineering,
Politecnico di Torino. Graduation expected in October 2015.
• 2007-2012: Liceo Classico (high school with emphasis on humanities) “C. Cavour”, Torino.
Grade: 100/100
• 2011: Two week studying holiday in Beckenham, England
• 2010: Two week studying holiday in Bournemouth, England
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2010- PET Certificate, Grade: Passed with merit. 2011- FCE (First Certificate in
English, level B2), Grade: A
• 2011: ECDL
• Astronomy, Physics, Mathematics, guitar, basketball, designing and building things, I have practiced judo for eleven years, chess, skateboard
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy sarah.raviola@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 19/05/1993
• 2012-current: Allievo (Honors Student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• February-August 2015: Erasmus exchange program, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
• 2012-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2015
• 2010-2012: Liceo Classico Statale “Vincenzo Gioberti” - Brocca language project (high school with emphasis on foreign languages), Torino. Grade: 100/100
• 2007-2009: I.T.C. “Blaise Pascal” - Brocca language project (high school with emphasis on foreign languages), Giaveno (TO)
• 2011: 4 weeks English course in Dublin: full immersion course
• 2010-2011: 6 months in Liège, (Belgium), WEP Exchange Program
• 2009: 2 weeks English course at the University of Kent, Canterbury
• July 2013: one month working in Germany for an organic farm
• 2011: internship at “Accademia Albertina” as librarian
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: very good knowledge (Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English - level C1 2012;
Cambridge Preliminary English Test - level B1 2010; Trinity College London, Level 7 2009)
• French: very good knowledge (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française (DALF)- level C1
2011; DELF - level A2 2007)
• German: fluent, level B2 (2015); Goethe-Zertifikat: Zertifikat Deutsch für Jugendliche
2012-level B1
• 2014: European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL)
• Good knowledge of Internet tools, Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• 2011: “Brevetto di Salvamento”, FIN. (Pool lifeguard skills award)
• 2009: participation in the “Treno della Memoria” organized by the association “Terra del Fuoco”
• Travelling, swimming, music (playing accordion, singing), reading, theatre
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy gaia.rigodanza@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 05/07/1993
• 2015-current Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2015-Student, Laurea Magistrale (advanced undergraduate degree) in Economics,
Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2017
• 2012-2015: Student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economia, Università di
Bergamo. Grade: 110/110 cum laude
• 2007-2012 Liceo Scientifico “Filippo Lussana” PNI (high school with emphasis on sciences),
• 2015: Top Ten Student Program (tuition fee exemption for deserving students)
• 2015: INPS scholarship with reference to a.y. 2012-2013
• 2014-2015: occasional assignment of collaboration in the area of Undergraduate degree in Economics Master (as tutor for freshmen)
• 2014-2015:150 hours student collaboration at Bergamo University office
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge
• Competent in Microsoft Windows environment
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint
• Good knowledge of STATA
• Traveling, reading, cinema and yoga
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy lorenzo.rimella@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 23/03/1993
• 2015-Current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2015-Current: Laurea Magistrale (advanced undergraduate degree) in Stochastics and
Data science, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2017
• 2012-2015: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics for Finance and
Insurance, Università di Torino. Grade: 110/110 cum laude
• 2007-2012: Liceo Scientifico “Amedeo Avogadro” (high school with emphasis on
Informatics and Statistics), Vercelli. Grade: 100/100
• 2013: Selected for partecipation in “Alpha class”, Progetto Diderot, CRT Foundation
• 2014: Helping activities for CCL, UNITO (winner of a competition for a part-time collaboration, organized by Università degli studi di Torino)
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge (level B1)
• Competent in Microsoft Windows environments
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• Good knowledge of Maple, MATLAB
• Programming, scripting and markup languages: C++, R, SAS, LaTeX
• Trekking, gym, swimming, videogames
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy laura.risso@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 21/05/1993
• 2012-current: Allievo (Honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2012-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2015
• 2007-2012: Liceo Scientifico “G. Arimondi” (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Savigliano (CN). Grade 100/100
• 2013: participation in “Alpha-class”, Progetto diderot, Fondazione CRT
• 2012: participation in the lecture “Formazione giovani, Diffusione conoscenza e Sviluppo capitale intellettuale” organized by Gruppo Piemontese Cavalieri del Lavoro, Torino
• 2009-2011: participation in 3 stages “Mathematics Days” in Bardonecchia
• 2011: participation in “Scientific Summer Academy”, organized by Fondazione Agnelli and
Centro Universitario Agorà Scienza, Torino
• 2010: participation in the workshop “Festa della Matematica”, organized by A.S. Mathesis, Torino
• 2009-2011: peer supporter in Latin, English and Mathematics for young students
• 2009-2010: internship at the Municipal Historical Archive and Civic Library, Savigliano
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge, 2010 FCE (First Certificate of English, level B2), grade A
• French: basic knowledge, DELF (Diplôme d’études en Langue Française, level A2)
• 2010: ECDL Certificate (European Computer Driving Licence)
• Good knowledge of Microsoft Office and Internet tools
• Programming, scripting and markup language in C++
• Tennis, swimming, hiking
• Chess, reading, music and cinema
• Travelling and meeting different cultures
• Active member and secretary of Leo Club Saluzzo - Savigliano
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy maddalena.saccone@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 12/11/1991
• 2012-current: Allieva (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Economics, Università di Torino
• 2010-2013: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di Torino.
Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2005-2010: Liceo Scientifico-Indirizzo Linguistico-Progetto Brocca “Norberto Bobbio”
(high school with emphasis on sciences and languages), Carignano (To). Grade 100/100 cum laude
• 2009: Merit Award “Eccellenze della scuola piemontese” by Regione Piemonte
• 2007-2008: participation in several editions of “Olimpiadi della Matematica”
• 2010-2013: Secondary school students’ tutoring in Spanish, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2008 PET passed with merit
• French: 2007 DELF A2, grade 96/100; 2008 DELF B1, grade 95/100
• Spanish: 2009 DELE B2, grade 95/100
• 2009: ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) full
• Programming, scripting and markup languages: basic knowledge of Netlogo, Python
• Basic knowledge of Stata, Eviews
• Basic knowledge in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint
• Drawing portraits, painting, travelling, practicing sports
• Art, theatre, cinema, legal and social issues
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy alex.saja@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 26/11/1993
• 2012-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2015-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in “Mathematical engineering”,
Politecnico di Torino
• 2012-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in “Mathematics forengineering”, Politecnico di Torino. Graduation expected in October 2015
• 2007-2012: Liceo Scientifico “L. da Vinci”, Gallarate (VA) (high school with emphasis on sciences). Grade 100/100
• September 2013: Alpha Class - Progetto Diderot, a summer school in mathematics for excellence students from Turin Universities
• September 2010: a scholarship for two weeks in Philadelphia (USA) sponsored by the citycouncil of Gallarate
• May 2011: participation in the national final of the Maths Olympics in Cesenatico
• July 2011: scholarship of a month stay in Texas (USA), sponsored by the Lions Club of Gallarate
• 2011-2012: member of the twice winning school team of the “Premio Filippini”
(acompetition of Physics organized in the province of Varese, held in Pavia)
• September 2011: a weekend training course at the “Accademia Navale” in Livorno
• 2014: part-time substitute receptionist at Collegio R. Einaudi, Torino
• 2012: voluntary help in a group for disabled people twice a month
• 2012: math tutoring twice a week
• 2011: weekly homework repetition for disadvantaged students
• Italian: mother tongue; English: advanced knowledge (IELTS Certificate Band 8); French: basic knowledge
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• Competent in the following programming languages: C, SQL, Matlab, R
• Football, tennis, bike-riding and chess
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy gianluca.salvarani@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 19/03/1993
• 2012-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2012-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di Torino - Graduation expected 2015
• 2007-2012: Liceo Scientifico “Giacomo Ulivi” (high school with emphasis on sciences)
Parma. Grade 100/100
• 2011: Participated (after a nationwide selection) in the Bocconi “Scopri il tuo Talento”
• 2011: Preparation course to juridical and economics studies “Other people’s money”
Economia e Legalità
• 2007-2012: Participation in several editions of the “Mathematics Olympics”
• 2011: Partecipation in “Giochi matematici della Bocconi”
• 2010-2011: 3 weeks summer schools at Rider University, United States
• 2011-2012: 3 weeks summer schools at Wagner College, United States, NY, English language full immersion course
• 2010-2012: secondary school students’ tutoring in Latin and Mathematics
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge (level B2)
• Competent in Microsoft Windows, Windows Xp, Vista, 7, Microsoft Office, Browser Internet and Mac OS X environments
• Soccer (8 years) winner of “Campionato Regionale Sperimentale Allievi”
• Sailing (3 Level of FIV)
• Philosophy
• Cinema and theatre
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy marco.schiavone@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 20/06/1993
• 2013-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2015-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Economics, Università di
Torino. Graduation expected in 2017
• 2012-2015: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economia e Commercio, Università di Torino. Grade: 110/110 cum laude
• 2007-2011: Liceo Scientifico “G. Battaglini” (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Taranto. Grade 95/100
• Participation in 2 weeks course of English Fluency Development at Dublin City University
Language Services (DCULS), accredited by the Advisory Council for English Language
Schools Ltd (August 2010)
• Participation in 2 weeks course of English Studies Course at Anglia Ruskin University of
Cambridge (ACCENT), accredited by the British Council (July-August 2011)
• 2012-2013: Mathematics and Economics tutoring for students of secondary school and enrolled in the first year of university, during the summer period
• 2011-2012: swimming instructor, during the summer period
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge (level B)
• Basic knowledge of STATA software
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows environment
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• ECDL FULL course at Economics faculty, Università di Torino (May-June 2013)
• Running, swimming and basket
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy jacopo.tozzo@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 15/10/1993
• 2015-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2015-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (advanced undergraduate degree) in Economics,
Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2017
• 2013-2014: Erasmus student, Business School, Napier University, Edinburgh (UK)
• 2012-2015: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economia e Finanza,
Università degli Studi di Bologna
• 2007-2012: Liceo Scientifico ”Leonardo da Vinci” (high school with emphasis on sciences), Jesi (AN)
• 2013-2014: Erasmus Scholarship, ten months, Napier University Business School, Edinburgh
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2015 IELTS (level C1)
• Spanish: 2014 Unibo certificate (level B2)
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X environments
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• Competent in GRETL, SPSS 20
• 2011-2015: Voluntary work experience, AGESCI
• 2009-2011: student representative, Liceo Scientifico “Leonardo da Vinci” Jesi
• Politics
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy cristiano.ventricelli@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 20/06/1991
• 2013-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: Master Degree in Quantitative Finance and Insurance, Università di Torino.
Graduation expected in 2015
• July-August 2013: London School of Economics and Political Sciences, Summer School
2013: Analysis and Management of Financial Risk
• 2010-2013: Bachelor Degree in Banca Borsa e Assicurazione, School of Management and
Economics, Università di Torino. Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2005-2010: Liceo Scientifico Statale Galileo Ferraris (high school with emphasis on sciences), Torino
• Bloomberg, MSCI BarraOne, Fincad, VBA, SQL
• 2011-2012: “Tesoro parliamone, siamo in crisi”
• 2012: Scuola di Liberalismo and Museo del Risparmio
• 2015-current: Financial Risk Consultant at KPMG Advisory (Milan)
• February-August 2015: Junior Financial Risk Manager at Banca Esperia (Milan)
• 2012: Internship as a research assistant at the Department of Business and Management,
Università di Torino
• 2011-2013: Tutor in the teaching area of the School of Management and Economics,
Università di Torino
• 2010-2012: Math tutor for local high school students
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: proficient user
• Spanish: basic knowledge
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X environments
• ECDL Full: proficient in the Microsoft Office package
• Good knowledge of STATA, Eviews, Matlab, R, Python and Latex
• 1999-2012: Basketball at competitive level
• Playing the piano, digitally-based music production, reading, travelling
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy shuyi.yang@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 02/11/1991
• 2013-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Magistrale (master’s degree) in Mathematics, Università di Torino
• 2011-2014: Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics, Università di Torino.
Grade 110/110 cum laude
• 2006-2011: Liceo Scientifico “Giordano Bruno” (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Torino. Grade 100/100 cum laude
• 2011-2014: “Borsa di studio INdAM” (Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica), scholarship for undergraduate mathematics degree, after a nationwide contest
• 2012-2013: “Scuola Estiva Perugia 2012 - INdAM”, “Scuola Estiva Perugia 2013 - INdAM”
• 2011-2012: “Matematica all’n-esima potenza Senior Progetto Diderot” (Second prize in the Team
Competition), “AlphaClass Progetto Diderot” (Third prize in the Team Competition), Fondazione CRT
• 2010: “Scientific Summer Academy”, Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli (ESOF 2010) and “Premio
Piemonte Eccellenza”
• 2008: “Premio per lo studio della matematica e dell’informatica nelle scuole superiori”, Banca d’Italia
• 2008-2010: “Incontro con la Matematica - Senior” (a full immersion stage organized by
Unione Matematica Italiana, after a nationwide selection process)
• 2006-2011: “Olimpiadi della Matematica” and “Festa della Matematica” (4 medals in the
National Individual Competition, 21th in the National Teams Competition)
• 2014: Tutor of “Giornate Matematiche MATH 2014”
• 2012-2013: Course tutor of “Matematica e Fisica” (for Biology students), Università di Torino
• 2012-2013: “Centro di Calcolo” and “Segreteria Didattica”, Palazzo Campana
• 2011-current: Teacher of training courses for “Olimpiadi della Matematica” (Associazione
Subalpina Mathesis)
• Standard Chinese: mother tongue; Italian; English: FCE (First Certificate in English, level
B2, June 2010)
• Competent in Linux distributions and Microsoft Windows
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint
• Good knowledge of Maple, R, POV-Ray, MATLAB
• Programming, scripting and markup languages: Python, C++, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML,
• Math Competitions: co-founder and webmaster of www.olimato.org, problems proposer for the Italian Mathematical Olympiad and member of the staff of the national individual competition (2015)
6_junior ALLiEVi
Ayoub Amil
(mentor: Cristian Bartolucci)
Filippo Ascolani
(mentor: Ignacio Monzón)
Martino Banchio
(mentor: Ignacio Monzón)
Enrico Maria Belliardo
(mentor: Dino Gerardi)
Francesco Beraldi
(mentor: Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll)
Mariachiara Bo
(mentor: Edoardo Grillo)
Fabio Buccoliero
(mentor: Ignacio Monzón)
Pietro Buri
(mentor: Stefano Favaro)
Alberto Cappello
(mentor: Dino Gerardi)
Paolo Colusso
(mentor: Ignacio Monzón) jonas Piero Dalmazzo
(mentor: Marit Hinnosaar) ornella Darova
(mentor: Pierpaolo De Blasi)
Giovanni Ferraris
(mentor: Stefano Favaro)
Sara Forno
(mentor: Cristian Bartolucci)
Gemma Gasseau
(mentor: Edoardo Grillo)
Gabriele Gatani
(mentor: Ignacio Monzón) ivan Lagrosa
(mentor: Aleksey Tetenov)
Marcello Lanciani
(mentor: Igor Prünster)
Federica Leombruni
(mentor: Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll)
Gabriele Lubatti
(mentor: Ignacio Monzón)
Cedomir Malgieri
(mentor: Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll)
Davide Manfredo
(mentor: Pierpaolo De Blasi)
Filippo Munari
(mentor: Edoardo Grillo)
Cecilia obertino
(mentor: Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll)
Tommaso Portaluri
(mentor: Cristian Bartolucci)
Pietro ramella
(mentor: Dino Gerardi)
Adele ravagnani
(mentor: Stefano Favaro)
Debora Sesia
(mentor: Filippo Taddei)
Gianmarco Trapasso
(mentor: Edoardo Grillo)
Marco Wang
(mentor: Edoardo Grillo)
Giacomo Zoppi
(mentor: Igor Prünster)
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy ayoub.amil@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 12/01/1994
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics (“Banca, borsa e assicurazione”) Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2016
• 2008-2013: Istituto Tecnico Commerciale “Erasmo da Rotterdam” (technical institute),
Nichelino. Grade 98/100
• School grant “Erasmo da Rotterdam” obtained in 2009 and 2010
• 2013: Participation in “Imprese in Rete per competere” at “Banca Popolare di Novara”, Torino
• 2008-2013: Participation in several editions of “Olimpiadi della Matematica”
• Tutor for High School students in Nichelino (Torino)
• 2009-2012: private tutorship for IIS “Erasmo da Rotterdam” students during school year
• 2009: staff member in a children’s camp (5-11 years old)
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge
• French: good knowledge
• Arabic: basic knowledge
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X environments
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• European Computer Driving License, ECDL (2013)
• Sports practiced: football; boxing
• Other interests: politics; travelling
6_junior ALLiEVi
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy filippo.ascolani@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 17/06/1995
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics for
Finance and Insurance, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2017
• 2009-2014: Liceo Classico “Vincenzo Gioberti” (high school with emphasis on humanities),
Torino. Grade 100/100 cum laude
• 2014: 2nd place at “Certamen Augusteum Taurinense”, a Latin translation contest
• 2013-2014: Participation to a political philosophy seminar at “Centro Einaudi”
• 2013: Participation to “Hermes”, a Latin and Ancient Greek translation contest
• 2012: Participation to “Sandy Spring Friend College” summer program in Washington
• 2010: Participation to “18° Convegno Inter-regionale della Stampa Studentesca”
• 2013-2014: Latin and Ancient Greek tutoring for High School students
• 2013: internship at “Building S.p.A.”
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2013 FCE (First Certificate of English, level B2), grade B
• Competent in Microsoft Windows.
• 2014 ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) full
• Political philosophy, reading, playing soccer, rowing
MArTino BAnChio
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy martino.banchio@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 23/10/1994
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2016
• 2008-2013: Liceo Classico “Silvio Pellico” (high school with emphasis on humanities),
Cuneo. Grade 100/100
• 2014: Participation to summer school Alfaclass of Progetto Diderot, Torino
• 2006-2014: Participation to Math games of Università Commerciale Bocconi, Milano
• 2013: Scholarship Istituto Musicale “A. Vivaldi”, Busca
• 2012: Participation to summer school “Scientific Summer Academy” of Agorà Scienza, Torino
• 2011: Participation to a three months exchange program of Intercultura in Surgut, Russia
• 2013: Participation to a three month work experience in Cork, Ireland, organised by CRT
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge
• Russian: good speaking skills
• French: basic knowledge
• Good knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Photoshop and InDesign
• Basic knowledge of Maple
• Programming, scripting and markup languages: C, C++, some Assembly
• Playing the piano, reading, cinema, juggling, cycling, boardgames
6_junior ALLiEVi
EnriCo MAriA BELLiArDo
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy enrico.belliardo@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 28/05/1994
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2016
• 2008-2013 Liceo Scientifico “Giuseppe Peano” (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Cuneo. Grade 100/100 cum laude
• 2010-2013: Participation in several editions of “Math Olympics”
• 2010-2012: Participation in several editions of “Physics Olympics”
• 2010-2011: Participation in two editions of “Montefiore Conca Piano Masterclass” (Rimini)
• 2007-2011: Participation in several Piano competitions in Piedmont and Liguria (always winning the 1st or 2nd prize)
• 2014: Piano and Music teaching to young students
• 2012-2013: Math and Physics tutoring for High School students
• 2010-2012: Children’s entertainer in parish summer camps
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X environments
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• 2013: ECDL Full
• 2003-current: Music (2013: entrance examination for Corso Accademico di I Livelloundergraduate degree- in Pianoforte, Conservatorio “G. Verdi”, Torino. Grade 99/100)
• 2011: Compimento Inferiore in Pianoforte, grade 10/10
• 2008-current: Member of several choirs
• Hobbies: Skiing, swimming, reading
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy francesco.beraldi@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 12/10/1995
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2017
• 2009-2014: Liceo Scientifico Statale “Gobetti-Segrè” PNI (high school with emphasis on sciences and mathematics), Torino. Grade: 100/100
• 2009-2013: Participation in five editions of the “Olimpiadi della Matematica” and classification to the provincial competition
• 2011-2012: Participation in two editions of the Latin translation competition “Certamen”
• 2012-2013: Participation in the European Union sponsored contest “E-gomotion”
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge, 2013 FCE (First Certificate in English, level B2)
• French: basic knowledge
• Competent in Microsoft Windows
• 2014 European Computer Driving License ECDL-Core Full
• Sailing at competitive level, participating to the national championships from 2009 to
2014 and winning the Liguria regional championship in 2012
6_junior ALLiEVi
MAriAChiArA Bo
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy mariachiara.bo@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 14/12/1996
• 2015-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2015-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics for
Finance and Insurance, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2018
• 2010-2015: Liceo Classico “Vincenzo Gioberti” (high school with emphasis on humanities),
Torino. Grade 100/100
• 2015: Partecipation in mathematics stages organized by Università di Torino
• 2014: Member of European Student Parliament
• 2014: Partecipation in “Scientific Summer Academy” organized by Fondazione Agnelli and
Centro Universitario Agorà Scienza, Torino
• 2014: Experimental research activities at NICO, (Neuroscience Institute Cavaliere Ottolenghi,
Azienda Ospedaliera S. Luigi Gonzaga, Orbassano, Torino)
• 2013-2014: Partecipation in the 1st and 2nd edition of “Scuola di Fisica” organized by
Università di Torino
• Partecipation in several editions of “Giochi d’Autunno”, mathematics (centro Pristem-
Università Bocconi)
• 2014-current: Private tutorship for high school and secondary school students; Babysitting
• 2014: Summer Internship in a law firm
• Italian: mother tongue; English: 2014 CAE (Certificate in Advanced English, level C1);
French: basic knowledge
• Competent in Microsoft Windows
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• Good knowledge of Web Browser and Internet tools
• 2014: NEW ECDL Full Standard and Using Databases Module
• 2014: ECDL Full
• 2015: Certificate in first-aid, Croce Rossa Italiana
• Physics (in particular quantum mechanics), philosophy, journalism, reading, impressionist and abstract art, theatre, travelling and cooking
FABio BuCCoLiEro
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy fabio.buccoliero@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 08/10/1996
• 2015-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2015-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in October 2018
• 2010-2015: Liceo Classico Europeo “Umberto I” (high school with emphasis on humanities and languages), Torino. Grade 100/100 cum laude
• 2011-2015: Participation in five editions of the “Olimpiadi della Matematica” and classification to the national competition
• 2013-2015: Participation in the project “Matematica all’ennesima potenza” for Progetto
Diderot, Fondazione CRT (after a region-wide selection)
• 2014: Participation in mathematics stage “MATH 2014” in Bardonecchia (Associazione
Subalpina Mathesis)
• 2015: Participation in mathematics stages “Campus invernale di matematica” in
Bardonecchia and “Matematica al Forte” in Bard (Scuola di Formazione Scientifica “Luigi
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2014 FCE (First Certificate of English, level B2), grade B
• French: 2014 DELF B2 (level B2); 2015 EsaBac (grade 15/15)
• Competent in Microsoft Windows environment
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• Basic knowledge of programming languages: Python, HTML and Ruby
• 2010-2015: Drama association “Compañeros”
• Reading, playing board-games, cinema
6_junior ALLiEVi
PiETro Buri
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy pietro.buri@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 02/10/1996
• 2015-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2015-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Torino. Graduation expected in October 2018
• 2010-2015: Liceo Classico “Vincenzo Gioberti” (high school with emphasis on humanities),
Torino. Grade 100/100
• 2011: Intensive English course in New York in “Berlitz School” (2 weeks)
• 2012: Intensive German course in Berlin in “Goethe-Institut“ (3 weeks)
• 2013: Intensive German course in Heidelberg in “F+U Schule” (3 weeks)
• 2013-2014: Participation in the 1st and 2nd edition of “Scuola di Fisica”, organized by
Università di Torino
• 2014: Partecipation to “Campus Invernale di Matematica Fisica Astrofisica e Nuove Tecnologie”
• 2014: Participation to summer school of Scuola Nazionale Superiore di Pisa (after a nationwide selection)
• 2015: Participation to “Campus Invernale di Matematica Fisica Astrofisica e Nuove Tecnologie”
• 2014-2015: Member of “Consulta provinciale degli studenti”
• 2012-2015: Participation to peer tutoring project of Liceo V. Gioberti
• 2012: Member of the “Council of Liceo V. Gioberti” as a student’s representative
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2014 CAE (Certificate in Advanced English level C1), grade C
• German: basic knowledge
• Competent in Microsoft Windows environment
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Prezi
• Free climbing, travelling, reading, watching movies
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy alberto.cappello@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 25/01/1994
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2016
• 2008-2013: Liceo Scientifico P.N.I. “Giolitti-Gandino”, (high school with emphasis on sciences), Bra (CN). Grade 100/100
• 2015: summer school in Maastricht. Course: “Economics of European Integration”. Grade A
• 2013: Winner of “Diventiamo Cittadini Europei” competition, organized by Piedmont
Regional Council, with a school trip to Brussels
• 2012: Finalist of Generation Euro student’s Award competition, organized by ECB
• 2012: Participation in a formation process entitled “In viaggio per la legalità”
• Poll clerk at 2013 Italian national elections in Sommariva Bosco
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2012 FCE (First Certificate of English, level B2), grade C
• Basic Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)
• Sports: tennis, football, jogging
• Hobbies: reading books, essays and newspapers
• Interests: current events, politics and economy
6_junior ALLiEVi
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy paolo.colusso@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 10/10/1995
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Matematica per l’ingegneria, Politecnico di Torino. Graduation expected in 2017
• 2009-2014: Liceo Classico PNI “Vincenzo Gioberti” (high school with emphasis on humanities), Torino. Grade 100/100
• 2014-current: “Giovani Talenti”, Fondazione CRT-project at Politecnico di Torino
• 2014: “Master dei talenti”, Fondazione CRT
• 2014: Participation in the “Masterclass” in particle physics, organized by Università di Torino
• 2013-2014: Participation in the 1st and 2nd edition of “Scuola di Fisica”, organized by
Università di Torino
• 2011-2013: Participation in the EEE project, Extreme Energy Events, at Liceo Classico
“Vincenzo Gioberti”
• 2011-2013: Participation in mathematics stages “MATH 2011”, “MATH 2012” and “MATH
2013” in Bardonecchia (Associazione Subalpina Mathesis)
• Participation in several editions of “Giochi d’Autunno”, mathematics (Centro Pristem-
Università Bocconi)
• 2011-2014: Participation in several editions of “Agon” and “Certamen Augusteum Taurinense”,
Greek language translation contests
• 2013: Participation in summer school of Scuola Nazionale Superiore di Pisa (after a nationwide selection)
• 2015: Volunteer in the Yap-Worldwide Friends work camp “Health and environment” in
Hveragerdi, Iceland
• 2014-2015: Tutor at Liceo Classico V. Gioberti as part of the project “Dopooscuola”, helping students facing difficulties with curricular subjects.
• 2014: Internship at English Language Academy, Edinburgh
• 2014: Stage in Edinburgh (project “Master of talents”) lasting 10 weeks
• 2013-2014: Peer tutoring for students of the secondary school
• 2013: Stage at international bookshop “Luxemburg” in Torino
• Italian: mother tongue; English: 2013 CAE (Certificate in Advanced English), grade A: level
C2; French: basic knowledge
• Competent in Matlab, Python, C; Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X environments; Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint; ECDL
• Swimming, reading, listening to music
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy jonas.dalmazzo@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 26/09/1994
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics (“Economia e Commercio”), Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2016
• 2008-2013 Liceo Scientifico Tecnologico “Tito Sarrocchi” (high school with emphasis on sciences), Siena. Grade 100/100
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2012 FCE (First Certificate of English, level B2), grade B
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Linux environments
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• Basic knowledge of programming languages: HTML, CSS, C++
• Reading, photography, travelling, practicing sports, cinema
6_junior ALLiEVi ornELLA DAroVA
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy ornella.darova@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 30/12/1994
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics and Statistics,
Università di Torino. Graduation expected in October 2016
• 2008-2013: Liceo Classico “Vittorio Alfieri” (high school with emphasis on humanities),
Asti. Grade 100/100
• 2013: Scholarship “Borsa di studio 100/100”, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Asti
• 2008-2013: Participation in several editions of Mathematical Olympics
• 2012: Participation, after nationwide selection, in the summer school “Scopri il tuo talento” at Università Commerciale “Luigi Bocconi”, Milano
• 2012: Awarded at philosophy contest “Premio Ezio Garuzzo”, Alessandria
• 2012-current: Editor for Dentro La Notizia (Asti) and Albania News
• 2011, 2012: Press office personnel for Teatro Alfieri (Asti); Art&Wine (Asti) and Biblioteca
Astense (Asti)
• 2011-2012: Editor and speaker for Primaradio, Asti
• 2009-2013: Freelance journalist (La Stampa, Gazzetta d’Asti, Corriere dell’Astigiano, La
Nuova Provincia)
• Italian: mother tongue
• Albanian: mother tongue
• English: 2013 First Certificate of English, performance at grade A (Level C1)
• French: very good knowledge
• Spanish: basic knowledge
• ECDL Core (Full)
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access
• Basic knowledge of R
• Philosophy, maths, business and financial journalism
GioVAnni FErrAriS
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy giovanni.ferraris@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 27/02/1995
• 2013-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in October 2016
• 2008-2013: Liceo Scientifico P.N.I. “Charles Darwin” (high school with emphasis on sciences), Rivoli. Grade 90/100
• 2012-2013: Diploma in the United States, Pope John XXIII High School, Everett (Boston),
Massachusetts. GPA: 3.56/4.0
• Participation in three editions of the “Mathematics Olympics”
• Participation in two editions of the “Chemistry Olympics”
• 2011: Participation in one stage “Mathematics Days” in Bardonecchia
• 2012: Participation in the workshop “Mathematics’ Festival”, organized by A.S. Mathesis, Torino
• 2010-2013: Steward at conferences and official events
• 2009-2012: Tutoring in mathematics to younger high school students
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: TOEFL 2013 (Test of English as a Foreign Language) grade 94/120
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X environments
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint
• Programming languages: Python
• 2012-2013: Played basketball for Pope John XXIII High School Varsity Team, reached the
Massachusetts Finals and selected by an AAU Team
• 2010-2012: Drama Association
• 2010: Drafted among the 12 best Piedmont players to take part at the “Regions Tournament”
• 2010: Included into the 32 best-Italian-players FIBA list for the European Cup Under16
• 2006-2010: Drafted multiple times by the Italian National Teams (PQN, CQN)
• 2005-2013: Played basketball at the national highest level “Eccellenza” for PMS Basketball
• 2005: Scuba Diving License (PADI) Open Water Diver
6_junior ALLiEVi
SArA Forno
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy sara.forno@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 12/09/1992
• 2013-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2012-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Banca Borsa e
Assicurazione, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in October 2015
• 2006-2011: Liceo Scientifico della Comunicazione “Istituto Santa Caterina” (high school with emphasis on sciences, sociology and psychology), Biella. Grade 100/100
• 2014: Best university student of Comune di Candelo, Biella
• 2009, 2010: I participated to FAI’s projects, which gave the possibility to high school students to become tourists guides for a day
• 2013: Waitress
• 2012-current: Baby sitter
• 2010-2011: Trainee as teacher for “Scuola dell’infanzia-Istituto Santa Caterina”
• 2009: Organizational staff for the event “Gran Fondo 2009- Sordevolo”
• Italian: mother tongue
• English
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X environments
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• Basic knowledge of AutoCad
• Playing the piano, running and swimming, contemporary art, travelling
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy gemma.gasseau@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 25/06/1994
• 2013-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2016
• 2008-2013: Liceo Classico “Massimo D’Azeglio” (high school with emphasis on humanities),
Torino. Grade 100/100
• 2012: Voluntary agricultural camp with “Libera”
• 2011: Participation in a international exchange on historical themes
• 2012: Internship at the study center “Gobetti”, Torino
• 2012: Entertainer in a summer camp for children with the association “ASAI”
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2012 FCE (First Certificate of English, level B2), grade B
• Competent in Microsoft Windows
• Proficient in Microsoft Word and Powerpoint
• Snowboarding, diving, trekking, swimming
• Reading, travelling
6_junior ALLiEVi
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy gabriele.gatani@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 17/06/1996
• 2015-current: Allievi (honors student) of the Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2015-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics for
Engineering, Politecnico of Torino. Graduation expected in 2018
• 2010-2015: Liceo Scientifico “Ascanio Landi” (high school with emphasis on sciences, mathematics and physics), Velletri (Roma). Grade 100/100
• 2015: Participation in the national final competition of the “Olimpiadi della Matematica” in Cesenatico for best school groups of Italy
• 2015: Chosen by the High School to participate in the 11th “International Masterclass”
2015 organized by the INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) and IPPOG (International
Particle Physics Outreach Group) in the national laboratory of Frascati
• 2015: Participation in the regional final individual competition of the “Olimpiadi della matematica”
• 2014: Selected amongst all students in Italy by “Scuola Normale Superiore” of Pisa for a summer week course, Roma, “Accademia dei Lincei”
• 2014: Participation in the national final competition of “Campionati Internazionali di
Giochi Matematici”, Milan and in the national final competition of the “Olimpiadi della
Matematica” in Cesenatico for best school groups of Italy
• 2010: Winner of second prize with an essay in the regional competition “Costruire Insieme la Legalità” at House of Representatives
• 2014: Participation in the project Caritas Velletri-Segni “Giovani e Volontariato: quando l’impegno si fa solidarietà” serving food to people in need
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2014 Cambridge English Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (First). First
Certificate in English (FCE)-Grade C Council of Europe level B2; 2013 Trinity College
London Grade 8 with merit-Graded Examination in Spoken. English Level 1 Certificate in
ESOL International B2.2 of the CEFR
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X environments
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• April 2010: European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL Certificate)
• 2009: Certificate of advanced level in swimming by FIN (Federazione Italiana Nuoto)
• 2007: Certificate of second level in sailing by FIV (Federazione Italiana Vela)
• Interested in soccer, basket and tennis
• snowboarding and playing soccer
• watching films and scientific documentaries
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy ivan.lagrosa@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 25/01/1994
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics and Business,
Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2016.
• 2008-2013: Liceo Scientifico “Galilei Ferraris” (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Torino. Grade 98/100
• 2015: Summer School in “Economics of European Integration- Challenges, policies & practices in the European business environment”, Maastricht University, Netherlands
• 2015: Advanced School in “Anthropology of Freedom” (with scholarship), Dogliani (CN), lectures by prof Viktor Vanberg
• 2014: Winner of the European Student Contest “Europe and Youth 2014”, organized by the
Regional Institute for European Studies of Friuli Venezia Giulia (IRSE)
• 2015-current: member of the Board of the Department of Social-Economic, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Torino
• 2014-current: Volunteer, “Mensa della San Vincenzo”, Torino
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: B2
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X environments
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint (ECDL in 2013)
• Journalism, Politics, Swimming
6_junior ALLiEVi
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy marcello.lanciani@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 19/06/1995
• 2015-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: Student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mechanical Engineering,
Politecnico di Torino. Graduation expected in 2017
• 2014-current: Student, Percorso Giovani Talenti, Politecnico di Torino
• 2009-2014: Liceo Scientifico “Marco Vitruvio Pollione” (high school with emphasis on sciences), Avezzano (AQ). Grade 100/100 cum laude
• 2014: Winner of the contest “EconoMia 2014” and participation in the National Festival of
Economics of Trento
• 2010-2014: Participation in several editions of Mathematics Olympics passing at national level
• 2010-2014: Participation in several editions of Physics Olympics passing at regional level
• 2013: Participation, after a nationwide selection, in summer school of Scuola Normale
Superiore di Pisa
• 2013: Participation, after a nationwide selection, in summer school of Scuola Superiore
Sant’Anna di Pisa
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2014 FCE (First Certificate of English, level B2)
• Good knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• Basic knowledge of MATLAB
• Programming languages: C
• Member of Mensa International
• Member of AVIS
• Skiing, chess
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy federica.leombruni@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 23/08/1995
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2017
• 2009-2014: Liceo Classico “Vincenzo Gioberti” (high school with emphasis on humanities),
Torino. Grade 100/100 cum laude
• Giving private piano lessons
• Giving private lessons to High School students
• Babysitting
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge (First Certificate of English, level B2, 2013)
• French: intermediate
• ECDL (modules Computer Essentials, Online Essentials, Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Presentation)
• Sibelius (music composition and notation software)
• Piano (Conservatorio Statale “G.Verdi”, Torino) from 2006 to 2013, with certifications
(Compimento Inferiore, Solfeggio, Storia della musica)
• Music composition (current student at Conservatorio Statale “G.Verdi”, Torino (exams: composizione livello A e B, lettura della partitura livello A,B e C)
• Singing in choirs: Piccoli Cantori di Torino (with international projects), Coro da Camera del
Conservatorio, Coro da camera di Torino
• Many sports practiced at an amateur level
• Rugby from 2010 to 2014, the last two years playing in “Coppa Italia” and “Campionato
Italiano di Serie A” for the Cus Torino Rugby
• Boy scouts from 2003, with national camps
• Reading, cooking
6_junior ALLiEVi
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy gabriele.lubatti@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 17/05/1995
• 2015-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014- current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Physics, Università di
Torino. Graduation expected in October 2017
• 2009-2014: Liceo Scientifico “Vasco” (high school with emphasis on sciences), Mondovì
(Cuneo). Grade 100/100
• 2014: Winner of the third prize in the literary contest “La Scienza narrata”, Merck Serono
Foundation, Rome
• 2014: Participation in “Progetto Diderot: matematica all’ennesima Potenza”, Accademia delle Scienze, Turin
• 2013: Participation in “Campus of game theory, astrophysics, theory of relativity”, Bard (AO)
• 2012: Participation in summer school “Scientific Summer Academy” of Agorà Scienza, Turin
• 2014: Blogger of the “La Scienza narrate” website
• 2014: Participation in the project “Master dei talenti neo-diplomati- Fondazione CRT”, with a three month work experience in the astronomical observatory “Blackrock Castle
Observatory”, Cork, Ireland
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2013 Certificate Effective Frequency (CEF), level C1(60 hours), Moyle Park College,
Dublin, Ireland; 2012 Certificate Effective Frequency (CEF), level B2(60 hours), Moyle Park
College, Dublin, Ireland; 2012 PET (Preliminary English Test, level B1)
• French: 2009 Diplome d’étude en langue française (DELF), Ministère de l’Education nationale française, level A2
• Good knowledge of Mathematica
• Competent in Microsoft Windows environments
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• 2012: European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL)
• History and philosophy of science, scientific dissemination, reading Sherlock Holmes novels
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy cedomir.malgieri@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 10/01/1996
• 2014-current: Allievo (honours student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di Torino
• 2009-2014: Liceo Scientifico “Galileo Galilei” (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Bitonto (BA). Grade 100/100 cum laude
• 2011-2014: Participation in several editions of Physics Olympics passing at provincial level
• 2010-2014: Participation in several editions of Mathematics Olympics passing at national level
• 2013: Participation, after a nationwide selection, in summer school of Scuola Superiore
Sant’Anna (Volterra)
• 2013-2014: Volunteer working for “Banco Alimentare Foundation”
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: good knowledge; 2014 FCE passed with grade B; 2012 PET passed with grade B
• French: basic knowledge; 2009 DELF A1, score 90/100
• Competent in Microsoft Windows, Mac OS and Linux environments
• Good user of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint
• Basic knowledge of C++ programming language
• Good knowledge of Network and Internet
• 2013: Attended “Principles of Macroeconomics” by Coursera, University of Melbourne
(passed with distinction)
• 2013: English courses for 1 month at Royal Spa English, Tunbridge Wells (UK)
• 2013: Laboratories on institutional information and communication “Lettera 22”
• 2012: English courses for 1 month at Twin Group, London (UK)
• Basketball, slam-dunk, trekking, reading, astronomy
• Philosophy, maths, literature
6_junior ALLiEVi
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy davide.manfredo@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 24/06/1994
• 2015-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics, Univeristà di Torino. Graduation expected in 2017
• 2009-2014: Liceo Scientifico “I. I. S. 8 Marzo” (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Settimo Torinese (TO). Final grade 100/100
• 2008-2013: Participation in several editions of “Olimpiadi della Matematica”
• 2009-2013: Participation in four editions of “Mathematics days” in Bardonecchia (TO)
• 2009-2013: Participation in several edition of “Festa della Matematica”
• 2013: Participation in “International Masterclasses Hands on Particle Physics”, University of Torino
• 2013-2014: Participation in several editions of “Giochi della Chimica”
• 2013: Participation in “Olimpiadi dell’Italiano” and “Olimpiadi della Fisica”
• 2013: Participation in “Festival della Scienza e dell’Innovazione”, Settimo Torinese (TO)
• 2013: Participation in Progetto Diderot “Matematica all’n-sima potenza”, Fondazione CRT
• 2014: Participation in “Tre mattine all’Università - Matematica”, University of Torino
• 2014: Participation in “Treno della Memoria”, organized by the association “Terra del Fuoco”
• 2014: Participation in “Fisica in gioco”, Torgnon (AO)
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: very good knowledge, Level B2 (March 2014: FCE- Level B2, Grade B; May 2010:
PET with Merit - Level B1; 2007 - 2008 Trinity Exams)
• French: very good knowledge, Level C1 (July 2013: DALF Level C1; 2009 - 2013 DELF A2, B1, B2)
• German: Basic knowledge
• 2010-current: volunteering at “Canile il Cascinotto”, Collegno (TO).
• 2011-current: secondary school students’ tutoring in Mathematics, English and French
• 2014: Participation in “Ottobre scienza” as staff member, Settimo Torinese (TO)
• Competent in Microsoft Windows environment; Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and
Powerpoint; Competent in C++ Programming Language
• Sports (swimming, running); Music (playing piano); Reading; Travelling
FiLiPPo MunAri
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy filipppo.munari@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 25/03/1996
• 2015-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2015-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in October 2018
• 2010-current: Liceo Classico “Massimo D’Azeglio” (high school with emphasis on
Humanities), Torino. Grade 100/100
• February 2015: second place at the “Certamen Augusteum Taurinense” in Latin
• April 2015: third place at the “Olimpiadi della Cultura e del Talento, premio Oriana
Pagliarini”, Tolfa (Roma)
• July 2014: Counselor at US Golf Camps, “Kiski School”, Saltsburg, Pennsylvania
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2014 FCE (First Certificate of English, level B2), grade B
• French: basic knowledge
• I am currently taking the ECDL exams
• Volleyball (competitive level), skiing (first place at the Italian Championship in 2007)
• Golf (four times at the Italian team Championship, twice at the Italian individual
• Chess (three times at the Italian Championship, first place at the Torino Championship in
• Writing
6_junior ALLiEVi
CECiLiA oBErTino
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy cecilia.obertino@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 26/11/1994
• 2015-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in “Banca Borsa
Assicurazione”, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in October 2016
• 2008-2013: Liceo Classico “Silvio Pellico” (high school with emphasis on humaties), Cuneo.
Grade 100/100 cum laude
• Entertainer in a summer camp for children
• Private lessons in Mathematics and Latin
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2012 FCE (First Certificate of English, level B2), grade C
• French: 2011 DELF (Diplome d’ Etudes en langue francais, level B1); 2012 DELF (Diplôme d’Etudes en langue francais, level B2)
• Competent in Microsoft Windows
• Proficient in Microsoft Word and Powerpoint
• Playing volleyball, trekking, skiing
• Travelling, reading
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy tommaso.portaluri@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 01/08/1993
• 2013-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics and Statistics,
Università di Torino. Graduation expected in October 2016
• 2006-2011: Liceo Scientifico P.N.I. “Teodoro Monticelli” (high school with emphasis on sciences), Brindisi. Grade 100/100 cum laude
• 2011: Awarded, for excellence in high school studies, “Alfiere della Repubblica” by the
President of the Italian Republic
• 2011: Included in “Albo Nazionale delle Eccellenze”, Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (National Register per Excellence, Italian Ministery for Education, University and Research)
• 2010: Participation, after a nationwide selection, in summer schools of: Scuola Normale
Superiore (San Miniato); Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Volterra); Università Commerciale
“Luigi Bocconi” (Milano)
• 2003-2011: Participation and award in several editions of the following Maths competitions:
Olimpiadi della Matematica; Campionati Internazionali di Giochi Matematici (11th place nationally); Concorso Meravigliosa Mente Matematica Michele Menditto (10th place nationally)
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2012 CAE (Certificate of Advanced English), level C1 (2009 First Certificate of
English, 2008 Preliminary English Test, 2006 Trinity Grade 3)
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X environments
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• ECDL Core (Full)
• ECDL Advanced (AM3 and AM4 modules)
• Philosophy, maths, table tennis, publishing
6_junior ALLiEVi
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy pietro.ramella@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 28/07/1995
• 2015-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics for
Finance and Insurance, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2017
• 2009-2014: Liceo Scientifico “Charles Darwin” (high school with emphasis on languages),
Rivoli (TO). Grade 83/100
• 2010-2014: Partecipation to “Math2010”, “Math2011”, “Math2012”, “Math2013” and
“Math2014” in Bardonecchia.
• 2012: internship at Catholic University of America (CUA) in Washington D.C.
• 2013: intership in Jacobacci & Parteners S.P.A.
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2013 FCE (First Certificate of English, level B2), grade B
• French: 2010 DELPH, grade B1
• Competent in both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X environments
• Competent user of C++
• Basic knowledge of programming language Java
• Basic knowledge of Arduino’s hardware and environment
• European economic policy, travel and sports
Contact Information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy adele.ravagnani@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 25/05/1996
• 2015-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2015- current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Physics, Università di Torino.
Graduation expected in October 2018
• 2010-2015: Liceo Scientifico “Marie Curie” (high school with emphasis on sciences), Collegno
(TO). Grade 100/100 cum laude
• 2015: Awarded ‘Allievo dell’anno 2015’ (school contest promoted by Associazione ex allievi
Liceo Marie Curie)
• 2015: Participation in the Physics stage ‘La fisica in gioco’ in Torgnon (AO)
• 2014-2015: Participation in the Physics project ‘Tre mattine all’Università-Fisica’, University of Torino
• 2014-2015: Participation in two editions of the Physics competition ‘Olimpiadi della fisica’
• 2013-2014: Participation in the Mathematics stage ‘MATH 2013’ and ‘MATH 2014’ in Bardonecchia (TO)
• 2010-2014: Participation in five editions of ‘Olimpiadi della matematica’
• 2013: Participation in the Physics stage ‘Sperimentiamo’ in Angrogna (TO)
• 2013: Cultural exchange in Israel
• 2012: Cultural exchange in The Netherlands
• 2013-current: Assistant judo coach for A.S.D. Don Bosco Rivoli (TO)
• 2015: Photography assistant for Hoot Media Photography (Richmond, USA)
• 2013-2015: Volunteer in the town of Collegno (helping young students to choose their high school and helping elderly people in different types of activities)
• 2014: Customer services assistant for Moto Hospitality-Burger King (Exeter, UK)
• Italian: mother tongue; English: 2014 FCE (First Certificate of English, level B2), grade B; French: basic knowledge
• Competent in Microsoft Windows environment
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Power Point, Paint, Movie Maker and Internet Explorer
• 2011-2013: Member of the Italian National team Under 17 of Judo
• 2012: Third place at European Championships Under 17 of Judo (Bar, Montenegro); Italian
Champion Under 17 of Judo (Roma)
• 2011: Fifth place at World Championship Under 17 of Judo (Kiev, Ukraine)
• 2011: Fifth place at European Championships Under 17 of Judo (Cottonera, Malta)
• 2011: Second place at Italian Championships Under 17 of Judo (Roma)
• Reading classics and newspapers; Listening to rock, indie and classical music; Theatre; Travelling;
Art and photography
6_junior ALLiEVi
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy debora.sesia@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 17/10/1994
• 2014-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2013-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics for
Finance and Insurance, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2016
• 2008-2013: Liceo Scientifico “Giuseppe Peano” P.N.I. (high school with emphasis on sciences), Cuneo. Grade 94/100
• 2014: Summer School in English for Academic Purposes, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
• 2014: Alfaclass Summer School in Mathematics, Fondazione CRT
• 2011-2012: Kids summer day camp entertainer, Country Club Cuneo
• 2011: International sports event receptionist, Country Club Cuneo
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2012 FCE (First Certificate of English, level B2), grade B
• French: 2009 DELF (Diplome d’Études en Langue Française, level B1)
• C++ programming
• General knowledge of office software and internet tools
• High jump (national champion 2009, 2013; competed in European Athletics Junior
Championships, 2013)
• Tennis, skiing, ice skating
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy gianmarco.trapasso@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 05/01/1994
• 2013-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2012-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics for
Engineering, Politecnico di Torino. Graduation expected in 2015
• 2007-2012: Liceo Classico ”Pitagora”, Crotone. Grade 100/100
• Partecipation in “Olimpiadi regionali delle scienze naturali”
• Partecipation in “Olimpiadi di matematica”
• 2010-2011: Assistant Inctructor of sailing at “Lega Navale Italiana di Crotone”
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2012 IELTS, grade 6.0
• Competent in Microsoft Windows environment
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• Programming languages: C
• Sailing (2003-2010 competitive)
• Handball
• Fishing
6_junior ALLiEVi
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy marco.wang@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 13/04/1996
• 2015-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2015-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Economics, Università di Torino. Graduation expected in 2018
• 2010-2015: Istituto tecnico statale settore economico “C. Levi - V. e L. Arduino” (technical institute), Torino. Grade 100/100
• 2014: 1 week French intensive course in Vichy
• 2010: Scholarship “Borsa di studio “Educatorio Duchessa Isabella”, Fondazione per la Scuola
Compagnia di San Paolo
• Summer 2013-2014: Internship in Jacobacci & Partners S.p.A.’s accounting department
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2013 PET (Preliminary English Test, level B1)
• French: 2014 DELF ((Diplôme d’études en langue française, level B2)
• Chinese: basic knowledge
• 2014: ECDL Certificate
• Competent in Microsoft Windows environment
• Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint
• Basketball, reading, watching American and British TV series
Contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30-10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy giacomo.zoppi@carloalberto.org
Date of birth: 06/11/1995
• 2015-current: Allievo (honors student), Collegio Carlo Alberto
• 2014-current: student, Laurea Triennale (undergraduate degree) in Mathematics for
Finance and Insurance, Università di Torino. graduation expected in 2017
• 2009-2014: Liceo Scientifico “Galileo Ferraris” (high school with emphasis on sciences),
Sperimentazione Matematica P.N.I e Scienze, Torino. Grade 100/100
• 2012: Second place in team competition “Matematica all’N-esima potenza- Promesse” organized by CRT Foundation
• 2011: Participation in “Olimpiadi della Matematica” (national level)
• Participation in several editions of “Olimpiadi dell’Informatica” and “Olimpiadi della
Chimica” (regional level)
• 2013: Internship at “Consorzio Riva Sinistra Stura”, Ciriè (TO)
• Italian: mother tongue
• English: 2014 FCE (First Certificate of English, level B2), grade B
• Competent in Microsoft Windows
• 2012: ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) full
• Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite.
• Programming, Scripting and Markup languages: C++, Pascal and Latex (basic knowledge)
• Sport: Football, Hiking
• Hobbies: Cinema, Reading
Junior Allievi (1st And 2nd yeArs)
Junior Allievi have to take at least two courses per year.
Discrete Mathematics - Tutorial (Fall)
Economic Principles (Spring)
Economics of Financial Markets (Spring)
Economics - Tutorial (Fall)
Intermediate Mathematics (Fall)
Introduction to Algorithms (Spring)
Optimization for Economics (Fall)
Stefano Favaro
Dino Gerardi
Edoardo Grillo
Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll, Ignacio Monzón
Elena Vigna
Alfredo Braunstein, Luca Dall’Asta
Bertrand Lods
Junior Allievi (3rd yeAr) And senior Allievi
3rd year Junior Allievi and Senior Allievi have to take at least three courses per year.
Applied Economics (Spring)
Bayesian Statistics (Spring)
Dynamic Macroeconomics (January-February)
Econometric Theory I (Fall)
Econometric Theory II (Spring)
Empirical Industrial Organization (Fall)
Game Theory (Spring)
General Equilibrium Theory (January-February)
International Economics (Spring)
Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll
Julyan Arbel
Fabio Cesare Bagliano
Aleksey Tetenov
Cristian Bartolucci
Marit Hinnosaar
Dino Gerardi
Andrea Gallice
Alessandro Barattieri
Mathematics for Economics (Introductory course)
Measure Theory (Fall)
Models and Algorithms (Fall)
Political Economics (Spring)
Quantititative and Numerical Economics (Fall)
Theory of the Firm (Fall)
Pierpaolo De Blasi
Bernardo Nipoti
Alfredo Braunstein, Luca Dall’Asta
Edoardo Grillo
Pietro Garibaldi
Toomas Hinnosaar
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 15, Camerata I
Office Hours: by appointment
Spring 2016
Instructor: Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll
+39 011 670 5017 ainhoa.aparicio@carloalberto.org
www.carloalberto.org/people/aparicio/ course description
This course intends to provide students with basic microeconometric tools to address empirical questions, with special emphasis on their application to Labor Economics, Public Economics and
Development Economics. I describe the econometric theory behind the different techniques, comment on empirical research papers applying these techniques and lead students through the implementation of the econometric methods using actual data sets.
At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to discuss the suitability of the specifications used in applied economics research, comment on the validity of instrumental variable strategies, design difference-in-differences estimations, understand the context in which regression discontinuity design is applied and be able to obtain correctly estimated standard errors.
Students will be evaluated on the basis of a final project executed in groups of 4 students maximum, periodic assignments and an exam.
required text
J. Angrist and J.-S. Pischke, “Mostly Harmless Econometrics”, Princeton University Press, 2009
J. Stock and M. Watson, “Introduction to Econometrics”, Addison-Wesley, 2007 (2nd Edition) supplementary readings
• J. Wooldridge, “Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach”, South-Western (any edition)
• G. Borjas, “Labor Economics”, McGraw-Hill, 2009 (5th Edition)
• P. Cahuc and A. Zylberberg, “Labor Economics”, MIT Press toPics
MHE, Chapters 1-2
• E. Reuben, P. Sapienza and L. Zingales, “The Glass Ceiling in Experimental Markets”, Working
Paper 2010
• D. Card, “The impact of the Mariel boatlift on the Miami labor market,” Industrial and Labor
Relations Review, ILR Review, ILR School, Cornell University, vol. 43(2), pages 245-257,
January 1990
MHE, Chapter 3
• D. A. Black, J. A. Smith, M. C. Berger and B. J. Noel, “Is the Threat of Reemployment Services
More Effective Than the Services Themselves? Evidence from Random Assignment in the
UI System,” American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 93(4), pages
1313-1327, September 2003
MHE, Chapter 4
• J. Angrist, “Lifetime Earnings and the Vietnam Era Draft Lottery: Evidence from Social
Security Administrative Records,” American Economic Review, June 1990
• J. Angrist and A. Krueger, “The Effect of Age at School Entry on Educational Attainment: An
Application of Instrumental Variables with Moments from Two Samples,” JASA 87 (June 1992)
MHE, Chapter 5
• D. Card and A. B. Krueger, “Minimum Wages and Employment: A Case Study of the Fast-
Food Industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania,” American Economic Review, American
Economic Association, vol. 84(4), pages 772-93, September 1994
MHE, Chapter 6
• G. W. Imbens and T. Lemieux, “Regression discontinuity designs: A guide to practice,”
Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 142(2), pages 615-635, February 2008
• J. Angrist and V. Lavy, “Using Maimonides Rule to Estimate the Effect of Class Size on
Scholastic Achievement,” QJE, May 1999
MHE, Section 3.1.3 and Chapter 8
• M. Bertrand, E. Duflo, and S. Mullainathan, “How Much Should We Trust Differences-in-
Differences Estimates?,” QJE 119 (February 2004), 249-275
Spring 2016
Instructor: Julyan Arbel
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 9, Camerata III
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5270 julyan.arbel@carloalberto.org
www.julyanarbel.com/ objective of the course
By the end of the course, the students should have the ability to understand and implement the basic tools of Bayesian statistical methods for their own data analysis purposes.
The minimal prerequisites for this course are a mastering of basic Probability theory for discrete and continuous variables and of basic Statistics (maximum likelihood estimation).
1. Inference for binomial, Poisson and normal distributions
2. Hierarchical models
3. Multivariate normal distribution
4. Linear regression models
5. Generalized linear models
6. Bayesian nonparametrics
Additionally, we will cover the basics of Monte-Carlo integration and Markov chain Monte
Carlo (Gibbs sampling and the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm). This material will be covered concurrently with the material listed above.
There will be an in-class presentation of a paper, chosen from a list, and a final exam consisting of a written test in which students will be asked to provide solutions to a set of exercises. textbooks the main text for the course is:
• Hoff P., “A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods”, Springer Texts in Statistics, 2009
Alternative textbooks that students might also find useful are:
• Berger J.O., “Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis”, Springer Verlag, New York, 1985
• Bernardo J.M. and Smith A.F.M., “Bayesian Theory”, Wiley, New York, 1994
• Hjort N. L., Holmes C., Müller P. and Walker S. G., “Bayesian nonparametrics”, volume 28,
Cambridge University Press, 2010
• Marin J.-M. and Robert C., “Bayesian Core, A Practical Approach to Computational Bayesian
Statistics”, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2007
• Robert C., “The Bayesian Choice”, Springer Verlag, New York, 1994
Fall 2015
Instructor: Stefano Favaro
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 7, Camerata III
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5280 stefano.favaro@carloalberto.org
web.econ.unito.it/favaro/ course description
The course introduces some basic counting principles after a brief presentation of the necessary elements of set theory. The notion of recurrence relation and its connection with a finite difference equation is briefly presented. The probability and the conditional probability on discrete sample spaces are introduced. The inclusion and exclusion principle, which is a basic tool both in combinatorics and discrete probability theory, is extensively treated.
There is no required textbook for the course.
1. Basic counting principle
2. Recurrence relations
3. Finite differences
4. Discrete probability
5. Inclusion and exclusion principle
6. Generating functions
January-February 2016
Instructor: Fabio Cesare Bagliano
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 1-6, Floor 1
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 6084 fabio.bagliano@unito.it
web.econ.unito.it/bagliano course description
The course presents basic dynamic macroeconomic models in several specific fields of macroeconomics: consumption and investment theory, growth theory and labour economics.
The aim is to provide key methodological tools for the dynamic analysis of a broad range of macroeconomic issues, mainly based on dynamic optimization techniques. Lecture note handouts and problem sets will be provided throughout the course. All necessary material will be made available on the web page of the course.
There will be a two-hour, closed-book, written exam at the end of the course.
course outline and material
The course will cover the following topics:
1. dynamic consumption theory
• Permanent income theory with rational expectations
• Empirical issues and puzzles
• The role of uncertainty: precautionary savings
• Intertemporal consumption and portfolio allocation
General references
• Romer, “Advanced Macroeconomics”, fourth edition, 2012, ch. 8
• Bagliano F.C., Bertola G., “Models for dynamic macroeconomics”, 2007, ch. 1 specific references
• Deaton A., “Understanding consumption”,1992, especially ch. 3, 4
• Attanasio O., “Consumption demand”, in Handbook of Macroeconomics, 1999, vol. 1B, ch. 11
• Campbell J., “Asset prices, consumption, and the business cycle”, in Handbook of
Macroeconomics, 1999, vol. 1C, ch. 19
• Carroll C., “A theory of the consumption function, with and without liquidity constraints”,
Journal of Economic Perspectives (“graduate students version” NBER wp 8387), 2001
• Angeletos et al., “The hyperbolic consumption model: calibration, simulation and empirical evaluation”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2001
• Meghir C., “A retrospective on Friedman’s theory of permanent income”, Economic Journal, 2004
• Attanasio O. and G. Weber, “Consumption and saving: models of intertemporal allocation and their implications for public policy”, Journal of Economic Literature, 2010
• Jappelli T. and L. Pistaferri, “The consumption response to income changes”, Annual
Reviews in Economics, 2010
2. dynamic investment models
• Dynamic optimization in continuous time
• Adjustment costs and Tobin’s forward-looking “q”
• Investment dynamics, interest rates, productivity and wages in partial equilibrium
General references
• Romer, “Advanced Macroeconomics”, 2012, fourth edition, ch. 9
• Bagliano-Bertola, “Models for dynamic macroeconomics”, 2007, ch. 2
• On mathematical methods: Barro-Sala-i-Martin, “Economic Growth”, Mathematical Appendix, 1995 specific references
• Yoshikawa H., “On the ‘q’ theory of investment”, American Economic Review, 1980, 70, 4, 739-743
• Hayashi F., “Tobin’s marginal q and average q: a neoclassical interpretation”, Econometrica,
1982, 50, 1, 213-224
• Abel A.-Blanchard O.J., “An intertemporal model of saving and investment”, Econometrica,
1983, 51, 3, 675-692
• Caballero R., “Aggregate Investment”, Handbook of Macroeconomics, 1999, vol. 1B, ch 12
3. economic growth in dynamic general equilibrium
• Balanced growth, steady state and optimal convergence
• Decentralization of production and investment decisions
• Endogenous growth and market imperfections
General references
• Romer, “Advanced Macroeconomics”, fourth edition, 2012, ch. 1, 2 (Part A), 3
• Bagliano-Bertola, “Models for dynamic macroeconomics”, 2007, ch. 4 specific references
• Mankiw N.G., Romer D., Weil D., “A contribution to the empirics of economic growth”,
Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1992
• Romer P., “The origins of endogenous growth”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1994, 8, Winter
• Barro-Sala-i-Martin, “Economic Growth”, 1995, ch. 1, 2, 4
• Aghion-Howitt, “Endogenous Growth Theory”, 1998, ch. 1
4. Flow dynamics in the labour market
• Participation externalities in the labour market
• Features of search models of the labour market
• Job matching and unemployment dynamics
General references
• Romer, “Advanced Macroeconomics”, fourth edition, 2012, ch. 10
• Bagliano-Bertola, “Models for dynamic macroeconomics”, 2007, ch. 5, sections 5.2-5.4
specific references
• Pissarides, “Equilibrium Unemployment Theory”, 2nd ed., 2000, ch. 1-3
• Petrongolo-Pissarides, “Looking into the black box: a survey of the matching function”,
Journal of Economic Literature, 2001
• Nickell S., Nunziata L., Ochel W., Quintini G., “The Beveridge curve, unemployment and wages in the OECD from the 1960s to the 1990s”, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE, 2002
• Hornstein A., Krusell P., Violante G.L., “Unemployment and Vacancy fluctuations in the matching model: inspecting the mechanism”, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic
Quarterly, 2005
• Shimer R., “The cyclical behavior of equilibrium unemployment and vacancies”, American
Economic Review, March 2005
• Hall R., “Employment fluctuations with equilibrium wage stickiness”, American Economic
Review, March 2005
• Pissarides C., “Equilibrium in the labor market with search frictions”, American Economic
Review, 2011
• Diamond P., “Unemployment, vacancies, wages”, American Economic Review, 2011
7_courses contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 5, Camerata I
Office Hours: by appointment
Fall 2015
Instructor: Aleksey Tetenov
+39 011 670 5094 aleksey.tetenov@carloalberto.org
course description
This course provides an introduction to essential microeconometric tools, combining theory, simulation and empirical examples.
Good knowledge of Real Analysis is necessary before taking this course.
Some knowledge of Linear Algebra is useful.
Final course grade will be based on problem sets, a midterm exam and a final exam.
You should work in groups of two or three on the problem sets.
required software
MATLAB, including Statistics and Optimization packages.
course topics:
• Introduction to MATLAB programming
• Asymptotic theory for microeconometrics
• Properties of Ordinary Least Squares
• Generalized Method of Moments
• Bootstrap
• Nonparametric estimation
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 1, Camerata II
Office Hours: by appointment
Spring 2016
Instructor: Cristian Bartolucci
+39 011 670 5271 cristian.bartolucci@carloalberto.org
sites.google.com/site/cristianbartolucci/ syllabus:
1) linear regression Model:
• Review of least Squares Estimation Specification, Matrix Notation, Endogenous Regressors.
Short Introduction to MATA
• Instrumental Variables
• Hypothesis tests and Specification Test: Introduction, Wald test. Likelihood based tests,
Bootstrap and Monte Carlo
Specific readings:
• Wooldridge, J. M. (2010) “Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data”, MIT press,
Chapters 2-5
• Angrist J. and A. Krueger (1999), “Empirical Strategies in Labor Economics”, Chapter 23 in O. Ashenfelter and D. Card, eds., The Handbook of Labor Economics, Volume III, North
2) Generalized Method of Moments:
• Generalized Method of Moments: General Formulation, Consistency and Asymptotic normality, 2SLS Equivalence
• Tests of Overidentifying Restrictions
• Optimal Instruments in Conditional Models
Specific Readings:
• Arellano, M. (2003) “Panel Data Econometrics”, Advanced Texts in Econometrics, Oxford
University Press, Appendices A and B
• Wooldridge, J. M. (2010). “Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data”, MIT press,
Chapter 14
3) Panel data Models:
• Static Models:
- Unobserved Heterogeneity: Within-Group Estimation
- Error Components
- Specification Tests
• Dynamic Models:
- Autoregressive Models with Individual Effects
- Models with lagged dependent variables and fixed effects, Models with predetermined variables and fixed effects
Specific Readings
• Arellano, M. (2003) “Panel Data Econometrics”, Advanced Texts in Econometrics, Oxford
University Press, Chapters 2-4 (static models) and 5-8 (dynamic models)
• Wooldridge, J. M. (2010). “Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data”, MIT press,
Chapter 9-11
4) Maximum likelihood:
• General formulation intuitions and examples
- Censored variables
- Duration models
- Discrete choice
- Heckman selection model
Specific Readings:
• Wooldridge, J. M. (2010) “Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data”, MIT press,
Chapters 13 and 15
• Cameron, A. C., and Trivedi, P. K. (2005) “Microeconometrics: methods and applications”,
Cambridge University Press, Chapters 14 to 17
Spring 2016
Instructor: Dino Gerardi
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 19, Camerata I
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5008 dino.gerardi@carloalberto.org
sites.carloalberto.org/gerardi/ outline
The course will provide a rigorous survey of microeconomic theory. In the first half of the course we will examine the economic behavior of consumers and firms. The second half will be devoted to the study of selected topics: game theory, market failures, information economics and public choice theory.
i. introduction ii. choice under certainty (5 lectures)
Preferences and Utility (JR 1.2); The Consumer’s Problem (JR 1.3); Indirect Utility and Expenditure
Functions (JR 1.4); Properties of Consumer Demand (JR 1.5); Revealed Preference (JR 2.3).
iii. choice under uncertainty (3 lectures)
Objective Probability and Expected Utility (JR 2.4); Subjective Probability (JR 2.4); Risk Aversion (JR 2.4).
iv. theory of the Firm (2 lectures)
Production Functions (JR 3.2); Cost Functions (JR 3.3); Profit Maximization (JR 3.5).
v. Partial equilibrium (1 lecture)
Perfect Competition (JR 4.1); Equilibrium and Welfare (JR 4.3).
vi. General equilibrium (5 lectures)
The Edgeworth Box Exchange Economy (JR 5.1); Exchange Economies (JR 5.2); The Efficiency of
Competitive Equilibria (JR 5.2.2); General Equilibrium with Production (JR 5.3); The Core (JR 5.4).
vii. Asymmetric information and Market Failures (2 lectures)
Information Economics (JR 8); Externalities; Public Goods.
viii. Game theory and imperfect competition (2 lectures)
Monopoly; Game Theory: Static Games (JR 7.2); Game Theory: Dynamic Games (JR 7.3);
Oligopoly (JR 4.2); Auctions (JR 9).
• Geoffrey Jehle and Philip Reny [JR], “Advanced Microeconomic Theory”, 2nd edition,
Addison Wesley Pub Co, 2001
• Nicholson W. and Snyder C., “Microeconomic Theory (Basic Principles and Extensions)”,
10th edition, South Western Educational Publishing
Spring 2016
Instructor: Edoardo Grillo contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 4, Camerata I
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5275 edoardo.grillo@carloalberto.org
sites.google.com/site/edoardogrillo/ description of the course
In this tutorial we will overview some fundamental topics in financial economics. We will start from questions such as:
• What is a speculative bubble? What do tulips in the 17th century, radio in 20th century and internet between the 20th and 21st century have in common?
• Is it possible to statistically predict the price of a stock and make money?
• Why do speculators attack a country/currency? Do they coordinate? Are they always right?
• What is the role of collateral in the financial system? What is its role in the propagation of economic shocks?
• What are derivatives? Are they useful or harmful for the economy?
• How did the mortgage crisis lead to the collapse of Lehman Brothers?
In particular, we will address these questions by introducing economic models and by providing a conceptual framework that can also be applied to analyze other relevant issues. structure of the class
Classes are intended to be interactive. We will read some material in advance and we will start from it in our discussion.
There is no single textbook for this course and specific references for each topic will be provided before each class. Some interesting (but non-mandatory) books are:
“A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing” (Tenth
Edition), W. W. Norton & Company, 2012
“The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine”, Thorndike Press, 2010
“Too Big to Fail: The Inside Story of How Wall Street and Washington Fought to Save the
Financial System-and Themselves”, Penguin Books, 2010
Fall 2015
Instructors: Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll and Ignacio Monzón contact information for Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 15, Camerata I
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5017 ainhoa.aparicio@carloalberto.org
www.carloalberto.org/people/aparicio/ contact information for ignacio Monzón
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 13, Camerata I
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5233 ignacio@carloalberto.org
www.carloalberto.org/people/monzon/ objective of the course
In this course, we present an introduction to economic problems and, more importantly, economic reasoning. Our first objective is to illustrate the questions economists aim to answer. We show how economics deals with issues of diverse nature, like:
• What explains the reduction in criminality occurred in the last two decades?
• Which is the influence of parents on children outcomes?
• How is the production of a society distributed? Why do some get more than others?
• Why do some people succeed far more than others?
• Why are most hockey players born in January?
• Why does unemployment occur? Is it avoidable?
Our second objective is to describe the methods economists use to answer these widely diverse questions. We will test economic theories both by using real data and designing our own experiments.
structure of the class
Students and instructors meet weekly to discuss the contents of the class. Before each meeting, students should read the assigned material, in order to organize the discussion around it.
This course will focus on the following books:
• Robert L. Heilbroner, “The Worldly Philosophers”, Simon & Schuster, 1999
• Malcolm Gladwell, “Outliers”, Little, Brown and Company, 2008
• Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, “Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the
Hidden Side of Everything”, William Morrow, 2006
Fall 2015
Instructor: Marit Hinnosaar
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 3, Camerata I
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5000 marit.hinnosaar@carloalberto.org
description of the course
The course covers selected topics of recent interest in empirical industrial organization, concentrating on demand analysis, entry models, and behavioral industrial organization. The first part of the course discusses static and dynamic demand models, their use in welfare analysis in case of mergers and introduction of new products, and applications of demand models. The second part of the course discusses topics in behavioral industrial organization, namely, time inconsistency and projection bias in consumer behavior. The third part of the course will be devoted to entry models. The final part of the course concentrates on advertising.
Requirements include two components. (1) Problem sets that include programming and estimation exercises. (2) An empirical research project that includes a proposal, in class presentation, and the final project. Evaluation will be based on the problem sets and the research project.
There is no required textbook for the course. The required reading list consists of articles and will be announced before each class.
tentative list of topics
1. Static demand for differentiated goods (3 lectures)
2. Measuring welfare through demand: new products and mergers (1 lecture)
3. Dynamic demand models: demand for storable goods (2 lectures)
4. Demand for food products (1 lecture)
5. Taste, brand preferences, habit formation (2 lectures)
6. Time inconsistency and consumption (2 lectures)
7. Projection bias (1 lecture)
8. Entry models (2 lectures)
9. Advertising (2 lectures)
Spring 2016
Instructor: Dino Gerardi
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 19, Camerata I
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5008 dino.gerardi@carloalberto.org
sites.carloalberto.org/gerardi/ outline
The course will provide a mathematical treatment of choice under uncertainty and game theory. We will develop and solve formal models of strategic interactions among economic agents. We will consider several economic applications, such as imperfect competition, auctions, public goods and bargaining.
i. introduction ii. decision theory
Dominance, beliefs and “Never Weak Best Response” strategies.
iii. strategic Form Games
Dominance, Nash equilibrium, mixed strategies.
iv. extensive Form Games
Corresponding strategic forms, behavioral strategies, backwards induction, subgame perfect equilibrium.
v. Games of incomplete information
Normal-form representation of static games of incomplete information, Bayesian Nash equilibrium, perfect Bayesian equilibrium.
vi. repeated Games
Folk theorems.
vii. Mechanism design
Design of the optimal auction, the revenue equivalence theorem.
• Martin J. Osborne and Ariel Rubinstein, “A Course in Game Theory”, The MIT Press
• Martin J. Osborne, “An Introduction to Game Theory”, Oxford University Press
• Roger B. Myerson, “Game Theory”, Harvard University Press
• Macho Stadler and Perez Castillo, “An Introduction to the Economics of Information”,
Oxford University Press, 2001, 2nd edition
• Mas-Collel, Whinston and Green, “Microeconomic Theory”, Oxford University Press
January-February 2016
Instructor: Andrea Gallice
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 1, Camerata I
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5287 andrea.gallice@carloalberto.org
objective of the course
The course introduces and explores general equilibrium theory and the welfare properties of competitive equilibria. contents
1. Introduction: some history of GET, partial vs. general equilibrium, revision of basic microeconomic concepts (preferences, utility maximization, production, profit maximization)
2. A first example of GE: a pure exchange economy
3. A second example of GE: a one-consumer, one-producer economy
4. Competitive equilibria and the first and second fundamental theorem of welfare
5. Existence, uniqueness and stability of the equilibrium
6. The core
7. GE under uncertainty: the Arrow-Debreu equilibrium exam
There will be no final exam. A number of problem sets will be distributed during the course.
The final mark will be a convex combination of the marks the student obtains in the problem sets and of the student’s participation in class.
Mas-Colell, A., Whinston, M.D. and Green, J. R., “Microeconomic Theory”, OUP, 1995
Fall 2015
Instructor: Elena Vigna
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 10, Camerata III
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5014 elena.vigna@econ.unito.it
course description
This is an introductory course on ordinary differential equations with some applications.
Fundamental prerequisites are elementary calculus and linear algebra. The main objective of the course is to become familiar with a wide range of ordinary differential equations, which typically arise in economic and financial modelling, and to be able to approach them and solve the easiest ones. Although elementary integration should be part of basic calculus, I will nevertheless give an adequate introduction to Riemann integrals, before starting with the core topics of the course. Complex numbers will also be introduced as preliminary material for the course. Thus, the course will consist of two main parts: preliminaries (integrals and complex numbers) and ordinary differential equations.
Problem sets
A number of problem sets will be assigned after the completion of each main part. The problem sets are intended to help students to familiarize with the introduced techniques, in preparation for the final exam: assignments will not be collected and marked.
There will be a final exam at the end of the course (in the first or second week of December).
course outline
1. Preliminaries
(a) Riemann integrals
1. Introduction: the integral as an area
2. Analytic definition of the integral
3. Characterization of integrable functions
4. Class of integrable functions and properties of integrals
5. The mean value theorem for integrals
6. The fundamental theorem of calculus
7. Elementary integrals
8. Integration techniques: integration by substitution and by parts, integration of rational functions
9. Some results on elementary functions that can be integrated explicitly
10. Integrals dependent on one parameter: continuity and differentiability
(b) Complex numbers
1. Algebraic form and polar form of complex numbers
2. De Moivre’s formula and the roots of a complex number
3. Exponential form of complex numbers and Euler formulae
4. The fundamental theorem of algebra
2. Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)
(a) Preliminary examples: population models
(b) Definitions and terminology: n-th order differential equations and systems of ODEs
(c) The initial-value problem (IVP) or Cauchy problem
(d) The existence and uniqueness theorem for the IVP
(e) Solution of some common first-order ODEs: linear, exact differential, separable, homogeneous equations, Bernoulli, Riccati
(f) Linear differential equations: general solution of homogeneous and complete linear ODE
(g) Solution of some common higher order ODEs: linear differential equations with constant coefficients, Euler equations textbooks
For the preliminaries:
• Courant R., Fritz, J. “Introduction to Calculus and Analysis” vol. I, reprint of the 1989 ed.,
Springer, Berlin, 1999
• Rudin W., “Principles of Mathematical Analysis”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1976
For ordinary differential equations:
• Boyce W.E., Di Prima R.C., “Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems”,
Wiley, New York, 1977
• Braun M., “Differential Equations and Their Applications”, Springer Verlag, New York, 1978
• Coddington E.A., “An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations”, Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, 1981
• Rainville E.D., Bedient P.E., “Elementary Differential Equations”, Mac Millan, New York, 1974
• Reiss E.L., Callegari A.J., Ahluwalia D.S., “Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications”,
Holt Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1976
• Ross S.L., “Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations”, Wiley, New York, 1989
contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 8, Camerata I
Office Hours: by appointment
Spring 2016
Instructors: Alessandro Barattieri
+39 011 670 5072 alessandro.barattieri@carloalberto.org
sites.google.com/site/barattierialessandro/ course description
This is an 11 weeks, 22 hours course in international economics. We will start with an introduction to some key international trade models, and then move on to international macro models. We will also explore some topics related to the rising field of international trade and macroeconomics, as well as to the macroeconomics of Europe.
There will be 2 problem sets, both worth 25% of the final grade, and a final exam, worth 50% of the final grade.
These three books will prove to be useful. We will also use some articles.
• Ostfeld, Maurice and Kenneth Rogoff. Foundation of International Macroeconomics. MIT press, 1996. (OR)
• Krugman, Paul R., Maurice Obstfeld, and Marc Melitz. International Economics: Theory and
Policy, 10th edition, Pearson Addison-Wesley, 2014. (KOM)
• Feenstra, Robert E., Advanced International Trade: Theory and Evidence, Princeton
University Press, 2004. (FE) course outline
First PArt: internAtionAl trAde
1) introduction + ricardian Models of trade
• KOM Ch. 3
• FE pp 2-4
• Dornbusch, R., S. Fisher and P.A. Samuelson (1977) Comparative advantage, trade, and payments in a Ricardian model with a continuum of goods, AER 67, 823-839
2) Hescker-ohlin Models of trade
• KOM Ch. 5
• FE pp 4-26, 31-61
3) krugman and the new trade theory
• KOM Ch. 8.1-8.2
• FE 137-144, 163-167
• Krugman, P.R. (1979) “Increasing returns, monopolistic competition, and international trade”, JIE, 9, 469-479
4) Firms Heterogeneity: the new-new trade theory (2 weeks)
• Melitz, M.J. (2003) “The impact of trade on intra-industry reallocations and aggregate industry productivity”, ECMA 71, 1695-1725
• Bernard, A.B., S. Redding and P. Schott, (2007) “Comparative Advantage and Heterogeneous
Firms,” RES 74: 31-66
• Helpman, E., M. Melitz and Y. Rubinstein, (2008) “Trading Partners and Trading Volumes,”
QJE 123: 441-487
• Helpman, E., M.J. Melitz and S.R. Yeaple (2004), “Export versus FDI with Heterogeneous
Firms,” AER, 300-316
• Melitz, M.J. et G.I.P. Ottaviano (2008) “Market size, trade, and productivity”, RES 75, 295-316 second PArt: internAtionAl MAcroeconoMics
5) current Account dynamics
• Obstfeld, M., and K. Rogoff, 1996, Ch. 1
• Barattieri, A. (2014): “Comparative Advantage, Service Trade, and Global Imbalances”, JIE,
Vol. 92, 2014, pages 1-13
6) international real Business cycle
• Backus, D. K., P. J. Kehoe, and F. E. Kydland (1992): “International Real Business Cycles,” JPE
100: 745-775
• Backus, D. K., P. J. Kehoe, and F. E. Kydland (1994): “Dynamics of the Trade Balance and the
Terms of Trade: The J Curve?”AER 84: 84-103
7) exchange rate dynamics
• KOM Ch 14, 15, 16
• Engel, C. M., and West, K. (2005): “Exchange Rates and Fundamentals”, JPE,113(3): 485:517
8) Macroeconomic interdependence under sticky Prices
• KOM, Ch. 17
• OR Ch. 10
9) international trade and Macroeconomics
• Ghironi, F., and M. J. Melitz (2005): “International Trade and Macroeconomic Dynamics with Heterogeneous Firms,” QJE 120: 865-915
10) interactions between Fiscal and Monetary Policy
• KOM, Ch. 21
• Farhi, E., G. Gopinath and O. Itskhoki (2014): “Fiscal Devaluations,” RES, 81(2): 725-760
Journals legend
AER: American Economic Review
QJE: Quarterly Journal of Economics
JPE: Journal of Political Economy
ECMA: Econometrica
RES: Review of Economic Studies
JIE: Journal of International Economics
Spring 2016
Instructors: Alfredo Braunstein and Luca Dall’Asta contact information for Alfredo Braunstein
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 1, Camerata III
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5203 alfredo.braunstein@polito.it
areeweb.polito.it/ricerca/cmp/people/ab contact information for luca dall’Asta
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 4, Camerata III
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5023 luca.dallasta@polito.it
areeweb.polito.it/ricerca/cmp/people/da course description
This course provides a hands-on introduction to some key mathematical problems that can be solved thanks to a computer, and to the techniques that allow to do it. The course will start with an introduction to graph theory and optimization problems defined on a graph, and classical and/or general approaches to deal with them. A significant part of the time will be spent writing programs to solve practical examples of the above problems. This will give us the opportunity to discuss some “ancillary” topics, covering the basics of effective programming (illustrated with python) and some general concepts and techniques.
course outline
• Dynamic Programming and examples
• Graphs: Definitions
• Computing connected components
• Bipartite graphs
• Shortest paths
• Spanning trees
• Sorting
• Introduction to python and programming
• Control structures
• Functions
• Data structures
Spring 2016
Instructor: Filippo Taddei contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 8, Camerata I
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 6705072 filippo.taddei@gmail.com
sites.google.com/site/filippotaddei/ course description
This is an advanced macroeconomics course, comparable to 1st year PhD level. The objective is to familiarize students with a number of tools relevant to the understanding of the relationship between macroeconomics and the credit markets. We then apply these concepts to topics relevant to macroeconomics and international finance.
remain up to date : check your email regularly.
Problem sets
There will be 4 problem sets assigned throughout the course.
Problem sets must be submitted and there are no late submissions: no submission implies a 5% penalty on the total final score.
There will be a single midterm and final exam in May. The grade will be determined by:
• midterm (30%)
• final exam (60%)
• bad day insurance (10%) to be added to max (final exam, midterm)
Failure to complete the final exam will result in a failing grade.
Failure to complete the midterm will lead to zero being assigned for that evaluation.
There are no make-up exams or alternative dates.
Attending class
You are strongly encouraged to attend all classes.
1. GenerAl equiliBriuM - An overvieW
• Mas-Colell, A., and Whinston, M. and Green, J., “Microeconomic Theory”, Oxford University Press, 1995
• Bewley, T., “General equilibrium, overlapping generations models, and optimal growth theory”,
Harvard University Press, 2007
2. overlAPPinG GenerAtions Model And GroWtH
• Acemoglu, D., “Introduction to Modern Economic Growth”, Princeton University Press, 2009,
Chapter 9
• Barro, R., “Are government bonds net wealth?,” Journal of Political Economy, 1095-1117, 1984
• Bewley, T., “General equilibrium, overlapping generations models, and optimal growth theory”,
Harvard University Press, 2007, Chapters 9-10
• Blanchard, O., and Fischer, S., Lectures on macroeconomics, MIT Press, 1989, Chapter 3
• Diamond, P., “National debt in a neoclassical growth model”, American Economic Review, 1126-
1150, 1965
• Samuelson, P. “An exact consumption-loan model of interest with or without the social contrivance of money”, Journal of Political Economy, 467-482, 1958
• Tirole, J., “Asset Bubbles and Overlapping Generations,”1985, Econometrica, 53, pp. 1499-1528
3. credit MArkets iMPerFections And AsyMMetric inForMAtion
• Azariadis, C., and Smith, B., “Adverse selection in the overlapping generations model: the case of pure exchange,” Journal of Economic Theory, 60, 277-305, 1993
• Azariadis, C., and Smith, B., “Financial intermediation and regime switching in business cycles”,
American Economic Review, 88, 516-536, 1998
• Bencivenga, V. and Smith, B. “Some consequences of credit rationing in an endogenous growth model,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 17, 97-122, 1993
• Bernanke, B., and Gertler, M., “Agency Costs, Net Worth and Business Fluctuations,” American
Economic Review, 79, 14-31, 1989
• De Meza, D. and Webb, D., “Too much Investment: a problem Of Asymmetric Information”, The
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 102, 281-292, 1987
• Holmström, B., and Tirole, J., “Private and public supply of liquidity,” Journal of Political Economy,
106, 1-40, 1998
• Kiyotaki, N., and Moore, J., “Credit Cycles”, Journal of Political Economy, 105, 211-248, 1997
• Reichlin, P., “Credit markets and the Macroeconomy,” in Bhattacharya, S., Boot, A. and Thakor,
A. (eds.), Credit, Intermediation and the Macroeconomy-Readings and Perspectives in Modern
Financial Theory, Oxford University Press (2004)
• Stiglitz, J., and Weiss, A., “Credit rationing in markets with imperfect information,” American
Economic Review, 71, 393-410, 1981
4. FinAnciAl Frictions, GloBAlizAtion And tHe FinAnciAl crisis
• Caballero, R., and Krishnamurthy, A., “International and domestic collateral constraints in a model of emerging market crises,” Journal of Monetary Economics, 48, 513-48, 2001
• Caballero, R. and Krishnamurthy, A., “Global Imbalances and Financial Fragility”, American
Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 99, 584-588, 2009
• Caballero, R. and Krishnamurthy, A., “Bubbles and Capital Flow Volatility: Causes and Risk
Management”, January 2006, Journal Monetary of Economics, 53, 35-53, 2006
• Caballero, R., “The “Other Imbalance and the Financial Crises”, 2010, NBER Working Paper No.
• Martin, A. and Taddei, F. (2013), “International Capital Flows and Credit Market Imperfections: a
Tale of Two Frictions”, Journal of International Economics
• Martin, A. and Ventura, J. (2012), “Economic Growth with Bubbles”, American Economic
• Matsuyama, K., “Financial Market Globalization, Symmetry-Breaking and Endogenous Inequality of Nations”, 2004, Econometrica, 72(3), pp. 853-884
5. AddressinG GloBAl iMBAlAnces: tHe role oF FinAnciAl reForM
• Caballero, R., E. Farhi, and Gourinchas, P., (2008), “An equilibrium model of ‘global imbalances’ and low interest rates,” American Economic Review 98, 358-93
• Gourinchas, P., and Jeanne, O., “Capital flows to developing countries: the allocation puzzle,” mimeo, Berkeley, 2009
• Hsieh, C. and Klenow, P., “Misallocation and manufacturing TFP in China and India,” Quarterly
Journal of Economics 124, 1403-1448, 2009
• Martin, A. and Ventura, J., “Financial reform and capital flows: insights from general equilibrium,” mimeo, CREI, 2012
• Song, Z., K. Storesletten and Zilibotti, F., “Growing like China,” American Economic Review 101,
196-233, 2011
• Prasad, E., R. Rajan, and Subramanian, A., “Foreign capital and economic growth,” Brookings
Papers on Economic Activity, 153-209, 2007
Introductory course
Instructor: Pierpaolo De Blasi
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 8, Camerata III
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 6705282 pierpaolo.deblasi@unito.it
sites.google.com/a/carloalberto.org/pdeblasi/teaching course description
The purpose of this course is to provide basic mathematical tools used in macro and microeconomics. Knowledge of elementary calculus is assumed. The main topics are linear algebra and multivariate calculus. Problem sets will be assigned throughout the course; some of them will be solved in the afternoon problem sessions. I will not collect these assignments, however, I recommend trying to solve them prior to the problem sessions. Attendance to all classes is mandatory.
The course will take place during the last week of August and the first two weeks of September, for a total of 30 hours.
There will be a final examination during the third week of September, consisting of a series of problems to be solved in 3 hours time. No lecture material will be allowed (closed-book exam).
course outline i. linear algebra
• Elements of vector and matrix algebra L ch I.1-I.4, II.1-II.2, II.5
• Systems of linear equations
L ch II.3-II.6
• Vector spaces, linear independence and basis
L ch III.1-III.5
• Rank, linear mappings and kernel
L ch III.6, IV.1-IV.5
• Determinant
SB 26.1-26.3
• Eigenvectors, eigenvalues and symmetric matrices L ch VIII.1, VIII.2
7_courses ii. calculus of several variables
• Limits and open sets in R m
• Functions of several variables
• Implicit Function Theorem
SB ch 12.2-12.5
SB ch 13.1-13.3, 13.5, 16.1-16.2
• Continuous functions, derivatives and differentials SB ch 13.4, 14.1-14.6
SB ch 15.1, 15.2
• Mean Value Theorem and higher-order derivatives SB ch 14.8, 30.1-30.3, 21.1-21.2
• Lecture Notes at https://sites.google.com/a/carloalberto.org/pdeblasi/teaching
• Lang, S., “Introduction to Linear Algebra” (2 edn), Springer, 1986
• Simon, C. P. and Blume L., “Mathematics for Economists”, W. W. Norton & Company, 1994
Fall 2015
Instructor: Bernardo Nipoti
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 4, Camerata III
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5023 bernardo.nipoti@carloalberto.org
sites.google.com/a/carloalberto.org/nipoti/ course description
The course introduces the theory of Lebesgue integration. After defining appropriate structures of sets such as algebras, semi-algebras and sigma-algebras, we provide the notion of Lebesgue-Stieltjes measures, and their construction from semi-algebras to sigma-algebras.
We then constructively define integrals with respect to a Lebesgue-Stieltjes measure and state their most relevant properties. The relationship with classical Riemann integration and the connection with probability theory are also examined.
Written exam at the end of the course.
course outline
• classes of subsets: algebras, semi-algebras, sigma-algebras, monotone classes
• measures: definition and properties; finite-additivity and sigma-additivity; construction of measures on sigma-algebras; completions of measures; Lebesgue-Stieltjes measures
• measurable functions
• Lebesgue-Stieltjes integrals: construction and properties
• convergence theorems
• null-measure sets and properties holding almost everywhere
• comparison with Riemann integration
• Radon-Nikodym’s theorem textbooks
Detailed lecture notes will be provided. Some reference books are:
• Folland, G.B., “Real analysis”, Wiley, 1999
• Royden, H.L., “Real analysis”, Prentice Hall, 1988
Fall 2015
Instructor: Ignacio Monzón
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 13, Camerata I
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5233 ignacio@carloalberto.org
sites.google.com/site/imonzon introduction
This class presents a formal analysis of microeconomic theory focused on decision theory, consumption, production, aggregation, and choice under uncertainty. The objective pursued is to introduce, carefully and in depth, the analytical tools used in microeconomic theory.
The introduction of these topics in a meticulous way serves the following purposes. First, mastering the theory of consumption and production is fundamental to understand (and work on) applied and theoretical labor economics, public economics or industrial organization.
Consequently, students interested in these topics should invest in learning microeconomic theory. Second, the theory of choice under uncertainty permeates all economic research. In particular, uncertainty plays a key part in game theory, which is introduced in its own course in the fall semester. Third, the microeconomic theory of consumption and production is used in international economics and macroeconomics. Specifically, this class tackles the issue of aggregation: it analyses under which conditions we can focus on aggregate entities and disregard the individual problem. Last but not least, microeconomic theory is fascinating by itself: it deals on how to build simple models that capture our intuition to study complex phenomena.
This class builds on prior exposure to economic concepts and to mathematical reasoning.
Regarding mathematics, as a guide, traditional mathematics sequences in multivariable calculus and some real analysis should suffice. There are concepts used in this class, however, that are not covered in such sequences. These concepts are introduced as needed.
It is, therefore, necessary for students to have enough mathematical ability to acquire the necessary knowledge “on the fly”. Required prior exposure to economics is at a similar level.
An intermediate course on microeconomics would be a good background. Yet, students whose economics is limited to one introductory and one intermediate microeconomics courses may find both the material and the pace of this course rather daunting.
requirements and Grading
Formal requirements for the course include regular attendance and participation in lectures, weekly problem sets, a midterm exam and a final exam. Problem sets are demanding, mandatory and an essential part of the course. Problem sets’ solutions provide students with a guide on how well they are grasping the material on a “real time” basis. Students are
encouraged to work in groups on the problem sets. However, students should understand the material on their own, and hand in their own problem sets. The course grade is determined by the midterm, the final and the problem sets. No late submissions of problem sets are accepted.
There are no make-up exams or alternative dates.
To account for possible unexpected problems, the lowest grade in a problem set will be dropped. There are three possible grades in each problem set, (+), which corresponds to 10/10,
(√), which corresponds to 7/10 and (-), which corresponds to 4/10. If the problem set is not handed in the corresponding grade is 0/10.
The final grade will be a combination of the problem sets grades (15%), the midterm exam grade (40%) and the final exam grade (45%).
The main text for the course is:
• Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston and Jerry R. Green, “Microeconomic Theory”,
Oxford University Press, 1995 (MWG)
Alternative textbooks that students might also find useful are:
• Hal R. Varian, “Microeconomic Analysis”, W.W. Norton & Co., 1992
• Geoffrey Jehle and Philip Reny, “Advanced Microeconomic Theory”, Addison Wesley, 2000
• Rubinstein, Ariel, Lecture Notes in Microeconomic Theory, 2007 (available online at: http:// arielrubinstein.tau.ac.il/Rubinstein2007.pdf)
Material : We will cover chapters 1 through 6 of MWG.
remain up to date : check my webpage regularly.
Fall 2015
Instructors: Alfredo Braunstein and Luca Dall’Asta contact information for Alfredo Braunstein
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 1, Camerata III
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5203 alfredo.braunstein@polito.it
areeweb.polito.it/ricerca/cmp/people/ab contact information for luca dall’Asta
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 4, Camerata III
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5023 luca.dallasta@polito.it
areeweb.polito.it/ricerca/cmp/people/da course description
This course concerns “complicated” probability distributions, involving many variables with non-trivial correlations. The problems of generating samples from such a distribution and computing the average of some functions over it will be discussed, as well as their solution thanks to the Monte Carlo technique and the connection with optimization. We will also investigate some properties of random graphs. A significant part of the time will be spent writing programs to solve practical examples of the above problems. This will give us the opportunity to discuss some “ancillary” topics, covering the basics of effective programming
(illustrated with Matlab) and some general concepts and techniques.
course outline
• Random graphs and their properties: percolation, k-cores, loops, etc.
• Simulated annealing
• Branch-and-bound
• Markov Chains
• Detailed balance, Metropolis algorithm
• Ergodicity
• Sampling and average computations
• Accelerated algorithms, importance sampling, rejectionless Monte Carlo
• Examples and applications
• Pseudo-random numbers
• Numerical precision
Fall 2015
Instructor: Bertrand Lods contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 6, Camerata III
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5238 lodsbe@gmail.com
sites.google.com/site/bertrandlods/ description
The goal of this course is to provide students with mathematical tools that are necessary for understanding modern economics, doing research or practical work. The object of study in this course - the problem of finding an optimal course of actions subject to feasibility constraints - appears in almost every subfield of economics, the theory of firm, consumption choice problem, macroeconomics, industrial organization, labor economics, just to name a few. The art of solving such problems, however, is usually “too applied” to find space in a purely mathematical curriculum. In this course, the emphasis will be put on the theory of constrained optimization but we aim to provide an integrated treatment that relates the mathematical theory to economics.
During the lectures, the theory and mathematical background will be presented and typical problems will be solved.
The course syllabus assumes a good command of single variable calculus and linear algebra.
Formal course requirements include attendance of the lectures, a midterm and a final exam.
1. Unconstrained optimization: necessary conditions and sufficient conditions for optima
2. Constrained optimization: lagrangean function and multiplier
3. Comparative statics: maximum theorem, implicit function and its derivative, envelope theorem textbook
C. Simon and L. Blume, “Mathematics for economists”, W.W. Norton & Co. 1994
Spring 2016
Instructor: Edoardo Grillo contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 4, Camerata I
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5275 edoardo.grillo@carloalberto.org
sites.google.com/site/edoardogrillo/ description of the course
Political economics is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the interactions between political institutions, economic agents and legal systems. The primary goal of this course is to provide a formal and rigorous analysis of key topics in political economics and to provide answers to policy-relevant questions, such as:
• Under which conditions does a society that decides through majoritarian voting make coherent decisions?
• How does electoral competition affect taxation, public-good provision and other redistributive policies?
• How does bargaining power affect the allocation of a fixed surplus between two parties?
• How does the outcome of legislative bargaining change as we modify the bargaining protocol (closed vs. open amendment rule)?
• To what extent can lobbies affect politicians’ decisions in their own favor?
A secondary goal is to provide students with a tool-kit they can use to further advance their understanding of this field. course outline
1. Introduction (½ class)
2. Social Choice Theory (2 and ½ classes)
2.1. Arrow’s impossibility theorem
2.2. Majoritarian voting: single-peakedness and single-crossing
3. Electoral Competition and Voting (3 classes)
3.1. Downsian electoral model
3.2. Probabilistic voting model
3.3. Partisan politicians and citizen-candidate models
4. Redistribution and Electoral Competition (3 classes)
4.1. Income-based redistribution: distortionary taxation and electoral incentives
4.2. Age-based redistribution: pension systems in a model with overlapping generations
4.3. Labor-based redistribution: unemployment benefits and labor market regulations
5. Bargaining (2 classes)
5.1. Bargaining between two agents: Rubinstein’s model
5.2. Legislative bargaining: Baron and Farejohn’s model
6. Lobbying (2 classes)
7. Additional Topics (if time remains, we will cover some of these topics. Students are encouraged to suggest different topics)
7.1. Political Transitions: Acemoglu and Robinson’s model
7.2. The Effect of the Electoral Rule on the Size of Government
7.3. The paradox of abstention: Palfrey and Rosenthal’s model
references and course Material
The essential references for each topic are listed below (additional, non-mandatory references may be suggested during the course).
1. Social Choice Theory
• Mas-Colell, A., Whinston, D. W., and Green, J.R., 1995, “Microeconomic Theory”, New York,
Oxford University Press, Chapter 21
• Gans, J. S., and Smart, M., 1996, “Majority Voting with Single-Crossing Preferences”, Journal of Public Economics, 59(2), pp. 219-237
2. Electoral Competition
• Persson, T., and Tabellini, G., 2002, “Political Economics: Explaining Economic Policy”,
Cambridge, The MIT Press, Chapter 3
• Downs, A., 1957, “An Economic Theory of Democracy”, New York, Harper and Row
• Lindbeck, A., and Weibull, J., 1987, “Balanced-budget redistribution as the outcome of political economy”, Public Choice, 52, pp. 273-297
• Osborne, M.J., and Slivinsky, A., 1996, “A model of political competition with citizencandidates”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 111, pp 65-96
• Besley, T., and Coate, S., 1997, “An economic model of representative democracy”, Quarterly
Journal of Economics, 112, pp. 98-114
3. Redistribution
• Persson, T., and Tabellini, G., 2002, “Political Economics: Explaining Economic Policy”,
Cambridge, The MIT Press, Chapter 6
• Meltzer, A. H., and Richard, S. F., “A Rational Theory of the Size of Government”, 89(51),
914-927, 1981
• Saint-Paul, G., 1993, “On the Political Economy of Labor Market Flexibility”, NBER
Macroeconomics Annual 1193, 8, pp. 151-196
• Saint-Paul, G., Bean, R. C. and Bertola, G., 1996, “Exploring the Political Economy of Labor
Market Institutions”, Economic Policy, 11(23), pp. 263-315
4. Bargaining
• Rubinstein, A., 1982, “Perfect Equilibrium in a Bargaining Model”, Econometrica, 50(1), pp. 97-110
• Baron, D. P., and Farejohn, J. A., 1989, “Bargaining in Legislatures”, American Political
Science Review, 83(4), pp. 1181-1206
5. Lobbying
• Persson, T., and Tabellini, G., 2002, “Political Economics: Explaining Economic Policy”,
Cambridge, The MIT Press, Chapter 7
• Grossman, G., and Helpman, E., 1996 “Protection for Sale”, American Economic Review, 84, pp. 833-850
• Grossman, G., and Helpman, E., 1996 “Electoral Competition and special interest politics”,
Review of Economics Studies, 63, pp. 265-286
6. Additional Topics
• Acemoglu, D., and Robinson, J. A., 2001, “A Theory of Political Transitions”, American
Economic Review, 91(4), pp. 938-963
• Persson, T., and Tabellini, G., 1999, “The Size and Scope of Government: Comparative Politics with Rational Politicians”, European Economic Review, 43(4-6), pp. 699-735
• Palfrey, T. R., and Rosenthal, H., 1983, “A Strategic Calculus of Voting”, Public Choice, 41, pp. 7-53
• Palfrey, T. R., and Rosenthal, H., 1985, “Voter Participation and Strategic Uncertainty”,
American Political Science Review, 79(1), pp. 62-78
Grading and course requirements
Your final grade will be a weighted average of problem sets (30%) and a final exam (70%).
Spring 2016
Instructor: Antonio Lijoi contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto +39 0382 986220
Office TBA lijoi@unipv.it
Office Hours: by appointment economia.unipv.it/alijoi course description
The course offers a broad overview of some standard topics in theoretical probability. Students will be introduced to probabilistic tools and models that are routinely used in a wide variety of research areas ranging from Statistics to Econometrics, Mathematical Finance to Economics.
After dealing with some basic elements on random variables and random sequences, lectures will focus on their main core, namely conditional expectation and martingales. As a prerequisite, students are assumed to know the contents of an introductory course in measure theory.
• Events and classes of events. Probability spaces
• Limits of sequences of events and the first Borel-Cantelli lemma
• Random variables. Distributions functions and existence of random variables with a given distribution functions. Random vectors. Generated sigma-algebras. Sequences of random variables. Examples
• Independence. The second Borel-Cantelli lemma. Tail sigma-algebra and the Kolmogorov
0-1 law
• Expectation. Inequalities: Markov, Jensen, Schwarz and Hölder. L^2 spaces. Uniform integrability
• Conditional expectation. Definition and properties. Conditional expectation as leastsquares best predictor. Regular conditional probabilites. Examples
• Martingales. Stopping times. Stopped submartingales and supermartingales. Doob’s optional stopping theorem
• Doob’s upcrossing lemma and convergence theorem
There will be a single final exam consisting of a written test in which students will be asked to provide solutions to a set of exercises.
• Williams, D., “Probability with martingales”, Cambridge University Press, 1991
• Resnick, S., “A probability path”, Birkhäuser, Boston, 1998
Fall 2015
Instructor: Pietro Garibaldi
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 1-5, Floor 1
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5204 pietro.garibaldi@carloalberto.org
sites.carloalberto.org/garibaldi description
The course is an introduction to NUMERICAL methods in economics. The course will introduce students to the key NUMERICAL techniques used in contemporary quantitative economics:
Stochastic difference equations, non linear models, Dynamic programming, Markov chains and other tools used for solving Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium models.
The main example will be from macroeconomics but the same tools can be used in the field of economics. The spirit of the course is to acquaint students with the fact that contemporary economics relies heavily on computer power.
The main language used in the application is Python, a popular Open source computer language that is now increasingly applied in economics. Knowledge of the programming language is not essential but some background in basic programming will be an advantage.
DSGE models will also be solved with the help of Dynare, an open source application for
Matlab and Octave.
Main references
Sargent and Stachursky, “Quantitative Economics” freely available at www.quant-econ.net
Miaja, “Economics Dynamics in Discrete Time”, Mit Press, 2014
Fall 2015
Instructor: Toomas Hinnosaar contact information
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Office 7, Camerata I
Office Hours: by appointment
+39 011 670 5091 toomas.hinnosaar@carloalberto.org
description of the course
Industrial organization extends the theory of the firm by analyzing market frictions, imperfect competition, limited information, and regulations. In the first part of the course we will study behavior of monopolies: how they set prices in static and dynamic settings, what are the optimal ways to sell products, how they choose product quality, and how monopolies can affect social welfare. In the second part we extend the analysis to multiple firms and study the behavior of oligopolies. The major interest is in different forms of competition and collusion.
In the third part, we extend the analysis to the situations where the buyers are boundedly rational: for example, how to treat buyers who are unable to make very complex comparisons.
The final part of the course takes a more general view and uses mechanism design to discuss which allocations are generally implementable and what kind of institutions deliver the optimum.
1. Monopoly : pricing, durable goods, product selection, quality, advertising, product differentiation, price discrimination
2. oligopoly : static models of competition, dynamic models of competition, competition with differentiated products, vertical differentiation, monopolistic competition, entry, search, sales
4. Bounded rationality: rational buyer model, quacks, obfuscation
5. Mechanism design: institution-free approach requirements
Requirements include weekly problem sets, a midterm (40%), and a final exam (60%).
Main text:
1. Jean Tirole. The Theory of Industrial Organization. The MIT Press, January 1988
For some of the topics we will use chapters from:
2. Xavier Vives, “Oligopoly Pricing: Old Ideas and New Tools”, The MIT Press, March 2000
3. Rakesh Vohra and Lakshman Krishnamurthi, “Principles of Pricing: An Analytical
Approach”, Cambridge University Press, 1 edition, March 2012
4. Ran Spiegler, “Bounded Rationality and Industrial Organization”, Oxford University Press,
USA, 1 edition, February 2011
Pietro Garibaldi
Program Coordinators
Igor Prünster, Filippo Taddei
Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll
Julyan Arbel
Alessandro Barattieri
Cristian Bartolucci
Dino Gerardi
Edoardo Grillo
Marit Hinnosaar
Toomas Hinnosaar
Ignacio Monzón
Aleksey Tetenov
Adjunct Faculty
Fabio Bagliano
Alfredo Braunstein
Luca Dall’Asta
Pierpaolo De Blasi
Stefano Favaro
Andrea Gallice
Pietro Garibaldi
Antonio Lijoi
Bertrand Lods
Bernardo Nipoti
Igor Prünster
Filippo Taddei
Elena Vigna
Administrative Coordinator
Federica Gai
Development and Placement Officer
Cristiana Moretti
Curriculum Vitae
AinhOA APAriCiO FenOll
August 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30
+39 011 6705017 ainhoa.aparicio@carloalberto.org
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy www.carloalberto.org/people/aparicio/
Academic Position and Professional Affiliation
2010-current Assistant Professor, Collegio Carlo Alberto
2013-current Research Fellow, IZA
2010-current Research Fellow, CHILD
2010-2012 Research Affiliate, IZA education
2007-10 Ph.D. in Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Thesis Supervisor: Libertad González Luna
Dissertation Title: “The Spanish Labor Market: Temporary Employment, Immigration and the Construction Boom”
2009 Visiting Ph.D. Student, Columbia University (April 2009)
2008-09 Visiting Ph.D. Student, Toulouse School of Economics (Sept. 2008-Jan. 2009)
2004-05 First and Second year Ph.D. courses in Economics, Universidad Carlos III
1999-04 Undergraduate degree in Economics, Universidad de Murcia, Average grade: A research interests
Labor, Education, Migration and Family Economics, Applied Econometrics
Fellowships, Grants and honors
2007-10 Spanish Ministry of Education Fellowship for Graduate Studies
Advanced Studies Diploma, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Catalan Government Fellowship for Graduate Studies
2006-07 Fellowship for Graduate Studies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
2005-06 Ramón Areces Foundation Fellowship for Graduate Studies
2004-05 Fellowship for Graduate Studies, Universidad Carlos III
2004 Undergraduate Studies Extraordinary Award, Universidad de Murcia
2003-04 Research Assistantship, Department of Applied Economics, Universidad de Murcia
• “The Effect of Product Market Competition on Job Security,” Labour Economics, Volume 35,
August 2015, Pages 145-159
• “Fostering Household Formation: Evidence from a Spanish Rental Subsidy” (with Veruska
Oppedisano), The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy: Contributions, 2015, vol.
15, issue 1
• “Working Women and Fertility: The Role of Grandmothers Labor Force Participation” (with
Marian Vidal-Fernandez), CESifo Economic Studies (2015) 61 (1): 123-147
• “Does Foreign Language Prociency Foster Migration of Young Individuals within the
European Union?” (with Zoe Kuehn), The Economics of Language Policy, edited by Bengt-
Arne Wickstroemand Michele Gazzola, MIT Press, forthcoming
8_FACulty teaching
2010-15 Collegio Carlo Alberto
Instructor: Tutorial in Economics, Applied Economics
2006-09 Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Department of Economics and Business. Instructor:
Computer tools, STATA (Master). Teaching Assistant: Labor Economics, Human
Resources, Wage Setting Systems, Public Finance, Introduction to Economics
2005-06 Universidad de Murcia, Department of Applied Economics. Instructor: Labor
Economics (undergraduate)
2004-06 Universidad Carlos III, Department of Economics. Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Macroeconomics, Introduction to Microeconomics, Spanish Economy
Conference Presentations
2014-15 XXVII Symposium of Economic Analysis, Palma de Mallorca, Spain; COMPIE
Workshop, Rome, Italy; Vilfredo Pareto Conference, Torino; ICEEE-6th conference,
Salerno, Italy; 4th Joint SOLE/EALE meeting, Montreal; 14th IZA/SOLE Transatlantic
Meeting of Labor Economists, Buch an Ammersee, Germany; Workshop on Health and the Labour Market, Molskroen, Denmark
2013-14 Children’s Health, Well-Being, and Human Capital Formation Workshop, Barcelona
GSE Summer Forum; ESPE Conference, Braga
2012-13 XXVII Symposium of Economic Analysis, Santander, Spain; MILLS Workshop, Milan,
Italy; NORFACE Conference, London, UK; RES Meeting, London, UK; 6th ICEEE
Conference, Genova, Italy; North American Winter Meetings of the Econometric
Society, San Diego, US
2011-12 XXVII Symposium of Economic Analysis, Vigo, Spain; Vilfredo Pareto Conference,
Torino, Italy; Parental and Public Investments and Child Outcomes, Child
Workshop, Torino, Italy (Discussant); Theory and Practice of Program Evaluation,
CEPS/INSTEAD Workshop, Luxembourg
2010-11 XXVI Symposium of Economic Analysis, Malaga, Spain; XXVI AIEL Conference of
Labour Economics; 5th ICEEE Conference, Pisa, Italy;13TH IZA/CEPR European
Summer Symposium in Labour Economics, Buch am Ammerse; Netspar
International Pension Workshop, Torino, Italy (Discussant); CESifo Economic
Studies Conference on Housing Taxation and Regulation, Munich
Seminar Presentations
2014-15 Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Freiburg Universitat
2013-14 University of Turin, Universitat de Girona
2009-10 Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat de les Illes Balears,
Banca d’Italia, University of the Basque Country, IZA, Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona, University of Groningen, Universitat Rovira, i Virgili, Universidad de
Valencia, Collegio Carlo Alberto
2008-09 Toulouse School of Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
2006-08 Universitat Pompeu Fabra referee Activities
Labour, Review of Economics of the Household, International Journal of Manpower, Economics of Education Review, CESifo Economic Studies, Population Research and Policy Review, IZA
European Studies, The Manchester School, SAGE Open, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Revista de Economia Aplicada, Economica, Journal of Family and Economic Issues
Curriculum Vitae
JulyAn ArBel
August 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30
+39 011 6705270 julyan.arbel@carloalberto.org
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy http://www.julyanarbel.com/ education
Ph.D. in Mathematical Statistics, Université Paris-Dauphine (France)
Graduate degree in Statistics and Economics at Ecole polytechnique and Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique
(ENSAE), Paris, France research interests
Asymptotic aspects in Bayesian nonparametric statistics, Dependent random probability measures, Applications of the above in ecological science
Professional Activities
Postdoctoral Fellow, Collegio Carlo Alberto
Research Affiliate, “de Castro” Statistics Initiative, Collegio Carlo Alberto.
Researcher on populations and migrations, Institut National de la
Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE), Paris, France
2011 (April-May) Visiting Fellow, Bocconi University, Milan
2009-current Affiliated to Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique (CREST),
Paris, France
2008-2011 Teaching assistant in Statistics at Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique (ENSAE), Paris, France
• “Discussion of “Statistical modelling of citation exchange between statistics journals” by
Varin, Cattelan and Firth, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, 2015, with
Robert, C. P.
• “Discussion of “Sequential quasi-Monte Carlo sampling” by M. Gerber and N. Chopin”.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. 77 (3), 2015, with Prünster, I.
• “Application of a Bayesian nonparametric model to derive toxicity estimates based on the response of Antarctic microbial communities to fuel contaminated soil,” Ecology and
Evolution, 2015, with Mengersen, K., Raymond, B., Winsley, T. and King, C.
• “Full Bayesian inference with hazard mixture models,” Computational Statistics & Data
Analysis, 2015, with Lijoi, A., and Nipoti, B.
• “Bayesian Survival Model based on moment characterization,” Proceedings of BAYSM 2014,
2015, with Lijoi, A., and Nipoti, B.
• “Contributions to Bayesian nonparametric statistics”, Ph.D. thesis, 2013
• “Discussion on Müller and Mitra’s Bayesian Nonparametric Inference - Why and How”,
Bayesian Analysis, 2013, 8 (02), 323-356, with Nipoti, B.
• “Bayesian optimal adaptive estimation using a sieve prior”, Scandinavian Journal of
Statistics. 40, 3, 549-570, 2013, with Gayraud, G., Rousseau, J.
• “Discussion on Polson and Scott’s Sparse Bayesian regularization and prediction”, Bayesian
Statistics, 9, 2010, with Robert, C.P.
talks at Conferences
ISBA Wolrd Meeting, Sardinia (2016), MCMSki V, Lenzerheide (2016), 10th Conference on
Bayesian Nonparametrics, Raleigh, USA (2015), Spatial statistics, Avignon, France (2015),
Seminar at the University of Texas at Austin (2015); 7th ERCIM International Conference on Computational & Methodological Statistics, Pisa, Italy (2014); Second Bayesian Young
Statisticians Meeting, Vienna, Austria (2014); 17th International Biometric Conference,
Florence, Italy (2014); Italian Statistical Society Meeting, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy (2014);
Bayesian Nonparametric Workshop, Orléans, France (2014); Bayes in Paris, France (2014);
Onzième Colloque Jeunes Probabilistes et Statisticiens, Forges-les-Eaux, France (2014); Journées statistiques de Rochebrune, Megève, France (2014); 5th ERCIM International Conference on Computing and Statistics, Oviedo, Spain (December 2012); Bayesian nonparametric
Conference, Telecom ParisTech, Paris (September 2012); ISBA 2012 World meeting, Kyoto,
Japan (June 2012) [discussant]; Journées statistiques de Rochebrune, Megève, France (April
2012); YES IV conference, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands (November 2011);
Rochebrune conference, Megève, France (April 2010)
Participation to Other Conferences
MCMSki IV, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France (January 2014); 8th Workshop on Bayesian
Nonparametrics, Veracruz, Mexico (2011); Greek Stochastics Gamma, Rethymnon, Greece
(2011); Bayesian nonparametric conference, Santa Cruz, California, USA (2010); Valencia 9/
ISBA meeting, Valencia, Spain (2010); 7th Workshop on Bayesian nonparametrics, Collegio
Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri, Italy (2009); Objective Bayes 09, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
(2009) editorial Activities
Reviewer for: Bayesian Analysis, Behavior Research Methods, Bernoulli, Journal of Statistical software, ESAIM Probability and Statistics, Statistics and Computing, Test, The Annals of
Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (FSMP) for a scholar visit at University Bocconi,
Milan (April - May 2011)
Scientific Societies Membership
Royal Statistical Society; American Statistical Association; Société Française de Statistique
(SFdS); International society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA)
Curriculum Vitae
August 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy
+39 011 6706084 fabio.bagliano@unito.it
web.econ.unito.it/bagliano education
Ph. D. in Economics, London School of Economics
Master of Science in Economics, London School of Economics (distinction)
Laurea in Economics-Università di Torino (honors and distinction)
Professional Activities and Affiliations
Fellow, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri (Italy)
Professor of Economics, Dep. of Economics and Statistics, University of Torino
Associate Professor of Monetary Economics, Department of Economics and
Public Finance, University of Torino
Associate Professor of Monetary Economics, Department of Economics,
University of Teramo
Assistant Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and Public
Finance, University of Torino
Research Fellow CeRP, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri (Italy)
Deputy Director, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Torino
Fellow, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri (Italy)
• “Optimal life-cycle portfolios for heterogeneous workers”, Review of Finance , 2014, 18(6),
2286-2323 (with C. Fugazza and G. Nicodano)
• “Determinants of US financial fragility conditions”, Research in International Business and
Finance , 2014, 30(1), 377-392 (with C. Morana)
• “The Great Recession: US dynamics and spillovers to the world economy”, Journal of Banking and Finance , 2012, 36(1), 1-13 (with C. Morana)
• “Macro-finance interactions in the US: a global perspective”, in Balling M. and Llewellyn D.T.
(eds.), New Paradigms in Monetary Theory and Policy?, SUERF Studies 2012/1, Larcier, Vienna,
2012, chapter 9, 141-162 (with C. Morana)
• “The effects of US economic and financial crises on Euro area convergence”, in W. Meeusen
(editor), The Economic Crisis and Euro Area Integration, Edward Elgar, UK, 2011, chapter 7,
99-122 (with C. Morana)
• “Pension funds, life-cycle asset allocation, and performance evaluation” in R. Hinz, H.
Rudolph, P. Antolin and J. Yermo (eds.) Evaluating the Financial Performance of Pension
Funds, OECD-World Bank, 2010, 159-201 (with C. Fugazza and G. Nicodano)
• “Permanent and transitory dynamics in house prices and consumption:some implications for the real effects of the financial crisis”,
(with C. Morana)
Applied Financial Economics , 20(1), 2010, 151-170
• “Business Cycle Comovement in the G-7: Common Shocks or Common Transmission
Mechanisms?”, Applied Economics , 2009, 42(8), 2327-2345 (with C. Morana)
• “International macroeconomic dynamics: a factor vector autoregressive approach”, Economic
Modelling , 2009, 26(2), 432-444 (with C. Morana)
• “Factor Vector Autoregressive Estimation: A New Approach”, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination , 2008, 1, 15-23 (with C. Morana)
• “Inflation and monetary dynamics in the US: a quantity-theory approach”, Applied Economics ,
2007, 39(2), 229-244 (with C. Morana)
• “Inflation modelling in the Euro Area”, in R. Beetsma, C.A. Favero, A. Missale, V.A. Muscatelli,
P. Natale and P. Tirelli (editors), Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policies and Labour Markets.
Macroeconomic Policy Making in the EMU, Cambridge University Press, 2004, (with R.
Golinelli and C. Morana)
• “The cyclical behavior of inventories: European cross-country evidence from the early 1990s recession”, Applied Economics , 2004, 36(18), 2031-2044 (with A. Sembenelli)
• “Measuring US core inflation: a common trends approach”, Journal of Macroeconomics ,
2003, 25(2), 197-212 (with C. Morana)
• “A common trends model of UK core inflation”, Empirical Economics , 2003, 28(1), 157-172
(with C. Morana)
• “Core inflation in the Euro area”, Applied Economics Letters , 2002, 9(6), 353-357 (with R.
Golinelli and C. Morana)
• “Bank competition and ECB’s monetary policy”, Journal of Banking and Finance , 2000, 24(6),
967-983 (with A. Dalmazzo and G. Marini)
• “Liquidity, trading size and the coexistence of dealership and auction markets”, Economic
Notes , 2000, 29(2), 179-199 (with A. Brandolini and A. Dalmazzo)
• “Information from financial markets and VAR measures of monetary policy”, European
Economic Review , 1999, 43(5), 825-837 (with C. A. Favero)
• “Measuring core inflation in Italy”, Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia , 1999,
58(3-4), 301-328 (with C. Morana)
• “Liquidation risks in the Rotemberg-Saloner implicit collusion model”, Economics Letters ,
1999, 62, 69-74 (with A. Dalmazzo)
• “Measuring monetary policy in VAR models: an evaluation’’, European Economic Review ,
1998, 42(6), 1069-1112 (with C.A. Favero)
• “Stock returns, the interest rate and inflation in Italy: a long-run perspective’’, Giornale degli
Economisti e Annali di Economia , 1997, 56(3-4), 139-167 (with A. Beltratti)
• “Money demand in a multivariate framework: a system analysis of Italian money demand in the `80s and early `90s’’, Economic Notes , 1996, 25(3), 425-464
• “Heterogeneous behavior in exchange rate crises’’, in Jeffrey Frenkel, Giampaolo Galli and
Alberto Giovannini (a cura di), The Microstructure of Foreign Exchange Markets, National
Bureau of Economic Research, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1996, 229-253 (with A.
Beltratti and G. Bertola)
• “Do anticipated tax cuts matter? Further evidence from the United Kingdom’”, Research in
Economics , 1994, 48(2), 87-108
• “Money demand instability, expectations and policy regimes. A note on the case of Italy
1964- 1986’’, Journal of Banking and Finance , 1992, 16(2), 331-349 (with C. A. Favero)
• “Cointegration and simultaneous models. An application to the Italian money demand”, in
M. Bertocchi and L. Stefanini (editors), Large-scale economic and financial applications: new tools and methodologies, Franco Angeli, Milano, 1991, 219-235 (with C.A. Favero and V.A.
• “On the role of monetary factors in business cycle models”, Recherches Economiques de
Louvain/Louvain Economic Review , 1991, 57(1), 3-19 (with G. Marini)
• “Economia Monetaria”, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2010 (with G. Marotta)
• “Models for Dynamic Macroeconomics”, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007 (with G. Bertola)
• “Metodi dinamici e fenomeni macroeconomici”, Bologna: Il Mulino, 1999 (with G. Bertola)
Curriculum Vitae
AleSSAnDrO BArAttieri
September 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
+39 011 6706084 alessandro.barattieri@carloalberto.org
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy www.carloalberto.org/people/barattieri employment
September 2015-current Collegio Carlo Alberto, assistant professor
June 2015-current
June 2011-June 2015
ESG UQAM, professeur agrégé (on leave)
ESG UQAM, professeur adjoint research interests
International Economics (Trade and Macro), Macroeconomics, Macro-Finance education
Aug 2011
May 2008
Apr 2007
Jul 2005
Apr 2003
PhD in Economics, Boston College (Boston, USA)
MA in Economics, Boston College (Boston, USA)
PhD in International Economic Law, Bocconi University (Milan, Italy)
MSc in Economics, London School of Economics (London, UK)
B.A. in Economics Bocconi University (Milan, Italy)
• “Average Cost Pricing: Some Evidence and Implications, European Economic Review , forthcoming, 2015, with Altomonte, C, S. Basu
• “Comparative Advantage, Service Trade, and Global Imbalances,” Journal of International
Economics , Vol. 92: 1-13, 2014
• “Some Evidence on the Importance of Sticky Wages,” American Economic Journal:
Macroeconomics , Vol. 6: 70-101, 2014, with Basu, S. and P. Gottchalk
• “Endogenous Markups, International Trade, and the Product Mix,” Journal of Industry,
Competition, and Trade , published online on July 1 2014, with Altomonte, C.
• “Import Penetration, Internediate Inputs and Productivity: Evidence from Italian Firms,” Journal of the Italian Economic Association , vol (1/2014): 45-65, 2014, with Altomonte, C., A. Rungi
• “The Determinants of International Business: An Empirical Investigation,” The Journal of
International Business , vol.1(2), 2009, 39-57, with A. Brugnoli
• “Economic integration and productivity: theory and empirical evidence” in A. Brugnoli (ed)
Italy and the challenge of productivity, 2009, Egea, Milano (In Italian, title translated), with
A. Brugnoli
Working Papers
• “Asymmetric Trade Liberalizations and Current Account Dynamics”, January 2015
• “Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions in Services: The Role of Policy and Industrial
Structure” (with I. Borchert and A. Mattoo), June 2015, under review
• “Financial Sector Interconnectedness and Monetary Policy Transmission” (with M. Eden and
D. Stevanovic), August 2015, under review
Work in Progress
• “Risk Sharing, Efficiency of Capital Accumulation, and the Connection between Banks and the Real Economy” (with M. Eden and D. Stevanovic)
• “Banks interconnectivity and Leverage” (with L. Moretti and V. Quadrini)
8_FACulty research experience
May 2010-Aug 2010
Jun 2009-Sept 2009
Jun 2008- Sept 2008
Jun 2007- Sept 2007
Sept 2003-Aug 2006
Jun 2003-Sept 2003
Summer Dissertation Intern, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
Graduate Visiting Fellow, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
RA for Prof. Susanto Basu (Boston College)
RA for Prof. Fabio Ghironi (Boston College)
RA for Prof. Alberto Brugnoli (ISLA Bocconi and IReR)
Summer School, ECLAC, Santiago (Chile) teaching experience
Fall 2014
Spring 2013, Fall 2013
Instructor - International Finance (Masters), ESG UQAM
Instructor - International Trade (Masters), ESG UQAM
Spring 2012, 2013, 2015 Instructor - Topics in International Macroeconomics (PhD), ESG UQAM
Fall 2012-2014 and Spring 2012-2015 Instructor - Currencies and International Financial
Markets (B.A.), ESG UQAM
Presentations at Seminars and Conferences (last Five years)
• Collegio Carlo Alberto, Central Bank of Ireland, SCSE 2015, CEA 2015, Peking University
HSBC Business School, World Congress of the Econometric Society (Montreal), EEA, ETSG
(scheduled), CEPR/BIS/Review of Finance conference on Global Financial Interconnectedness
(scheduled) (2015)
• The World Bank, Collegio Carlo Alberto, UQAM (Finance), INFER Annual Meeting, ESEM, Mid-
West Macro Meetings, BLS, D.C. Area Trade Workshop (2014)
• HEC, ITFA Annual Conference, 1st HEC International Business Conference, HES Annual Meeting,
CEA Annual Conference, Mainz Workshop in Trade and Macroeconomics, CIRPEE Annual
Meerings, Research in Economic Development (RECODE 2013), NEUDC 2013 (2013)
• CEPR Conference on the Macroeconomics of Global Interdependence (Paris), CEA annual meeting Calgary, ETSG (Leuven), Mid-West Macro (Boulder) (2012)
• Bank of England, McMaster, UQAM, Bank of Italy, World Bank, Santa Clara, ESADE, University of
Barcelona, 3rd CEPR-Gist Conference, Tsighua-Columbia Workshop in International Economics,
NBER Summer Institute, Bank of Canada, U. Laval, U de Montreal (2011)
• NBER Fall ME meeting, Green Line Macro Workshop (Boston), MIT International Breakfast,
Mid-West International Economics Group Fall Meeting (Madison), Federal Reserve Board,
Econometric Society World Congress (Shanghai), EEA (Glasgow) (2010) referee Activities
American Economic Journal: Macro, Journal of International Economics (x2), Journal of
Monetary Economics, The Review of Economics and Statistics, European Economic Review, B.E.
Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Journal of International Money and Finance, Canadian
Journal of Economics, LABOUR (x2), International Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of the European Economic Association research Grants, Awards and Fellowhips
Summer 2014
Spring 2011
Spring 2010
Fall 2006
August 2008
FRQSC Young Researcher Grant (28,458 CAD)
Visiting Fellowship, Collegio Carlo Alberto
Dissertation Fellowship, BC Graduate School of Art and Science
Dissertation Fellowship, BC Economics Department
Englehard-Pingree Fellowship for Excellence in Research
Boston College Graduate Fellowship
Mars Fellowship, Third Meeting with Nobel Laureates in Economic
Sciences, Lindau, Germany
Curriculum Vitae
CriStiAn BArtOluCCi
August 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
+39 011 6705271 cristian.bartolucci@carloalberto.org
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy sites.google.com/site/cristianbartolucci
Professional Activities
2009-current Assistant Professor, Collegio Carlo Alberto
2009-current Research Fellow and Member of Executive Committee, CHILD (Centre for
Household, Income, Labour and Demographic Economics) education
2006-2009 Ph.D. In Economics, CEMFI, Madrid. Thesis Supervisor: Manuel Arellano
2004-2006 M.Phil. in Economics, CEMFI, Madrid. Awarded with a mark of distinction
1998-2003 B.A. (licenciado) in Economics, UNT (Universidad Nacional de Tucumán), Argentina research interests
Microeconometrics, Labor Economics, Development Economics
Published Papers
• “Understanding the Native-Immigrant Wage Gap using Matched Employer-Employee data:
Evidence from Germany,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 67(4), October 2014
• “Gender Wage Gaps Reconsidered: A Structural Approach Using Matched Employer-
Employee Data,” Journal of Human Resources, 48(4), December 2013
• “Credible Threats in a Wage Bargaining Model with on-the-job Search,” Economic Letters
117(3), December 2012
• “Income and Democracy: Revisiting the Evidence,” with Enrique Moral-Benito, Economic
• Letters 117(3), December 2012
• “Business Cycles and Wage renegotiation,” Labour Economics 19(4), August 2012
Working Papers
• “Identifying Sorting in Practice” with Francesco Devicienti and Ignacio Monzón
• “Frictions Lead to Sorting: a Partnership Model with on-the-Match Search” with Ignacio
• “Who Migrates and Why? Evidence from Italian Administrative Data” with Claudia Villosio and Mathis Wagner. Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Labor Economics
Work in Progress
• “Employment Protection, Hold-up and Poverty Traps” with Esteban Jaimovich and Ignacio
• “A Unified Model of Labor Market Dynamics” with Chris Flinn
8_FACulty invited Seminars
LISER (Luxembourg, scheduled), Bocconi (Milan, 2014), University of Toronto (Toronto, 2014),
NYU (New York, 2014), Federal Reserve Bank (Philadelphia, 2014), Bank of Italy (Rome, 2014),
University of Queensland (Brisbane, 2014), UNSW (Sydney, 2014), University of Melbourne
(Melbourne, 2014), University of Turin (Turin, 2013), UAB (Barcelona, 2013), EIEF (Rome, 2012),
CEMFI (Madrid, 2011), Tinbergen Institute (Amsterdam, 2011), Bank of Spain (Madrid, 2011),
University of Milan-Bicocca (Milan, 2011), UCL (London, 2010), University of Milan (Milan,
2010), Bank of Canada (Ottawa, 2009), Uppsala University (Uppsala, 2009), Collegio Carlo
Alberto (Turin, 2009), IZA (Bonn, 2009), Bank of Italy (Rome, 2009), Paris School of Economics
(Paris, 2009), Bank of France (Paris, 2009), UQAM (Montreal, 2009), UCL (London, 2008), UNT
(Tucumán, 2008) referee Activities
European Economic Review, Industrial Relations, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of
Human Resources, International Economic Review, Journal of the European Economic
Association, Journal of Urban Economics, Labour Economics, Labour languages
Spanish, English, French, Italian
Curriculum Vitae
AlFreDO BrAunStein
September 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy
+39 011 0116705203 alfredo.braunstein@polito.it
2004 Ph.D. at Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA), Functional
Analysis and Applied Mathematics department. Thesis title: “Survey
2000-2001 Diploma Course “Modeling and Simulation of Complex Realities” at the
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy
Laurea Mathematics degree at Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
Work experience, teaching, Fellowships
2015 Politecnico di Torino. Associate Professor (Professore Associato), DISAT
2011-2015 Politecnico di Torino. Assistant Professor (ricercatore), DISAT
2010-2011 Human Genetics Foundation. Senior Researcher in the Statistical Inference and computational biology group
2010-2011 Collegio Carlo Alberto. Teaching in the Allievi Course Introduction to Algorithms
2009 Politecnico di Torino. Teaching on graph theory and algorithms in the course
Foundamentals of discrete Mathematics
2008-2010 Post-doctoral research fellowship (assegno di ricerca) at CMP Group, Physics department, Politecnico di Torino
2006-2007 Post-doctoral research fellowship (EVERGROW network) at ISI Foundation,
2005 Post-doctoral research fellowship (EVERGROW network) in the Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics section at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics,
2002-2003 International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. Teaching assistant in the course Combinatorial optimization and algorithms in the Master’s degree programme Modeling and simulation of complex realities
2001-2004 SISSA Ph. D. scholarship
Selected Publications
• “A Max-Sum algorithm for training discrete neural networks“, JSTAT 2015, no. 8, P08008. With
Baldassi, C
• “The patient-zero problem with noisy observations”, JSTAT 2014, With Altarelli, F:, Dall’Asta, L.,
Ingrosso, A. and Zecchina R
• “Bayesian Inference of Epidemics on Networks via Belief Propagation”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112(11)
118701, 2014, With Altarelli, F, Dall’Asta, L, Lage-Castellanos, A, and Zecchina, R
• “Containing Epidemic Outbreaks by Message-Passing Techniques”, Phys. Rev. X 4(2) 021024, 2014,
With Altarelli, F, Dall’Asta, L, Wakeling, J R, and Zecchina, R
• “Optimizing spread dynamics on graphs by message passing”, J. Stat. Mech. 2013(09) P09011,
2013, With Altarelli, F, Dall’Asta, L, and Zecchina, R
• “Performance of a cavity-method-based algorithm for the prize-collecting Steiner tree problem on graphs”, Phys. Rev. E. 2012; 86: 026706. With Biazzo I, Zecchina R
• “Large deviations of cascade processes on graphs”, Phys. Rev. E. 2013; 87: 062115. With Altarelli F,
Dall’Asta L, Zecchina R
• “Efficient data compression from statistical physics of codes over finite fields.” Phys. Rev. E,
84:051111, Nov 2011. http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.84.051111. With F. Kayhan and
R. Zecchina
• “Stochastic optimization by message passing.” Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and
Experiment 2011, P11009. With A. Ramezanpour, F. Altarelli and R. Zecchina
• “Stochastic Matching Problem”. PRL 2011;106:190601, with F. Altarelli, A. Ramezanpour, R.
• “Inference and learning in sparse systems with multiple states”. Phys. Rev. E 2011;83:056114.
With A. Ramezanpour, R. Zecchina, P. Zhang
• “Finding undetected protein associations in cell signaling by belief propagation”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2010. With M. Bailly-Bechet, C. Borgs, J. Chayes, A.
Dagkessamanskaia, J.M. François and R. Zecchina
• “Inference of sparse combinatorial-control networks from gene-expression data: a message passing approach”. BMC Bioinformatics, 11(1):355, 2010. http://www.biomedcentral.
com/1471-2105/11/355. With Marc Bailly-Bechet, Andrea Pagnani, Martin Weigt and
Riccardo Zecchina
• “Aligning graphs and finding substructures by a cavity approach”. EPL (Europhysics Letters),
89(3): 37009, 2010. With S. Bradde, H. Mahmoudi, F. Tria, M. Weigt and R. Zecchina
• “Clustering with shallow trees”. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, page 17pp, 2009. With M. Bailly-Bechet, S. Bradde, A. Flaxman, L. Foini and R. Zecchina
• “Statistical mechanics of budget-constrained auctions”. Journal of Statistical Mechanics:
Theory and Experiment, 2009(07):P07002 (27pp), 2009. With F. Altarelli, J. Realpe-Gomez and
R. Zecchina
• “Estimating the size of the solution space of metabolic networks”. BMC Bioinformatics,
9(1):240, 2008. With R. Mulet and A. Pagnani
• “Inference algorithms for gene networks: a statistical mechanics analysis”. Journal of Statistical
Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2008(12):P12001, 2008. With A. Pagnani, M. Weigt and R.
• “A rigorous analysis of the cavity equations for the minimum spanning tree”. Journal of
Mathematical Physics, 49(12):125206, 2008. With M. Bayati and R. Zecchina
• “Statistical mechanics of steiner trees”. Physical Review Letters, 101(3):37208, 2008. With
M. Bayati, C. Borgs, J. Chayes, A. Ramezanpour and R. Zecchina
• “Efficient supervised learning in networks with binary synapses”. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, 104(26):11079-11084, 2007. With C. Baldassi, N. Brunel and
R. Zecchina
• “Learning by message-passing in networks of discrete synapses”. PRL 96:030201, 2006. With R.
• “Survey propagation: an algorithm for satisfiability” Random Structures and Algorithms,
27:201-226, 2005. With M. Mézard and R. Zecchina
• “Survey propagation as local equilibrium equations”. Journal of Statistical Mechanics:
Theory and Experiment, 6:P06007, 2004. With R. Zecchina
• “Polynomial iterative algorithms for coloring and analyzing random graphs”. Phys. Rev. E,
68:036702, 2003. With R. Mulet, A. Pagnani, M. Weigt and R. Zecchina.
Curriculum Vitae luCA DAll’AStA
September 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
+39 011 0116705023 luca.dallasta@polito.it
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy areeweb.polito.it/ricerca/cmp/people/da education
Ph.D. in Physics at Université Paris XI, Orsay (France). Thesis title: “Dynamical
Processes on Complex Networks”
Laurea Physics Degree at Università di Parma, Italy
Former Work experience, teaching, Fellowships
2012-2015 Principal Investigator of the FIRB project “Statistical Physics Methods for Strategic
Optimization in Socio-Economic Networks” from 2012 Politecnico di Torino. Assistant Professor (ricercatore a tempo determinato), DISAT.
2013-2014 Politecnico di Torino. Teaching Assistant in the course “Physics I”
2011-2012 Post-doctoral fellowship (assegno di ricerca) at CMP group. Physics Department,
Politecnico di Torino
2009-2010 Long Term Visiting Scientist at the Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Group at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste
2007-2010 ICTP, Trieste (Italy). Teaching the course on “Numerical Methods” of the Diploma
Programs in Condensed Matter Physics and Earth Science Physics
2008-2009 SISSA, Trieste (Italy). Teaching “Phase Ordering and Coarsening Kinetics” in the
PhD Program in Statistical Physics
2006-2009 Post-doctoral fellowship at the Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy)
2003-2006 Ph.D. scholarship at Université Paris XI, Orsay (France) refereed Publications on Journals and Books
• “Statics and dynamics of selfish interactions in distributed service systems.” PLoS ONE 10, e0119286 (2015). With F. Altarelli, and A. Braunstein
• “Nonmonotonic effects of migration in subdivided populations,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 (14),
148101 (2014). With P. Lombardo, A. Gambassi
• “Bayesian Inference of Epidemics on Networks via Belief Propagation,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 112
(11), 118701 (2014). With F. Altarelli, A. Braunstein, A. Lage-Castellanos, and R. Zecchina
• “Containing Epidemic Outbreaks by Message-Passing Techniques,” Phys. Rev. X 4, 021024
(2014). With F. Altarelli, A. Braunstein, J.R. Wakeling, and R. Zecchina
• “Large deviations of cascade processes on graphs,” Phys. Rev. E 87 (6) 062115 (2013). With
F. Altarelli, A. Braunstein, and R. Zecchina
• “Optimizing spread dynamics on graphs by message-passing,” J. Stat. Mech.: Theor. Exp.
P09011 (2013). With F. Altarelli, A. Braunstein, and R. Zecchina
• “Fixation-coexistence transition in spatial populations,” Europhysics Letters 101, 18003
(2013). With F. Caccioli, and D. Beghè
• “Collaboration in social networks”, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 109 (12) 4395 (2012). With M. Marsili, and P. Pin.
• “Fixation and escape times in stochastic game learning,” J. Stat. Mech: Theor. Exp. P10022
(2012).With J. Realpe-Gomez, B. Szczesny, and T. Galla
• “Topology-induced inverse phase transitions”, Europhys. Lett. 98, 40004 (2012). With D. De
Martino, S. Bradde, and M. Marsili
• “Optimal Equilibria of the Best Shot Game”, J. Pub. Econ. Th. 13, 885, (2011). With P. Pin, and A. Ramezanpour
• “Critical fluctuations in Spatial Complex Networks”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 218701 (2010).
With: S. Bradde, F. Caccioli, and G. Bianconi
• “Statistical mechanics of maximal independent sets”, Phys. Rev. E 80, 061136 (2009). With:
P. Pin, and A. Ramezanpour
• “Non-equilibrium mean-field theories on scale-free networks”, J. Stat. Mech. P10004
(2009). With F. Caccioli.
• “A minimal model for congestion phenomena on complex networks”, J. Stat. Mech P08023
(2009). With: D. De Martino, G. Bianconi, and M. Marsili
• “Congestion phenomena on complex networks”, Phys. Rev. E 79, 015101(R) (2009). With: D.
De Martino, G. Bianconi and M. Marsili
• “Algebraic coarsening in voter models with intermediate states”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41,
435003 (2008). With T. Galla
• “Entropy landscape and non-Gibbs solutions in constraint satisfaction problems”, Phys.
Rev. E, 77 031118 (2008). With A. Ramezanpour and R. Zecchina
• “Optimization in task-completion networks”, J. Stat. Mech. P02003 (2008). With M. Marsili and P. Pin
• “Statistical physics of the Schelling model of segregation”, J. Stat. Mech., L07002 (2008).
With C. Castellano and M. Marsili
• “On a class of rational matrices related to the discrete Laplace operator”, Note di
Matematica, 28(2) (2008). With P. Vivo, M. Casartelli, and A. Vezzani
• “K-core decomposition of Internet graphs: hierarchies, self-similarity and measurement biases”, Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 3 371 (2008). With I. Alvarez-Hamelin, A.
Barrat, and A. Vespignani
• “Dynamic Exploration of Networks: from general principles to the traceroute process”, Eur.
Phys. J. B 60, 123 (2007)
• “Non-equilibrium phase transition in negotiation dynamics”, Phys. Rev. E 76 (1), 051102
(2007). With A. Baronchelli, A. Barrat and V. Loreto
• “Effective surface-tension in the noise-reduced voter model”, Europhysics Letters, 77,
60005 (2007). With C. Castellano
• “What is the real size of a sampled networks? The case of the Internet”, Phys. Rev. E 75,
056111 (2007). With F. Viger, A. Barrat, C.-H. Zhang, E. Kolaczyk
• “Microscopic activity patterns in the Naming Game”, J. Phys. A, 39, 14851-14867 (2006).
With A. Baronchelli
• “Non-equilibrium dynamics of language games on complex networks”, Phys. Rev. E 74
036105 (2006). With A. Baronchelli, A. Barrat, and V. Loreto
• “Vulnerability of weighted networks”, J. Stat. Mech. P04006 (2006). With A. Barrat, M.
Barthelemy, and A. Vespignani
• “Dynamical Invariants in the Deterministic Fixed-Energy Sandpile”, Eur. Phys. J. B, 52, 91-
105 (2006). With M. Casartelli, A. Vezzani, and P. Vivo
• “Exact Solution of the one-dimensional deterministic Fixed-Energy Sandpile”, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 96, 058003 (2006)
• “Agreement dynamics on small-world networks”, Europhys. Lett., 73, 969 (2006). With A.
Baronchelli, A. Barrat, V. Loreto
• “Topology Induced Coarsening in Language Games”, Phys. Rev. E 73 015102(R) (2006). With
A. Baronchelli, A. Barrat, and V. Loreto
• “Inhomogeneous percolation models for spreading phenomena in random graphs”, J. Stat.
Mech. P08011 (2005)
• “Statistical theory of Internet exploration”, Phys. Rev. E 71 (2005) 036135. With I. Alvarez-
Hamelin, A. Barrat, A. Vazquez, and A. Vespignani
• “Studying the emerging Global Brain: analyzing and visualizing the impact of co-authorship teams”, Complexity 10(4), 57-67 (2005). With K. Borner, W. Ke, and A. Vespignani
Curriculum Vitae
PierPAOlO De BlASi
August 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto +39 011 6705282
Via Real Collegio 30 pierpaolo.deblasi@unito.it
10024 Moncalieri (To) sites.google.com/a/carloalberto.org/pdeblasi education
Ph.D. in Statistics, Bocconi University, Milan
Laurea in Economics, Bocconi University, Milan
Professional Activities
2015-current Associate Professor of Statistics, University of Torino
2010-current Carlo Alberto Affiliate, Collegio Carlo Alberto
2010-current Research Affiliate, “de Castro” Statistics Initiative
2007-current Mathematics & Statistics Instructor, Allievi Honors Program, Collegio Carlo Alberto
2010-2015 Assistant Professor of Statistics, University of Torino
2006-2009 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Torino
2005-2006 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oslo
Joint recipient of a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant. Research team: P. De Blasi, S. Favaro, A. Lijoi, I. Prünster (PI), M. Ruggiero
Visiting Fellow of the Research Programme week on Bayesian Nonparametrics,
Veracruz, Mexico, July 2011
Visiting Fellow of the Carlo Alberto Research Programme in Bayesian
Nonparametrics, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri, June-July 2009
Visiting Fellow of the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, July-August 2007
Honourable Mention, Leonard J. Savage Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation
Laha Award 2007, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Prize for Best Graduates, Bocconi University
Papers in statistical journals
• “Posterior asymptotics of nonparametric location scale mixtures for multivariate density estimation,” Bernoulli, to appear, 2015, with Canale, A.
• “Are Gibbs-type priors the most natural generalization of the Dirichlet Process?” IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 37, 212-229, 2015, with Favaro, S., Lijoi, A., Mena,
R., Prünster, I., Ruggiero, M.
• “Bayesian estimation of the discrepancy with misspecified parametric models”. Bayesian
Analysis 8, 781-800, 2013, with Walker, S.G.
• “An asymptotic analysis of a class of discrete nonparametric priors”, Satistica Sinica 23,
1299-1322, 2013, with Lijoi, A., Prünster, I.
• “Bayesian asymptotics with misspecified models”, Satistica Sinica 23, 169-187, 2013, with
Walker, S.G. (2013)
• “Bayesian nonparametric estimation and consistency of Mixed Multinomial Logit choice models”, Bernoulli, 16, 679-704, 2010, with James, L.F. and Lau, J.W.
• “A class of neutral to the right priors induced by superposition of beta processes”, Journal of
Statistical Planning and Inference 140, 1563-1575, 2010, with Favaro, S. and Muliere, P.
• “Asymptotics for posterior hazards”. The Annals of Statistics 37, 1906-1945, 2009, with
Peccati, G. and Prünster, I.
• “The Bernstein-von Mises theorem in semiparametric competing risks models”. Journal of
Statistical Planning and Inference 139, 2316-2328, 2009, with Hjort, N.L.
• “Bayesian survival analysis in proportional hazard models with logistic relative risk”.
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 34, 229-257, 2007, with Hjort, N.L.
Papers in medical journals
• “Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation transiently reverses punding in Parkinson’s desease: a preliminary study”. Journal of Neural Transmission 121, 267-274, 2013, with
Nardone, R., Holler, Y., Christova, M., Tezzon, F., Golaszewski, S., Trinka, E., Brigo F.
• “Transient beneficial effects of theta burst stimulation in a patient with phonological agraphia after left supramarginal gyrus infarction”. Brain and Language 120, 422-426,
2012, with Nardone, R., Zuccoli, G., Tezzon, F., Golaszewski, S., Trinka, E.
• “Cognitive function and cholinergic transmission in patients with subcortical vascular dementia and microbleeds: a TMS study”. Journal of Neural Transmission 118(9), 1349-1358, 2011, with
Nardone, R., Seidl, M., Caleri, F., Lochner, P., Tezzon, F., Ladurner, G., Golaszewski, S., Trinka, E.
• “Theta burst stimulation of dorsolateral prefontal cortex modulates pathological language switching: A case report”. Neuroscience Letters 487, 378-382, 2011, with Nardone, R.,
Bergmann, J., Caleri, F., Tezzon, F., Ladurner, G., Golaszewski, S., Trinka, E.
• “Cholinergic dysfunction and amnesia in patients with Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome: a
TMS study”. Journal of Neural Transmission 117, 385-391, 2010, Nardone, R., Bergmann, J.,
Kronbichler, M., Lochner, P., Caleri, F., Tezzon, F., Ladurner, G., Golaszewski, S.
• “Functional involvement of the cerebral cortex following paramedian bithalamic infarction”.
Neurocase, 16, 286-292, 2010, with Nardone, R., Bergmann, J., Kronbichler, M., Caleri, F.,
Tezzon, F., Ladurner, G., Golaszewski, S.
invited talks at Conferences
7th ERCIM, Pisa, Italy (Dec 2014); Advances in Bayesian nonparametric statistics: A gathering with Stephen Walker, Mexico City, Mexico (Nov 2014); 47th SIS Scientific Meeting, Cagliari
(Jun 2014); 6th ERCIM, University of London (Dec 2013); ISBA Regional Meeting 2012,
Varanasi, India (Jan 2013); Workshop on Bayesian Nonparametrics, ICERM, Brown University,
USA (Sep 2012); ISBA 2012 World Meeting, Kyoto, Japan (Jun 2012); 1st Conference of the
International Society for Nonparametric Statistics, Chalkidiki, Grecia (Jun 2012); 58th ISI
World Statistics Congress, Dublin, Ireland (Aug 2011); 3rd ERCIM, University of London (2010);
2010 Joint Statistical Meeting, Vancouver (2010); S.Co. 2009, Politecnico di Milano (2009);
7th Workshop on Bayesian Nonparametrics, Collegio Carlo Alberto (Jun 2009); Workshop on
Random Measures an Bayesian Nonparametrics, University of Paris Ouest (2008); 12th Young
Statisticians Meeting, Piran, Slovenia (2007); Workshop on Construction and Properties of
Bayesian Nonparametric Regression Models, Cambrdige, UK (2007); Joint Statistical Meetings
2007, Salt Lake City, Utah US (2007); 5th BISP Workshop, Valencia, Spain (2007); IX Symposium on Probability and Stochastic Processes, Guanajato, Mexico (2006); 13th EYSM, Debrecen,
Hungary (2005)
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA (2013); University of Texas at Austin, USA (2013); LUISS
Guido Carli, Roma (2008) ; Università dell’Insubria, Varese, (2008); Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK (2007); Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK (2007), Bocconi University, Milano
(2007); UNAM, México City, Mexico (2006) ; MRC Biostatistic Unit, Cambridge, UK (2006) ; Politecnico di Torino (2006) ; Duke University, North Carolina, US (2005); University of Oslo, Norway (2004).
editorial Activities
Associate Editor: Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (2014-)
Scientific Societies Membership
Società Italiana di Statistica (SIS), Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), International
Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA)
Curriculum Vitae
August 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy
+39 011 6705724 stefano.favaro@unito.it
sites.carloalberto.org/favaro education
Ph.D. in Statistics, Bocconi University, Milano, Italy
Laurea in Statistics, University “Ca’ Foscari”, Venezia, Italy
Professional Activities
2014-current Associate Professor of Statistics, Department of Economics and Statistics,
University of Torino
2010-current Carlo Alberto Affiliate, Collegio Carlo Alberto
2008-2014 Assistant Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics and Applied
Mathematics, University of Torino
2012 Joint recipient of a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant. Research team: Pierpaolo De Blasi, Stefano Favaro, Antonio Lijoi, Igor Prünster (PI) and
Matteo Ruggiero research interests
Bayesian nonparametrics, combinatorial stochastic processes, large deviations, MCMC methods, population genetics
Selected Publications in refereed Journals
• “Rediscovery of Good-Turing estimators via Bayesian nonparametrics,” with B. Nipoti and Y.W. Teh.
Biometrics, to appear
• “Large deviation principles for the Ewens-Pitman sampling model,” with S. Feng. Electronic Journal of Probability, 2015, vol. 20, pp. 1-27
• “Bayesian nonparametric analysis of reversible Markov chains,” with S. Bacallado and L. Trippa.
Annals of Statistics, 2013, vol. 41, pp. 870-896
• “MCMC for normalized random measure mixture models,” with Y.W. Teh. Statistical Science, 2013, vol. 28, pp. 335-359
• “Conditional formulae for Gibbs-type exchangeable random partitions,“ with A. Lijoi and I. Pruenster.
Annals of Applied Probability, 2013, vol. 23, pp. 1721-1754
• “A new estimator of the discovery probability,” with A. Lijoi and I. Pruenster. Biometrics, 2012, vol.
68. pp. 1188-1196
• “A class of normalized random measure with an exact predictive sampling scheme,” with L. Trippa.
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2012, vol. 39, pp. 444-460
• “On the stick-breaking representation of normalized inverse Gaussian priors,” with A. Lijoi and I.
Pruenster. Biometrika, 2012, vol. 99, pp. 663-674
• “Slice sampling sigma-stable Poisson-Kingman mixture models,” with S.G. Walker. Journal of
Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2013, vol. 22, pp. 830-847
• “A class of measure-valued Markov chains and Bayesian nonparametrics,” with A. Guglielmi and
S.G. Walker. Bernoulli, 2012, vol. 18, pp. 1002-1030
• “Bayesian nonparametric inference for species variety with a two parameter Poisson-Dirichlet process prior,” with A. Lijoi, R.H. Mena and I. Prünster. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B,
2009. Vol. 171, pp. 993-1008
• “A Gibbs-sampler based random process in Bayesian nonparametrics,” with M. Ruggiero and S.G.
Walker. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 2009. Vol. 3, pp. 1557-1567
Conference Proceedings and Other Publications
• “Bayesian inference on population structure: from parametric to nonparametric modeling,” with
M. De Iorio and Y.W. Teh. Nonparametric Bayesian inference in biostatistics, 2015, Springer
• “On a class of sigma-stable Poisson-Kingman models and an effective marginalized sampler,” with M.
Lomeli and Y.W. Teh. Statistics and Computing - special issue MCMSki IV, 2015, vol. 25, pp. 67-78
• “On a class of smoothed Good-Turing estimators,” with B. Nipoti and Y.W. Teh. Statistics and
Demography: the legacy of Corrado Gini, 2015
• “Are Gibbs-type priors the most natural generalization of the Dirichlet process?,” with P. De
Blasi, A. Lijoi, R.H. Mena, I. Pruenster and M. Ruggiero. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence - special issue on Bayesian nonparametrics, 2015, vol. 37, pp. 212-229
• “Discussion of “On simulation and properties of stable law” by L. Devroye and L.F. James, with B.
Nipoti. Statistical Methods and Applications, 2014, vol. 23, pp. 365-369
• “Stick-breaking representations of 1/2-stable Poisson-Kingman models,” with M. Lomeli, B.
Nipoti and Y.W. Teh. 8th Conference on Statistical Computing and Complex Systems, 2013
• “Two tales about Bayesian nonparametric modeling,” with P. De Blasi, A. Lijoi, R.H. Mena and I. Pruenster. Joint Statistical Meeting, section on Bayesian statistical science, 2012
• “On some issues related to species sampling problems,” with A. Lijoi, R.H. Mena and I.
Pruenster. 7th Conference on Statistical Computing and Complex Systems, 2011
Conference presentations and seminars
MCMSki IV (invited speaker) Chamonix Mont-Blanc, 2014; 6th international Conference on
Computing and statistics (invited speaker), London, United Kingdom, 2013; 29th European Meeting of Statisticians (invited talk), Budapest, Hungary, 2013; Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di
Torino, Italy, 2013; 1st Bayesian Nonparameric Workshop at the ICERM (invited talk), Providence, USA,
2012; 1st Conference on “The Impact of Statistical Thinking in Economics and Life Science” (invited talk), Università Commerciale “L. Bocconi”, Milano, Italy, 2012; International Society of Bayesian
Analysis World meeting (invited speaker), Kyoto, Japan, 2012; 1st Conference of the International
Society for Nonparametric statistics (invited speaker), Chalkidiki, Greece, 2012; Department of Decision
Sciences, Università Commerciale “L. Bocconi”, Milano, Italy, 2012; 9th International Conference on Computational Management Science (invited speaker), London, United Kingdom, 2012; 4th international Conference on Computing and Statistics (invited speaker), London, United Kingdom,
2011; 7th Conference on Statistical Computation and Complex Systems (invited speaker), Padova,
Italy, 2011; XIX Conference of Unione Matematica Italiana (contributed talk), Bologna, Italy, 2011;
8th Workshop on Bayesian Nonparametrics (invited speaker), Veracruz, Mexico, 2011; Department of Mathematics, University of Pavia (invited seminar), Italy, 2010; 3rd International Conference on
Computing and Statistics (invited speaker), London, United Kingdom, 2010; Department of Statistics,
University Ca’ Foscari (invited speaker), Venezia, Italy, 2010; 27th European Meeting of Statisticians
(contributed talk), Toulose, France, 2009; 6th Workshop on Bayesian Inference in Stochastic Processes
(invited speaker), Bressanone, Italy, 2009; Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge (invited seminar), United Kingdom, 2008; Department of Mathematics, Imperial College (invited seminar),
United Kingdom, 2008 editorial Activities
Reviewer for: Annals of Applied Probability, Bayesian Analysis, Bernoulli, Biometrika, Electronic Journal of statistics, Journal of nonparametric statistics, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society series B,
Journal of Machine Learning Research, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Statistics and Computing,
Statistical Science
Scientific Societies Membership
Società Italiana di Statistica (SIS), Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), International Society for
Bayesian Analysis (ISBA)
Curriculum Vitae
FeDeriCA GAi
September 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy
Website education
+39 011 6705200 federica.gai@carloalberto.org
Professional Institute “Valentino Bosso”, Torino
High School Diploma specialization “Tourism”
Work experience
2015-current Collegio Carlo Alberto
Responsible for Educational Programs
Organizational secretariat for Masters and Allievi program
Placement Officer and support for Career Day (Master in Finance and
Master in Insurance)
Support and organization Scientific Commitee (Master in Finance, Master in Insurance, MAPS)
Teaching organization, support material, equipment for courses and VISA support
Collaboration with competent offices at the University of Torino and INPS
Interpersonal relationships with University professors and students
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Assistant Responsible for Educational Programs
Organizational secretariat for Master and Allievi program
Teaching organization, support material and equipment for courses
Collaboration with competent offices at the University of Torino
Interpersonal relationships with University professors and students
CORIPE Piedmont
Assistant Responsible for Educational Programs
Organizational secretariat for Master program
Teaching organization, support material and equipment for courses
Collaboration with competent offices at the University of Torino
Interpersonal relationships with University professors and students
8_FACulty languages
• English: good both written and spoken
Courses attended: 2000-2001, 2000-2002 (Shenker Institute)
• Italian: Mother tongue it Skills
• Operating Systems: Windows, Linux
• Software packages: Windows Office
• Databases: File Maker Pro
Curriculum Vitae
AnDreA GAlliCe
August 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
+39 011 6705287 andrea.gallice@carloalberto.org
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy www.andreagallice.eu
PhD in Economics, European University Institute
MSc in Economics, University College of London
Laurea in Economics, University of Torino
Professional Activities
2010-current Assistant Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and Statistics,
University of Torino
2010-current Carlo Alberto Affiliate, Collegio Carlo Alberto research Fields
Industrial Organization, Auction Theory, Game Theory
Publications in refereed Journals
• “Optimal Stealing Time”, Theory and Decision, forthcoming
• “Equilibrium Selection through pu-Dominance”, Economic Theory Bulletin, 3 (1), 53-64,
• “The Neglected Effects of Demand Characteristics on the Sustainability of Collusion”,
Research in Economics, Vol. 64 (4), pp. 240-246, 2010
• “Education, Dynamic Signalling and Social Distance”, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 61 (2), pp. 304-326, 2009
• “Best Responding to What? A Behavioural Approach to One Shot Play in 2x2 Games”, in A.
Innocenti and P. Sbriglia (eds.), Games, Rationality and Behaviour. Essays on Behavioural
Game Theory and Experiments, Palgrave McMillan, NY, pp. 184-203, 2008
• “Some Equivalence Results between Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibria and Minimax Regret in
2x2 Games”, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 3 (29), pp. 1-8, 2007
• “Un Bilancio dell’Esperienza UMTS in Europa: fu Collusione?”, Mercato Concorrenza Regole,
Vol. 2, pp. 309-327, 2002
Working Papers
• “A Model of Educational Investment and Social Status”, with Edoardo Grillo, Carlo Alberto
Notebooks, n. 405, 2015
• “Rent-seeking Contests with Private Values and Common Knowledge about the Mean”, working paper n. 23, Dept. of Economics and Statistics, University of Torino, 2013
• “Equilibrium selection through pu-dominance”, Carlo Alberto Notebooks, n. 327, 2013
• “Strategic announcements of reference points in disputes and litigations”, working paper n. 3, Dept. of Economics and Statistics, University of Torino, 2012
• “Self-Serving Biased Reference Points”, Carlo Alberto Notebooks, n. 223, 2012
• “Price Reveal Auctions”, working paper n. 15, Dept. of Economics and Statistics, University of Torino, 2012
• “Lowest Unique Bid Auctions with Signals”, Carlo Alberto Notebooks, n. 112
• “Some Social Welfare Implications of Behavioral Preferences”, CEPR Discussion Papers, n.
6572 referee Activities
Games and Economic Behavior; Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization; Management
Science; Theory and Decision; The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics; International Review of Law and Economics; Labour Economics; International Journal of Economic Theory; Research in Economics; European Journal of Operational Research; Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade; Electronic Commerce Research and Applications; Journal of Theoretical Biology;
SIR grants teaching experience
2012-2015 General Equilibrium Theory (Allievi, Master & Ph.D.), Collegio Carlo Alberto and University of Torino
Microeconomics (Undergraduate), University of Torino
Microeconomics (Ph.D.), University of Torino
Curriculum Vitae
PietrO GAriBAlDi
June 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
+39 011 6705204 pietro.garibaldi@carloalberto.org
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy sites.carloalberto.org/garibaldi education
Ph.D. in Economics, London School of Economics
Master of Science in Economics, London School of Economics
Laurea in Economics, Univ. of Torino (110/110 cum laude, honors and Distinction)
Present Position
2006-current Director, Allievi Program, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri (Italy)
2005-current Professor of Economics, University of Torino
Other Affiliations
2006-current Fellow, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri (Italy)
2002-current Research Fellow, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
2002-current Research Fellow, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA)
2000-current Head of Labor Studies, Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti, Milano
2000-current Research Fellow, Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research, Milano
Previous Academic Activities
Visiting Professor, LIEPP, Science-po, Paris
Director, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri (Italy)
Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Economics and Politics, Cambridge University
Visiting Professor, Ecares, Universitè Libre de Bruxelles
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Università Bocconi, Milano
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Università Bocconi, Milano expert/Policy Positions
2007-current Supervisory Board and Audit Committee member, IntesaSanPaolo
2013-current President and Chairman of the Board, Ruspa Officine SPA
Vice-President, Supervisory Board, IntesaSanPaolo
Economic Counselor to the Italian Minister of Finance
Consultant on Labor and Macro Issues, Italian Treasury
Visiting Scholar, Research Department, International Monetary Fund (3 visits)
Consultant for the World Bank on “Labor Markets in Bulgaria”
Economist in the Research Department, International Monetary Fund
Economist Program, International Monetary Fund
Published Articles
• “Financial Shocks and Labor”, (2013) IMF Economic Review, with Tito Boeri and Espen
Moen, Vol. 61, Issue 4, pp. 631-663
• “Workers and Firms Sorting into Temporary Jobs”, (2012) Economic Journal, Royal Economic
Society, vol. 122(562), pages F125-F154, 08, with Fabio Berton
• “Behind the Lighthouse Effect”, (2011) Review of Income and Wealth, with Tito Boeri,
Review of Income and Wealth, Vol. 57, pp. S54-S78, 2011
• “College Cost and Time to Complete a Degree: Evidence from Tuition Discontinuities”
(2011) Review of Economics and Statistics, with Andrea Ichino, Francesco Giavazzi and
Enrico Rettore, posted on line April 2011
• “Job to Job Movements in a Simple Search Model.” American Economic Review, 100(2):
343-47 (May 2010), with Espen R. Moen
• “Beyond Eurosclerosis”. Economic Policy Vol. 25 Issue 52 (2009), 409-461, with Tito Boeri.
• “Do Larger Severance Payments Increase Individual Job Duration?” 2008, Labour Economics,
15, No. 2 (2008): 215-245 with Lia Pacelli
• “Two Tier Reforms of Employment Protection Legislation. A Honeymoon Effect?” Economic
Journal (June 2007): F357-F385, with Tito Boeri
• “Are Labor Markets in New Member States Sufficiently Flexible for EMU? Journal of Banking and Finance 30 (2006): 1393-1407, with Tito Boeri
• “Shadow Sorting.” In NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics Series, edited by J.
Frenkel and C. Pissarides. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press (2005), with Tito Boeri
• “The Employment Effects of Severance Payments with Wage Rigidities.” Economic Journal
115 (2005): 799-832, with Gianluca Violante
• “Gross Credit Flows.” Review of Economic Studies 72, No. 3 (2005): 665-685, with Giovanni
• “Equilibrium Search Unemployment, Endogenous Participation and Labor Market Flows.” Journal of the European Economic Association 3, No. 4 (2005): 851-882, with Etienne Wasmer
• “Raising Female Employment: Reflections and Policy Tools.” Journal of the European
Economic Association 2, No. 2 (2004): 320-330, with Etienne Wasmer
• “Search Unemployment with Advance Notice.” Macroeconomic Dynamics 8, No. 1 (2004): 51-75
• “Employment Protection Legislation and the Size of Firms.” Giornale degli Economisti e
Annali di Economia (2004), with Lia Pacelli and Andrea Borgarello
• “Anatomy of Employment Growth.” Economic Policy 34 (2002), with Paolo Mauro
• “What Moves Capital to Transition Economy?” IMF Staff Papers (2002), Vol. 48, pp. 109-
145, with Nada Mora, Ratna Sahay, and Jeromin Zettlemeyer
• “Wages and the Size of Firms in Dynamic Matching Models.” Review of Economic Dynamics
4 (2001): 335-368, with Giuseppe Bertola
• “Job Flows and Cross-Sectional Firm Dynamics: Traditional Measures and Alternative
Econometric Techniques.” Labour Economics (2000)
• “Job Flow Dynamics and Firing Restrictions.” European Economic Review 42, No. 2 (1998): 245-75.
• “Labor Market Institutions and Unemployment Dynamics in Transition Economies.” IMF
Staff Papers (1998), Vol. 45, pp. 269-308, with Zuzana Brixiova
• “The Asymmetric Effects of Monetary Policy on Job Creation and Destruction.” IMF Staff
Papers (1997), Vol. 44, pp. 557-87
• “Riforme a Costo Zero”, Chiarelettere, with Tito Boeri, 2011
• “Health Ageing and Productivity” (Pietro Garibaldi, Olivier Joaquim Oliveira and Jan Van
Ours, eds) forthcoming, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010
• “Un Nuovo Contratto per Tutti”, Chiarelettere with Tito Boeri, 2008
• “Education and Training in Europe” (Giorgio Brunello, Pietro Garibaldi, and Etienne Wasmer, eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007
• “Personnel Economics in Imperfect Labor Markets”. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
• “Economia delle risorse umane”. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2005
• “The Information Economy: Productivity Gains and the Digital Divide”, edited by Daniel
Cohen, Pietro Garibaldi, and Stefano Scarpetta. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004 referee Activities
• Referee for: American Economic Review, Economic Journal, Econometrica, European
Economic Review, IMF Staff Papers, Journal of Economic Dynamic and Control, Journal of the
European Economic Association, Journal of Law and Ecomics, Journal of Labor Economics,
Journal of Political Economy, Labour, Oxford Bulletin for Economic and Statistics, Quarterly
Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Dynamic, Review of Economic Studies
• 2002-current Editor (and founder) of www.lavoce.info
• 2007-2010 Columnist for La Stampa
Curriculum Vitae
DinO GerArDi
August 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
+39 011 6705008 dino.gerardi@carloalberto.org
10024 Moncalieri (Torino) sites.carloalberto.org/gerardi education
Northwestern University, Ph.D. (Economics)
Dissertation Title: “Strategic Decision-Making and Information
Dissertation Committee: Asher Wolinsky (Chair), David Austen-Smith,
Timothy Feddersen and Roger Myerson
Università Luigi Bocconi, M.A., Summa cum Laude (Economics)
Università Luigi Bocconi, B.A., Summa cum Laude (Economics) employment and Affiliations
2010-current Carlo Alberto Chair in Economic Organization and Scientific Innovation,
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Associate Professor of Economics, Yale University
Assistant Professor of Economics, Yale University
Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics
Professional Service
• 2013-current Associate Editor, Economics Letters
• 2012-current Associate Editor, Review of Economic Design
• 2012-current Associate Editor, Decisions in Economics and Finance
Awards and Fellowships
• 2014-2017 ERC Consolidator Grant.
• 2006-2008 N.S.F. Grant “Social Memory: A Game Theoretic Approach”
• 2003
• 2001
Yale University Junior Faculty Fellowship
Review of Economic Studies European Tour research Papers
A. Published Articles
• “A Principal-Agent Model of Sequential Testing,” (with Lucas Maestri), Theoretical
Economics, 2012, 7, 425-463
• “Communication and Learning,” (with Luca Anderlini and Roger Lagunoff), Review of
Economic Studies, 2012, 79, 419-450
• “Social Memory, Evidence, and Conflict” (with Luca Anderlini and Roger Lagunoff), Review of Economic Dynamics, 2010, 13, 559-574
• “Aggregation of Expert Opinions,” (with Richard McLean and Andrew Postlewaite), Games and Economic Behavior, 2009, 65, 339-371
• “Costly Expertise,” (with Leeat Yariv), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings,
2008, 98(2), 187-193
• “A ‘Super’ Folk Theorem for Dynastic Repeated Games,” (with Luca Anderlini and Roger
Lagunoff), Economic Theory, 2008, 37, 357-394
• “Information Acquisition in Committees,” (with Leeat Yariv), Games and Economic Behavior,
2008, 62, 436-459
• “Deliberative Voting,” (with Leeat Yariv), Journal of Economic Theory, 2007, 134, 317-338
• “Sequential Equilibria in Games with Communication,” (with Roger Myerson), Games and
Economic Behavior, 2007, 60, 104-134
• “Unmediated Communication in Games with Complete and Incomplete Information,”
Journal of Economic Theory, 2004, 114, 104-131
• “Communication and Voting with Double-Sided Information,” (with Ulrich Doraszelski and
Francesco Squintani), Contributions to Theoretical Economics, 2003, 3
• “Jury Verdicts and Preference Diversity,” American Political Science Review, 2000, 94, 395-406
B. Working Papers
• “A Theory of Slow Trading in Bargaining,” (with Lucas Maestri)
• “Do Actions Speak Louder than Words? Auditing, Disclosure, and Verification in
Organizations” (with Luca Anderlini and Roger Lagunoff)
• “The Role of Commitment in Bilateral Trade,” (with Johannes Hörner and Lucas Maestri) referee Activities
American Economic Review, American Journal of Political Science, American Political
Science Review, B.E. Journals in Theoretical Economics, Economic Journal, Economic
Theory, Econometrica, Games and Economic Behavior, International Economic Review,
International Journal of Game Theory, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Economics &
Management Strategy, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Public Economics, National
Science Foundation, Rand Journal of Economics, Social Choice, Review of Economic Studies,
Theoretical Economics
Curriculum Vitae eDOArDO GrillO
August 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
+39 011 6705275 edoardo.grillo@carloalberto.org
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy sites.google.com/site/edoardogrillo education
Ph.D. in Economics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA
M.A. in Economics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA
M.Sc. in Economics and Social Sciences, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
B.A. in Economics and Social Sciences, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Academic Position
2012-current: Foscolo Europe Fellow, Unicredit & Universities Foundation at Collegio Carlo
Alberto, Moncalieri, Italy
Areas of interest
Game Theory, Political Economy, Behavioral Economics, Mechanism Design, Financial
Published Papers
• “Interactive Epistemology and Solution Concepts for Games with Asymmetric Information,”
The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Berkeley Electronic Press, 11(1) Advances, page
6, joint with P. Battigalli, A. Di Tillio and A. Penta
Working Papers
• “Reference Dependence, Risky Projects and Credible Information Transmission”, 2011
• “Electoral Speeches and Reference Dependence: Can Politicians’ Announcements be
Credible?”, 2011
• “Irrationality and War” joint with A. Acharya, 2011 invited Seminars
Collegio Carlo Alberto, Exeter Business School, McGill University, Paris HEC,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Princeton University
Fellowships and Awards
2012-current Foscolo Europe Fellowship, Unicredit & Universities Foundation
Princeton University Graduate School Fellowship
Bocconi University Graduate Merit Award referee Activities
Econometrica, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Economic Theory
8_FACulty teaching experience
PhD Microeconomics, Teaching Assistant, Princeton University, USA
MSc Game Theory, Teaching Assistant, Bocconi University, Italy undergraduate
Junior Thesis, Assistant Advisor, Princeton University, USA
Microeconomics, Teaching Assistant, Bocconi University, Italy non-Academic Professional experience
2005 Intern, European Investment Bank, Directorate of Financial Engineering and Advisory Services, Luxembourg, Summer 2005 languages
Italian: Mother Tongue
English: Fluent
German: Beginner
Curriculum Vitae
MArit hinnOSAAr
June 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30 marit.hinnosaar@carloalberto.org
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy www.marit.hinnosaar.net
research Fields
Behavioral Economics, Industrial Organization
Academic Appointment
2013-current Collegio Carlo Alberto, Assistant Professor education
PhD Economics, Northwestern University, 2013
Committee: Aviv Nevo (chair), Matthias Doepke, Rob Porter, Shane
MA Economics, Northwestern University, 2009
MA Economics, University of Tartu, 2002, cum laude
BA Economics, University of Tartu, 2001
Working Papers
“Time Inconsistency and Alcohol Sales Restrictions”
“Authority bias”, with Toomas Hinnosaar honors and Awards
Best paper in Regulatory Economics, 11th annual International Industrial
Organization Conference
EARIE, Young Economists’ Essay Award (YEEA)
2014-2015 ZEW SEEK Grant, with Toomas Hinnosaar, Michael Kummer, Olga Slivko,
Michael Zhang
Seminars and Conference Presentations
Pricing Workshop (Turin)
University of Copenhagen, CERGE-EI, New Economic School, Collegio
Carlo Alberto, EIEF, University of Queensland, University of Oslo, IIOC
(Boston), Barcelona GSE Summer Forum, EEA (Gothenburg), EARIE (Evora),
Wikipedia Workshop (Mannheim), Bank of Estonia, Aalto University
ESEM (Malaga), EARIE (Rome), Internet, Politics, and Policy (Oxford), MOOD
(Rome), Northwestern University
8_FACulty teaching experience
Empirical Industrial Organization, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Fall 2013, Fall 2014 (scheduled) referee Activities
Economic Journal, International Journal of Industrial Organization
Other employment
2002-2004 Bank of Estonia, Research Department, Economist
Curriculum Vitae tOOMAS hinnOSAAr
June 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
+39 011 6705091
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy www.toomas.hinnosaar.net
Academic Positions
2012-current Assistant Professor, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Italy education
Ph.D., Economics, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
M.A.: Economics, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
M.A.: Economics, University of Tartu, Estonia
B.A.: Economics, University of Tartu, Estonia
Working Papers
• “On the impossibility of protecting risk-takers”.
• “Calendar Mechanisms”.
• “Overbooking”, with Jerey Ely and Daniel Garrett.
• “Penny Auctions”, R&R at International Journal of Industrial Organization.
Awards and Grants
2014-15 ZEW SEEK Grant, with Peter Gloor, Marit Hinnosaar, Michael Kummer, Olga
Slivko, Michael, Zhang
UniCredit & Universities Best PhD Thesis Award
Robert Eisner Memorial Fellowship (joint with Daniel Garrett)
Award by Bank of Estonia in memoriam of Urmas Sepp (for M.A. thesis)
Seminars and Conferences
Humboldt University of Berlin, Spring Midwest Economic Theory Meeting
(Columbus), ZEW conference on the economics of ICT (Mannheim),
Conference on Economic Design (Istanbul) (scheduled), University of
Naples (scheduled), Pennsylvania State University (scheduled)
University of Bristol, University of Mannheim
University of Queensland, University of Oslo, Bank of Estonia, \Private
Information, Interdependent Preferences and Robustness: Theory and
Applications” (Bonn), Annual International Industrial Organization Conference
(Boston), European Economic Association meeting (Gothenburg)
Aalto University, Bocconi University, Collegio Carlo Alberto, University of
Bonn, University of Exeter, McGill University, University College London,
Vanderbilt University, European Meeting of the Econometric Society
(Malaga), Fall Midwest Economics Theory Meeting (St Louis)
Northwestern University
8_FACulty teaching experience
Instructor, Collegio Carlo Alberto
Theory of the Firm
Teaching Assistant, Northwestern University
Microeconomics, Introduction to Macroeconomics (undergraduate),
Mathematical Methods (graduate)
Teaching Assistant, University of Tartu
International Finance, Introduction to Economics, Public Finance,
Principles of Mathematical Economics, System Analysis and Design
Lecturer, University of Tartu
Advanced Macroeconomics, Advanced Microeconomics, Mathematical
Methods in Economics, Specialized course in Economic Theory, Economics of Information Goods referee Activities
Review of Economic Studies (4), Theoretical Economics, Games and Economic Behavior
(3), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, RAND Journal of Economics Journal of the European Economic Association, Management Science (3), Journal of Economics &
Management Strategy (2), Quantitative Economics, Review of Industrial Organization (2)
Other Academic Activities
June 2015
May 2014
Co-organizer of “SEEK Digital Economy Workshop”, Collegio Carlo Alberto
Co-organizer of “Pricing Workshop”, Collegio Carlo Alberto
2012-current Co-organizer of Economics Seminars, Collegio Carlo Alberto
2012-current Junior recruiting committee, Collegio Carlo Alberto
Curriculum Vitae
AntOniO liJOi
August 2015
University of Pavia
Via San Felice, 5
27100 Pavia, Italy
+39 0382 986220 lijoi@unipv.it economia.unipv.it/alijoi education
Ph.D. in Statistics at the University of Trento (Italy)
Laurea in Economics, University “L. Bocconi”, Milano
Professional Activities
2012-current Professor of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, University of Pavia,
Department of Economics and Management
2010-current Research Affiliate, “de Castro” Statistics Initiative, Collegio Carlo Alberto
2005-2012 Research Fellow, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology,
National Research Council (IMATI-CNR)
2006-2011 Associate Professor, University of Pavia, Department of Economics and Quantitative
1999-2006 Assistant Professor, University of Pavia, Department of Economics and Quantitative
Methods honors and Awards
Visiting Fellow, Collegio Carlo Alberto
Visiting Fellow, Isaac Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, U.K.
editorial Activity
2015-2016 Chair, section of Bayesian Nonparametrics, International Society for Bayesian
2014-2017 Member of the Board of Directors, International Society for Bayesian Analysis
2010-2013 Associate Editor of Statistical Methods and Applications
Selected Publications in refereed Journals
• “Full Bayesian inference with hazard mixture models”. Computational Statistics and Data
Analysis , to appear, with Arbel, J. and Nipoti, B. (2015)
• “On the stick-breaking representation for homogeneous NRMIs”. Bayesian Analysis , to appear, with Favaro, S., Nava, C., Nipoti, B., Prünster, I. and Teh, Y.W. (2015)
• “A class of hazard rate mixtures for combining survivaldata from different experiments”.
Journal of the American Statistical Association , 109, 802-814, with Nipoti, B. (2014)
• “Are Gibbs-type priors the most natural generalization of the Dirichlet process?“ IEEE
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , 37, 212-229, with De Blasi, P.,
Favaro, S. Mena, R.H, Prünster, I. and Ruggiero, M. (2015)
• “Dependent mixture models: clustering and borrowing information”. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis , 71, 417-433, with Nipoti, B. and Pruenster, I. (2013)
• “Bayesian inference with dependent normalized completely random measures”. Bernoulli , 20,
1260-1291, with Nipoti, B. and Prünster, I. (2014)
• “Modeling with normalized random measure mixture models”. Statistical Science , 28, 313-
334, with Barrios, E.J., Nieto-Barajas, L.E. and Pruenster, I. (2013)
• “An asymptotic analysis of a class of discrete nonparametric priors”. Statistica Sinica , 23,
1299-1322, with De Blasi, P. and Pruenster, I. (2013)
• “A vector of Dirichlet processes”. Electronic Journal of Statistics , 7, 62-90, with Leisen, F., and
Spanò, D. (2013)
• “A new estimator of the discovery probability”. Biometrics , 68, 1188-1196, with Favaro, S. and
Prünster, I. (2012)
• “On the stick-breaking representation of normalized inverse Gaussian priors”. Biometrika , 99,
663-674, with Favaro, S., and Prünster, I. (2012)
• “Conditional formulae for Gibbs-type exchangeable random partitions”. The Annals of Applied
Probability , 23, 1721-1754, with Favaro, S. and Prünster, I. (2013)
• “Asymptotics for a Bayesian nonparametric estimator of species richness”. Bernoulli , 18,
1267-1283, with Favaro, S. and Prünster, I. (2012)
• “Vectors of two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet processes”. Journal of Multivariate Analysis , 102,
482-496, with Leisen, F. (2011)
• “Nonparametric priors for vectors of survival functions”. Statistica Sinica , 20, 1455-1484, with
Epifani, I. (2010)
• “On the distribution of means of nonparametric prior processes”. Bernoulli , 16, 155-180, with
James, L.F. and Prünster, I. (2010)
• “Distributional properties of means of random probability measures”. Statistics Surveys , 3,
47-95, with Prünster, I. (2009)
• “On Bayesian nonparametric inference in species sampling models”. Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society , Series B, 71, 993-1008, with Favaro, S., Mena, R., and Prünster, I. (2009)
• “Posterior analysis for normalized random measures with independent increments”.
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics , 36, 76-97, with James, L.F. and Prünster, I. (2009)
• “Distributions of linear functionals of two parameter Poisson-Dirichlet random measures”.
The Annals of Applied Probability , 18, 521-551, with James, L.F. and Prünster, I. (2008)
• “Bayesian nonparametric estimators derived from conditional Gibbs structures”. The Annals of
Applied Probability , 18, 1519-1547, with Prünster, I. and Walker, S.G. (2008)
• “Investigating nonparametric priors with Gibbs structure”. Statistica Sinica , 18, 1653-1668, with Prünster, I. and Walker, S.G. (2008)
• “Controlling the reinforcement in Bayesian nonparametric mixture models”. Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society , Series B, 69, 715-740, with Mena, H. and Prünster, I. (2007)
• “Bayesian nonparametric estimation of the probability of discovering a new species”.
Biometrika , 94, 769-786, with Mena, H. and Prünster, I. (2007)
• “On rates of convergence for posterior distributions in infinite-dimensional models”. The
Annals of Statistics , 35, 738-746, with Walker, S.G. and Prünster, I. (2007)
• “Bayesian consistency for stationary models”. Econometric Theory , 23, 749-759, with Prünster,
I. and Walker, S.G. (2007)
• “Conjugacy as a distinctive feature of the Diriclet process”. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics ,
33, 105-120, with James, L.F. and Prünster, I. (2006)
• “Hierarchical mixture modelling with normalized inverse Gaussian priors”. Journal of the
American Statistical Association , 100, 1278-1291, with Mena, R. and Prünster, I. (2005)
• “On consistency of nonparametric normal mixtures for Bayesian density estimation”. Journal of the
American Statistical Association , 100, 1292-1296, with Prünster, I. and Walker, S.G. (2005)
• “Data tracking and the understanding of Bayesian consistency”. Biometrika , 92, 765-778, with
Walker, S.G. and Prünster, I. (2005)
• “Means of a Dirichlet process and multiple hypergeometric functions”. The Annals of
Probability , 32, 1469-1495, with Regazzini, E. (2004)
• “Means of normalized random measures with independent increments”. The Annals of
Statistics , 31, 560-585, with Regazzini, E. and Prünster, I. (2003)
• “Exponential functionals and means of neutral-to-the-right priors”. Biometrika , 90, 791-808, with Epifani, I. and Prünster, I. (2003)
Curriculum Vitae
BertrAnD lODS
September 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto +39 011 6705238
Via Real Collegio 30 lodsbe@gmail.com
Moncalieri (To), Italy sites.google.com/site/bertrandlods/
Professional Activities
2015-current Associate professor in Mathematical Analysis, Department of Economics and
Statistics, University of Torino, Italy
Assistant professor in Mathematical Analysis, Department of Statistics and
Applied Mathematics, University of Torino, Italy
Assistant Professor in Applied Mathematics, Laboratoire de Mathématiques
UMR 6620, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont Ferrand II, France education
2002 Ph.D. in Mathematics and Applications, Université de Franche-Comté, France research interests
Mathematical analysis of kinetic equations: Boltzmann equation for granular gases, Equations of coagulation and fragmentation. Evolution equations: semigroup theory, spectral theory
Publications in refereed Journals
• “Entropy dissipation estimate for the linear Boltzmann operator”, with M. Bisi, J. A. Canizo,
Journal of Functional Analysis , Vol. 269, 1028-1069, 2015
• “Information Geomtry formalism for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation”, with
G. Pistone, Entropy , Vol. 17, 4223-4263, 2015
• “Boltzmann model for viscoelastic particles: asymptotic behavior, pointwise lower bounds and regularity”, with R. J. Alonso, Communications in Mathematical Physics , Vol. 331, 541-591, 2014
• “Non-autonomous Honesty theory in abstract state spaces with applications to linear kinetic equations”, with L. Arlotti and M. Mokhtar-Kharroubi, Communications on Pure and Applied
Analysis , Vol. 13, 729-771, 2014
• “Exponential convergence to equilibrium for the Becker-Döring equations”, with J. A. Canizo,
Journal of Differential Equations , Vol. 255, p. 905-950, 2013
• “Uniqueness and regularity of steady states of the Boltzmann equation for viscoelastic hard-spheres driven by a thermal bath”, with R. J. Alonso, Communications in Mathematical
Sciences , Vol. 11, p. 807-862, 2013
• “Existence of self-similar profile for a kinetic annihilation model”, with V. Bagland, Journal of
Differential Equations , Vol. 254, p. 3023-3080, 2013
• “Two proofs of Haff’s law for dissipative gases: the use of entropy and the weakly inelastic regime”, with R. J. Alonso, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , Vol. 397, p. 260-275, 2013
• “Uniqueness in the weakly inelastic regime of the equilibrium state to the Boltzmann equation driven by a particle bath”, with M. Bisi and J. A. Canizo, SIAM Journal of Mathematical
Analysis , Vol. 43, 2640-2674, 2011
• “On perturbed substochastic semigroups in abstract state spaces”, with L. Arlotti and M.
Mokhtar-Kharroubi, Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen , Vol. 30, 457-495, 2011
• “On general transport equations with abstract boundary conditions. The case of divergence free force field”, with L. Arlotti and J. Banasiak, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics , Vol. 8, 1-35, 2011
• “Free cooling and high-energy tails of granular gases with variable restitution coefficient”, with R. J. Alonso, SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis , Vol. 42, p. 2499-2538, 2010
• “Variational characterizations of the effective multiplication factor of a nuclear reactor core”, Kinetic and Related Models , Vol. 2, p. 307-331, 2009
• “A new approach to transport equations associated to a regular field: trace results and wellposedness”, with L. Arlotti and J. Banasiak,
367-402, 2009
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics , Vol. 6, p.
• “Spectral properties of general advection operators and weighted translation semigroups”, with M.
Mokhtar-Kharroubi and M. Sbihi,
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis , Vol. 8, p. 1469-1492,
• “Spectral analysis of transport equations with bounce-back boundary conditions”, with K.
Latrach, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences , Vol. 32, p. 1325-1344, 2009
• “Equilibrium solution to the inelastic Boltzmann equation driven by a particle bath”, with M.
Bisi and J. A. Carrillo, Journal of Statistical Physics , Vol. 133, p. 841-870, 2008
• “Relaxation rate, diffusion approximation and Fick’s law for inelastic scattering Boltzmann models”, with C. Mouhot and G. Toscani, Kinetic and Related Models , Vol. 1, p. 223-248, 2008
• “Weak spectral mapping theorems for C_0-groups associated to transport equations in slab geometry”, with K. Latrach and M. Mokhtar-Kharroubi, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and
Applications , Vol. 342, p. 1038-1051, 2008
• “On the kinetic theory for active particles: A model for tumor--immune system competition”, with E. De Angelis, Mathematical and Computer Modelling , Vol. 47, p. 196-209, 2008
• “On the spectrum of mono-energetic absorption operator with Maxwell boundary conditions.
A unified treatment”, Transport Theory and Statistical Physics , Vol. 37, p. 1-37, 2008
• “Integral representation of the linear Boltzmann operator for granular gas dynamics with applications”, with L. Arlotti, Journal of Statistical Physics , Vol. 129, p. 517-536, 2007
• “On transport equations driven by a non divergence-free force field”, with L. Arlotti and J.
Banasiak, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences , Vol. 30, p. 2155-2177, 2007
• “Stability of the essential spectrum for 2D-transport models with Maxwell boundary conditions”, with. M. Sbihi, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences , Vol. 29, p. 499-523, 2006
• “On a mathematical model of immune competition”, with C. Cattani and A. Ciancio, Applied
Mathematics Letter , Vol. 19, p. 678-683, 2006
• “Substochastic semigroups for transport equations with conservative boundary conditions”, with L. Arlotti, Journal of Evolution Equations , Vol.5, p. 485-508, 2005
• “Semigroup generation properties of streaming operators with non-contractive boundary conditions”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling , Vol. 42, p. 1141-1162, 2005
• “Long time behavior of non-autonomous Fokker-Planck equations and the cooling of granular gases”, with G. Toscani, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal , Vol. 57, p. 778-789, 2005
• “The linear dissipative Boltzmann equation for hard spheres”, with G. Toscani, Journal of
Statistical Physics , Vol. 117, p. 635-664, 2004
• “On linear kinetic equations involving unbounded cross-sections”, Mathematical Methods in
Applied Sciences , Vol. 27, p. 1049-1075, 2004
• “On the theory of a growing cell population with zero minimum cycle length”, with M. Mokhtar-
Kharroubi, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , Vol. 266, p. 70-99, 2002
• “A generation theorem for kinetic equations with non-contractive boundary operators”,
Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences , Paris, Vol. 335, p. 655-660, 2002
• “Regularity and time asymptotic behaviour of solutions to transport equations”, with K.
Latrach, Transport Theory and Statistical Physics , Vol. 30, p. 617-639, 2001
2004-2006 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship, Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Dipartimento di Matematica
2003-2004 HYKE Post-doctoral Fellowship, Università degli Studi di Pavia (Italy), Dipartimento di Matematica
Curriculum Vitae iGnACiO MOnZón
August 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy sites.google.com/site/imonzon
Academic Position
+39 011 6705233 ignacio@carloalberto.org
2010-current Assistant Professor, Collegio Carlo Alberto education
Ph.D. in Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Committee: Bill Sandholm (Primary Advisor), Dan Quint, Marzena Rostek,
Ricardo Serrano-Padial and James Montgomery
M.S. in Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.S. in Economics, Universidad de San Andrés
B.S. in Economics, Universidad de Buenos Aires research Fields
Microeconomic Theory, Game Theory, Evolutionary Games
“Observational Learning with Position Uncertainty” (with Michael Rapp), Journal of Economic
Theory, (2014) pp. 375-402
Working Papers
• “Aggregate Uncertainty Can Lead to Herds,” revision requested, American Economic
Journal: Microeconomics
• “Frictions Lead to Sorting: a Partnership Model with On-the-Match Search,” with Cristian
• “Identifying Sorting in Practice,” with Cristian Bartolucci and with Francesco Devicienti
Work in Progress
• “Social Learning in Games”, with Michael Rapp
• “Employment Protection, Hold-up and Poverty Traps,” with Cristian Bartolucci and Esteban
Jaimovich invited Seminars
University of Turin, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
University of Essex
University of Western Ontario, University College London, University of
Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance
Universidad de San Andrés (scheduled)
Collegio Carlo Alberto, LUISS Guido Carli, Northern Illinois University,
Ryerson University, Universidad de Alicante
Conference Presentations
European Meeting of the Econometric Society (Toulouse), Search and
Matching Workshop (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona), ASSET 2014
(Aix-Marseille School of Economics), XXXIX Simposio de la Asociaci´on
Espa˜ nola de Econom´Ä±a (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Midwest Economic Meetings, Economic Theory (Indiana University Purdue
University), Workshop on ”Unemployment, wage inequality and labor market policy” (University of Konstanz, Germany)
FourthWorld Congress of the Game Theory Society (Istanbul, Turkey)
Universidad de San Andrés, Alumni Conference
ASSET 2010 (Universidad de Alicante), Midwest Economic Meetings,
Economic Theory, Notre Dame
XXXIV Simposio de la Asociacion Espanola de Economıa (Universitat de
Valencia), Midwest Economic Meetings, Economic Theory (Penn State),
Theory Workshop (UW Madison)
Third World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Kellogg School of
Business, Northwestern University
Fourth Meeting on “Mathematical Models of Economic Behavior”,
Universidad de San Andrés, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Awards and Distinctions
NSF grant to attend the 3rd Meeting of Nobel Laureates at Lindau
Richard E. Stockwell Graduate Student Fellowship in Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Economics Merit Scholarship, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Graduate Fellowship, Universidad de San Andrés
Undergraduate Research Fellowship (Beca UBACyT), Universidad de Buenos Aires teaching experience
• Graduate Instructor: Microeconomic Theory (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
• Graduate TA: Microeconomic Theory Sequence (UW-Madison, UBA & UdeSA)
• Undergraduate Instructor: General Equilibrium Seminar (UdeSA) and Microeconomics (UBA)
• Undergraduate TA: Econometrics, Industrial Organization, International Economics,
Microeconomics, Probability and Statistics referee Activities
Journal of Economic Theory, Decisions in Economics and Finance, Journal of Economic
Behavior & Organization, The Review of Economic Studies, Games and Economic Behavior university Service
May 2014
Organizer of the Turin Leg of the Restud Tour
Junior Faculty Recruitment Committee
Seminar Series in Economics Co-organizer languages
English (fluent), Spanish (native), French (advanced) and Italian (advanced)
Curriculum Vitae
CriStiAnA MOretti
September 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy
Website education
+39 011 6705095 cristiana.moretti@carloalberto.org
Multimedia technician and designer
Training course in multimedia communication
Bachelor Degree In Sciences of Communication, University of Turin. Grade
Institutional and Corporate Communication; Cultural Economics,
Cultural Foundations
International Marketing
Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Cologne,
Germany (Erasmus student)
Work experience
Apr 2014-current Program Manager
Compagnia di San Paolo, Torino
Economic and Juridical Research Area
Evaluation and management of request of contributions with a focus on Universities
Jan 2014-current Development and Placement Officer, Allievi Honors Program
Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri, Torino
Promotion of the Program and contacts with the Alumni of the
Sep 2010-Dec 2013 Communication and Grant Office
Human Genetics Foundation, Torino
Organisation of events and workshops, contacts with journalists, website management, communication strategy and plan; grant opportunities monitoring, grant requests and grant administration
Jan 2009-Aug 2010 Team Coordinator and Science to Business Programme
Associazione Torino per ESOF2010, Torino
Coordination of the Project Team, institutional and international relations; project management of the call, selection of proposals and organisation of the Science to Business Programme within the
ESOF2010 international science conference
Jul 1998-Dec 2008 Program Manager and Studies and Documentation
Compagnia di San Paolo, Torino
Evaluation and management of request of contributions concerning scientific research with a focus on scientific dissemination; reporting, newsletter, website management, translations
Other experience
Sep 2014-current Member of the Board of Directors
Collegio Universitario Renato Einaudi - Torino
Member of the Advisory Board
MITOR Project MIT-Italy Program languages
• Italian: Mother tongue
• English: Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English, June 1994
• German: Prüfung zum kleinen Sprachdiplom des Goethe-Instituts, May 1996
• French: Diplôme d’Ètudes en Langue Française (DELF 4), June 2004
• Spanish: Basic Knowledge
Computer skills
• Operating systems: Microsoft Windows e Mac
• Software: Office, Adobe Photoshop, Acrobat Writer
• Use of HTML and Content Managements Systems recent Courses
December 2014
July 2014
Public Speaking
Quantitative methods for assessing public policies’ effects, ASVAPP Torino
Basic Life Support, Italian Resuscitation Council several Team building and Program management courses
Curriculum Vitae
BernArDO niPOti
August 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
+39 011 6705023 bernardo.nipoti@carloalberto.org
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy sites.google.com/a/carloalberto.org/nipoti/ education
Ph.D. in mathematics and statistics, University of Pavia, Italy
Master degree in mathematics, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy
Bachelor’s degree in mathematics, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy
Professional Activities
Sep 2012-current Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Torino, Italy
Sep 2012-current Research affiliate, “de Castro” Statistics Initiative
Jan 2012-Jul 2012 Visiting postdoctoral fellow at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
Jul 2010-Aug 2012 Research assistant at Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri (TO), Italy
Publications in refereed Journals
• “On the stick-breaking representation for homogeneous NRMIs,” Bayesian Analysis, to appear, with Favaro, S., Lijoi, A., Nava, C., Pruenster, I. & Teh, Y.W. (2015)
• “Rediscovery of Good-Turing estimators via Bayesian nonparametrics,” Biometrics, to appear, with Favaro, S. & Teh, Y.W. (2015)
• “Random variate generation for Laguerre-type exponentially tilted alfa-stable distributions,”
Electronic Journal of Statistics, 9, 1230-1242, with Favaro, S. & Teh, Y.W. (2015)
• “Full Bayesian inference with hazard mixture models,” Computational Statistics & Data
Analysis, to appear, with Arbel, J., Lijoi, A. (2015)
• “On the stick-breaking representation of alfa-stable Poisson-Kingman models,” Electronic
Journal of Statistics, 8, 1063-1085, with Favaro, S., Lomeli, M. & Teh, Y.W. (2014)
• “Discussion of “On simulation and properties by L. Devroy and L. James,”” Statistical Methods
& Applications, 23(3), 365-369, with Favaro, S. & Nipoti, B. (2014)
• “Posterior analysis of rare variants in Gibbs-type species sampling models,” Journal of
Multivariate Analysis, 231, 79-98, with Cesari, O., Favaro, S. (2014)
• “A class of hazard rate mixtures for combining survival data from different experiments,”
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109, 802-814, with Lijoi, A. (2014)
• “Bayesian inference with dependent normalized completely random measures” Bernoulli,
20(3), 1260-1291, with Lijoi, A., & Pruenster, I. (2014)
• “Dependent mixture models: clustering and borrowing information”, Computational
Statistics & Data Analysis, 71, 417-433, with Lijoi, A. & Pruenster, I. (2014)
• “Discussion on Mueller and Mitra’s “Bayesian Nonparametric Inference - Why and How”,
Bayesian Analysis, 8, 326-328, with Arbel, J. (2013)
• “Gauss’ linking number revisited”, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 20, 1325-
1343, with Ricca, R.L. (2011)
Books’ chapters
• “Derivation and Interpretation of the Gauss Linking Number”, in Introductory Lectures on
Knot Theory (Kauffman L.H., Lambropoulou S., Jablan S., Przytycki J.H., eds), 428-501. Series on Knots and Everything, World Scientific Press, with Ricca, R.L. (2011)
Conference Proceedings and working Papers
• “Bayesian Survival Model based on moment characterization,” In Proceedings of Baysm 2014,
Springer proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 126, 3-14, with Arbel, J., Lijoi, A. (2015).
• “Uncertainty quantification for Bayesian nonparametric estimators of rare species”,
Proceedings of the 47th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, with Favaro,
S. (2014)
• “A Bayesian nonparametric model for combining data from different experiments”,
Proceedings of the 47th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, with Lijoi, A.
& Pruenster, I. (2014)
• “Stick-breaking representations of 1/2-stable Poisson-Kingman models”, Proceedings S.Co,
2013, with Favaro, S., Lomeli, M. & Teh, Y.W. (2013)
• “Dependent Completely Random Measures and Statistical Applications”, Best Ph.D. thesis in statistics and applications, CLEUP (2012)
• “Transformations of dependent completely random measures”, Scientifica Acta, University of Pavia (2010)
• Honorable Mention, Savage Awards 2012 for outstanding doctoral dissertations in Bayesian econometrics and statistics (Theory and Methods Section) sponsored by the American
Statistical Association, International Society of Bayesian Analysis and NBER-NSF (Seminar in Bayesian Inference in Econometrics and Statistics)
• Award for best Ph.D. thesis in Statistics, Italian Statistical Society (2011) teaching
2012-2015 Introductory Statistics, Master in Economics and Master in Economics and
Complexity. Collegio Carlo Alberto
2014-2015 Measure Theory, Phd Program in Theoretical Economics, Finance and Statistics,
University of Torino, and Allievi Program, Collegio Carlo Alberto
2013-2014 Teaching assistant for Quantitative Methods for Econimics, University of Torino
2011 Teaching assistant for Fondamenti di Statistica e Segnali Biomedici. Politecnico of Milan, Italy
2009-2010 Teaching assistant for Matematica e Statistica applicate alle Scienze Naturali.
University of Pavia, Italy
Curriculum Vitae iGOr PrÜnSter
September 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
Moncalieri (To), Italy
+39 011 6705281 igor@carloalberto.org
sites.carloalberto.org/pruenster education
Ph.D. in Mathematical Statistics, University of Pavia, Pavia (Italy)
Laurea in Economics, Bocconi University, Milan (Italy)
Professional Activities
Professor of Statistics, University of Torino
Fellow, Collegio Carlo Alberto
Coordinator, Allievi Program (Honors Program), Collegio Carlo Alberto
Associate Professor, University of Torino
Assistant Professor, University of Pavia (2001-05) & University of Torino (2005-07) honors and Awards
Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS)
ISBA Certificate of Appreciation
Awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant
Prize for the best Ph.D. thesis in Statistics awarded by the Italian Statistical
Finalist of the “L.J. Savage Award” for the best Ph.D. thesis in Bayesian Statistics
Laha Award assigned by Institute of Mathematical Statistics editorial Activity
• Co-Editor: Bayesian Analysis
• Associate Editor: Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Sankhya, Statistical Methods & Applications
Selected Publications in refereed Journals
• “Are Gibbs-type priors the most natural generalization of the Dirichlet process?” IEEE TPAMI, 37,
212-229, with De Blasi, P., Favaro, S., Lijoi, A., Mena, R.H. and Ruggiero, M. (2015)
• “Bayesian inference with dependent normalized completely random measures”. Bernoulli, 20,
1260-1291, with Lijoi, A., Nipoti, B. (2014)
• “Dependent mixture models: clustering and borrowing information”. Computational Statistics
& Data Analysis, 71, 417-433, with Lijoi, A., Nipoti, B. (2014)
• “An asymptotic analysis of a class of discrete nonparametric priors”. Statistica Sinica, 23, 1299-
1322, with De Blasi, S., Lijoi, A. (2013)
• “A Bayesian nonparametric approach to modelling market share dynamics”. Bernoulli, 19, 64-
92, with Ruggiero, M. (2013)
• “A new estimator of the discovery probability”. Biometrics, 68, 1188-1196, with Favaro, S., Lijoi,
A. (2012)
• “Asymptotics for a Bayesian nonparametric estimator of species variety”. Bernoulli, 18, 1267-
1283, with Favaro, S., Lijoi, A. (2012)
• “On the stick--breaking representation of normalized inverse Gaussian priors”. Biometrika, 99,
663-674, with Favaro, S., Lijoi A. (2012)
• “On a class of distributions on the simplex”. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141,
2987-3004, with Favaro, S., Hadjicharalambous, G. (2011)
• “On a class of random probability measures with general predictive structure”. Scandinavian
Journal of Statistics, 38, 359-376, with Favaro, S. and Walker, S.G. (2011)
• “On the posterior distribution of classes of random means”. Bernoulli, 16, 155-180, with James,
L.F., Lijoi, A. (2010)
• “Bayesian nonparametric inference for species variety with a two parameter Poisson-Dirichlet process prior”. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society-Series B, 71, 993-1008, with Favaro, S.,
Lijoi A., Mena, R.H. (2009)
• “Distributional properties of means of random probability measures”. Statistics Surveys, 3, 47-
95, with Lijoi A. (2009)
• “Asymptotics for posterior hazards”. The Annals of Statistics, 37, 1906-1945, with De Blasi, P.,
Peccati, G. (2009)
• “Posterior analysis for normalized random measures with independent increments”. Scandinavian
Journal of Statistics, 36, 76-97, with James, L.F., Lijoi, A. (2009)
• “A sensitivity analysis for Bayesian nonparametric density estimators”. Statistica Sinica, 19, 685-
705, with Nieto-Barajas, L.E. (2009)
• “A Bayesian Nonparametric approach for comparing clustering structures in EST libraries”. Journal of Computational Biology, 15, 1315-1327, with Lijoi A., Mena, R.H. (2008)
• “Linear and quadratic functionals of random hazard rates: an asymptotic analysis”. The Annals of Applied Probability, 18, 1910-1943, with Peccati, G. (2008)
• “Bayesian nonparametric estimators derived from conditional Gibbs structures”. The Annals of
Applied Probability, 18, 1519-1547, with Lijoi, A., Walker, S.G. (2008)
• “Investigating nonparametric priors with Gibbs structure”. Statistica Sinica, 18, 1653-1668, with
Lijoi, A., Walker, S.G. (2008)
• “Distributions of Functionals of the Two Parameter Poisson-Dirichlet Process”. The Annals of
Applied Probability, 18, 521-551, with James, L.F., Lijoi, A. (2008)
• “A Bayesian nonparametric method for prediction in EST analysis”. BMC Bioinformatics, 8: 339, with Lijoi A., Mena, R.H. (2007)
• “Bayesian nonparametric estimation of the probability of discovering a new species”. Biometrika,
94, 769-786, with Lijoi, A., Mena, R.H. (2007)
• “Controlling the reinforcement in Bayesian nonparametric mixture models”. Journal of the
Royal Statistical Society-Series B, 69, 715-740, with Lijoi A., Mena, R.H. (2007)
• “On rates of convergence for posterior distributions in infinite-dimensional models”. The Annals of Statistics, 35, 738-746, with Walker S.G., Lijoi, A. (2007)
• “Bayesian consistency for stationary models”. Econometric Theory 23, 749-759, with Lijoi, A.,
Walker, S.G. (2007)
• “Conjugacy as a distinctive feature of the Dirichlet process”. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics,
33, 105-120, with James, L.F., Lijoi, A. (2006)
• “Data tracking and the understanding of Bayesian consistency”. Biometrika, 92, 765-778, with
Walker, S.G., Lijoi, A. (2005)
• “On consistency of nonparametric normal mixtures for Bayesian density estimation”. Journal of the
American Statistical Association, 100, 1292-1296, with Lijoi, A., Walker, S.G. (2005)
• “Bayesian nonparametric analysis for a generalized Dirichlet process prior”. Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, 8, 283-309, with Lijoi, A., Mena, R.H. (2005)
• “Hierarchical mixture modelling with normalized inverse Gaussian priors”. Journal of the
American Statistical Association, 100, 1278-1291, with Lijoi, A., Mena, R.H. (2005)
• “Normalized Random Measures driven by Increasing Additive Processes”. The Annals of Statistics,
32, 2343-2360, with Nieto-Barajas, L.E., Walker, S.G. (2004)
• “A note on the problem of heaps”. Sankhya-The Indian Journal of Statistics, 66, 234-242, with
Lijoi, A. (2004)
• “Extending Doob’s consistency theorem to nonparametric densities”. Bernoulli, 10, 651-663, with Lijoi, A., Walker, S.G. (2004)
• “Exponential functionals and means of neutral-to-the-right priors”. Biometrika, 90, 791-808, with Epifani, I., Lijoi (2003)
• “Distributional Results for Means of Normalized Random Measures with Independent Increments”.
The Annals of Statistics, 31, 560-585 , with Regazzini, E., Lijoi, A. (2003)
Curriculum Vitae
FiliPPO tADDei
July 2015
The Johns Hopkins University +39 011 6705072
Via Belmeloro, 11
40135 Bologna ftaddei@jhu.edu
Academic Positions
2012-current Assistant Professor, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University
2012-current Research Fellow, Collegio Carlo Alberto
Assistant Professor, Collegio Carlo Alberto
Vice Director Allievi Program, Collegio Carlo Alberto
Lecturer, School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University
Professional Positions
2011-current Member, Board of Directors, Istituto Cattaneo
Consultant, “The Italian Labor Market in Perspective”, International Labor Organization
Consultant, “Duality in the European Labor Market”, European Commission
Member, Scientific Committee, Nomisma S.p.A.
Consultant, Right Management - Manpower
Consultant, FIAT Group S.p.A.
Consultant, Regional Study “Country Insurance”, World Bank
Researcher, Staff of the President: Prof. Stanley Fischer, Citigroup Inc, USA
Visiting Researcher, Prometeia - Econometric Studies and Forecasts, Italy education
Ph.D. in Economics (with Distinction), Columbia University
M.Phil. in Economics, Columbia University
M.A. in Economics, Columbia University
Laurea in Economics (cum Laude), University of Bologna, Italy research interests
Macroeconomics, Financial Economics, International Finance
Fellowships, Grants And honors (since 2008)
2015-2018 Co-Investigator, Alberto Martin (CREI) ERC Grant “Financial Frictions in
Consultant on “The Italian Labor Market”, International Labour Organization (ILO)
Lamfalussy Fellowship, European Central Bank
Advisor, “Youth Unemployment in Europe”, European Commission
Principal Investigator, Grant “Adverse Selection and International Flows”,
Collegio Carlo Alberto (CCA)
Co-Investigator, Grant “Stochastic Modeling in Economics via Bayesian
Nonparametrics”, CCA
Co-Investigator, Grant “Pension Systems and Labor Markets”, NETSPAR
Co-Investigator, Grant for “Aging”, Regione Piemonte, Italy
Honorary Mention, 12th Conference on Macroeconomics and International Finance
Articles in refereed Journals and Papers Submitted to Journals
• “The Political Transition in Italy: from European Demand to Italian Ownership”, Contemporary
Italian Politics (Forthcoming)
• “Real Estate Prices: the Role of Bequest Taxation” (with Giorgio Bellettini and Giulio Zanella), B.E.
Journal of Macroeconomics, (Contributions), Volume 13, Issue 1, October 2013
• “International Capital Flows and Credit Market Imperfections: A Tale of Two Frictions” (with Alberto
Martin), Journal of International Economics, Volume 89, Issue 2, March 2013, Pages 441-452
• “Intergenerational altruism and house prices: evidence from bequest tax reforms in Italy” (with
Giorgio Bellettini and Giulio Zanella), in submission to EER
• “Indexed Sovereign Debt” (with Guido Sandleris and Horacio Sapriza), R&R
• “Innovation, Growth and Aggregate Volatility from a Bayesian Non Parametric Perspective”
(with Antonio Lijoi, Pietro Muliere and Igor Pruenster), R&R JMathEcon
Working Papers and Work-in-Progress
• “Financial Frictions, International Capital Flows and Welfare”, 2014
• “Seniority Premium and Retirement” (with Giovanni Mastrobuoni), 2013
• “Age Before Beauty? Productivity and Work Vs Seniority and Early Retirement (with Giovanni
Mastrobuoni), 2011
• “Liquidity and Economic Fluctuations”, 2011
• “Collateral, Financial Arrangements and Pareto Optimality”, 2011
• “Inefficient Credit Cycles” (with Matteo Ruggiero e Igor Pruenster), 2011
• “What if Ageing was the Only Investment? The Role of Credit Markets Imperfections and the
Age Profile of Earnings”, 2009
• “Liquidity and the Allocation of Credit: Business Cycle, Government Debt and Financial
Arrangements”, 2004
• “Equity Premium: Belief Heterogeneity and Distribution of Wealth”, 2003 teaching
2011-15 Macroeconomics, International Monetary Theory, SAIS - The Johns Hopkins University
2008-13 Macroeconomics, Allievi Program and Master in Economics, Collegio Carlo Alberto
2010-12 Macroeconomics, PhD program, University of Torino; Monetary Economics, Laurea,
University of Torino
2005-07 Economics and Policy Analysis, Master of Public Affairs, SIPA, Columbia University
2006 International Finance and Monetary Theory, Master of International Affairs, SIPA, CU
2005-06 Macroeconomics, Program in Economic and Policy Management, SIPA, CU
Conference Presentations (since 2010)
2015 EuroMoney Conference, Milan; Australian Investment Conference, Australian
Government, Milan; Greece: Seeking a Way Forward, London Business School, London;
3rd CEPR Conference on Growth in Mature Economies, University of Modena and RE,
Modena; Italian Investment Conference, Unicredit Group, Milan; Internet, Jobs and Skills: opportunities for Growth, Rome; Growth and Debt after QE, Luiss University, Rome
2014 Macroeconomics of the Crisis, IMF Conference, Luiss University
2013 Society for Economic Dynamics (SED) Annual Meeting, Seoul; 12th SAET Conference, Paris
2012 Workshop on Institutions and Economic Outcomes, University of Sassari and Cagliari;
Advances in Macroeconomics, University of Mannheim, Germany; 19th Mitsui Finance
Symposium, University of Michigan
2011 Workshop on Institutions and Economic Outcomes, University of Sassari and Cagliari;
Workshop “Macro Dynamics: Theory and Applications”, Bologna; XX International
Tor Vergata Conference on “Money, Banking and Finance”, Roma; CEPR Institutions and International Capital Flows Workshop, Barcelona; NBER International Finance and Macroeconomics Summer Institute, Boston; 11th SAET Conference, Ancao (Faro);
2011 NETSPAR Pension Workshop, Torino; 9th INFINITI Conference 2011, Dublin; CEPR
“European Symposium in International Macroeconomics”, Bank of Switzerland; XII
Workshop in International Economics and Finance, Lima
2010 Moncasca Workshop, Bocconi University, Milano; MNB-CEPR Workshop on Financial
Frictions, Central Bank of Hungary, Budapest; ECB Workshop “What Future for Financial
Globalisation?”, Frankfurt; Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics, Friburg referee Activities
Decisions in Economics & Finance, Economic Theory, Economic Inquiry, Labor Economics, Journal of
Economic Theory, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of International Economics,
Journal of Mathematical Economics, Journal of Monetary Economics, Review of Economic Studies
Curriculum Vitae
AleKSey tetenOV
August 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
+39 011 6705094 aleksey.tetenov@carloalberto.org
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy www.tetenov.com
Professional Activities
2008-current Assistant Professor, Collegio Carlo Alberto education
Ph.D. in Economics, Northwestern University (Evanston, IL)
Dissertation: Essays in Statistical Decision Theory of Treatment Choice
Committee Chair: Prof. Charles F. Manski
M.A. In Economics, Northwestern University (Evanston, IL)
B.A. In Economics, Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL)
Publications in refereed Journals
• “Price as a Signal of Product Quality: Some Experimental Evidence,” with Giovanni
Mastrobuoni and Franco Peracchi), Journal of Wine Economics 9 (2014), 115-134.
• “Statistical Treatment Choice Based on Asymmetric Minimax Regret Criteria,” Journal of
Econometrics 166 (2012), 157-165.
• “Admissible Treatment Rules for a Risk-Averse Planner with Experimental Data on an Innovation,” with C.F. Manski, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 137 (2007), 1998-2010
Working Papers
• “Clinical Trial Design Enabling e-Optimal Treatment Rules” (with Charles F. Manski)
• “Equality-Minded Treatment Choice” (with Toru Kitagawa)
• “An Economic Theory of Statistical Testing”
• “Empirical Welfare Maximization Methods for Treatment Choice” (with Toru Kitagawa)
• “Measuring Precision of Statistical Inference on Partially Identified Parameters”
• “Identification of Positive Treatment Effects in Randomized Experiments with Non-Compliance”
• “The Demand for Adoption” (with Mario Pagliero) invited Seminars
Univ. of Virginia, Univ. of Western Ontario
Northwestern, Pittsburgh, Univ. of Michigan
UCL, Oxford, Leicester Business School, Reading, Exeter
Univ. of Namur
NYU, Univ. of Arizona, Univ. of Virginia
Cambridge, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance, Toulouse School of Economics, UCL
Caltech, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Cornell, Georgetown, Northwestern, Univ. of Arizona
Conference Presentations
2014-2015 European Economic Association Meeting, Mannheim; Econometric Society
World Congress, Montreal; Econometric Study Group Conference, Bristol; The
2015 Southampton Conference on the Credibility of Research; International
Association for Applied Econometrics Conference, Thessaloniki; 6th Italian
Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics, Salerno; Spanish
Economic Association, Mallorca
North American Winter Meetings of the Econometric Society, Philadelphia
7th Intl Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics, London
Econometric Study Group Conference, Bristol
ASSET 2013, Bilbao
Econometric Society European Meeting, Gothenburg
Econometric Study Group Conference, Bristol
North American Summer Meetings of the Econometric Society, USC, Los Angeles
Annual Conference of the Royal Economic Society, Royal Holloway, London
PEPA workshop on Programme Evaluation: Theory and Practice, CeMMAP, London
5th Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics, Pisa
Parental and Public Investments and Child Outcomes, Collegio Carlo Alberto
Partial Identification and Statistical Decisions, Cornell Univ.
4th Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics, Pisa
(EC)2 Identification in Econometrics, Theory and Applications, Toulouse
European Meeting of Statisticians, Piraeus
Econometric Society European Meeting, Barcelona
Conference on Identification and Decisions, Northwestern
3rd Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics, Ancona
Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society, Rio de Janeiro referee Activities
Econometric Reviews, European Economic Review, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of
Applied Econometrics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Econometrics,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, National Science Foundation, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Public Opinion Quarterly, Quantitative Economics, Review of
Economics and Statistics, Review of Economic Studies.
Courses and tutorials at Collegio Carlo Alberto
2009, 2010
Econometric Theory II (for Allievi, Master in Economics, and PhD students)
Econometric Theory I (for Allievi, Master in Economics, and PhD students)
Tutorial in Economics (for 1st year Junior Allievi students)
Tutorial in Real Analysis (for Senior Allievi students) institutional Service
2009-current Co-organizer of seminars in economics, Collegio Carlo Alberto
2008-2010 Junior recruiting committee, Collegio Carlo Alberto
2008-current Website committee, Collegio Carlo Alberto
Working paper series coordinator, Collegio Carlo Alberto
Research and administrative computing committee, Northwestern
Curriculum Vitae elenA ViGnA
August 2015
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio 30
+39 011 6705014 elena.vigna@econ.unito.it
10024 Moncalieri (To), Italy web.econ.unito.it/gma/elena.htm
Current Position
2000-current: Assistant Professor in “Mathematical Methods for Economics and Actuarial and Financial Sciences”, University of Torino.
Ph.D. in “Matematica per le Decisioni Economiche”, University of Trieste (Italy)
Postgraduate Certificate in Actuarial Management, City University, London (UK)
Laurea in Matematica, University of Torino (Italy)
2010-current Carlo Alberto Affiliate
2009-current Research Fellow at CeRP
2003-current Tutor or Member of the PhD Programme Board in “Decisions in Insurance and
Finance” of the Università di Torino
2002-current Honorary Visiting Fellow of the Faculty of Actuarial Science, Cass Business
School, London
2002 “Edward A. Lew Award” by American Society of Actuaries for the research project “Management of De-Accumulation Risks in a Defined Contribution
Environment modeling project”
Organizational Activities
2012 Organizer and chairman of the Session “Pension funds” in the Stream of
Actuarial Science and Stochastic Methods at 25th European Conference on
Operational Research (EURO XXIV), Vilnius
Organizer and chairman of the Session “Pension funds” in the Stream of
Actuarial Science and Stochastic Methods at 24th European Conference on
Operational Research (EURO XXIV), Lisbon
2009-current Organizer of the series of Workshops in Capital Markets, CeRP and Collegio
Carlo Alberto editorial Activity
Referee for: Annals of Operations Research, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, ASTIN Bulletin,
Decisions in Economics and Finance, European Actuarial Journal, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics,
International Journal of Managerial Finance, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance,
Journal of Economics Dynamics and Control, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, Journal of Risk and Insurance, North American Actuarial Journal, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Mathematical Finance,
Quantitative Finance, SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, The European Journal of Finance
Visiting Positions
June 2005 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University, Denmark invited talks and Seminars
2015 Institute of Insurance Science, University of Ulm, Germany
Dipartimento di Economia e Management, Università di Pisa, Italy
25th European Conference on Operational Research, Vilnius, Stream of Actuarial
Science and Stochastic Methods, Lithuania
Short course on Stochastic Mortality, Institut des Sciences Actuarielles, UCL,
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy
Institut für Finanzmarktökonomie und Statistik, University of Bonn, Germany
24th European Conference on Operational Research, Lisbon, Stream of
Optimization and Control, Portugal
Workshop on “Gli schemi pensionistici a contribuzioni definite per la previdenza obbligatoria e complementare: problemi e prospettive”, Università di Cassino, Italy
Dipartimento di Matematica per le Decisioni Economiche, Finanziarie e
Assicurative, Università La Sapienza di Roma, Italy
Workshop on “Prospective Mortality Tables, Longevity and Mortality Linked
Securities”, org. by CREST-AXA, Paris, France
Faculty of Actuarial Sciences, Cass Business School, City University, London, UK
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Aalborg, Denmark
Conference PARC (conference on Actuarial Topics), Institut de Sciences
Actuarielles, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Faculty of Economics, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy
Publications in refereed Journals
• “Single and cross-generation natural hedging of longevity and financial risk”, with E.
Luciano and L. Regis, to appear on Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2015
• “Income drawdown option with minimum guarantee”, with M. Di Giacinto, S. Federico and
F. Gozzi, European Journal of Operational Research, 234, 610-624, 2014
• “On efficiency of mean-variance based portfolio selection in DC pension schemes”,
Quantitative Finance 14, 237-258, 2014
• “Mortality surface by means of continuous time cohort models”, with E. Luciano and P.
Jevtic, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 53, 122-133, 2013
• “Choosing the optimal annuitization time post retirement” with R. Gerrard and B. Højgaard,
Quantitative Finance 12, 1143-1159, 2012
• “On the sub-optimality cost of immediate annuitization in DC pension funds” with M. Di
Giacinto, Central European Journal of Operations Research, 20, 497-527, 2012
• “Delta and Gamma hedging of mortality and interest rate risk”, with E. Luciano and L.
Regis, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 50, 402-412, 2012
• “Modelling stochastic mortality for dependent lives”, with E. Luciano and J. Spreeuw,
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 43, 234-244, 2008
• “Mortality risk via affine stochastic intensities: calibration and empirical relevance”, with E.
Luciano, Belgian Actuarial Bulletin 8, 5-16, 2008
• “The Management of De-cumulation Risks in a Defined Contribution Pension Scheme”, with R. Gerrard and S. Haberman, North American Actuarial Journal 10 (1), 84-110, 2006
• “Optimal investment choices post retirement in a defined contribution pension scheme”, with
R. Gerrard and S. Haberman, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 35, 321-342, 2004
• “Optimal Investment Strategies and Risk Measures in Defined Contribution Pension
Schemes” with S. Haberman, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 31, 35-69, 2002
• “Optimal Investment Strategy for Defined Contribution Pension Schemes” with S.Haberman,
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 28, 233-262, 2001
Working Papers
• Evolution of coupled lives’ dependency across generations and pricing impact, with E. Luciano and J. Spreeuw. Carlo Alberto Notebook 258, 2012. Submitted
• Mean-variance target-based optimization in DC plan with stochastic interest rate, with F.
Menoncin. Carlo Alberto Notebook 337, 2014. Submitted
The Collegio is, first and foremost, a research institution. Research activity is carried out by the community of scholars gathered around the Collegio.
Dino Gerardi
Margarita Estévez-Abe
Ainhoa Aparicio Fenoll
Alessandro Barattieri
Cristian Bartolucci
Edoardo Grillo
Marit Hinnosaar
Toomas Hinnosaar
Roberto Marfè
Ignacio Mónzon
Aleksey Tetenov poST DoCToRAl FelloWS
Julyan Arbel
Giulia Dotti Sani
Angela Garcia Calvo
Francesca Luppi
Sarah Grace See
Cristiano Antonelli
Fabio Bagliano
Daniela Del Boca
Pietro Garibaldi
Aldo Geuna
Paolo Ghirardato
Elisa Luciano
Letizia Mencarini
Manuela Naldini
Giovanna Nicodano
Igor Prünster
Alessandro Sembenelli
Riccardo Zecchina
Stefaan De Rynck (Senior)
Christopher Flinn (Senior)
Filippo Taddei
Bruno Contini
Elsa Fornero
Luigi Montrucchio
Chiara Saraceno
Filippo Barbera
Davide Barrera
Tiziana Caponio
Pierpaolo De Blasi
Francesco Devicienti
Maria Laura Di Tommaso
Stefano Favaro
Andrea Gallice
Tiziana Nazio
Mario Pagliero
Chiara Daniela Pronzato
Matteo Richiardi
Mariacristina Rossi
Matteo Ruggiero
Stefano Sacchi
Davide Vannoni
Elena Vigna
Oriana Bandiera
Marco Battaglini
Veronica Guerrieri
Fabio Maccheroni
Guido Menzio
Enrico Moretti
Nicola Persico
Mascia Bedendo
Teresa Martin Garcia
Sander Heinsalu
Morris Kleiner
Karen Shire
Arthur Van Soest
VISITING FelloWS (Fall 2015)
September 7 - October 9
September 15 - December 14
September 1 - September 30
October 1 - October 31
October 1 - November 30
September 7 - September 25
Gender Inequality in New Media: Evidence from Wikipedia
No. 411, May 2015
Disaster Recovery and the Term Structure of Dividend Strips
No. 410, May 2015
Corporate Fraction and the Equilibrium Term-Structure of Equity Risk
No. 409, May 2015
Survey Expectations and the Equilibrium Risk-Return Trade Off
No. 408, May 2015
Income Insurance and the Equilibrium Term-Structure of Equity
No. 407, May 2015
Of Economics and Statistics: the “Gerschenkron Effect”
No. 406, Apr 2015
A Model of Educational Investment and Social Status
No. 405, Apr 2015
On the impossibility of protecting risk-takers
No. 404, Apr 2015
Static versus dynamic longevity-risk hedging
No. 403, Mar 2015
Who should be Treated? Empirical Welfare Maximization Methods for Treatment Choice
No. 402, Mar 2015
Dynamic Contracting with Limited Commitment and the Ratchet Effect
No. 401, Feb 2015
The measurement of production movements: lessons from the general engineering industry in Italy, 1861-1913
No. 400, Feb 2015
When rationing plays a role: selection criteria in the Italian early child care system
No. 399, Feb 2015
Life Insurance Demand and Financial Inclusion; Evidence from Italian households
No. 398, Dec 2014
The Role of State-Firm Relationships in Fostering Competitiveness: Telefonica’s Upgrading
No. 397, Dec 2014
The zero-patient problem with noisy observations
No. 396, Dec 2014
Stochastic Optimization of Service Provision with Selfish Users
No. 395, Dec 2014
Containing epidemic outbreaks by message-passing techniques
No. 394, Dec 2014
Theory and learning protocols for the material tempotron model
No. 393, Dec 2014
Bayesian inference of epidemics on networks via Belief Propagation
No. 392, Dec 2014
Large deviations of cascade processes on graphs
No. 391, Dec 2014
Rent-seeking contests with private valuations
No. 390, Dec 2014
Adjustment to parenthood and partners’ satisfaction with their relationship after the first child in Australia
No. 389, Dec 2014
Large deviation principles for the Ewens-Pitman sampling model
No. 388, Dec 2014
Looking-backward probabilities for Gibbs-type exchangeable random partitions
No. 387, Dec 2014
Asymptotics for the conditional number of blocks in the Ewens-Pitman sampling model
No. 386, Dec 2014
Frictions Lead to Sorting: a Partnership Model with On-the-Match Search
No. 385, Dec 2014
Reputational Concerns and Price Comovements
No. 384, Dec 2014
Entropy Dissipation Estimates for the Linear Boltzmann Operator
No. 383, Dec 2014
Risk-Sharing in the Small and in the Large
No. 382, Dec 2014 (Revised, February 2015)
Full Bayesian inference with hazard mixture models
No. 381, Dec 2014
Cost function estimation of multi-service firms. Evidence from the passenger transport industry
No. 380, Dec 2014
Collegio Carlo Alberto is an active part of the international scientific community. Every year many scholars from international research institutions visit the Collegio to give seminars, lectures and interact with the Collegio scholars and students.
The Collegio organizes:
• Junior Job Market Seminars
• Seminars in Economics
• Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge
• Seminars in Politics and Society
• Seminars in Statistics
• Collegio aperto and Onorato Castellino Lectures
• Vilfredo Pareto Lectures in Economics and Social Sciences
• Carlo Alberto Lectures & Carlo Alberto Medal
All these events are open to the public.
Available at www.carloalberto.org/events/seminars/job-market/
Coordinator: Mario Pagliero
Available at www.carloalberto.org/events/seminars/economics/
Coordinator: Paolo Ghirardato
6 October
7 October
14 October
27 October
28 October
3 November
4 November
11 November
17 November
18 November
24 November
25 November
2 December
3 December
16 December
Francesco Squintani (University of Warwick)
Jordi Gali (CREI and UPF)
Christian Julliard (LSE)
Andrea Weber (University of Mannheim)
David McAdams (Duke University)
Rachel Griffith (IFS)
Jeff Ely (Nothwestern University)
Manuel Mueller-Frank (IESE Business School)
Navin Kartik (Columbia University)
Muhamet Yildiz (MIT)
Stepan Jurajda (CERGE-EI)
Matthew Harding (Duke University)
Barbara Petrongolo (Queen Mary University)
Claudia Olivetti (Boston University)
Mark Armstrong (Oxford University)
Available at www.carloalberto.org/events/seminars/economics-of-innovation-and-knowledge/
Coordinator: Francesco Quatraro
30 September
14 October
28 October
11 November
24 November
9 December
15 December
13 January
20 January
Rosina Moreno Serrano (Universitat de Barcelona)
Gabriele Pellegrino (World Intellectual Property Organization)
Gaetan de Rassenfosse (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lousanne)
Giorgio Sirilli (CNR)
Kostas Koneutas (University of Patras)
Michele Pezzoni (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis)
Riccardo Fini (University of Bologna)
Francesco Rullani (LUISS University)
Jonatan Pinkse (Manchester Business School)
Available at www.carloalberto.org/events/seminars/politics-and-society/
Coordinator: Tiziana Caponio
8 October
15 October
5 November
12 November
19 November
26 November
Karen A. Shire (University Duisburg-Essen)
Monica Ferrin (Collegio Carlo Alberto and University of Zurich)
Francesco Ramella (University of Torino)
Klaus Armigeon (Univ. of Bern), Stefano Sacchi (Univ. of Milano)
Carlo Ruzza (University of Trento)
Teresa Jurado Guerrero (UNED, Madrid)
Available at www.carloalberto.org/events/seminars/statistics/
Coordinator: Matteo Ruggiero
9 September
2 October
16 October
20 November
16 December
Mingyuan Zhou (University of Texas at Austin)
Frédéric Lavancier (Université de Nantes)
David Rossell (University of Warwick)
Paul Jenkins (University of Warwick)
Harry Crane (Rutgers University), Juhee Lee (University of
California at Santa Cruz), Linxi Liu (Stanford University)
All the seminar schedules will be posted at www.carloalberto.org/events/seminars/
Collegio aperto is a lecture series open to the public on current economic, social and political topics. Guest speakers are leading international scholars and professionals.
Workshop: “Reforming the Labor Market: Recent Developments in Italy and Spain”
Fabrizio Barca Columbia University
Pierre-André Chiappori Columbia University
Paul A. David
James Robinson
Professor of Economics (Emeritus), Stanford University
David Florence Professor of Government at Harvard University
Roberto Marchionatti
Salvatore Rossi
Collegio Carlo Alberto and University of Torino
Bank of Italy
Elsa Fornero Minister of Labour, Social Policies and Equal Opportunities
Ruth Ben Ghiat
Michael S. Lewis-Beck
Alejandro Portes
Guido Barilla
John Geanakoplos
Annamaria Lusardi
Romano Prodi
Walter Russell Mead
Alberto Alesina
Mario Draghi
Diego Gambetta
Sir David King
Glenn Loury
Lorenzo Bini Smaghi
Mario Monti
Wolfgang Munchau
Raghuram Rajan
Michael Walzer
Niall Ferguson
University of Iowa
Princeton University
Barilla Holding S.p.A.
Yale University
Joel Z. and Susan Hyatt Professor of Economics, Dartmouth College
UN-AU Panel for Peacekeeping in Africa
Bard College
Harvard University
Governor, Bank of Italy
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
Brown University
Executive Committee, European Central Bank
Bocconi University
Associate Editor, Financial Times
University of Chicago GSB
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Harvard University
The Vilfredo Pareto Lectures in Economics and Social Sciences are delivered in June by two distinguished scholars to honour Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923), an alumnus of the University and of the Politecnico of Torino and a towering figure in the social sciences.
Jean Charles Rochet
Antonio Merlo
University of Zurich
University of Pennsylvania
Eric Hanushek
Marianne Bertrand
Ricardo Caballero
Stanford University
University of Chicago
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Angus Deaton
Charles Plott
James J. Heckman
Eric S. Maskin
Michael Kremer
Thomas J. Sargent
Daron Acemoglu
Jean Tirole
Princeton University
California Institute of Technology
University of Chicago
IAS, Princeton
Harvard University
New York University
IDEI, Toulouse
The Carlo Alberto Lecture is delivered every other year in June by the recipient of the Carlo
Alberto Medal, awarded to a young Italian economist under the age of 40 for her/his outstanding research contributions to the field of economics.
The Collegio has instituted the Carlo Alberto Medal to be awarded to a young Italian economist (resident in Italy or abroad) under the age of 40 for her/his outstanding research contributions to the field of economics (broadly defined). After the first five editions, in which the prize has been awarded annually, it has now become biennial.
The recipient delivers the Carlo Alberto Lecture and is nominated Honorary Fellow of the
The prize represents the public recognition given to a young scholar for the scientific results attained. For young scholars at Italian universities, it provides a further incentive to pursue their research activity with renewed commitment. For Italian scholars who work at universities and research institutions abroad, the prize is a public recognition on the part of the country of origin.
selection coMMittee
For the 2015 edition, the members of the selection committee are:
• Maristella Botticini
Penny Goldberg
Luigi Guiso
(Bocconi University)
(Yale University)
• Alessandro Lizzeri
• Thomas J. Sargent
• Jean Tirole
• Fabrizio Zilibotti
(New York University)
(New York University)
(Toulouse School of Economics)
(University of Zurich)
Paolo Ghirardato, Deputy Director for Research, coordinates the nomination process and the selection procedure.
award procedure
The prize is awarded to one person only. The award procedure consists of two phases:
Economists of all nationalities are invited to submit their nominations through the Collegio’s website.
The Selection Committee chooses the recipient of the prize among the nominated candidates. winners
2015 Guido Menzio (Associate Professor of Economics, University of Pennsylvania)
2013 Veronica Guerrieri (Professor of Economics, University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
2011 Oriana Bandiera (Professor of Economics, London School of Economics)
2010 Fabio Maccheroni (Professor of Mathematical Economics, Bocconi University)
2009 Marco Battaglini (Professor of Economics, Princeton University)
2008 Enrico Moretti (Professor of Economics, University of California, Berkeley)
2007 Nicola Persico (Professor of Economics, New York University)
Pietro terna +39 011 670 5225, pietro.terna@carloalberto.org
Vice President
Giorgio Barba navaretti
Managing Director
Mario Gioannini +39 011 670 5016, mario.gioannini@carloalberto.org
chief scientist (ad interim)
Dino Gerardi +39 011 670 5008, dino.gerardi@carloalberto.org
Deputy Director for Economic sciences
Paolo Ghirardato +39 011 670 5220, paolo.ghirardato@carloalberto.org
Deputy Director for social and Political sciences
Margarita Estevez-abe +39 011 670 5092, margarita.estevez@carloalberto.org
staff cinzia agliani +39 011 670 5284, cinzia.agliani@carloalberto.org
Giovanni Bert +39 011 670 5015, giovanni.bert@carloalberto.org
Gabriella chiomio +39 011 670 5237, gabriella.chiomio@carloalberto.org
Valentina Falanga +39 011 670 5289, valentina.falanga@carloalberto.org
Fulvia Ferrucci +39 011 670 5201, fulvia.ferrucci@carloalberto.org
Federica Gai +39 011 670 5200, federica.gai@carloalberto.org
alberto Galvan +39 011 670 5019, alberto.galvan@carloalberto.org
chiara Girotti +39 011 670 5060, chiara.girotti@carloalberto.org
silvia Maero +39 011 670 5040, silvia.maero@carloalberto.org
cristiana Moretti +39 011 670 5095, cristiana.moretti@carloalberto.org
Roberto Quaranta +39 011 670 5067, roberto.quaranta@carloalberto.org
Vito Valente +39 011 670 5000, vito.valente@carloalberto.org
Francesca Valle +39 011 670 5003, francesca.valle@carloalberto.org
The Collegio Thinks abouT The environmenT
The Collegio is committed to develop and maintain a sustainable and environmentally responsible way of working and minimizing waste. each of us can reduce the impact of the
Collegio on the environment by adopting simple low-cost and even no-cost measures. visit www.carloalberto.org/environment
This handbook is printed on ecolabel certified ecological paper http://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel
w w w . c a r l o a l b e r t o . o r g
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Via Real Collegio, 30
Moncalieri (Torino), Italy
Tel +39 011 670 5000
Fax +39 011 670 5088 allievi@carloalberto.org
2015 2016