Saint Mark's Messenger - Saint Mark's Episcopal Church, Beaver

Saint Mark's Messenger
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Joann Ellis, Editor April 2014
"I wish you would bear with me in a little foolishness. Do bear with me."
2 Corinthians 11:1
I’ve been thinking recently about April Fool’s Day. Don’t ask me why. It was
never one of my favorite days. Pranks which make someone look silly are not particularly
amusing to me – nor is any humor which comes at another’s expense... It’s unclear where
it all came from or how it all began. Some of the most famous pranks are elaborate
and silly. I remember seeing a photo of people ‘harvesting’ fresh spaghetti, picking it off
of trees! – which apparently came about because of a 1957 BBC video prank. According
to Wikipedia, the whole thing backfired because the BBC received many requests from
people who wanted to buy these wonderful plants! The student paper at IU used to print
an April Fool’s edition which was quite startling if you didn’t realize the date.
There are, however, wonderful scripture references to ‘foolishness’ or ‘follies.’
"For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is
stronger than human strength..." (1 Corinthians 1:25) In this passage, Paul is reminding
us that we are not as smart as we think we are. Who among us would have thought that a
tiny baby born to ‘nobody’ parents, in a dirty stable, in a no-where town, growing up to
preach in some backwater country, brutally murdered in a stupid political power struggle
– would have the power to heal and save the whole world? Who could possibly have
"Consider your own call, brothers and sisters: not many of you were wise by human
standards, not many were powerful ... But God chose what is foolish in the world to
shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong..."
(1 Cor 1:26-27)
Let's get out there and do some foolish preaching.
A Blessed April Fool’s Day to us all.
Treasurer’s Update ~ Fred Ellis ~ As of February 28, 2014:
Year-to-date income:
Year-to-date expenses:
$ 12,523.70
$ 16,277.21
$ (3,753.51)
January Profit
OUR SCRIP PROGRAM IS ALIVE AND WELL. Thanks to everyone who is
participating, we have made enough profit to be able to give $150.00 a month to the
General Fund and we were also able to give $150.00 towards the new Fireside Room
flooring and $150.00 towards the organ repair fund.
We also had enough in sales to be able to buy Fleet Farm Scrip. (When purchasing
Fleet Farm Scrip we need to purchase a minimum of $1,000.00 at a time, that is the
reason we didn’t offer it in the past.) We will give it a try and if we are not able to sell
enough we will not purchase it again. Fleet Farm scrip cards comes in $10, $25, $50 and
$100 cards. If you are going to have a larger purchase we can get a non-denomination
card and have an amount of up to $2,000.00, so we have a lot of options.
Thanks again from the Scrip Committee for buying scrip and helping our church at
the same time. ~ Fred Ellis for your Scrip Committee Fred & Joann Ellis; Bob & Linda
Zamzow; Deb Jenson & Connie Stelsel.
Dennis Adams, Joshua B.,
James Brink, Jimmy Brink, Barry Hilbert, Karl Krueger, Brian
Lampert, Stephen Strube, Tyce Wuesthoff
Lord, keep our service men and women safe, whether they serve
at home or overseas. Hold them in your loving hands and
protect them as they protect us.
Camping ~ It’s
coming upon
camping season.
The money we get
from collecting
aluminum cans goes into an account to
give as scholarships for our children’s
camping experience. If you are
interested in sending a child to camp and
would like scholarship information,
please contact Rev. Mary.
From your Altar Guild Directoress,
Betsy Lampert
Saint Mark’s Pipe Organ
We are most fortunate to have a real pipe organ at Saint Mark’s. Our instrument
was built in the 1930’s by the Wicks Organ Company in Oak Park, IL. Saint Mark’s
acquired and installed it in 2000 using memorials to Franklin and Violet Schettler and the
Rev. Curtis Kenitz. In 2006, with additional memorial gifts, the blower and power
supply were upgraded and additional digital sounds were added that play through
speakers installed above the pipes. Thus, we have a combination organ – true pipe organ
sounds and the advantage of added church organ sounds in a small space and at a cost
much less than adding hundreds of new pipes. However, the organ’s original controls
and wiring are used and need updating. Several notes are inoperable and some keys play
unwanted sounds due to deterioration of the 80 year old wires that were wound with
cotton threads for insulation purposes.
The good news is that the Vestry recently approved the final upgrade for the organ.
We have retained the Hoppe Organ Company to replace all the old wiring and controls
with modern replacements and a programmable computer board that will allow many
new variations of sounds. Organ stops (sounds) can be easily pre-selected and changed
by the organist during a hymn or between verses. The digital organ sounds will tune to
the pitch of the organ pipes and digital sounds can be tuned to match other instruments.
Thirty new stops (levers turning on various sounds) will replace the ones that now
control only the pipe sounds, giving the organist a variety like much larger organs. We
will have MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) ports available should we ever want
to add a player/recorder that will enable us to use a tiny digital memory card to record or
play the organ without an organist at the keys. Internally our instrument will be similar
to a very expensive new pipe/digital organ, but will retain the outward integrity of the
original instrument.
Existing organ memorial gifts will only partially defray the cost; as with many of
Saint Mark’s special projects, additional donations are welcome and needed to complete
the project. In fact, the organ fund is an ongoing fund at Saint Mark’s because each year
we have expenses for the tuning of the pipes and occasional minor repairs. If you have a
special desire to assist the project now or in the future simply make a donation of any
amount and designate the “organ fund.”
The parts are on order and the organ upgrade will take place after Easter and
should be completed within a week or two. While we may have a Sunday without the
organ during the project, the final result is expected to be well worth the effort and the
parish organ should play faithfully for many, many more years. ~ Kit Marceil
Altar Guild
Christian Ed
April 2014
Liturgical Schedule
Year A
Apr 6
Apr 13
Apr 20
Apr 27
5 . Sunday of
Sunday of
Easter Sunday 2 Sunday of
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m
Palm Sunday
9:00 a.m.
Joann Ellis
Jody Langfeldt Deb Jenson
Dave Stelsel,
Linda Zamzow Monica
Joyce DeZarn Betsy Lampert
Sue Hilbert
Gayle Elbert
Libbie Kacuba
Fred Ellis
Deb Jenson
Joann Ellis
Jody Langfeldt
Linda Zamzow Meredith &
Darci Mosher Connie & Dave
Andy Harmon; Jody Langfeldt Stelsel
Gayle Elbert &
Lindsey Cleary
James Cleary
Lindsey Cleary Amy Diebaren Julie Sherwood
Jody Langfeldt James Cleary
Lindsey Cleary Amy Diebaren
Ezekiel 37:1-14 The Liturgy of Acts 10:34-43
Acts 2:14a,22Romans 8:6-11 the Palms
or Jeremiah
John 11:1-45
1 Peter 1:3-9
21:1Psalm 130
Colossians 3:1- John 20:19-31
Psalm 16
Psalm 118:1-2,
or Acts 10:3419-29
John 20:1-18
The Liturgy of or Matthew
the Word
Psalm 118:1-2,
Isaiah 50:4-9a
Philippians 2:511
Matthew 26:1427:66 or
Matthew 27-1154
Psalm 31:9-16
Bob & Marsha Jerry & Marie Dave & Connie Debra Jenson
& Vanda
Altar Guild
April 2014
Liturgical Schedule
Year A
Apr 17
Apr 18
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
7:00 p.m.
Joann Ellis
Set up-Joyce
DeZarn & Sue
Clearing & Washing
of the Altar--All
Fred Ellis
Connie Stelsel
Jan Byrd
Deb Kuenzi
Exodus 12:1-4, (5-10), Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Hebrews 10:16-25 or
1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7John 13:1-17, 31b-35 9
Psalm 116:1, 10-17
John 18:1-19:42
Psalm 22
Cori & Dave Drexler NONE
Apr 19
Holy Saturday
7:00 p.m.
Job 14:1-14 or
Lamentations 3:1-9, 1924
1 Peter 4:1-8
Matthew 27:57-66 or
John 19:38-42
Psalm 31:1-4, 15-16
April Birthdays
1. Xavier Panzer
9 Isabelle Moore
3 Alexis Mienke
9 Jean Stelsel
5 Judi Vande Berg
19 Emily Von Ruden
5 Ernie De Zarn
26 Dave Drexler
9 Kathy Wiegert
27 Deb Kuenzi
9 Dustin Strieff
29 Bill Panzer
30 Betsy Lampert
April Baptismal Aniversaries
1 Holly Strieff
19 Jena Clark
9 Jim Mertens
25 Mark Tuel
10 Emily Harmon
27 Deb Kuenzi
18 Judi Vande Berg
Wedding Anniversaries
14 Don & Mary Jane Drews
Altar Guild
Christian Ed
May 2014
Liturgical Schedule
Year A
May 4
May 11
May 18
Sunday of
Sunday of
Sunday of
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
James Merrill,
James Cleary
Rosie Spang
Linda Zamzow
Monica Gagnon Joyce DeZarn
Shari Remington Libbie Kacuba
Sue Hilbert
Jerry Frank
Deb Jenson
Fred Ellis
Linda Zamzow
Meredith &
Darci Mosher
Monica Gagnon Andy Harmon; Jody Langfeldt
Gayle Elbert &
Lindsey Cleary
Stephanie Moore Deb Kuenzi
Libbie Kacuba
Julie Sherwood Stephanie Moore Jan Byrd
Acts 2:14a,36-41 Acts 2:42-47
Acts 7:55-60
1 Peter 1:17-23
1 Peter 2:19-25
Psalm 31:1-5,
Luke 24:13-35
John 10:1-10
Psalm 116:1-3,
Psalm 23
1 Peter 2:2-10
John 14:1-14
Dan & Sue
Bob & Linda
Dave & Cori
May 25
Sunday of
9:00 a.m.
Joann Ellis
Betsy Lampert
Gayle Elbert
Jody Langfeldt
Connie & Dave
Dan Hilbert
Libbie Kacuba
Acts 17:22-31
Psalm 66:7-18
1 Peter 3:13-22
John 14:15-21
Bob & Marsha
Adult Christian Education ~Would you be interested in Summer gatherings to dicuss
bible topics, read and review a book or have discipleship conversations?
We could meet some afternoon or evenings. We could meet at church or
perhaps on a rotating home schedule. We can car pool to different
locations. We can include a light supper or BBQ or just study. If any of
this sounds good to you, just fill out the survey form below and give to
Joann Ellis. The Christian Education Committee will see about getting something put
together for the summer.
How Often would you like to meet: ‫ ‮‬Weekly ‫ ‮‬Bi Weekly
‫ ‮‬Monthly
Time of Day you would prefer:
‫ ‮‬Afternoons
‫ ‮‬Evenings
Location: ‫ ‮‬Church ‫ ‮‬Each Other’s Homes ‫ ‮‬Interested in being a Host Home
‫ ‮‬Supper ‫ ‮‬Just Discussion
‫ ‮‬Book Review ‫ ‮‬Bible Topics
‫ ‮‬Discipleship Conversation
THE RENOVATED KITCHEN ISLAND ~ built by Dave Drexler and Kit Marceil (along
with some help from his Dave’s, Mike and Rich). The materials for the cabinet were bought
with memorial gifts to Christine Marceil and the flooring from additional gifts to the kitchen
fund by members of the parish. There are five electrical circuits presently in the kitchen, so
there shouldn’t be a problem overloading the circuits when doing dinners. Two separate
circuits are powering the receptacles on the island and the other three circuits are powering
the receptacles along the wall counters. The receptacles are all numbered with the circuit
number that is connected to it so there shouldn’t be a problem mistakenly plugging in too
many electrical devices into any one circuit. ~ Picture provided by Kit Marceil ~ Write up
provided by Dave Drexler
A BIG THANK YOU for another great job by Kit Marceil and Dave Drexler make
sure you get downstairs to see it. ~ Fred Ellis
BRAT STANDS ~ We will hold our first Brat Stand fundraiser at
Rechek’s Food Pride on Saturday May 17 and our second Brat Fry on
Friday, June 13th. If the weather is good during these events we can
make two thirds of our goal of $3000.00 so consider helping out and
pray for sunshine and warmer weather. ~ Your Fundraising
Committee Member ~ Linda Zamzow
FOR SALE Farm Fresh Eggs ~
Come and get your fresh, large
brown eggs at St. Mark's! The
price is $2.50 per doz. The chickens are
very well cared for and fed high quality
feed and organic matter. I have these
eggs available every week at Church.
You can also call me at 920-885-4791 or
920-296-1611 if you want to order
anytime. ~ Libbie Kacuba
IS AUGUST 1, 2014
~ St. Mark's Cookbook Send
a paper copy or email it. If
possible, include a memory or short
story with your favorites. Thanks, ~
Cori Drexler
CARDS ~ If you have any
greeting cards you would like
to recycle please give them to
me. My sister-in-law who has
MS creates new cards from old and gives
them to folks in her local nursing home
to use as the occasion arises. No personal
information is used. Thank you, Robin
TABS Tabs from Heaven ~ I
am always so amazed at how
the tabs just keep coming in.
Keep them coming, every one
counts. Thanks you so very much. I
couldn’t do it alone. Vanda
WANTED ~ empty cardboard
egg cartons to be reused for
Farm Fresh Eggs. ~
See Libbie Kacuba.
WANTED ~ Box Tops for
Education ~ These are found
on the packaging for many
products. ~ Cori Drexler
WANTED ~ plastic containers with the
SNAP TIGHT lids. (The bottle from the
Free Style Test Strips) Needed for a
project at the Horicon Marsh Education
Center ~ Cori Drexler
WANTED Beaver Dam Piggly
Wiggly Receipts ~ Thanks to all of
you who have saved your slips!!
Keep them coming! ~ Joann Ellis
WANTED: ~ 3″ square plastic pots. The
kind you get from the greenhouse
when you buy bedding plants. We
will use them to sell plants and
flowers in at our Rummage, Plant
and Bake Sale. ~ Linda Zamzow
Wanted: ~ Your ideas for
the former FROG’S ROOM.
How would you like to see
your church space utilized?
Your Vestry
Vestry Committees & Mission Statements
Committee Assignments will be available in next
month’s newsletter.
February 23, 2014
Members Present: Lindsey Cleary, Joann Ellis, Meredith Harmon, Deb Jenson, Julie Sherwood,
Bambi Tischer, Linda Zamzow. Also Present: Senior Warden Jim Merrill, Treasurer Fred Ellis,
The Rev. Mary J. Mail.
Absent: Cori Drexler, Junior Warden Dave Drexler, Jody Langfeldt.
Senior Warden J. Merrill called the meeting to order at 10:21 a.m.
1. Opening Devotional – L. Zamzow - Welcomed New Vestry Members and talked about a new
mindset in 2014, citing passages from the Books of Matthew and Romans. Jesus calls on us to be
leaders to further our mission to St. Mark’s. We are called -- even with our broken pieces.
2. Elect Vestry Clerk – Discussion about duties of the Clerk position. Motion by J. Ellis, second
by J. Sherwood to nominate D. Jenson as the Vestry Clerk for 2014. Motion Carried.
3. Welcome New Vestry – J. Merrill welcomed newly elected vestry member, Bambi Tischer and
returning elected members J. Ellis and M. Harmon. This is Jim’s final year as senior warden as he
has served three years. On Jim’s to-do list for this year is overseeing that events held at the church
are carefully documented for future reference.
4. Approval of Minutes of January 19, 2014 - Motion made by L. Cleary, second by J.
Sherwood, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion Carried.
5. Treasurer’s Report.
a. January Profit and Loss reflects pledges slightly down by $121, however, giver of record is up
$176. Line 440.9.5 reflects a $100 donation towards the tables and chairs. Everyone seems to be
pleased with the newly purchased tables and chairs. Line 519, there was a donation towards the
snow plowing. Under church heat, lights and water, the report reflects $131 over what we budged
for January, which is pretty good considering how cold it has been. Line 543.1 reflects our new
phone rate from US Cellular at $65.46, which is considerable savings, considering it also includes
our internet. Postage is slightly over for January but there was a recent purchase of Forever Stamps,
in addition to the mailing of annual statements, etc. Office Supplies are over budget, due to the
recent payment on the safety deposit box, the Sam’s Club membership, and some actual office
supplies. Fundraiser Expense, Line 546.1, of $39.50 is for the purchase of cookie boxes. Motion
made by D. Jenson, second by M. Harmon, to approve the January 2014 Financial Report. Motion
6. Old Business
a. Scrip Update – January Profit - $169.95.
b. Other Old Business
c. Columbarium Cabinet – M. Mail reported that Dave ordered an urn and a sample panel so
he is in conversation with folk and it is proceeding at pace. Hopefully Dick Garside will be
willing to help with this also. Committee meeting to be scheduled.
d. Vestments – Put back on agenda in May.
February 23, 2014 Vestry Minutes – Page 2
e. Annual Meeting -- (Organ) - Meeting went well. There was a wonderful presentation by Kit
Marceil on the organ. Joann Ellis made a motion, second by D. Jenson as follows: Approval of the
organ upgrade as recommended by Kit Marceil and Mr. Hoppe, the organ repair person, in an
amount not to exceed $10,000, monies to first come out of the Organ Memorial Fund, the balance to
come from Line 250.8, House Sale Money Market. Discussion ensued. It is recommended that Kit
be in charge of this project as he is knowledgeable about the organ and has worked with Mr. Hoppe.
Rev. Mary clarified that the sound system in the church is a separate issue and Kit has said he would
help assist with that. We will need to raise approximately $6,000 to $7,000, in addition to what is in
the Organ Memorial Fund account. Initially, these additional funds would be withdrawn from Line
250.8 to proceed with the project and then paid back into the Money Market account through
donations and fundraisers. After discussion, Clerk read the motion. Motion Carried.
i. Regarding the Future Projects Fund account and the money in that account, L. Cleary suggested
setting goals by designating a project to work towards, and once completed, move on to another
project. Rev. Mail mentioned part of the fund is to have monies available for future rector housing,
moving expenses, etc. J. Ellis said we should have a list of desired projects laid out, i.e., wheelchair
accessibility. Rev. Mary suggested these items always appearing on the agenda, even as a
placeholder. F. Ellis suggested seeking out other avenues to get funds, such as grants, would be a
good idea. D. Jenson has looked online at information on wheelchair-accessibility grants. There is
a great deal of research, budgets, timelines and background that go into applying for a grant. A
committee would need to be formed to investigate. J. Merrill suggested we wait a couple months
before proceeding with this.
f. Standing Committee – Same sex rite report. Rev. Mary submitted the report, has not heard
anything back. We have met our obligation.
g. Highway signs – Need to wait for the ground to thaw.
h. Rummage and Bake sale date – May 2 and 3, 8:00 a.m. to noon both days. Brat Stand is May
17 and June 13.
i. Sound System – Rev. Mary asked for volunteers to work with her and Kit Marceil on the sound
system. D. Jenson, J. Merrill, and J. Sherwood will serve on committee.
7. New Business
a. Issues from the Rector
i. Concerned about various folk; we have had a lot of illness.
ii. M. Mail will be on vacation in Florida April 1 through 10.
iii. James Cleary is considering a vocation to the ordained ministry. At this point he is not certain
he is called to the priesthood, but he is called to think and pray about it. Congregation is part of the
process. It means for the congregation creating a committee that walks through the process with
him. Committee would have to attend a diocesan event. St. Mark’s will be asked for financial
support. It is all on a timeline, working with the Commission on Ministry and the diocese. It is
quite an involved process, a long process, and would take up to 18 months to affirm his lay ministry
of affirm his call to the postulancy. There is a lot one must go through before one becomes a
postulant for Holy Orders. The Commission on Ministry will approve or disapprove, but the
bishop ultimately decides whether this person will be an aspirant, will be a postulant, will be
ordained. A committee would be trained to walk with him on this path. James, through his
Wayland employment, is entering a program as a student at Nashotah House this summer for
Religious Studies, which is something separate. James is open to exploring this together and,
ultimately, at the end, we will come to the same conclusion that, yes, this person has a vocation to
the ordained ministry, or to remain in lay ministry.
February 23, 2014 Vestry Minutes – Page 3
Rev. Mary assured the vestry that Absolve, Bless, Communion (ABC) are the only things she does
that we do not, and projected the fact that lay ministry is much more important than ordained
ministry. L. Zamzow asked L. Cleary if she was behind this decision and process, and the response
was absolutely, understanding it would take time away from home and family. L. Zamzow
suggested we create a prayer so, together, we can pray the same prayer and be of the same mindset.
Rev. Mary said M. Harmon is thinking about this also. Keep her in your prayers as well. M.
Harmon commented that all of us look at our ministries and maybe consider starting an EfM
program and a group participating in that with her.
J. Sherwood asked if James is called, how long would the process take? Rev. Mary explained the
Master of Divinity Program is three years, attending full time. Sometimes folk take a year off in
between to do an internship. One is an Aspirant, then a Postulant, then a Candidate, then Deacon,
and then Ordained Priest. 18 months would he the earliest before entering the Master of Divinity
Program. To be very clear, we are not looking to James to step in when Rev. Mary retires. That is
not the point. James is not being prepared for St. Mark’s. Julie volunteered to be part of James’
journey. Please have the Cleary’s in your prayers.
c. Jr. Warden’s Report
i. In Dave’s absence, Rev. Mary mentioned the kitchen project is proceeding at pace.
c. Committee Reports – Stay tuned, committees have just been assigned.
d. Vestry Committees – J. Merrill announced committees. He will distribute the lists
e. Parish Friends list – Rev. Mary will work on.
f. J. Merrill brought up the pancake breakfast. Newly formed Fellowship Committee will
g. Metal folding chairs - L. and Bob Zamzow and Cori Drexler cleaned out the downstairs closet.
We will try to sell some of the older folding chairs at the rummage sale, and if they don’t sell, they
will be recycled.
h. Easter Flowers – L. Zamzow asked, where are we going to get them? Vestry agreed to go with
Wodils. Motion by B. Tischer, second by J. Sherwood, to allow Linda to order and spend up to
$500 for Easter flowers from Wodils. Motion Carried.
February 23, 2014 Vestry Minutes – Page 4
8. Next Meeting Date – Sunday, March 23. D. Jenson volunteered to do the devotional.
9. Closing Prayer by Rev. Mary
10. Motion to adjourn by B. Tischer. Meeting Adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
Submitted 2-24-14
Debra Jenson, Vestry Clerk
Saint Mark’s Website & E-Mail ~ Saint Mark’s has updated it’s website and
has switched to a domain name that will be permanent from now on:
Please note that our email addresses have changed also:
Rev. Mary:;
Judi or the office:
CLEANUP – SUNDAY, APRIL 27 ~ Join us for our spring highway cleanup
as part of the Wisconsin Adopt-A-Highway program. St. Mark’s one-mile section
of roadway is Highway 33 from Fabisch Road (right past Harvest Church) to
County Highway I. (east of the fairgrounds-County A intersection). Earth Day is
observed on April 22. Here is one opportunity to improve our environment by pitching in to
clean up the roadside in our area.
For more information about the Adopt-A-Highway program, go to and click on “Adopt-A-Highway.” For safety
purposes, all volunteers must be at least 11 years old or in the 6th grade.
Bags are provided. Bring your own gloves to avoid contact with nasty items! We
pick up garbage and recyclables. With 10 to 12 people it only takes about an hour, and when
we’re finished, those that are interested go out for coffee or a sandwich.
If you are planning to help, wear or bring to church comfortable clothing, shoes and
gloves. Following the Sunday Eucharist on the 27th we will carpool out to the site. If the
weather is rainy, it will be rescheduled. Hope you can make it! -- Deb Jenson
Welcome to Spring at St Mark Episcopal Church ~ This April we
will be finishing Lent and celebrating Easter. Holy week is the
BIGGEST event on the church calendar ending in the greatest hope we
have as Christians, Easter.
April is also the hope of the greening of our home, the earth. Very similar to our
hope in the return of Jesus Christ we have the return of growth and warmth. Tuesday,
April 22 is earth day. We have always tried to honor earth day on the Sunday nearest
earth day but this year the nearest Sunday is Easter Sunday. We are already celebrating
the greatest hope we can have.
So we will celebrate earth day on the following Sunday, the
27th. So in honor of earth day we will not only celebrate it during our
service but after church we will be doing our annual highway clean up
and have our outdoor church cleanup day.
Please plan on staying after church and either do the highway
cleanup or work outside around the church preparing the flowerbeds
for spring. We are also planning a potluck meal to celebrate our
efforts at making our earthly home more beautiful. If you can't work
outside please help prepare the food for after.
So dress for working outside on Sunday April 27th.
Your Senior Warden
James Merrill
Easter Flowers ~ Easter, one of the two great festivals of the church year, should
show forth in a setting of beauty. As, usual, we would like to fill
the church with Easter lilies and a variety of other flowers through
the contributions of those who wish to give in memory of loved
ones or in recognition of a special event in their life. Any amount,
large or small, will be gratefully received.
If you wish to participate, please fill out the form below and
place in the offering plate or leave at the church office.
I wish to give $________ toward the purchase of flowers for Easter.
In memory of: __________________________________________
In thanksgiving for: _______________________________________
Your name: ______________________________________________
Rummage, Plant and Bake Sale ~ our rummage, plant and bake sale will
be on Friday and Saturday, May 2nd and 3r, beginning on both days at 8:00
a.m. and going until 12:00 NOON. There is also a bake sale and plant and
flower sale with it.
All types of baked items sell well. You can put items in a plastic
zip-lock a dozen cookies or a few cupcakes each, or on a paper plate with
plastic wrap.
If you have perennials that need thinning or extra house plants
to share they are a popular item.
We begin setting up after Sunday Services & continue
throughout the week. We would appreciate any help carrying items
downstairs or cleaning items if needed; marking and setting up during
the week. There will be a sign up sheet in the narthex including a space to sign up if you
need help hauling items to church or digging plants.
Please remember that the church’s fundraising pledge is $3,000.00 a year to help
meet our expense in the budget. ~ Your Fundraising Committee Member ~ Linda
St. Mark’s
Episcopal Church
P. O. Box 126
700 East Mill Street
Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee
~ Mark your calendars! APRIL 2014
Apr 1 & 8
Tuesday Evenings
Soup Supper,
Lenten Study &
5:30 to 7:45 pm
Apr 3 & 10
Thursday Evenings
Stations of the Cross
6:00 to 6:30 pm
Apr 6, Sunday
Choir Practice
After Coffee Time
Apr 16, Thursday
Maundy Thursday
Foot Washing
Holy Eucharist &
Stripping of the Altar
7:00 pm
Apr 16 to 17
Thursday to Friday
Prayer Vigil
8:00 pm to 8:00 am
Apr 18, Friday
Good Friday Liturgy
12:00 NOON
Apr 13, Sunday
Vestry Meeting
After Coffee Time
Apr 19, Saturday
Holy Saturday
& Church
7:00 pm
Apr 20, Sunday
Easter Sunday
Holy Eucharist
9:00 am
Apr 27, Sunday
Highway Clean-Up
And Church
Lunch after Work Done