
The Physics department introduces students
to concepts and methods that are fundamental
throughout the sciences. It provides
opportunities for first-hand experimental
and theoretical investigations, together with
the study of those basic principles that have
led to profound scientific, philosophical, and
technological developments. Physics majors
achieve a high level of competency in many
facets of physics, including:
• experimental physics laboratory skills
• physical problem-solving
• mathematical and computing expertise.
While many of our majors go on to graduate
study, we have structured our programs to be
sufficiently flexible that they also accommodate
students wishing to study abroad, or to combine
physics with other fields of study, including
medicine and interdisciplinary programs in
astrophysics, biophysics, chemical physics,
computing, and engineering. Students can explore
these options by selecting either the traditional
or interdisciplinary major, which have different
For majors in Astronomy and Astrophysics, see
the Astronomy section (page 75).
Physics offers three distinct programs: a
traditional major, an interdisciplinary major
designed for a broader audience, and a minor.
The requirements for these three options are
listed below.
We advise prospective majors in all of the
science disciplines to study some physics in
their freshman or sophomore year, given that
all contemporary sciences rely heavily on basic
physical principles. There are three different
introductory options:
• Physics 101 and 102 constitute a year-long,
self-contained treatment of all of physics, with
particular attention to applications in the life
• Physics 105 and 106 use calculus somewhat
more intensively and are designed for students
who expect to continue their study of physics
in other courses, either in the physics or the
chemistry department.
• Physics 115 (followed by 106) provides a third
option, designed for students with advanced
preparation. Advice on course selection is
provided on the department’s web site.
The department offers several courses with no
prerequisites, for students prior experience in
physics can take:
• Physics 112, which examines the conceptual
difficulties of quantum mechanics
• Physics 113, which examines symmetry and its
role in the universe
A typical course sequence introducing both the
traditional major and the minor consists of 105
(or 115), 106, 213, 214, and the 211 and 212
laboratories. However, students beginning their
study in 101 and 102 may continue with 213 and
join the major or minor as well.
Physics 105 (or 115), 106, 213, and 214 are also
prerequisites for the astronomy and astrophysics
majors; we recommend (but do not require) the
half-credit course Astronomy/Physics 152, which
is intended for first year students considering
a physical science major who would like an
opportunity to study recent developments in
The department emphasizes student participation
in research with faculty members. Currently,
we have active research programs in quantum
information and quantum computing,
observational cosmology, extragalactic
astronomy, biophysics, and nanoscience. Courses
numbered 412 to 415 provide majors with
opportunities to participate in these research
efforts for academic credit during their senior
year. Paid summer research positions are often
Advanced students interested in teaching may
participate in the instructional program by
registering for Physics 459 or 460. (Students
interested in physics or science education at the
secondary level should also consult the teaching
certification information in the section on
Education and Educational Studies.)
computer science, chemistry, or engineering
(at Penn or Swarthmore). (This requirement is
waived for double majors.)
4. Physics 399, including a presentation and
senior paper based on independent work, and
attendance at senior colloquia and distinguished
lectures hosted by the department.
Students may replace two of the six upperlevel courses by upper-level courses in a related
department, with the approval of the major
advisor. (The department asks students to
prepare a brief written statement explaining the
relationship between the proposed courses and
the physics major.)
Concentrations in both computer science and
scientific computing are available for physics
majors. For both programs, see the Computer
Science section (page 120). Physics majors with
biological interests may also qualify for the
biophysics concentration; see the Biochemistry
and Biophysics section (page 83). Physics
majors may also take an area of concentration
in education; see the section on Education and
Educational Studies (page 139).
Students interested in engineering can complete
an individualized major program in preparation
for graduate work in engineering or the
Engineering 4+1 Program with the University of
Pennsylvania or the 3/2 Program with Caltech;
for details see the Engineering section (page 37).
Students interested in materials science should
also consult the related offerings in materials
chemistry through Haverford’s chemistry
department (see page 92).
Students considering graduate study in physics
should take four of the following five courses by
the end of their junior year: 302, 303, 308, 309,
and 326 (or their Bryn Mawr equivalents).
1. Physics 105 (or 101 or 115), 106 (or 102), 213,
214, 211, and 301 (or Bryn Mawr equivalents).
Students may take the last two concurrently with
213 and 214.
2. Mathematics 121 (or 216) and 215 (or one
of: Math 222, the Bryn Mawr equivalent of
Math 215, another 200 level Math course with
3. Six upper-level courses in physics at Haverford
or Bryn Mawr.
• One of these must be a laboratory course such
as 326 or Bryn Mawr 305.
• Majors must take three of the four core
theoretical courses: 302, 303, 308, and 309.
• One of the six upper-level physics courses may
be a 400-level research course.
• Majors may count either 459 or 460 among the
six upper-level courses.
• Majors must take one course outside the
department at a level consistent with the
student’s background in astronomy, biology,
We encourage students with multiple academic
interests who are not likely to undertake physics
graduate study to consider the Interdisciplinary
Physics major, with a slightly abbreviated set
of requirements students can complete in three
years. The interdisciplinary major differs from the
traditional physics major by offering more flexible
course choices and by coordinating the physics
courses with the student’s work in another
field. In the version requiring the fewest physics
courses, this major requires 8.5 instead of 10
physics courses, while both majors require 2 math
courses, and 3 courses in a related field.
Students can discuss this track—which can also
facilitate a concentration, an engineering option,
or a minor in another department—with any
member of the Department.
The requirements are as follows:
• Either Physics 105 (or 115) and 106, or Physics
101 and 102
• Physics 213 and 214 (our sophomore lecture
course sequence) and 211 (sophomore-level
laboratory course)
• Mathematics 121 (or 216) and 215 (or one
of: Math 222, the Bryn Mawr equivalent of
Math 215, another 200-level Math course with
• Three 300-level physics lecture courses, with
two the major must draw from these core
courses: 302, 303, 308, and 309.
• An upper-level laboratory course in the
natural or applied sciences, such as Physics
301, Biology 300a or b, or Chemistry 301 or
302 . (Alternately, the student can request the
substitution of an advanced laboratory course in
another area of science or applied science.)
• Two other courses, at the 200-level or higher
in a related field, that are part of a coherent
program, which the student proposes and the
major advisor must approve.
• Senior Seminar (Physics 399) and the associated
senior talk and thesis.
• Physics 105 (or 101 or 115) and 106 (or 102);
213, 214, 211 and 301 labs (or Bryn Mawr
• Mathematics 121 (or 216) and 215 (or one
of: Math 222, the Bryn Mawr equivalent of
Math 215, another 200-level Math course with
• One of the four “core” 300-level lecture
courses in physics at Haverford or Bryn
Mawr: 302 (Advanced Quantum Mechanics),
303 (Statistical Physics), 308 (Advanced
Classical Mechanics), or 309 (Advanced
Electromagnetism and Modern Optics).
• Participation for two semesters in the public
lectures and seminars hosted by the department.
The department awards honors in physics is
based on the quality of performance in course
work and the senior colloquium and paper. High
honors carries the additional requirement of
demonstrated originality in senior research.
Beth Willman (on leave 2015-16)
Chair and Associate Professor
Suzanne Amador Kane (on leave Fall 2015)
Associate Professor
Kerstin Perez
Assistant Professor
Walter F. Smith (on leave 2015-16)
Jesse Goldman
Visiting Assistant Professor
Paul Thorman
Laboratory Instructor
Travis Bain
Visiting Assistant Professor
Kevin Setter
Visiting Assistant Professor
PHYSH101A001 Classical & Modern Physics I
Dan Cross, Paul Thorman
Three class hours and one laboratory period.
The first of a two-semester comprehensive
introduction to physics, with an emphasis on
life science applications involving Newtonian
mechanics, oscillations, mechanics of materials,
fluids, and thermal physics.; Prerequisite: Calculus
at the level of MATH113A or equivalent should
be taken prior to or concurrently with this
course.; Natural Science (NA); Quantitative (QU)
PHYSH102B001 Classical & Modern Physics II
TBA Department staff
Prerequisite: PHYS101a. In addition calculus at
the level of MATH114b or equivalent should be
taken prior to or concurrently with this course.;
Three class hours and one laboratory period.;
Natural Science (NA); Quantitative (QU)
PHYSH105A001 Fundamental Physics I
TBA Department staff
Three class hours and one laboratory period.
Newtonian mechanics and thermodynamics.
Applications are drawn primarily from the
physical sciences. This sequence (105/106) is
meant as a one-year introduction suitable for
students interested in the physical sciences.;
Natural Science (NA); Quantitative (QU)
PHYSH106B001 Fundamental Physics II
Dan Cross, Paul Thorman, Suzanne Amador Kane
Prerequisite: MATH114 and PHYS105 or the
equivalent.; Natural Science (NA); Quantitative
PHYSH115A001 Modern Introductory
Physics: Beyond Newton
Joseph A Pechkis, Paul Thorman
Three class hours and one laboratory period.
half-course, is normally taken concurrently and
is required for majors.; Natural Science (NA);
Quantitative (QU)
This introductory course provides students who
have an advanced background in mechanics with
an alternative pathway into physics by exploring
applications of introductory physics through a
modern perspective. Examples will be drawn
from topics such as quantum physics, materials
and nanoscience, biophysics, chaos and fluid
motion, and relativity. This course forms a yearlong sequence with PHYS106: Fundamental
Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism) in the
spring semester.; Prerequisite: Calculus at
the level of MATH114 plus significant prior
experience in calculus-based introductory physics
(mechanics) at the level of PHYS105, such as
the Advanced Placement Physics C course (or
an International Bacccalaureate); Natural Science
(NA); Quantitative (QU)
PHYSH214B001 Introductory Quantum
PHYSH152I001 Freshman Seminar in
Desika Narayanan
This half-credit course is intended for prospective
physical science majors with an interest in recent
developments in astrophysics. Topics in modern
astrophysics will be viewed in the context of
underlying physical principles. Topics include
black holes, quasars, neutron stars, supernovae,
dark matter, the Big Bang, and Einstein’s relativity
theories.; Cross-listed: Astronomy, Physics;
Prerequisites: PHYS101a or 105a and concurrent
enrollment in PHYS102b or 106b (or Bryn Mawr
equivalents).; Natural Science (NA)
PHYSH211F001 Laboratory in Electronics and
Wave Physics
Suzanne Amador Kane, Paul Thorman
The first half of this laboratory is an introduction
to analog electronics and instrumentation. The
second half includes experiments in waves and
optics. Normally taken concurrently with Physics
213.; Prerequisite: PHYS102 or 106.; Natural
Science (NA)
TBA Department staff
Introduction to the principles governing
systems at the atomic scale. Topics include the
experimental basis of quantum mechanics,
wave-particle duality, Schrodinger’s equation and
solutions in one dimension, time dependence
of quantum states, angular momentum, and
one-electron atoms. Recent developments,
such as paradoxes calling attention to the
remarkable behavior of quantum systems, or
quantum computing, will be discussed. Multielectron atoms and nuclei will be considered
if time allows. PHYS212, a related laboratory
half-course is required for majors, and may be
taken concurrently.; Prerequisite: PHYS213a or
consent of the instructor.; Natural Science (NA);
Quantitative (QU)
PHYSH301I001 Physics 301: Quantum Physics
Kerstin Perez
A full-semester weekly laboratory focusing
on experiments of modern relevance with a
focus on quantum mechanics. Topics include:
how lasers work and laser spectroscopy; spin
resonance; nuclear and cosmic ray physics;
electron diffraction; photoelectric effect;
superconductivity; quantum eraser (a “which
way” experiment), etc. One of two laboratories
at the advanced level required for the regular
physics major; fulfills the advanced laboratory
requirement for the interdisciplinary physics
major. Replaces PHYS212i.; Prerequisites:
PHYS211F: Laboratory in Electronics and
Wave Physics. Corequisite: PHYS214b or the
equivalent.; Natural Science (NA); Quantitative
PHYSH213A001 Waves and Optics
TBA Department staff
Vibrations and waves in mechanical, electronic,
and optical systems with an introduction to
related mathematical methods such as functions
of a complex variable and Fourier analysis. Topics
include free and driven oscillations, resonance,
superposition, coupled oscillators and normal
modes, traveling waves, Maxwell’s equations
and electromagnetic waves, interference, and
diffraction. PHYS211f, a related laboratory
PHYSH302B001 Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Suzanne Amador Kane
A continuation of the study of quantum
mechanics begun in PHYS214. Topics include
matrix mechanics and spin, many-particle
systems, perturbation theory and scattering
theory. A variety of physical systems will be
treated as examples, including simple atoms and
solids.; Prerequisite: PHYSH214; Natural Science
PHYSH303A001 Statistical Physics
TBA Department staff
Treatment of many particle systems using
classical and quantum statistics and ensembles to
derive the laws of thermodynamics and statistical
mechanics. This course includes applications
to the thermal properties of matter (solids,
liquids and gases), photon, and phonon systems.;
Prerequisites: PHYS213 or BMC 306; Natural
Science (NA)
PHYSH308A001 Mechanics of Discrete and
Continuous Systems
Walter F. Smith
Classical mechanics of systems of particles, and
also continua such as fluids, including oscillations
and chaos, Lagrangian mechanics, dynamics of
systems of particles, the Navier-Stokes equations
of fluids, and applications to diverse physical
phenomena that may vary from year to year, e.g.
waves, vortices, rotating fluids, flight, instabilities,
turbulence, and biological flows.; Prerequisite:
PHYS106 or 213.; Natural Science (NA)
PHYSH309B001 Advanced Electromagnetism
Peter J. Love
Boundary value problems, multipole
fields, dielectric and magnetic materials;
electromagnetic waves, propagation in dielectric
media, conductors and waveguides; gauge
transformations, radiating systems.; Prerequisites:
PHYS213 or BMC 306; Natural Science (NA)
PHYSH322B001 Solid State Physics
Walter F. Smith
Understanding both conventional and soft
materials using the principles of quantum and
statistical physics. Crystallinity, lattice dynamics,
conduction in metals, semiconductors and
devices, and soft systems such as colloids,
polymers, liquid crystals, and biological materials.
Prerequisite: PHYS214b. Statistical physics is
desirable. Typically offered yearly in alternation
with Bryn Mawr.; Natural Science (NA)
PHYSH325B001 Advanced Topics: Quantum
TBA Department staff
Natural Science (NA)
PHYSH326A001 Advanced Physics Laboratory
Walter F. Smith
Design, execution, and analysis of significant
experiments, which change from year to year.
Those presently available include studies of
microfluidics, atomic spectroscopy, cosmic ray
physics, laser tweezers, x-ray diffraction and
materials synthesis, superconductivity, sensor
technologies, and chaotic dynamics. The course
emphasizes the effective use of contemporary
experimental tools, including low-noise
measurement techniques, laboratory computers,
and optical methods.; Prerequisite: PHYS212 or
consent of the instructor.; Natural Science (NA)
PHYSH344A001 Computational Astrophysics
Desika Narayanan
This course will survey general methods utilized
in computational physics and astrophysics. The
course will focus on coding techniques, numerical
recipes, and both abstract and practical concepts
in utilizing computers to solve physical problems.
No prior coding experience is necessary.;
Prerequisite: PHYS214. Typically offered in
alternate years.; Natural Science (NA)
PHYSH412A001 Research in Theoretical and
Computational Physics
Peter J. Love
Independent research on current problems in
theoretical physics, with emphasis on the physics
of condensed matter systems. Extensive use is
made of computer-based methods.
PHYSH413A001 Research in Biophysics
Suzanne Amador Kane
Experimental research on the statistical
mechanics of biophysical systems and soft
matter physics. Topics include empirical
and computational studies of flocking and
biological physics approaches to studying
problems in evolution.; Prerequisite: Consent
of the instructor. Lab experience at the level of
PHYS211 and 212 preferred.; Natural Science
PHYSH415A001 Research in Nanoscale Physics
Walter F. Smith
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
Advanced lab experience preferred.; Natural
Science (NA)
PHYSH418B001 Research in Particle
Kerstin Perez
Natural Science (NA)